Source: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Mar 1, 2023
Project End Date
Feb 28, 2026
Grant Year
Project Director
Bhandari, M.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Feedstock supply chain operations exhibit critical gaps, including biomass feedstock cropping systems that are sensitive to both economic and ecological functions, feedstock adaptability to different climatic and edaphic conditions, as well as feedstock crop resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses. Matching feedstocks with the appropriate cropping system and production region will maximize productivity per unit of land used, optimize production planning, and assure consistency in feedstock quality. Also uncertain are the environmental impacts of large-scale feedstock production on natural resources, such as soil quality, water quantity and quality, soil carbon dynamics and sequestration potential, and biodiversity. Thus, we envision an interdisciplinary research approach that not only identifies biomass crops and associated germplasm but also proposes a sustainable biomass cropping system that can withstand marginal growing conditions and promote ecosystem services. This multi-year, multi-location project will use a combination of feedstock germplasm and field production investigations to develop a high throughput phenotyping methodology to identify the best performing bioproducts crops as feedstocks for renewable energy and bio-based products while maximizing carbon capture and retention in the soil. The results from this research will be used to train graduate/undergraduate students and develop learning modules to train next generation bioeconomy workforce. The objectives and expected outcomes of this project are well-aligned with the USDA-NIFA-AFRI: Bioenergy, Natural Resources, and Environment program area priority of Sustainable Bioeconomy through Biobased Products by developing a scalable biomass production system resilient to drought and low input conditions, capable to sequester carbon, and provide ecosystem benefits. This is a new investigator standard grant application.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overarching goal of this proposed project is to develop a feedstock-based biomass production system for the Southeast region of the U.S. with improved carbon and water footprint for the generation of bio-based products. The specific objectives of this proposed project are to: Develop remote sensing-based phenotyping techniques to assess drought tolerance rapidly and non-destructively in energy cane, switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), and perennial sorghum (Sorghum bicolor x S. propinquum hybrid)Screen elite energy cane genotypes for water use efficiency and nutrient use using tools developed in Objective 1 and further assess the most water use efficient entries as a biomass system that integrates legume intercropping.Measure environmental impacts of the monoculture feedstock biomass system compared to the legume integrated biomass system using a life cycle analysis of carbon and water footprint.Train next-generation bio-economy workforce (students and farmers) through an integrated education curriculum.
Project Methods
In this project, we plan to conduct field experiments at two sites: Weslaco and Corpus Christi, at Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Centers.Drought Tolerance Experiment: Elite genotypes from the Texas A&M AgriLife energy cane germplasm improvement program of CO-PD Dr. Jorge DaSilva will be characterized for yield potentials, and quality characteristics (compositional profiles) as affected by genotype and growing environment. In year 1, six energy cane genotypeswill be grown with switchgrass and seeded perennial sorghum (n = 5). Three irrigation levels will be used based on evapotranspiration (ET) needs (100% ET, 50% ET, and rainfed). The experimental design will be a completely randomized split-plot design in four replications.Best-performing energy cane and forage genotypes (in terms of yield, quality, stress tolerance, and water and nutrient efficiency) will be identified for biomass yield under low input conditions.Biomass System with Legume Intercropping: The three most drought-tolerant warm-season grass genotypes from the Drought Tolerance Experiment will be planted at the Corpus Christi location in year 2. The experimental design will be a completely randomized block design with split plots where the main plots are irrigation to allow for drip irrigation measured by the flow meter. Sub-plots will be a factorial arrangement of biomass grasses and legume intercropping in triplicate, for a total of 81 plots (4 rows × 12 m; 3 irrigation levels × 3 grasses × 3 legumes × triplicate replicates). The irrigation treatments will be the same as for the Drought Tolerance Experiment, which is 100% ET, 50% ET, and rainfed.Objective 1: Develop remote sensing-based phenotyping techniques to assess drought tolerance of biomass systems:Ground-based measurements of crop water status: At both sites, soil samples will be collected before planting and after harvest to obtain volumetric water content. Additionally, we will use the GoField Plus system (Goanna Ag Pty. Ltd., QLD Australia) to measure crop water status in each treatment plot. This system includes a 1-m deep capacitance probe providing soil moisture and temperature status in 10 cm increments along with continuous canopy temperature via infrared thermometry.Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) data collection: UAS equipped with Red Green Blue (RGB), multi-spectral (MS), and thermal sensors and Real TimeKinematic Ground Positioning System (RTK-GPS) module will be flown weekly from planting to harvest to collect high spatiotemporal remote sensing data. Collected UAS data will be processed using an image processing pipeline developed by our program to generate canopy features, vegetation indices, and canopy temperature measurements.Establish the relationship between UAS-based phenotypic parameters and crop water stress measurements: We intend to utilize the canopy feature measurements obtained from RGB and multi-spectral sensors to understand the impact of water stress on crop growth and development. Additionally, the features will be correlated with measurements obtained from GoField Plus system on soil water status. Based on this understanding and assessment, we hope to identify the UAS-based features that will most likely detect early water stress and be used to quantify the magnitude of stress. Apart from the features based on RGB and multi-spectral sensors, we will evaluate the utility of UAS-based CT measurements for the early detection of water stress.Develop biomass yield prediction model using phenotypic measurements obtained from UAS:We hypothesize that yield prediction models may be further refined if multi-temporal crop phenotypic information derived from UAS data is coupled with non-linear machine learning algorithms. In recent years, an advanced machine learning technique called deep learning has emerged as an alternative approach to solving complex problems, which will be exploited to estimate biomass yield from the UAS data in this project.Objective 2: Screen elite energy cane genotypes for water use efficiency and nutrient use using tools developed in Objective 1 and further assess the most water use efficient entries as a biomass system that integrates legume intercropping:By integrating UAS data along with ground measurements and data obtained from GoField Plus system, we hope to develop and utilize the screening tools developed in objective 1 and identify drought-tolerant energy cane lines. Objective 3: Measure the environmental impacts of the monoculture feedstock biomass system and the legume integrated biomass system using a life cycle analysis of carbon and water footprint:Two major tasks will be completed under this objective.Task 3.1: Create the life cycle inventory database for the two biomass product systems: The flowcharts of the two biomass product systems will be developed first, which will clearly show all the processes involved in the three stages defined as the boundaries of the proposed LCA studies. The flowcharts will also include the input and output information of each process. Then, a life cycle inventory database will be created based on data collected from this project and the existing database, which will include quantitative data on each process in the flowcharts.Task 3.2: Assess the environmental impacts of the two biomass product systems and provide necessary interpretation for stakeholders: Different environmental impacts will be categorized first for comparative analysis. The environmental impacts will also be normalized to compare with other biomass products.Objective 4: Train the next-generation bioeconomy workforce (students and farmers) through an integrated education curriculum:Task 4.1: Develop research-based learning modules for different levels of students: The proposed project will create different types of curricular materials with biomass/bioenergy-relevant content, including semester-long course projects with research components, short-term course projects (1-2 weeks), individual learning modules to be used in classroom lectures, extra-credit learning modules to be used outside class time.The topics of enhanced curricular materials will include but not be limited to remote sensing, UAS, biomass, and LCA. Research components and concepts will be extracted from the proposed research activities and embedded into these curricular materials. Teaching instructions and video demonstrations will be provided for all enhanced curricular materials for easy adoption and dissemination.Task 4.2: Increase farmer's and students' awareness and knowledge of biomass and bioenergy by implementing learning modules in classrooms and webinars: The developed curricular materials and instructions will be shared with high school and community college teachers through existing connections established in several federally funded STEM education projects including NASA MUREP INCLUDES NSF HSI (award 1928611, Dr. Li is Co-PI), and NSF RET. The project team will also help the teachers to implement the curricular materials by visiting their classrooms. The webinars will be promoted to the students and farmers through NASA MUREP INCLUDES and USDA REAP projects (Award 50-037-701289094, Dr. Li is PI).Task 4.3: Provide research training to high school and undergraduate students. The funded undergraduate students under the proposed project will be invited to join the USDA REEU program during the summer to experience an in-depth research experience focusing on experimentation, simulation, and modeling in energy and the environment. The research activities proposed in this project will be converted into mini research projects to be used in a USDA HSI project (award 2022-77040-37631, Dr. Li is PI) to train high school, undergraduate, and graduate students through a team-based research program.

