Source: UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2024
Project End Date
Jun 30, 2025
Grant Year
Program Code
[A1201]- Animal Health and Production and Animal Products: Animal Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics
Project Director
Cockett, N. E.
Recipient Organization
LOGAN,UT 84322
Performing Department
President Office
Non Technical Summary
This project will expand research that is being conducted on the genomes of livestock, poultry, and aquaculture species. Coordination and prioritization of research being done by the animal genomics research community will occur through frequent in-person meetings and video conferencing, and farm animal industry representatives will be included in these discussions. Investments in genomic resources will result in the identification of genetic regions and genes that control important traits in farm animals. The resulting knowledge will be shared with scientists across the world, and will result in improved efficiency and effectiveness of farm animal production, thereby contributing to global food sustainability.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overarching objective of this Research Collaboration Network (RCN) projectis to continue the tremendous coordination and networking that occurred under the 30-year-long NRSP-8 National Animal Genome Research Program. Similar to NRSP-8, investigators whose research contributes to the understanding of genomes of agriculturally relevant animal species will be invited to participate. However, we will also encourage those who are interested in applying genomics information to their research in animal science to join the collaborative. Engagement of all participants will happen through annual meetings held in conjunction with farm animal conferences. Participants will self-select into one or more of four research areas: Genome Sequencing, Functional Annotation, Genome Representation, and Precision Phenomics and Breeding. During the five-year project, there will be deployment of science and technology that fill knowledge and resource gaps in farm animal genomics. Equally important, the network will deliver resources and solutions that can be used by researchers who work across the entire spectrum of animal science.Specific objectives include:Objective 1: Create an engaged network of researchers across farm animal genomics.Objective 2: Identify and prioritize emerging areas of genomics appropriate for farm animal species.Objective 3: Promote and develop capacity in farm animal genomics.
Project Methods
Objective 1 methods:? Annual in-person meeting, including Research Area workshops.? Synchronous networking via Zoom, Slack and other modes of communication.? Asynchronous information delivery through a dedicated website.Objective 2 methods:? Design workshops that provide cutting-edge research and promote discussion by participants of their feasibility and appropriateness for farm animal species.? Production of white papers outlining innovative areas of genomics research, including implementation, organization, and data collection, analysis, and management.? Interactions with USDA-NIFA and other national granting agencies to articulate emerging initiatives.Objective 3 methods:? Research exchanges.? Targeted workshops.? Connection between the RCN and NRSP projects.? Educational materials developed by RCN and NRSP members.