Sponsoring Institution
Agricultural Research Service/USDA
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Apr 3, 2005
Project End Date
Apr 2, 2010
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Develop and evaluate environmentally superior technologies to prevent off-farm release of nutrients and to reduce pathogens, odors, and ammonia emissions. Develop information and technologies to enhance or retrofit existing manure treatment systems to help producers meet environmental criteria (nutrients, emissions, and pathogens). Improve and refine constructed natural treatment technologies to effectively manage nutrients including reducing emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide. Develop and evaluate new and improved technologies that concentrate/sequester nutrients from manures or create value added products including conversion of livestock waste to energy. Evaluate swine wastewater treatment systems that can be used to reduce emissions, manage nutrients, and control pathogens on small farms. Develop cooperative activities as needed to conduct the research.
Project Methods
This research will take a synergistic approach towards developing more effective animal waste treatment practices and holistic systems to solve these problems. Four complementary approaches will be pursued. First, environmentally superior technologies and combination of technologies will be developed and evaluated to prevent off-farm release of nutrients and to reduce pathogens, odors, and ammonia emissions. These technologies include improved solid-liquid separation, phosphorus extraction, enhanced biological nitrogen treatment, anaerobic ammonia oxidation, litter wash, material science and green oxidant application development, and their integration into systems of treatment technologies. Second, investigations will be conducted to further our limited knowledge on biology of anaerobic lagoons and develop technologies that can be used to retrofit existing manure treatment systems. To accomplish this, we will use state-of-the-art tools such as non-invasive estimation of oxygen absorption, enzyme activities, emission quantification with open-path laser ammonia detector, and we will develop an improved bio-filtration method to clean barn air. Third, research will be conducted to enhance constructed natural treatment technologies such as constructed wetlands, floating wetlands and riparian zones to more effectively manage nutrients using passive systems. Fourth, we will develop guidelines, protocols and standards for the beneficial use of manure by-products. These include improved methods to recycle and recover nutrients from anaerobic lagoon sludge and to produce hydrogen from livestock manure. Results from this project will advance the state of science for more effective animal waste treatment and implementation of environmentally-safe alternatives to traditional land application. Systems of treatment technologies that capture nutrients, reduce emissions, and kill pathogens need to be developed and evaluated. Small farms will require systems that meet environmental regulations and have a reasonable initial cost.

Progress 04/03/05 to 04/02/10

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) Develop and evaluate environmentally superior technologies to prevent off- farm release of nutrients and to reduce pathogens, odors, and ammonia emissions. Develop information and technologies to enhance or retrofit existing manure treatment systems to help producers meet environmental criteria (nutrients, emissions, and pathogens). Improve and refine constructed natural treatment technologies to effectively manage nutrients including reducing emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide. Develop and evaluate new and improved technologies that concentrate/sequester nutrients from manures or create value added products including conversion of livestock waste to energy. Evaluate swine wastewater treatment systems that can be used to reduce emissions, manage nutrients, and control pathogens on small farms. Develop cooperative activities as needed to conduct the research. Approach (from AD-416) This research will take a synergistic approach towards developing more effective animal waste treatment practices and holistic systems to solve these problems. Four complementary approaches will be pursued. First, environmentally superior technologies and combination of technologies will be developed and evaluated to prevent off-farm release of nutrients and to reduce pathogens, odors, and ammonia emissions. These technologies include improved solid-liquid separation, phosphorus extraction, enhanced biological nitrogen treatment, anaerobic ammonia oxidation, litter wash, material science and green oxidant application development, and their integration into systems of treatment technologies. Second, investigations will be conducted to further our limited knowledge on biology of anaerobic lagoons and develop technologies that can be used to retrofit existing manure treatment systems. To accomplish this, we will use state-of-the-art tools such as non-invasive estimation of oxygen absorption, enzyme activities, emission quantification with open-path laser ammonia detector, and we will develop an improved bio-filtration method to clean barn air. Third, research will be conducted to enhance constructed natural treatment technologies such as constructed wetlands, floating wetlands and riparian zones to more effectively manage nutrients using passive systems. Fourth, we will develop guidelines, protocols and standards for the beneficial use of manure by-products. These include improved methods to recycle and recover nutrients from anaerobic lagoon sludge and to produce hydrogen from livestock manure. Results from this project will advance the state of science for more effective animal waste treatment and implementation of environmentally-safe alternatives to traditional land application. Systems of treatment technologies that capture nutrients, reduce emissions, and kill pathogens need to be developed and evaluated. Small farms will require systems that meet environmental regulations and have a reasonable initial cost. Filed an invention patent on a novel bacterial strain of Anammox bacteria Brocadia caroliniensis that oxidizes ammonia and releases di-nitrogen; the bacteria was deposited in Agricultural Research Culture Collections (Peoria, Illinois). Filed an invention patent on a method to reduce gaseous ammonia from poultry houses and other rearing facilities and its recovery using gas-permeable membranes. Conducted experiments of immobilization of Anammox bacteria in polymer pellets, which were used for treatment of livestock wastewater. Conducted experiments of stable partial nitrification of swine wastewater using High Performance Nitrifying Sludge. The evaluation of gas permeable membrane technology was made for removing ammonia from liquid manure. Collected additional data on the absorption capacity of biochar (made from animal manure) for removing ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. Published a journal paper on denitrification activity in swine wastewater lagoons; collected and analyzed denitrification and nitrous oxide emission data from additional control riparian buffers. Analyzed data and reported the improvement in phosphorus removal via addition of polyaluminum chloride in swine wastewater treatment wetland. Developed and tested process control schemes for production of a consistent biochar product; analyzed energy, composition and thermal degradation characteristics of high and low temperature biochars (350�C and 700�C) from dairy, swine, turkey, poultry, and feedlot manures. Assessed the adsorption capacity of manure based-biochars for aqueous copper, zinc, and cadmium. Completed evaluation of a skid-mounted commercial batch pyrolysis system to produce energy and biochar from blended animal manures. Accomplishments 01 Invented and Developed a Second-Generation Treatment System for Manageme of Livestock Manure: ARS Scientists at Florence, South Carolina, and business cooperators have developed a streamlined second-generation swin manure management process that delivers healthier pigs, healthier profit and a healthier environment. A U.S. Patent 7,674,379 was issued in 2010. The system used solid-liquid separation and nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes that replaced traditional anaerobic lagoons with a system that produces a clean, deodorized, and disinfected effluent. It w certified by the State of North Carolina as an Environmentally Superior Technology (EST) due to its efficacy in reducing problems of ammonia emissions, excess nitrogen and phosphorus, pathogens, odors, and heavy metals. North Carolina and USDA NRCS�s Environmental Quality Incentives Program started a statewide Lagoon Conversion Program (LCP) that provide financial support to livestock farmers installing an EST for manure management. The revamped system met EST standards at one-third the cost the previous version. The new system also cut emissions of methane and nitrous oxide�powerful greenhouse gases�by 97 percent. Animal health and production also benefited: Swine daily weight gain increased, feed conversion improved, and animal mortality decreased. Using the second- generation system instead of the lagoon system, the farmer sold 61,400 pounds more hogs �a 5.8% increase- per growing cycle. This technology wa featured as an example of five carbon-reducing technologies that can quickly create green jobs in America in the report �Manufacturing Climat Solutions: Carbon-Reducing Technologies and U.S. Jobs,� that was present at the first Middle Class Task Force meeting organized by the White Hous The new technology is being commercialized by Terra Blue Inc., of Clinto N.C. The scientists received the 2010 Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC for Excellence in Technology Transfer. 02 Technology to recover phosphorus from solid manure: A process called �quick wash� was developed to recover phosphorus (P) from livestock soli manure to reduce the environmental impact of P litter. This technology provides an alternative to poultry litter management when application on land is not an option in areas such as Georgia, North Carolina, and Chesapeake Bay. The quick wash technology is comprised of a process to form a concentrated phosphorus solid material, and a washed poultry litt residue containing low phosphorus and most of the original organic carbo and nitrogen. This technology will help the poultry producer to better manage manure and nutrient plans on their farms. It can facilitate P transport in concentrated form from areas where it is in excess for its effective utilization as plant fertilizer. Renewable Organics LLC applie for exclusive licensing of ARS patent rights. 03 Discovery of a novel anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) bacteria species in swine effluent: Scientists at ARS Florence discovered and isolated a new anammox bacteria from manure effluents. The anammox proce offers a low-cost alternative for removal of ammonia from wastewater because it requires half the aeration. The new anammox bacterial species (Brocadia caroliniensis, NRRL International Budapest Deposit B 50286) thrives in high ammonia environments. The bacteria is capable of reactivation after freeze drying (lyophilization), which helps with commercialization. A provisional US Patent Application was filed on February 18, 2010 (USPTO No. 61/298,952). Average ammonia removal rates obtained with this new anammox bacterium were higher than 1.7 kg of nitrogen per cubic meter per day. Development of manure treatment system based on newly discovered anammox isolated from manure will increase the treatment efficiency and reduce overall treatment cost of manure and industrial effluents with high ammonia concentration. 04 Removal and recovery of ammonia gas from animal production systems: Volatilization of ammonia inside poultry housing often results in an excessive accumulation of ammonia in the air, which can negatively affec the health of both workers and birds. A new technology is being develope that has the potential to reduce ventilation and energy needs to lower ammonia in the air in poultry barns and composting systems. A provisiona US Patent Application was filed on March 17, 2010 (USPTO No. 61/314,683) Results are cleaner air inside the barns with benefits to animal health and reduced environmental emissions, and the recovered ammonia can be re used as concentrated plant fertilizer. The technology also has applications for reducing ammonia from composting systems. 05 Evaluation of denitrification enzyme activity in anaerobic lagoons: The cycling of nitrogen in swine wastewater treatment lagoons involves the conversion of ammonia to nitrate -- nitrification and the conversion of nitrite to nitrous oxide or di-nitrogen gas � denitrification. This cycling was assessed by measuring the abundances of four major enzymes o the nitrification and denitrification process. Their abundances were measured via molecular techniques using common primers in the wastewater of eight commercial swine anaerobic lagoons. The abundance of the four enzymes ranged from 0.04 to 5.29% of the total lagoon bacterial enzymes. Thus, there was clearly no indication of very high levels of nitrificati and denitrification as measured by the relative abundances of these nitrification and denitrification enzymes. Yet, the abundances are equal to those reported for some treatment systems used to biologically treat and remove ammonia from industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste. Thus, these findings do not provide clear evidence for or against high levels of nitrogen removal from these lagoons via nitrification and denitrification. Instead, they along with other published research sugge that lagoons are complex in their cycling of nitrogen. 06 In-situ Lagoon Cleanup. Confined swine production generates large volume of wastewater typically stored and treated in anaerobic lagoon systems. These lagoons may require costly cleanup measures prior to closure. In practice, liquid and sludge need to be removed by pumping, usually at great expense of energy, and land applied at agronomic rates on adjacent fields without damage to ground or surface water. Alternative lagoon cleanup methods were investigated in a pilot lagoon study by pre-treatin the liquid swine manure prior to entering the lagoon. The study consiste of comparing side by side the effect of solid-liquid separated effluent and the ARS second-generation Environmentally Superior Technology (EST) wastewater treatment (solid-liquid separation followed by biological N treatment) on water quality improvement and sludge mass reduction. As a control, an anaerobic lagoon regularly loaded with raw manure was includ in the study. Lagoon liquid was monitored for water quality improvements on a monthly basis. After 15 months, water quality improvements with respect to the anaerobic lagoon control (such as reduction of suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, and N concentration) were moderate with separated liquid but highly significant with the biological N pre- treatment. Anaerobic sludge mass reduction with respect to the control w significant for both pre-treatments; sludge mass reduction was 34% with separated liquid alone and 45% with biological N pre-treatment. This finding will help in the development of lower cost lagoon cleanup method 07 Manure treatment using a skid-mounted batch pyrolysis system. A skid- mounted commercial pyrolysis system was evaluated to produce energy from animal manures. The skid-mounted reactor system heated the manures to 620�C without presence of oxygen. The tests included chicken litter, swi solids, and swine solids blended with rye grass as feedstocks. The gases produced from the pyrolysis system had heating values lower than that of natural gas. These gases can be fed into an electrical generation system for on-farm production of electrical power. About 43 to 49% of the original mass of the manures were converted to biochar (i.e., charcoal). The heating values of the biochar made from swine solids and the mixture were similar to coals; the heating value of chicken litter biochar was slightly below that of coal due to high level of ash. The manure biochar contained high levels of phosphorous and potassium, which could be used a low-grade fertilizer. 08 Production of biochar from poultry manure: Because of high fossil fuel costs and limited disposal options, utilization of poultry litter as an energy source and suitability of the biochar byproduct as a soil fertilizer/amendment was determined through pyrolysis reactions and laboratory studies. Energy content measurements revealed that poultry litter did contain a heating value as high as 60% of coal�s higher heati value. Biochar produced from poultry litter had a phosphorus content fro 2 to and 4% suggesting its use as a soil fertilizer. 09 Carbonization of swine solids: High temperature pyrolysis of swine manur and blends generates energy co-products similar to low grade coals and natural gas. Commercial testing of high temperature pyrolysis of swine manure and a blend of swine manure and ryegrass generated a solid char product with an energy equivalent to that of coals and a combustible gas with an energy density slightly less than that for natural gas (methane)



  • Ro, K.S., Hunt, P.G., Johnson, M.H., Matheny, T.A., Forbes, D., Reddy, G.B. 2010. Oxygen transfer in marsh-pond-marsh constructed wetlands treating swine wastewater. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A. 45:377-382.
