Progress 06/01/23 to 05/31/24
Outputs Target Audience:The IINSTAR-AS project aims to engage and prepare students from underrepresented groups in Puerto Rico - including women, Hispanics, and people of afro-Caribbean heritage - for successful careers in the agri-environmental sciences. Training the next generation of leaders must engage people from distinct backgrounds and cultures, to include opportunities for future scientists and leaders that will build a more diverse, stronger workforce capable of developing innovative, resilient, and equitable solutions to global resource management challenges. The long-term outlook for diversity in the STEM workforce is closely tied to representation in the educational system. Thus, Hispanic-serving institutions, and insular area institutions of higher education located in the U.S. territories, have the potential to play key roles in this transition. Two target audiences were reached by project efforts during the reporting period. The first audience is undergraduate and graduate students in the Environmental Sciences Program (ESP) at the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras Campus, a Hispanic Serving Institution. Many students come from families with exceptional financial need and first-year undergraduate students have low math proficiency levels. The second target audience is K-12 students at public and private schools in Puerto Rico, a population group with underrepresented Hispanic and afro-Caribbean ethnic minorities. Many K-12 students in Puerto Rico are economically and educationally disadvantaged due to ongoing fiscal deficits and post-disaster recovery efforts from hurricanes and earthquakes in recent years. Accordingly, IINSTAR-AS includes targeted strategies to reduce financial constraints, increase math proficiency, and provide experiential learning activities for ESP undergraduate students, as well as educational outreach activities to augment learning opportunities for K-12 students. Changes/Problems:As we initiated the project and began recruiting undergraduate fellows, we realized that our multi-level mentoring model could be expanded to not just include graduate student mentoring of undergraduates but also upper level undergraduate mentoring of beginning undergraduate students. Undergraduate students in their 3rd or 4th year of studies are closer in age to the incoming freshmen, have undergone similar experiences such as the Covid 19 pandemic during their high school years or first year at university, and are familiar with the culture and interpersonal dynamics of our department and university. Thus they have useful perspectives and skills to share. At the same time, the upper-level undergraduates also face financial constraints similar to those of the first-year students. Consequently, we decided to expand our recruitment of undergraduates to include 3rd and 4th year undergraduates in addition to those in their 1st or 2nd year. The majority of participants will still be first or second year students. A requirement for all undergraduates who participate in the IINSTAR-AS project and receive support, regardless of what year they enter, is to complete the Minor in Renewable Energy and Sustainability, which typically takes from 1-2 academic years. Furthermore, it was our intent to conduct a career development and educational training activity at Casa Pueblo during the reporting period, focused on the Solar Plant renewable energy module. We had originally scheduled this training for April 2024, but had to postpone it due to scheduling conflicts. The training is tentatively rescheduled for the second year of the project during September 2024, and as result of this change the second training that was originally planned for the second year will be delayed until the 3rd year of the project. Due to administrative processes at the beginning of the project, hiring of staff took longer than anticipated. In spite of that we were able to meet our goals for student recruitment, coordination and implementation of K-12 outreach activities, as well as experiential learning opportunities for students to conduct research with professors working in the agri-environmental sciences, and gain exposure to USDA career opportunities. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? The project supported mathematics training for 67 freshman students in the College of Natural Sciences at UPR-RP, including 14 from the Dept. of Environmental Sciences, in precalculus and calculus as part of a summer immersion course. The project supported specialty coursework for the Minor in Renewable Energy and Sustainability (MRES) at UPR-RP. This included an undergraduate course on Energy and Environment that was taught in a hybrid mode in collaboration with partners in Brazil and Colombia. 54 students participated including those at UPR-RP and internationally. A second undergraduate course on Biogas was also taught, which benefited 7 students. A new undergraduate course on Global Climate Change was also developed. The project coordinated one-on-one mentorship opportunities and group laboratory and field-based research training experiences for 15 undergraduate and graduate students working with professors at UPR-RP. Students conducted research in environmental, ecological and agricultural sciences, dedicating a total of 360 hours. Students generated seven scientific conference presentations and posters which were disseminated in one university symposium, one local conference in Puerto Rico, and one national conference in the United States, helping disseminate their findings to broader audiences. Two professional development seminars were given during the reporting period. One was an webinar titled Rethinking Agricultural Waste Management: Sustainability, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy, which was attended by 27 graduate and undergraduate students and 4 faculty and staff. The other was an in-person seminar about amphibians of Puerto Rico, which was attended by 10 university students and 2 faculty and staff. 