Source: GUILD ASSOCIATES, INC. submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2023
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2025
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.5]- Food Science & Nutrition
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Challenges in the production of hydrolysate and other milk-derived products center on the efficient generation of a high-yield product. Enzymes enable reaction processes to take place under less harsh conditions than chemical-only methods, increase product specificity, and reduce the difficulty of reaction processing and waste cleanup. The use of enzymes is not without its own challenges. The primary use limitations come from the cost of the enzyme, and that enzymes in their purified form are limited to a single batch reaction. Recovery of enzyme from the reaction mixture for potential reuse in dairy processing is difficult since the substrates, products, and the enzymes all possess similar physical properties. Other cost-drivers are tied to the need to inactivate the enzyme to stop a reaction, and removal of the enzyme from the final product if the enzyme can cause an allergic or toxic response.To enable the reuse of enzymes, studies have investigated ultrafiltration membranes scaled to retain the larger-size enzymes and simultaneously function as the first purification step, orbinding enzymes to the membranes to combine the reaction and separation processes. These membrane-based solutions demonstrated efficiency gains but suffered from increased enzyme deactivation through shear and thermal stress, enzyme leakage into the product, and membrane fouling. As an alternative, enzymes were immobilized on solid supports such as glass, agarose, and silica. Immobilizing enzymes to these supports enabled improved regulation of the reactions, increased enzyme stability, reduced pressure drop issues in the reactors, improved separation of product from enzyme, and reduced contamination. However, the value gained by these improvements was offset by the high price of the enzyme support material.The technology demonstrated in Phase I and to be advanced in the proposed Phase II SBIR utilizes ImmobiZyme, Guild BioSciences patented immobilization platform where active components, such as enzymes, are chemically bound to inactive biodegradable support materialsconsisting primarily oflow-cost or recycled bio-waste. These raw materials offer significant cost savings from traditional immobilization supports, enable higher-quality enzyme preparations, and simplify post-reaction recycling/reuse processes, while retaining the advantages of more expensive support materials.The overall aim of the Phase II project is to develop ImmobiZyme into a market-ready product for whey and milk hydrolysis. Phase I efforts demonstrated that these pellets retained more than 90% of enzyme activity through 350 hours of continuous reaction with a per batch material loss of less than 5%. Producing cost-effective ImmobiZyme pellets at-scale is essential to the success of the project. IE must remain active and whole through multiple consecutive batch reactions, have a simple and efficient recovery process, not carry microbial contamination to subsequent reactions, and meet regulatory requirements for contact with materials for human consumption. Our plan is to start optimization based on performance requirements recommended through our relationships with 4 U.S. producers. Transitioning this proof of concept material to a product will be achieved by: 1) improving the durability of the pellets so the per batch material loss is less than 1%, 2) defining temperature-related performance limitations and optimums, 3) development of an effective pellet cleaning process that maximizes pellet reuse while minimizing batch-to-batch contamination, 4) developing a cost-efficient, uniform, quality, pilot-scale production process capable of kilogram scale batches, 5) demonstrate the performance of the new material internally and with the support of external facilities, and 6) proceeding towards regulatory approval for the ImmobiZyme platform. Results from Phase II will support the technical and economic advantages of using ImmobiZyme pellets as a drop-in replacement for current whey or milk hydrolysis enzymes.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Goal 1: Demonstrate modifications to the Phase I formulation to produce an immobilized enzymepellet with improved durability, broad temperature range, reduced material costs, and equivalent or better performance than the Phase I materials.Objective 1: Phase II ImmobiZyme pellets retain/recover >99% pellet mass across 30 batches.Objective 2: Define Phase II pellet performance at reaction temperatures from 4 °C-80 °C.Goal 2: Develop a pellet cleaning process to reduce inter-batch contamination.Objective 3: Efficacy of individual process steps to remove bacteria from pellets of immobilized enzymewhile maximizing retained activity will be determined.Objective 4: Verify a cleaning process that produces a 3-log reduction in viable bacteria on pellets, while retaining >95% pellet enzyme activity pre-to-post wash.Goal 3: Assess regulatory requirements for the immobilized enzyme platform, ImmobiZymeObjective 5: Identify gaps in existing data required for GRAS or other regulatory approval.Objective 6: Select and perform additional testing or evaluations as necessary to verify the non-toxic nature of the ImmobiZyme platform.Goal 4: Develop pilot scale production line capable of producing 1 kg to 10 kg per batch.Objective 7: Pellet enzyme activity, size uniformity, and physical stability will be within 5% of lab-scale design parameters.Goal 5: Evaluate pilot-scale materials.Objective 8: Pellet meets previously defined performance requirements through at least 30 batches.Objective 9: Analyze and compare results from outside lab evaluations. Understand where potential deviations happened and prepare for any final refinements.
