Source: UNIV OF MINNESOTA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2013
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2016
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
ST PAUL,MN 55108
Performing Department
Bioproducts & Biosystems Engineering
Non Technical Summary
Several technical barriers are preventing the application of anaerobic digestion in the livestock farms. The foremost technical change needed to improve the economics of digester systems is to modify and amend the anaerobic digestion process to maximize biogas production for electricity produced as well as to generate other cash products to utilize the heat and offset the cost. AD converts organic N and P to ammonia and phosphate while total N and P remain constant. Further treatment processes need to be developed to remove and utilize the remaining N and P in the waste stream. To solve the above mentioned issues, firstly, we will be focusing on two additional processes that can be integrated into current AD systems so that the benefits of the whole system can be maximized. These two processes include pretreatment for anaerobic digestion and culture of filamentous fungi for phosphorus removal. A final case study will integrate all the research components: (i) co-digesting swine manure with other carbon-rich waste materials to increase the biogas generation and pretreat the biomass for phosphorus recovery; (ii) thermally treat the digestion effluents for fungal growth; (iii) growing filamentous fungal cells on to produce fungal biomass as biological phosphorous fertilizer and to enable the digestion effluent with a more balanced nitrogen/phosphorous ratio for use as a soil conditioner and plant fertilizer.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
We are proposing to develop a new two-stage anaerobic digestion, including the first phase as the thermal/thermochemical treatment process, where solids from dairy manure and organic food waste materials are hydrolyzed and solubilized, and then the second stage as the anaerobic co-digestion on the UASB reactor. We also want to develop a new concept of pelletized cell cultivation for the production of microbial cell biomass via filamentous fungi and other microorganisms.
Project Methods
The proposed integrated anaerobic digestion process will be as following: solids will be separated from the dairy manure and mixed with food waste for thermal or thermochemical treatment at different solid content; then the treated biomass will be mixed with manure liquid and sent to the anaerobic digestion. The biogas generated from anaerobic digestion will be combusted to generate the electricity; and the heat generated from the engine is utilized to provide heat for the thermal treatment. The primary method for pelletized culture is to inoculate filamentous fungal cells during the cell cultures and develop a co-culture of filamentous fungi and other non-filamentous microorganisms so that cells can be attracted to the fungal hyphae and co-pelletized into fungal pellets for easier harvest.

Progress 10/01/13 to 09/30/16

Target Audience:We primarily focused on the scientific community, disserminating our experimental results through conference presentations and journal publications. We also built strong outreach program, hosting several rounds of lab hands on events for high school teachers, incoming freshmen students and summer camp students. The event covers presentation, tour and experiments to demonstrate our research on bioenergy and environmental remediation. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?I have a very productive research group, currently including five postdoc researchers, two PhD, two Master graduate students, and a list of undergraduate students. I graduated two PhD students in the year 2016 and two master students in the year 2013. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We developed a teaching module "Grow like lichen", including a presentation to explain how fungi, microalgae and lichen are growing, how they can be applied in diffrent applications, and what are the challenging environmental issues related to nutrient management, a tour of the lab research to visualize how the synthetic fungi/microalgae biofilm is formed, a lab to mesure the pollutants in the water before and after treatment. Various types of students have been offered to this teaching module, including high school teacher groups, in-coming freshmen undergraduates and high school summer camp students. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? My previous research has primarily focused on the anaerobic digestion and microalgae/fungi co-culture to generate bioenergy from agricultural waste. My group has received funding to work on several projects, including using co-culture of filamentous fungi and microalgae to form pellets and lichen biofilm, phosphorus removal from waste and animal feed by microbial or electrochemical approaches, and understanding the mechanism of recent swine manure foaming in Midwestern states. With this funding support, my research team has established several new cultivation methods, such as solid state cultivation, pelletized cultivation of fungi and algae, and cultivation of lichen biofilm. We have adopted several advanced technologies to assist our research; for example, 16s rRNA microbial community analysis using high-throughput pyrosequencing and fungal identification through internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. On the process development for anaerobic digestion, we received initial funding support from Minnesota Department of Agriculture to collaborate with Jer-Lindy Farms on co-digesting new raw materials, such as food waste, chicken processing fat, and distiller grains, with manure. Our results showed that this co-digestion, if controlled at an optimized ratio, can maximize the biogas production and potentially increase the profitability of the digester (Ye, Zamalloa et al. 2015). Anaerobic digestion has very limited capability to remove nutrients, especially phosphorus. We studied several approaches to remove these nutrients. With additional UMN GIA support, we studied fungal strains isolated from oil seed crops and the surrounding soils for the capability for "luxury" uptake of phosphorus to synthesize polyphosphate, an approach very similar to that used by some bacterial species in the activated sludge system(Ye, Gan et al. 2015). This research was then funded by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) Program to study new ways to remove phosphorus via filamentous fungi. Our microalge/fungi co-culture was initiated with the support from the UMN Department start-up support. My research group first received support from the UMN Grant-in-Aid (GIA) program to study the accumulation of lipids via pelletized oleaginous fungal cultivation. Many filamentous microorganisms tend to aggregate and grow as pellets/granules in submerged cultures. In addition to the merits of cell immobilization, advantages of cell pelletization in the lipid accumulation process include the ease of harvesting cells and the reuse of water. Our research developed new methods to induce pellet formation via simply changing pH during the cell cultivation. This method avoids the use of CaCO3 powder or other nuclei, which are costly and can cause solid waste disposal issues (Xia, Zhang et al. 2011). Pelletization is more widely explored or used in the fungal fermentation process for filamentous microorganisms. However, most oleaginous microalgae are not filamentous, and pelletization of these algae cells has not been explored. We inoculated filamentous fungal spores when culturing green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and found pellet formation within 2 days of starting the culture. The skeleton structure of the pellets remained filamentous fungal cells, while the microalgae cells, aggregated with fungal cells, were immobilized in the pellets (Zhang and Hu 2012). We then extend this research to include a synthetic polymer as supporting materials so that microalgae and fungi can attach on the surface to form the biofilm. This is a unique and novel approach to address the cell harvest of microalgae and has the potential to greatly reduce the cost of producing algae biofuel.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Yulin Ye, Carlos Zamalloa, Hongjian Lin, Mi Yan, David Schmidt, Bo Hu, 2015, Evaluation of the anaerobic co-digestion of dairy manure with food wastes via bio-methane potential assay and CSTR reactor, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 50(3):217-27.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Yulin Ye, Jing Gan, Bo Hu, 2015, Screening of phosphorus-accumulating fungi and their potential for phosphorus removal from waste streams, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 177(5):1127-36.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Mi Yan, David Schmidt, Larry Jacobson, Chuck Clanton, Bo Hu, 2015, Manure Composition Analysis to Identify Potential Factors for Deep-Pit Foaming in Swine Farms, Transactions of the ASABE, 58(6), 1841-1849
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Hongjian Lin, Nicholas Williams, Amelia King, Bo Hu, 2016, Electrochemical Sulfide Removal by Low-cost Electrode Materials in Anaerobic Digestion, Chemical Engineering Journal, 297, 180192
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Aravindan Rajendran, Bo Hu. 2016. Mycoalgae biofilm: Development of a novel platform technology using algae and fungal cultures, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 9:112.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Xin Zhang, Hongjian Lin, Bo Hu. 2016. Phosphorus removal and recovery from dairy manure by electrocoagulation, RSC Advances, 6: 57960-57968

