Source: PURDUE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Apr 1, 2023
Project End Date
Mar 31, 2026
Grant Year
Program Code
[A1721]- Extension, Education & USDA Climate Hubs Partnership
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Climate change threatens the viability of agriculture in the Midwestern US where current cropping systems are not expected to thrive in the future. The goal of the IMPACT2 project is to help a diverse set of agricultural producers and landowners in the Corn Belt adapt to a changing climate through system transformation. In the first of three inter-related objectives, our interdisciplinary and cross-organizational team will engage diverse producers and advisers in scenario-based visioning sessions held in Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. These visioning sessions will create a shared view of the future and help the IMPACT2 team understand stakeholder needs for information related to climate-smart agriculture. In our second objective, this information will be used to develop a menu-based resource portal and educator guides. This resource portal will provide a consistent and usable starting point for stakeholders interested in Climate Smart information, strategies, and recommendations. In our third objective, we will buildout and implement Extension training materials for climate-smart agriculture. Ultimately, through participatory design and ongoing feedback, we will create a usable online portal that will be used by at least 2000 stakeholders and we will deliver trainings to a minimum of 500 agricultural stakeholders. Our efforts will continue beyond the 3 years of funding through train-the-trainer sessions and institutional support for the tool.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Through iterative visioning sessions, portal development, and training, the IMPACT2 Team proposes to empower Extension educators, agricultural advisers, and producers to help address existing cultural and educational barriers for an immediate goal of having Corn Belt producers ready to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of a changing climate through system transformation. To build regional resiliency, it will be critical to engage with stakeholders to identify specific information needs and to define climate-optimal systems. Focusing on the three core states of the Corn Belt--Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa--our Integrated Midwest Partnerships for Actionable Climate Tools and Training (IMPACT2) Team will address our goal through the following three measurable objectives in a three-year Extension project:Objective 1: Convene scenario-based visioning sessions with a diversity of producers and agricultural advisers to develop a strategy for defining climate-optimal systems and to understand needs for information related to transformative agricultural systems.Objective 2: Develop a Climate-Smart Agriculture resource portal that integrates informational resources, curriculum guidance, and exploration tools.Objective 3: Build out and implement Extension training materials for Climate-Smart Agriculture
Project Methods
The approach of IMPACT2 is based on the understanding that useful and usable knowledge is "co-produced" with--and benefits--those who are traditionally viewed as receivers of knowledge.We will initiate the co-production process in Objective 1 before finalizing any decisions in Objectives 2 and 3; We will continue this co-production process in Objectives 2 and 3 as we will constantly gather input from end-users to ensure we are successfully delivering information that stakeholders want and need in a way that can inform their own practices.Our stakeholder-centered participatory program design in Objective 1 will convene scenario-based visioning sessions in Year 1 and Year 2 to co-produce future shared visions for Climate-Smart alternative agricultural systems and gather input for Objective 2.The visioning sessions will bring 20-40 representatives of heterogeneous groups together for two to three sessions in each state (IN, IL, IA, for a total of 6-8 total sessions). At least 25% of sessions will be held online to facilitate participation from diverse groups. Participants will include row crop and specialty crop producers; small, medium, and large-scale farmers; beginning and experienced farmers; minority- and women-owned operations, owner-operator and rented-land operators; and advisers and subject experts such as retail agronomists, in addition to climate scientists from the IMPACT2 team. Each stakeholder brings unique knowledge and diverse perspectives that will be essential to the visioning of Midwestern Climate-Smart Agriculture. Exploration of future alternative agricultural systems requires the engagement and creative thinking of land managers and advisers, and we will give careful attention to both how we invite participants and how we solicit input.Objective 2 is targeted at the RFA goal to expand "USDA Climate Hub capacity to serve as a 'climate clearinghouse' of tools and technologies for region-specific stakeholder needs." This objective will truly transform the Midwest Climate Hub into a gateway to useful and usable information and resources for producers, advisers, Extension personnel, and other relevant