Progress 02/01/22 to 01/31/23
Outputs Target Audience:During this reporting period, various audiences were reached through dissemination of findings related to water quality from monitoring activities, through oral presentations, and through a written publication. This target audience included conservationists, NRCS personnel, scientists, and representatives of various agricultural and environmental organizations.? Changes/Problems:The project activities at OSU and University of Wisconsin slowed down due to transition of the PIs Shedekar and Kalcic in new roles and severe delays in the hiringprocess for postdoctoral scholar. However, these issues have not caused us to consider any major changes to the approach and deliverables. In fact, the project has been able to provide a platform for intellectual interactions among the scientific and modeling communitiesand has led to synergistic advances of the P transport theory and model improvements. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project has provided a number of opportunities to students and staff. Students learned new laboratory practices and procedures through the various extractions conducted on the soils and have how to operate analytical equipment such as colorimetric nutrient analyzers. Additionally, a graduate student was able to attend a national conference (American Society of Agronomy) to present results. An undergraduate student conducted the analysis of P loss by soil P and texture data as part of an undergraduate thesis. The postdoctoral researcher at UW-Madison has networked and prepared presentations related to the project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Various audiences have been reached through project activities completed thus far. Objective 1 activities were communicated through a graduate student presentation of the results of soil characterization and the comparison of water extractable phosphorus methods. Representing Objective 2 activities, Margaret Kalcic (UW-Madison) presented findings from this and another USDA-NIFA project at the WI-AWRA Conference in March 2023. For Objective 3, results from water quality monitoring have been disseminated to the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Council and to farmers whose properties are being monitored. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? The next steps towards meeting project objectives are as follows: Objective 1 Tasks 1.2 and 1.3: Conduct flow-through desorption and sorption experiments on the collected soil samples (topsoils and subsoils). Objective 2 Task 2.3: Incorporate the new findings coming out from Objective 1 (i.e., mathematical relationships resulting from flow-through tests and established relationships between flow rate and P sorption/desorption) into source code and parameterization improvements. Objective 3 Tasks 3.2 and 3.3: Assess baseline scenarios for selected SWAT model HRUs and test the model using edge-of- field data obtained from the USDA-ARS Drainage Unit in Columbus, OH. These modifications will improve the accuracy of our estimates of phosphorus traveling through tile drainage systems and will contribute to more effective management of agricultural land and water quality.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective 1 Task 1.1: Thirty soils of diverse properties were collected, mostly possessing elevated agronomic P levels and from within the Western Lake Erie Basin. Topsoils (0-6 inches) and their respective subsoils (16-24 inches) were collected. All soils were characterized for agronomic P level (Mehlich-3 P), pH, water extractable P, organic matter, particle size distribution, amorphous Al and Fe, and total dissolved carbon. Objective 2 Tasks 2.1 and 2.2: We have investigated options for improving simulation of phosphorus to tile drains and modified the SWAT2012 source code to include phosphorus contribution from matrix flow through soils.Some preliminary source code modifications were implemented to test SWAT model's sensitivity to changes in the routing of tile drainage flow through crack volume versus soil matrix. Objective 3 Task 3.1: Water quality data has been collected using edge-of-field monitoring from agricultural fields with elevated soil test phosphorus concentrations. This data was analyzed using soil P concentration and soil textures to predict P concentrations.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Penn, C. J., Williams, M. R., Camberato, J., Wenos, N., & Wason, H. (2022). Desorption kinetics of legacy soil phosphorus: Implications for non-point transport and plant uptake. Soil Systems, 6(1), 6.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Kalcic, M., Mehan, S., Prasad, L., Thompson, A. Improving Watershed Model (SWAT) Simulation of Wintertime Nutrient Transport. Oral presentation at the 46th Annual Meeting of the American Water Resources Association Wisconsin Section, Wisconsin Dells, March 16-17, 2023