Source: BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2012
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2016
Grant Year
Program Code
[A3142]- Integrated Approaches to Climate Adaptation and Mitigation in Agroecosystems, AFRI
Recipient Organization
BOISE,ID 83725
Performing Department
Biological Sciences
Non Technical Summary
Over 9 million dairy cows generate an estimated 226 billion kg (249 million tons) of wet manure and produce approximately 5.8 billion kg of CO2 equivalents annually in the U.S. (BSSC 2008; Liebrand & Ling 2009). For an average 10,000 head dairy, decomposition of this organic waste produces ∼6,000 tons of CH4, 74 tons of N2O, and 130,000 tons of CO2 per year, or ~290,000 tons of CO2 equivalents (USEPA 2011). These emissions constitute approximately 2.5% of the annual production of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) in the United States, and make dairies one of the largest single industry sources of GHG in the US (USEPA 2011). Anaerobic digestion (AD) can significantly reduce dairy GHG emissions by enhancing CH4 generation and capturing and converting CH4 to CO2 in a generator while producing electricity and offsetting farm energy usage. AD biogas could be used to generate >6,800 GWh/yr in power, roughly equivalent to the average annual electricity usage of 500,000 to 600,000 homes (U.S.EPA 2010). Recognizing the potential of ADs to mitigate GHG emissions and produce power, in January 2009, the Innovation Center (IC) for U.S. Dairy announced a voluntary goal to reduce GHG emissions 25% by 2020. Central to achieving this goal is the construction of approximately 1,300 new ADs, which the EPA estimates could reduce U.S. CH4 emissions by 90%. Despite industry support behind broad AD deployment, the on-the-ground reality is that AD projects are not always commercially feasible, due in part to generally low electricity rates. Perhaps more importantly, ADs emit relatively large quantities of GHGs in the form of CO2. Thus, new strategies are necessary to improve AD economics and consequently promote the adoption of AD as a mitigation strategy to achieve the ICs GHG reduction goals. To enhance dairy carbon (C) sequestration, this project will advance a novel integrated manure-to-commodities system that converts pre-fermented manure to bioenergy, sequesters carbon by converting volatile fatty acid (VFA)-rich fermenter supernatant to bioplastics, and sequesters AD effluents (CO2, nitrogen, phosphorus) by producing algae that can be harvested and returned to the AD to enhance PHA production and enhance overall C-sequestration. GHG reduction and C sequestration will be quantified and used to parameterize a system model and web-accessible management decision tool that will be developed at the Idaho National Laboratory. Research product and decision tool dissemination along with workforce and student training will be facilitated by connecting to an on-going, USDA funded outreach and education effort centered on biofuel literacy led by the University of Idaho's McCall Outdoor Science School (MOSS). The outcomes and impacts of this project will include changes in the agricultural knowledge system. Change in knowledge will come from applied research developing a novel approach to GHG reduction and economic development. Change in action will come from experimentally-based information generation and development of data driven decision tools with potential to lead to change in actions by agricultural producers.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
We propose a novel strategy that enhances the utility of anaerobic digestion for reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint of dairy manure management. Additionally, we propose that by producing carbohydrate rich algal biomass and directing the fixed carbon (C) to a longer-term storage pool than biofuels (i.e. PHA-based bioplastics), we can further reduce the GHG footprint. The potential exists to make these systems net C sinks rather than sources, while simultaneously enhancing the overall process economics; thereby improving the likelihood that coupled AD-Algae-PHA systems will be adopted by the dairy industry. Our project objectives and milestones follow: Objective 1: Quantify C flow from manure to CH4 and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) via a two stage AD system. The goal of this task is to identify critical bioreactor operating conditions that maximize PHA synthesis and CH4 production and optimize carbon sequestration. Milestones/target dates: Manure fermentation potential investigations will be completed within the first 90 days of the project and the fermentation factorial will be completed over the subsequent 12 months. The PHA and AD investigations have been allocated 24 months. Objective 2: Quantify C-capture, characterize C-quality, and quantify nutrient recovery via algal production from AD effluent streams (e.g. gas and liquid). Assess C-sequestration potential of algal biomass as a fermenter feedstock to enhance PHA synthesis. Assess influence of spatial-temporal variability of algal community structure on these processes. Milestones/target dates: The algal cultivation systems will be assembled and baseline conditions determined in the first 6 months. 24 months is allocated for the remaining algal cultivation objectives. Objective 3: Develop and deploy user-friendly web-based management decision tools to quantify and parameterize GHG reduction, C-sequestration, and enhancement of AD commercial viability. Milestones/target dates: The model will be defined and functional specifications and input/output flows established within the first 6 months. Between year 1 and 2 individual sub-models will be wrapped and integrated into the overall process model. By the second year the web interface will be prepared. During the third year the web-based model will be demonstrated to stakeholders and decision-makers. Objectives 4 and 5: Produce the next generation of bio-product innovators and system operators by integrating undergraduate and graduate training and work force development. Develop an outreach and education program targeting dairy managers and AD system operators. Milestones/target dates: Student training will occur throughout the project. Outreach and educational programs will be delivered during years 2 and 3 of the project. Outputs: We will define optimal operating conditions for the AD, PHA, and Algal reactors, quantify carbon sequestration potential of the PHA and algal reactor systems, develop a web-based modeling tool, and train students and system operators. Project results will be communicated via manuscript publication, outreach and educational programs, and interactions with our stakeholder group.
Project Methods
Objective 1: For each process step (i.e. fermentation, PHA synthesis, anaerobic digestion) two experimental factorials will be investigated that will include multiple solids retention times, cycle times, and organic loading rates. Influence of manure characteristics (e.g. total and volatile solids, chemical oxygen demand, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, fiber content, total protein, etc.) on reactor performance will be assessed. Experiments will be monitored over multiple SRTs for VFA production, PHA production, and biogas production (CH4 from the AD and CO2). Carbon flow through each process will be measured. Evaluation (Objectives 1 and 2): Experiments will be analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey-Kramer pairwise comparisons to define optimal operating ranges and how, or if, manure source affected each process. Success will be measured by quantifying carbon sequestration and flow within and across reactor scenarios. Objective 2: Algal photobioreactors (PBR) will be fed an AD or PHA reactor effluent slurry. Reactor parameters (e.g. flow dynamics, light, temperature, etc.) will be modulated in a factorial design to measure effects on growth rates, nutrient removal, carbon capture, carbohydrate production, and temporal and spatial stability of the algal community. PBRs will be inoculated with a suite of previously characterized Chlorella sp. and/or an environmental consortium of algae enriched on AD effluent. We will characterize how N/P removal and C-sequestration changes with fluctuating influent nutrient levels and PHA/AD effluent quality (i.e. optical characteristics, N/P content, VFA content, etc.). Biotic parameters (e.g biomass, C-sequestration, community structure, etc.) will be measured via quantitative molecular and analytical methods. Total N and P, NH4+, and PO43- will be assessed via standard absorbance-based methods. Algal biomass will be tested as a carbohydrate source for PHA production. Objective 3: A web-based model will be developed to assess costs as a function of GHG reduction for the proposed process based upon the GREET model. Our model will be able to change performance variables of the AD/algal/PHA system and evaluate impacts on GHG emissions. Parameters and essential data necessary to perform evaluation will be obtained from relevant tasks and literature data. Evaluation: Beta testing will be performed with the primary evaluation metric: robustness and ease of use. Objectives 4 and 5: PIs and graduate students will develop a series of workshops designed for AD operators, dairy managers, and other interested parties. Students associated with this project will be required to take coursework in business management and intellectual property disclosure and marketing to enhance their ability to be leaders in agricultural innovation. Evaluation: assessment surveys will be solicited from program participants and responses used to inform improvement of activities. Changes in knowledge will be disseminated and changes in actions facilitated via scientific publications, reports to our stakeholder group, and through attending multi- and interdisciplinary conferences such as the EPA AgStar meetings.

