Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
USDA recognizes microalgae as a potential feedstock for the US bioeconomy, and several companies are operating to manufacture algae bioproducts--bioplastics, biofertilizers, and biostimulants. They report strong demand, but their growth is limited by the nearly negligible supply of algae in the US. This project will lay the foundation for a domestic algae supply that greatly benefits rural communities and industries who are growing algae in their wastewater treatment pond systems but not harvesting the algae currently.We propose the establishment of algae supply networks in regions with numerous wastewater pond systems. Treatment ponds are common, numbering 8,000 publicly owned treatment systems with roughly an equal number of industrial and agricultural pond systems. With a disproportionate number of these pond systems located in rural communities, they represent an opportunity for rural development that benefits these communities both economically and environmentally. Algae make an essential contribution to treatment by providing photosynthetic dissolved oxygen and by uptaking waste nutrients. However, after treatment, the algae biomass becomes a solids management problem for most pond systems operators.The Phase I project will develop plans for a network of wastewater treatment pond facilities in Central/Northern California that already generate algal biomass within their treatment process, with the fundamental goal to: Increase bioproduct feedstock recovery and, broadly, the sustainability of the wastewater treatment industry while concurrently helping the treatment plants meet increasingly stringent discharge limits and generate revenue.This will be accomplished through tasks including collaboration with rural communities to develop preliminary engineering plans for algae harvesting and drying equipment. The feasibility of regional algae bioproduct manufacturing facilities will be evaluated in cooperation with project partners. Technical, econonmic, and social barriers to developing an algae biomass production and bioproducts network will be identified and potential solutions developed in collaboration with stakeholders.The Phase II project will pilot the harvesting and bioproduct production with biomass from the participating facilities and manufacturers, selected during Phase I, allowing an in-depth analysis of the potential for participants and investors. Phase III would involve the final design and implementation of the algae supply network facilities, ultimately serving as a model which can be replicated in other rural regions of the U.S.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
Key goals of Phase I are to (1) determine the feasibility of using waste-grown algae as a feedstock for bioplastics and biofertilizer manufacturing, and (2) to determine the technical and economic viability of the proposed concept of aggregating algal biomass harvested from wastewater ponds at a centralized drying facility, to create bioproduct feedstock, and (3) estimate the economic and environmental benefits to rural communities of widespread adoption of the concept. The five major specific technical objectives to be achieved include:Complete Class-3 engineering design solutions for algae harvesting-dewatering-drying through a collaborative process with participating municipal algae pond wastewater treatment systems, providing the basis for a Phase II pilot to demonstrate the process.Establish biomass production potential of the ponds and suitability for use in bioplastics.Identify most common barriers perceived by municipalities, plant operators &community stakeholders, regarding their algae wastewater treatment ponds and biomass utilization.Provide educational outreach to stakeholders at public meetings and quantitatively assess economic and environmental benefits to these communities.Develop a detailed plan and roadmap to beneficially use up to 4,000 tonnes of algae biomass in the bioeconomy in a Phase III project, justifying the capital investment and using the concept of the Algae Network to aggregate, process and distribute algae biomass.
Project Methods
Researchefforts will involve the following methods:1. Meetings with participating municipality partners. MBE will initiate kick-off meetings with facility supervisors, local operators and city engineers at the wastewater treatment utilities (MBE, Month 1). These meetings to elicit feedback regarding barriers and limitations to and potential for the proposed Algae Network concept harvesting, thickening and drying algal biomass. Progress reviews will be held at the 50% design (Month 4) and 90% design points (Month 7-8).2. Determine biomass quantity, consistency and suitability for conversion to algae-based resin pellets(MBE, Months 2-7, Algix, Months 3-8):Two representative seasonal samples from each participating facility will be collected by MBE staff and analyzed for total and volatile suspended solids and percent biovolume by genera. For harvesting by settling, clarification rates will be determined with Imhoff cones, and for harvesting by DAF plant data will be obtained. Sufficient volumes will be harvested at each plant and dried to provide 100-500 g dry biomass for testing. Suspended solids data and results of bench-scale dewatering and drying will be used to estimate annually averaged productivity used to refine cost estimates and revenue potential.Biomass from each facility will be sent to ALGIX to determine suitability for conversion to algae-based resin pellets, which are used in the successful Bloom EVA foam product. Tests will include odor, protein, mineral, and moisture analysis.3. Develop site specific designs for algae harvesting & dewatering(MBE, Months 1-7): Given specific requirements and the physical layout of each site, evaluate and recommend optimal algae harvesting, dewatering and drying technologies and layouts. Each facility has unique flows, algae types, seasonality, land availability, operator capabilities, harvesting options etc. that will be considered. Mass balances will be developed, along with GHG lifecycle assessments including avoided algae sludge methane emissions and fossil fuel use. Harvesting options include dissolved air flotation, algae settling ponds, and membrane filters.Preliminary analysis for dewatering suggests screw presses are the optimal technology for small facilities; however, membrane thickeners, belt presses, and, for large facilities, centrifuges will also be evaluated. Candidate drying methods include: open and protected solar, hollow auger dryer, and industrial and power plant waste heat. Biogas fuel sources will be evaluated.4. Planning forPhase II pilot site (MBE, months 7-9). Results will be integrated to determine the optimal location for the phase II pilot (tentatively at one or two smaller with possibly one larger pond system), which will include harvesting, dewatering, drying as well as execution of off take agreement(s) with bioproduct manufacturers. A number of factors will be considered in determining which of the five facilities is the best suited for piloting, including availability of space, potential to use waste heat, productivity potential etc.The results of the above described efforts will then be used to evaluateimpacts on the environment and socio-economic development of participating communitiesProject analysis and evaluation willinclude: (1) Quantification of the benefit to the municipality of avoided pond desludging costs and potential payments per ton of algae produced. (2) Cost-benefit analysis of onsite drying vs. trucking to larger participating facility that has drying equipment, and (3) Equipment siting and connections to the existing plant, including cost estimates. The engineering reports will also evaluate the eligibility of these upgrades for government and/or utility funds available for enterprises that (1) beneficially re-use of biomass otherwise destined to landfills (e.g., California Recycling Management Development Zones program) or (2) result in methane emissions reductions such as Cal Recycle's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Loan Program.MBE will conduct an outreach program, presenting the results of this project and engaging thelocal community and stakeholders in evaluation ofalgae harvesting and theAlgae Network concept. The potential economic impact in terms of new jobs and tax revenues will be projected, and the environmental benefits to air and water will be projected for various sized networks.