Progress 06/01/23 to 05/31/24
Outputs Target Audience: We reached 45 high school students from historically excluded communities. We worked with Chula Vista High School students who have built an edible garden to fight nutrition issues and associated issues such as obesity. Students were also guided to set up experimental designs to assess the effect of mycorrhizae on plant growth. There were three class internships available during fall 2023 those were: GEOG 360: Human Dimensions of Climate Change, GEOG590: Community-based Geographic Research: The Food Environment, GEOG576 Advanced Watershed Analysis during Spring 2024, with 6, 7 and 2 undergraduates recruited for each class respectively. Students continued performing research and activities for spring. A total of 15 students engaged in experiential learning through these classes were supported. In order to expose students to the challenges in our food systems and social and environmental challenges associated with climate change we delivered special modules on water management, drought tolerance, agroforestry and soil ecology into two college classes using a transdisciplinary approach. One of the classes is Transnational Approaches for sustainable food systems, with 31 undergraduate students attending in Spring 2024 and the other class, Sustainable agriculture, with 12 students enrolled in Spring 2024, a total of 43 students were targeted on these collaborative classes. We have recruited and supported three graduate students from historically excluded communities with this grant to perform research on Determining the cause of coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) mortality and acorn decay, Nourishing health and planet with algae-enriched guacamole and providing evidence-based diabetes nutrition education tailored to the Latina population. We reached out to different people who attended the EDUFAN symposium with a total of 54 attendees. 21 students presented form SDSU either oral or poster presentations; and 4 students from Mesa Community College presented poster presentations. We had 8 faculty attending and 8 collaborators including USDA staff, Mesa College, UC Cooperative Extension, SD County and Botanical gardens. Changes/Problems:We hired a project manager as we did not anticipate the large amount of administrative work required to manage all pieces in our program. As the program started on June 1st, we were unable to recruit students for the summer internships in year 1 (2023). This year (2024) we have 28students participating in the 8 summer internships associated to our program. We also were not able to recruit as many graduate students as we wished as most graduate programs have concluded their interview process by then. However, we were able to recruit a few existing students from three masters programs. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Class-internships We have developed three different paid class internships that incorporate experiential learning to make it accessible to students from historically underrepresented communities who might not be able to engage in research otherwise. We created the following class-based research experiences and recruited 15 students to work on independent research associated to these opportunities: GEOG 360 Human Dimensions of Climate Change, 2023-2024 AY-The main objective of GEOG 360 Human Dimensions of Climate Change is to teach students about initiatives and policies aimed to address climate change mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage from the perspectives of vulnerable populations. This class aims to help students develop a tool box to help them advocate for change and policy making to address climate change. GEOG 576 Advanced Watershed Analysis, 2023-2024 AY- The project aims to quantify crop water use and near-surface climate conditions in the Imperial Valley, which impacts both water use efficiency and farmworker heat stress. We are sharing our results with University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE), who works directly with growers on their water management. We also work with community partners representing farmworkers to distribute our information about heat stress. Policy analysis of heat stress, and trend analysis to document change in temperature and heat stress over time. This is being developed into a paper. We are collecting data from policy documents for California and other states in the SW and southern US as well as weather station data from the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) and California Air Resources Board (CARB). We found that regulations in California are based on air temperature alone, and only have two thresholds (80F and 95F). We documented that another heat stress metric (wet bulb globe temperature) suggests many more rest minutes than the air temperature threshold, and have mapped that using a climate model. The policy analysis is being developed into a paper on farmworker heat stress regulations and implications. GEOG 590 Community-based Geographic Research: The Food Environment, AY 23-24- This project focuses on the geography of urban agriculture in San Diego and aims to understand differences in the capacity