Progress 10/01/14 to 09/30/15

Target Audience:Acedemic community, K12 educators, and related industry Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?With all these funded projects, I advised five Post-Doc Researchers, four graduate students, two visiting scholars, and several undergraduate students How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Our results have been summarized in different project reports we are required to submit to different funding agencies. The results are also disserminated through our journal and book publiations. My research group has made the following presentations at National conferences: Cristiano Reis, Qiyang He, Bo Hu, Phosphorus mass flow in the ethanol industry: production trends and opportunities, Poster presentation at International Biomass Conference & Expo, Minneapolis, MN, April 20-22 H. Lin, ?C. Zamolloa, X. Zhang, J. Gan, Q. He, C.R. Reis, A. Rajendran, M. Yan, Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, B. Hu?. 2015. Anaerobic digestion with microbial electrochemical systems drives the biogas production, antibiotic removal, and nutrient recuperation. ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, July 26-29. Aravindan Rajendran, Bo Hu, Gan, Jing; Lin, Hongjian; Zhang, Yanmei; He, Qiyang, Effect of process variables on the attached co-cultures of a fungi and algae in ethanol co-products for nutrient recovery, ASABE Annual Meeting 2015. Yanmei Zhang and Bo Hu, 2015, Genetic Engineering of Yeast to Improve Feeding Value of Corn Ethanol Co-product DDGS, Biological Engineering POSTER SESSION, ASABE annual international meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. Jing Gan, Hongjian Lin, Bo Hu, 2015. Phosphorus removal from manure by fungi assimilation and adsorption.2015 ASABE meeting, July 27, 2015, New Orleans, LA Aravindan Rajendran, Bo Hu., Simulated lichen system - A novel microalgae cultivation technology using fungi and lichen biofilm, AlgaeBiomassSummit, September 29 - October 2, 2015, Washington, DC. Lin, ?H, ?., W?. Liu, X?.Zhang, C?. Zamalloa, J?.Gan, A?. Rajendran, Y?.Zhang, M?. Yan, Y. Yang, C.Reis, B?.Hu?. 2015. Gas-Diffusion Cathode Expedites Ammonia Removal from Aqueous Phase. AIChE Annual Meeting, ?Salt Lake City, ?UT , November ?8-?11 Yanmei Zhang, Aravindan Rajendran, Cristiano E. R. Reis, Yan Yang, Mi Yan, Hongjian Lin, Jing Gan, Xin Zhang and Bo Hu, 2015. Increase the Feeding Value of Corn Ethanol Coproducts Via Genetic Engineering of Yeast, AIChE Annual Meeting, ?Salt Lake City, ?UT , November ?8-?11 Aravindan Rajendran, Cristiano E. R. Reis, Yanmei Zhang, Hongjian Lin, and Bo Hu., 2015. A Novel Symbiotic Biofilm for Algae Growth and Harvesting, AIChE Annual Meeting, ?Salt Lake City, ?UT , November ?8-?11. Cristiano Reis, Aravindan Rajendran, Yanmei Zhang, Hongjian Lin, Xin Zhang and Bo Hu, 2015, Modeling and Kinetics of Phytate Adsorption from Corn Stillages on a Weak-Base Ion Exchange Resin, AIChE Annual Meeting, ?Salt Lake City, ?UT , November ?8-?11 Xin Zhang, Hongjian Lin, Aravindan Rajendran, Cristiano Reis, Weiwei Liu and Bo Hu, 2015, Phosphorus Recovery from Liquid Animal Manure by Electrocoagulation, oral presentation at 2015 AICHE annual meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Move several projects to demonstration and publish more papers

What was accomplished under these goals? We are currently working on the following three research areas: 1) microalge/fungal cell attachment to form lichen biofilm and its application in nutrient removal from agricultural waste water, 2) microbial electrochemical methods to remove nutrients and pollutants from agricultural waste water and 3) process development in corn ethanol industry to remove phosphorus and balance animal nutrients. Objective 1: Microalgae/fungal cell attachment to form lichen biofilm and its application in nutrient removal from agricultural waste. We mimicked the natural symbiotic lichen ecosystems by introducing a supporting matrix, a filamentous fungal strain, and a microalgae strain to form the biofilm. Biofilms are a form of cell immobilization that results from microbial attachment to solid supports in submerged environments. We have explored multiple strains of microalgae, fungi, and numerous polymeric materials and established a platform technology that is suitable for multiple applications. This synthetic ecosystem allows different microbial species to coexist and collaborate to fulfill the required functions. The microbial consortia may be more beneficial than the single engineered microorganism because they have better operational stability and, in many cases, are more easily adapted to the natural environments. This project has been funded by Minnesota Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) for three years program to study its application in