Progress 11/01/23 to 10/31/24
Outputs Target Audience:Students and scholars Research results were included in the curricula of two courses: PES 4220/6220Major World Crops, PES 3350 Agricultural Biotechnology, those were taught by Dr. Sruthi Narayanan. 10 undergraduate interns, 4 graduate students, 1 high school student, 1 technician, and 1 visiting scientist were involved inthe project. Scientific community Research results were presented at a professional meeting, which hosted scientists, students, farmers, and stakeholders. Farmers Results were disseminated to farmers through three field days. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project provided opportunities for training and professional development for 10 undergraduate interns, 4 graduate students, 1 high school student, 1 technician, 1 visiting scientist, .>15 farmers, and stakeholders. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Students and scholars Research results were included in the curricula of two courses: PES 4220/6220Major World Crops, PES 3350 Agricultural Biotechnology, those were taught by Dr. Sruthi Narayanan. 10 undergraduate interns, 4 graduate students, 1 high school student, 1 technician, and 1 visiting scientist were involved inthe project. Scientific community Research results were presented at a professional meeting, which hosted scientists, students, farmers, and stakeholders. Farmers Results were disseminated to farmers through three field days. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Continue analyzinglipidomic data, DNA & RNA extraction from the RILs, genotyping by sequencing, andddPCR.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
A field trial was conducted in two seasons (2022 and 2023) at the Piedmont Research and Education Center inPendleton, SC to characterize the heat tolerance of a soybean recombinant inbred line (RIL) population, the parental lines,and selected elite soybean genotypes based on traits related to pollen performance and leaf function. This was done togenerate phenotypic data for the molecular mapping analysis. Plants were grown at ambient temperature until the R1 stage.At this time heat tents were moved onto the plots to impose the temperature treatment. The high-temperature treatment (38-42ºC) was imposed for 14 days. On the last day of the treatment period, physiological traits were measured. Leaf and anthertissues were collected for lipidome profiling of the RILs. Based on physiological traits related to photosynthetic rate, biomass production, pollen viability, and seed yieldRILs 22, 26, 38, 54, 79, and 116 were the most heat-tolerant and RILs 177, 185, and 195 were the most heat-sensitive.Chlorophyll index (SPAD), photosynthesis, and biomass were positively correlated with seed yield when genotypes were exposed to heat stress during flowering. On the other hand, pollen viability was not correlated with seed yield. This indicates the impact leaf function (maintenance of greenness, photosynthesis, and dry matter production) on yield formation and the use of such traits as selection criteria in breeding programs. The phenotypic data and the extreme genotypes will be further used for mapping and gene expression analysis to identify molecular markers related to physiological responses contributing to heat tolerance.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Sathasivam M., Hammond S., Welti R., Shankar V., Fallen B., Smith J., and Narayanan S. 2024. Lipid remodeling in soybeans under heat stress. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, Nov 10-13, San Antonio, TX.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Hammond S., Sathasivam M., Fallen B., Smith J., and Narayanan S. 2024. Identification of new germplasm sources and traits for breeding heat-tolerant soybean varieties. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, Nov 10-13, San Antonio, TX.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Sathasivam M, S Hammond S., Welti R., Roth M., Fallen B., Smith J., Narayanan S. 2024. International Symposium on Plant Lipids. July 14-19, 2024. Lincoln, NE.
