Source: COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN IDAHO submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jun 1, 2023
Project End Date
May 31, 2028
Grant Year
Program Code
Recipient Organization
TWIN FALLS,ID 833013367
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The overarching goal of the College of Southern Idaho (CSI) NextGen Program is to increase the number of students prepared to meet industry needs in agriculture, food, and natural resource fields. This will be accomplished by improving student supports, eliminating potential barriers to success, and providing innovative learning experiences that will increase linkages for students to the college and to the agriculture field while improving the job readiness of agriculture, food, and natural resource students across the region.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
903 - Communication, Education, and Information Delivery;

Subject Of Investigation
6010 - Individuals;

Field Of Science
3020 - Education;
Goals / Objectives
Objective 1: Provide direct and indirect support to 400 plus NextGen students. Activity 1: Provide partial and full direct scholarships to studentsActivity 2: Wrap-around student support services for NextGen students.Objective 2: Connect 600 high school students directly with the College of Southern Idaho agriculture, food, and natural resource programs and career pathways. Activity 3: A directed marketing plan to improve awareness of CSI Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource ProgramsActivity 4: Expand, develop, and implement new Career Academies for high school studentsActivity 5: Hire and establish the necessary NextGen Personnel including the NextGen Program Manager and the NextGen Program Liaisons and Career Academy SpecialistsObjective 3: 200 students will reach completion at CSI and/or transfer to a four-year school Activity 6: Ongoing case-management and job search support for NextGen students
Project Methods
Activity 1: Provide partial and full direct scholarships to students - In order to directly assist NextGen students who participate in the Southern Idaho NextGen Program 50 students per year will be awarded $3,500.00 ($1,750.00 per semester, as the student continues to meet expectations) scholarship to assist with tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, and other assistance necessary to support them in completing their first year of college. Financial eligibility will be determined through application to the NextGen Program Manager and Program Stakeholder's Committee and students will be required to major in one of the identified pathways. In addition to the first-year scholarship, NextGen students will be eligible to apply for one of 15 on-campus housing stipends that will cover the cost of one year of room and board ($5,000.00). The first-year scholarships and housing stipends will be administered though the CSI Foundation and their established scholarship process. The management of this activity will be a coordinated through the CSI Foundation Executive Director, by the NextGen Program Manager, and the CSI Grant Accountant.Activity 2: Wrap-around student support services for NextGen students - The Southern Idaho NextGen Program will provide a well-balanced and comprehensive set of services in the student affairs arena. Mottet (2019) speaks to the need for these services, indicating that may students struggle with basic daily needs, making long-range commitments challenging for them. Unfortunately, the need for these services has been compounded by the events surround the COVID-19 Pandemic. The NextGen Program seeks to directly assist students and families in meeting these needs by connecting students to current resources and augmenting those resources in specific areas. The NextGen Program wrap around services will include: transportation; mental health services; textbook services; language access services; and, community services and referrals. The management of this activity will be a coordinated through CSI Student Services by the NextGen Program Manager, and the CSI Grant Accountant.Activity 3: A directed marketing plan to improve awareness of CSI Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Programs and to direct students to NextGen Career Academies - The Southern Idaho NextGen Program will work with partner high schools in the recruitment of agriculture, food, and natural resource students. The NextGen Program will recruit students across the region and state by implementing a marketing and recruitment plan to encourage individuals (especially those who are bi-lingual/bicultural) to apply. The recruitment and marketing plan includes the following components: (1) Focused direct mail campaigns to parents and families who have students in the partnering high schools, and; (2) Directed social media advertising focused on overall knowledge and recognition for the agriculture, food, and natural resources programs at CSI.This activity will be directly supervised and supported by the NextGen Program Manger under the supervision of the Program Director. Additionally, progress and supervision will be provided by the NextGen Stakeholders Committee which will meet quarterly.Activity 4: Expand, develop and implement new Career Academies for high school students - Beginning in the Summer of 2021, CSI Workforce Development and Training began a pilot program to develop Career Academies in Agriculture, Manufacturing, and Cybersecurity. The academies were developed to help regional K-12 students make an early connection to high need industry career options that pay a living wage or better. The summer academies are similar to more traditional bridge programs but with a specific career and industry focus.In 2021 the pilot academies served 114 students (75 male and 39 female). In 2022 the academies grew to serve 123 students (82 male and 41 female). The pilot program has been tremendously successful across industry, community, and academic partners. The Southern Idaho NextGen Program seeks to expand both the breadth and depth of the Career Academy Pilot in the following ways:Southern Idaho NextGen Program 8• Increase the number of students who can be served by the established Career Academies in Agriculture, Manufacturing, and Cyber Security (as it relates to agribusiness) by expanding the academies two times each during the summer.