Progress 05/01/23 to 04/30/24
Outputs Target Audience:Researchers and extension personnel in academia, egg producers, allied companies, and other stakeholders interested in egg production, and animal welfare and health. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project has been providing training opportunities to graduate students, undergraduates, and visiting scholars. Training provided included system construction, programing, instrument calibration and challenge, environmental monitoring, operation of the state-of-the-art measurement and data acquisition systems, and data analysis techniques. It has also allowed for sponsoring students to attend professional conferences such as the 2023 Poultry Science Association Conference in Philadelphia, 2023 Precision Livestock Farming Conference in Tennessee, and 2023 Integrative Precision Agriculture Conference in Athens, GA. Three Ph.D./MS students in the lab delivered 10 presentations. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?In this project, we provided training for 500+ attendees at 2023 Georgia Precision Poultry Farming Conference & 2023 Georgia Layer Conference, two extension training events organized by PI Chai. The 2023 Precision Poultry Farming Conference (May 2023) had 450 attendees & 2023 Georgia Layer Conference (September 2023) had 170 attendees. Besides UGA Extension training, project related materials and findings were delivered in other national Extension trainings hosted by US Poultry and Egg Association, Poultry Science Association, and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?In the coming year, the team plan to investigate further on the optimization of EPI system in wire length, operation time, and energy use for air quality management. For laying hen welfare, the team will investigate dustbathing, perching, and nesting behaviors with machine vision system for promoting the management.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Concerns over animal welfare have led to pledges of sourcing only CF eggs by a large number of U.S. food retailers and restaurants such as Walmart and McDonald's by 2025. Based on the current number of pledges, it would take more than 70% of the current US layer inventory to meet the pledged demand. California mandated that all eggs and egg products produced or utilized in the state must come from CF hens by January 2022; Nevada legislation was signed by the governor in June 2021 with the same requirements by January 2024. The state of Washington and Oregon passed a law that requires all egg production in their state to be from CF hens by January 2024. Additional states are discussing or debating a timeline for requiring CF eggs/hens. While CF housing allows the birds to perform some natural behaviors, an inherent challenge with these type of housing systems is the poor indoor air quality (i.e., high ammonia, particulate matter, and AB levels), especially during cold weather. The poor air quality primarily arises from the accumulation of manure/litter on the floor. Bedding/litter management is the key for air quality management in CF houses. Four identical research CF houses (200 Hy-Line W-36 hens per house) were prepared for this project on research farm at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA. In research houses, where perches and litter floor were provided to mimic commercial tiered aviary system. Birds were raised from day 1 to day 350 (75 weeks) in each room, measuring 7.3 m L × 6.1 m W × 3 m H (Figure 1). Each room was equipped with feeders, drinkers, lights, perch, and nest boxes. Pine shaving (5 cm depth) was spread on the floor as bedding. The indoor temperature, relative humidity, light duration (16 hours) and intensity (12-15 lux), and ventilation rates were controlled automatically with Chore-Tronics Model 8 controller (Chore-Time Equipment, Milford, Indiana, USA). The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at the University of Georgia (UGA) approved animal use and management of this study. For monitoring animal welfare and performance, this study used a night-vision network camera (PRO-1080MSB, Swann Communications USA Inc., Santa Fe Springs, LA, USA) to record hens' behaviors image dataset for the main data acquisition tool. Each room was equipped with 6 cameras mounted ~3m above the litter floor and two cameras above the ground floor placed at 0.5m from the ground. The camera records data for 24 hours, but this study took the FELB data acquisition time between 5:00 -21:00 every day because FELB was mostly observed during light periods. The captured videos were stored in a digital video recorder (DVR-4580, Swann Communications USA Inc., Santa Fe Springs, LA, USA) from 25-50 weeks of age (WOA). The video files were stored in .avi format with a 1920 × 1080 pixels resolution with a sampling rate of 15 frames per second (FPS). The five YOLOv5 models were obtained from the GitHub repository developed by ultralytics. The five YOLOv5 models were pretrained with Common Objects in Context (COCO) datasets and can be readily modified into required object detection models through target object training datasets. Before developing the FELB model detector, the experimental configurations were prepared for the model evaluation (Table 2). Training datasets were analyzed using Oracle Cloud with different experimental configurations. For air quality management, the electrostatic particle ionization (EPI) system was built in our four research CF houses for dust control. The Latin Square Design (LSD) method was employed due to the limited availability of rooms, specifically four experimental CF rooms, to conduct the four treatments across four trials (Table 1). Each Trial lasted one week, after which the EPI systems (EPI Air, LLC, Columbia, MO, USA) were thoroughly cleaned. The EPI systems operated