Progress 09/01/12 to 08/31/16

Target Audience:Target Audiences: The target audience for work performed during this reporting period and throughout the life of the project included 1) scientists and developers working on waste resource recovery (to high value products), with a particular emphasis on the fields of anaerobic digestion, algal biofuel, and bioproducts (including bioplastics), 2) leadership for the Innovation Center for US Dairy, and 3) Dairy producers (regional and national) and Environmental Scientists, and regional agricultural policy experts, and 4) students interested in learning about sustainable technologies. During the final no-cost extension period of this project, although our target audience remained the same, our number and diversity of presentations was lower than in previous years due to the low level of residual resources for project activities coupled with a concerted focus of the project team on dissemination of research results through peer-reviewed journal articles. That said we presented recent findings from this work at 6 national and international meetings (as delineated below) and had numerous detailed conversations with leadership at the Innovation Center for US dairy about project progress and longer term development targets. One important outcome of this project is a new award from the Idaho State Board of Education Innovation Fund. One of the goals of the Innovation Fund is to assist basic and applied researchers with the translation of novel findings to commercial applications. We (Kevin Feris, PI) have been awarded a 1-year project to construct, operate, and test a pilot scale algal cultivation and resource recovery unit (i.e. nutrient recovery) at a dairy. Dr. Feris, in collaboration with co-PI Dr. Coats, will use this support to scale up our USDA supported research and to demonstrate the economic and environmental value of our technology to the Dairy industry. Dr. Feris will couple a field-scale algal process with Dr. Coats pilot-scale PHA system at the University of Idaho dairy. Our ultimate goal is to translate this work either into a small start up business or to provide enough technical support and demonstrated evidence that the Dairy industry will pursue similar nutrient and resource capture technologies more broadly than they currently do. Changes/Problems:There were no problems or major changes to the proposed project during the no-cost extension year. Project progress was strong with the majority of data being analyzed and manuscripts being submitted or accepted for publication. Along with finalizing and validating the DAIREES model development and deployment. Additionally, the awarding of the State of Idaho Innovation Award will allow us to translate the findings from one aspect of this project to a pilot scale and as such will position our team well for future funding opportunities and/or translation of our technologies to commercial application after continued refinement of the integrated system developed here. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Research objectives 4 and 5 were targeted towards professional development and student training: Over the duration of the project we recruited and trained 3 graduate students and 4 undergraduate student researchers in the technical aspects of the project and the components of translating basic science innovation to commercial applications. Over the course of the no-cost extension year and final reporting period one of the graduate students (P. Thomas, BSU) matriculated with his M.S. in Biological Sciences and was accepted to a PhD program with Dr. Bradley Cardinale at the University of Michigan, one of the top algal biofuel and algal community research teams in the country. The undergraduate at Boise State is continuing his progression towards his B.S. in Biological Sciences and will be joining the pilot algal resource recovery unit team this coming Spring for construction, operation, and optimization studies. UI students Ed Stowe (M.S. Civil Engineering) and Ben Watson (M.S. Civil Engineering), and Liqing Wei (Ph.D. Natural Resources) have matriculated. Mr. Stowe is employed as a civil engineer with a local environmental engineering firm specializing in agricultural wastewater management. Mr. Watson is employed as a civil engineering with a national environmental engineering firm specializing in municipal and agricultural waste management. Dr. Wei is employed as a Post-Doctoral Scholar researching bioplastic nanocomposites at the US-Forest Service-Forest Products Laboratory. Eric Hughes (M.S. Civil Engineering) completed this research in 2016, and is employed as a civil engineer with a local environmental engineering firm specializing in industrial/agricultural waste management (and is currently involved in a project highly related to the AD work he was involved with on this research). How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Dissemination to communities of interest has been accomplished through presentations at national, international and regional meetings and publications in relevant scientific journals. Additionally, we have disseminated a you tube video describing our process and the DAIREES web-based system model/decision tool at regional meetings, via the local news, and via on-going discussions with the U.S. Dairy Innovation Center. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will continue to pursue future funding opportunities, both public and private to forward the integration of the technologies we developed here into the dairy and other industries as appropriate. Success in these efforts will help address the green house gas reduction goals of the Dairy Industry and related agriculture sectors.

What was accomplished under these goals? We advanced a novel integrated manure-to-commodities system that converts pre-fermented manure to bioenergy, sequesters carbon by converting volatile fatty acid (VFA)-rich fermenter supernatant to bioplastics (PHA, or polyhydroxyalkanoates), and sequesters AD effluents (CO2, nitrogen, phosphorus) by producing algae that can be harvested and returned to the AD to enhance PHA production and enhance overall C-sequestration or that can be utilized as a soil C, N, and P amendment. Furthermore, as an unexpected outcome, residual biomass from the PHA reactor (in addition to the algal biomass) was demonstrated to be suitable for hydrothermal treatment to produce a feedstock that can be converted into fatty acid and PHA. Further improving system C-balance and overall economic potential. We made significant progress towards our goal of optimizing the integrated system for overall GHG reduction and C sequestration (Objectives 1 and 2) and what algal traits that should be managed for optimal continuous algae cultivation on agricultural wastewaters (Objective 2). The DAIREES tool and associated outreach products will enable us to disseminate our findings to a broad audience and will be used as a means to demonstrate the value of a multi-commodity platform for reducing the overall GHG production by dairy systems while simultaneously enhancing the economic viability of this GHG mitigation strategy (Objective 3). For example, initial DAIREES calculations projecting the value of our integrated system suggest we can reduce GHG emissions by 86% relative to a base case scenario with an internal rate of return of 14% on an initial $1M investment. Details of accomplishments for each objective are as follows: Objective 1: Our first objective was to improve AD and PHA reactor performance to optimize C-capture in polyhydroxyalkanoate polymers as a C-storage compound and to maximize stability and productivity of the AD system. Significant progress has been made in completing the three research tasks under Task 4a. Task 4.a.1 - Related to the DAIREES model (Task 4c), we collected influent/effluent carbon data from two lab-scale fed-batch fermenters for input into the model. In monitoring carbon flux from the fermenter, we have determined through extensive monitoring that biogas flux (CO2, CH4) represents less than 1% of the total carbon emissions. Task 4.a.2 - The PHA reactor investigations are complete, and a peer-reviewed publication was produced. Carbon flux data for the PHA reactor operations was incorporated into the DAIREES model. We expanded the research to examine the effects of aeration/dissolved oxygen on process performance. By minimizing aeration we can reduce the process energy and GHG emission footprint while concurrently enhancing PHA production. We further expanded the research by applying next generation sequencing methods to characterize the microbial populations performing PHA synthesis. Task 4.a.3 - Investigations focused on assessing the effect on AD performance of two different solids fractions discharged from the manure fermenter; one peer-reviewed publication resulted from this research. Importantly, we identified optimal operating conditions and criteria for AD of pre-fermented, and further identified alternate pathways to process either some or all of the residual manure depending on the opportunities to sell electricity or simply use it on-site. Finally, we have also generated carbon flux data for the AD reactor operations, for use in the DAIREES model. Objective 2: The primary goal of Objective #2 was to design and assess robust and productive algal cultures for C and nutrient capture from the AD and PHA reactor effluents. To most efficiently accomplish this objective we integrated Task 4.b.1 and 4.b.3. Task 4.b.1 - Quantifying C-capture and nutrient removal by algal production systems fed AD effluent and Task 4b.3 - Characterization of temporal and spatial variability in algal community structure and influence of community structure on C-sequestration potential of the PBR. A high-throughput strain selection experiment was implemented to identify single and poly-species algae cultures that attained the highest rates of biomass production, C-sequestration, and nutrient removal. We quantified differences in biomass productivity, carbon-capture, and rates of nutrient removal between different species combinations, further informing which strains and combinations may optimize system operation. Top-down control of algae by grazers can drastically impede algal growth (and carbon and nutrient sequestration rates), so we conducted an experiment to observe relative rates of grazing by rotifer pests among different species combinations. We identified several poly-cultures that were highly resistant to grazing. A 3 species polyculture had a 30.7% higher grazing resistance index compared to the most grazing resistant monoculture, resulting in a decreased risk of pond crash. Based on productivity, carbon capture, nutrient removal, and resistance to grazing, we tested the two optimum poly-cultures in pilot-scale continuous cultivation in six 120L raceways (n=3 per treatment). Manuscripts describing the initial strain selection, polyculture evaluation, and continuous culture performance and grazer resistance are currently under review. We also identified an intrinsic factor present in AD effluent that had the potential to control rotifer grazing pressure. AD effluent is rich in NH4+ that arises from the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in the AD reactor. We demonstrated that if we slowed or removed the CO2 addition during periods of active photosynthesis, the pH of the cultivation