to grow food locally, including disparities in access to land and healthy soil for community gardens. The project emphasized the relationship between soil quality, race, and class within the region and conceptualized gardens as socio-natures produced through planning, policy, and investment decisions and soil as a record of these historical and spatial processes. Our work is intended for multiple audiences, including academics, policy-makers, urban agriculture advocates, and gardeners. Our findings will contribute to research on environmental and food justice and social perspectives on soil. They will also inform local policy related and provide valuable information for growers. Research experiences for graduate students We have provided research experiences for seven graduate students in the following projects: 1) Determining the Cause of Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia) Mortality and Acorn Decay, 2) Nourishing Health and Planet with Algae-Enriched Guacamole, 3) Interviewing Huitzo and Macuilxochitl farmers on their responses to continued drought in the valley of Oaxaca, 4) Recording dietary recommendations by medical personnel for chronic disease and the actual practices and food accessibility by community members in Ixpantepec, Oaxaca, 5) The potential of agroforestry to help farmers adapt to climate change in San Diego County, 6) Growing Together: The Production of Community in San Diego's Urban Gardens, 7) Growing Together: The Production of Community in San Diego's Urban Gardens. Students were mentored on relevant research relevant to their particular area of study by at least one co-PI. All students presented their advances at symposia, conferences and seminars and received feedback from advisors and co-PIs. These students received training on USDA job opportunities and career development. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? We created the EDUFAN symposium (Experimenting, Diversifying and Understanding Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources) to provide a platform in which students supported through this program can disseminate their research and receive feedback from co-PIs and community members. Our program was disseminated to High school students from Hoover High School and Chula Vista High School in order to recruit students into our pathways. Most students in our program disseminated their research in the annual SDSU Student Research Symposium (S3) on Feb, 2024. The PD and two co-PDs presented the SDSU NextGen program at the Presidential SDSU Sustainability Symposium on April 17th, 2024. Students and co-PIs have presented their research funded by this grant on the following venues: American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, 121st Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science's 2024 Annual Public Health Research Day, 2024 Southern California Food Industry Conference, Small Wine grape growers meeting in Temecula, AAG 2024, American Chemical Society (ACS) Spring 2024 National Meeting & Expo, 2024 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Human Research Program (HRP) Investigators' Workshop (IWS), and SupplySide West 2023. Two senior thesis have been completed one in the Environmental Science "Analysis of Policy to Protect California Farm Workers from Heat Stress" and the other culminating Research Project"Physicochemical characteristics of Salvia columbariae and Salvia hispanica chia seeds. Our program has been disseminated through multiple media platforms such as web pages and news. For example, Dr. Liu disseminated his work on the article "Reporting on edible insects project" Our program and paid internship opportunities were highlighted on the news under the article: "$5M USDA Grant Helps Train Next Generation of Food and Agriculture Scientists", "Imperial Valley Opportunities through USDA" and "Empowering Latine Students through USDA Careers" One of our students was featured on this news "When identity intertwines with innovation" What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Eight paid summer internships, including one in collaboration with USDA scientists at the Western Regional Research Center in Albany, have been developed this year and we will continue their execution through June-August. We have recruited 28students to participate in these paid internships. Binational Internship: Cross-border internship on plant and microbial sciences (eight students recruited): During this internship students will learn about plant and microbial communities, their ecological interactions, and their relevance to climate change, Carbon sequestration, agriculture and forestry. Binational Internship: Documenting the agave production (6 six students recruited):A group of six students is beginning work with our colleagues from the Tecnológico de Los Valles Centrales in San Pablo Huixtepec, Oaxaca on a project to document the movement from milpa to agave/maguey production. We are working in Sola de Vega (Zaptotec community) for this project. Binational Internship: Documenting uses of archeological sites in farmland (two students recruited): A group of two students is beginning work with our colleagues at INAH (Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia) and another community in Oaxaca. This community has archaeological ruins in their farming land that INAH wants to open to tourism so we are tasked to work with them on oral histories related to their use of these ruins in their ceremonies along with teaching us about their decision making and plans in diversifying their farming. Exploring food potentials of microalgae (two students recruited): The goal of this internship is to expand the applications of microalgae as a versatile food ingredient and alternative protein source. The interns will learn laboratory techniques to characterize the nutrient composition, flavor profile, physicochemical characteristics, and functional properties of different microalgae species and microalgae-based innovative food products. Developing vegan seafood flavor (one student recruited): The goal of this internship is to characterize sensory attributes and flavor profiles of commercial vegan seafood products and develop an easy and cost-effective way to generate seafood flavors from macroalgae. The interns are currently involved in training a seafood sensory panel and producing algal protein hydrolysates. They will perform a combination of sensory evaluation and instrumental analyses to identify the character-impact compounds in the targeted seafood. They will also explore the flavors formed in macroalgae protein hydrolysates and their Maillard reaction products under various conditions to identify the ones closest to the characteristic flavors of the targeted seafood. USDA Internship (two students recruited): In this 8-week internship (starting early June), students will work alongside USDA scientists at the Western Regional Research Center in Albany, CA. The hosting scientist, Dr. Wallace Yokoyama, has a research focus on chronic metabolic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases associated with obesity. Students will also be introduced to other research projects at the center and visit other USDA research facilities in Northern California to explore the broad range of specialties in USDA necessary to help the agricultural industry. Through this internship, students will not only gain hands-on research experiences, but also learn about career opportunities at USDA. We have selected two student interns and planned the internship activities with Dr. Yokoyama. We are currently arranging the transportation and housing for the student interns. Brightside Internship (two students recruited): BrightSide delivers fresh produce to partner stores in food deserts inNational City and the South and Southeast regions of the City of San Diego, within and surrounding the San Diego Promise Zone. Food Waste Diversion to Healthy Protein (two students recruited): Interns will be working on research in which pre-consumer food-waste is collected from the SDSU Children's Center and converted to healthy protein by initially feeding it to black soldier fly larvae (BSFL). Exploration of Alternative Protein Feedstocks for Agricultural Livestock (two students recruited): The purpose of this project is to explore the production of BSFL as an alternative source of protein for livestock as it is anticipated that traditional agricultural sources of protein, such as soy and grains, may be negatively impacted by global warming and associated climate change. Production of Protein Fibers from the Bovine Milk Protein αS1-Casein (one students recruited): In this internship we explore alternative sources of raw materials, such as protein-based fibers, that are biodegradable, can potentially replace plastic material, and will not cause the extensive damage being caused by petroleum-based plastics. We are using bacteria to produce the αS1-casein milk protein and then we will explore its ability to create protein fibers that can be spun into useful materials that are biodegradable and could potentially replace many nonbiodegradable plastic materials. Total of 7 new graduate students have been recruited- We have recruited five PhD and two new master students who will be supported starting the next academic year. The other three graduate students recruited the previous academic year will continue being supported under our program. We will offer two class-based internships Human Dimensions of Climate Change, and Advanced Watershed Analysis during Spring 2024 aiming to recruit 12students in research experiences. Our students at Imperial Valley lack access to food despite being at the center of one important agricultural area in our Nation. We have ongoing efforts to create edible gardens and plant fruit trees and work with the food pantry office to teach students how to grow food locally and sustainably. We are partnering with the Master Garden Program for this effort. The EDUFAN symposium will be organized again in April 2025 and we will incorporate changes on the schedule and activities based on the feedback from the survey conducted on the 2024 symposium. We plan to engage 90 people in this event. We will engage at least 45 High school students from historically excluded communities and tour them around SDSU and develop activities they can participate during their visit to encourage their recruitment into college and FANH disciplines. We will continue working with them using a tier mentorship approach to train them on scientific questions and settings. We will be visiting tribal communities to learn about cultural practices, biodiversity and regenerative agriculture. We will also create scholarship opportunities for workshop attendance on native plants and greenhouse practices.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
