Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jan 15, 2022
Project End Date
Jan 14, 2026
Grant Year
Program Code
[A1103]- Foundational Knowledge of Plant Products
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Non Technical Summary
The agricultural issues. The tomato is a food staple that suffers diminished agricultural yields due to desiccation, thermal or radiative exposure, and mechanical failure during cultivation and post-harvest processing. As a terrestrial plant, the tomato has evolved the cuticle -- a versatile extracellular surface covering comprising a polyester-polysaccharide-wax composite - to protect itself from these environmental insults.The scientific approach. By marrying 'reverse genetics' strategies that knock out key steps in the biosynthesis of tomato fruit cutin polyesters with biophysical measurements of the consequent structural changes and protective functions, this project aims for a foundational understanding of fruit protection that will guide practical strategies for mitigating losses in major crops such as tomatoes and potatoes.The objectives. The goals above will be supported by four objectives: (a) to produce tomato fruits for which surgical gene modification will probe key steps in the construction of their protective cuticles; (b) to evaluate and understand how these genetic modifications impact resistance to water and heat losses; (c) to test for alterations in mechanical performance of the fruit cuticles; (d) to uncover the changes in molecular architecture linked to these genetically encoded disruptions of tomato fruit cuticle development. This project will be conducted at a Minority- and Hispanic-Serving institution, supporting additional objectives to train underrepresented Ph.D. and undergraduate students as well as a postdoctoral researcher in cross-disciplinary research. This workforce development will encompass the high-demand specialties of biophysics, plant biology, and analytical chemistry while enriching the trainee experiences through partnerships with several prominent national and international scientists.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Plant products are central to global food production and consumption, accounting for an annual U.S. market value of $5 billion for meat product replacements alone and corresponding to ~120 pounds of vegetables consumed per person in 2019. Fruits and vegetables also play important roles in sustainable energy efforts such as biomass conversion and biologically-inspired materials design for barrier applications such as food packaging. Despite gains in total factor agricultural productivity achieved for food crops in the United States in recent decades, staples such as fruits, vegetables, and grains face continuing challenges as they develop as well as during post-harvest storage and industrial processing; their production may also be threatened by climate change and other environmental stresses.Among major food commodities, for instance, both tomatoes and potatoes can suffer total crop loss due to infection by bacteria, fungi, and/or oomycetes - both during growth and at post-harvest stages. These terrestrial plants are also threatened abiotically by desiccation, radiative and thermal exposure, and mechanical forces. In this context and from a broader societal perspective, the National Research Council Committee on Twenty-First Century Systems Agriculture has called for research that satisfies human food needs and sustains the economic viability of agricultural practice. Both incremental and transformative strategies are recommended to improve a $4 trillion dollar global enterprise, with impact on stakeholders including farmers, processors, marketers, and a population of eight billion consumers worldwide.Our long-term research goals are to address these needs by seeking a foundational understanding of the molecular, thermodynamic, and biomechanical factors that underlie crop protection, which can offer essential guidance to enhance the agricultural yields and market readiness of fresh or processed foodstuffs. We have chosen the tomato fruit as our target organism and will focus our investigations on its outer cuticle, a protective epidermal structure that includes a specialized cell wall embedded with waxes and a cutin polyester. Four objectives will support our goals:(a) to produce tomato fruits for which respective gene knockouts will probe the control of transmembrane transport of monomeric hydroxyfatty acid cutin precursors and the polymerization required to construct their protective cuticles;(b) to understand how these genetic modifications compromise cuticle-dependent resistance to water and heat losses via changes in thermodynamic properties;(c) to test for consequent changes in the surface stiffness and overall mechanical strength of the fruit cuticles;(d) to uncover the changes in molecular structure and macromolecular architecture associated with these genetically encoded disruptions of tomato fruit cutin biopolymer development.To these ends, the PI has assembled a three-investigator team (Ruth Stark, City University of New York, City College campus (CUNY CCNY) (PI)); Christiane Nawrath, U. of Lausanne, Switzerland; Jocelyn Rose, Cornell U.) with strong track records in plant cuticle research and complementary expertise in plant molecular biology, enzymology, and molecular biophysics.
