Source: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Aug 1, 2023
Project End Date
Jul 31, 2026
Grant Year
Program Code
[A1344]- Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Disease
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
This application is responding to program area 3. Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health, addressing 3c. Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, A1344, by integrating research and education in the focus areas 1) Evaluation of innovative research and educational strategies to improve eating patterns that support the prevention of chronic disease and 2) Investigate and assess nutrition research with the goal to improve and sustain health.Polyphenol-rich diets have been associated with increased resilience against obesity-associated chronic diseases. Studies show that intestinal obesity-associated microbial dysbiosis may not effectively metabolize polyphenols, possibly resulting in limited benefits. This presents a disadvantage to the very population that is in need of these benefits. Our recent human clinical studies shows that systemic levels of tannin metabolites are significantly lower in obese compared to lean individuals upon consumption, which may limit their derived health benefits. The objectives aim to 1) evaluate the interactions between microbial composition, macromolecular polyphenols, and metabolic signatures in anaerobic fermentations and an animal model and to 2) evaluate macromolecular polyphenolswith enzymatic and probiotic strategies in a randomized, placebo-controlled double-blinded human clinical trial 3) provide hands-on research opportunities for underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students enhanced by asset-based practices, 4) provide professional development for 9th-12th grade science, career-technology-education (CTE) teachers in the development of high-impact learning resources based on the health benefits of plant-based foods and the role of the intestinal microbiome in health and disease.This project will provide crucial insights into polyphenol-microbiome interactions and sustainable educational opportunities for teachers, undergraduate and graduate students.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overall goalsof this project include research goals and integrative student and teacher training:1. The overall research goal is to determine the role of probiotic bacteria in the metabolism of large molecular polyphenols in a human clinical setting2. The education-related goals includea) to develop effective teaching tools in cutting edge-nutrition and food science-related topics for K9-12 teachersb) and to sustainably involve undergraduate students in the above listed research activities with the goal of increasing hands-on opportunities as well as the likelihoodof students' desire to engage in science-related careers.
Project Methods
Research Outcomes:In vitro, animal and human clinical studiesEducation and Training:Summer Camps, Sustainable Learning communities, High Impact Learning activities

