Progress 10/01/11 to 10/01/12
Outputs OUTPUTS: 1. Resynchronized lactating cows that had high P4 at G1 and that ovulated after G1 had an increased synchronization rate resulting in increased fertility to TAI. 2. Circulating P4 reduces GnRH-induced LH secretion, and a higher dose of GnRH can increase LH secretion both in a high and low P4 environment. 3. Development and use of a stochastic model by commercial dairy herds may facilitate selection of economically-optimal reproductive programs based on farm-specific parameters. 4. Presynchronization with GnRH 7 d before initiation of Resynch increased fertility of resynchronized dairy cows whereas timing of initiation of Resynch did not. 5. Some, but not all, lactating dairy cows developed an Ab response after repeated exposure to hCG and that maximum response is observed within 14 d of hCG injection. PARTICIPANTS: Individuals who participated in this project included P. M. Fricke (project leader) and Milo Wiltbank, Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Partner organizations included commercial dairy farms in Wisconsin. During the lifetime of this project, Dr. Julio Giordano conducted the research as a requirement for his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Dairy Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, several M.S. students including G. Lopes Jr. and A. Valenza particpated in the projects. TARGET AUDIENCES: Results from the experiments in this project were disseminated to a diverse audience including dairy scientists, reproductive physiologists, dairy farmers, county Extension agents, and veterinarians. Data were communicated to the research community through scientific abstracts presented at regional and national meetings and through scientific papers published in peer-reviewed research journals. Applied results were formulated into management recommendations and communicated to end users through the PI's Extension program in dairy cattle reproduction which includes state, regional, national, and international meetings, and articles published in national and regional trade magazines, newspapers, and newsletters. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.
Impacts Results from current and ongoing research have been used to make recommendations to stakeholders and their consultants regarding implementation of systematic synchronization and resynchronization systems for lactating dairy cows as well as timing and methods for pregnancy diagnosis. Data generated in these projects has been published in scientific journals and included in numerous extension proceedings.
- Giordano, J. O., M. C. Wiltbank, J. N. Guenther, M. S. Ares, G, Lopes Jr., M. M. Herlihy, and P. M. Fricke. 2012. Effect of presynchronization with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or GnRH seven days before resynchronization of ovulation on fertility in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95:5612-5625.
- Giordano, J. O., P. M. Fricke, J. N. Guenther, G. Lopes Jr., M. M. Herlihy, A. B. Nascimento, and M. C. Wiltbank. 2012. Effect of progesterone on magnitude of the luteinizing hormone surge induced by two different doses of GnRH in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95:3781-3793.
- Giordano, J. O., M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. 2012. Humoral immune response in lactating dairy cows after repeated exposure to human chorionic gonadotropin. Theriogenology 78:218-224.
- Giordano, J. O., M. C. Wiltbank, J. N. Guenther, R. Pawlisch, S. Bas, A. P. Cunha, and P. M. Fricke. 2012. Increased fertility in lactating dairy cows resynchronized with Double-Ovsynch when compared to Ovsynch initiated 32 d after Timed AI. J. Dairy Sci. 95:639-653.
- Giordano, J. O., J. N. Guenther, G. Lopes Jr., and P. M. Fricke. 2012. Changes in serum pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) pregnancy specific protein B (PSPB), and progesterone concentrations before and after induction of pregnancy loss in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95:683-697.