Project Methods
The tomato fruits and associated cuticular layers studied in this project will be produced using CRISPR-Cas9 technologies that surgically knock out genes with known or suspected functions in cuticle development. The functional evaluation of the tomato cuticles as compared with native materials will be conducted using measurements of water permeance, heat transfer, surface stiffness, and mechanical performance. Finally, the structural characterization of the tomato cuticles will be carried out using transmission electron microscopy, Raman microspectroscopy, and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance to span micrometer to nanometer length scales that are central to plant cuticle organization. These efforts, which are expected to involve methods that are tailored to these amorphous solid materials, will expand our thermodynamic and (sub)microscopic understanding of the protection conferred by fruit cuticles and fruit-inspired designed materials. Meanwhile, these efforts will impart biophysical skills and improve communication expertise for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral trainees. The success of the project will be gauged by publications and presentations at local, regional, national, and international conferences as well as the number and workforce outcomes of our trainees.

Progress 01/15/24 to 01/14/25

Target Audience:During this reporting period, our foundational research efforts maintained a focus on the international community of plant biologists and biophysicists with interests in the protection of staple crops and the development of bio-inspired barrier materials. Additionally, our target audiences included student research trainees, focusing on groups underrepresented in STEM disciplines at our City College of New York campus of the City University of New York (CUNY) and extending to partners at CUNY's Borough of Manhattan and Queensborough Community Colleges as well as nearby Sarah Lawrence College. We reached these audiences through invited lectures, publications, poster presentations, and research training grants from other Federal agencies on the topics of Plant Molecular Biophysics. Changes/Problems:Progress was slowed somewhat by personal challenges that Dr. Wassel faced from 11/23 to 4/24 as well as our ongoing sharing arrangements for the use of NMR, AFM, and DSC instruments along with other CUNY users. A no-cost extension for this project will be requested from the CUNY City College Office of Sponsored Programs immediately after submission of this Progress Report and before the scheduled expiration date of 1/14/25. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Postdoctoral Research Associate Ekram Wassel has developed into a skilled mentor of graduate and undergraduate research trainees, while also augmenting her expertise in the surface chemistry of bioactive polymer materials with advanced training in nanomechanical analysis and differential scanning calorimetry for our tomato and cucumber fruits. She and PI Ruth Stark have contributed to the professional development of Ph.D. students Austin Laviano (Year 3 Physics) and Nazanin Motaghedi (Year 1 Chemistry) as well as undergraduates Adis Cela (Biochemistry) and Melanie Garcia (Biology); collaborator Christine Nawrath continued her training of Ph.D. student Yifat Quan (Year 4 Plant Biology). Each of the young scientists has developed skills in oral, poster, and written communication of their scientific findings, including a range of informal group meetings, local or national poster sessions, and conference symposia. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Our findings were selected for oral presentations at the international Plant Apoplastic Diffusion Barriers conference (PADiBa): by PI Ruth Stark and Ph.D. student Yifat Quan. Our results were also presented in poster format: at the USDA PI meeting (by team member Joss Rose) and at several City College of New York poster events (by undergraduate students Adis Cela and Melanie Garcia). The PI also introduced this project to visiting faculty who are working with undergraduates to develop NMR-based curricular modules and to a rotating Ph.D. Chemistry student who will join our research group in Spring, 2025. In each instance, our oral presentations exposed students to the investigative power of molecular biophysics approaches for investigations of how tomato crop protection can be compromised or enhanced. The PI served as principal author for a review article that has now been published: K. Dastmalchi, V.C. Phan, S. Chatterjee, B. Yu, M. Figueras, O. Serra, and R.E. Stark, "A Comprehensive Approach to Phytochemical Analysis of Macromolecular Composites that Protect Tubers: case studies in suberized potato periderm tissues," Phytochemistry Reviews, (online 5/15/24). doi: 10.1007/s11101-024-09974-4 A manuscript on the tomato cuticle work with Dr. Cohen has reached final draft form for submission provisionally to Plant Physiology in the coming months. A manuscript on the work with Dr. Nawrath has been outlined by each of the collaborating research teams. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?With Mr. Laviano now able to conduct AFM, DSC, and solid-state NMR experiments on fruit cuticles independently, we plan to complement our nanomechanical characterization with bulk tensile strength measurements and explore how stiffness and adhesion vary with field conditions such as humidity and temperature. We expect to recruit additional undergraduate trainees to our research team. Finally, we hope to submit manuscripts for publication with each of our collaborators during the next granting period.