Project Methods
The overall aim of the Phase II project is to develop a market-ready product for whey and milk hydrolysis. The immobilized enzymes must remain active and whole through multiple consecutive batch reactions, have a simple and efficient recovery process, not carry microbial contamination to subsequent reactions, and meet regulatory requirements for contact with materials for human consumption. The project will focus on improving Phase I pellet performance: improving the durability of the pellets, developing, and validating a pellet cleaning process to prevent microbial cross-contamination, and defining the temperature range limits for reactions. This will be followed by manufacturing pellets at a pilot-scale, which includes defining quality control processes and determining methods to reduce production costs. This will operatein parallel with an investigation into the unmet requirements for regulatory approval of the ImmobiZyme platform and perform tests as recommended for regulatory approval. Finally, pilot-scale reactions will be performed at our facility will be comapared to independent performance evaluations at external labs. Success of this project will be measured through the achievement of the milestones described below.Milestone 1: ImmobiZyme pellets retain/recover >99% pellet mass across 30 consecutive test reaction batches.The durability of the pellet formulation will be optimized through changes in the mass ratios of the primary components of the pellet, and changes to the application of crosslinker in terms of concentration, reaction time, and temperature. The initial physical stability of the pellets will be measured via agitation in an 8000D mixer/mill (Spex SamplePrep). After shaking, the beads will be separated using a 0.5 mm sieve and the retained beads weighed. TEM imaging will be used to determine additional quantitative correlations between formulation, pore structure, and durability. The most durable candidate pellets determined by this testing will be further evaluated using a repeated batch study using both buffer solutions and reaction solutions. Pellets will undergo 30 consecutive reaction batches of 6-24 hours each and be evaluated for pellet mass. Successful pellets will retain more than 99% of their mass on a batch-to-batch basis through the entire process.Milestone 2: Define Phase II pellet performance at reaction temperatures from 4-80°C.Enzyme substrate solutions will be equilibrated at reaction temperatures between 4-60°C, prior to the addition of enzyme. The reaction temperatures will be held through the reaction of the assay and samples will be returned to room temperature by submersion in a water bath prior to the separation/deactivation of the enzyme. Following this testing, the relationship between the activity of the pellets and time at a temperature will be evaluated by immersing the pellets into PBS solutions at temperatures between 30-80°C for up to 100 hours. The pellets will be removed from the heated solutions and evaluated for their activity vs. an unexposed material.Milestone 3: Efficacy of individual process steps to remove bacteria from ImmobiZyme pellets while maximizing retained activity will be determined.Immobilized enzyme pellets in substrate solutions will be contaminated with representative microbial contaminants common to dairy processing facilities and incubated for up to 24 hours. The pellets will be separated and washed using common Clean in Place (CIP) chemicals and conditions. Following the wash step the pellets will be transferred to fresh test solution and incubated to allow any retained bacteria to grow. At the end of the second incubation period, pellets will be collected and placed in an ultrasonic bath to dislodge any retained bacteria. Samples of the test solution and the buffers solution from the bath will be serially diluted onto agar plates to quantify the number of cells that survived cleaning steps. The various cleaning