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 Project Title Accession Number Sponsoring Agency Funding Mechanism Award Number Initial Award Fiscal Year Recipient Organization Project Start Date Project End Date Project Start Fiscal Year Project Status Cumulative Award Amount Recipient State
Machine Learning-Based Approach to Characterize Genetic Signatures of Vibrio parahaemolyticus1033728State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND02/03/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
Extending probiotic benefit in leafy crops to food safety, nutritional quality and stress resilience 1033724State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND01/29/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
Evaluation of The Safety and Efficacy of a Bivalent Live-Attenuated Vaccine Candidate for The Control of Salmonella serogroups C1 (O:7) and C2-C3 (O:8) in Chickens.1033719State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND03/01/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
community garden and composting project to increase tribal food sovereignty1033688National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-70510-443562025LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE03/01/202502/28/20272025ACTIVE$195,991.00MINNESOTA
Enhancing Food Sovereignty through Anaerobic Digestion for the Yurok Tribe1033672National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-70510-443442025YUROK TRIBE03/01/202502/28/20272025ACTIVE$400,000.00CALIFORNIA
The Role of Iron in Adipocyte Signaling and Homeostasis1033667State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND01/24/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
Investigating the Synergistic Effects of Curcumin and Genistein in Breast Cancer Using Novel Nanoencapsulation Platforms1033658State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND01/23/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
Does soil Mn level contribute to CO2 emissions via soil organic matter decomposition?1033654State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND01/23/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
Investigating the roles of ethylene and ACC signaling in plant resistance against filamentous pathogens1033652State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND01/23/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
Characterization of a porcine arterivirus interaction with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn)1033640State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND01/22/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
CD4+ iIELs in the Gut of Cattle1033637State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND01/22/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
Reducing Broiler Breast Myopathies through Nutritional Interventions and Processing Adjustments1033636State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND01/22/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
IL-1beta-primed mesenchymal stem cells as an enhanced regenerative therapy1033635State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND01/27/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
Role of TRPV4 channel mechanosensing in high fat-diet induced atherosclerosis1033634State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND02/01/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
Functional Characterization of PtrAHL33 and Drought-Stress-Induced PtrAHL Genes in Poplar1033633State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND01/31/202506/30/20262025ACTIVENot applicableMARYLAND
City of Tucson Composting and Food Waste Reduction Project1033624National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-70510-443402025CITY OF TUCSON03/01/202502/28/20272025ACTIVE$368,353.00ARIZONA
Lakes Region Planning Commission Food Waste Reduction Pilot Program1033595National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-70510-443652025LAKES REGION PLANNING COMMISSION, INC.03/01/202502/28/20272025ACTIVE$87,300.00NEW HAMPSHIRE
Production of Breeder and Foundation Seed of Rice, Soybean and Wheat1033576State Agricultural Experiment StationState FundingNot applicableNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS01/14/202509/30/20292025ACTIVENot applicableARKANSAS
Climate sentinels: documenting stink bug species and natural enemy distribution change in soybean across three physiographic regions1033575National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-67013-444902025NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY03/01/202502/29/20282025ACTIVE$392,000.00NORTH CAROLINA
Moab Waste Minimization & Compost Pilot Program1033570National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-70510-443602025SOLID WASTE SPECIAL SERVICE DIS 103/01/202502/28/20272025ACTIVE$300,809.00UTAH
West Oahu Produce Rx Program (WOPRx)1033545National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2022-70424-444032025WAIANAE DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH AND HOSPITAL BOARD, INCORPORATED09/15/202409/14/20252024ACTIVE$387,790.72HAWAII
Creating a Circular School Food System1033542National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-70510-443502025RIO SCHOOL DISTRICT03/01/202502/28/20272025ACTIVE$83,954.00CALIFORNIA
Bridgeport Compost and Food Waste Reduction Pilot Project1033534National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-70510-443482025CITY OF BRIDGEPORT03/01/202502/28/20272025ACTIVE$219,429.00CONNECTICUT
Characterizing potent phytopathogen inhibitors from microbial community derived from corn rhizosphere1033528National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-67039-445072025REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA05/01/202504/30/20272025ACTIVE$299,999.00MINNESOTA
Composting and Food Waste Reduction (CFWR) Pilot Project1033526National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-70510-443592025SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY03/01/202502/28/20272025ACTIVE$80,575.00FLORIDA
Composting and Food Waste Reduction (CFWR) Pilot Project1033525National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-70510-443522025CLARK COUNTY03/01/202502/28/20272025ACTIVE$255,166.00WASHINGTON
Next-Generation Phenotyping: Image-Based Traits To Drive Genetic Progress For Efficiency In Beef Cattle1033524National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-67015-445112025UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS04/01/202503/31/20272025ACTIVE$300,000.00ILLINOIS
Growing Roots and Cultivating Opportunities Project1033522National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-47003-442372025STONE CHILD COLLEGE CORP01/15/202501/14/20272025ACTIVE$197,935.00MONTANA
Green Lands Blue Water`s 2025 Continuous Living Cover Conference for Agricultural Practitioners and Researchers in the Upper Mississippi River Basin1033521National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-67019-444542025REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA01/15/202501/14/20262025ACTIVE$24,941.00MINNESOTA
Climate Smart Agriculture and Indigenous Knowledge Integration1033515National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-47003-442402025SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE, INC.01/15/202501/14/20272025ACTIVE$200,000.00MONTANA