media would rise to promote the deprotonation of NH4+ to NH3. Thereby shifting the distribution of this nitrogen species towards NH3. As the NH3 concentration increased above the toxicity threshold for rotifers the viability of rotifers in the medium should decline, consequently protecting the algal cultivars from this top down pressure. The results from these experiments have been written into a manuscript and are currently under review at Algal Research. Task 4.b.2 - Characterization of algal C quality and determination of algal biomass as an amendment to the fermenter to enhance PHA yields. This objective was targeted towards post-processing of the algal biomass to enhance overall C-sequestration in our integrated system. We optimized parameters for hydrothermal conversion of PHA residual biomass and algae into fermentable components for producing PHA, crude bio-oil and biochar. Furthermore, pyrolysis was explored for a 1-step conversion of PHA residual biomass into a crude bio-oil and biochar. Biochar can be used to sequester C as a soil amendment. Manuscripts describing our findings were published in 2015 and one is currently under a 2nd review. Objective 3 System model: A key need for broader implementation of AD systems for both climate mitigation and nutrient management are easy to use and publically accessible decision tools for potential developers of new AD systems. We generated the DAIREES system process carbon flux model to fulfill this need. The model structure contains all process stages with separate characteristics associated with modeling materials, carbon, and nutrient flows. The model is detailed and realistic and designed to be usable by an informed user, but not necessarily a computer scientist. Each technology is evaluated in terms of C-flows through the process and economics. The goal is to generate a model that can potentially be incorporated into the USDA's Farm Smart suite of tools and resources, and improve dissemination of our research products and leveraging prior research investments by the IC. A User Guide has been prepared to assist users in understanding and running the model.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Erik R. Coats, Benjamin S. Watson, Cynthia K. Brinkman. 2016. Polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis by mixed microbial consortia cultured on fermented dairy manure: Effect of aeration on process rates/yields and the associated microbial ecology. Water Research. 106: 26-40.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Stowe, E.J., E.R. Coats, and C.K. Brinkman, Dairy Manure Resource Recovery utilizing Two-stage Anaerobic Digestion - Implications of Solids Fractionation. Bioresour. Technol., 2015. 198: p. 237-245
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Smith, S.A., Hughes, E., Coats, E.R., Brinkman, C.K., McDonald, A.G., *Harper, J., Feris, K., Newby, D. Toward sustainable dairy waste utilization: Enhanced VFA and biogas synthesis via upcycling algal biomass cultured on waste effluent. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. (2015) 91(1): 113121. DOI 10.1002/jctb.4706
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Wei, L., Liang, S., Guho, N.M., Hanson, A.J., Smith, M., Garcia-Perez, M., McDonald, A.G.. Production and characterization of bio-oil and biochar from the pyrolysis of residual bacterial biomass from a polyhydroxyalkanoate production process, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. (2015), 115: 268278.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Wei, L., Liang, S., Coats, E.R., McDonald, A.G.. Valorization of residual bacterial biomass waste after polyhydroxyalkanoate isolation by hydrothermal treatment. Bioresour. Technol. (2015) 198: 739-745.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Caryn Wendt, Katherine Panike, Chaston Ellis, Donna Post Guillen, Kevin Feris, Erik R. Coats and Armando McDonald, Reduction of GHG Emissions through the Conversion of Dairy Waste to Value-Added Materials and Products, TMS 2016 Annual Meeting, February 14-18, 2016, Nashville, TN, USA.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Decision?support for Digester?Algae IntegRation for Improved Environmental and Economic Sustainability (DAIRIEES) User Manual, Idaho National Laboratory Report INL/EXT-14-32566, September 2016.
  • Type: Websites Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Webpage: Decision-support for Digester-Algae IntegRation for Improved Environmental and Economic Sustainability (DAIRIEES).
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2017 Citation: Liang, S., Wei, L., Passero, M., Feris, K. P., McDonald, A.. Hydrothermal liquefaction of laboratory cultivated and commercial algal biomass into crude bio-oil. 2016. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. In 2nd review
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2017 Citation: Thomas, P.K., Dunn, G. P., Coats, E. R., Newby, D. T., Feris, K. P., Effects of algal diversity on biomass yield and grazing resistance in dairy wastewater. Bioresource Technology, In review.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Thomas, P.K., Dunn, G. P., Passero, M. L., Feris, K. P., Optimization of free ammonia exposure time for algal crop protection in dairy wastewater. Algal Research, In preparation for submission in early 2017.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Other Year Published: 2017 Citation: Thomas, P.K., Dunn, G. P., Good, A. R., Callahan, M. P., Coats, E. R., Newby, D. T., Feris, K. P., Semi-continuous cultivation of assembled and naturally occurring algal communities in dairy anaerobic digester effluent. Biomass and Bioenergy, In preparation.

Progress 09/01/14 to 08/31/15

Target Audience:The target audience for work performed during this reporting period included 1) scientists and developers working in the fields of anaerobic digestion and algal biofuel and bioproducts and 2) leadership for the Innovation Center for US Dairy, and 3) a consortium of Dairy producers (regional and national), Environmental Scientists, and regional agricultural policy experts. We presented recent findings from this work at 6 national and international meetings (as delineated below), had numerous detailed conversations with leadership at the Innovation Center for US dairy about project progress and longer term development targets, and have begun conversations with the City of Boise and local dairy producers regarding the potential for constructing a local pilot plant based on the work funded by this project. Changes/Problems:There were no problems or major changes to the proposed project during year 3. Project progress was strong with the majority of data being completed and the first publications being disseminated and accepted for publication. A no-cost extension was approved for the period between 9-1-15 and 8-31-16 to allow us to complete a final set of long-term and large volume algae cultivation experiments, finalize and validate the DAIREES model development and deployment, and to completed manuscript writing and dissemination. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Research objectives 4 and 5 were targeted towards professional development and student training (i.e. a change in condition for our project participants and other members of our target audience): We recruited and continued to train 3 graduate students and a number of undergraduate student researchers in both the technical aspects of the project and the components of translating basic science innovation to commercial applications. One of the undergraduates at BSU matriculated through her B.S. in Biological Sciences program and is now pursuing a graduate position at the University of Florida in the Biological Sciences. The Boise State graduate student is on track to defend his thesis in Spring 2016 and is currently applying for a number of PhD positions, including one at U.C San Diego to work with Jonathon Shurin, one of the lead aquatic ecologists investigating algal biofuels. UI students Ed Stowe (M.S. Civil Engineering) and Ben Watson (M.S. Civil Engineering) have matriculated. Mr. Stowe is employed as a civil engineer with a local environmental engineering firm specializing in agricultural wastewater management. Eric Hughes (M.S. Civil Engineering) is in the progress of graduating and should complete his degree in Spring 2016. Professional development occurred as an outcome of this project primarily via the presentations at national, international, and regional meetings. These presentations were reported in the "products" section but are repeated here. Reduction of GHG Emissions Through the Conversion of Dairy Waste to Value-Added Materials and Products. Caryn Wendt, Chaston Ellis, Donna Post Guillen, Kevin Feris, Erik R. Coats and Armando McDonald. TMS 2015 Annual Meeting in the Energy Technologies and Carbon Dioxide Management Symposium. March 15-19, 2015, Orlando, FL USA. Maxine Passero and Dr. Feris presented the following poster entitled Pilot Scale Algae Cultivation: UV Pre-Treatment Improves Integrity of C. vulgaris in Dairy Wastewater" at the Algal Biomass, Biofuels, Bioproducts conference June 8th-10th San Diego, CA.Authors: Hillsbury, R., MacDonald, A., Newby, D. T., Coats, E., Patrick Thomas presented talk entitled "Species richness increases productivity of algae cultivated in dairy wastewater" " 5th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels, and Bioproducts, June 8, 2015, Authors: Thomas, P., Coats, E., Feris, K. P., Upcycling Dairy Manure (Finding Alternative Uses of a High-value Substrate)., , Newby, D. T., MacDonald, A., February 25, 2015, Conference Name: Western Initiative for the Dairy Environment (WIDE). Boise, ID. Enhancing Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Economic Viability of Anaerobic Digestion Systems: Algal Carbon Sequestration and Bioplastics Production., Coats, E., McDonald, A., Post-Guillen, D., September 16, 2014, Conference Name: Sustainable Western Dairy and Related Industries Workshop, Twin Falls, ID. Integrated Approach to Algal Biofuel, Biopower, and Agricultural Waste Management. , Coats, E., McDonald, A., Newby, D., September 16, 2014, Conference Name: Sustainable Western Dairy and Related Industries Workshop. Twin Falls, ID. Dr. Coats and the UI graduate students supported by this project delivered the following presentations during year 3: Hughes, E., Coats, E.R. Activated Primary Fermentation for EBPR: Design and Operation. Pacific NW Clean Water Association annual conference, Boise, ID, Oct. 26-28, 2015. Carleton, B., Coats, E.R. From Wasted to Wanted: Maximizing Waste Carbon Resource Recovery for Bioplastics Production. Pacific NW Clean Water Association annual conference, Boise, ID, Oct. 26-28, 2015. Coats, E.R. Maximizing Resource Recovery from Wastewater-from Treatment to Commodity Production. Engineering Sustainability 2015: Innovation and the Triple Bottom Line. April 19-21, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Dissemination to communities of interest has been accomplished through presentations at national, international and regional meetings and publications in relevant scientific journals. Additionally, we have disseminated a youtube video describing our process and the DAIREES web-based system model/decision tool at regional meetings, via the local news, and via on-going discussions with the U.S. Dairy Innovation Center. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the no-cost extension period new work will be primarily focused on dissemination fo results from this project and continuing to build strong stakeholder relationships and expanding the reach of our the DAIREES decision/data dissemination tool. Brief details on these efforts are provided below categorized by the Objective/Task structure of our original proposal with appropriate modifications based on what we learned over the course of the project. Objective 1: All work and budget expenditures associated with Objective #1 were completed during year 3 so no additional work is planned for the no-cost extension period. Objective 2: During the no-cost extension year manuscripts describing the initial strain selection, polyculture evaluation, and continuous culture performance and grazer resistance will be written for submission in 2016. In addition, the carbon capture/biomass production data from these experiments are being incorporated into the DAIREES C-model and will be included in the publically available decision tool as soon as possible. Objective 3: DAIREES C-model: Tasks for the final year of the project (i.e., the no-cost extension period) will consist of verification and validation and quality assurance for the model. Different scenarios will be run through the model and the outcomes evaluated. A journal publication documenting these results is in progress. Also during the no-cost extension year we will continue to disseminate the DAIREES tool to stakeholders directly and work with the U.S. Dairy Innovation Center to achieve a broader dissemination of the tool. Additionally a manuscript describing the structure of the model will be submitted for publication during the no-cost extension year. We will also use the DAIREES model as a key component to our on-going discussions with the City of Boise and regional dairy producers and processors to generate support for development of a pilot system based on the technologies advanced during this project. Objectives 4 and 5: Our multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional research team has advanced an integrated suite of processes to produce commercially viable, regionally-relevant, high-value bioenergy (including fuels), and biobased products from agricultural/food processing byproduct streams (current focus on dairy manure in Idaho). Our overarching goal is to maximize resource recovery, thereby reducing/eliminating traditional waste management requirements while producing clean energy and bio-products of significant economic value. Our technology is suitable for development in both rural and urban locations, and could contribute to a growing bio-economy in the US. During the no-cost extention period our outreach and educational efforts will be focused on disseminating the DAIREES model to the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, the Idaho Dairymen's association, milk processors, and local government agencies. These efforts will be coordinated around on-going conversations we have initiated in which we are pursuing partnerships for construction and deployment of a pilot-scale plant of our integrated process. Additionally, the lead project director (Feris) will attend the NIFA Project Directors meeting in 2016 to share our progress and connect with other efforts underway around the country.

What was accomplished under these goals? IMPACT: This project is designed to provide novel solutions to mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from dairies. CH4 and CO2 emissions from dairy operations constitute ~2.5% of annual U.S. GHG emissions, making dairies one of the largest industry sources of GHGs in the U.S. Anaerobic digestion (AD) can reduce dairy CH4 emissions (a very potent GHG) while producing electricity and offsetting farm energy usage. However, analyses have demonstrated that dairy ADs are severely constrained economically, principally due to low electricity rates. Perhaps more importantly, ADs emit relatively large quantities of GHGs in the form of CO2. To enhance dairy carbon (C) sequestration, this project has advanced a novel integrated manure-to-commodities system that converts pre-fermented manure to bioenergy, sequesters carbon by converting volatile fatty acid (VFA)-rich fermenter supernatant to bioplastics (PHA, or polyhydroxyalkanoates), and sequesters AD effluents (CO2, nitrogen, phosphorus) by producing algae that can be harvested and returned to the fermenter to enhance PHA production and enhance overall C-sequestration or that can be utilized as a soil C, N, and P amendment. Furthermore, as an unexpected outcome, residual biomass from the PHA reactor (in addition to the algal biomass) was demonstrated to be suitable for hydrothermal treatment to produce a feedstock that can be converted into fatty acid and PHA. Further improving system C-balance and overall economic potential. We made significant progress towards our goal of optimizing the integrated system for overall GHG reduction and C sequestration (Objectives 1 and 2) and what algal traits that should be managed for optimal continuous algae cultivation on agricultural wastewaters (Objective 2). The DAIREES tool and associated outreach products will enable us to disseminate our findings to a broad audience and will be used as a means to demonstrate the value of a multi-commodity platform for reducing the overall GHG production by dairy systems while simultaneously enhancing the economic viability of this GHG mitigation strategy (Objective 3). Details of accomplishments for each objective are as follows: Objective 1: Our first objective was to improve AD and PHA reactor performance to optimize C-capture in polyhydroxyalkanoate polymers as a C-storage compound and to maximize stability and productivity of the AD system. Significant progress has been made in completing the three research tasks under Task 4a. Task 4.a.1 - Related to the DAIREES model (Task 4c), we collected influent/effluent carbon data from two lab-scale fed-batch fermenters for input into the model. In monitoring carbon flux from the fermenter, we have determined through extensive monitoring that biogas flux (CO2, CH4) represents less than 1% of the total carbon emissions. Task 4.a.2 - The PHA reactor investigations are complete, and a publication is under journal review. Carbon flux data for the PHA reactor operations was incorporated into the DAIREES model. We have expanded the research to examine the effects of dissolved oxygen on process performance. By minimizing aeration we can reduce the process energy and GHG emission footprint while concurrently enhancing PHA production. Task 4.a.3 - Investigations focused on assessing the effect on AD performance of two different solids fractions discharged from the manure fermenter; one publication has resulted from this research. Finally, we have also generated carbon flux data for the AD reactor operations, for use in the DAIREES model. Objective 2: The primary goal of Objective #2 was to design and assess robust and productive algal cultures for C and nutrient capture from the AD and PHA reactor effluents. To most efficiently accomplish this objective we integrated Task 4.b.1 and 4.b.3. Task 4.b.1 - Quantifying C-capture and nutrient removal by algal production systems fed AD effluent and Task 4b.3 - Characterization of temporal and spatial variability in algal community structure and influence of community structure on C-sequestration potential of the PBR. A high-throughput strain selection experiment was implemented to identify single and poly-species algae cultures that attained the highest rates of biomass production, C-sequestration, and nutrient removal. We quantified differences in biomass productivity, carbon-capture, and rates of nutrient removal between different species combinations, further informing which strains and combinations may optimize system operation. Top-down control of algae by grazers can drastically impede algal growth (and carbon and nutrient sequestration rates), so we conducted an experiment to observe relative rates of grazing by rotifer pests among different species combinations. We identified several poly-cultures that were highly resistant to grazing. A 3 species polyculture had a 30.7% higher grazing resistance index compared to the most grazing resistant monoculture, resulting in a decreased risk of pond crash. Based on productivity, carbon capture, nutrient removal, and resistance to grazing, we tested the two optimum poly-cultures in pilot-scale continuous cultivation in 6 120L raceways (n=3 per treatment). Manuscripts describing the initial strain selection, polyculture evaluation, and continuous culture performance and grazer resistance are being drafted for submission in 2016. Task 4.b.2 - Characterization of algal C quality and determination of algal biomass as an amendment to the fermenter to enhance PHA yields. This objective was targeted towards post-processing of the algal biomass to enhance overall C-sequestration in our integrated system. We optimized parameters for hydrothermal conversion of PHA residual biomass and algae into fermentable components for producing PHA, crude bio-oil and biochar. Furthermore, pyrolysis was explored for a 1-step conversion of PHA residual biomass into a crude bio-oil and biochar. Biochar can be used to sequester C as a soil amendment. Manuscripts describing our findings were published in 2015. Objective 3 System model: A key need for broader implementation of AD systems for both climate mitigation and nutrient management are easy to use and publically accessible decision tools for potential developers of new AD systems. We generated the DAIREES system process carbon flux model to fulfill this need. The model structure contains all process stages with separate characteristics associated with modeling materials, carbon, and nutrient flows. The model is detailed and realistic and designed to be usable by an informed user, but not necessarily a computer scientist. Laboratory data has been supplemented with literature data to model the full-scale system on a per head of cow basis. Each technologies is evaluated in terms of C-flows through the process and economics. We have also begun to build upon prior work supported by the Innovation Center (IC) for US Dairy by establishing a framework for incorporating our experimental data and model outcomes into the DAIRIEES website. The goal is to generate a model that can potentially be incorporated into the USDA's Farm Smart suite of tools and resources, and improve dissemination of our research products and leveraging prior research investments by the IC. An important accomplishment for Objective 3 is the production and public dissemination of a short "white-board" video that describes our integrated process and the utility of the DAIREES web-based decision tool/model to stakeholders and the general public. To view the video go here: DAIRIEES Whiteboard video This video will be a key component of our outreach, education, and dissemination strategy as we move forward to future projects.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2015 Citation: Pilot Scale Algae Cultivation: UV Pre-Treatment Improves Integrity of C. vulgaris in Dairy Wastewater at the Algal Biomass, Biofuels, Bioproducts conference June 8th-10th San Diego, CA. Authors: Passero, M., Hillsbury, R., MacDonald, A., Newby, D. T., Coats, E., Feris, K. P.