steps will be ranked based on the log reduction in viable bacteria.Milestone 4: Verify a cleaning process that produces a 3-log reduction in viable bacteria on pellets, while retaining >95% pellet enzyme activity pre-to-post wash.As data is generated, different wash steps will be studied in a serial fashion to optimize the cleaning of the pellets with respect to the overall retained activity. Based on these results a cleaning process will be developed and verified to meet the bacterial reduction and retained enzyme activity requirements.Milestone 5: Identify gaps in existing data required for GRAS or other regulatory filings.GBS will be working with Lee Enterprises Consulting (LEC) to evaluate the regulatory pathway and assess ImmobiZyme and its manufacturing process to identify and fill gaps in existing data needed to meet regulatory requirements keeping in mind the changing regulatory landscape.Milestone 6: Select and perform additional testing or evaluations as necessary to verify the non-toxic nature of the ImmobiZyme platform.We anticipate that some toxicology testing will be required to support a future regulatory filing. Based on the recommendations from LEC we will seek out accredited vendors to perform various toxicology tests to maximize the information we will get from toxicology testing.Milestone 7: Develop pilot scale production line capable of producing 1 kg to 10 kg per batch.Producing ImmobiZyme pellets at the 1-10 kg scale per batch will require adapting the methods and formulations defined in the Phase I effort and refined earlier in this Phase II effort to appropriately scaled equipment and the development of a dedicated manufacturing process. The pilot-scale process will be incrementally integrated and monitored to define essential points of control along the production pathway. Identifying these critical points such as the rate of pellet addition and the optimum time/temperature for enzyme addition will identify necessary areas and processes for QC monitoring.Milestone 8: Verify pilot-scale production materials meet lab-scale performance requirements: with pellet enzyme activity, size uniformity, and physical stability within 5% of lab-scale design parameters and demonstrate resilience through 30 test batches.Immobilized enzyme pellets produced at the pilot-scale will be evaluated based on their enzyme activity, size uniformity, and physical stability and compared to the performance of materials produced at the lab-bench scale. Batch-to-batch evaluation of the pilot-scale materials will take place in 1-10 L reactors. The process parameters will follow optimum reaction conditions identified previously and utilize the pellet cleaning procedures defined earlier in this work. ImmobiZyme pellet performance will be evaluated in terms of total substrate conversion, retained pellet activity, and recovered pellet mass over 30 consecutive batch runs of 6-24 hours depending on reaction temperatures and the substrate. Pellets sampled between batches will be evaluated for enzyme activity to confirm that any losses are within previously established limits. The reaction substrate conversion will be analyzed and compared to commercial enzyme counterparts.Milestone 9: Analyze and compare results from outside lab evaluations. Determine where potential deviations happened and their causes to make final refinements to production.Following the success of the in-house pilot-scale product evaluations we will reach out to potential hydrolysate manufacturers, and after securing appropriate material transfer agreements, send them kg quantities of the pilot scale material for their evaluation. The test conditions to be used will be selected by these companies to match their standards for new material validation testing. This effort will not only provide outside lab verification of our material performance, but also provide insight into other use conditions and potentially serve to increase interest in our product.

Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24

Target Audience:We have been directly contacting representatives of whey hydrolysate and other protein hydrolysate manufacturers on both research and development and production sides regarding our results to gauge their interest and better understand how our advances would impact their production processes. We have been seeking feedback to further improve our material, to understand what testing we would need to perform to meet their requirements, and to better simulate production conditions. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?GBS has maintained our relationship with potential customers and has had several email exchanges with their research group to answer questions and provide WPI and WPC used in experiments. They have maintained their interest and GBS expects them to be an early adopter of the ImmobiZyme technology. Business development personnel from GBS attended the IFT First conference in July. While the focus of attendance was not milk protein hydrolysates, GBS utilized the opportunity to promote the technology under development in specific cases. Business Development also talked to a pea protein manufacturing company about opportunities to adapt the technology for production of pea protein hydrolysate. They thought there were opportunities as some enzymes are particularly expensive and reuse would be very attractive. We have been looking for opportunities to present results of our testing at a scientific conference in the coming year to share results with interested researchers and industry representatives. Initial steps towards a website that focused on the immobilized enzyme product, ImmobiZyme™, have been taken. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Goal 2, Objective 4: As we have completed the evaluation of single cleaning process steps, we are now going to combine them into a recommended cleaning process that produces a 3-log reduction in viable bacteria on pellets, while retaining >95% pellet enzyme activity pre-to-post wash. This process will likely involve rinsing the beads with one cleaning fluid, and then washing them with a second. We will also investigate whether the harsher cleaners can be used intermittently, for example every 5th cleaning, to maximize enzyme lifetime while maintaining the reduction in bacteria on the pellet surface. The final verification will use this established cleaning method for a multi-stage batch test to demonstrate its efficacy. Goal 3, Objective 5:We anticipate that the report from our TABA vendor on the gaps in existing data required for GRAS or other regulatory approval will be submitted to GBS by the end of November. This information will allow us to identify what information is missing for regulatory safety concerns and make plans to address those gaps. Goal 3, Objective 6: At this time, we anticipate that some toxicology testing will be required to support a future regulatory filing for ImmobiZyme. From prior studies of similar materials, one or more tests for genotoxic potential, such as bacterial reverse mutation, in vitro mammalian chromosomal aberration, and in vivo mammalian micronucleus tests; and repeated-dose or acute oral toxicity evaluations using rat models will need to be performed to support regulatory claims of safety. Based on the report returned from our TABA vendor we will seek out accredited vendors to perform various toxicology tests to maximize the information we will get from toxicology testing. Goal 4, Objective 7: Producing ImmobiZyme pellets at the 1-10 kg scale per batch will require adapting the methods and formulations refined during work on Goal 1 of this project. We have already begun determining the appropriate scale equipment to develop a dedicated manufacturing process. Over the course of meeting this objective, we will define systems that: 1) blend the support matrix materials together under the appropriate time and temperature conditions, 2) filter and transfer the matrix materials through a multiport bead formation manifold, 3) complete the pellet formation process, including wash steps to remove fines and unreacted components, 4) complete the enzyme crosslinking process, and 5) finishing and drying the beads. Investigations into different bead formation methods have started to identify the best way to directly transition the bench-scale process to mass production of uniform shaped particles. These pellet formation methods will initially be evaluated at 25-50 g scales to select which method is optimal for pilot-scale production based on uniformity of pellets produced. The pilot-scale process will be incrementally integrated and monitored to define essential points of control along the production pathway. Identifying these critical points such as the rate of pellet addition and the optimum time/temperature for enzyme addition will identify necessary areas and processes for QC monitoring. Additionally, opportunities to recycle waste streams will be identified to reduce waste. The final products of this process will be beads coated with immobilized enzyme, that demonstrate enzyme activity, size uniformity, and physical stability will be within 5% of lab-scale design parameters. Goal 5, Objective 8:The 5th and final goal of this project is to evaluate the pilot scale materials both internally and offer them to external labs for parallel testing. Objective 8 focuses on internal testing at a pilot scale. In this case reactions will be performed in 1-10 L batches. The process parameters will follow optimum reaction conditions identified from work on Goal 1 and utilize the bead cleaning procedures defined in Goal 2. ImmobiZyme bead performance will be evaluated in terms of total substrate conversion, retained pellet activity, and recovered bead mass over a series of consecutive batch runs of 6-24 hours each, depending on reaction temperatures and the substrate. Pellets sampled between batches will be tested for enzyme activity to confirm that any losses are within previously established limits. The reaction substrate conversion will be analyzed and compared to the products of commercial enzyme counterparts. The goal for these beads is to retain more than 99% of their mass between batches and more than 95% of their activity, including losses to any washing between batches. Goal 5, Objective 9: Several of the manufacturers we have had discussions with showed interest in evaluating our ImmobiZyme beads in their laboratories. Following the success of the in-house pilot-scale product evaluations we will reach out to these organizations, and after securing appropriate material transfer agreements, send them kg quantities of the pilot scale material for their evaluation. The test conditions to be used will be selected by these companies to match their standards for new material validation testing. This effort will not only provide outside lab verification of our material performance, but also provide insight into other use conditions and potentially serve to increase interest in our product.