  • Szogi, A.A., Bauer, P.J., Vanotti, M.B. 2010. Fertilizer effectiveness of phosphorus recovered from broiler litter. Agronomy Journal. 102(2):723-727.
  • Cantrell, K.B., Hunt, P.G., Ro, K.S., Stone, K.C., Vanotti, M.B., Burns, J. C. 2010. Thermogravimetric characterization of irrigated bermudagrass as a combustion feedstock. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 53(2):413-420.
  • Cantrell, K.B., Martin, J.H., Ro, K.S. 2010. Application of thermogravimetric analysis for the proximate analysis of livestock wastes. Journal of American Society for Testing and Materials International. 7(3) :Paper ID JAI102583 (available online at
  • Ducey, T.F., Vanotti, M.B., Shriner, A.D., Szogi, A.A., Ellison, A.Q. 2010. Characterization of a microbial community capable of nitrification at cold temperature. Bioresource Technology. 101:491-500.
  • Hunt, P.G., Stone, K.C., Matheny, T.A., Poach, M.E., Vanotti, M.B., Ducey, T.F. 2009. Denitrification of nitrified and non-nitrified swine lagoon wastewater in the suspended sludge layer of treatment wetlands. Ecological Engineering. 35(10):1514-1522.
  • Jackson, L.A., Ducey, T.F., Zaitshik, J.B., Orvis, J., Dyer, D.W. 2010. Transcriptional and functional analysis of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae fur regulon. Journal of Bacteriology. 192(1):77-85.
  • Forbes, D.A., Reddy, G.B., Hunt, P.G., Poach, M.E., Ro, K.S., Cyrus, J.S. 2010. Comparison of aerated marsh-pond-marsh and continuous marsh constructed wetlands for treating swine wastewater. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. 45(7):803-809.

Progress 10/01/08 to 09/30/09

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) Develop and evaluate environmentally superior technologies to prevent off- farm release of nutrients and to reduce pathogens, odors, and ammonia emissions. Develop information and technologies to enhance or retrofit existing manure treatment systems to help producers meet environmental criteria (nutrients, emissions, and pathogens). Improve and refine constructed natural treatment technologies to effectively manage nutrients including reducing emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide. Develop and evaluate new and improved technologies that concentrate/sequester nutrients from manures or create value added products including conversion of livestock waste to energy. Evaluate swine wastewater treatment systems that can be used to reduce emissions, manage nutrients, and control pathogens on small farms. Develop cooperative activities as needed to conduct the research. Approach (from AD-416) This research will take a synergistic approach towards developing more effective animal waste treatment practices and holistic systems to solve these problems. Four complementary approaches will be pursued. First, environmentally superior technologies and combination of technologies will be developed and evaluated to prevent off-farm release of nutrients and to reduce pathogens, odors, and ammonia emissions. These technologies include improved solid-liquid separation, phosphorus extraction, enhanced biological nitrogen treatment, anaerobic ammonia oxidation, litter wash, material science and green oxidant application development, and their integration into systems of treatment technologies. Second, investigations will be conducted to further our limited knowledge on biology of anaerobic lagoons and develop technologies that can be used to retrofit existing manure treatment systems. To accomplish this, we will use state-of-the-art tools such as non-invasive estimation of oxygen absorption, enzyme activities, emission quantification with open-path laser ammonia detector, and we will develop an improved bio-filtration method to clean barn air. Third, research will be conducted to enhance constructed natural treatment technologies such as constructed wetlands, floating wetlands and riparian zones to more effectively manage nutrients using passive systems. Fourth, we will develop guidelines, protocols and standards for the beneficial use of manure by-products. These include improved methods to recycle and recover nutrients from anaerobic lagoon sludge and to produce hydrogen from livestock manure. Results from this project will advance the state of science for more effective animal waste treatment and implementation of environmentally-safe alternatives to traditional land application. Systems of treatment technologies that capture nutrients, reduce emissions, and kill pathogens need to be developed and evaluated. Small farms will require systems that meet environmental regulations and have a reasonable initial cost. Significant Activities that Support Special Target Populations Filed a patent on a high performance nitrifying sludge for high ammonium concentration and low temperature wastewater treatment. Developed and tested method for long-term preservation of anammox bacteria. Disclosed invention on a method to reduce gaseous ammonia from poultry houses and other rearing facilities and its recovery using gas-permeable membranes. The effectiveness of the green oxidizer (trademark name-TAML) is being tested to destroy estrone in swine lagoon liquid. The absorption capacity of bio-char (made from animal manure) for removing ammonia and hydrogen sulfide is being assessed for its use in air filtration systems. Completed and published the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural sites using open-path optical remote sensing method. Additional lagoons were sampled for denitrification enzyme activity in the sludge sediment layer as well as within the water column. Additional measurement of greenhouse gasses from riparian buffer contiguous to swine and dairy wastewater spray field showed generally low levels of emission. Analyzed riparian buffer zone microbial community structures using bacterial fingerprinting and 16S rDNA gene sequencing. Utilized Real Time PCR to examine the correlation between microbial denitrification gene densities in riparian buffer soils and anaerobic lagoons with greenhouse gases produced by microbially-mediated pathways. Phosphorus removal via polyaluminum chloride was investigated in swine wastewater treatment wetland as a means for improving long-term phosphorus removal. Amended bioenergy production scope from biological hydrogen production to include thermochemical conversion and biochar. Determined carbonization kinetics of swine solids. Evaluated the efficiency of a skid-mounted pyrolysis system in producing combustible gases from chicken litter, swine solids, and blended swine solids with rye grass. Gas and solid products were analyzed for calorific values and composition. A new way of analyzing volatile matter and ash from animal manures was developed using a thermogravimetric analyzer. Investigated the bioenergy production potential of Coastal bermuda grass receiving subsurface drip irrigation with advanced-treated swine wastewater. Significant Activities that Support Special Target Populations Cooperative research with North Carolina A&T State University. Technology Transfer Number of Invention Disclosures submitted: 1 Number of New Patent Applications filed: 1 Number of Web Sites managed: 1 Number of Other Technology Transfer: 1



  • Loughrin, J.H., Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A., Lovanh, N.C. Evaluation of Second-Generation Multistage Wastewater Treatment System for the Removal of Malodorous Compounds from Liquid Swine Waste. Journal of Environmental Quality. 38:1739-1748
  • Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B., Hunt, P.G. 2008. Phosphorus recovery from poultry litter. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 51(5):1727-1734.
  • Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B. 2009. Removal of phosphorus from livestock effluents. Journal of Environmental Quality 38:576-586.
  • Ducey, T.F., Jackson, L., Orvis, J., Dyer, D.W. 2009. Transcript analysis of nrrF, a Fur repressed sRNA of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Microbial Pathogenesis 46:166-170.
  • Garcia, M.C., Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B., Chastain, J.P., Millner, P.D. 2008. Enhanced solid-liquid separation of dairy manure with natural flocculants. Bioresource Technology 100:5417-5423.
  • Cantrell, K.B., Stone, K.C., Hunt, P.G., Ro, K.S., Vanotti, M.B., Burns, J. C. 2009. Bioenergy from Coastal bermudagrass receiving subsurface drip irrigation with advance-treated swine wastewater. Bioresource Technology 100:3285-3292.
  • Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B. 2009. Prospects for phosphorus recovery from poultry litter. Bioresource Technology 100:5461-5465.
  • Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A., Millner, P.D., Loughrin, J.H. 2009. Developmement of second-generation Environmentally Superior Technology for treatment of swine manure in the USA. Bioresource Technology 100:5406-5416.
  • Ro, K.S., Cantrell, K.B., Hunt, P.G., Ducey, T.F., Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A. A. 2009. Thermochemical conversion of livestock wastes: Carbonization of swine solids. Bioresource Technology 100:5466-5471.
  • Ward, T.J., Ducey, T.F., Usgaard, T.R., Dunn, K.A., Bielawski, J.P. 2008. Multilocus Genotyping Assays for SNP-based Subtyping of Listeria monocytogenes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 74(24):7629-7642.
  • Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A. 2008. Water quality improvements of wastewater from confined animal feeding operations after advanced treatment. Journal of Environmental Quality 37(5):S86-S96.
  • Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A. 2009. Technology for recovery of phosphorus from animal wastewater through calcium phosphate precipitation. In: Ashley, K., Mavinic, D. and Koch, F. (editors). Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater Streams. London, United Kingdom:IWA Publishing. p. 459-468.
  • Shappell, N.W., Vrabel, M.A., Madsen, P.J., Harrington, G.E., Billey, L.O., Hakk, H., Larsen, G.L., Beach, E.S., Horwitz, C.P., Ro, K.S., Hunt, P.G., Collins, T.J. 2008. Destruction of estrogens using Fe-TAML/peroxide catalysis. Environmental Science and Technology 42:1296-1300.
  • Cantrell, K.B., Walker, T.H. 2009. Influence of temperature on growth and peak oil biosynthesis in a carbon-limited medium by Pythium irregulare'. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 86(8):791-797.
  • Ro, K.S., Johnson, M.H., Varma, R.M., Hashmonay, R.A., Hunt, P.G. 2009. Measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural sites using open- path optical remote sensing method. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A 44(10):1011-1018.
  • Ro, K.S., Mcconnell, L.L., Johnson, M.H., Hunt, P.G., Parker, D. 2008. Livestock air treatment using PVA-coated powdered activated carbon biofilter. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 24(6):791-798.
  • Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A., Bernal, M.P., Martinez, J. 2009. Livestock waste treatment systems of the future: A challenge to environmental quality, food safety, and sustainability. OECD Workshop. Bioresource Technology 100:5371-5373.