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2015 Citation: Species richness increases productivity of algae cultivated in dairy wastewater  5th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels, and Bioproducts, June 8, 2015, Authors: Thomas, P., Coats, E., Feris, K. P.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2015 Citation: Upcycling Dairy Manure (Finding Alternative Uses of a High-value Substrate). Coats, E., Feris, K. P., Newby, D. T., MacDonald, A., February 25, 2015, Conference Name: Western Initiative for the Dairy Environment (WIDE). Boise, ID.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2014 Citation: Enhancing Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Economic Viability of Anaerobic Digestion Systems: Algal Carbon Sequestration and Bioplastics Production. Feris, K. P., Coats, E., McDonald, A., Post-Guillen, D., September 16, 2014, Conference Name: Sustainable Western Dairy and Related Industries Workshop, Twin Falls, ID.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2014 Citation: Integrated Approach to Algal Biofuel, Biopower, and Agricultural Waste Management. Feris, K. P., Coats, E., McDonald, A., Newby, D., September 16, 2014, Conference Name: Sustainable Western Dairy and Related Industries Workshop. Twin Falls, ID.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hughes, E., Coats, E.R. Activated Primary Fermentation for EBPR: Design and Operation. Pacific NW Clean Water Association annual conference, Boise, ID, Oct. 26-28, 2015.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2015 Citation: Carleton, B., Coats, E.R. From Wasted to Wanted: Maximizing Waste Carbon Resource Recovery for Bioplastics Production. Pacific NW Clean Water Association annual conference, Boise, ID, Oct. 26-28, 2015.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2015 Citation: Coats, E.R. Maximizing Resource Recovery from Wastewater-from Treatment to Commodity Production. Engineering Sustainability 2015: Innovation and the Triple Bottom Line. April 19-21, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Passero, M., Cragin, B., Coats, E.R., McDonald, A.G. & Feris, K.P. Dairy wastewaters for algae cultivation, polyhydroxyalkanote reactor effluent versus anaerobic digester effluent. Bioenergy Research. (2015). DOI: 10.1007/s12155-015-9619-9.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Stowe, E.J., E.R. Coats, and C.K. Brinkman, Dairy Manure Resource Recovery utilizing Two-stage Anaerobic Digestion - Implications of Solids Fractionation. Bioresour. Technol., 2015. 198: p. 237-245
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Smith, S.A.,Hughes, E., Coats, E.R., Brinkman, C.K., McDonald, A.G., *Harper, J., Feris, K., Newby, D. Toward sustainable dairy waste utilization: Enhanced VFA and biogas synthesis via upcycling algal biomass cultured on waste effluent. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 2015-published on-line. DOI 10.1002/jctb.4706
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2015 Citation: Coats, E.R., Watson, B., Brinkman, C.K. 2016-under review. Effects of Aeration on Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production on Fermented Dairy Manure. Bioresour. Technol.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Liqing Wei, Shaobo Liang, Nicholas M. Guho, Andrea J. Hanson, Matthew W. Smith, Manuel Garcia-Perez, Armando G. McDonald. Production and characterization of bio-oil and biochar from the pyrolysis of residual bacte- rial biomass from a polyhydroxyalkanoate production process, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. (2015),
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Reduction of GHG Emissions Through the Conversion of Dairy Waste to Value-Added Materials and Products. Caryn Wendt, Chaston Ellis, Donna Post Guillen, Kevin Feris, Erik R. Coats and Armando McDonald. TMS 2015 Annual Meeting in the Energy Technologies and Carbon Dioxide Management Symposium. March 15-19, 2015, Orlando, FL USA.

Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/14

Target Audience: Target Audience: The target audience for work performed during this reporting period included 1) scientists and developers working in the fields of anaerobic digestion and algal biofuel and bioproducts, 2) middle school and high school teachers, and 3) leadership for the Innovation Center for US Dairy. More specifically we presented recent findings from this work at two national and international meetings (as delineated below) and had numerous detailed conversations with leadership at the Innovation Center for US dairy about project progress and longer term development targets. We have also submitted one manuscript for publication and have another in preparation targeted for submission during late 2014/early 2015. Additional manuscripts describing the outcome of our algal polyculture experiments are targeted for submission in 2015. Efforts: The research team delivered a poster at the Western Sustainable Dairy workshop held in Twin Falls, ID September 16-17, 2014. “Enhancing Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Economic Viability of Anaerobic Digestion Systems: Algal Carbon Sequestration and Bioplastics Production.” Dr. Coats and his UI graduate student supported by this project delivered a talk at the annual Pacific NW Clean Water Association conference held in Vancouver, WA October 27-29, 2014. The presentation title was “Investigating a Novel 2-Stage Parallel Anaerobic Digestion System to Enhance Resource Recovery from Residual Organic Matter.” Publications: manuscripts and conference proceedings (either published or submitted and pending) Biomass productivity and yield of Chlorella vulgaris grown on dairy wastewaters are improved by utilizing polyhydroxyalkanote reactor effluent relative to anaerobic digester effluent. Maxine Prior, Ben Cragin, Erik R. Coats, Armando G. McDonald, and Kevin Feris. BioEnergy Research. In Review. Submitted September 22, 2014. An AD publication is targeted for late 2014/early 2015, focused on process performance associated with separate vs. combined solids streams discharged from the fermenter. The proposed title will be: “Investigating a Novel 2-Stage Parallel Anaerobic Digestion System to Enhance Resource Recovery from Dairy Manure.” A second technical note may be developed from the MSc student’s thesis. We have also mapped out a publication on the fermentation potential results that is targeted for submission in 2015. Changes/Problems: Funding for this project was not made available until mid November 2012. This timing resulted in a significant delay to the start of project activities, most importantly for student recruitment. Given the time of fund availability we were unable to recruit graduate students for the Fall of 2012, and in one case a graduate student was not recruited until late summer 2013. Our current work is now well integrated and concurrent and less step-wise, all students are in place, and some are targeting graduation in late 2014 or late 2015. Although significant progress was made during the reporting period some experiments were started later than anticipated. One change includes a minor extension of the fermentation and algal polyculture studies. The fermentation studies, occurred over the first 18-20 months, rather than in the first 12 months. Additionally, the single culture pilot scale algal cultivation experiments are continuing and will likely be mostly completed in late 2014. The algal polyculture experiments are continuing and will transition to the pilot scale systems in early 2015 rather than late 2014. The optimization of the algal polyculture yields in the pilot scale system will likely continue throughout 2015. The majority of the educational program of this project was delivered as part of 2-week teacher educational institute on STEM education for K-12 teachers. Specifically, PIs Feris and Coats delivered the keynote address and provided a lesson plan for over 700 K-12 teachers as part of the 2014 Idaho iSTEM institute. Stakeholder interactions: Our research team was invited to a regional conference entitled “Sustainable Western Dairy and Related Industries Workshop”. This workshop included participants from national laboratories, the US Dairy Innovation Center, Glanbia Foods, and number of large and small dairies in Idaho and California, representatives from the EPA and Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. Our team leveraged this meeting as a means to glean input on our integrated system from many members of our stakeholder group as well as representatives from other private and public organizations. This workshop represented a unique opportunity to disseminate our current findings and receive valuable feedback from many of our stakeholders. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? One of the undergraduate research assistants in Dr. Feris’ lab (Angelo Sanfilippo) has applied for and been accepted to the MS Biology program at Boise State. He will begin his graduate studies during the Spring 2015 semester. Dr. Coats’ MSc student supported on this project (Ed Stowe) will earn his degree in December 2014. Dr. Coats and his UI graduate student supported by this project delivered a talk at the annual Pacific NW Clean Water Association conference held in Vancouver, WA October 27-29, 2014. The presentation title was “Investigating a Novel 2-Stage Parallel Anaerobic Digestion System to Enhance Resource Recovery from Residual Organic Matter.” DAIRIEES: Integrated Dairy Manure Treatment Modeling, poster presented by Rebecca Posa at the 2014 INL Intern Poster Session, August 2014. Our team participated in the Sustainable Western Dairy and Related Industries Workshop held at the College of Southern Idaho in September 2014. The possibility of including the DAIRIEES model in the Innovation Center for US Dairy’s Farm Smart suite of tools was discussed with IC leadership. This research is important to the dairy industry and the State of Idaho, since nitrate contamination of groundwater and GHG emissions to the air are problematic pollutants. Further, the production of bioplastics from the PHA produced by the fermentation of dairy manure has attracted the attention of the BioFeedstock Alliance and the World Wildlife Fund. Team members are pursuing an interaction with the WWF to explore how this relationship might further our bioplastics work and provide a novel product stream for WWF partners. Similarly the algal production components of our project were discussed with collaborators from Sandia National Lab, the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, WWF, and the Idaho Dairymen’s association as a means for nutrient capture and alternative co-product formation. Relationships with these groups are being pursued to develop partnerships for expanding the application of our technology. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? The research team delivered a poster at the Western Sustainable Dairy workshop held in Twin Falls, ID September 16-17, 2014. “Enhancing Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Economic Viability of Anaerobic Digestion Systems: Algal Carbon Sequestration and Bioplastics Production.” Dr. Coats and his UI graduate student supported by this project delivered a talk at the annual Pacific NW Clean Water Association conference held in Vancouver, WA October 27-29, 2014. The presentation title was “Investigating a Novel 2-Stage Parallel Anaerobic Digestion System to Enhance Resource Recovery from Residual Organic Matter.” Biomass productivity and yield of Chlorella vulgaris grown on dairy wastewaters are improved by utilizing polyhydroxyalkanote reactor effluent relative to anaerobic digester effluent. Maxine Prior, Ben Cragin, Erik R. Coats, Armando G. McDonald, and Kevin Feris. BioEnergy Research. In Review. Submitted September 22, 2014. DAIRIEES: Integrated Dairy Manure Treatment Modeling, poster presented by Rebecca Posa at the 2014 INL Intern Poster Session, August 2014. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Importantly, we are continually modulating our experimental approaches with the fermenter, PHA, AD, and PBR systems via coordinated analysis of the inputs and outputs of each experimental system. Given that the overall goal is to design and operate an integrated system we have adjusted our experimental approaches to facilitate data collection now as if the systems were integrated and operating simultaneously and co-located in space and time. For example, effluents from the PHA and AD factorials are being used as direct inputs to the PBR experiments. Conversely, algal biomass produced from these systems is being used to generate carbon amendments to the fermenters. While the DAIRIEES model will be a predictive tool as an outcome of this work, the empirical investigations are also being actively managed and designed to provide direct estimates of how such systems might operate outside of a research context. Thus each of the proposed plans for the upcoming reporting period, while listed as distinct entities are in fact being operated as integrated aspects of our collaborative project. Objective 1: The fermentation investigations will be completed in year 3. The PHA factorial (Task 4.a.2) was completed during year 2; data processing will be finalized in year 3. The goal of this task was to identify critical bioreactor operating conditions that maximize PHA synthesis. Success will also be measured through quantifying relative carbon sequestration within the factorial operating scenarios. Year 3 PHA investigations will focus on evaluating how best to maximize PHA production, leveraging results from years 1 and 2. Investigations will link with the fermentation investigations, which will inform on the actual quantity of substrate available for PHA production. All measured outcomes of the fermenter, PHA, and AD factorials will be populated to the Dairy Analytics website and used to parameterize the DAIRIEES model. Objective 2: Single culture experiments in the PBRs will be completed and multispecies consortia experiments continued. Success of the polyculture PBR experiments will be determined by repeatable outcomes in terms of algal productivity, C-fixation rates, and algal carbon quality. Additionally success will be evaluated in terms of defining temporal variability in process outcomes. As we have done thus far, all measures of algal biomass production and quality will be populated to the Dairy Analytics website and used to parameterize the DAIREES model. Additional validation experiments will be performed to assess the value of a novel intrinsic technology for control of grazers in the algal cultivation systems. Objective 3: DAIRIEES model: During year 3, beta testing of the model will continue and the model will be updated with data as it becomes available from the experimental systems being tested. The current DAIRIEES model is held behind the INL firewall until the quality of its outputs are validate, work that will be completed during year 3. Prior to the end of the project the DAIRIEES model will be released for public access and if suitable it will be included as part of the Farm Smart tool currently disseminated by the Innovation center for US Dairy. We will continue to explore this option during year 3. In association with the educational program, the web-based model will be demonstrated to stakeholders and decision-makers. The primary evaluation metric will be assessment of the robustness and ease of use of the web-based model. Objectives 4 and 5: A similar suite of outreach and educational programs will be delivered during year 3 of the project. These will be coupled to the iSTEM institute and to existing programming at MOSS and outreach activities performed by CAES as schedules and resources allow. As we have done thus far, this approach will allow us to leverage the efforts of these other organizations while effectively achieving our goals. Graduate and undergraduate student training will continue with at least one if not two of the MS students matriculating in FY15. At least two stakeholder meetings will be held and as we have done this year we will continue to interact with the Innovation Center for US dairy to help maintain our focus on generation and dissemination of information that will hopefully be useful and applicable to the industry as a whole. Additionally, a minimum of 2 research publications will be submitted as a means of research dissemination during year 3 of the project. The lead project director (Feris) will attend the NIFA Project Directors meeting in April 2015 to share our progress and connect with other efforts underway around the country.

What was accomplished under these goals? While the project has established important and achievable goals additional work remains to be done to achieve the research and product dissemination targets we have established. Objective 1: Task 4.a.1 – Ten fermentation potential tests on six different manure streams have been completed, with two more planned in late 2014/early 2015; By pressurizing the fermentation reactor we can exert some control over the relative speciation of VFAs produced (i.e., fraction of acetate, propionate, etc.) The optimal organic loading rate to maximize VFA yield is 25-30 gVS/L, while the optimal retention time 5-7 days. Maximum VFA yield ranges from 147-262 mgVFA (as COD) per gVS manure applied. Preliminary data indicates limited variability between manure sources. To better understand potential ferment-ability of the different manure streams, we have also started testing manure to better characterize the different organic, and thus biodegradable, fractions in manure. Additional analysis of this data, relative to fermenter performance, will occur in year 3. Related to the DAIREES model (Task 4c), in monitoring carbon flux from the fermenter, we have determined through extensive monitoring that biogas flux (CO2, CH4) represents less than 1% of the total carbon emissions. Task 4.a.2 – The PHA reactor factorial experiment is completed; data analysis is ongoing. We have also generated carbon flux data for the PHA reactor operations. We have expanded the research to examine the effects of dissolved oxygen on process performance. By minimizing aeration we can reduce the process energy and GHG emission footprint while concurrently enhancing PHA production. An additional outcome of the reduction in aeration of the PHA reactors has been a corresponding decrease in the total nitrogen and nitrate-N present in the PHA effluent. On-going experiments (Task 4b) are exploring how this decrease in total and nitrate N will likely affect algal yield on this effluent type. Task 4.a.3 – Investigations focused on assessing the effect on AD performance of two different solids fractions discharged from the manure fermenter. Specifically, both a fine fraction (centrifuged recovery) and fibrous fraction (screened recovery) solids stream is produced via fermentation. Additionally, the effects of OLR and SRT were evaluated in year 2. The MSc student conducting this work will finish and defend his thesis in November 2014, and a publication is pending submittal. Objective 2: The pilot-scale algal cultivation systems constructed in the Boise State greenhouses are being used for 60-90 day experimental trials for continuous operation. We are currently quantifying the effects of effluent concentration and type on growth rates, yields, biomass quality and process stability of C. vulgaris cultures under semi-continuous cultivation conditions. C. vulgaris yield is directly related to the total-N and nitrogen species distribution and optical properties of the ADE and PHAE. The optical properties of the PHAE do not inhibit C. vulgaris growth; rather yield is primarily dependent on the initial NO3-N content. Whereas the ADE effluent optical properties may decrease growth rates, but not influence final yields. Final yield in ADE is dependent on total N. Conversely, process stability is greater in the ADE vs. the PHAE. Grazer outbreaks in the continuous PHAE cultures significantly decreased yields in affected treatments. This has not been observed in the ADE cultures. Current work is exploring the mechanism for ADE to inhibit grazer outbreaks. No significant effect of effluent type on carbohydrate content of the C. vulgaris cultures was observed. Multi-species polyculture experiments have been initiated and will continue into year 3. Initial results indicate that both species richness and community structure significantly influence the biomass yield and carbohydrate content of the algal biomass. Extrapolation of growth rates and carbohydrate concentrations indicate that the annual carbohydrate yield of algal polycultures may increaseby up to 65% compared to single species cultures of C. vulgaris. Polyculture experiments will be scaled up to the pilot scale and continuous operations in 2015. Each of the measured outcomes is being evaluated by the current version of the DAIREES model. Task 4.b.2: C. vulgaris biomass cultivated on PHA and AD reactor effluent was harvested, dewatered, and preserved for augmentation studies as part of AD and fermenter operations. Outcomes from this experiment are described above. Due to the relative amounts of residual biomass from the PHA bioreactors, the residual PHA biomass is also being explored as a substrate for hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) experiments. Compositional analysis showed the residual PHA biomass to contain 19% carbohydrate, 35% protein, 21% ash and 25% sulfuric acid insoluble material (lignin), which seem suitable for HTL. Preliminary studies have shown that by applying hydrothermal liquefaction the PHA residual biomass can produce 14% bio-oil, 6% gases, 51% solid residues, and 23% water-soluble products (sugars, acids) at a process temperature of 250oC. Detailed chemical analysis is ongoing to assess the suitability of this HTL process to provide nutrients to the fermenters. Objective 3 DAIRIEES system process carbon flux model: Regular project wide discussions are helping to determine appropriate ranges for flows of C, nutrients, VFAs, etc. We continue to build upon prior work supported by the Innovation Center for US Dairy to incorporate our experimental data and model outcomes into the Dairy Analytics website. The goal here is by the end of the project to generate a model product that can be incorporated into the Dairy Analytics site. The current version of the DAIRIEES model constitutes a technoeconomic analysis of the coupled anaerobic digestion (AD) / algae-polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) system to significantly reduce or eliminate the release of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from manure management systems. The model incorporates mass, energy and water flows through the system and compares GHG emissions to a no-treatment option. We built a website using Google sites to host the Decision-support for Digester-Algae IntegRation for Improved Environmental and Economic Sustainability (DAIRIEES) model and provide information to researchers and stakeholders. USDA funding was leveraged to help facilitate recruitment of a recent graduate with a B.S. in Civil Engineering, Rebecca Posa. The student assisted with the development of the DAIRIEES model and website, preparation of a User Manual that documents the technical content and operation of the model, a report suitable for a general audience, and a poster. The website has been shared with several stakeholders and other researchers to inform them about the research being conducted by this project. The website includes a link to download the DAIRIEES technoeconomic spreadsheet model. Currently, only the project team has permission to access the model since it is currently under development – new laboratory data is being added as it becomes available and data from the literature is being incorporated to supplement the laboratory data where there are gaps. Assumptions are being validated and documented in the User Manual. Objectives 4 and 5: We have recruited and continue to train 3 graduate students and a number of undergraduate student researchers in both the technical aspects of the project and the components of translating basic science innovation to commercial applications.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2015 Citation: Biomass productivity and yield of Chlorella vulgaris grown on dairy wastewaters are improved by utilizing polyhydroxyalkanote reactor effluent relative to anaerobic digester effluent. Maxine Prior, Ben Cragin, Erik R. Coats, Armando G. McDonald, and Kevin Feris. BioEnergy Research. In Review. Submitted September 22, 2014.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Investigating a Novel 2-Stage Parallel Anaerobic Digestion System to Enhance Resource Recovery from Dairy Manure. Ed Stowe, Erik R. Coats, Cynthia Brinkman, Kevin P. Feris. In preparation for submission to BioResource Technology in 2015.

Progress 09/01/12 to 08/31/13

Target Audience: Target Audiences: The target audience for work performed during this reporting period included 1) scientists and developers working in the fields of anaerobic digestion and algal biofuel and bioproducts and 2) leadership for the Innovation Center for US Dairy. More specifically we presented recent findings from this work at two national and international meetings (as delineated below) and had numerous detailed conversations with leadership at the Innovation Center for US dairy about project progress and longer term development targets. Drs. Coats and Feris gave separate but integrated presentations at the 7th annual EPA AgStar conference held in Indianapolis on June 11, 2013. The following presentations shared preliminary results on our integrated AD/PHA/algae process to upcycle dairy manure in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner. E. Coats, Integrated 2-Stage Anaerobic Digestion to Reduce Dairy GHG Emissions K. Feris, Nutrient Sequestration using Algae with AD Systems Dr. Feris presented the following paper: M. Prior, B. Cragin, A. Hall, N. Staley, E. Coats, K. Feris. Ultraviolet Radiation Pre-treatment Modifies Dairy Wastewater, Improving Its Utility as a Medium for Algal Cultivation, 3rd International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts conference June 16th-19th, Toronto, Canada Dr. Coats and the UI graduate student supported by this project have submitted an abstract to the Water Environment Federation Biosolids and Residuals conference to be held in March 2014 in Austin, TX. Changes/Problems: Funding for this project was not made available until mid November 2012. This timing resulted in a significant delay to the start of project activities, most importantly for student recruitment. Given the time of fund availability we were unable to recruit graduate students for the Fall of 2012, and in one case a graduate student was not recruited until late summer 2013. This delayed graduate student recruitment has also slowed expenditures somewhat. However, the rate of expenditure has increased since all of the students have been recruited to the project. Although significant progress was made during the reporting period some experiments are being started later than anticipated. For example, the single culture PBR experiments will likely be completed later in year 2 than originally scheduled. Additionally, delivery of the educational programming during the beginning of year 2 could not be scheduled with MOSS as their programmatic schedule was set prior to funding for this project becoming available. Although the majority of the educational program will still be offered this initial installment will be delayed until later in year 2. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? The project has recruited 3 new graduate students (2 University of Idaho, 1 Boise State University) and supported 3 undergraduate researchers at Boise State University. The graduate students will continue for the duration of the project and we are currently leveradging this project to recruit and retain additional undergraduate researchers on a volunteer or for credit basis as a way to enchance the educational outcomes of the project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? We presented recent findings from this work at two national and international meetings (as delineated below) and had numerous detailed conversations with leadership at the Innovation Center for US dairy about project progress and longer term development targets. Drs. Coats and Feris gave separate but integrated presentations at the 7th annual EPA AgStar conference held in Indianapolis on June 11, 2013. The following presentations shared preliminary results on our integrated AD/PHA/algae process to upcycle dairy manure in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner. E. Coats, Integrated 2-Stage Anaerobic Digestion to Reduce Dairy GHG Emissions K. Feris, Nutrient Sequestration using Algae with AD Systems Dr. Feris presented the following paper: M. Prior, B. Cragin, A. Hall, N. Staley, E. Coats, K. Feris. Ultraviolet Radiation Pre-treatment Modifies Dairy Wastewater, Improving Its Utility as a Medium for Algal Cultivation, 3rd International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts conference June 16th-19th, Toronto, Canada Dr. Coats and the UI graduate student supported by this project have submitted an abstract to the Water Environment Federation Biosolids and Residuals conference to be held in March 2014 in Austin, TX. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Importantly, we are modulating our experimental approaches with the fermentor, PHA, AD, and PBR systems via coordinated analysis of the inputs and outputs of each experimental system. Given that the overall goal is to design and operate an integrated system we have adjusted our experimental approaches to facilitate data collection now as if the systems were integrated and operating simultaneously and co-located in space and time. For example, effluents from the PHA and AD factorials are being used as direct inputs to the PBR experiments. Conversely, algal biomass produced from these systems is being used to generate carbon amendments to the ferementors. While the DAIREES model will be a predictive tool as an outcome of this work, the empirical investigations are also being actively managed and designed to provide direct estimates of how such systems might operate outside of a research context. Thus each of the proposed plans for the upcoming reporting period, while listed as distinct entities are in fact being operated as integrated aspects of our collaborative project. Objective 1: The fermentation and AD factorials will be completed. The PHA factorial (Task 4.a.2) will be completed during year 2. Based on our preliminary investigations (Guho 2010), this period is sufficient to complete the investigations. The goal of this task is to identify critical bioreactor operating conditions that maximize PHA synthesis. Success will also be measured through quantifying relative carbon sequestration within the factorial operating scenarios. The AD investigations (Task 4.a.3) will be continued throughout year 2 of the project. Dr. Coats has duplicate two-stage AD systems, which is sufficient capacity to test the planned factorial. The goal of this task is to establish AD operating criteria necessary to maximize CH4 production on the thickened pre-fermented manure. Success will thus be measured through the respective stoichiometric parameters (e.g., L CH4 synthesized per gram VS oxidized). All measured outcomes of the fermentor, PHA, and AD factorials ofwill be populated to the Dairy Analytics website and used to parameterize the DAIREES C-system model. Objective 2: Single culture experiments in the PBRs will be completed and multispecies consortia experiments initiated. Success of the PBR experiments will be determined by repeatable outcomes in terms of algal productivity, C-fixation rates, and algal carbon quality. Additionally success will be evaluated in terms of declining spatial and temporal variability in process outcomes. All measures of algal biomass production and quality will be populated to the Dairy Analytics website and used to parameterize the DAIREES C-system model. Task 4b2 will be conducted once sufficient algal biomass is generated for subsequent liquefaction trials and will be undertaken between the 12-24 month period. Liquefaction products will be characterized and optimal algal liquefaction conditions used to generate feed for fermentation studies to VFAs. Objective 3: DAIREES C-model: Between year 1 and 2 the individual sub-models will be wrapped and integrated into the overall process model. An optimization methodology will be incorporated. The model will be tested for robustness and stability. Beta testing will be performed by the research team and in the context of the educational objectives. By mid year of the second year of the project the web interface will be prepared and will allow access by collaborators, decision-makers and stakeholders. Documentation will be prepared. During the third year and in association with the educational program, the web-based model will be demonstrated to stakeholders and decision-makers. The primary evaluation metric will be assessment of the robustness and ease of use of the web-based model. Objectives 4 and 5: Outreach and educational programs will be delivered during years 2 and 3 of the project and coupled to existing programming at MOSS and outreach activities performed by CAES. This will allow us to leverage the efforts of these other organizations while effectively achieving our goals. Graduate and undergraduate student training will continue. Stakeholder meetings will be held and we will continue to interact with the Innovation Center for US dairy to help maintain our focus on generation and dissemination of information that will hopefully be useful and applicable to the industry as as whole. Additionally, 1 to 2 research publications will be submitted as a means of research dissemination. The lead project director (Feris) will attend the NIFA Project Directors meeting in January 2014 to share our progress and connect with other efforts underway around the country.