• Add a new specialized Career Academy in Agriculture and Diesel Mechanics.• Expand the locations at which Career Academies are offered by providing Agriculture, Manufacturing, and Cyber Security Academies not only at the Twin Falls campus but also at the CSI outreach center in Burley.The NextGen Program Manager, and the NextGen Liaisons will be directly responsible for management of the career academies with the support of the NextGen Program Manager and the NextGen Stakeholders Committee.Activity 5: (Hire and establish the necessary NextGen Personnel including the NextGen Program Manager and the NextGen Program Liaisons and Career Academy Specialists) - In order to provide sufficient support, the Southern Idaho NextGen Program will hire two regional NextGen Liaisons and Career Academy Specialists who will provide direct recruiting and liaison services at the nine participating high schools during the school year while providing the necessary support for the career academies during the summer months. These full-time positions will be hired during the first quarter of the first year of the program.Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree in business management, or educational area, or equivalent experience; minimum of three years of experience with federal and/or state grant funded projects; knowledge and understanding of budgets, spreadsheets, accounting and bookkeeping practice; experience supervising project and team activities; bilingual/bicultural; and, the ability to travel as necessary, as there is significant travel associated with this position. The hiring process will be supervised by the NextGen Program Director, CSI Human Resources Department, and the NextGen Stakeholder's Committee.Activity 6: Ongoing case-management and job search support for NextGen students - In order to support and retain students to completion, the NextGen Program will establish a coordinated case management system where each student will receive individual support throughout their time at the college. These services are designed to improve NextGen students' wellbeing, improve student engagement, increase academic performance, and address familial issues or concerns.The NextGen program will use the following three-step case management process, based upon the recommendations of the National Behavioral Intervention Team Association:• Step 1: Create a system for connecting students with a designated staff member for 1:1 support. The initial 1:1 session will collect holistic information focused on student needs and to develop a plan of action• Step 2: Build and utilize a network for internal and external referrals - The case management process will connect students to the wrap-around services provided as part of the Southern Idaho NextGen Program with referrals to CSI mental health services, disability testing services, local food banks, (like CSI's own Gilbert's Pantry), childcare, transportation, etc.• Step 3: Draw upon larger support networks - When new or unique challenges arise, the NextGen Program will utilize internal and external support networks including the members of the NextGen Stakeholder's Committee.

Progress 06/01/23 to 05/31/24

Target Audience:The target audience for the Southern Idaho NextGen Program encompasses a diverse range of people. First, middle school and high school students residing within the Southern Idaho region represent a key demographic, particularly those who will attend the Career Academies organized under this project (discussed in "What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?"). Students within this age group are at a crucial point in their academic journey, where exposure to hands-on career exploration can shape the trajectory of their future careers. Students whom are within the age group in our particular region will have the opportunity to learn about modern manufacturing, cybersecurity, and agriculture/natural resources and how these industries shape Idaho as a State. Another target audience are the college students enrolled (or planning to enroll) in agriculture-related programs at the College of Southern Idaho. These young adults are actively pursuing careers in fields such as agriculture business, natural resource management, animal science, accounting and bookkeeping, agriculture engineering, cybersecurity, and many others. For these students, the NextGen program serves as a catalyst for their professional growth through offering financial assistance, wrap-around services, and networking. High school seniors, incoming college students, and non-traditional students (defined as age 25 or older), are included in this audience as they are informed of this scholarship and other opportunities made possible through this grant to help make college attendance decisions. Although individuals, middle school through college students, are considered part of the target audience, special emphasis is placed on students who are part of minority and underserved communities. This includes Hispanic students, those coming from extremely rural communities, low-income households, and first-generation students. As information about the grant is disseminated, these populations are targeted to ensure the Southern Idaho NextGen Program is serving those who need it most. As the College of Southern Idaho is a Hispanic Serving Institution, grant information is also translated into Spanish. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Southern Idaho NextGen personnel and students have attended multiple webinars and conferences related to NextGen including the Project Directors meeting in Washington DC, 3 NextGen staff specific webinars (with topics covering internships, reporting, and scholarship distribution), USA Jobs webinar series, USDA Virtual Career fair, and the NextGen Student Summit. Students participated in the USA Jobs webinar series (consisting of 4 separate webinars) as well as the USDA Virtual Career Fair and were able to learn about jobs available to them and how to successfully apply for those jobs. While the exact number of CSI students participating in these webinars is unknown, it is estimated that at least 5 students attended all or some of the events. Several students had expressed concern over applying to a job through USA Jobs, so that webinar series was particularly helpful for them. The process was broken down with specific guidance on resume wording and navigating the website. Students can now take initiative and apply for jobs with newfound knowledge and expertise. 6 students and one staff member attended the Spring NextGen Student Summit May 15-17, 2024 in Washington DC. Of the 6 students, only 1 had traveled to DC prior to this trip. All students came from very rural hometowns where they do not often get access to such experiences. Students built their networks with other NextGen students across the country, and they learned about USDA structure and careers. Several of the attendees from CSI expressed interest in working for USDA in the future in both outreach centers and in Washington DC. One student said of the Student Summit, "One takeaway from the conference was the importance of keeping an open mind and being willing to meet people, share your story, and learn from everyone you meet." She has certainly shown her ability to do just that. Since attending the event in May, she has secured a job with USDA at the Research Station in Kimberly, ID and has applied for graduate school at the University of Idaho. This was due in partial to learning about USDA leadership and career paths while in DC and networking with other students from across the country. She is a shining example of chasing her dreams and becoming the next generation of agricultural professionals. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The Southern Idaho NextGen Program has a multi-faceted approach to disseminating results and program information to various stakeholders. First and foremost is informing employees at CSI who are impacted but not directly involved with the grant. The Program Manager has created quarterly reports to share with administration and attends monthly meetings with staff who are on the NextGen Stakeholders committee. During these meeting, the Program Manager reports on past and upcoming grant activities and stakeholders offer advise and guidance. To effectively communicate with key partners in high schools, the Southern Idaho NextGen Liaisons work consistently in these schools, sharing updates with high school administration, counselors, and agriculture educators. This ongoing interaction ensures that high school partners are well-informed about the program and opportunities available to their students. Finally, the program maintains connections with local businesses. Identified businesses occasionally have meetings with degree program managers, where NextGen staff provide updates and information about upcoming events. NextGen staff also actively participate in meetings hosted by industry partners to continue to build connections and address the skilled labor shortage in the region. Many of these businesses are invited to attend a portion of the Career Academies to interact with middle school and high school students, sharing insights and experiences from their companies. Through these approaches, the Southern Idaho NextGen Program has established a strong presence within the community. As grant activities progress, this recognition is expected to continue growing, further solidifying the program's impact and reach. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The Southern Idaho NextGen Program will continue to grow as outlined in the following: Objective 1: Provide direct and indirect support to 400 plus NextGen students. Activity 1: Provide partial and full direct scholarships to students. The scholarship application for the 2024-2025 school year opened in January and recipients will be notified of their selection in June. It is anticipated that $223,750 will be awarded to deserving students. Selections are made based on student merit and need with special consideration and preference given to students within underserved populations. Scholarships will be applied directly to student financial accounts to cover tuition and other fees in August. Included in the awards will be housing stipends for students who are a part of the CSI Farm Management Team. This group of individuals will work on the CSI Farm over the summer and into the fall. Due to their efforts, they will be awarded on-campus housing free of charge through the NextGen grant. Activity 2: Wrap-around student support services for NextGen students. A goal during the next reporting period is to identify a robust way to identify and track the number of NextGen students who utilize identified wrap around services. As mentioned above, this is not currently tracked due to privacy concerns. Objective 2: Connect 600 high school students directly with the College of Southern Idaho agriculture, food, and natural resource programs and career pathways. Activity 3: A directed marketing plan to improve awareness of CSI Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Programs and to direct students to NextGen Career Academies. The marketing plan as outlined in "What was accomplished under these goals?" will be repeated in Year 2 of the grant. The marketing that has been done already was found to be effective. Additional efforts to highlight agriculture programs on social media will be taken to