30 undergraduate and graduate students participated in career development events and activities in Puerto Rico and the United States, including a Natural Resources Conservation Service career opportunity seminar, the 2024 Agricultural Outlook Forum and NextGen Program activities, the 2024 MANRRS National Conference, and a Forest Service career expo workshop. The project provided educational outreach to K-12 students in Puerto Rico. Undergraduate fellows and graduate assistants developed and taught 151 educational presentations for approximately 400 K-12 students and led 6 field trips for approximately 150 elementary students through Problem-Based Learning activities at three Puerto Rican elementary, middle and high schools. Presentation topics included global warming, marine life, ocean acidification and coral bleaching, coastal ecosystems and organisms, ecosystem conservation, renewable energy, microplastics, water quality, tropical forest and stream ecosystems, plant ecology and photosynthesis, soil erosion, butterflies and damselflies, and other Puerto Rican fauna, thermometers and other scientific instruments, women in science, and what scientists do. A total of 171 hours of outreach and teaching experience were gained during the reporting period.? How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results about the project launch, events, and activities have been disseminated to diverse communities of interest in Puerto Rico via the following methods: 10 online and print news articles by the University of Puerto Rico and major news outlets in Puerto Rico. One television interview by a major news outline in Puerto Rico. Two radio interviews with Radio Universidad de Puerto Rico. Publishing of 32 reels and 157 posts for the IINSTAR-AS Instagram profile with summaries of activities and events. Furthermore, the project sponsored a climate change symposium with educational talks and information tables in collaboration with the UPR-RP College of Education, which was attended by approximately 140 K-12 students, 13 university students, and 30 individuals from the general public to increase learning about important topics and careers in environmental sciences. The project sponsored a farmers market at the UPR-RP College of Natural Sciences promoting farmers and artisans, local and ecologically-sustainable products, and NGOs dedicated to environmental conservation. It was attended by approximately 200 persons from the UPR-RP community. The projectset up 6 informational tables athigh schools and environmental fairs promoting undergraduate studies in Environmental Sciences, the IINSTAR-AS project, and USDA career opportunities to youth in Puerto Rico. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the next reporting period we plan to do the following: Coordinate and support student participation in summer experiential learning opportunities, including undergraduate internships with USDA agencies, and graduate research experiences to gain practical training in the laboratory and field. These will occur in Puerto Rico and the United States. Host a post-summer symposium for students to present results and outcomes of their experiential learning opportunities. Provide support for the summer 2024 mathematics immersion course for incoming first-year students. Recruit, admit, and onboard the next cohort of IINSTAR-AS undergraduate fellows and potentially new graduate student assistants as well. We anticipate up to 10 new undergraduate fellows and 1 graduate assistant. Continue with multi-level academic and psychosocial mentoring and evaluations. Continue with career development, educational curricula, non-formal education, and USDA exposure activities as implemented during the reporting period. Continue with support of research training experiences for undergraduate and graduate students with professors, including integration with project Co-Directors' research opportunities. Continue with existing specialized coursework and develop new coursework for the Minor in Renewable Energy and Sustainability. Conduct an educational training activity at Casa Pueblo focused on the Solar Plant renewable energy module. Participate in USDA sponsored meetings for project directors, staff, and students. Provide opportunities for students to participate in experiential learning opportunities and activitiesrelated to sustainability and natural resource management through the RCE Puerto Rico-REDeS network. Complete hiring of the project evaluator and finalize project impact research tools and begin implementing quantitative evaluation components. Expand K-12 outreach and Problem-Based Learning activities to additional schools in Puerto Rico. Support student travel to professional development workshops, conferences, and training activities.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
During the reporting period we hired two full-time staff members at the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras (UPP-RP) for the IINSTAR-AS project, an Executive Manager and a Stakeholder Engagement Liaison. These staff members executed the day-to-day operations and implementation of project activities, such as: Recruiting and onboarding of undergraduate student participants and graduate student assistants from underrepresented minority groups. Administrative paperwork for all project personnel, participants, and activities. Contracting of professional resources for specialized coursework and coordination of career development activities. Coordination of formal educational and training activities with project participants. Coordination of non-formal education and outreach activities with K-12 schools. Coordination of student participation in USDA career exposure activities Development of partnerships with collaborating institutions in Puerto Rico and the United States for experiential learning opportunities and internships. Coordination of multi-level faculty-graduate-undergraduate academic and psychosocial