1. Experiential learning projects There were three class internships available during fall 2023 those were: GEOG 360: Human Dimensions of Climate Change, GEOG590: Community-based Geographic Research: The Food Environment, GEOG576 Advanced Watershed Analysis during Spring 2024, with over a 100 students enrolled across these three classes. From this pool of students, we recruited and supported a total of 15 students allowing them to develop independent research. Students were closely mentored on relevant research relevant to their particular area of study. Students presented their advances at symposia and received feedback. These students received training on USDA job opportunities and career development. 2. Outreach and engagement projects EDUFAN symposium (54 people participated) We created the EDUFAN Symposium: Experimenting, Diversifying and Understanding Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources to engage students and connect them to researchers, urban farmers, policy makers, USDA staff and other collaborators. This event bridges economic, social, and environmental sciences to identify sustainable and equitable solutions to food system and ecosystem challenges. During the event 21 students involved in the SDSU NextGen program presented their projects through oral and poster presentations. Also, 4 students from our associated partner institution, Mesa Community College, presented their work. And all the students had the opportunity to hear from and interact with a list of 7 guests from local USDA agencies, experts, and other agriculture stakeholders from the region, who spoke about their career pathways and helped students with advice to plan their incursion in the agricultural job market. Chula Vista High School students (45 students participated) A total of 45 students from the Chula Vista High School visited SDSU to interact with professors and undergraduate students from SDSU to talk about their work on the NextGen program. During their visit the high school students 1) visited the SDSU Community Garden, 2) learned about the food distributing program BrightSide, 3) had a guided visit to the Biology Department greenhouse, and 4) had interactive workshops in three different Biology Department laboratories. Additionally a group of four SDSU students visited the high school students to collectively develop experimental plots to assess whether the mycorrhizae fungi increase yield in some crops and to share their experience as college students. SDSU sustainability symposium (three faculty participated) On April 17, 2024, the SDSU Annual Sustainability Summit event was hosted on campus to showcase presentations that focused on advancing campus sustainability. The NextGen program was one of the highlights of the event. See the link to know more and watch the presentation given by the NextGen leaders: Media Several Media releases have been done to showcase our Nexgen grant at SDSU. Curriculum development: CAL400 Transnational approaches for sustainable food systems- We have leveraged efforts to enhance our class CAL400 to allow students to have experiential learning opportunities and connect with our collaborators and write advocacy briefs. In this class we expose students to challenges associated with our contemporary industrial and global food system which is not sustainable: not only does it fail to ensure food security, it is causing significant social and environmental burdens. This course examines these challenges in the context of the US-Mexico border and investigates how farmers, retailers, consumers, grassroots organizations, and other stakeholders, including immigrants and Indigenous people, are building on local knowledge and resources to respond to these environmental and social crises and develop solutions to create a more sustainable and equitable food system. ENV496 Sustainable agriculture- In this class we have created specific modules on water management, drought tolerance, agroforestry and soil ecology and it is taught collaboratively with co-PIs presenting on their area of expertise. Graduate students We have supported three graduate students with fellowships to enhance participation of historically excluded groups into FANH careers, such as ecology, forestry, food and social sciences, Nutrition, Agroforestry. Class internships for undergraduate students We have recruited and funded 15 undergraduates through for class internships to perform focused experiential, classroom-based learning, and research oriented solutions that bridge the practices and knowledge of Historically Excluded Communities (HECs) with new strategies for regenerative agriculture to address climate change, environmental degradation, food insecurity, and poverty. Academic and professional career