Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Data sharing and collaboration are of increasing importance to enable validation, further research, and joint analysis of multiple data sets. However, these processes are often complicated or even prevented because public data may have limited visibility and accessibility, and private data often contain confidential or proprietary information, especially in the case of industry data. Our proposed research takes a tiered approach to facilitate access to and sharing of data for genomic and phenomic analyses.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
To effectively promote open science in agriculture while addressing confidentiality concerns, we advocate for the following multifaceted strategy: (1) fostering streamlined data sharing of public data, (2) innovating data sharing methods that protect confidentiality, and (3) enabling collaborative research without data sharing. With the long-term goal of enabling efficient and effective AG2P research and applications to advance livestock and crop production, these strategies form the first three specific aims of our proposal, with a strong integrated education component as the fourth aim.
Project Methods
Methods include developing datasets and resources to foster streamlined data sharing, using homomorphic encryption for confidentiality-preserving encrypted data sharing, employing federated and transfer learning for collaborative research without data sharing, and delivering educational resources.