the phosphorus removal from agricultural waste water. It has also received funding supports form MnDRIVE Bioremediation program to study the nutrient removal for the industrial wastewater also. This study is also combined with our on-going efforts to study the phosphorus uptake by some filamentous fungal strains we screened from soil. These newly isolated fugal strains have the capability for "luxury" uptake of phosphorus to synthesize polyphosphate, an approach very similar to that used by some bacterial species in the activated sludge system. We finished the project funded by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) Program to study new ways to remove phosphorus via filamentous fungi and currently received another round of funding from MnDRIVE Bioremediation Demonstration program to collaborate with a dairy farm to demonstrate the technology on phosphorus removal via fungal treatment. Objective 2: Microbial electrochemical methods to remove nutrients and pollutants from agricultural waste water. This new design is to install electrodes at either the anaerobic digester or the anaerobic degradation in the manure storage pit in order to apply voltage for nutrient removal. At different voltage setup and electro configuration, the process can be used to recover phosphorous on the surface of the cathode electrode, to remove hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from the biogas, and to recover ammonia for the fertilizer production. We applied this system to the manure anaerobic digestion system for phosphorus removal, and this project obtained funding support from MnDrive Initiative Bio-remediation program. We also studied the phosphorus removal at much higher voltage, where the process is the electrocoagulation, and this research is currently supported by National Pork Board. We also applied the microbial electrochemical system to redesign the community septic tank system in order to better manage the nutrients, and this project received 3 years of funding from LCCMR. We also studied the swine manure storage pit and apply the system in order to remove sulfide and this project has received funding supports from MN Rapid Agricultural Response Program for two year funding supports. Swine manure storage is problematic, not only in its hazardous and odorous hydrogen sulfide, but also the foaming that was widespread in recent years. Our group continues receiving funding supports from National/Iowa Pork Board through a subcontract with Iowa State University to work on this issue. Our results showed that denaturing the proteins in foaming manure can significantly remove the foaming capability and we are currently studying the efforts of other enzymes and bacteria on the manure foaming. Objective 3: Process development in corn ethanol industry to remove phosphorus and balance animal nutrients. The nutrient removal from manure can be more effective if we can remove the pollutions from the source. Both the composition of the manure and its over-application are causing phosphorus accumulation in the soil, which has worsened with the recent wide applications of corn ethanol co-products in the feed industry. Increasing use of these co-products in animal feed is causing an increase in phosphorus concentration in the manure, primarily because monogastrics (i.e., poultry and swine) can hardly digest and utilize phosphorus bound to phytate. We continue collaborating with animal scientists Dr. Jerry Shurson, Dr. Pedro Urriola, and economist Douglas Tiffany to develop an extraction process that recovers phytate from ethanol co-products. This research has been renewed for two more years funding in order for us to move this process to the demonstration via MN Global Food Venture program. We are also exploring to genetically modify the yeast strains in order to provide more nutritionally balanced yeast biomass and distiller grains so that less nitrogen can be excreted to manure. This project is currently waiting for the funding decision from Mn Corn Grower Association.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Yulin Ye, Jing Gan, Bo Hu, 2015, Screening of phosphorus-accumulating fungi and their potential for phosphorus removal from waste streams, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 177(5):1127-36.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Yulin Ye, Carlos Zamalloa, Hongjian Lin, Mi Yan, David Schmidt, Bo Hu, 2015, Evaluation of the anaerobic co-digestion of dairy manure with food wastes via bio-methane potential assay and CSTR reactor, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 50(3):217-27.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2015 Citation: Mi Yan, David Schmidt, Larry Jacobson, Chuck Clanton, Bo Hu, 2015, Manure Composition Analysis to Identify Potential Factors for Deep-Pit Foaming in Swine Farms, Transactions of the ASABE (in press).