mentorship. Career panel discussion during the EDUFAN symposium- The panel "Career Pathways in Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources (FAN) Panel Session", moderated by PhD student Karina Cerda, featured a diverse group of panelists from different FANH disciplines including USDA and NIFA agencies. Special professional development session on USDA jobs. The session entitled "Applying to USDA Jobs and Job Opportunities" hosted by Dr. Deborah De La Riva, provided with diversity of job opportunities in the USDA and walkthrough of the job application process when joining the USDA as well as tips on CV improvement. We sent three students and one faculty to participate in the USDA 100th Annual Agricultural Outlook Forum/NextGen AOF, Feb 12-16, 2024. We sent four students to participate in the USDA NextGen Spring Summit in Washington DC, May 14th- 17th, 2024. Partnership development and Networking During this past year we have engaged with a variety of collaborators in which our students have network and develop collaborative research and outreach. Some of these partners are: San Diego Botanical Gardens, Chula Vista High School, Master Gardener Program, USDA offices, SDSU IV campus, Mesa Community College, Urban Gardens, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Tecnológico de los Valles Centrales de Oaxaca.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Khoury, C. Plenary Speaker Session: Global Change in Food System Diversity.EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Alvarado Martinez, S. Exploring Flavors of Edible Ants. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Rockwell, J. Nourishing Health and Planet with Algae-Enriched Guacamole. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Smith A. How Farm Acreage and Valuation Vary in San Diego County. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Rivas, V. Determining the Cause of Coast Live Oak (Quercus agifolia) Mortality and Acorn Decay. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Ortiz T & Cisneros S. Land Access, Gentrification, and Urban Agriculture Opportunities in San Diego. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Madonia S. Climate and Heat Stress in the Imperial Valley. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Ennamorato A. & Thomas T. Agroforestry as an innovative tool for CC adaptation in SD County. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Garret D. & Proton N. BrightSide Produce - Food Production, Aggregation, and Distribution Approaches. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
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Year Published:
Featuring Panelists: Dr. Ali Montazar, Kristian Salgado-Jacobo, Monica Winters, Charles Hart, Dr. Andrew Vandegrift (Moderated by Karina Cerda). Career Pathways in Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources (FAN) Panel Session. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
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Year Published:
Dr. Deborah De La Riva. Applying to USDA Jobs and Job Opportunities. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Sierra Murrell, Marina Kalyuzhnaya, Changqi Liu, John Love. Using AI and Protein Design to Produce Milk Proteins via Bacterial Fermentation. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Cerda K., Flores-Renteria L. Tri-trophic interaction: Two fungi and a pine tree. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Carr, D. Quantifying Heat Stress and Labor Intensity for Farm Workers in The Imperial Valley. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Luna Reyes. Analysis of Seawater as a Potential Source of Agricultural Water. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Azelya Yazzie. Testing Data Collection Methods for Plant-Pollinator Interactions and Connectivity: A Pilot Study in Urban San Diego. EDUFAN, San Diego State University, San Diego California, April 12th, 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Alvarado Martinez, Oral: Exploring flavors of edible ants: A path to sustainable gastronomy and consumer acceptance. SDSU Student Research Symposium, Feb 29th to Mar 2nd, 2024, San Diego, CA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Carrillo, Oral: Better space parties with algae-enriched guacamole. SDSU Student Research Symposium, Feb 29th to Mar 2nd, 2024, San Diego, CA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Lopez, Poster: Chapulines blue corn cricket chips: Jump to a more sustainable snack. SDSU Student Research Symposium, Feb 29th to Mar 2nd, 2024, San Diego, CA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Villalobos, Oral: Identification of flavor active compounds in micro- and macro-algae. SDSU Student Research Symposium, Feb 29th to Mar 2nd, 2024, San Diego, CA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Cramton, Baker,Poster: Nutrition composition and flavor profile of chia seeds. SDSU Student Research Symposium, Feb 29th to Mar 2nd, 2024, San Diego, CA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Rockwell, Oral: Unlocking seafood flavors from macroalgae: A sustainable, vegan approach. SDSU Student Research Symposium, Feb 29th to Mar 2nd, 2024, San Diego, CA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Liu, C. Forging pathways to sustainable food innovations through interdisciplinary collaborations. SupplySide West, 10/28/23-10/31/23.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Cramton, Baker, Alvarado Martinez, Lopez, Esparza. Poster presentation, Algae as a precursor of seafood flavor in alternative seafood. American Chemical Society (ACS) Spring 2024 National Meeting & Expo. 03/17/24-03/21/24
