Source: PURDUE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2021
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2022
Grant Year
Project Director
Hill, M.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The goal of IT in the NPDN network is to provide the highest level of user support along with the most reliable, secure, and efficient information services to the diagnosticians and the NPDN network. The prioritized activities for Purdue University will continue to be the secure information flow to the NPDN National Data Repository (NDR)and availability of the information via web interface, reports, and maps to appropriate parties. The quality of the data is critical so there will continue to be an allocated effort to work with the NPDN Data Committee in the standardization of the Pest and Host dictionaries and providing assistance when needed to address failed uploaded records.The NDR is a useful and robust set of data that contains over 2.6 million diagnoses. Every effort will be made to accommodate appropriate access and streamline the process for setting up new user accounts.Data requests will continue to be a high priority and monitored through the online request form on the portal. CERIS will also continue to enhance the data request software to meet the needs of the network. All types of communication within the NPDN network will continue to be supported including, but not limited to, phone calls, emails, conference calls, and webinars.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The main overarching goals or objectives of the NPDN are:Quality DiagnosticsProfessional DevelopmentCommunicationAs part of achieving these goals, an enhanced data collection and analysis system, known as the NPDN National Data Repository (NDR), has been developed that focuses on diagnostic clinic records and other types of data to identify anomalies in clinic samples and to communicate the information to the appropriate parites in a timely basis. As a result, the objectives or major goals are to maintain and enhance the complex distributed system managing information and communications in a secure and reliablemanner. Data from the participating diagnostic laboratories is collected and managed at the local, regional, and national levels.The NPDN is coordinating and collecting diagnostic records from designated laboratories at Land Grant Universities and State Departments of Agriculture in a standardized manner and addressing the training and tools required for assessing and ensuring quality of information.
Project Methods
The project uses a relational database and software development environments utilizing PHP and Apache to develop responsive websites using HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, and AJAX. ESRI is used for developing maps and and other innovative system and applications software provide access via an easy and intuitive web interface access. Development websites are maintained in addition to the production websites so that developers have an area to test changes without impacting the production site. The source code is maintained using a version control system such as GitHub.The College of Agriculture and Information Technology at Purdue (ITaP) provide the flexible infrastrucutre to meet user demand and application resources.

Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22

Target Audience:The primary target audience consists of the diagnosticians associated with the Land Grant Universities and some state departments of agriculture, state plant regulatory officials, the NPDN Executive Directors and the USDA/NIFA program leader and associate members of APHIS. In addition, the first detectors, extension staff and other associates of plant diagnostic labs are targeted through the newsletters and regional websites of the NPDN portals, which also provide general information about the NPDN network and its programs to the public. Researchers and Extension staff, with an interest in specific pests and/or pathogens, provide a formal data request to the Executive Directors and when approved are sent the information that is available in the NPDN National Data Repository (NDR). The citing of the NDR has also been noted in journal publications. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?CERIS participates on the Professional Development committee and works direclty with the professional development coordinator to support connectivity between NPDN and the learning management system LearnUpon. To support these interactions, CERIS developed and supportssoftware to connect with LearnUpon through an Application Programming Interface (API). This software supports the following compatibility between the NPDN systems and LearnUpon. Automatic creation of new LearnUpon accounts. Ability to sign into LearnUpon system using NPDN CAS credentials. New feature added in 2022 to check NDR training course results using API How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?NPDN members have access to the NDR which provides access to several types of reports, maps, and charts. Additionally, those members with National or Regional access receive a daily first submission by state report that indicates the first time a pest or pathogen has been reported as confirmed to the NDR in that state. This feature was enhanced during this time period to also deliver daily emails to those with state access which consists primarily of State Plant Regulatory Officers (SPRO). For other users that are not NPDN members, data requests can be made online by visiting and completing the requested information.Those requests are reviewed by the Executive Committe and results are shared via an Excel file for those requests that are approved. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? The main accomplishments under these goals from 9/1/2021-8/31/2022 were: NPDN Data Uploads Diagnostic data continued to grow during this time period and a total of 263,814diagnoses were uploaded by 79diagnostic labs. A breakdown by pest categories and confirmation levelsis provided below: Abiotics: 10,459 Arthropods: 13,137 Nematode: 34,996 Other: 16,796 Pathogen: 187,259 Plants/Weeds: 1,167 Dictionary Updates Pest: 212 (55added, 109modified, 48deleted) Host: 11(7 added, 4modified, 0 deleted) NPDN IT Meeting The NPDN IT Meeting was once again held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was hosted for the first time using the LearnUpon portal on January 26-27, 2022. Day one (January 26th) was open to all NPDN members to watch live or view the recordings afterward on LearnUpon. Day two (January 27th) was restricted to NPDN committee leadership and LIMS to discuss needs and identify 2022 priorities. Capacity and Capability (C&C) Survey Major enhancements were made to the C&C Survey during this time period. The survey was recreated within the NDR website and was able to pre-populate 2021 questions with the 2020 results. Additionally, custom reports were developed for each region that would assist in automatically obtaining the relevant responses needed for their regional accomplishment reports. Regional leadership can generate these reports, on demand, by visiting NPDN Newsletters CERIS manages the MailChimp subscription which is the service that is now used to send out the monthly newsletters. The articles are compiled by the newsletter editor and those articles which require a read more section are added to the Portal site by CERIS. The current edition of the newsletter along with an archive of older articles is available on the NPDN portal by During this time period there was a total increase of 49 new subscribers. User Accounts A total of 74 new member accounts were setup during this time period which provides them with access to the NPDN Portal along with the NDR and LearnUpon (dependent upon user role). Beltsville Data The 2022 Beltsville data was added to the NDR and can be retrieved at, enhancements were made to the report along with cleaning up existing data to make it easier to retrieve results. NPDN Data Requests The data request software was enhanced over this time period to provide access to the NPDN Data Committee chair and vice-chair. They have the ability to comment on outstanding data requests and the software logs their comments as part of the data committee. This has helped the Executive committee streamline the requests so they can be handled in a more timely manner. A total of 74 data requests were made from 9/1/2021-7/31/2022. A breakdown of the overall status of these requsests is provided below. Approved: 52 Pending/Hold: 15 Denied: 7