reach a wider audience. This social media interaction will include NextGen student highlights as well as degree program pathways and upcoming events. Offering and participating in more career fairs and career exploration workshops will help connect more students to CSI. Although specific dates and number of workshops have not been set yet, it is anticipated either the same number or more will be identified. Activity 4: Expand, develop, and implement new Career Academies for high school students. This summer (2024), the first of the Career Academies support by the NextGen program will take place. Most of the planning and preparation for these events has already occurred. Dates for these academies are as follows: Modern Manufacturing: June 3-7 Intro to Cybercore: July 15-19 Advanced Cybercore: July 22-26 Summer Ag Academy: July 22-26 The Modern Manufacturing academy includes sections about welding, HVAC, woodworking, machining, and auto repair. This academy is the largest, and many local industry partners and parents have been invited to attend the student project showcase to be held on the final afternoon of the academy. The Southern Idaho region is a hub for the food processing industry, home to major companies such as Chobani, Clif Bar, Riverence, Amalgamated Sugar, and others. These companies seek employees with expertise in skilled trades, such as those taught in the Modern Manufacturing Career Academy. By introducing middle and high school students to these trades, we aim to spark interest in careers that address the growing demand for skilled workers in Southern Idaho's food manufacturing and the USDA. These students will become future machine operators, quality managers, and construction engineers vital for the agricultural sector's infrastructure; there are currently 45 enrolled. In the Intro to Cybercore Academy, students will learn about the basics of cybersecurity and programming. This academy is open to 20 students and registration is already full. Students will receive their own Raspberry Pi Devices (minicomputers) and be able to interact with cybersecurity professionals. Students begin the week by learning to set up a computer workstation and gradually build their skills for greater self-sufficiency. At the CSI Applied Technology and Innovation Center, they observe advanced programming and interact with automation equipment similar to that in food processing, linking their learning to real-world applications. The Advanced Cybercore academy is also open for 20 students and is a continuation of the intro academy. Students must have completed the intro academy before attending the advanced academy. Students will get to design their own projects related to cybersecurity and will have a chance to present those to their peers on the final day of the academy. Southern Idaho's food processing and agriculture companies depend on network systems and cybersecurity. Cybercore Career Academies equip students with skills in computer programming and IT, preparing them to meet technological demands and secure networks and data. These academies train students to maintain critical systems for these industries. This year's Summer Ag Academy is focused on natural resources, offering students hands-on learning experiences through field trips covering topics such as rangeland management, water resource management, soil science, and the use of drones in agriculture. The academy, which is open to 20 students and has reached full registration, will highlight the often-overlooked connection between agriculture and environmental conservation. The program's theme emphasizes the role natural resources play in sustaining agricultural practices. Reflections at the end of each activity will encourage participants to connect these experiences to the broader context of food production. Students will also have a chance to tour the CSI Farm and learn about the agriculture programs they could participate in when they reach college-age. Since the Career Academies will take place after the Year 1 grant reporting deadline, feedback and student impact will be addressed in the next reporting period. Data will be collected through surveys and informal feedback, providing insights into the program's effectiveness and student outcomes. Following these events, those involved in the planning and teaching will all meet to discuss results and offer suggestions for improvement. It is expected to continue to grow and expand these academies each year of the grant. Preparation for next year's academies will begin in January 2025. These academies are also largely supported by the CSI Workforce Development and Training who initiated the first academies in 2021. Activity 5: Hire and establish the necessary NextGen Personnel. All staff positions are currently filled. New persons will be interviewed and chosen should any of the current staff leave. Objective 3: 200 students will reach completion at CSI and/or transfer to a four-year school Activity 6: Ongoing case-management and job search support for NextGen students. This program will continue to track and support students who complete degrees/certificates and/or transfer to 4-year schools. One key area of improvement will be building the partnership between the NextGen program and the CSI Work-Based Learning Center. While NextGen students have been made aware of Work-Based Learning, the number of students utilizing these services is not tracked. In the next reporting period, effort to identify the NextGen students who are supported by Work-Based Learning will be identified. In addition, more effort to promote the career services to NextGen scholarship recipients will be done through email, flyers, and personal invitations. This information will be collected by May 2025. Through the efforts outlined above, the program can meet the overarching goal of developing, educating, and preparing the next generation of agriculture, food, and natural resource professionals.