Progress 08/01/23 to 07/31/24

Target Audience:Overall target audience: Undergraduate students,Graduate Students,Post-graduate Researchers,Academic Scholars,High School Teachers,The Public,Industry Stakeholders, study participants for the nutritional intervention studies.Within this target audience we are targeting underserved individuals, e.g. first generation college attendees and students and teachers without/with little prior research experience. Objective 1A. To investigate the generation of microbial metabolite signatures and microbial composition in ex vivo anaerobic fermentations of fruit gallo- and ellagitannins extracts with fecal samples from lean and obese individuals (still ongoing) Fecal samples will be collected from male and female adults 18 - 55 years of age with a BMI of either lean, overweight, or obese (BMI ≥ 18.5 - 24.9 (lean), BMI 25 - 29.9 (overweight), BMI ≥ 30 (obese) kg/m2). The role of tannase-producing probiotics will be investigated in anaerobic fermentations +/- L. plantarum. N=10 per group (5 females and 5 males) with a total of 30 participants is expected to complete the study: 1) lean fecal sample +/- L. plantarum, 2) overweight fecal sample +/- L. plantarum, 3) obese fecal sample +/- L. plantarum. Table 1. Number of participants in each cohort that have completed the study Lean Female Lean Male Overweight Female Overweight Male Obese Female Obese Male 5 2 5 3 4 1 Table 2. Participant ethnicities that have completed the study Ethnicity Lean Female Lean Male Overweight Female Overweight Male Obese Female Obese Male Hispanic/Latino 0 0 4 0 1 0 Not Hispanic/Latino 3 2 1 3 3 1 Other/Prefer Not to Say 2 0 0 0 0 0 Objective 3. Extensive Research Program:15 students were enrolled in supervised research courses in the areas of food science, food chemistry, functional foods and other topics. Integrated 4-week summer research experience with underrepresented undergraduate students from Prairie View A&M University and Texas A&M University. We enrolled eight undergraduate students including three Prairie View A&M students and 5 Texas A&M students from STEM fields into the summer research program. First generation students qualified as underrepresented students within our summer research program because first-generation students often come from low-income backgrounds and face unique challenges associated with coming from a family where they are a pioneer in higher education. There were three (37.5%) first generation students out of the eight total students. Variable Number of Participants (Frequency Count) University: Texas A&M University Prairie View A&M University 20 3 Major/Area of Study: Food Science and Technology Nutrition Biology Biochemistry Health Kinesiology 2 11 1 1 7 1 First-Generation Student: Yes No 8 15 Previous Research Experience Other Than Coursework: Yes No 11 13 ?Objective 4. Integrated 5-day summer research and curriculum development experience for high-school teachers. High-school teachers within science and career-technology fields serving at schools with a large number of underrepresented students were targeted. We enrolled six high school teachers including 4 in-state (Texas) and 2 out-of-state (Georgia and Indiana). Changes/Problems:Possible Change: we are considering an alternative source for gallotannins for our human clinical interventions study. Instead of mango, we are considering sumac tea, which is easier to handle for study participants. A challenge arose from students experiencing imposter syndrome and thinking they were not good enough to participate in the summer research experience. By the time we found out it was too late to engage students. To avoid this from happening next summer, we will have several in person recruitment events and our previous participants will act as ambassadors to encourage students. We are also working on videos as recruitment tools. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?UG extensive and intensive hands-on research opportunities Training for graduate students in science and leadership Leadership training for post-doctoral researcher Continuing Education Credits for Teachers How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?UG students: website, cont access to faculty, students and lab personnel Teachers and school districts: website, linkedIn group, shared google drive Public: Press releases, and departmental website (under review) What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1. continue in vitro investigation with probiotics and tannin metabolism 2. continue analysis of fecal samples collected in year 1 3. continue extensive and intensive research activities for students 4. continue interactions with teachers and plan and execute second education activity in summer

What was accomplished under these goals? The overall goalsof this project include research goals and integrative student and teacher training: 1. The overall research goal is to determine the role of probiotic bacteria in the metabolism of large molecular polyphenols in a human clinical setting Fermentations investigating the role of probiotics in tannin fermentation and health have started. Human samples are being analyzed currently. The human clinical intervention study is currently in IRB review and will begin in January. 2. The education-related goals include a) to develop effective teaching tools in cutting edge-nutrition and food science-related topics for 9-12 teachers - in our first summer education event that lasted for one week, several teacher modules were developed. Feedback on the use of these modules will be received in b) and to sustainably involve undergraduate students in the above listed research activities with the goal of increasing hands-on opportunities as well as thelikelihood of students' desire to engage in science-related careers. Participants in the student program took part in a sequence of professional development workshops designed to assist, inspire, and acquaint them with the intricacies and key elements of science and scientific work. The workshops included small group discussions, case studies, role-playing, and interactive lectures, covering topics like the employment of individual development plans for mentorship; dynamics of mentee-mentor relationships; the influence of stereotypes on scientific identity, resilience, and personal advancement in science; recognizing and expressing transferable skills; as well as the development of self-perception and scientific identity. Several students indicated that they felt free to ask questions after interacting with faculty on a regular basis over the duration of the activities. Several teaching modules were developed and presented. Teachers will provide an update in October 2024 on the use of these modules in the


  • Type: Websites Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2024 Citation: Departmental websites with interactive learning modules for high school teachers. Currently under institutional review
  • Type: Websites Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: LinkedIn Group - interactive learning community with faculty, teachers and students
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Press Release: High school teachers, undergraduate students gain food science experience in AgriLife Research-led project Innovative high-impact, hands-on learning builds awareness of, interest in food science and technology July 18, 2024 - by Paul Schattenberg
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Press Release: Texas A&M AgriLife project to focus on chronic disease prevention National Institute of Food and Agriculture-funded research and education project will promote improved diet, nutrition October 4, 2023 - by Paul Schattenberg