stakeholders to help them understand the potential risks and impacts of climate change and the need to transform their agricultural operations for long-term resilience.We will develop an online, menu-based system (e.g., existing tools, literature, case studies of farmers, curriculum exercises) where producers, educators, and advisers can filter down to their relevant needs and interests to review possible practices and learn more about their likely effectiveness under current and future conditions. These may include crops, conservation practices, and possibly other topics. IMPACT2 staff experts from the region will develop summary information about practices and additional content as needed for this resource portal. The team will also include within the portal relevant ag-climate data and information on past and future climate conditions. We will also map the proliferation of new Climate-Smart Agriculture funding sources so farmers can easily identify pathways to financial support for changing practices. We will develop educator guides to provide lesson plan ideas, learning objectives, and interactive activities pertaining to Climate-Smart Agriculture practices, tools, and resources.In Objective 3, IMPACT2 will develop acurriculum with clear learning goals and objectives utilizing available resources and tools concerning potential topics of climate change basics, impacts on agriculture, crop suitability, and adoption of agricultural diversification. As with resource development in Objective 2, curriculum development will include robust communication of uncertainty associated with possible climate change scenarios, impacts, and management practice adoption. The curriculum will include direct discussion of uncertainty via ranges, likelihoods, and verbal qualifying statements (i.e., "likely", "very likely", "unlikely", etc.). We will package the curriculum so it is easy to implement off the shelf and include, for example, a facilitator's guide with information about program implementation, PowerPoint files with annotations, marketing materials (flyers, news release templates, etc.), and evaluation materials. The team will establish two pilot programs for agricultural producers and advisers where the curriculum will be tested and evaluated using formative and summative evaluation techniques. Every effort will be made to ensure a diversity of participants in these pilotsto ensure the program works across demographic and farm characteristics. Curriculum revisions will be conducted based on the formative evaluation results. Facilitators will be recruited to participate in a train-the-trainer program to enhance program rollout.

Progress 04/01/23 to 03/31/24

Target Audience:Although stakeholder engagement will not occur until Y2, the IMPACT2 team has spent Y1 developing activities and tools to use in Y2 stakeholder engagement activities. Activities being developed in OBJ1 (visioning sessions) will reach our target audience through agency staff, agricultural advisors, and a wide range of producers and landowners (non-operating landowners, owner-operators, tenants, small farms, large farms, BIPOC, beginning, urban, diversified, conventional, etc.). Activities being developed in OBJ2 (expert assessment of climate-smart practices and systems) engage with agency staff, extension educators, agricultural advisors, and academic researchers. Tools being developed in OBJ2 will be targeted towards farmers and agricultural advisers. Changes/Problems:We added Dr. Sarah Church, Assistant Professor at Montana State University, to the IMPACT^2 advisory committee. Dr. Church's focus on stakeholder engagement and processes of behavior change across urban and working landscapes brings valuable expertise to IMPACT^2's advisory committee. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Training of two graduate students and one undergraduate student How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Midwest Climate Summit, Purdue Small Farms Conference What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?To address OBJ1 in year 2, the IMPACT2 team will conduct 2 visioning sessions in IL, IN, and IA (6 total). Visioning session participants will play a discussion-based serious game that explores the viability of climate smart practices and diversified agricultural system based on future climate scenarios. The activity will also gather info to inform portal development (OBJ2) related to preferences/attitudes towards specific practices and systems as well as the development and implementation of Extension training material related to climate-smart agriculture (OBJ3). To address OBJ2 in year 2 the IMPACT2 team will use information gathered in OBJ1 to inform the development of a portal that serves as a clearing house of information for climate-smart agricultural practices and resources. In addition to incorporating information gleaned from visioning sessions conducted in OBJ1, OBJ2 will also convene a number of expert panels to further explore the state of science around climate smart practices and systems as well as understand where information gaps still remain. To address OBJ3 in year 2 the IMPACT2 team will continue engaging with and informing activities conducted in OBJ1 and OBJ2 through the lens of curriculum development and implantation.