What was accomplished under these goals? Our commitment to supporting NextGen students has yielded significant achievements over the past year. The overarching goal is to create a pipeline of skilled employees to fill job voids both in Southern Idaho and withing the USDA. This is being accomplished in the following ways: Objective 1: Provide direct and indirect support to 400 plus NextGen students. Activity 1: Provide partial and full direct scholarships to students. Although the College of Southern Idaho is relatively inexpensive, finances remain a barrier for many students. Over the past year, we've allocated over $144,000 in scholarships and housing stipends to 85 deserving students. These scholarships, ranging from partial to full amounts, have significantly alleviated financial barriers and fostered academic success. Due to the grant timeline, scholarships were awarded for the spring semester rather than the full academic year. Partial scholarships of $875 and full scholarships of $1,750 were awarded, along with housing stipends of $2,500. In future years, these amounts will double to cover both semesters. Students applied by providing data such as race, ethnicity, chosen degree, and their career ties to agriculture, food, or natural resources. Instructor and advisor input was considered in selecting scholarship recipients. Many students who received these scholarships would not have been able to attend college without NextGen support. One scholarship recipient said, "It has helped me so much with helping to cover tuition. We are struggling financially so the scholarship really made the load easier money wise. I work a part time job and my husband got laid off. This scholarship is the only reason I'm able to afford school." Another student stated, "It allowed me to focus solely on my classes without having to worry about anything else." Thanks to the NextGen program, these students now can learn, gain professional skills, and enter the workforce with higher education. Activity 2: Wrap-around student support services for NextGen students. We understand that finances are not the only barrier to higher education and student retention. To support students, we offer wrap-around services including transportation, mental health services, textbook services, language access, food pantry access, and community referrals. All NextGen scholarship applicants and recipients have been informed about these services and encouraged to use them. While we do not track the usage of private services, we know that 187 CSI students in eligible NextGen programs were referred to these resources. These services aim to help students feel at home and supported at CSI, potentially making the difference between graduating or not. Objective 2: Connect 600 high school students directly with the College of Southern Idaho agriculture, food, and natural resource programs and career pathways. Activity 3: A directed marketing plan to improve awareness of CSI Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Programs and to direct students to NextGen Career Academies. Outreach included distributing nearly 1,500 brochures on degree programs and scholarships to high schools, businesses, and CSI students through NextGen Program Liaisons, Career Fairs, and workshops. Materials were available in English and Spanish. Scholarship flyers and posters were also shared with incoming students, parents, and high schools, and scholarship information was emailed to students and included in CSI's weekly "Eagle Informs" newsletter. To promote the Career Academies, we advertised through local high schools, youth clubs, Southern Idaho Kids Magazine, and CSI's social media. We also mailed 2,500 flyers to families with children aged 12-17 in Southern Idaho. NextGen Program Liaisons shared information during high school advising sessions. Three agriculture career workshops attracted around 170 local middle and high school students. These marketing efforts resulted in 187 scholarship applications for Spring 2024 and nearly 250 for the 2024-2025 academic year. High school students are becoming more aware of grant opportunities, and we expect their participation. The success of recruitment for Career Academies will be assessed in summer 2024. These efforts are essential in the grant's first year to ensure students know about and pursue opportunities in agriculture, food, and natural resources. Activity 4: Expand, develop, and implement new Career Academies for high school students. Southern Idaho faces a skilled worker shortage, with many young people unaware of job opportunities in agriculture and skilled trades. To address this, CSI Workforce Development and Training began hosting Career Academies in 2021 for middle and high school students, covering topics like modern manufacturing, agriculture, and cybersecurity. In each of the events, students come to the CSI campus each day for a week and learn about CSI programs, meet instructors, learn about job opportunities, and work on projects in CSI labs. The Southern Idaho NextGen Program is expanding these academies to reach more students and offer a wider range of programs. In collaboration with CSI Workforce Development and Training, significant planning for the summer 2024 Career Academies is underway. This includes targeted mailings and meetings with CSI instructors in agriculture, cybersecurity, and trades, starting in January 2024. Since the academies will be hosted after the deadline of this report, details are outlined in the section "What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?" Activity 5: Hire and establish the necessary NextGen Personnel including the NextGen Program Manager and the NextGen Program Liaisons and Career Academy Specialists. To achieve the goals of the Southern Idaho NextGen program, key staff members have been hired, including a program manager and two NextGen Program Liaisons. The program manager handles daily grant activities such as expense tracking, scholarship coordination, and Career Academy planning. The liaisons work within local high schools to share grant information, assist with college registration, and advise students on higher education. One liaison covers the western region and the other the eastern region of Southern Idaho. They are also crucial in recruiting for the Career Academies. The efforts of these staff members have made the NextGen program well-known across the region. Students are now well-informed about scholarships, support services, and Career Academies, thanks to the dedication and hard work of our team. Objective 3: 200 students will reach completion at CSI and/or transfer to a four-year school. Activity 6: Ongoing case management and job search support for NextGen students. As students near graduation, it's crucial they understand their options: transferring to a four-year institution, pursuing another degree or certificate, applying for internships, or entering the workforce. This year, an estimated 38 NextGen scholarship students graduated with a degree or certificate; official numbers will be available after the report's due date. CSI's Work-Based Learning Center provides resume and interview assistance, career coaching, and support with job and internship applications. All NextGen scholarship recipients are referred to this center to aid their transition. We are strengthening this partnership to ensure students receive the resources and support needed for a successful career entry. Further details are provided below. The Southern Idaho NextGen Program staff is pleased with the accomplishments of the project thus far and feel that the first year of this project has gone well in terms of getting the word out and student participation.
