Source: NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
State Agricultural Experiment Station
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2012
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2017
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Plant Pathology
Non Technical Summary
Disease resistance in plants, especially partial (or quantitative) disease resistance is poorly understood though it is very important. our work aims to address this problem using maize as a model system.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
We are working on studying the genetic and physiological mechanisms underlying natural variation in disease resistance and defense response in maize. Maize is a very tractable genetic system and we are therefore using maize as a model system to study these process in plants in general. Our activities include conducting and analyzing experiments, teaching graduate classes on plant genetics and disease resistance, mentoring graduate and undergraduate students.. We have organized or helped organize several conferences and events , including the 2011 Maize Disease Genetics workshop held in Raleigh and the forthcoming maize disease genetics workshop to be held in St. Louis, MO. Our products include our website: and our scientific publications (listed non the website) We have undertaken several outreach activities. With grant funding, we are working with the NC museum of natural sciences to set up some 7th grade genetics classes and teacher workshops- we have now run several classes and had some teachers visit our experimental farm in Clayton NC for a day about a month ago as a dry run for a bigger teacher workshop to be help towards the end of July 2013.
Project Methods
We use a multidisciplinary approach including field work, statistical analysis, histological and molecular techniques. Our findings are disseminated through publications and presentations at conferences and invited seminars nationally and internationally. As a USDA-ARS laboratory we set a series of milestones every 5-years and we are evaluated annualy.

Progress 10/01/08 to 09/30/09

OUTPUTS: Field trials for southern leaf blight, northern leaf blight and grey leaf spot of corn were conducted in several locations over the past year. Lines were screened for several cooperating programs. Four graduate students (one masters, two Ph.D.) are directly involved and being mentored as a part of this work. Dr. Balint-Kurti is also a member of graduate committees for three other students. Dr. Balint-Kurti co-taught a class; "Plant Disease Resistance: Mechanisms and Application". A website for this project is updated regularly at PARTICIPANTS: David Rhyne, Techncian; Araby Belcher, Masters Student; Kristen Kump,Jose Santa-Cruz PhD Students ; Adisu Negri, Rahul Dhwan, Post-Docs. TARGET AUDIENCES: Maize Breeders, Plant Pathologists. Results on the characterization of germplasm, identification and characterization of disease resistance genes have been disseminted via a series of publications and talks to scientific, breeder and corn grower groups. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

We have identified and fine-mapped a number of genomic regions responsible for partial resistance to several leaf diseases of corn. These are reported in the publications listed below as well as forthcoming publications. We have shown that there is a genetic basis for multiple disease resistance in corn though it seems that genes with larger effects tend to be disease-specific. We have two ongoing cooperative grants- a Cooperative research and Development Agreement with Pioneer Hi-Bred to clone a gene for souther leaf blight resistance, and an NSF-funded project in collaboration with scientists at Purdue to characterize the defence response in Maize, using a genetic technique that we have developed called MAGIC (Mutant-Assisted Gene Identification and Characterization)


  • Zwonitzer, J., Coles, N., Krakowsky, M., Holland, J., McMullen, M., Pratt, R. and Balint-Kurti, P. 2009 Mapping disease resistance QTL for three foliar diseases of maize in a recombinant inbred line population. (In press, Phytopathology)
  • Balint-Kurti, P., Simmons, S., Blum J., Ballare C. and A. Stapleton.. 2009. Maize Loci Controlling Leaf Phyllosphere Diversity: Genetic Correlation Between Leaf Attractiveness to Novel Epiphytic Bacteria and Fungal Pathogen Infection Resistance (In Press , Mol. Plant-Microbe Int.)
  • Balint-Kurti, P., Yang, J., Esbroek, G.V. Jung, J. and Smith, E. 2009 Use of a maize Advanced Intercross Line population for Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for northern leaf blight resistance and for the investigation of multiple disease resistance. (In press, Crop Science)