What was accomplished under these goals? In our first year, the IMPACT2 team has made considerable progress establishing a foundation for project success. Progress includes administrative accomplishments, team building, as well as collaboration with our advisory committee and other projects. IMPACT2 has hired a project manager, recruited 2 graduate students, 2 staff, and established project infrastructure enabling multi-institution and interdisciplinary data sharing, communication, and research. We convened a kick-off meeting in May '23 and established sub-teams to work on specific project objectives. Both full-team and sub-teams meet monthly (virtual) to discuss progress, updates, and needs. Monthly all-team and sub-team meetings are essential, as our objectives are interrelated and depend on inputs and outputs from each objective. In preparation for stakeholder engagement, we have created an informative one-pager for a non-technical audience and developed IMPACT2 branding that includes a logo and presentation templates. We also developed a website to introduce the project, house IMPACT2 products and resources, as well as connect stakeholders to additional resources during project life and beyond. In addition to establishing internal structure and processes, we have engaged with our Advisory Committee and made essential connections with several other projects that have similar focus and objectives. These key connections are important to ensuring IMPACT2 outputs are impactful and complimentary to similar work being done in the region. Objective 1: Convene scenario-based visioning sessions with diverse stakeholders to develop a strategy for defining climate-optimal systems and to understand information needs related to transformative agricultural systems. Coproduction is a cornerstone of this project and OBJ1 addresses coproduction activities in this project. Information gathered from visioning session conducted in OBJ1 will inform portal development (OBJ2) as well as activities and curricula development (OBJ3). To address OBJ1 the IMPACT2 team is developing online and in-person scenario-based visioning activities to be conducted with a wide range of farmers and other agricultural stakeholders. The goal of these activities is to coproduce viable alternative farming futures based on data-informed climate scenarios developed by the IMPACT2 team. These discussion-based activities will engage participants to better understand uncertainly in future decision-making and potential impacts of climate scenarios on agriculture at the farm and landscape scale. To inform activity development, the OBJ1 team has conducted a literature review on scenario planning and serious games in agriculture as well as a meta-analysis of peer-reviewed research related to farmer perspectives on climate change in the Midwest. OBJ1 team is currently piloting two scenario-based visioning activities and plan to conduct activities in Y2. To inform participant recruitment, the IMPACT2 team has compiled a list of organizations working with underserved audiences (minority, women, young, and new farmers) and explored existing farmer demographics from the 2022 ag census. Objective 2: Develop a Climate-Smart Agriculture resource portal that integrates informational resources, curriculum guidance, and exploration tools. To address OBJ2 the IMPACT2 team is planning an engagement activity to solicit information from experts related to climate-smart practices and diversified systems. Specifically, we will ask experts how well specific practices fulfill each of the three pillars of climate-smart agriculture (enhancing resilience, increasing productivity, reducing emissions), and the level of uncertainty (i.e., how well do we know this practice fulfills this pillar). We also want experts to reflect on benefits, pitfalls, ecosystem services, system resilience, and regional applicability of specific practices and agricultural systems. We will also ask the experts to vet our process and identify any important elements missing or misrepresented. This activity informs portal development by identifying critical information resources and highlighting information gaps related to climate-smart ag practices. Objective 3: Build out and implement Extension training materials for Climate-Smart Agriculture The Extension training and curriculum materials developed in OBJ3 are informed by activities conducted in OBJ1 and OBJ2. IMPACT^2 team members focused on OBJ3 tasks are involved in the development of OBJ1 and OBJ2 tasks, ensuring adequate planning and considerations are made to enable the successful implementation of Extension materials related to climate-smart agriculture.


  • Type: Websites Status: Accepted Year Published: 2024 Citation:
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2024 Citation: "Building Climate-Informed Outreach and Education: Collaborative Approaches in Midwest Agriculture" Midwest Climate Summit, Indianapolis, Indiana. April 2024