Progress 10/01/06 to 09/30/07

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) Develop and evaluate environmentally superior technologies to prevent off- farm release of nutrients and to reduce pathogens, odors, and ammonia emissions. Develop information and technologies to enhance or retrofit existing manure treatment systems to help producers meet environmental criteria (nutrients, emissions, and pathogens). Improve and refine constructed natural treatment technologies to effectively manage nutrients including reducing emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide. Develop and evaluate new and improved technologies that concentrate/sequester nutrients from manures or create value added products including conversion of livestock waste to energy. Evaluate swine wastewater treatment systems that can be used to reduce emissions, manage nutrients, and control pathogens on small farms. Develop cooperative activities as needed to conduct the research. Approach (from AD-416) This research will take a synergistic approach towards developing more effective animal waste treatment practices and holistic systems to solve these problems. Four complementary approaches will be pursued. First, environmentally superior technologies and combination of technologies will be developed and evaluated to prevent off-farm release of nutrients and to reduce pathogens, odors, and ammonia emissions. These technologies include improved solid-liquid separation, phosphorus extraction, enhanced biological nitrogen treatment, anaerobic ammonia oxidation, litter wash, material science and green oxidant application development, and their integration into systems of treatment technologies. Second, investigations will be conducted to further our limited knowledge on biology of anaerobic lagoons and develop technologies that can be used to retrofit existing manure treatment systems. To accomplish this, we will use state-of-the-art tools such as non-invasive estimation of oxygen absorption, enzyme activities, emission quantification with open-path laser ammonia detector, and we will develop an improved bio-filtration method to clean barn air. Third, research will be conducted to enhance constructed natural treatment technologies such as constructed wetlands, floating wetlands and riparian zones to more effectively manage nutrients using passive systems. Fourth, we will develop guidelines, protocols and standards for the beneficial use of manure by-products. These include improved methods to recycle and recover nutrients from anaerobic lagoon sludge and to produce hydrogen from livestock manure. Results from this project will advance the state of science for more effective animal waste treatment and implementation of environmentally-safe alternatives to traditional land application. Systems of treatment technologies that capture nutrients, reduce emissions, and kill pathogens need to be developed and evaluated. Small farms will require systems that meet environmental regulations and have a reasonable initial cost. Accomplishments Lower Cost, Second Generation System Meets High Standards of an Environmentally Superior Technology: New legislation in North Carolina promotes the replacement of old lagoon technology with new Environmentally Superior Technology. Scientists at ARS Florence and industry cooperators completed design and demonstration of a second generation treatment system for swine waste that can achieve high treatment performance of an Environmentally Superior Technology, yet it is much more economical than earlier versions. The system combines solid- liquid separation, biological ammonia treatment, and phosphorus removal and produces a deodorized and disinfected liquid effluent. The second generation system was installed full-scale in a 5,150-head finishing swine operation and demonstrated for half a year under steady-state conditions. The treatment system removed 97.7% of the total suspended solids, 99.6% of biological oxygen demand, 96.1% of total nitrogen, 97.3% of ammonia, 94.0% of total phosphorus, 99.3% of copper, 99.2% of zinc, 99. 9% of odor compounds, and 99.99% of pathogen indicators. Ammonia concentration in air of the barns was reduced, and that enhanced animal health and productivity: mortality decreased 57%, daily weight gain increased 11%, and feed conversion improved 5.4% compared to the traditional lagoon management. These results overall show that cleaner alternative technologies can have significant positive impacts on livestock production and the environment. This research contributes to the goals of Problem Area 2, 'Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment,' under the Nutrient Management Component of National Program 206. Manure Treatment System Erases Greenhouse Gases: Less greenhouse gas�and more carbon credits per pig�are the latest environment-friendly benefits being credited to an innovative hog waste-management system invented by Agricultural Research Service scientists at Florence, SC. The ARS researchers found that replacing conventional anaerobic lagoon practices with the new aerobic waste management system reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 97 percent. It cut annual emissions from 4,972 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents to just 153 tons. This indicates the system may have a role in the fledgling CO2 trading market, which allows farmers to earn money based on how much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases they can prevent from entering the atmosphere using alternative technologies. The earned carbon credits can help alleviate installation costs associated with cleaner aerobic systems and facilitate producer adoption of environmentally superior technologies to replace current anaerobic lagoons in the USA. This research contributes to the goals of Problem Area 2, 'Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment' under the Nutrient Management Component of National Program 206. Wastewater Treatment System with Simultaneous Separation of Phosphorus and Manure Solids: Scientists at ARS Florence invented a new wastewater treatment system and processes for removal of solids, pathogens, nitrogen, and phosphorus from municipal and agricultural wastewater that include the simultaneous separation of solids and phosphorus from wastewater and industrial effluents. A U.S. Patent Application (S.N. 11/820,396) was filed June 19, 2007. The system has been successfully demonstrated full- scale in a swine farm in North Carolina. The combined separation process is more efficient in terms of equipment needs and chemical use. Thus, it reduces installation and operational cost of manure treatment, which will greatly help with adoption of the new treatment technology by swine producers. This research contributes to the goals of Problem Area 2, 'Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment,' under the Nutrient Management Component of National Program 206. Greenhouse Emissions from Riparian Buffers: Riparian buffers are used throughout the world for the protection of water bodies from nonpoint source pollution, particularly nitrogen. Yet, this water quality protection has the potential of causing air quality degradation from the production of nitrous oxide. We discovered that soil C/N ratios (>25) reduced the potential for nitrous oxide production. We initiated photoacoustic measurements of the actual nitrous oxide emission vs. soil carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios to determine if the soil C/N was an easily measured and widely applicable parameter for identification of hot spots of actual nitrous oxide emissions from riparian buffers. Initial results suggest that the actual emissions may be lower than the potential nitrous oxide production. This research contributes to the goals Problem Area 1, 'Understanding the Biological, Chemical, and Physical Mechanisms Affecting Emissions,' and Problem Area 3, 'Control Technologies and Strategies for Emissions,' under the Atmospheric Emissions Component of National Program 206. Improved Process Model for Ammonia Emission from Treatment Lagoons Under Varying Wind Speeds and Gas Bubbling: Existing mathematical models are severely limited in accuracy for predicting ammonia volatilization from livestock treatment lagoons. We improved process modeling performance by adding two original components: 1) transport of ammonia by lagoon gas bubbles and 2) variable wind speed impact on the ammonia volatilization. We validated our new model by predicting seasonal ammonia emissions from three different swine lagoons receiving flushed manure (traditional lagoon), solid-separated manure (partially-treated lagoon), and fully- treated manure (treated lagoon). Our model accurately predicted the measured ammonia emissions from the three lagoons with distinctively different water quality characteristics. Had either bubbling-enhanced mass transport or variable wind not been taken into account in the model, the ammonia emissions from the three swine lagoons would have been significantly under-predicted. The new model provides not only more accurate predictions of ammonia emission, but also a convenient way of predicting ammonia emission from swine lagoons using easily obtainable data. This research contributes to the goals of Problem Area 1, 'Understanding the Biological, Chemical, and Physical Mechanisms Affecting Emissions,' and Problem Area 2, 'Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment,' under the Atmospheric Emisions Component and Nutrient Management Component, respectively, of National Program 206. Destruction of Hormones Using a Green Oxidant: Hormones in wastewater effluent are an emerging problem for both agriculture and municipalities. We investigated the possibility of destroying these hormones with new green catalyst TAML Activators. TAML is short for iron tetra-amido macrocyclic ligand. The TAML activators were invented by a Carnegie Mellon University scientist. We have evaluated their usefulness under a Materials Transfer Agreement. The research has been conducted collaborative with the ARS in Fargo, North Dakota. The TAML activators were very effective in rapidly destroying all forms of estrogen. There were no deleterious intermediates or byproducts. Initial results suggest the destruction will also be effective in actual wastewater. This research contributes to the goals of Problem Area 4, 'Holistic Treatment Technologies for Nutrients, Pathogens and PACs' under the Pathogens and Pharmaceutically Active Compounds (PACs) Component of National Program 206. Abatement of Ammonia Emissions from Swine Lagoons Using Solid-Liquid Separation: Substantial abatement of ammonia emissions can be obtained when swine lagoons are retrofitted with a high-rate solid-liquid separation technology. Annual ammonia emissions were reduced in a lagoon with prior solid-liquid separation by 70% with respect to those of the traditional anaerobic lagoon. These results demonstrate that solid-liquid separation technologies can substantially reduce ammonia emissions from swine production operations. This research contributes to the goals of Problem Area 2, 'Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage and Treatment' and Problem Area 3, 'Control Technologies and Strategies for Emissions,' under the Nutrient Management Component and Atmospheric Emissions Component, respectively, of National Program 206. Bacteria Propel Gains in Ammonia Removal: Using an innovative bacterial process, ARS scientists are paving the way for new, cost-efficient and large-scale methods of removing ammonia from livestock wastewater. In tests with anammox -- a technology that uses rare anaerobic bacteria to convert nitrite and ammonium to harmless dinitrogen gas -- the scientists have scored noteworthy results. They are the first researchers to isolate from animal wastewater the planctomycetes bacteria used in the anammox process. They have also highlighted anammox's commercial potential by removing nitrogen from wastewater at rates higher than those achieved with conventional methods and lower cost. This finding can be of significant importance to farming systems because excess ammonia in modern, industrial-type livestock production is a global problem, and the use of conventional biological nitrogen removal methods is usually hindered by operational cost, which can be lowered four-fold with the anammox process. This research contributes to the goals of Problem Area 2, 'Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment,' under the Nutrient Management Component of National Program 206. Denitrification Enzyme Activity in Swine Lagoons: Establishing the mechanisms of nitrogen cycling in livestock wastewater lagoons is important both to understanding current practices and to advancing treatment technology. Recent publications of high levels of di-nitrogen emissions and high levels of potential surficial oxygen transfer indicated that large amounts of nitrogen may be removed via denitrification in anaerobic lagoons. If this denitrification is occurring via classical denitrification, the denitrification enzyme levels should be correspondingly high. We measured denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) in eight lagoons with varying loads of swine wastewater. A university research lagoon had moderately high levels of DEA. However, the commercial lagoons had surprisingly low DEA. These results suggest that di-nitrogen may be produced at different levels and by different mechanisms in different lagoons. This research contributes to the goals of Problem Area 1, 'Understanding the Biological, Chemical, and Physical Mechanisms Affecting Emissions,' and Problem Area 2, 'Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment,' under the Atmospheric Emissions Component and Nutrient Management Component, respectively, of National Program 206. Wet Gasification of Animal and Municipal Wastes for Energy Generation and Waste Treatment: We investigated the applicability of the new wet gasification technology to treat and harness energy from animal and municipal wastes. Based on theoretical considerations and limited experiments with dairy manure wet gasification, we project that wet wastes such as swine manure and sewage sludge could be fed directly into a wet-gasifier. They would produce more energy than combusting the same amount of brown coal. The costs of a conceptual first generation wet gasification manure management system for a model swine farm were significantly higher than that of traditional anaerobic lagoon systems. However, there are many significant environmental advantages of the wet gasification: 1) removing oxygen demanding wastes, estrogens, and odorous compounds; 2) achieving total pathogen kills; 3) recovering most of nitrogen as ammonia, which could be used as a fertilizer; and 4) producing relatively clean water which, after minimal treatment, could be used as a livestock drinking water. This research contributes to the goals of Problem Area 3, 'Byproduct Utilization Technologies,' under the Byproducts Component of National Program 206. Recovery and Reuse of Phosphorus Materials: Recycling and reuse of phosphorus (P) is becoming important for both the fertilizer industry and farmers because world phosphorus reserves are limited. Phosphorus materials were recovered from the full-scale wastewater treatment plant using the NC approved Environmentally Superior Technology (EST). Leaching soil column studies with and without cotton plants showed that P availability was similar when soil was fertilized with commercial triple superphosphate (TSP), broiler litter, or recovered P material. Movement of soil P below the depth where fertilizer materials were placed (15-cm depth) occurred only for soil columns with TSP treatment. Results suggest the recovered P from swine wastewater can be useful as a readily available P fertilizer for cotton but less prone to leaching than commercial TSP. This research contributes to the goals of Problem Area 3, 'Byproduct Utilization Technologies,' under the Byproducts Component of National Program 206. Significant Activities that Support Special Target Populations USDA-ARS Florence scientist made invited seminar presentations at the College of Sciences, University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) - a designated Hispanic Institution. The overall purpose of the presentations was to inform faculty and students of ARS' primary role as the principal research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Faculty and students that attended the presentations received information on the following topics: description of ARS mission and organization; employment opportunities in ARS; and summary of scientific activities at ARS Florence. Research continues on two Specific Cooperative Agreements with North Carolina A&T State University. Additionally, several students interacted with customers/stakeholders at an ARS Customer Workshop held in Florence, South Carolina. Technology Transfer Number of New CRADAS and MTAS: 1 Number of Active CRADAS and MTAS: 1 Number of Patent Applications filed: 1 Number of Web Sites managed: 1 Number of Non-Peer Reviewed Presentations and Proceedings: 21 Number of Newspaper Articles,Presentations for NonScience Audiences: 12



  • Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A., Hunt, P.G., Millner, P.D., Humenik, F.J. 2007. Development of environmentally superior treatment system to replace anaerobic swine lagoons in the usa. Bioresource Technology 98:3184-3194.
  • Ro, K.S., Hunt, P.G. 2006. New unified equation for wind-driven surficial oxygen transfer into stationary water bodies. Transactions of the ASABE. 49(5):1615-1622.
  • Loughrin, J.H., Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B. 2006. Reduction of malodorous compounds from liquid swine manure by a multi-staged treatment system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Vol 22(6):867-873
  • Ro, K.S., Hunt, P.G. 2007. Characteristic wind speed distributions and realiability of the logarithmic wind profile. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 133(3):313-318.
  • Ro, K.S., Hunt, P.G., Poach, M.E. 2006. Wind-driven surficial oxygen transfer and dinitrogen gas emission from treatment lagoons. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. 41:1627-1638.
  • Poach, M.E., Hunt, P.G., Reddy, G.B., Stone, K.C., Johnson, M.H., Grubbs, A. 2007. Effect of intermittent drainage on swine wastewater treatment by marsh-pond-marsh constructed wetlands. Ecological Engineering 30:43-50.
  • Shappell, N.W., Billey, L.O., Forbes, D., Poach, M.E., Matheny, T.A., Reddy, G.B., Hunt, P.G. 2007. Estrogenic activity and steroid hormones in swine wastewater processed through a lagoon constructed-wetland system.. Environmental Science and Technology 41(2):444-450.

Progress 10/01/05 to 09/30/06

Progress Report 1. What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? Why does it matter? This project is part of the National Program (NP) 206, Manure and ByProduct Utilization. It primarily contributes to the Nutrients Component (Focus Area 2) of the NP 206 Action Plan. In addition, this project complements the Atmospheric Emissions Component by reducing emissions (Focus Area 2: Control Technologies and Strategies for Emissions); the pathogens component by developing integrated technologies (Focus Area 3: Holistic Treatment Technologies for Nutrients, Pathogens, Pharmaceutically Active Compounds, and Hormones); and the byproducts component by developing value added products (Focus Area 4: Byproduct Utilization Technologies). Minimizing the impact of manure on the environment is one of the major challenges for U.S. agriculture. These challenges include atmospheric emissions, excessive nutrients, pathogens, odors, and affordability of treatment. This research will take a synergistic approach towards developing more effective animal waste treatment practices and holistic systems to solve these problems. Four complementary approaches will be pursued. First, environmentally superior technologies and combination of technologies will be developed and evaluated to prevent off-farm release of nutrients and to reduce pathogens, odors, and ammonia emissions. These technologies include improved solid-liquid separation, phosphorus (P) extraction, enhanced biological nitrogen (N) treatment, anaerobic ammonia oxidation, litter wash, material science and green oxidant application development, and their integration into systems of treatment technologies. Second, investigations will be conducted to further our limited knowledge on biology of anaerobic lagoons and develop technologies that can be used to retrofit existing manure treatment systems. To accomplish this, we will use state-of-the-art tools such as non-invasive estimation of oxygen absorption, enzyme activities, emission quantification with open-path laser ammonia detector, and we will develop an improved bio- filtration method to clean barn air. Third, research will be conducted to enhance constructed natural treatment technologies such as constructed wetlands, floating wetlands and riparian zones to more effectively manage nutrients using passive systems. Fourth, we will develop guidelines, protocols, and standards for the beneficial use of manure byproducts. These include improved methods to recycle and recover nutrients from anaerobic lagoon sludge and to produce hydrogen from swine manure. Results from this project will advance the state of science for more effective animal waste treatment and implementation of environmentally safe alternatives to traditional land application. This work is relevant for the state of North Carolina since it has been involved with the assessment of ARS manure treatment technology and will remain involved with its development and implementation. The swine, poultry, and dairy industry, in general, and Smithfield Foods and Premium Standard Farms in particular, will also be involved. End users of the research include: livestock producers, NRCS, EPA, State and Federal Regulators, the general public, consulting engineering companies, and researchers. Potential impact of the work includes improved biological, physical, chemical, and mechanical manure treatment technologies and optimized holistic treatment systems that will improve environmental quality in animal production. Enhanced treatment technologies for anaerobic lagoon sludge will reduce the environmental and economic burden currently associated with anaerobic lagoon closures. 2. List by year the currently approved milestones (indicators of research progress) Year 1. 1) Improve affordability of ARS-patented wastewater treatment system (Obj. 1a): Design and permitting of a full-scale second generation system. 2) Development of improved methods for manure solid-liquid separation (Obj. 1b): Develop protocol to optimize the dewatering contrasting sludges using the same equipment; and set up vacuum and rotating press dewatering technologies for performance verification. 3) Optimization of ARS-patented wastewater treatment system to dairy manure (Obj 1c): Development of prototype system without lagoon: Solid- liquid separation with polymers. 4) Develop technology to extract nutrients from solid manure (Obj. 1d): Complete pilot research and summarize information to file a patent on method to extract phosphorus from solid manure. 5) Improve treatment of manure using immobilized and attached growth processes (Obj. 1e): Complete cold weather nitrification study, and start experiments to test synthetic fibers for improved bio-treatment of manure using attached growth. 6) Development of anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) technology for animal waste (Obj. 1f): Anammox culture isolation from manure; and develop approaches for nitrite producing reactor. 7) Destroy/reduce PACS and EDs with green oxidant (Obj. 1g): Obtain Material Transfer Agreement between Carnegie Mellon University and USDA- ARS for obtaining the proprietary green oxidant TAML; establish analytical protocols; and design experiments to demonstrate destruction/reduction of 17 beta-estradiol. 8) Enhance removal of ammonia and odor from the air of animal houses (Obj. 2a): Set up bench-scale biofiltration system; and conduct 1st phase bench- scale biofiltration experiment. 9) Develop non-invasive methods to estimate the oxygen adsorption into treatment lagoons (Obj. 2b): Set up reactor systems; and establish analytical protocols to measure SF6. 10) Quantify NH3 emissions from livestock treatment systems (Obj. 2c): Acquisition of tunable diode lasers, radial plume mapping software, and an automatic positioning device for the open-path spectroscopic ammonia emission measuring method. 11) Quantify denitrification enzyme activity in lagoons (Obj. 2d): Identify the lagoons and establish the protocol for access. 12) Determine factors that promote completeness of denitrification in riparian buffers (Obj. 3a): Identify the riparian zones and establish the protocol for access. 13) Evaluate abiotic and biotic denitrification in swine waste treatment (Obj. 3b): Evaluate sterilization and redox establishment methods. 14) Evaluate wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands (Obj. 3c): Evaluate protocol for creating and maintaining floating wetlands in the pond section. 15) Develop improved systems to recycle or recover nutrients from lagoon sludge (Obj. 4a): Flocculant test for sludge dewatering. 16) Assessment of byproduct utilization (Obj. 4b): Collection and chemical characterization of byproducts. 17) Assessment of hydrogen production using variedly treated livestock wastes (Obj. 4c): Set up laboratory reactor system. Year 2. 1) Improve affordability of ARS-patented wastewater treatment system (Obj. 1a): Construction and start up of a full-scale second generation system. 2) Development of improved methods for manure solid-liquid separation (Obj. 1b): Develop protocol to optimize poly-aluminum chloride treatment; conduct on-farm experiments using rotating press dewatering technologies and optimize treatment; conduct experiments on method to optimize PAM dosage; and conduct bench testing of natural flocculants. 3) Optimization of ARS-patented wastewater treatment system to dairy manure (Obj 1c): Continue development of prototype system without lagoon. 4) Develop technology to extract nutrients from solid manure (Obj. 1d): Filing a patent on method to extract phosphorus from solid manure and write publication. 5) Improve treatment of manure using immobilized and attached growth processes (Obj. 1e): Continue reactor experiments for improved bio- treatment of manure using attached growth processes. 6) Development of anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) technology for animal waste (Obj. 1f): File patent on anammox; if successful, submit invention disclosure on nitrite producing system. 7) Destroy/reduce PACS and EDs with green oxidant (Obj. 1g): Conduct experiments to show the effectiveness of TAML oxidant on 17 beta- estradiol reduction in D.I. water; and design experiments with treated wastewater matrices. 8) Enhance removal of ammonia and odor from the air of animal houses (Obj. 2a): Conduct 1st phase bench-scale biofiltration experiment. 9) Develop non-invasive methods to estimate the oxygen adsorption into treatment lagoons (Obj. 2b): Conduct series of wind-driven oxygen transfer tests. 10) Quantify NH3 emissions from livestock treatment systems (Obj. 2c): Design experimental methods to estimate ammonia emission rates from naturally ventilated animal house with SF6 tracer; locate a naturally ventilated animal house in which we can inject SF6 tracer, and conduct preliminary open-path spectroscopic experiments. 11) Quantify denitrification enzyme activity in lagoons (Obj. 2d): Take Lagoon samples, conduct DEA measurements. 12) Determine factors that promote completeness of denitrification in riparian buffers (Obj. 3a): Take soil and air samples, and conduct DEA and headspace nitrogen analysis. 13) Evaluate abiotic and biotic denitrification in swine waste treatment (Obj. 3b): Continue evaluation of sterilization and redox establishment methods. 14) Evaluate wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands (Obj. 3c): Evaluate variable aeration, nitrification, denitrification, ammonia volatilization, and nitrogen balance. Evaluate phosphorus removal techniques. 15) Develop improved systems to recycle or recover nutrients from lagoon sludge (Obj. 4a): Bench reactor test for sludge degradation in-situ. 16) Assessment of byproduct utilization (Obj. 4b): Continuation of collection and chemical characterization of byproducts. 17) Assessment of hydrogen production using variedly treated livestock wastes (Obj. 4c): Screen potential wastes for biological hydrogen production. Year 3. 1) Improve affordability of ARS-patented wastewater treatment system (Obj. 1a): Full-scale second generation system demonstration and performance verification. 2) Development of improved methods for manure solid-liquid separation (Obj. 1b): Report on on-farm performance of vacuum and rotating press dewatering technologies; continue research on new method to optimize PAM dosage; and continue bench testing of natural flocculants. 3) Optimization of ARS-patented wastewater treatment system to dairy manure (Obj. 1c): Complete development of prototype system without lagoon; and start development of system to retrofit lagoons. 4) Develop technology to extract nutrients from solid manure (Obj. 1d): Conduct experiments on characteristics of extracted phosphorus product and process optimization. 5) Improve treatment of manure using immobilized and attached growth processes (Obj. 1e): Continue reactor experiments for improved bio- treatment of manure using attached growth processes. 6) Development of anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) technology for animal waste (Obj. 1f): Test anammox system bench prototype coupled with nitrite generation reactor. 7) Destroy/reduce PACS and EDs with green oxidant (Obj. 1g): Conduct experiments to show the effectiveness of TAML oxidant on 17 beta- estradiol reduction in treated wastewater matrices. 8) Enhance removal of ammonia and odor from the air of animal houses (Obj. 2a): Complete the 1st phase bench-scale biofiltration experiment; design prototypes; and identify potential study sites. 9) Develop non-invasive methods to estimate the oxygen adsorption into treatment lagoons (Obj. 2b): Complete the wind-driven oxygen transfer tests. 10) Quantify NH3 emissions from livestock treatment systems (Obj. 2c): Measure ammonia emission from naturally ventilated animal house with SF6 tracer; and measure ammonia emission from lagoons using the open-path spectroscopic methods. 11) Quantify denitrification enzyme activity in lagoons (Obj. 2d): Continue taking lagoon samples, and conducting DEA measurements. 12) Determine factors that promote completeness of denitrification in riparian buffers (Obj. 3a): Continue taking soil and air samples; and conducting DEA and headspace nitrogen analysis. 