What was accomplished under these goals? Food staples including fruits, vegetables, and grains can suffer losses of 50% or more during growth, post-harvest storage, and processing due to abiotic threats (desiccation; thermal, radiative, or mechanical stress) and biotic infections (bacteria, fungi, oomycetes). Using the tomato as a model organism and focusing on its protective outer skin (cutin polymer with waxes), we are seeking to mitigate these challenges through an understanding of the molecular, thermodynamic, and biomechanical factors that underlie crop protection. Our findings will impact plant biologists and biophysicists who are working to improve the agricultural yield of food crops and to design bio-inspired sustainable materials. During this reporting period, we have conducted a range of biological and biophysical experiments that advance our overall project goals and specific objectives: a. Our partners in the Nawrath lab (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) produced CRISPR lines of MicroTom tomatoes in which both genes involved in transport of cutin precursors across the plasma membrane (SlABCG36 and SlABCG42) were knocked out to cause modifications of the fruit cuticles. These genetic modifications of MicroTom tomatoes reduced the amounts of cutin monomers significantly but left the wax content unchanged, when monitored either 20 or 50 days past anthesis (dpa). No notable changes in the relative proportions of each carbon functional group (e.g., (CH2)n vs. CHO vs. C=C) were evident in our group's solid-state 13C NMR spectra of the intact tomato cuticles at either developmental stage, likely because of similar carbon chemical shifts for cutin vs. wax and among the various cutin monomers; divergent patterns of macromolecular organization can be uncovered only with spin relaxation methods. However, the mutant tissues displayed diminished epidermal cutinization (cuticle thickness) but augmented subepidermal cutinization at both developmental stages. These results were presented orally and in poster format by Ph.D. student Yifat Quan at the Plant Apoplastic Diffusion Barriers (PADiBa) conference in Girona, Spain (9/24). b. To examine how these genetic modifications impacted the surface topography, stiffness, resistance to deformation (modulus), and adhesion of the tomato cuticles, we conducted an extensive series of measurements using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). During this granting period, we validated the reproducibility of our measurements statistically for technical and biological replicates of wild type (WT) and double mutant tomato fruit surfaces at each of the developmental stages. Nonetheless, AFM also revealed microscale spatial heterogeneities in the surface nanomechanical properties that persisted among the smaller values we measured after exhaustive dewaxing. Whereas statistically significant variations in the average nanomechanical properties occurred as a function of developmental stage, the double mutants had smaller average stiffness and moduli at 20 dpa but were observed to 'catch up' to WT fruit cuticles at 50 dpa. Together, these trends underscored the impact of knocking out the primary monomer transport path in cutin biosynthesis and the role of chemical composition in modulating surface mechanical attributes. Finally, we examined the sensitivity of these surface mechanical properties to field conditions such as temperature and humidity. So far, the clearest trends involved steeply rising sigmoidal curves with inflection points between 45 and 55 for the adhesion of the double mutant lines, prompting us to check for fluidizing phase transitions that could alter stiffness, modulus and/or adhesion. Our differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) trials conducted in collaboration with George John (CCNY) show glass-to-liquid transitions that correspond to previously reported phase changes in wild type tomatoes, suggesting that the mutation produces cuticular surfaces that are better able to adhere to substances or organisms, especially at high temperatures. In addition, we observed consistent differences that tracked with developmental stage, wax content, and gene knockout state, bolstering our hypothesis regarding the impact of chemical composition on fruit cuticle mechanical properties. c. Our new partners in the Cohen lab (Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Institute, Israel) amplified exocarp-specific expression of plant and fungal genes that control cutin and cutinase production, respectively, aiming to evaluate the consequent alterations in tomato fruit protection. Expression of a cutin biosynthesis gene from Arabidopsis unexpectedly produced fruits with thinner cuticles (diminished cutin and epicuticular wax content) but uncompromised water retention; reductions in surface stiffness, roughness, and adhesion inferred from AFM-based nanomechanical measurements; yet more efficient penetration by the Botrytis