mentoring. Communications about project activities, outputs, and accomplishments. A project kick-off meeting with student participants, faculty and staff, and collaborating partners from USDA agencies and non-profit organizations. These activities led to the following outcomes and impacts: Ten undergraduate students received fellowships to pursue bachelor's degrees in Environmental Sciences at UPR-RP, and a Minor in Renewable Energy and Sustainability. Five graduate students received assistantships to serve in mentoring roles while pursuing masters and doctoral degrees in Environmental Sciences and Biology. Together the undergraduate fellowships and graduate assistantships reduced financial constraints and increased participation of youth from underrepresented groups (people of Hispanic and afro-Caribbean heritage, women, and first-generation students from the insular area Puerto Rico) in university training and career development opportunities, contributing to development of the next generation of leaders infood, agricultural, and natural resources, and human sciences (FANH). Undergraduate and graduate students from Puerto Rico participated in research training opportunities in environmental, ecological and agricultural sciences, gaining valuable laboratory and field experience and skills related to study design, development and implementation of scientific protocols and use of technology, data collection, management and analysis, and working in collaborative teams. Undergraduate and graduate students from Puerto Rico gained valuable leadership and mentoring experience, and developed skills for effective communication with diverse audiences. Incoming freshman students in the College of Natural Sciences at UPR-RP developed essential mathematics skills in precalculus and calculus that will help prepare them for subsequent coursework and future training in FANH sciences while pursuing STEM degrees. Undergraduate students from Puerto Rico enrolled in and specialized coursework on Energy and Environment and Biogas that contributes to a Minor in Renewable Energy and Sustainability and gained fundamental conceptual knowledge, exposure to innovative technology and its applications, and development of practical skills related to the intersection of water-energy-food systems and natural resource management. Undergraduate and graduate students from Puerto Rico attended professional development seminars that broadened exposure to sustainability, renewable energy, and climate change research and applications and their intersection with agri-environmental sciences. Undergraduate and graduate students from Puerto Rico participated in career development events and activities in Puerto Rico and the United States, including a Natural Resources Conservation Service career opportunity seminar, the 2024 Agricultural Outlook Forum, the 2024 MANRRS National Conference, and a Forest Service career expo workshop. These opportunities broadened exposure of underrepresented groups to USDA employment, internship, and career opportunities, and helped them develop professional networking, communication, and leadership skills. Undergraduate and graduate students from Puerto Rico developed and delivered educational outreach presentations and led field trips using problem-based learning activities for K-12 students at Puerto Rican elementary, middle and high schools. These activities enhanced professional development and communication skills among the university students. They also increased knowledge among youth audiences in Puerto Rico about sustainability and diverse environmental topics, as well as potential careeropportunities in the agri-environmental sciences.
- Type:
Year Published:
Aquino, M.F. (May 2024). Dietary preference of freshwater shrimp towards African Tulip tree. Poster presentation at Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Puerto Rico-R�o Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Type:
Year Published:
Villafa�e, D. (May 2024). The influence of urban elements on the condition of mango trees (Mangifera indica): recommendations for management. Poster presentation at Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Puerto Rico-R�o Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Type:
Year Published:
Jord�n, A. (May 2024). Population trends and conservation of an endemic, rate, and threatened mistletoe. Poster presentation at Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Puerto Rico-R�o Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Type:
Year Published:
College of Natural Sciences, University of Puerto Rico-R�o Piedras. (2023). Institute for Innovation in Sustainability Training, Applications and Research in Agri-environmental Sciences (IINSTAR-AS).
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Campis, J. (October 2023). Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa Yosemitensis) Habitat assessment in Yosemite National Park, California. Poster presentation at Geological Society of America GSA CONNECTS, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Campis, J. (April 2024). Neurotoxicology of Manganese (Mn) in Xiphocaris elongata. Oral presentation at PR-LSAMP (Puerto Rico-Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) 42nd Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM) & 57th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Mart�nez, D. (April 2024). Acute toxicity of manganese in Xiphocaris elongata.
Oral presentation at PR-LSAMP (Puerto Rico-Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) 42nd Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM) & 57th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Rivera, A. (April 2024). Evaluando la salud de �rboles de mango en un entorno urbano. Poster Presentation at PR-LSAMP (Puerto Rico-Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) 42nd Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM) & 57th ACS Junior Technical Meeting, University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.