13) Evaluate abiotic and biotic denitrification in swine waste treatment (Obj. 3b): Continue with sterilization and redox establishment methods; start assessing headspace nitrogen gas evolution; and analyzing data. 14) Evaluate wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands (Obj. 3c): Continue evaluation of variable aeration, nitrification, denitrification, ammonia volatilization, and nitrogen balance. Continue evaluation of phosphorus removal techniques. 15) Develop improved systems to recycle or recover nutrients from lagoon sludge (Obj. 4a): Continuation of bench reaction tests for sludge degradation in-situ. 16) Assessment of byproduct utilization (Obj. 4b): Continue collection and chemical characterization of byproducts. 17) Assessment of hydrogen production using variedly treated livestock wastes (Obj. 4c): Conduct laboratory test for biological hydrogen production using animal wastes as feeds. Year 4. 1) Improve affordability of ARS-patented wastewater treatment system (Obj. 1a): Report on performance of full-scale second generation system and lessons learned. 2) Development of improved methods for manure solid-liquid separation (Obj. 1b): Complete development of new method to optimize PAM dosage; and complete research with natural flocculants. 3) Optimization of ARS-patented wastewater treatment system to dairy manure (Obj 1c): Continue research on development of system to retrofit lagoons. 4) Develop technology to extract nutrients from solid manure (Obj. 1d): Continue experiments on characteristics of extracted phosphorus product and process optimization. 5) Improve treatment of manure using immobilized and attached growth processes (Obj. 1e): Complete reactor experiments for improved bio- treatment of manure using attached growth processes. 6) Development of anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) technology for animal waste (Obj. 1f): Optimize anammox process through pilot testing. 7) Destroy/reduce PACS and EDs with green oxidant (Obj. 1g): Continue conducting experiments to show the effectiveness of TAML oxidant on 17 beta-estradiol reduction in treated waste water matrices. 8) Enhance removal of ammonia and odor from the air of animal houses (Obj. 2a): Fabricate and install prototype. 9) Quantify NH3 emissions from livestock treatment systems (Obj. 2c): Complete ammonia emission measurements with SF6 tracer and open-path spectroscopic methods. 10) Quantify denitrification enzyme activity in lagoons (Obj. 2d): Continue taking lagoon samples, conducting DEA measurements, and start data analysis. 11) Determine factors that promote completeness of denitrification in riparian buffers (Obj. 3a): Continue taking soil and air samples, and conducting DEA and headspace nitrogen analysis. 12) Evaluate abiotic and biotic denitrification in swine waste treatment (Obj. 3b): Continue assessing headspace nitrogen gas evolution and data analysis. 13) Evaluate wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands (Obj. 3c): Continue evaluation of variable aeration, nitrification, denitrification, ammonia volatilization, and nitrogen balance. Continue evaluation of phosphorus removal techniques. 14) Develop improved systems to recycle or recover nutrients from lagoon sludge (Obj. 4a): Conduct field prototype tests. 15) Assessment of byproduct utilization (Obj. 4b): Trace element assessment of byproducts. 16) Assessment of hydrogen production using variedly treated livestock wastes (Obj. 4c): Continue conducting laboratory tests for biological hydrogen production using different animal wastes as feeds. Year 5. 1) Optimization of ARS-patented wastewater treatment system to dairy manure (Obj 1c): Complete development of system to retrofit lagoons. 2) Develop technology to extract nutrients from solid manure (Obj. 1d): Complete development of technology to extract nutrients from solid manures. 3) Development of anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) technology for animal waste (Obj. 1f): Complete development of anammox process for animal wastewater. 4) Destroy/reduce PACS and EDs with green oxidant (Obj. 1g) : Complete the development of green oxidation process to control PACs and EDs. 5) Enhance removal of ammonia and odor from the air of animal houses (Obj. 2a): Evaluate the performance of the prototype; and complete development of the biofiltration technology. 6) Quantify denitrification enzyme activity in lagoons (Obj. 2d): Complete data analysis. 7) Determine factors that promote completeness of denitrification in riparian buffers (Obj. 3a): Complete data analysis. 8) Evaluate abiotic and biotic denitrification in swine waste treatment (Obj. 3b): Complete assessing headspace nitrogen gas evolution and data analysis. 9) Evaluate wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands (Obj. 3c): Complete evaluation of variable aeration, nitrification, denitrification, ammonia volatilization, and nitrogen balance. Complete evaluation of phosphorus removal techniques. 10) Develop improved systems to recycle or recover nutrients from lagoon sludge (Obj. 4a): Complete field prototype test. 11) Assessment of byproduct utilization (Obj. 4b): Assessment of bio- availability of from byproducts. 12) Assessment of hydrogen production using variedly treated livestock wastes (Obj. 4c): Complete the assessments of biological hydrogen production using different animal wastes as feeds. 4a List the single most significant research accomplishment during FY 2006. New Aerobic Hog Waste Treatment System Also Cuts Greenhouse Gas Emissions. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 2 (Nutrient management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment. It also aligns with Objective 1a of the Project Plan, Improve Affordability of ARS-patented Wastewater Treatment System. Substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions in confined swine operations can result when anaerobic swine lagoons are replaced with advanced technologies that use aerobic treatment. Such is the case of the recently approved Environmentally Superior Technology (EST) developed by ARS and industry cooperators to replace anaerobic swine lagoons in North Carolina. In addition to the strict environmental standards with which ESTs need to comply (i.e., the elimination of pathogens, ammonia emissions, odor, heavy metals, phosphorus, discharge to surface and ground water, etc.), they are also very effective in reducing GHG emissions (both methane and N2O), even more than anaerobic digesters. For example, replacement of the lagoon technology with the cleaner aerobic technology in a 4,360-head swine operation reduced GHG emissions by 99.0%, from 4,972 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents per year to 50 tons. This translates into a direct economic benefit to the producer of about $4.50 per pig in the farm at current Chicago Climate Exchange trading values of $4/Ton CO2. Thus, GHG emission reductions and carbon credits can help compensate for the higher installation cost of cleaner aerobic systems and facilitate producer adoption of environmentally superior technologies to replace current anaerobic lagoons in the USA. 4b List other significant research accomplishment(s), if any. 1) New Anammox Bacteria Discovered. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 2 (Nutrient management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment. It also aligns with Objective 1f of the Project Plan, Development of Anaerobic Ammonia Oxidation (Anammox) Applications for Animal Waste. Scientists at the ARS Florence Center discovered in animal manure new anammox bacteria that can remove high quantities of nitrogen in wastewater. Short for anaerobic ammonium oxidation, the process is more energy-efficient than traditional biological nitrogen-removal systems. They have highlighted commercial potential of anammox by removing nitrogen from wastewater at industrial rates. This finding can be of significant importance to farming systems because excess ammonia in modern, industrial type livestock production is a global problem, and the use of conventional biological nitrogen removal methods is usually hindered by operational cost, which can be lowered with the anammox process. Corresponding invention disclosure (U 0103.06) was approved by ARS patent committee. 2) New Environmentally Superior Technology Exempt from Swine Moratorium. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 2 (Nutrient management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment. It also aligns with Objective 1a of the Project Plan, Improve Affordability of ARS-patented Wastewater Treatment System. A new system developed and patented by ARS scientists and implemented by private collaborators for treating wastewater from commercial swine- production facilities was determined as unconditional Environmentally Superior Technology for new farms that are permitted and constructed for the first time after March 2005, and for expansion of existing swine farms. It is the only on-farm technology exempt from the current moratorium on construction of new swine confined operations imposed by the State of North Carolina since 2000. A bill (HB 2784) has been introduced into the NC Legislature to appropriate $10 million to assist producers in the implementation of the technology on about 100 farms. 3) Second Generation System Design Being Implemented at Full-Scale. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 2 (Nutrient management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment. It also aligns with Objectives 1a and 1b of the Project Plan, Improve Affordability of ARS-patented Wastewater Treatment System and Develop Improved Methods for Manure Solid-Liquid Separation. Scientists at ARS Florence Center and industry cooperators completed design of a second generation treatment system for swine waste that can achieve high treatment performance of an Environmentally Superior Technology, yet it is much more economical than earlier versions. The system combines solid-liquid separation, biological ammonia treatment, and phosphorus removal and not only produces a deodorized and disinfected liquid effluent, but also turns hog waste into materials for soil amendments, fertilizers and energy production. The second generation system is being retrofitted at full-scale into a 6,000-head finishing swine operation in Sampson County, NC, to replace the existing anaerobic lagoons. This project is consistent with recommendations provided in the Final Report of the Agreement between Attorney General of NC and swine producers Smithfield Foods and Premium Standard Farms. Funding for construction and demonstration of the second generation system was provided by NC Department of Justice through the Smithfield Foods Environmental Enhancement Fund Grant Agreement and collaboration of North Carolina State University. The technology evaluation team includes scientists from ARS laboratories in Florence, SC, Beltsville, MD, and Bowling Green, KY. An ARS invention disclosure (Docket No 124.06) on innovations of the second generation system was submitted to Patent Committee. 4) Reduction of Ammonia Emissions from Swine Lagoons Using Advanced Treatment Technologies. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 2 (Nutrient management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage and Treatment and complements Emissions Problem Area 3, Control Technologies and Strategies. It also aligns with Objective 1b of the Project Plan, Develop Improved Methods for Manure Solid-Liquid Separation. Substantial reduction of ammonia emissions from confined swine operations can result when swine lagoons are retrofitted or replaced with advanced technologies. Such is the case of retrofitting anaerobic lagoons with solid-liquid separation or replacing the lagoon using the recently approved environmentally superior technology (EST), both developed by ARS and industry cooperators. Ammonia emissions were simultaneously determined at full-scale with passive flux samplers in three contiguous swine production units with similar animal production management and lagoons with similar surface area, but their waste management was substantially different (traditional anaerobic lagoon, solid-liquid separation prior lagoon storage, and replacement of lagoon using EST). In the lagoon with prior solid-liquid separation, total annual NH3 emissions were reduced by 73% with respect to those of the traditional anaerobic lagoon. In the replaced lagoon, remarkable water quality improvements such as lower N concentrations substantially reduced annual NH3 emissions by 90% with respect to those found in the traditional anaerobic lagoon. These results overall demonstrate that alternative new wastewater technologies can substantially reduce ammonia emissions from confined swine production. 5) Destruction of Hormones Using a Green Oxidant. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Pathogens and Pharmaceutically Active Compounds (PACs) Problem Area 4, Holistic Treatment Technologies for Nutrients, Pathogens and PACS. It also aligns with Objective 1g of the Project Plan, Destroy/Reduce PACs and EDs with Green Oxidant. Hormones in wastewater effluent are an emerging problem for both agriculture and municipalities. We investigate the possibility of destroying these hormones with new green catalyst TAML Activators. TAML is short for iron tetra-amido macrocyclic ligand. The TAML activators were invented by a Carnegie Mellon University scientist. We have evaluated their usefulness under a Materials Transfer Agreement. The initial destruction analyses were conducted by USDA-ARS, Fargo, ND. The TAML activators were very affective in destroying hormones. The research has been reported at the American Chemical Society. The second phase is to test the effectiveness of TAML in various wastewater matrices. 6) Wind-driven Surficial Oxygen Transfer. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 2 (Nutrient Management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment. It also aligns with Objective 2b of the Project Plan, Develop Non-invasive Methods to Estimate the Oxygen Absorption into Treatment Lagoons. Based on research data published for the last 50 years, scientists developed a new unified equation in order to predict the amount of atmospheric oxygen that could be absorbed into animal waste treatment lagoons. This information is critical in determining the fate of nitrogen in these lagoons. 7) Dinitrogen Gas Emission from Treatment Lagoons. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 1 (Atmospheric Emissions Component), Understanding the Biological, Chemical, and Physical Mechanisms Affecting Emissions, and Problem Area 2 (Nutrient Management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment. It also aligns with Objective 2c of the Project Plan, Quantify NH3 Emissions from Livestock Treatment Systems. Based on known biological pathways and the newly developed equation for wind-driven oxygen transfer, scientists were able to show that the amount of atmospheric oxygen that could be absorbed into the treatment lagoons could support biological transformation of nitrogen species. This finding explained the mysterious dinitrogen gas emission data observed from animal waste treatment lagoons, normally not expected to generate dinitrogen gas due to perceived oxygen unavailability in these lagoons. 8) Riparian Buffers Promote Complete Denitrification. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Emissions Problem Area 1, Understanding the Biological, Chemical, and Physical Mechanisms Affecting Emissions, and Area 3, Control Technologies and Strategies. It also aligns with Objective 3a of the Project Plan, Determine Factors that Promote Completeness of Denitrification in Riparian Buffers. Riparian wetland buffers are one of the most common and important natural resources conservation practices used in the USA and worldwide. They are particularly effective in reducing non-point source nitrogen pollution by denitrification. The denitrification levels were measured in different landscape position of a livestock-manure-impacted watershed. Measurements were made of the potential nitrogen removal along with the potential nitrous oxide (a greenhouse gas) production during denitrification. Most of the sites had very little or no production of nitrous oxide, but some hot spots existed. The nitrous oxide highly related to the soil carbon to nitrogen ratio. If the C/N ratio was greater than 25, nitrous oxide production was essentially zero. 9) Characterizing Wind Speed Distributions and Vertical Profiles. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 1 (Atmospheric Emissions Component), Understanding the Biological, Chemical, and Physical Mechanisms Affecting Emissions, and Problem Area 2 (Nutrient Management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment. It also aligns with Objectives 2b and 2c of the Project Plan, Develop Non- invasive Methods to Estimate the Oxygen Adsorption into Treatment Lagoons and Quantify NH3 Emissions from Livestock Treatment Systems. Based on a large number of wind speed datasets, scientists were able to demonstrate robustness of a wind speed distribution function and validate the use of a simple logarithmic wind speed profile to relate wind speeds at different heights even under atmospheric conditions that are not theoretically valid. 10) Real-time Ammonia Measurements Using Open-path Spectroscopic Method. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 1 (Atmospheric Emissions Component), Understanding the Biological, Chemical, and Physical Mechanisms Affecting Emissions, Problem Area 2 (Nutrient Management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment, and NP 204 National Global Climate Program Objectives 1 and 2. It also aligns with Objective 2c of the Project Plan, Quantify NH3 Emissions from Livestock Treatment Systems. This method uses a tunable diode laser mounted on an automatic positioning device controlled by radial plume mapping software to assess emissions and spatial distributions of methane and ammonia from livestock and tillage operations. Scientists are developing a new method that can measure real-time ammonia emissions with simultaneous generation of surface contour diagrams of gas emissions resulting from agricultural operations (e.g., livestock production, tillage or manure land applications). 11) Water Treatment Residuals May Help Reduce Off-site Phosphorus Movement. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206 Byproducts Problem Area 1, Phytoavailability and Bioavailability of Nutrients, Trace Elements and Xenobiotics in Byproducts Considered for Beneficial Use and Problem Area 2, Develop Protocols and Methodology Standards for Byproduct Application to Land. It also aligns with Objective 4b of the Project Plan, Assessment of Byproduct Utilization. A water treatment residual obtained from a water treatment facility in North Carolina was found to be able to bind almost 2% of its weight in phosphorus (P). After mixing into soils, it was found that this WTR greatly increased the soil P binding capacity. It was shown that WTR application to soil reduced the plant and water extractable P concentrations from three soils containing very high water extractable P concentrations. These results imply that if WTRs are added to a soil with excess soil P concentrations, off-site P movement could be reduced because the soil retains more P. 12) Recovery and Reuse of Phosphorus Materials. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Byproducts Problem Area 3, Byproduct Utilization Technologies. It also aligns with Objective 4b, Assessment of Byproduct Utilization. Recycling and reuse of phosphorus (P) is becoming important for the fertilizer industry and farmers because world phosphorus reserves are limited. Phosphorus materials were recovered from the full-scale treatment plant using the recently approved environmentally superior technology (EST). Soil fertility tests using ryegrass showed that the recovered P material applied in two particle sizes (0.5-1.0 mm and 2.0-4. 0 mm) was an excellent slow release phosphorus source. Ryegrass dry matter yields obtained using recovered P were similar to commercial triple superphosphate. The recovery of P from liquid pig manure is useful for solving distribution problems of excess manure P in soils, and it allows significant amounts of this nutrient to be transported off the farm in concentrated form and recycled as plant fertilizer. 4d Progress report. In house project: Objective 1c (Apply ARS-patented wastewater treatment system to dairy manure). An experiment was conducted to evaluate the use of polymers to enhance liquid-solids separation in liquid dairy manure. We used liquid dairy manure from Lemaster facility at Clemson University, and a bench setup with Phipps & Bird mixers. Treatments included two polymers at various dosages; we tested a synthetic polymer (PAM) and a natural polymer (Chitosan) extracted from seashells. Results showed that both polymers were equally effective for solid-liquid separation of dairy liquid manure. Objective 1d (Develop technology to extract P from solid manure). A patent is being prepared by ARS-OTT for filing at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Objective 1e (Improve treatment of manure using immobilized and attached growth processes). Cold weather nitrification is an important consideration for stabilized performance of biological treatment processes applied to continuous animal production. A winter simulation experiment was conducted to evaluate adaptation of immobilized nitrifying bacteria to cold temperatures using bench scale refrigerated reactors. We found that nitrifiers were able to adapt to low water temperature of 3 degree C with proper acclimation. Nitrification rate of adapted bacteria decreased less than 30% for each 10 degree C cooling. These results indicate that sizing of reactors can be decreased from previous estimates without performance loss under winter conditions. We also evaluated the use of two biomass carriers in reactors seeded with novel anammox bacteria: a polyester non-woven material coated with pyridinium type polymer (pilot reactor) or a net type acryl-resin fiber material (bench reactors); the new bacteria successfully formed active biofilms in both materials. Objective 2a (Enhance removal of ammonia and odor from the air of animal house). We fabricated a continuous-flow bench-scale bio-filtration system with 6 reactors. We also fabricated several small-scale batch reactors for short-term experiments. We had monitored ammonia, H2S, CO2, and other odorous compounds from swine manure head-space gas and effluents from the system. Objective 2b (Develop non-invasive methods to estimate oxygen absorption into treatment lagoons). We had set up a 1.2-m shallow pan and a 10-m weather station in a grass plain. We conducted a series of non-steady state oxygen transfer tests to evaluate wind-driven oxygen transfer efficiency. These data were compared with our newly developed empirical surficial oxygen transfer equation. We will simultaneously monitor oxygen and spiked SF6 in order to relate these two gases via their diffusivities. Objective 2c (Quantify NH3 emissions from livestock treatment systems). Working with ARCADIS, Inc., we installed the radial plume mapping software which could control an automatic positioning device and calculate real-time ammonia emissions based on wind speed, wind direction, and line-path concentration of ammonia measured with a tunable diode laser. We will find a collaborator who can let us inject SF6 tracer into a naturally-ventilated animal house. Subordinate projects: 1) Evaluation of Environmental Superior Technology Contingent Determination-Second Generation. This report serves to document research conducted under a Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement between ARS and North Carolina State University. The sponsor is NC Department of Justice through the Smithfield Foods Environmental Enhancement Fund Grant Agreement. This project will research, evaluate and demonstrate the viability of a second generation manure treatment technology developed by ARS as an alternative to the lagoon/spray field system typically used to treat the wastewater generated by swine farms in North Carolina. The system will separate solids and liquids with polymer technology, remove the ammonia nitrogen with acclimated bacteria, remove soluble phosphorus and substantially eliminate release of pathogens, odors and ammonia into the environment. The second generation system is designed to substantially reduce cost and meet economical feasibility in addition to technical and operational feasibility standards of the system previously evaluated consistent with recommendations provided in the Phase I Technology Determination Report to evaluate a lower cost version of the system. Performance verification will be done on the installed system at full- scale and steady-state operational conditions. In addition, we will obtain process information to provide support and improve operational considerations of the full-scale system. Performance of the technology will be monitored in a finishing operation in Sampson County, NC. Water quality analyses before and after each process step in the system will evaluate treatment effectiveness. Flows will be measured with electronic flow-meters. Odor analyses will be done using analyses of liquid, and pathogen indicators will be evaluated using standard methods. Design and permitting of the new system was completed. The new system is being retrofit into a 6,000-head finishing swine operation in Sampson County, NC, that uses lagoon-spray field technology. Construction and installation of the new system was started during the reporting period and is scheduled to be operational in September 2006. In order to be able to evaluate the system, we requested a no-cost extension for one additional year until September 30, 2007. An office trailer was installed at the facility to help with evaluation. Instrumentation (doppler and magnetic flowmeters) have been ordered. We sampled the operation monthly starting March 2006 to collect background environmental information of the traditional facility before conversion to the new system. This work included water quality analyses of flush and lagoon wastewater, pathogens, odor, and ammonia in the air. An ARS invention disclosure (Docket No 124.06) on innovations of the second generation system was prepared based on this research and scheduled for Committee review on August 16, 2006. 