cinerea fungal pathogen. Mutant lines with an up-regulated cutinase gene exhibited cracked surfaces that lost water readily but also formed brown patches that we identified as suberized periderms by GC-MS and solid-state 13C NMR. Their fruit surfaces had significantly greater stiffness, resistance to deformation, and adhesion but surprising resistance to B. cinerea penetration. At this juncture, we have developed a model that relates the cutinase gene expression and protective capabilities of these tomatoes to their surface mechanics, cuticular chemical composition, and phase-dependent molecular order. d. The Cohen lab has also produced transgenic cucumber fruits (Sikkimensis) with skins that have distinctive microcracks that are absent in wild type (Sativus) cultivars. Like the cutinase-boosted tomato varieties described above, the Sikkimensis cuticles displayed augmented stiffness, resistance to deformation, and adhesion as well as solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopic indicators of suberin formed as a wound-healing response. These observations help to support suberization as a common protective response to breaches in fruit skin integrity.


  • Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: K. Dastmalchi, V.C. Phan, S. Chatterjee, B. Yu, M. Figueras, O. Serra, and R. E. Stark, A Comprehensive Approach to Phytochemical Analysis of Macromolecular Composites that Protect Tubers: case studies in suberized potato periderm tissues, Phytochemistry Rev. (2024). doi: 10.1007/s11101-024-09974-4 (online 5/15/24)

Progress 01/15/23 to 01/14/24

Target Audience:During this reporting period, our foundational research efforts again targeted plant biologists and biophysicists whose interests focus on the protection of staple crops and the development of bio-inspired materials. Additionally, our target audiences included student trainees, including underrepresented groups from City University of New York's City College and Borough of Manhattan Community College as well as a more general group at a local private college. We reached these audiences through invited lectures on Research in Plant Biophysics and Research in Molecular Biophysics. Changes/Problems:Growth of tomato plants from the CRISPR lines and consistent AFM-based nanomechanical measurements required time consuming optimization. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Postdoctoral Research Associate Ekram Wassel joined the lab, working with PI Ruth Stark and AFM Facility Manager Tai-de Li to apply her expertise in the polymer chemistry of bioactive surfaces to the wild type and genetically modified tomato cuticles produced by our collaborators. She obtained new training in ssNMR technology from NMR Facility Managers Hsin Wang and Eric Keeler at CCNY and the New York Structural Biology Center, respectively. A summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates trainee (Ms. Eleejah Rosa) and a new Physics Ph.D. student (Mr. Austin Laviano) were guided by Dr. Wassel in the operation and analysis of AFM and ssNMR methods for biophysical studies of tomato cuticles; both students also developed skills in oral, poster, and written communication of their scientific findings. Dr. Wassel and Mr. Laviano, along with other Stark Group members and a Visiting Scientist from Spain, participated in a series of tutorial workshops on ssNMR methods, applications to macromolecular structure of native plants, and biological inspiration for engineered plastic materials. They improved their oral communication skills through short presentations followed by questions and discussion. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The PI gave three invited talks on research including this project to undergraduate researchers: (1) a keynote at Sarah Lawrence College's Undergraduate Research Symposium; (2) a lecture- demonstration-discussion session for visiting interns in an NSF-sponsored Undergraduate Science Education curriculum development program; and (3) a lecture for trainees in the NIH-supported CCNY- Borough of Manhattan Community College Bridges to the Baccalaureate program. She also introduced the project to new Ph.D. students in Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Physics who were undertaking researcher rotations to choose mentors and laboratory projects. In each instance, our oral presentations exposed undergraduate and Ph.D. level students to the investigative power of molecular biophysics approaches for investigations of how tomato crop protection can be compromised or enhanced. A manuscript in review after revision is listed elsewhere in this report. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We anticipate greater involvement of Mr. Laviano as he finishes his classwork and develops his technical expertise further. We plan to add Ms. Melanie Garcia as an undergraduate trainee to our lab. We hope to submit manuscripts for publication with each of our collaborators during the next granting period.

