Source: UNIV OF HAWAII submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 15, 2003
Project End Date
Sep 14, 2006
Grant Year
Program Code
[AH]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The tropical and subtropical regions of the U.S. have unique agricultural challenges. Opportunities for expansion of this sector are hampered by limited local resources and limited access to national resources. Regional support for agricultural research is critial to meet the increasing challenges and develop new opportunities in tropical island ecosystems. The project provides research that maintains and enhances production of tropical and subtropical agricultural products, while encouraging agricultural practices that are environmentally acceptable.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Research will be conducted to face challenges including continuing pest and plant disease pressure found in the year-round growing season in the tropics. Research will provide solutions to the influx of alien pests in Pacific Island agroecosystems and adjacent natural environments. Research will provide opportunities to improve tropical agricultural production through biotechnology and genetic improvement of plants and animals; the development and maintenance of important germplasms; and through development and processing of value added tropical crops while restoring and sustaining health tropical agroecosystems.
Project Methods
Provide research that maintains and enhances production of established tropical and subtropical agricultural products. Development agricultural practices in the tropics and subtropics that are environmentally sustainable and acceptable through an agroecosystems approach. Enhance and advance the value-added agriculture in tropical isalnd ecosystems. Expand and diversify presently unexploited food, fiber and ornamental products that have potential for commercial production in the U.S. tropical and subtropical regions. Expand tropical and subtropical agricultural linkages to related industries and economic sectors.

Progress 09/15/03 to 09/14/06

This project is an umbrella project that covers the listed Hawaii state projects below. Please refer to these projects for termination reports. 1) HAW00123-1017S A Ecosystems Approach to Restoring and Conserving Soil Quality in Degraded Lands of the Pacific Islands. El-Swaify, Samir; 2) HAW00920-1017S Management of the Invasive Stinging Nettle Caterpillar in Hawaii. Hara, Arnold; 3) HAW00121-1017S Development of Shade Coffee Agroecosystems in Hawaii. Idol, Travis; 4) HAW00209-1017S Improving Skeletal Muscle Growth by Active Immunization Against Myostatin. Kim, Yong-Soo; 5) HAW00839-1017S Development of New Dracaena Cultivars for the Hawaii Foliage Industry. Leonhardt, Kenneth; 6) HAW00504-1017S Biosynthesis of Anticancer Drug Cryptophycin. Liang, Jian; 7) HAW00519-1017S Investigating Kava-Associated Liver Toxicities in Animals. Nerurkar, Pratibha; 8) HAW00210-1017S Role of Myostatin (GDF-8) Prodomain in Promoting Animal Growth. Yang, Jinzeng; 9) HAW00506-1017S Milk Parlor Wastewater Treatment/Reuse - A Pilot Study for the Tropical Island Application. Yang, P.Y.; 10) HAW00840-1017S Adapting the Multi-Soil Layer Treatment (MSL) to Clean Agricultural Lagoon Effluents in Island Environments. Yost, Russell.

Please refer to the individual termination reports for the projects listed above for expected impacts.