Progress 10/01/07 to 09/30/08

OUTPUTS: Field trials for southern leaf blight, northern leaf blight and grey leaf spot of corn were conducted in several locations over the past year. Lines were screened for several coopoeration programs. Four graduate students (two masters twoPh.D.) are directly involved and being mentored as a part of this work. Dr. Balint-Kurti is also a member of graduate committees for three other students. Dr. Balint-Kurti is co-taught a class; "Plant Disease Resistance: Mechanisms and Application". A website for this project is updated regularly at PARTICIPANTS: David Rhyne, Techncian, Araby Belcher, Kristen Kump, Masters Students; John Zwonitzer, Jose Santa-Cruz PhD Students ; Randall Wisser, Post-Doc (soon to take a job as an assistant professor at the University of Delaware). TARGET AUDIENCES: Maize Breeders, Plant Pathologists PARTICIPANTS: PARTICIPANTS: David Rhyne-Techncian; Araby Belcher, Kristen Kump-Masters Students; John Zwonitzer (now a maize breeder with Dow Agrosciences), Jose Santa-Cruz-PhD Students ; Randall Wisser, Post-Doc (soon to take a job as an assistant professor at the University of Delaware). TARGET AUDIENCES: Maize Breeders, Plant Pathologists PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

We have identified and fine-mapped a number of genomic regions responsible for partial resistance to several leaf diseases of corn. These are reported in the publications listed below as well as forthcoming publications. We have shown that there is a genetic basis for multiple disease resistance in corn and have identified several loci that confer resistance to multiple diseases..


  • Williams, W., Krakowsky, M., Windham, G., Balint-Kurti, P., Hawkins, L., Henry, W.. 2008. Identifying Maize Germplasm with Resistance To Aflatoxin Accumulation (In Press, Journal of Toxicology-Toxin Reviews) Johal, G., Balint-Kurti, P., and Weil C. 2008. Mining and harnessing natural variation - current approaches and a little MAGIC. (In Press, Crop Science) Poland, J. , Balint-Kurti, P. , Wisser, R., Pratt, R., Nelson, R. 2008. Shades of gray: The world of quantitative disease resistance. (In Press, Trends in Plant Science). Zwonitzer, J., Bubeck, D., Bhattramakki, D., Goodman, M., Arellano, C., Balint-Kurti, P. 2008. Use of backcross recurrent selection and QTL mapping to identify loci contributing to southern leaf blight resistance in a highly resistant maize line. (In Press, Theoretical and Applied Genetics) Balint-Kurti, P., R.J. Wisser, and J. Zwonitzer. 2008. Use of the IBM Population for Precise Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Gray Leaf Spot Resistance in Maize. Crop Science 48:1696-1704. Balint-Kurti, P.J., J.C. Zwonitzer, M.E. Pe, G. Pea, M. Lee, and A.J. Cardinal. 2008. Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Resistance to Southern Leaf Blight and Days to Anthesis in Two Maize Recombinant Inbred Line Populations. Phytopathology 98:315-320.

Progress 10/01/06 to 09/30/07

OUTPUTS: Field trials for southern leaf blight, northern leaf blight and grey leaf spot of corn were conducted in several locations over the past year. Lines were screened for several coopoeration programs. Three graduate students (two masters one Ph.D.) are directly involved and being mentored as a part of this work. Dr. Balint-Kurti is also a member of graduate committees for three other students. Dr. Balint-Kurti is co-teaching a class; "Plant Disease Resistance: Mechanisms and Application". A website for this project is updated regularly at PARTICIPANTS: David Rhyne, Techncian, Araby Belcher, Masters Student Kristen Kump, Masters Student John Zwonitzer, PhD Student Randall Wisser, Post-Doc. TARGET AUDIENCES: Maize Breeders, Plant Pathologists

We have identified a number of genomic regions responsible for partial resistance to several leaf diseases of corn. These are reported in the publications listed below as well as forthcoming publications. We have shown that there is a genetic basis for multiple disease resistance in corn.