What was accomplished under these goals? Food staples including fruits, vegetables, and grains can suffer losses of 50% or more during growth, post-harvest storage, and processing due to abiotic threats (desiccation; thermal, radiative, or mechanical stress) and biotic infection (bacteria, fungi, oomycetes). Using the tomato as a model organism and focusing on its protective outer skin (cutin polymer with waxes), we are seeking to mitigate these challenges through an understanding of the molecular, thermodynamic, and biomechanical factors that underlie crop protection. Our findings will impact plant biologists and biophysicists who are working to improve the agricultural yield of food crops and to design bio-inspired sustainable materials. During this reporting period, we have conducted a range of biological and biophysical experiments that advance our overall project goals and specific objectives: Our partners in the Nawrath lab extended their production of CRISPR lines in which both genes involved in transport of cutin intermediates across the plasma membrane (SlABCG36 and SlABCG42) were mutated to modify tomato fruit cuticles of the Sweet 100 variety, a robust cherry tomato that is now used increasingly for gene editing and genomic studies. They have analyzed the amounts and molecular compositions of both cutin monomer and wax constituents in these tomato cuticles to look for differences with respect to wild type and MicroTom varieties. Estimates of glycerol content and ester crosslinks that could alter the protective capability of these fruit cuticles are in progress. To examine how the genetic modifications altered the surface topography, stiffness, resistance to deformation, and adhesion of the tomato cuticles, we conducted an extensive series of measurements using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). During this granting period, our experiments focused on comparisons of MicroTom double mutants and wild type reference materials, also exploring the variation of these cuticular properties with field conditions such as temperature and humidity typical of field conditions. Despite uncertainties attributable to the heterogeneous topography of the surfaces as well as variations for biological and technical replicates, several intriguing trends were evident. For fruits that were isolated 50 days past anthesis (DPA), the double mutant exhibited twice as strong adhesion to the surface and stiffness that was elevated by 20-100%. All three surface properties showed significant variations with temperature at this developmental stage; the double mutant lines followed steeply rising sigmoidal curves with inflection points between 45 and 55 , a temperature range that corresponds to a previously reported phase transition in wild type tomatoes. These findings suggest that the mutation produces cuticular surfaces that are stiffer and better able to adhere to substances or organisms, especially at high temperatures. Preliminary nanomechanical measurements have also been conducted for the 20 DPA stage, at lower temperatures where additional phase transitions have been reported, and as a function of humidity. Although the soluble cuticular materials obtained from chemical depolymerization reveal differences in amount and monomer proportions for the double mutant, solid-state 13C NMR spectra of the intact cuticles show the same relative proportions of each carbon functional group (e.g.,(CH2)n vs CHO vs. C=C) in comparisons of wild type and double mutant lines, for both 20 and 50 DPA developmental stages. These results indicate that subtle differences in the cutin building blocks can nevertheless favor different patterns of molecular organization that in turn alter the magnitude and temperature sensitivity of their functionally important surface mechanical and adhesion parameters. To test the impact of these mutations on cuticular heat transfer and verify the possible phase transitions deduced from AFM, we piloted differential scanning calorimetry measurements in collaboration with CCNY's Prof. George John. Previously, our partners in the Rose lab produced a CRISPR line in the M82 tomato that had a striking fruit phenotype in which the skin had rough brown 'scars' that displayed a phenolic spectroscopic signature and chemical recalcitrance typical of suberin polymers found in the skin of potato tubers. Thus, these findings suggest that metabolic disruption from the CDEF mutation could provide an independent pathway to form a suberin-like protective layer in tomato fruits. The Rose group is further characterizing the CDEF1 gene modifications