  • El-Swaify, S.A. 2006. Total soil quality assessment under eroded and restored conditions. Keynote in Proc. 14th International Soil Conservation Organization Conference (Marrakech, Morocco, May 2006): 52-57.
  • Jarjees, E. and El-Swaify, S.A. 2006. Conservation and environmental issues in revitalizing Iraqi agriculture. Proc. 14th Intern. Soil Conservation Organization Conference (Marrakech, Morocco, May 2006): 69-72.
  • Gautz, Loren D., Steiman, Shawn R., Jackson, Mel C., Bittenbender, Harry C., Idol, Travis W. 2006. Shade Coffee In Hawaii: Preliminary Economic Impact Of Creating Shade For Culture Of Coffee. Abstract Published In 21st International Conference On Coffee Science, Association Scientifique Internationale Du Cafe, September 11th-15th, 2006, Montpellier, France.
  • Jackson, Mel C., Steiman, Shawn R., Gautz, Loren D., Bittenbender, Harry C., Idol, Travis W. 2006. Quality Determination And Group Iscrimination Of Shade Grown Coffee Using Solid Phase Microextraction. Abstract Published In 21st International Conference On Coffee Science, Association Scientifique Internationale Du Cafe, September 11th-15th, 2006, Montpellier, France.
  • Steiman, Shawn R.; Bittenbender, Harry C.; Idol, Travis W.; Gautz, Loren D.; Jackson, Mel. C. 2006. Shade Coffee In Hawaii-The Impact Of Light On Coffee Quality. Abstract Published In 21st International Conference On Coffee Science, Association Scientifique Internationale Du Cafe, September 11th-15th, 2006, Montpellier, France.
  • Steiman, Shawn R.; Idol, Travis W.; Bittenbender, Harry C.; Gautz, Loren D.; Jackson, Mel C. 2006. Physiological Response Of Coffee To Different Shading Regimes. Abstract Published In 21st International Conference On Coffee Science, Association Scientifique Internationale Du Cafe, September 11th-15th, 2006, Montpellier, France.
  • Y.S. Kim, N.K. Bobilli, K.S. Paek and H.J. Jin. 2006. In-ovo administration of monoclonal anti-myostatin antibody improve post-hatch chicken growth and muscle mass. Poultry Science 85:1062-1071.
  • N.K. Bobbili, Y.K. Lee and Y.S. Kim. 2006. Production of a polyclonal antibody against unprocessed chicken myostatin and the effects of in-ovo administration of the antibody on post-hatch broiler growth and muscle mass. J. Anim. Sci. 84(suppl. 1):30
  • Back, S. and Liang, J. 2005. Production of Cryptophycin from Blue-Green Algae. Journal of Young Investigators. Volume 12.
  • Yang J. and Zhao B. 2006. Postnatal Expression of Myostatin Propeptide cDNA Maintained High Muscle Growth and Normal Adipose Tissue Mass in Transgenic Mice Fed a High-fat Diet. Molecular Reproduction and Development 73: 462-469.
  • Yang J and Zhao B. 2006. Effects of enhanced muscle mass on body fat deposition and insulin sensitivity. The FASEB Journal 20(4): A168.
  • Zhao B, Wall RJ, Baracos VE, Dunn MA, Theriault A, Yang J. 2006. Coordinated Patterns Of Gene Expression For Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy In Transgenic Mice Expressing Myostatin Propeptide. Plant & Animal Genomes XIV Conference, P755. Available: P755.html
  • Pattnaik, Rosalin 2006 Soil processes to remediate dairy effluent using MSL (Multi-Soil-Layer) Systems. MS Thesis. University of Hawaii.
  • R. Pattnaik , R. S. Yost , G. Porter , T. Masunaga , and T. Attanandana, 2006 Removing the N and P in Dairy effluent using a Multi-Soil-Layer system. In review by The Journal of Applied Engineering
  • Pattnaik, R., R. S. Yost, G. Porter. 2006 Soil Processes to remediate dairy effluent using MSL (Multi-Soil-Layer) Systems. Poster presented at the American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, Indiana, Nov. 12-16,2006.

Progress 10/01/04 to 09/30/05

This project is an umbrella project that covers the listed Hawaii state projects below. Please refer to these projects for progress reports. 1) HAW00123-1017S A Ecosystems Approach to Restoring and Conserving Soil Quality in Degraded Lands of the Pacific Islands. El-Swaify, Samir; 2) HAW00920-1017S Management of the Invasive Stinging Nettle Caterpillar in Hawaii. Hara, Arnold; 3) HAW00121-1017S Development of Shade Coffee Agroecosystems in Hawaii. Idol, Travis; 4) HAW00209-1017S Improving Skeletal Muscle Growth by Active Immunization Against Myostatin. Kim, Yong-Soo; 5) HAW00839-1017S Development of New Dracaena Cultivars for the Hawaii Foliage Industry. Leonhardt, Kenneth; 6) HAW00504-1017S Biosynthesis of Anticancer Drug Cryptophycin. Liang, Jian; 7) HAW00519-1017S Investigating Kava-Associated Liver Toxicities in Animals. Nerurkar, Pratibha; 8) HAW00210-1017S Role of Myostatin (GDF-8) Prodomain in Promoting Animal Growth. Yang, Jinzeng; 9) HAW00506-1017S Milk Parlor Wastewater Treatment/Reuse - A Pilot Study for the Tropical Island Application. Yang, P.Y.; 10) HAW00840-1017S Adapting the Multi-Soil Layer Treatment (MSL) to Clean Agricultural Lagoon Effluents in Island Environments. Yost, Russell.