Progress 03/01/23 to 02/29/24

Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?PhD student training: 1. Benjamin Ghansah started his PhD in Computer and Geospatial Science inthe Fall of 2023 at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Conference presentation Joaquin Haces-Garcia, Hua Li, Jorge da Silva, Jaime Foster, Mahendra Bhandari, Well-to-Tank Life Cycle Assessment of Various Energy Canes as Biomass Crops, INFORMS 2023 Annual Conference. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1. Finalizing UAS data processing pipeline: We plan to finalize the UAS data processing pipeline for RGB, multi-spectral, and Lidar sensors. (obj 1) Manuscript: Twomanuscripts will be publishedusing this pipeline to obtain canopy height and estimate biomass of energy crops for High-throughput phenotyping. 2. Identify top biomass-producing genotypes (by using all the data collected in year 1 at Weslaco)and establish an experiment at the Corpus Christi location (experiment 2) by inter-cropping cool season leguminous crops. (obj 2) 3. Develop the protocol to measure greenhouse gas measurements and perform environmental impact analysis (obj 3) 4.Develop research-based learning modules for different levels of students:The project team will visit a few more high schools to establish a collaboration for sharing the learning modules with high school teachers. Additionally, in the summer of 2024, the project team will introduce fundamental concepts and knowledge to undergraduate students and K-12 teachers through a Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU) program and a Professional Development for Agricultural Literacy (PDAL) funded by USDA at Texas A&M University-Kingsville. (obj 4) 5. Results will be presented in several national and international conferences.

What was accomplished under these goals? This is the project's first year, and we focused on establishing the experiment during this project period. Following are the details on the progress made: Overall experimental setup: Experimental site:The firstexperiment to evaluate the genotypes for drought tolerance and development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-based phenotyping techniques has been established at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center at Weslaco (Figure 1). Figure 1. Experimental site Soil sample collection: Before planting, 18 soil samples to 15 cm depth were taken with a foot pedal probe with 2.5 cm diameter and composited to three samples (six in each composite) that were sent to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Soil, Water, and Forage Testing Laboratory, College Station, TX. Soils were typical of the calcareous soils of the region with moderate alkalinity (8 pH) with an average of 41 ppm nitrate-N, 32 ppm P, and 443 ppm K. An additional seven samples were taken to 20 cm depth with a 5 cm diameter soil probe to determine bulk density which averaged 1.13 g/cm3. On October 3, 2023, a local NRCS scientist assisted us with deep core sampling at the site. Five samples were collected with a truck probe in each irrigation treatment (dryland, ½, and full irrigation). The probe was 4.1 cm diameter and samples were separated into 10 cm depth increments to facilitate baseline data integration into various crop models and life cycle analyses. The goal was to reach 80 cm, but due to drought, the majority of samples were to 60 cm. One sample was used for bulk density analysis which averaged 1.7 g/cm3 for the top 30 cm. The remaining samples were split to determine soil moisture and sent to Ward Laboratories, Inc. (Kearney, NE) for analyses of pH, electrical conductivity, soil fertility parameters, total N, and organic and total carbon. Figure 2. Soil sampling crew with help from NRCS MLRA Survey Leader Mr. Gary Harris Energy cane genotypes and experimental design: Six energy cane genotypes selected from the Texas A&M AgriLife energy cane germplasm improvement program were planted on August 29, 2023, along with switchgrass and seeded perennial sorghum (n = 5) (Table 1). The field was divided into three blocks for irrigation treatments based on evapotranspiration (ET) needs (100% ET, 50% ET, and rainfed). The experimental design is a completely randomized split-plot design with four replications, with irrigation as a main plot and genotype as a subplot. Plots are 4 rows × 10 m long. Six GoField Plus systems (Goanna Ag. Pvt. Ltd., Queensland Australia) are placed across irrigation treatments. The GoField Plus system consists of a 1 m deep capacitance probe that provides soil moisture and temperature