that are thought to impact the polymerization steps required to form the cutin polyester. We received a gift of transgenic fruits from Dr. Hagai Cohen (Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Institute, Israel), which were designed to enhance cutin and cutinase production, respectively, hypothetically altering resistance to the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. A mutant line that up-regulated a cutinase gene exhibited brown patches that were reminiscent of the Rose group's CDEF1 mutant; those cuticles displayed distinctive molecular signatures in their solid-state 13C NMR spectra and altered nanomechanical characteristics. Along with the Nawrath and Rose materials, these tomato fruits comprise a genetically diverse set of study candidates that are designed to alter the biosynthetic steps, amount, macromolecular architecture, and pathogen resistance of their protective cuticles.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2024 Citation: K. Dastmalchi, V.C. Phan, S. Chatterjee, B. Yu, M. Figueras, O. Serra, and R.E. Stark, A Comprehensive Approach to Phytochemical Analysis of Macromolecular Composites that Protect Tubers: case studies in suberized potato periderm tissues, Phytochemistry Reviews, lightly revised manuscript under review.

Progress 01/15/22 to 01/14/23

Target Audience:During this reporting period, our foundational research efforts have targeted plant biologists and biophysicists whose interests focus on the protection of staple crops and the development of bio-inspired materials. Additionally, our target audiences have included student trainees at our minority-serving institution and from other colleges who are underepresented in STEM disciplines due to race, ethnicity, first-generation college attendance, and/or economic disadvantage. We reached these audiences through scientific partnerships, invited talks at both regional and international conferences, a research internship, and a Introduction to Plant Biophysics Research workshop for college students. Changes/Problems:Postdoctoral recruiting was made more challenging than expected by the COVID pandemic, but our research plan will be maintained with the hire of a polymer physical chemist who has a track record with biomaterials. Optimization and analysis of CRISPR/Cas9 procedures was more time consuming than anticipated. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Postdoctoral Research Associate Christine Chrissian worked with PI Ruth Stark to obtain new training in plant biophysics, applying her prior expertise in biological solid-state NMR to evaluate genetically induced changes in macromoleular composition of tomato cuticles and developing new exposure to atomic force microscopy though our collaboration with the group of Prof. Xi Chen. Biophysics Ph.D. student Austin Laviano undertook a summer internship to explore his interests in our tomato cuticle project. These individuals, along with other Stark Group members, participated in a 5-week solid-state NMR short course that included both spectroscopic fundamentals and biophysical applications. The PI attended the 5th international conference on Plant Apoplastic Diffusion Barriers (PADiBa) in Dundee, Scotland, where she held a planning meeting with the other team members and bolstered her knowledge of plant molecular and cellular biology. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The PI gave several invited talks on research results related to this project: seminars in Chemistry Departments at Rhode Island and Kenyon Colleges, for CCNY's Bridge to the Baccalaureate Program, at the Bio-inspired and Green (BIG) Science & Technology Symposium hosted by CUNY, and at the PADiBa meeting described in the professional development section. In each instance, our oral presentations have exposed undergraduate and Ph.D. level students, in disciplines spanning biology, biochemistry, and physics, to the investigative power of molecular biophysics appraoches for investigations of how tomato crop protection can be compromised or enhanced. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We anticipate bringing a new Postdoctoral Research Associate on board in January, 2023 and affiliating Mr. Laviano with our lab as a Ph.D. student starting in June, 2023, augmenting our investigative team and allowing us to supervise the training of several undergraduate researchers on this project. We plan to submit a manuscript for publication on the phenotypic and structural changes achieved by modification of CDEF1 gene expression in tomato cuticles during the next reporting period.