Refer to individual projects listed above for specific expected impacts.


  • Kim, Y.S. and Jin, H.J. 2005. Effects of in-ovo administration of monoclonal anti-myostatin antibody on post-hatch chicken growth and muscle mass. J. Anim. Sci. 83(suppl. 1):26.
  • Nerurkar, P.V., Dragull, K. and Tang, C.S. 2004. In vitro toxicity of kava alkaloid, pipermethystine, in HepG2 cells compared to kavalactones. Toxicol Sci. 79:106-111.
  • Cho, E.S., Kongsil, P. and Yang, P.Y. 2005. Engineering an innovative bioreactor with existing lagoon system for dairy wastewater treatment/reuse - A case pilot plant study. Presented at the Symposium on the State of the Science: Animal Manure and Waste Management, January 5-7, 2005, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Yang, J., Zhao, B. and Wall, R.J. 2005. Myostatin prodomain transgene significantly improves dietary fat utilization for animal muscle growth. Journal of Animal Science. 83 (supplement 1):387.
  • Zhao, B., Wall, R.J. and Yang, J. 2005. Transgenic expression of myostatin propeptide prevents diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 337:248-55.
  • Chun, S., Hara, A., Nagamine, W., Conant, P., Hirayama, C. and Niino-DuPonte, R.Y. 2005. Stinging Nettle Caterpillar Darna pallivitta. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Office of Communication Services, Honolulu, HI. IP-22. 2 pp.

Progress 10/01/03 to 09/30/04

This project is an umbrella project that covers the listed Hawaii state projects below. Please refer to these projects for progress reports. 1) HAW00123-1017S A Ecosystems Approach to Restoring and Conserving Soil Quality in Degraded Lands of the Pacific Islands. El-Swaify, Samir; 2) HAW00920-1017S Management of the Invasive Stinging Nettle Caterpillar in Hawaii. Hara, Arnold; 3) HAW00121-1017S Development of Shade Coffee Agroecosystems in Hawaii. Idol, Travis; 4) HAW00209-1017S Improving Skeletal Muscle Growth by Active Immunization Against Myostatin. Kim, Yong-Soo; 5) HAW00839-1017S Development of New Dracaena Cultivars for the Hawaii Foliage Industry. Leonhardt, Kenneth; 6) HAW00504-1017S Biosynthesis of Anticancer Drug Cryptophycin. Liang, Jian; 7) HAW00519-1017S Investigating Kava-Associated Liver Toxicities in Animals. Nerurkar, Pratibha; 8) HAW00210-1017S Role of Myostatin (GDF-8) Prodomain in Promoting Animal Growth. Yang, Jinzeng; 9) HAW00506-1017S Milk Parlor Wastewater Treatment/Reuse - A Pilot Study for the Tropical Island Application. Yang, P.Y.; 10) HAW00840-1017S Adapting the Multi-Soil Layer Treatment (MSL) to Clean Agricultural Lagoon Effluents in Island Environments. Yost, Russell.

Refer to individual projects listed above for specific expected impacts.


  • Chun, S.G., Hara, A.H. and Jacobsen, C.M. 2004. Efficacy of insecticides against an invasive limacodid nettle caterpillar, 2003. Arthropod Management Test. 29:L4.
  • Jin, H.J., Dunn, M.A., Borthakur, D. and Kim, Y.S. 2004. Refolding and purification of unprocessed porcine myostatin expressed in Escherichia coli. Protein Expression and Purification. 35:1-10.

Progress 10/01/02 to 09/30/03

No progress to report. This project was initiated on September 15, 2003.

No impact to report. This project was initiated on September 15, 2003.


  • No publications reported this period