What was accomplished under these goals? This project is designed to provide novel solutions to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from dairies. Specifically CH4 and CO2 emissions from dairy operations constitute ~2.5% of annual U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, making dairies one of the largest industry sources of GHGs in the U.S. Anaerobic digestion (AD) can reduce dairy CH4 emissions (a very potent GHG) while producing electricity and offsetting farm energy usage. However, analyses have demonstrated that dairy ADs are severely constrained economically, principally due to low electricity rates. Perhaps more importantly, ADs emit relatively large quantities of GHGs in the form of CO2. To enhance dairy carbon (C) sequestration, this project will advance a novel integrated manure-to-commodities system that converts pre-fermented manure to bioenergy, sequesters carbon by converting volatile fatty acid (VFA)-rich fermenter supernatant to bioplastics (PHA, or polyhydroxyalkanoates), and sequesters AD effluents (CO2, nitrogen, phosphorus) by producing algae that can be harvested and returned to the AD to enhance PHA production and enhance overall C-sequestration. GHG reduction and C sequestration will be quantified and used to parameterize a system model and web-accessible management decision tool that will be developed at the Idaho National Laboratory. Research product and decision tool dissemination along with workforce and student training will be facilitated by connecting to an on-going, USDA funded outreach and education effort centered on biofuel literacy led by the University of Idaho's McCall Outdoor Science School (MOSS). We will develop an AD-specific module for this program with which to target dairy managers and AD system operators, with the goal of enhancing adoption of our integrated commodity production and C sequestration processes. While the project has established important and achievable goals we are in the beginning stages of the project. Additional work remains to be done to achieve the research and product dissemination targets we have established. The following was accomplished with respect to our overall project goals during the reporting period. Objective 1: Significant progress has been made in completing the three research tasks under Task 4a. Details are as follows. Task 4.a.1 – Four fermentation potential tests on four different manure streams have been completed, with a fifth evaluation recently performed (data processing underway); pertinent results are summarized in Table 1. Additional testing to further characterize the manure (e.g., proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, etc.) is underway as well. Related to the DAIREES model (Task 4c), we have collected influent/effluent carbon data from two lab-scale fed-batch fermenter for input into the model. In monitoring carbon flux from the fermenter, we have determined through extensive monitoring that biogas flux (CO2, CH4) represents less than 1% of the total carbon emissions. Task 4.a.2 – The PHA reactor factorial experiment is nearly completed. We have collected one set of data, and will be collecting a second set of data late 2013/early 2014. We have also generated carbon flux data for the PHA reactor operations, for use in the DAIREES model. In addition to the factorial experiment, we have expanded the research to examine the effects of dissolved oxygen on process performance. By minimizing aeration we can reduce the process energy and GHG emission footprint while concurrently enhancing PHA production. Results from these investigations are pending. Task 4.a.3 – Current investigations are focused on assessing the effect on AD performance of two different solids fractions discharged from the manure fermenter. Specifically, both a fine fraction (centrifuged recovery) and fibrous fraction (screened recovery) solids stream is produced via fermentation. Preliminary research suggests that the fine fraction is both more enriched in lipids and nitrogen, and thus exhibits better CH4-production potential. Separate vs. combined AD may yield different quantities and qualities of CH4-rich biogas; these investigations are one facet of our AD factorial, specifically addressing the Organic Loading Rate (OLR) factor. We have also identified that mixing can significantly de-stabilize the AD, and have developed a preliminary plan of action to establish mixing criteria for dairy manure ADs based on power input and mixer characteristics. Finally, we have also generated carbon flux data for the AD reactor operations, for use in the DAIREES model. Objective 2: Significant progress has been made on Tasks 4.b.1 during Year 1. Three 100L capacity algal cultivation systems have been constructed in the Boise State greenhouses. Initial control experiments, development of continuous operation and maintenance protocols, and monitoring systems for process chemistry are being established, and 30-day experimental trials for continuous operation initiated. Current experiments are working with single algal culture mixtures and PHA reactor effluent. Multi-species experiments will be initiated in year 2. Custom data logging equipment is being procured and configured to track operational conditions, biomass productivity, and carbon flow. We have also quantified nutrient sequestration as a function of algal cultivation conditions and wastewater sources for single species mixtures. Each of these parameters is being measured to enable population and further refinement of the model of the DAIREES carbon flux model of the integrated system. Task 4.b.2: Algal biomass cultivated on PHA reactor effluent is currently being harvested, dewatered, and preserved for augmentation studies as part of AD and fermentor operations. This work will continue in year 2 of the project. Objective 3 System model: The structure of the DAIREES system process carbon flux model has been established. The model structure contains all fermentor, PHA, AD, and PBR process components along with separate characteristics associated with modeling materials, carbon, and nutrient flows among processes. On-going and regular project wide discussions are helping to determine appropriate ranges for flows of C, nutrients, VFAs, etc. In addition we have begun to build upon prior work supported by the Innovation Center for US Dairy by establishing a framework for incorporating our experimental data and model outcomes into the Dairy Analytics website. This website was constructed via a relationship between R. Sam Alessi at the Idaho National Lab and the IC. Dr. Alessi is working closely with our group, assisting in generating the connection between our efforts and the Dairy Analytics package and providing significant input on the DAIRESS carbon flux model. The goal here is by the end of the project to generate a model product that can be incorporated into the Dairy Analytics site. Thereby improving dissemination of our research projects and leveraging prior research investments by the IC. Finally, we have developed a statistical tool in SAS for continuous evaluation of data collected from our experimental systems and designed this structure so that as data is collected it is directly incorporated into the DAIREES process model. Model development, data collection and incorporation, and integration of experimental designs with model outcomes will continue throughout year 2 of the project. Objectives 4 and 5: We have recruited and continue to train 3 graduate students and a number of undergraduate student researchers in both the technical aspects of the project and the components of translating basic science innovation to commercial applications.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Nutrient Sequestration using Algae with AD Systems. Kevin Feris (BSU), Maxine Prior (UI), Erik R. Coats (UI), Erin Searcy (DOE), Donna Post Guillen (INL), Sam Alessi (INL). 7th annual EPA AgStar conference held in Indianapolis on June 11, 2013
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Coats, E.; Feris, K. Maxine Prior (UI), Erin Searcy (INL). Integrated 2-Stage Anaerobic Digestion to Reduce Dairy GHG Emissions, 7th annual EPA AgStar conference held in Indianapolis on June 11, 2013