Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The increasing trend of humanization and premiumization of pets, along with the use of raw and commercial pet foods, poses a heightened risk of transmitting foodborne pathogens to both pets and their owners. Salmonella, a common foodborne pathogen frequently linked to pet foods, can lead to severe illnesses in humans through handling or cross-contamination. Moreover, the prevalence of antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) pathogens like Salmonella in commercial pet foods exacerbates this concern. Our proposed investigation aims to assess the prevalence of foodborne pathogens, particularly Salmonella, in U.S. commercial pet foods, and to characterize Salmonella's antibiotic resistance profile. Through isolating and identifying major pathogens like Salmonella across all pet food categories, we will genotype Salmonella to determine serotypes and detect resistance genes. By assessing these serotypes' sensitivity to medically relevant antibiotics, we will gain crucial insights into AMR in pet foods and potential human health risks linked to pet food handling. This research will aid in pinpointing high-risk products and contaminants, facilitating targeted interventions, and improving mitigation strategies to curb the spread of foodborne pathogens in the pet food supply chain. Additionally, our findings will inform regulatory agencies, pet food manufacturers, and consumers, fostering enhanced industry practices, consumer awareness, and responsible pet ownership.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
Pets are becoming an integral part of human life. The increasing trend of humanization and premiumization of pets is also leading to increased risk to pet owners from handling pet foods, especially raw pet foods. This project aims to evaluate commercially available pet foods and their microbiological quality focusing on Salmonella spp. Along with their antibiotic resistance profiling.The overall goal of this project is to improve human public health and safety by gaining knowledge on the prevalence, identification, and characterization of Salmonella associated with commercial pet foods. The pet food HACCP course, offered to the stakeholders, will provide the pet food manufacturers with the knowledge and understanding of the importance of developing food safety plans and protocols in the facility.Objective 1 A-C: ResearchObjective 1A: Isolate foodborne Salmonella from commercial pet foods.Objective 1B: Phenotypic characterization of the Salmonella, and screen for antibiotic sensitivity profile.Objective 1C: (Evaluate an acidulant antimicrobial compound against the isolated MDR Salmonella isolates in-vitro and in food matrices.Objective 2: ExtensionObjective 2: (Byron Chaves) Develop and deliver a virtual Pet Food HACCP composed of three modules:1) Introduction to Pet Food Safety,2) Regulatory Framework for the Safety of Pet Foods, and3) Applications of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)System to the Pet Food Industry.
Project Methods
Objective 1Procurement and sampling of pet foods: Different categories of pet foods will be procured from local grocery stores and/or online suppliers. To ensure the study is representative of the commercial pet food market, factors such as type of pet foods, brand diversity, ingredient variation, and product popularity will be considered. A total of 360 dry pet foods, 360 raw pet foods, 180 semi-moist, 180 pet treats, and 180 canned pet foods will be collected. Starting from year 0.5 until the end of year 2 (18 months) approximately 20 samples each of dry and raw, and 10 each of semi-moist, treat, and canned foods will be collected each month. Proper sampling protocols will be followed to maintain randomness, and sample uniformity and prevent contamination during collection and transportation to the laboratory for analysis. Additionally, samples will be properly labeled and stored to facilitate accurate identification and tracking throughout the research process.Pathogen isolation, identification, and serotype characterization of Salmonella:Pet foods (dry kibbles, semi-moist, canned food, raw food, treats, etc.) will be collected from different retail stores in Maryland. The samples will be transported to the laboratory and stored in proper storage condition as described in the package until processed. Each small-sized bag of dry food or each bag/pouch of wet food or individual canned food will be considered one sample. On each collection visit, products from different lots and dates will be procured to make the sampling as representative and diverse as possible. Similarly, to maintain randomness, samples will be procured from different stores in different cities in the state. The moisture percentage of dry and semi-moist feed will be evaluated, and feed samples will be processed for microbiological evaluation. Samples will be processed using the standard BAM protocol of Salmonella isolation and identification procedure. The positive samples from TSI and LIA slants will be proceeded for biochemical and serological tests. All Salmonella-positive cultures will be serotyped following the World Health Organization guidelines at the USDA National Veterinary Service Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, IA.The antibiotic resistance profile of the isolates will be tested using agar Minimal Inhibitory Concentration methods. Following the Sensititre® micro-broth dilution method according to the guidelines of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), MICs of all the isolates will be determined using 96-well microtiter plates, against 15 most common medically important antibiotics used in human and veterinary health. Using a recently established protocol.Determination of virulent genes in Salmonella: Salmonella isolates will be tested for the presence of virulent genes known to cause infection in humans. The Salmonella isolates will be analyzed for the following virulent genes: invA, spvC, and pagC by PCR using the methods previously established.Effect of acidulant against MDR Salmonella isolates in-vitro and in food matrices:An in-vitro model of the experiment will be conducted where an acidulant, sodium bisulfate (SBS) at various concentrations will be subjected to MDR Salmonella. Minimum inhibitory concentrations of SBS will be determined against different serotypes of MDR Salmonella using a protocol described above. Similarly, the efficacy of SBS will be evaluated in a dry pet food kibble.Objective 2 (Extension)A "Pet Food HACCP" training course will be developed, piloted, and implemented. The curriculum will be based on the guidelines of the International HACCP Alliance and will be modified to include examples and case studies relevant to the pet food industry. Additionally, the FDA FSMA Preventive Controls for Animal Food will be consulted to reconcile language and any aspects of regulatory compliance pertinent to the pet food industry. Once developed, the training course will be turned into several modules: Technical and Regulatory Overview, Food Safety Hazards, Good Manufacturing Practices, Seven Principles of HACCP, and Food Safety Recalls. Each module's content will be peer-reviewed for accuracy by professionals in academia and industry. After module development, the course will be piloted in a hybrid format: The participants will be responsible for watching the recordings and completing a small test after each module to move on to the next one. Then, a one-day virtual training will be conducted for the practical aspects of the course. Participants who complete the virtual modules and the practical session within three months will be provided with a Certificate of Course Completion with the seal of the International HACCP Alliance.EvaluationThe overall progress of the project will be assessed based on the milestones outlined in the timetable. The team will meet quarterly to evaluate the project's progress, identify challenges, and recommend research or extension modifications (if necessary). Additionally, the team will regularly seek advisory committee guidance, recommendations, and feedback from the advisory committee during research and extension activities throughout the project's duration. The success of the project will be evaluated in a comprehensive and multifaceted manner, focusing on several key aspects. These include increased student and faculty interest in pet food safety and AMR research programs at UMES, FAMU, and UNL. Increased involvement, increase in underrepresented communities, and student participation in the research activity are rise in the visibility of UMES, FAMU, and UNL in newsletters, media, scientific meetings, and community through research publications, workshops, training, and demonstrations. The efficacy of research facilities and research conduct will be assessed based on the quality and quantity of research projects conducted and scientific publications published during the grant period.