Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 15, 2024
Project End Date
Sep 14, 2027
Grant Year
Program Code
[BFRDA]- Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program, Standard
Recipient Organization
7234 GAD RD
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Title: Between Legacy and Livelihood: Developing a Comprehensive Farm Transfer Program for a New Generation of Managed Grazing Dairy FarmersThis project is a collaborative effort between Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship, which is a farmer-led nonprofit organization, Penn State University, and participating producers to improve the success rate of beginning dairy farmers by establishing a farm transfer program that is tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities in managed grazing dairy.To support this effort, the project team will carry out the following objectives:Create a planning protocol for farm transfer appropriate for managed grazing dairy based on existing programs, case studies, and industry research.Develop a customized curriculum that includes tools, resources, and classes to help established and beginning producers prepare for farm transfer.Provide direct consulting services to assist producer pairs in developing an actionable plan and assembling team needed for a successful farm transfer.The outcomes of the project will include four pilot pairs are prepared for transfer, ten additional beginning farmers/ pairs gain understanding of farm transfer process, and managed grazing farmers nationwide have access to resources to enhance management and farm profitability.Project Directors: Josesph Tomandl, III - Project PDDairy Grazing ApprenticeshipSamantha Gehrett - Sub-Award PD/PIPenn State University Extension
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Project GoalsThis project is a collaborative effort between Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship, which is a farmer-led nonprofit organization, Penn State University, and participating producers to improve the success rate of beginning dairy farmers. The goals of this proposed three-year project are to a) establish a comprehensive program for farm transfer that is tailored to the needs of managed grazing dairy; b) collaborate with four producer pairs to develop content and beta-test the program; and c) enroll 10 additional beginning farmers/ pairs from the DGA network and beyond into the program.To support this effort, the project team will carry out the following objectives:Create a planning protocol for farm transfer appropriate for managed grazing dairy based on existing programs, case studies, and industry research.Develop a customized curriculum that includes tools, resources, and classes to help established and beginning producers prepare for farm transfer.Provide direct consulting services to assist producer pairs in developing an actionable plan and assembling team needed for a successful farm transfer.
Project Methods
Description of the activities proposed for each objective.Objective #1) Research: Create a Planning ProtocolIdentify the most relevant existing farm transfer programs to develop a basic template that addresses preparedness at financial, managerial, legal, and interpersonal levels as well as a general process.Conduct surveys and follow-up interviews with producers in the DGA network who have previously undergone farm transfer (both successful and unsuccessful) to glean lessons learned.Conduct initial interviews with four pilot producer pairs in the DGA network that are seeking farm transfer services to assess specific business profiles, goals, preparedness, and needs.Conduct SWOT analysis of managed grazing dairy industry that includes recent changes and current conditions in the industry as well as the potential of emerging markets and precision technology to impact farm profitability.Analyze, compare, and adjust FINPACK® farm financial benchmarks for dairy production in the United States based on relevant case studies, secondary research, and international resources, such as New Zealand's DairyNZ, for managed grazing dairy.Revise general planning protocol to reflect findings and address the unique challenges and opportunities that face managed grazing dairy farmers, especially beginning farmers, in a rapidly evolving industry.Objective #2) Education: Develop a Customized Curriculum Create an online dashboard where farmers can access new farm financial benchmarks as well as other resources to determine goals and objectives, assess financial feasibility, decide on timeline, and identify additional needs.Develop a self-guided Farm Transfer Course that addresses critical topics related to preparation for farm transfer, such as finances, operatios and best management practices, legal issues, and interpersonal communication from the perspective of both beginning and exiting farmer.Develop a series of modules featuring speakers/ content experts that address key components of farm transfer for core course as well as for electives that explore variables such as innovative partnerships, organic or other value-added business models, ESG market potential, and optimizing grazing using precision technology.Conduct facilitated Zoom meetings for cohort that elevate the importance of soft skills and offer practical strategies for developing channels for clear communication and building trust and respect in interpersonal relationships.Conduct private Zoom sessions as needed for parties involved in specific farm transfers to address interpersonal questions, issues, and concerns as they arise during the preparation and planning process.Objective 3) Technical Assistance: Provide Direct Consulting ServicesProvide guidance during initial preparation to ensure that goals and objectives for farm transfer/ succession that are achievable understood by parties involved.Serve as a resource for producer pairs, together and separately as individuals/ families, as they utilize benchmarks and other tools, go through classes, and prepare to develop a farm transfer plan.Work directly with producer pairs, together and separately as individuals/ families, to develop an actionable farm transfer plan that is achievable, economically sound, and agreed upon by all parties involved.Provide direct financial planning services as needed to ensure that the final actionable plan is economically feasible and sustainable on either end of the farm transfer.Conduct in-person farm visits with four pilot farms to review and amend plan as needed and to assist in assembling and communication with their personalized team of professionals needed for farm transfer.Develop regional/ state/ local resource lists of accountant, attorney, financial planner, insurance specialist, and lender for both beginning and exiting farmers.