2) Development of New Generation Low-cost Treatment of Ammonia to Benefit the Environment and Promote Sustainable Livestock Production. This report serves to document research conducted under a Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement between ARS and the USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service. This is a three-year project done cooperatively with Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), government agency in Brazil devoted to agricultural research, to develop new-generation, low- cost, anammox-based treatment of animal wastewater, which supports the objective 1F of the parent project To Develop Anaerobic Ammonia Oxidation (Anammox) Applications for Animal Waste. The isolation of anammox adapted to animal wastewater environments can be of significant importance to farming systems because excess ammonia in modern, industrial-type livestock production is a global problem, and the use of conventional biological N removal methods is usually hindered by cost; thus, we think that the more economical anammox-based treatment can greatly facilitate adoption of advanced wastewater treatment technologies by farmers. We completed phases one and two of the research proposed. This includes development of active cultures of anammox, immobilization into various synthetic carriers (PVA, non-woven fibers, and woven fibers) using continuous-flow reactors, characterization using molecular techniques (FISH and DNA sequencing), and successful development of a nitrite generation reactor. During year two of the project, Dr. Airton Kunz of EMBRAPAs Swine and Poultry visited the ARS-Florence laboratory in February 2006, as scheduled. He was also successful in developing anammox cultures in Brazil using local animal waste sludges and the isolation protocol we developed at Florence. Dr. Maria Cruz Garcia from the Spanish Agricultural Technology Institute is scheduled for a 1-month visit (August-Sept 2006) to work on anammox characterization using FISH techniques and a new Nikon Eclipse 50i microscope purchased this year. An ARS invention disclosure (Docket No 103.06, M.B. Vanotti and A.A. Szogi, Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation for High-Ammonia Wastewater, was prepared based on this research and subsequently approved by ARS Patent Committee on May 22, 2006. The invention is about a new anammox bacteria isolated from livestock waste that can remove high quantities of nitrogen in wastewater. 3) Alternate Flooding and Draining to Enhance Nitrification and P Removal in Marsh-Pond-Marsh Constructed Wetlands to Treat Swine Wastewater This report serves to document research conducted under a specific cooperative agreement between ARS and North Carolina A&T State University. While constructed wetlands can be very effective in the removal of nitrogen from swine wastewater, the removal is generally limited by the availability of oxygen to convert ammonia to nitrate. Efforts to improve the effectiveness of marsh-pond-marsh by alternating wetting and drying cycles were only partially successful. Thus, two types of aeration retrofit (covered and non-covered) were investigated to determine both the improved ammonia conversion to nitrate and the amount of ammonia lost via volatilization. Neither method dramatically improved nitrogen treatment, but the covered greatly reduced ammonia volatilization. Both type of wetlands were effective in eliminating natural hormone especially estrogen in the wastewater. 4) Technology Transfer for Animal Waste Treatment Improvements This report serves to document research conducted under a specific cooperative agreement between ARS and North Carolina State University. The project leader Dr. Humenik died this year. His associate Mr. Mark Rice was designated the project leader. We continue interacting with customers and stakeholders especially on the possibilities for producing energy from components of our livestock waste treatment systems. 5. Describe the major accomplishments to date and their predicted or actual impact. 1) New Aerobic Hog Waste Treatment System Also Cuts Greenhouse Gas Emissions. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 2 (Nutrient management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment. It also aligns with Objective 1a of the Project Plan, Improve Affordability of ARS-Patented Wastewater Treatment System. Substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions in confined swine operations can result when anaerobic swine lagoons are replaced with advanced technologies that use aerobic treatment. Such is the case of the recently approved environmentally superior technology (EST) developed by ARS and industry cooperators to replace anaerobic swine lagoons in North Carolina. In addition to the strict environmental standards with which ESTs need to comply (i.e., the elimination of pathogens, ammonia emissions, odor, heavy metals, phosphorus, discharge to surface and ground water, etc.), they are also very effective in reducing GHG emissions (both methane and N2O), even more than anaerobic digesters. For example, replacement of the lagoon technology with the cleaner aerobic technology in a 4,360-head swine operation reduced GHG emissions by 99.0%, from 4,972 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents per year to 50 tons. This translates into a direct economic benefit to the producer of about $4.50 per pig in the farm at current Chicago Climate Exchange trading values of $4/Ton CO2. Thus, GHG emission reductions and carbon credits can help compensate for the higher installation cost of cleaner aerobic systems and facilitate producer adoption of environmentally superior technologies to replace current anaerobic lagoons in the USA. 2) Score One for Anammox. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 2 (Nutrient management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment. It also aligns with Objective 1f of the Project Plan, Development of Anaerobic Ammonia Oxidation (Anammox) Applications for Animal Waste. Scientists at the ARS Florence Center discovered in animal manure new anammox bacteria that can remove high quantities of nitrogen in wastewater. Short for anaerobic ammonium oxidation, the process is more energy-efficient than traditional biological nitrogen-removal systems. Commercial potential of anammox is highlighted by removing nitrogen from wastewater at industrial rates. This finding can be of significant importance to farming systems because excess ammonia in modern, industrial type livestock production is a global problem, and the use of conventional biological nitrogen removal methods is usually hindered by operational cost, which can be lowered with the anammox process. Corresponding invention disclosure (U 0103.06) was approved by ARS patent committee. 3) New Environmentally Superior Technology Exempt from Swine Moratorium. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 2 (Nutrient management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment. It also aligns with Objective 1a of the Project Plan, Improve Affordability of ARS-Patented Wastewater Treatment System. A new system developed and patented by ARS scientists and implemented by private collaborators for treating wastewater from commercial swine- production facilities was determined as unconditional Environmental Superior Technology for new farms which are permitted and constructed for the first time after March 2005, and for expansion of existing swine farms. It is the only on-farm technology exempt from the current moratorium on construction of new swine confined operations imposed by the State of North Carolina since 2000. A bill (HB 2784) has been introduced into the NC Legislature to appropriate $10 million to assist producers in the implementation of the technology on about 100 farms. 4) Second Generation System Design Being Implemented at Full-Scale. This accomplishment aligns with NP 206, Problem Area 2 (Nutrient management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage, and Treatment. It also aligns with Objectives 1a and 1b of the Project Plan, Improve Affordability of ARS-Patented Wastewater Treatment System and Develop Improved Methods for Manure Solid-Liquid Separation. Scientists at ARS Florence Center and industry cooperators completed design of a second generation treatment system for swine waste that can achieve high treatment performance of an Environmentally Superior Technology, yet it is much more economical than earlier versions. The system combines solid-liquid separation, biological ammonia treatment and phosphorus removal and not only produces a deodorized and disinfected liquid effluent, but also turns hog waste into materials for soil amendments, fertilizers and energy production. The second generation system is being retrofitted at full-scale into a 6,000-head finishing swine operation in Sampson County, NC, to replace the existing anaerobic lagoons. This project is consistent with recommendations provided in the Final Report of the Agreement between Attorney General of NC and swine producers Smithfield Foods and Premium Standard Farms. Funding for construction and demonstration of the second generation system was provided by NC Department of Justice through the Smithfield Foods Environmental Enhancement Fund Grant Agreement and collaboration of North Carolina State University. The technology evaluation team includes scientists from ARS laboratories in Florence, SC, Beltsville, MD, and Bowling Green, KY. An ARS invention disclosure (Docket No 124.06) on innovations of the second generation system was submitted to Patent Committee. 5) Reduction of Ammonia Emissions from Swine Lagoons Using Advanced Treatment Technologies. This accomplishment aligns with NP206, Problem Area 2 (Nutrient management), Innovative Technology for Collection, Storage and Treatment and complements Emissions Problem Area 3, Control Technologies and Strategies. It also aligns with Objective 1b, Develop Improved Methods for Manure Solid-Liquid Separation. Substantial reduction of ammonia emissions from confined swine operations can result when swine lagoons are retrofitted or replaced with advanced technologies. Such is the case of retrofitting anaerobic lagoons with solid-liquid separation or replacing the lagoon using the recently approved environmentally superior technology (EST), both developed by ARS and industry cooperators. Ammonia emissions results indicated that in a lagoon with prior solid-liquid separation, total annual ammonia emissions were reduced by 73% with respect to those of the traditional anaerobic lagoon. In the replaced lagoon with EST, the remarkable water quality improvements such as lower N concentrations substantially reduced annual ammonia emissions by 90% with respect to those found in the traditional anaerobic lagoon. These results overall demonstrate that alternative new wastewater technologies can substantially reduce ammonia emissions from confined swine production. 6) Destruction of Hormones Using a Green Oxidant. This accomplishment aligns with NP206, Pathogens and Pharmaceutically Active Compounds (PACs) Problem Area 4, Holistic Treatment Technologies for Nutrients, Pathogens and PACS. It also aligns with Objective 1g, Destroy/Reduce PACs and EDs with green oxidant. Hormones in wastewater effluent are an emerging problem for both agriculture and municipalities. The destruction of hormones in wastewater was investigated using new green catalyst TAML Activators. TAML is short for iron tetra-amido macrocyclic ligand invented by a Carnegie Mellon University scientist. The destruction analyses conducted in cooperation with USDA-ARS, Fargo, ND, indicated that TAML activators were very affective in destroying hormones. 7) Riparian Buffers with High C/N Ratio Promote Complete Denitrification. This accomplishment aligns with NP206, Emissions Problem Area 1, Understanding the Biological, Chemical, and Physical Mechanisms Affecting Emissions, and Area 3, Control Technologies and Strategies. It also aligns with Objective 3a, Determine Factors that Promote Completeness of Denitrification in Riparian Buffers. Riparian wetland buffers are one of the most common and important natural resources conservation practices used in the USA and worldwide. They are particularly effective in reducing non-point source nitrogen pollution by denitrification. The denitrification levels were measured in different landscape position of a livestock-manure-impacted watershed. Measurements were made of the potential nitrogen removal along with the potential nitrous oxide (a greenhouse gas) production during denitrification. Most of the sites had very little or no production of nitrous oxide. The nitrous oxide highly related to the soil carbon to nitrogen ratio. If the C/N ratio was greater than 25, nitrous oxide production was essentially zero. This research demonstrates the valuable contribution of wetland buffers to recycling of excess N from manure land application without generating green house gas emissions. 8) Water Treatment Residuals May Help Reduce Off-site Phosphorus Movement. This accomplishment aligns with NP206 Byproduct Problem Area 1, Phytoavailability and Bioavailability of Nutrients, Trace Elements and Xenobiotics in Byproducts Considered for Beneficial Use, and Problem Area 2, Develop Protocols and Methodology Standards for Byproduct Application to Land. Each year in the US, millions of tons of agricultural and municipal byproducts are generated that frequently are disposed of in land fills. Due to limited landfill space and increasing disposal fees, alternative uses for byproducts are needed to promote both sustainable agriculture and municipal treatment of drinking water. The purpose of the research is to developing procedures and methodology standards for the effective use of water treatment residuals (WTR) as soil amendments. This research demonstrated that WTR amendments were very effective at reducing soil phosphorus concentrations as well as increasing the P sorption capacity of sandy soils that were overloaded with manure phosphorus. Additionally, research using standard EPA methods showed that WTRs did not contain trace metal contaminant levels toxic for the environment. Therefore, land application of WTRs has the potential of being used as a chemical-based best management practice to reduce the environmental impact of excess phosphorus due to long-term application of manure. 