  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hongjian Lin, Jing Gan, Aravindan Rajendran, Cristiano Eduardo Rodrigues Reis and Bo Hu, 2015, Phosphorus Removal and Recovery from Digestate after Biogas Production, Book chapter for Biofuels - Status and Perspective", ISBN 978-953-51-2177-0, In-Tech.

Progress 10/01/13 to 09/30/14

Target Audience: academic and scientific community and livestock farmers Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? My research group currently provides training and professional development for four postdoctoral researchers, three doctoral and one master’s student researchers. In addition, nine undergraduate students have been working with my graduate students and postdoc researchers in the past year either for different projects. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? In the year 2014, we generated nine journal articles, two book chapters, and two invention disclosures, and have an additional four to seven manuscripts in preparation. I am the corresponding author for nearly all of these journal articles. Besides several manuscripts were published from our research, which are listed in the publication session, we were invited to make the following presentations to the national and regional conferences. 1 Hongjian Lin, Nicholas Williams, Qiyang He, Jing Gan, Aravindan Rajendran, Mi Yan, Yan Yang and Bo Hu, 2014, Electrochemical Approach for Removal of H2S and Inorganic Nutrients in Anaerobic Digestion, oral presentation at Process Development Division, AICHE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA 2 Carlos Zamalloa Nalvartea, Sarman Oktovianus Gultom, Aravindan Rajendran, Mi Yan, Yan Yang, Hongjian Lin, Jing Gan and Bo Hu, 2014, Understanding the Microalgae Fungal Attraction for a Novel Co-Pelletization Algae Harvesting Process, oral presentation at Sustainable Engineering Forum, AICHE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA 3 Jing Gan, Bo Hu, Hongjian Lin, Mi Yan, Aravindan Rajendran, Yan Yang and Qiyang He, 2014, Phosphorus Recovery From Manure By Thermochemical-Biological Process, oral presentation at Process Development Division, AICHE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA 4 Qiyang He, Jing Gan, Hongjian Lin, Aravindan Rajendran, Mi Yan, Yan Yang and Bo Hu, 2014, Acid Extraction of the Phytate from Various Corn Ethanol Coproducts, oral presentation at Biochemical Conversion Processes in Forest/Plant Biorefinerties III, AICHE annual meeting, Atlanta, GA 5 Mi Yan, Jing Gan, Yan Yang, Aravindan Rajendran, Hongjian Lin, Qiyang He and Bo Hu, 2014, Study on Swine Manure Foaming to Understand Its Major Reason and Its Relations to Industrial Products, oral presentation at Sustainable Food Production, AICHE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA 6 Yan Yang, Mi Yan, Jing Gan, Aravindan Rajendran, Hongjian Lin, Qiyang He and Bo Hu, 2014, Lipid Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass Via a Newly Isolated Oleaginous Fungal Strain, oral presentation at International Congress on Energy (ICE), AICHE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA 7 Carlos Zamalloa, Hongjian Lin and Bo Hu, 2014, Bio-Electrochemical Assisted Anaerobic Digestion of the Liquid Fraction of Dairy Manure in a UASB Reactor, oral presentation at 36th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Clearwater Beach, FL 8 Bo Hu, 2014, Mechanism of Swine Manure Foaming, Annual Swine Manure Foaming, Ames, IA 9 Hongjian Lin, Bo Hu, 2014. Electrochemical Approach for Removal of H2S and Inorganic Nutrients in Anaerobic Digestion, BBE Department Advisory Council meeting 10 Mi Yan, Jing Gan, Bo Hu, Revealing of Deep-Pit Swine Manure Foaming, BBE poster presentations for the advisory council 11 Aravindan Rejandran and Bo Hu, 2014, Understanding and optimizing the co-culture of microalgae with filamentous fungus, BBE poster presentations for the advisory council 12 Yulin Ye, Bo Hu, 2014, Phosphorus Removal and Biological Fertilizer Production via Phosphorus Accumulating Fungus, BBE poster presentations for the advisory council What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? We will continue working on different projects currently funded by numerous programs and explore new funding resources to support our research.