Progress 11/01/22 to 10/31/23
Outputs Target Audience:Students and scholars Research results were included in the curricula of five courses: PES 8010 Crop Physiology and Nutrition, PES 4220/6220 Major World Crops, PES 3350 Agricultural Biotechnology, PES 4960 Creative Inquiry in Crop Science, and PES 4210/6210 Principles of Field Crop Production, those were taught by Dr. Sruthi Narayanan. 17 undergraduate interns, 4 graduate students, 3 high school students, 1 technician, and 1 visiting scientist were involved in the projects. Scientific community Research results were presented ata professional meeting, which hosted scientists, students, farmers, and stakeholders. Farmers Results were disseminated to farmers through three field days. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project provided opportunities for training and professional development for 17 undergraduate interns, 4 graduate students, 3 high school students, 1 technician, 1 visiting scientist, .>15 farmers and stakeholders. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Students and scholars Research results were included in the curricula of five courses: PES 8010 Crop Physiology and Nutrition, PES 4220/6220 Major World Crops, PES 3350 Agricultural Biotechnology, PES 4960 Creative Inquiry in Crop Science, and PES 4210/6210 Principles of Field Crop Production, those were taught by Dr. Sruthi Narayanan. 17 undergraduate interns, 4 graduate students, 3 high school students, 1 technician, and 1 visiting scientist were involved in the projects. Scientific community Research results were presented in a professional meeting, which hosted scientists, students, farmers, and stakeholders. Farmers Results were disseminated to farmers through three field days. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Continue analyzing physiological and lipidomic data, DNA & RNA extraction from the RILs, genotyping by sequencing, and ddPCR.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Soybean is the most important oilseed and one of the most important and affordable protein sources worldwide. High temperature is a major factor limiting soybean yield. Incomplete knowledge of the molecular changes underlying soybean heat tolerance has hindered progress in developing heat-tolerant varieties for sustainable production. The goals of the proposed project are to identify soybean genes associated with lipid metabolic changes and with physiological mechanisms contributing to heat tolerance and to develop molecular markers for high-throughput screening of large germplasm collections for heat tolerance. A field trial was conducted in two seasons (2022 and 2023) at the Piedmont Research and Education Center in Pendleton, SC to characterize the heat tolerance of asoybean recombinant inbred line (RIL) population, the parental lines, and selected elite soybean genotypes based on traits related to pollen performance and leaf function. This was done to generate phenotypic data for the molecular mapping analysis. Plants were grown at ambient temperature until the R1 stage. At this time heat tents were moved onto the plots to impose the temperature treatment. The high-temperature treatment (38-42ºC) was imposed for 14 days. On the last day of the treatment period, physiological traits were measured. Leaf and anther tissues were collected for lipidome profiling of the RILs. Physiological and lipidomic data are under analysis now. Preliminary results identified genotypes that exhibited superior, intermediate, and inferior performance in terms of leaf physiological traits. RILs 11, 14, 73, and 79 were identified as heat tolerant and RILs 3, 4, 58, 60, 65, 94, 98, 100, and 107 were identified as heat susceptible based on leaf physiology and pollen viability. The phenotypic data and the extreme genotypes will be further used for mapping analysis and gene expression studies.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Hammond S., Sathasivam M., Fallen B., Smith J., Narayanan S. 2023. Characterizing the physiological basis of heat tolerance in a selected soybean RIL population. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, Oct 29 - Nov 1, St. Louis, MO.
Progress 11/01/21 to 10/31/22
Outputs Target Audience:Farmers, educators, and stakeholders. The current year was our first field season (June- October, 2022) for this project. We demonstrated our project atthe Clemson University Field Day to the above target audiences. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A Master's student and a Ph.D. student are leading the study. Four other grad students and 6 undergrads are assisting them. Thus, 6 grad students and 6 undergrads were trained in Crop Physiology, Biochemistry, Genomics, and Agronomy through this project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We demonstrated the study to farmers, educators, and stakeholders atthe 2022 Clemson University Field Day. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Analyze data collecetd from the 2022 field season, complete biochemical and genomic experiments on the samples collected from the 2022 field season, and conduct the 2023 field season.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
The project is progressing as proposed in the original timeline. We completed the first field season in the 2022 soybean season (June-Oct). The F6-derived population of 192 RILs (DS25-1/DT97-4290), the parental genotypes (DS25-1 and DT97-4290), and 12 selected genotypes were grown at Clemson, SC. The plants were grown at ambient temperatures until flowering. Thereafter, two treatments - ambient and high temperature - were applied for two weeks to evaluate heat stress impacts during flowering. Each genotype had four replicated plots (single row per plot; row length 12.5') under both control (ambient temperature) and heat stress treatments. The control treatment was realized by open field conditions. Heat stress (~38/28°C; day max/ night min) was imposed using movable heat tents (40 x 30 x 15 ft; four heat tents for four replications) that can be placed on top of the crop when it is time to impose heat stress. For ease of imposing heat stress (which should start around the onset of flowering for any genotype), the genotypes were staggered-sown according to flowering time (two different planting dates) so that adjacent ones in each section (planting date) could flower around the same time. The heat tents moved over plots when the genotypes flowered. That means the heat tents 'took turns' to impose heat stress on different sections. Photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, and chlorophyll index were measured at 7 days before treatment (1 week before treatment), 14th day of treatment (end of treatment), and/or 7 days after treatment (1 week after treatment). Tissues for measuring reactive oxygen species (ROS) content and lipid peroxidation were collected and pollen viability was measured on the 14th day of treatment. Tissues for lipid, DNA, and RNA extractions were also collected on the 14th day of treatment. Lipid extraction is currently underway. Plant height was measured on the 14th day of treatment. Biomass and yield were measured at maturity. Data collected on all physiological, growth, and yield traits are under processing.