  • Balint-Kurti, P., Zwonitzer, J.C., Pe, M. E., Pea, G., Lee, M., and Cardinal, A. J. (2008) Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Resistance to Southern Leaf Blight and Days to Anthesis in Two Maize Recombinant Inbred Line Populations. Phytopathology (In Press).
  • Balint-Kurti, P.J. and Johal (2008). Maize Disease Resistance. Chapter in The Maize Handbook, eds. Sarah Hake, Jeff Bennetzen. (In Press).
  • Balint-Kurti, P., Wisser, R.J., Zwonitzer, J. (2008) Use of the IBM Population for Precise Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Gray Leaf Spot Resistance in Maize. Crop Science (In Press).
  • Wisser, R. J., Balint-Kurti, P. J. and Nelson R. J. (2006) The genetic architecture of disease resistance in maize: a synthesis of published studies. Phytopathology 96:120-129.
  • Balint-Kurti, P.J., Krakowsky, M. D., Jines, M. P., Robertson, L. A., Molnar, T. L., Goodman M. M. and Holland J. B. (2006) Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Resistance to Southern Leaf Blight and Days to Anthesis in a Maize Recombinant Inbred Line Population Phytopathology 96:1067-1071)
  • Robertson, L.A., Jines, M.P., Balint-Kurti, P.J., Kleinschmidt, C.E., White, D.G., Payne, G.A., Maragos, C.M. and Holland, J.B.(2006) Mapping of QTL for Ear Rot and Fumonisin Accumulation in Maize. Crop Science 46:1734-1743
  • Jines, M., Balint-Kurti, P., Robertson-Hoyt, L., Molnar, T., Holland, J., and Goodman, M. (2007) Mapping Resistance to Southern Rust In a Tropical By Temperate Maize Recombinant Inbred Topcross Population. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 114:659-667.
  • Balint-Kurti, P.J., J.C. Zwonitzer, R.J. Wisser, M.L. Carson, M. Oropeza-Rosas, J.B. Holland, and S.J. Szalma (2007) Precise mapping of quantitative trait loci for resistance to southern leaf blight, caused by Cochliobolus heterostrophus race O, and flowering time using advanced intercross maize lines. Genetics 176: 645-657.
  • Gao, X., Shim, W-B., Gobel, C., Kunze, S., Feussner, I., Meeley, R., Balint-Kurti P., and Michael Kolomiets (2007) Disruption of a maize 9-lipoxygenase results in increased resistance to fungal pathogens and reduced levels of contamination with mycotoxin fumonisin. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 20:922-933.

Progress 10/01/04 to 09/30/05

Several genomic regions have been identified that confer resistance to two important diseases of corn, southern corn leaf blight and gray leaf spot. Several specific genomic regions are being characterized in detail with regard to the physiological processes they control. A diverse set of 300 corn lines has been screened over two seasons and superior sources of resistance to these diseases have been identified.

The identification of disease resistance loci and resistant germplasm will assist in the breeding of elite, disease resistant, corn germplasm. Quantitative resistance in plants is very poorly understood at the physiological or molecular level. Increased knowledge in this area will allow us to better exploit and deploy this important trait.


  • Balint-Kurti, P. J. and Carson, M. L. (2005) Identification and analysis of Quantitative Trait Loci Conferring Resistance to Southern Leaf Blight in Juvenile Maize. Phytopathology (in press, accepted 09/20/2005).
  • Balint-Kurti, P. J., Blanco, M., Millard M., Duvick, S., Holland, J., Clements, M., Holley, R., Carson, M and Goodman, M. M. Registration of 20 GEM breeding families adapted for the southern US (2005). Crop Science (in press, accepted 08/09/2005).
  • Carson, M. L., Balint-Kurti, P. J., Blanco, M., Millard, M., Duvick, S., Holley, R., Hudyncia, J., and Goodman, M. M. (2005) Registration of 9 high-yielding tropical by temperate maize germplasm lines adapted for the southern US. . Crop Science (in press, tentatively accepted 21/09/2005).
  • Wisser, R. J., Balint-Kurti, P. J. and Nelson R. J. (2005) The genetic architecture of disease resistance in maize: a synthesis of published studies. Phytopathology (in press, accepted 13/09/2005).

Progress 10/01/03 to 09/30/04

We have identified regions of the corn genome that contain quantitative disease resistance genes. Additionaly we have developed several pairs of lines that are nearly identical (near isogenic) except that they differ in these regions. These lines will be used to characterise the functions of the disease resistance genes, using assays for Southern corn leaf blight and Grey Leaf Spot that we have developed here. In addition, we have assayed a set of diverse maize germplasm for resistance to these diseases.

This work will contribute to the elucidation of the function of qunatitative disease resistance genes in plants.


  • No publications reported this period