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Cramton, Baker, Alvarado Martinez, Lopez, Esparza. Poster presentation, Exploring flavors of edible ants: A path to sustainable gastronomy and consumer acceptance. American Chemical Society (ACS) Spring 2024 National Meeting & Expo. 03/17/24-03/21/24
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Rockwell, Vernazza, Cramton, Esparza, Lopez, Williams. Poster presentation:
Better space parties with algae-enriched guacamole. 2024 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Human Research Program (HRP) Investigators Workshop (IWS). 02/13/24-02/16/24
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Bross, Judith. Oral presentation of farm survey results. AAG 2024. 4/20/2024
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Bross, Ennamorato, Smith, Thomas, Uribe, Fisher, Monteverde, Zuniga. Oral presentation of farm survey results. Smallwine grape growers meeting in Temecula, CA. 5/13/2024
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Flores-Renteria, Liu, Joassart-Marcelli. Oral presentation about Expanding Sustainable Food and Agriculrture Education at SDSU. SDSU Sustainability Summit. 4/17/2024
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Ortiz, Tyana; Cisneros Esteban. Oral Presentation: Land Access, Affordability, and Agriculture in Urbanized San Diego. SDSU Student Symposim (S3). 3/1/2024
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Year Published:
Madonia, Samantha. Senior thesis (Env Science): Analysis of Policy to Protect California Farm Workers from Heat Stress. 4/29/2024
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Year Published:
Lopez, Daisy. School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences Outstanding Undergraduate Student. Award. 5/11/2024
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Year Published:
Salgado, Sophia. Grant awardee: Southern California Future Food Speaker Series (Total award: $1,700). Student Success Fee. 11/20/2023
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Year Published:
Wadman, James. Grant awardee: Eating Insects Conference with Chef Joseph Yoon as Keynote Speaker and Multi-Course Tasting of Delicious Bugs (Total award: $8,690). Student Success Fee. 11/20/2023
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Canul, Lucia. Informing Culturally Collaborative Chronic Disease Prevention and Management Strategies through Ethnographic Fieldwork In Oaxaca, Mexico (Awarded Outstanding Poster Presentation). Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Sciences 2024 Annual Public Health Research Day. 5/1/2024
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Canul, Lucia. Navigating Cultural and Collaborative Dietary Strategies: An Ethnographic Approach to Understanding Dietary Behavior in Oaxaca, Mexico. SDSU Student Symposium. 2/1/2024
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Perez, Ramona; Canul, Lucia. Lets Not Do Another Dietary Intervention: collaborative dietary strategies. 121st Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. 11/13/23
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Year Published:
Daisy Lopez, Ana Gaxiola Alvarez, Jessica Borough, Adriana Martinez. Student Product Development Competition (Third Place). 2024 Southern California Food Industry Conference. 3/12/2024
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Year Published:
Carrillo, Marta. Physicochemical characteristics of Salvia columbariae and Salvia hispanica chia seeds. Culminating Research Project. 4/15/2024
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Year Published:
Lopez, Daisy. Irwin Zahn Spirit of Innovation Prize. Award. 5/11/2024
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Sager, Raychel; Zubaidi, Yasmeen. Poster: A Geographic Exploration of Disparities in Community Garden Capacity. SDSU Student Symposium. 3/1/2024
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Schilling, Cameron. Poster: More than Soil: Digging Deeper Into the Relationships of Space, Equity, and Policy of Urban Agriculture in San Diego, CA. SDSU Student Symposium. 3/1/2024
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Joya Euceda, Victoria; Napoles Robledo, Osvaldo. Poster: Growing Together: The Production of Community. SDSU Student Symposium. 3/1/2024
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Joya Euceda, Victoria; Napoles Robledo, Osvaldo. Oral presentation: Growing Together: Community Gardens and Social Equity in San Diegos Urban Agriculture Landscape. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. 4/19/2024
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Year Published:
Expanding and Diversifying Careers in Sustainable Food Systems along the US-Mexico Border Webpage: