Progress 05/01/23 to 04/30/24
Outputs Target Audience:Our target audience includes different groups, described below: The Food Colorant Industry is a key target audience as they can directly benefitby our work. We have requested samples from different companies to make sure that the research is relevant to the food industry.We maintained contact with food colorant manufacturer's and several have expressed interest in the technology we are developing, and the potential products we may produce. The food industry in general is an important audience, as they would be the ones to use the colorants we want to produce. They have expressed interest in our work, particularly for certain applications where heat treatments are prolonged, or where ascorbic acid can accelerate color degradation. We have reached the scientific communityas we gather informaiton and prepare to present it at different prefesional conferences. For now, we have presented our workat local and national meetings, but we are getting ready to present at some international venues. Changes/Problems:At this state we have found several challenges that we are working to overcome, but nothing that we think wll force a chance in direction for the project. The process of securing byproducts to evaluate has been slower than anticipated, with some companies being reluctant to share materials with us. Also, we have demonstrated that we can produce PACN from waste materials with the aid of lactic acid bacteria, but the yields are very low. So we will continue exploring different strategies to increase the efficiency of our methods. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?We currently have 4 graduate students working in this project. The post doctoral researcher that helped design the project was recruited to work for the food industry, in part because of his knowledge of this technologies. However, we have been able to maintain a chain of knowledge transfer, with an advanced level PhD candidate leading the bulk of the laboratory work with the aid of the other more junior 3 students, who are now better prepared to continue the work. In addition, we have received 2 undergraduate studetents in the lab, and they are also training in this technology. The knowledge generated in this project is being incorporated into my graduate level class about food colors and pigments, and has already been presented at local conferences with more conference presentations to come. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The knowledge generated in this project is being incorporated into my graduate level class about food colors and pigments, and has already been presented at local conferences. We have submitted abstracts to present additional results at the Annual meetin of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), and at the BioColours2024 conference in Finland. We expect to continue to disseminate this knowledge at other scientific conferences, and of course with publication in the near future. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will continue to optimize the production process as part of goals 1 (optimization under controlled conditions and reagents) and 3 (optimization using by products from the agro-industry with the aid of lactic acid bacteria). We have contacted different companies to request samples of their waste streams to explore what starting materials might be most effective for our purposes. We are generating a database of the color and stability characteristics of the different pyranoanthocyanins that we are generating. In addition, we are plannign to explore the biological activity of select pyranoanthocyanis. We hypothesize that they may have some health promoting properties similar to their anthocyanin precursors, or even more potent.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal 1: We have strong evidence that hydroxycinnamic acids are very reactive cofactors for pyranoanthocyanin (PACN) formation, much more than other compounds such as pyruvic acid. However, decarboxylation of those hydroxycinnamic acids to form 4-vinyl phenols results in the production of even more reactive cofactors. We have successfully formed PACN from different 4-vinylphenols, and we can detect their presence in just a few hours when the pH and the temperature are favorable (preferably pH close to 3.5 and 45 degrees celcius). In addition we have proven that some anthocyanidins are more prone to form pyranoanthocyanins than others, with malvidin being the most reactive followed by cyanidin. We also evaluated the role of anthocyanin glycosylation, and it seems to be minor as compared to the other factors, Goal 2: Great progress has been made in this area. Different PACN have been produced from the reaction of different anthocyanins, with different glycosylation patterns with different hydroxycinnamic acids. We have demonstrated that most PACN have spectral characteristics that show a hypsochromic shift as compared to their precursor anthocyanin, meaning they look more yellow-orange while the anthocyanins show colors closer to red. In addition, anthocyanin fade in color as pH increases from 1-4, but this fading is not observed with PACN, that keep their color vibrancy while pH increases, finally turning towards a more purple violet color at neutral to alkaline pH. Our data also supports our hypothesis regarding PACN solubility: PACN with di- or tri-glycosylation show more solubility in water than monoglycosylated ones. We think those PACN with less water solubility may be more suitable for lipid based applications, and some preliminary data suggests this may be correct. Goal 3: We have started exploring PACN production from some waste materials. We used grape pomace and blueberry pomace to release hydroxycinnamic acidsfrom complex macromolecules, as well as some residual anthocyanins. We have used alkaline hydrolyses to facilitate this process. We have then used select species of lactic acid bacteria to facilitate the decarboxylation of those hydroxycinnamic acids. Lactic acid bacteria grows best at pH closer to 6 and temperature of around 32 Celcius, not the ideal conditions for PACN production. We are testing the bacteria for growth and decarboxylation ability at lower pH levels. In addition, their growth will further contribute to lower the pH further to levels more favorable for PACN formation. Our preliminary tests suggest we might be able to use complex plant residues containing anthocyanis, and add lactic acid bacteria to favor the release of hydroxycinnamic acids, induce their decarboxylation and then increase the temperature to facilitate PACN formation.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Voss, DM., Giusti, MM. (April, 2024). Glycosylation impacts color and solubility of wine-inspired pyranoanthocyanin colorants. Presented at The Ohio State University College of Food, Agriculture, and?Environmental?Sciences Annual Research Conference. Columbus, OH.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Voss, DM., Giusti, MM. (March, 2024). Evaluating pyranoanthocyanins as innovative, naturally derived colorants for foods. Presented at 38th Edward F. Hayes Advanced Research Forum. Columbus, OH. Placed 3rd.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Porras-Guardado, C., Fan, X., Giusti, MM. (April, 2024). Decarboxylation of Hydroxycinnamic Acids by
Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains under Acidic Conditions. Poster presented at The Ohio State University College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences Annual Research Conference. Columbus, OH.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
" Giusti, MM (2023). Production of Anthocyanin-Derived Colorants from Byproducts of the AgroIndustry. Virtual presentation at 15 SLACAN, Simp�sio Latino Americano de Ci�ncia de Alimentos e Nutri��o (International Symposium of Food Science and Nutrition). Campinas, Brazil. November 14, 2023. Online.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
" Giusti, MM (2023). La Extraordinaria Estabilidad de los Pigmentos del Vino y su Potencial Comercial (The extraordinary stability of wine pigments, and their commercial potential). Diplomado Internacional de Marketing y Comercializaci�n de Destilados. Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista, Ica, June 23, 2023.