data in 10 cm increments and a single-pixel infrared canopy temperature sensor. Data was reported every hour through a web application along with continuous weather data, growing day degrees, and modeled ET. Based on these measurements, irrigation events as well as the amount to apply are determined. So far, we have not been able to irrigate our crop because of continuous rainfall and low temperatures in the experimental site. Two irrigation events were made right after planting for germination Figure 3. Drip lines for irrigation and GoFieldPlus Systems Table 1: Planted materials along with experimental set-up. Soil moisture sensors: Thirty-three one-meter-deep capacitance probes that provide soil moisture and temperature data in 10 cm increments were installed (one replication in 100% ET, one replication in 50% ET, and two replications in rainfed) to continuously monitor the soil water use. The data are reported using the WoodPecker System webpage and we are currently developing a program to automatically summarize the data atplot level. Figure 4. Soil moisture sensors are placed across the field along with the data visualization webpage. Objective 1: Develop remote sensing-based phenotyping techniques to assess drought tolerance rapidly and non-destructively (in progress) Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) data collection and validation: UAS platforms equipped with red-green-blue (RGB), multi-spectral (MS), and LIDAR sensors are being flown weekly to bi-weekly intervals to generate multi-temporal data on crop growth and development. UAS data collection and feature extraction protocols developed by our team for other crops have been successfully tested for energy cane. Additionally, we explored the utility of UAS-LiDAR for phenotyping energy cane crops. Figure 5: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) along with different sensors used to collect data Preliminary results from the UAS data: Simple statistical analysis showed a strong correlation between modeled crop height from UAS-LiDAR and field-measured crop height (r= 0.73, p< 0.05, n=48) and biomass (r= 0.83, p< 0.05, n=48), providing empirical relation from which biomass of energy cane could be estimated. While our results provide initial insights, we continue to explore how other features such as vegetation density from UAS-LiDAR can influence the biomass of energy cane. Thermal imagery data will be collected once irrigation differentiation is initiated and plants are under stress. Figure 6:Relationship between LiDAR-derived height, biomass, and field-measured height and biomass Objective 3: Measure the environmental impacts of the monoculture feedstock biomass system compared to the legume integrated biomass system using a life cycle analysis of carbon and water footprint. (in progress, the focus will be on years 2 and 3) Create the life cycle inventory database for the two biomass product systems: The team chose OpenLCA as the life cycle analysis (LCA) software since it has open-source databases related to agriculture activities. The LCA framework has been studied and created in OpenLCA. The list of data needed for conducting the LCA studies has been identified. Compared to the previous data collection activities, we will have enough data to conduct the LCA analysis. To test the LCA framework and the functionality of OpenLCA, the project team used data from a previous project to conduct a Well-to-Tank LCA study on energy cane. The results were published as a peer-reviewed abstract and presented at the INFORMS 2023 Annual Conference. Assess the environmental impacts of the two biomass product systems and provide necessary interpretation for stakeholders: The project team has conducted a thorough literature review to identify possible databases, especially life cycle inventory databases, to be used. Objective 4: Train the next-generation bio economy workforce (students and farmers) through an integrated education curriculum (in progress) Develop research-based learning modules for different levels of students: The project team is developing initial learning modules related to drone and life cycle analysis and will test them with K-12 teachers in two summer research programs at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, which will have up to 26 K-12 teachers involved in Summer 2024. Increase farmer's and students' awareness and knowledge of biomass and bioenergy by implementing learning modules in classrooms and webinars: The project team has visited one middle school to showcase the use of drones in agriculture fields.