continuously for 24 hours during each Trial. The varying lengths used in the study provide valuable insights into the specific spacing approaches utilized in previous research. The EPI systems were positioned at 8 feet instead of the standard 9-foot height in our experimental CF rooms. This adjustment was necessary to accommodate room equipment, such as heaters, circulating fans, and water supply pipes. Bird-repellent spikes (Bird-X, Inc., Elmhurst, IL, USA) were attached above the corona pipe using adhesive glue to prevent hens from perching on the corona pipes. Maintaining a minimum distance of 1 foot between the EPI system and the ceiling and walls is important to avoid any electric field effects on nearby objects. The corona pipes were positioned 1 foot (0.3 m) away from the side walls and 8 feet (2.4 m) away from the front and back walls, with a gap between the corona pipes. For behavior monitoring, this study trained and tested five deep-learning models based on YOLOv5 structure and then compared them for detecting floor egg-laying behaviors in four cage-free floor-raised rooms present within the research barn. The following conclusions were drawn from this study: The YOLOv5m-FELB and YOLOv5x-FELB model detectors yielded the highest precision, recall, mAP@0.50, and F1-score in detecting floor egg-laying behaviors. However, the YOLOv5s model had a higher speed of data processing. A lower camera height (e.g., 0.5 m above the floor) increased the performance of the FELB detection model compared to the ceiling camera (e.g., 3 m above the floor). A dusty environment and dusty camera affect the detection accuracy; therefore, cleaning a camera is periodically recommended. For air quality control, this study found that the EPI system with longer wires reduced PM2.5 concentrations (p≤0.01). Treatment T2, T3, and T4 led to reductions in PM2.5 by 12.1%, 19.3%, and 31.7%, respectively, and in small particle concentrations (particle size >0.5mm) by 18.0%, 21.1%, and 32.4%, respectively. However, no significant differences were observed for PM10 and large particles (particle size >2.5 mm) (p<0.10), though the data suggests potential reductions in PM10 (32.7%) and large particles (33.3%) by the T4 treatment. Similarly, there was no significant impact of treatment on NH3 reduction (p= 0.712), possibly due to low NH3 concentration (<2 ppm) and low LMC (<13%) among treatment rooms. Electricity consumption was significantly related to the length of the EPI system (p≤0.01), with longer lengths leading to higher consumption rates. Overall, a longer-length EPI corona pipe is recommended for better air pollutant reduction in CF housing. Further research should focus on enhancing EPI technology, assessing cost-effectiveness, and exploring combinations with other PM reduction strategies.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Bist, R. B., Yang, X., Subedi, S., & L. Chai. (2023). Mislaying behavior detection in cage-free hens with deep learning technologies. Poultry Science, 102(7), 102729.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Bist, R.B., S. Subedi, L. Chai, Xiao Yang (2023). Ammonia Emissions, Impacts, and Mitigation Strategies for Poultry Production: A Critical Review. Journal of Environmental Management, 328, 116919.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Bist, R. B., Yang, X., Subedi, S., Ritz, C. W., Kim, W. K., & L. Chai*. (2024). Electrostatic particle ionization for suppressing air pollutants in cage-free layer facilities. Poultry Science, 103494.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Yang, X., Bist, R. B., Paneru, B., & Chai, L. (2024). Deep Learning Methods for Tracking the Locomotion of Individual Chickens. Animals, 14(6), 911.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Bist, R.B., X. Yang, S. Subedi, L. Chai (2023). Automatic Detection of Cage-Free Dead Hens with Deep Learning Methods. AgriEngineering, 5(2), 1020-1038
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Bist, R. B., Subedi, S., Yang, X., & L. Chai*. (2023). Effective Strategies for Mitigating Feather Pecking and Cannibalism in Cage-Free W-36 Pullets. Poultry, 2(2), 281-291.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Bist, R. B., Yang, X., Subedi, S., Sharma, M. K., Singh, A. K., Ritz, C. W., Kim, W. K & L. Chai. (2023). Temporal variations of air quality in cage-free experimental pullet houses. Poultry, 2(2), 320-333.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Bist, R. B., Regmi, P., Karcher, D., Guo, Y., Singh, A. K., Ritz, C. W., ... & Chai, L. (2023). Bedding management for suppressing particulate matter in cage-free hen houses. AgriEngineering, 5(4), 1663-1676.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Guo, Y., Regmi, P., Ding, Y., Bist, R. B., & L. Chai. (2023). Automatic detection of brown hens in cage-free houses with deep learning methods. Poultry Science, 102(8), 102784.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Subedi, S., Bist, R. B, X.Yang, L. Chai. (2023). Tracking Pecking Behaviors and Damages of Cage-free Laying hens with Machine Vision Technologies. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 204 (1), 107545.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Subedi, S., Bist, R. B, X.Yang, L. Chai (2023). Tracking Floor Eggs with Machine Vision in Cage-free Hen Houses. Poultry Science, 102637.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Yang, X., R. Bist, S. Subedi, Z.Wu, T. Liu, L. Chai. (2023) An automatic classifier for monitoring applied behaviors of cagefree laying hens with deep learning. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 123, 106377.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Yang, X., R. Bist, S. Subedi, L. Chai. (2023) A computer vision based automatic system for egg grading and defect detection. Animals, 13(14), 2354.