6. What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end- user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products? Submitted complete documentation to ARS-OTT for patent filing of invention of Process for Removing Phosphorus from Animal Waste, Docket No. 0015.03. Submitted invention disclosure Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation for High- Ammonia Wastewater Treatment to ARS-OTT, Docket No.: U 0103.06. Submitted invention disclosure Wastewater Treatment System with Simultaneous Separation of Phosphorus and Manure Solids (2nd generation) to ARS-OTT, Docket No.: U 0124.06. Cooperated with Super Soil Systems USA and Prestage Farms with design, implementation, and demonstration of a second generation manure treatment system. Cooperated with Carlos A. Vives of AgroSuper, largest swine producer in Chile, on GHG emission reduction methodology for manure treatment systems that use aerobic processes. Cooperated with Dr. Airton Kunz, scientist from EMBRAPA Swine and Poultry, Brazil, on development of advanced treatment technologies and its carbon credit implementation. Prepared script for a Virtual Tour on New Treatment Technology. A video was produced by Waste Management Programs, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC State University and shown at Animal Waste Management Symposium Oct. 5-7, 2005, Raleigh, NC. Toured field treatment research with Chilean delegation from government and industry interested in cleaner treatment systems, Nov. 5, 2006. ARS Florence hosted its annual Customer/Partner Dialogue Workshop on Nov. 16, 2005. Research results on manure management and byproduct utilization program were discussed with producers, extension education practitioners, industry and action agency representatives, and scientists. Development of Environmentally Superior Technologies-Phase 3 Report for Technology Determinations per Agreements between NC Attorney & Smithfield Foods, Premium Standard Farms, and Frontline Farmers, March 8, 2006. The system developed and patented by ARS scientists and implemented by private collaborators for treating wastewater from commercial swine- production facilities was determined as unconditional Environmental Superior Technology for new farms that are permitted and constructed for the first time after the date of this report. It is the only on-farm technology exempt from the current moratorium on construction of new swine confined operations imposed by the State of North Carolina. http://www.cals.ncsu. edu/waste_mgt/smithfield_projects/phase3report06/pdfs/report%20summary. pdf Discussed future bioenergy research and development with Smithfield Foods representatives (Doug Anderson, VP-Rendering) and Dr. Prince Dugba (Senior Environmental Engineer), Mar. 28, 2006. At the request of Ryke Longest, Assistant Attorney General Environmental Division, NC Department of Justice, we sent scientific comments to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Staff Working Group to consider expanding the type of technologies that can qualify for the award of CO2 emissions offset allowances, under Section XX-10.5 CO2 Emissions Offset Project standards, Subdivision (e) Avoided methane emissions from agricultural manure management operations of the Public Review Model Rule Draft 03.23/06 ( so as to include projects that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions using aerobic treatment systems. Discussed greenhouse gas emission reductions and carbon credits program from implementation of ARS developed manure treatment system in swine farms with Dr. Tim Profeta, Director and Associate Dean of Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University, Durham, NC, and drafter of The Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act (S. 1151) co- sponsored by Senators Lieberman-McCain, May 24, 2006. As a result of Phase 3 Report Technology Determination, Representative Carolyn Justice, Pender Co., NC, sponsored House Bill 2784-General Assembly of North Carolina Session 2005 (May 30, 2006) to appropriate state funds ($10 million) for a cost-share program to implement ARS- developed animal waste management system that replaces systems that employ anaerobic lagoons. Discussed with Dr. Joe Rudek, Senior Scientist, Environmental Defense, on voluntary farmer adoption programs of Envionmentally Superior Technologies and implementation of cap-and-trade program in NC to help with the adoption process, June 7, 2006. Discussed development of Environmental Superior Technology with Mr. Bill Hall, Product Steward Specialist, Mosaic Fertilizer LLC, June 28, 2006. Assisted Super Soil Systems USA with presentation delivered to the North Carolina House Committee on Agriculture about advantages of using ARS treatment system in North Carolina, June 28, 2006. In addition to these listings, research information on manure management and byproduct utilization program at ARS-Florence was made available to the general public on the new Research Center home page at http://www. 7. List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work. (NOTE: List your peer reviewed publications below). 1) A Divider, Not a Uniter: Scientists Find a Slick Way to Separate Solids in Swine Effluent, Leading to Economical Treatment at Large Farms, article in Onsite Water Treatment magazine, October 2005. 2) Con i lagoni blu i reflui si gesticono meglio, Italian article in Suinocoltura magazine (Italy), November 2005. 3) Score One for Anammox, article in Science Update-ARS Agricultural Research magazine, February 2006. 4) Waste Treatment Plant Reduces Malodors from Hog Farm, article in CSA News, March 2006. 5) Unity Prevails Against Lagoons-Up to 100 Hog Farms May Test Systems, article in The Fayetteville Observer, March 9, 2006. 6) Pits Stopped, article in The News & Observer, Raleigh, NC, March 13, 2006. 7) Hog Waste Trials Funded, article in The News & Observer, June 29, 2006. 8) "Green Catalyst Takes on Hormones in Wastewater, news release by ARS Information Staff, June 29, 2006. http://www.ars.usda. gov/is/pr/2006/060629.htm. 9) This Little Piggy Went to Market: NC Eyes Hog Waste as Commodity, article by the Associated Press on, Wilmington, NC, July 7, 2006. 10) Clean Waters and Agriculture. We Can Have it Both Ways!, ARS Agricultural Research magazine, August 2006. Presentations to organizations: Presentations (3) at the Animal Waste Management Symposium, Oct. 5-7, Raleigh, NC. Presentation at the Water Environment Federation Annual Technical Exhibit and Conference, Oct. 29-Nov. 2, 2005, Washington, DC. Presentation at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting., Oct. 30-Nov. 4, 2005, Cincinnati, OH. Presentation at the American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Nov. 6- 10, Salt Lake City, UT. Poster display at the Annual Soil and Water Conservation Districts Association Meetings of North and South Carolina, Jan. 2006. Presentation at Multistate Manure Research Project S-1000 Meeting, Beltsville, MD. Feb. 28-Mar.2, 2006. Presentation at ARS International Foreign Agricultural Seminar, Beltsville, MD, Mar. 6, 2006. Presentations (2) at the ESA Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science, Potomac, MD, June 5-8,. Presentation at the OECD International Workshop on Soils and Waste Management: A Challenge to Climate Change, Gorizia, Italy, June 15-17, 2006. Presentations (2) at the ASABE Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. July 9- 12, 2006. Poster presentation at the 18th World Congress of Soil Science International Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. July 9-15, 2006. Energy from Livestock Waste presentation at Soil and Water Conservation Society Meeting, Keystone, CO, July 23, 2006. Presentations (3) at the FAO-RAMIRAN Meeting, Aarhus, Denmark, Sept. 11- 13, 2006.



  • Hunt, P.G., Poach, M.E., Matheny, T.A., Reddy, G.B., Stone, K.C. 2006. Denitrification in marsh-pond-marsh constructed wetlands treating swine wastewater at different loading rates. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 70:487-493.
  • Loughrin, J.H., Szogi, A.A. Free fatty acids and sterols in swine manure. Journal of Environmental Science and Health part B, 41:31-42, 2006
  • Loughrin, J.H., Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B. Reduction of malodorous compounds from a treated swine anaerobic lagoon. Journal of Environmental Quality. 35:194-199.
  • Novak, J.M., Watts, D.W. 2005. An alum-based water treatment residual can reduce extractable phosphorus concentrations in three phosphorus-enriched Coastal Plain soils. Journal of Environmental Quality. 34:1820-1827.
  • Novak, J.M., Watts, D.W. 2005. Water treatment residuals aggregate size influences phosphorus sorption kinetics and Pmax values. Soil Science. 170(6):425-432.
  • Sistani, K.R., Novak, J.M. 2006. Trace metal accumulation, movement, and remmediation in soils receiving animal manure. Book Chapter. Trace Elements in the Environment (Biogeochemistry, Biotechnology, and Bioremdiation) 33:689-706
  • Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B., Hunt, P.G. 2005. Dewatering of phosphorus extracted from liquid swine waste. Bioresource Technology 97:183-190.
  • Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B., Stansbery, A.E. 2006. Reduction of ammonia emissions from treated anaerobic swine lagoons. Transactions of the ASABE. 49(1):217-225.
  • Millner, P.D., Vanotti, M.B., Ingram, D.T., Ellison, A.Q., Hunt, S.W., Szogi, A.A. 2005. Microbial disinfection during multistage treatment of swine manure. American Society for Microbiology Meeting, June 5-9, 2005, Atlanta, GA.
  • Ro, K.S., Hunt, P.G., Poach, M.E. 2005. Wind-driven surficial oxygen transfer into lagoons and implications on dinitrogen emission. Proceedings of American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, October 30- November 4, 2005, Cincinnati, Ohio. 5 p. CDROM.
  • Ro, K.S., Hunt, P.G., Poach, M.E. 2005. Surficial oxygen transfer into treatment lagoons and potential N pathways resulting in dinitrogen gas emission. International Conference on Greenhouse Gasses and Animal Agriculture, September 20-24, 2005, Zurich, Switzerland. p. 282-285.
  • Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B. 2005. Removal of phosphorus from animal manures experiences of the USDA - Agricultural Research Service. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Technologies to Remove Nutrients from Animal Waste, August 25, 2005, Florianopolis - Santa Catarina, Brazil. p. 26-33.
  • Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B. 2006. Reduction of ammonia emissions from swine lagoons using alternative wastewater treatment technologies. In: Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality Proceedings, June 5-8, 2006, Washington, DC. p. 1155-1160.
  • Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B., Stansbery, A.E. 2005. Reduction of ammonia emissions from treated anaerobic swine lagoons. Animal Waste Management Symmposium, October 5-7, Raleigh, North Carolina. p. 210-218. CDROM
  • Vanotti, M.B., Fetterman, L., Szogi, A.A., Hunt, P.G., Ellison, A.Q., Millner, P.D., Humenik, F. 2005. Supersoil System: Environmentally friendly use of hog waste (virtual tour). Virtual Tour from Animal Waste Management Symposium, October 5-7, 2005, Raleigh, North Carolina. CDROM
  • Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A. 2005. Advanced technologies for removal of nitrogen from animal manure - Experiences of the USDA Agricultural Research Service. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Technologies to Remove Nutrients from Animal Waste, August 25, 2005, Florianopolis-Santa Catarina, Brazil. p. 17-25.
  • Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A., Hunt, P.G., Ellison, A.Q., Millner, P.D., Humenik, F.J. 2005. Development of an environmentally superior treatment system for replacing anaerobic swine waste lagoons. In: Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC), October 29 - November 2, 2005, Washington, DC. p. 4073-4092. CDROM.
  • Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A., Hunt, P.G., Millner, P.D., Humenik, F., Ellison, A.Q. 2005. The Super Soil Project: Lessons learned. Animal Waste Management Symposium, October 5-7, Raleigh, North Carolina. p. 103-114. CDROM.
  • Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A., Vives, C.A. 2006. Greenhouse gas emission reductions and carbon credits from implementation of aerobic manure treatment systems in swine farms. Proceedings of the Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science, June 5-8, 2006, Washington, DC. p. 1178-1185.
  • Ro, K.S., Hunt, P.G., Poach, M.E. 2005. Wind-driven surficial oxygen transfer into lagoons and implications on dinitrogen emission [abstract]. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting. CDROM
  • Szogi, A.A., Hunt, P.G. 2005. Soluble phosphorus distribution in the water- soil interface of a constructed wetland treating livestock lagoon wastewater. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts [abstract]. CDROM.
  • Chaney, R.L., Sikora, L.J., Davis, A.P., Kim, H., Codling, E.E., Novak, J. M., Tyler, R. 2005. Making composts with lower water-soluble p and higher nutrient density. Proceedings of the US Composting Council Annual Meeting. p. 1-15.
  • Loughrin, J.H., Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B. Evaluation of an advanced waste treatment system for reduction of malodorous compounds from swine waste . Mississippi Water Resources Research Conference Proceedings. 4/26- 4/27/2005