What was accomplished under these goals? Goal 1: The accomplishments related to our first goal focused on optimizing the stability of the immobilized enzyme bead, defining its performance across a broad range of temperatures, and demonstrating the durability of the new bead formulation through 30 consecutive reactions. The initial focus of this goal was on optimizing the bead formation with respect to stability. To this end, different formulations were produced by varying the mass ratios of the primary components of the bead. Reaction conditions were also investigated including crosslinker concentration, reaction time, and temperature. A fractional factorial experimental design was used to reduce the number of necessary tests from several thousand to less than 50, to more efficiently determine the primary effects of each of the parameters. The bead candidates were evaluated for durability by agitating 0.25 g of pellets in an 8000D mixer/mill (Spex SamplePrep) for 1 min., both with and without a 6.35 mm steel ball. After shaking, the beads were separated on a 0.5 mm sieve and the retained beads were weighed. The two most durable formulations were selected for further testing. Objective 1: Objective 1's focus was to demonstrate the beads would retain 99% of their starting mass by the end of the 30-reaction series. For each reaction, a sample of each immobilized enzyme bead was mixed with a 10 wt.% substrate solution for 4 hours. The 30-round bead performance goal was met by the immobilized Alcalase beads, while the immobilized Protemax beads retained 90% of their starting mass. The beads with immobilized lactase surprisingly broke apart much faster, retaining only 50% of their mass after 10 rounds. Follow-on testing identified steps in the immobilization process specifically used for lactase as potentially disrupting the structure of the beads. Further testing using a modified immobilization process is underway to confirm this issue was resolved.? Objective 2: The second objective of this goal was to determine the reactivity of the immobilized enzymes at reaction temperatures between 4-60 oC, and the activity of the pellets following aging at temperatures between 30-80 oC. The immobilized proteases and lactase demonstrated enzyme activity at all tested temperatures. The maximum activity for the immobilized proteases was between 30-40 oC, and the maximum activity for the immobilized lactase was between 50-60 oC. The activity of temperature-aged, immobilized enzyme samples was compared to similar beads that had been stored dry at 4 oC. Both immobilized proteases and the immobilized lactase maintained the same enzyme activity across each tested point up to the final tested time of 168 hours, for all tested temperatures. Goal 2: The two Objectives of Goal 2 focus on development of an immobilized enzyme cleaning process, with Objective 3 focusing on a cleaning method that retains enzymatic activity and Objective 4 focusing on removal of bacteria from the immobilized enzyme beads. Model microbes for these tests were selected from common dairy contaminants: E. faecium, B. cereus, B. licheniformis, B. subtilis, G. stearothermophilus, and S. thermophiles. Cleaning solutions for the beads were selected from CIP solutions that are commonly used in food and dairy processing plants: tap water, bleach, ppm peracetic acid (PAA), and a representative surfactant (Tergitol L-61, Dow). Testing towards this goal is roughly 50% complete. The concentration and time of exposure for PAA and bleach solutions have been identified for effective cleaning of the beads while retaining enzyme activity. An elevated temperature tap water rinse also demonstrated reasonable efficacy in removing bacteria while not inhibiting the enzymatic activity of the beads. A challenge we have come across in this testing is that some of the bacteria naturally do not adhere well to the beads. This makes achieving the goal of 3-log removal of bacteria difficult. Staring with lower concentrations of bacteria on the control samples, lead to results from the removal approach that are at or below the limit of detection of bacterial measurement protocol. Goal 3:Efforts towards this goal have focused mainly on Objective 4, identification of the gaps in existing data required for GRAS or other regulatory approval. We met with our TABA vendor in July . We have had several email exchanges since then. The vendor has been progressing with their determination on the need for GRAS. Their target is to have a report to GBS by the end of November 2024. Efforts towards Objective 5 will progress from this report. Goal 4: Initial steps have been taken in identifying components that will successfully scale-up the lab production process. A primary focus has been on the components that produce the initial pellet/bead forms. Goal 5:Work towards Goal 5 will start following the completion of the first production batches from Goal 4.