What was accomplished under these goals? We are currently working on the following three research areas: 1) Fugal cell aggregation and its application in microalgae cultivation, 2) anaerobic digestion and nutrient removal, and 3) manure foaming in swine pit. Objective 1: Cell immobilization via cell pelletization and biofilm formation and creation of synthetic ecosystems. Many filamentous microorganisms tend to aggregate and grow as pellets/granules in submerged cultures. However, most oleaginous microalgae are not filamentous, and pelletization of these algae cells has not been explored. We inoculated filamentous fungal spores when culturing green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and found pellet formation within 2 days of starting the culture. The skeleton structure of the pellets remained filamentous fungal cells, while the microalgae cells, aggregated with fungal cells, were immobilized in the pellets. This is a unique and novel approach to address the cell harvest of microalgae and has the potential to greatly reduce the cost of producing algae biofuel. The microalgae/fungi co-pelletization process is innovative but is currently limited to the laboratory shake flask apparatus and therefore may be difficult to apply in industrial scale. I then shifted my research focus to the biofilm formation and created the simulated lichen biofilm concept. For this research, we mimicked the natural symbiotic lichen ecosystems by introducing a supporting matrix, a filamentous fungal strain, and a microalgae strain to form the biofilm. Biofilms are a form of cell immobilization that results from microbial attachment to solid supports in submerged environments. We have explored multiple strains of microalgae, fungi, and numerous polymeric materials and established a platform technology that is suitable for multiple applications. This synthetic ecosystem allows different microbial species to coexist and collaborate to fulfill the required functions. The microbial consortia may be more beneficial than the single engineered microorganism because they have better operational stability and, in many cases, are more easily adapted to the natural environments. Objective 2: Anaerobic digestion and nutrient removal. I received initial funding support from Minnesota Department of Agriculture to collaborate with Jer-Lindy Farms on co-digesting new raw materials, such as food waste, chicken processing fat, and distiller grains, with manure. Our results showed that this co-digestion, if controlled at an optimized ratio, can maximize the biogas production and potentially increase the profitability of the digester. Anaerobic digestion has very limited capability to remove nutrients, especially phosphorus. We studied several approaches to remove these nutrients. The first approach is to isolate fugal strains with the capability for “luxury” uptake of phosphorus to synthesize polyphosphate, an approach very similar to that used by some bacterial species in the activated sludge system. This research was then funded by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) Program to study new ways to remove phosphorus via filamentous fungi. Our results showed that this group of fungal strains has the capability to dissolve insoluble phosphorus, similar to the mycorrhiza fungi, which are symbiotic microorganisms grown on organic materials from the roots and transported to the plant via their hyphae. Our second approach is to remove nutrients through electrochemical-assisted anaerobic digestion. This new alternative design is to couple a microbial electrolysis cell with the anaerobic digester so that phosphorous can be recovered on the surface of the cathode electrode and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) can be removed from the biogas. We applied this system to the manure anaerobic digestion system for phosphorus removal, and this project obtained funding support from MnDrive Initiative Bio-remediation program. We also applied this concept to redesign the community septic tank system in order to better manage the nutrients, and this project received 3 years of funding from LCCMR. Our third approach is to remove the phosphorus from the source. Both the composition of the manure and its over-application are causing phosphorus accumulation in the soil, which has worsened with the recent wide applications of corn ethanol co-products in the feed industry. Increasing use of these co-products in animal feed are causing an increase in phosphorus concentration