What was accomplished under these goals? Food staples including fruits, vegetables, and grains can suffer losses of 50% or more during growth, post-harvest storage, and processing due to abiotic threats (desiccation; thermal, radiative, or mechanical stress) and biotic infection (bacteria, fungi, oomycetes). Using the tomato as a model organism and focusing on its protective outer skin (cutin polymer with waxes), we are seeking to mitigate these challenges through an understanding of the molecular, thermodynamic, and biomechanical factors that underlie crop protection. Our findings will impact plant biologists and biophysicists who are working to improve the agricultural yield of food crops and to design bio-inspired sustainable materials. During this reporting period, the Stark-Nawrath-Rose team has conducted a range of biological and biophysical experiments that advance our overall project goals and specific objectives: We employed RNA interference and CRISPR/Cas9 technologies to produce tomato fruits with two types of gene modifications. For the SlABCG36 or SlABCG42 genes involved in transport of cuticular precursors to their sites of polymerization, we used RNAi to down-regulate the expression of each homolog. Their double mutant, with properties described below, was obtained by both RNAi and CRISPR methods. For the CDEF1 gene that was hypothesized to compromise formation of the cutin biopolymer, we produced several mutants by CRISPR methods. To probe the impact of these mutations on transport of water though the fruit cuticle, Dr. Aurore Gerault, who produced the SlABCG36-RNAi and SlABCG42-RNAi mutants under the direction of Nawrath, received training to conduct water permeability measurements in the Rose lab. To test the impact of these mutations on cuticular heat transfer, we piloted differential scanning calorimetry measurements in the laboratory of CCNY's Prof. George John. Our plan to test how the mutations could alter the surface stiffness and mechanical strength of the tomato cuticles was initiated with CCNY's Prof. Xi Chen using Atomic Force Microscopy to assess surface nanomechanical properties. We conducted gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) on alkaline hydrolysis products from tomato cuticles along with light microscopy and solid-state 13C NMR (ssNMR) of the intact materials in order to evaluate the effects of the gene mutations on the molecular and macromolecular structure of the tomato fruit cuticles at two developmental stages. Whereas down-regulation of the SlABCG36 or SlABCG42 transporter genes left the cuticle thickness and molecular composition nearly unchanged, the double mutant displayed changes in the total amount, surface area, and proportions of chemical constituents; these differences were validated by both GC-MS analysis of the monomeric products and quantitatively reliable ssNMR of the intact biopolyester. Moreover, these molecular changes altered the cell shape and resulting organization of the cuticle embedded within the tomato fruit cell wall. In the case of the CDEF1 mutants, we discovered a remarkable fruit phenotype in which the skin had rough brown 'scars' that displayed a phenolic spectroscopic signature and chemical recalcitrance typical of suberin polymers found in the skin of potato tubers. Given the hypothesis of common initial metabolic steps in the formation of cutin and suberin protective plant polymers in tomatoes and potatoes that are both classified in the Solanum genus, these findings suggest that metabolic disruption from the CDEF mutation could provide an independent pathway to form a suberin-like protective layer in tomato fruits.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Norma A. Alcantar, Scott Banta, Gregg T. Beckham, Anthony Cak, Xi Chen, Taraka Dale, Christopher DelRe, Leila Deravi, Jonathan S. Dordick, Brian M. Giebel, Dianne Greenfield, Peter M. Groffman, Mand� Holford, George John, Neel S. Joshi, Nick A. Kotov, Jin Kim Montclare, Bradley S. Moore, Julia Ortony, Andrew Reinmann, Jiye Son, Ruth E. Stark, Rein V. Ulijn, Charles J. V�r�smarty, and Corey J. Wilson, Matter of Opinion: Bioinspired Green Science and Technology Symposium in NYC, invited submission, Matter, 5(7), 1980-84 (2022).