in the manure, primarily because monogastrics (i.e., poultry and swine) can hardly digest and utilize phosphorus bound to phytate. I am collaborating with animal scientists Dr. Jerry Shurson, Dr. Pedro Urriola, and economist Douglas Tiffany to develop an extraction process that recovers phytate from ethanol co-products; this research is recently funded by MN Global Food Venture program. Objective 3: Foaming of swine manure. This issue is a significant safety and health risk to the swine industry because the foam is filled with explosive gases such as methane and hydrogen sulfite. Wwe derived our second hypothesis that indigestible nutrients excreted in pig feces may supply the necessary compounds that contribute to the manure foaming. In addition to the long-chain fatty acids, our results showed that denaturing the proteins in foaming manure can significantly remove the foaming capability. We are working on the proteomics analysis to study the protein composition of manure samples in order to determine the correlation between foaming and some specific non-structural proteins, as well as the origins of these proteins. This research is currently supported by National/Iowa Pork Board through a subcontract with Iowa State University. My research group was the first to introduce the cell pelletization concept in the microbial oil accumulation and microalgae cultivation. Since we presented the fungal/microalgae co-pelletization concept in 2011 at the 33rd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, and then at 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE) Annual Meeting, this concept has gained international attention, as seven other research groups in US, Spain, India, Sweden, and China have started to work on similar ideas. We are the first group and currently the only group to establish the simulated lichen biofilm concept with attached growth of both microalgae and fungi. Invention disclosures have been filed for both the microalgae/fungi pelletization and biofilm formation work, and the pelletization concept has been chosen for further market analysis. The application of this concept to bioenergy production has been submitted for a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) grant. The application on nutrient removal and environmental bioremediation from agricultural runoff has received 3 years of funding from the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) program. Similar innovations and impacts can be found throughout all of my core research areas, for instance, our foaming work has been reported by the following publication: Enzler, M.. BBE Researchers Work to Resolve Manure Pit Foaming in Swine Buildings. BioBrief, Winter 2014.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Yulin Ye, Jing Gan, Bo Hu, 2014, Screening of phosphorus-accumulating fungi and their potential for phosphorus removal from waste streams (Submitted) Yulin Ye, Carlos Zamalloa, Hongjian Lin, Mi Yan, David Schmidt, Bo Hu, 2014, Evaluation of the anaerobic co-digestion of dairy manure with food wastes via bio-methane potential assay and CSTR reactor, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B (In press) Hongjian Lin, Xiao Wu, Bo Hu, and Jun Zhu, 2014. Microbial Electrochemical Systems for Agro-industrial Wastewater Remediation and Renewable Products Generation: A Review, Archives of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1(1) Sarman Gultom, Carlos Zamalloa Nalvarte, Bo Hu, 2014, Microalgae harvest through fungal pelletizationCo-culture of Chlorella vulgaris and Aspergillus niger under heterotrophic conditions, Energies, 7: 44174429 Mi Yan, Gaurav Kandlika, Larry Jacobson, Chuck Clanton, Bo Hu, 2014, Laboratory storage simulation to study swine manure foaming, Transactions of the ASABE, 57(3): 907914. Cristiano E. R. Reis, Jianguo Zhang, Bo Hu, 2014, Lipid accumulation by pelletized culture of Mucor circinelloides on corn stover hydrolysate, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 174(1):411-23. Jianguo Zhang, Bo Hu, 2014, Microbial lipid production from corn stover via Mortierella isabellina, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 174(2):574-86. Chunjie Xia, Wei Wei, Bo Hu, 2014, Statistical Analysis of Cell Pelletization on the Cultivation of Mucor circinelloides for Microbial Lipid Accumulation, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 172(7):3502-3512 Yan Yang, Mi Yan, Bo Hu, 2014, Endophytic Fungal Strains of Soybean for Lipid Production, Bioenergy Research, 7(1), 353-361