Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/23
Outputs Target Audience:The Here to Help New Mexico program targets individuals in all spects of the agriculture sector which include but are not limited to: • Individuals who are engaged in farming, ranching or other occupations relating to agriculture. • Agricultural industry groups and affiliated industry • Extension agents • 4-H and FFA programs • Stress assistance professionals • Elected and appointed professionals • Youth Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?H2H has provided support for providing professional development opportunities such as Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience, Youth Mental Health First Aid, Adult Mental Health First Aid, and QPR Suicide Prevention. Over 51 Extension Agents and members of the community have taken advantage of the professional development opportunities with multiple other people expressing interest in future offerings. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?H2H has been proactive in reaching communities of interest through a multifaceted approach by utilizing the following strategies: • Social Media • Billboards • Radio Spots • Printed Material • Mailed Material • Informational Booths • Workshops • Video Media • Presentations • Professional Development Training What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
In cooperation with the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau (NMFLB), the AgrAbility Program, and CES's health and wellness initiative, the Southwest Border Food Protection and Emergency Preparedness Center (Center) launched the Here to Help New Mexico (H2H) initiative in support of the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network. H2H used a blended approach to improve behavioral health, reduce and mitigate stress, and provide positive outcomes for New Mexico's agricultural communities. Using this approach, the Center has developed a network that increases awareness and conditions related to stress and behavioral health in rural communities and support agriculturalists who face an evolving and growing number of challenges. Objective 1) Leverage existing network resources such as the Stronger Together campaign by the American Farm Bureau Federation through a grass roots campaign to increase local awareness and education. H2H developed a website hosted on the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau's domain for the H2H initiative which includes information about the H2H as well as tips and resources for those dealing with stress. NMFLB also used two primary channels for marketing of the Here to Help NM messaging: billboards and radio. In total 33 billboard were placed around the state, total impressions of the billboards are estimated at 1,592,138. NMFLB also scheduled radio spots on over 55 radio stations across the state in English, Spanish, and Navajo Translations increasing awareness of resources available to cope with stress through the H2H imitative. Using NMFLB mailing lists 12,000 postcards and 12,000 magnets were mailed out with H2H resources to New Mexico's farm and ranch families. 2) Enhance professional development opportunities by offering trainings such as Mental Health First Aid or similar courses to increase skills-based capacity to recognize and respond to stress in local communities H2H has provided support for providing professional development opportunities such as Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience, Youth Mental Health First Aid, Adult Mental Health First Aid, and QPR suicide Prevention. Over 51 Extension Agents and members of the community have taken advantage of the professional development opportunities with multiple other people expressing interest in future offerings. The Here to Help initiative provided Calm App premium subscriptions to members of the agricultural community. The app was used by 172 individuals who have viewed a cumulative 8,878 sessions on the app for a total of 96,800 mindfulness minutes. A couple of quotes from app users: Calm has helped me sleep better, and I've been able to meditate almost everyday, which is helping me stay anchored. Calm is an app I have wanted for a long time, but the cost always stopped me. Having used it over the last 2 weeks has been an amazing tool for my anxiety and overall mental health. I am loving it. 3) Adapt and create evidence-based stress prevention, wellness, and health promotion resources to recognize the unique cultural and traditional ways of life in New Mexico and how they are affected by stress Utilizing the Innovative Media Research and Extension Group at the College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences of New Mexico State University, H2H produced a series of short videos with Matt Rush, a 4th generation New Mexico Farmer and Rancher and author of "Stress Free You!". The short videos were uploaded on the H2H website and shared at industry events. Innovative Media Research and Extension also created materials to be distributed via social media focusing on increasing awareness of the H2H initiative and available resources. Innovative Media Research and Extension also crafted a series of testimonial videos called "starting the conversation". H2H developed and mailed a resource packet to over 1,200 New Mexico producers who have been impacted by wildfires during the recent and historic wildfire season. 4) Host multiple workshops both in person and virtually to provide outreach and education regarding stress relief and wellness within different regions of the state. H2H also reached over 50,500 estimated individuals by hosting workshops or providing materials through booths at multiple events such as: The New Mexico Cattle Growers Association meetings New Mexico Farm Bureau Meetings 4-H Inservice Extension Inservice Annie's Project New Mexico Department of Agriculture Annual Conference Eastern Professional Development Range Day Western Regions Administrators ACES open house Union County Health Fair "Stress Free You" workshop New Mexico FFA Convention Las Vegas Fire Recovery Grant County Health Fair Catron County Health Fair State 4-H Conference Hidalgo County Health Fair Dona Ana Ag Day International Livestock Identification Association Annual Conference New Mexico Animal and Livestock Incident Response Team Conference Women in Agriculture New Mexico Food Protection Alliance Youth Ranch Management Camp New Mexico Chile Conference
Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22
Outputs Target Audience:The Here to Help New Mexico program targets individuals in all spects of the agriculture sector which include: Individuals who are engaged in farming, ranching or other occupations relating to agriculture. Agricultural industry groups and affiliated industry Extension agents. 4-H and FF programs Stress assistance professionals Elected and appointed professionals Youth Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?H2H has provided support for providing professional development opportunities such as Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience, Youth Mental Health First Aid, Adult Mental Health First Aid, and QPR Suicide Prevention. Over 51 Extension Agents and members of the community have taken advantage of the professional development opportunities with multiple other people expressing interest in future offerings. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?H2H has been proactive in reaching communities of interest through a multifaceted approach by utilizing the following strategies: Social Media Billboards Radio Spots Printed Material Mailed Material Informational Booths Workshops Video Media Presentations Professional Development Training What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The New Mexico Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network, through the H2H initative will continue providing professional development and outreach and awareness on topics regarding stress resiliance and the overall wellness of the agricultural community. We do plan to migrate the H2H website over to the College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Enviromental Sciences for greater flexabilty and access to technical expertese.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
In cooperation with the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau (NMFLB), the AgrAbility Program, and CES's health and wellness initiative, the Southwest Border Food Protection and Emergency Preparedness Center (Center) launched the Here to Help New Mexico (H2H) initiative in support of the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network. H2H used a blended approach to improve behavioral health, reduce and mitigate stress, and provide positive outcomes for New Mexico's agricultural communities. Using this approach, the Center has developed a network that increases awareness and conditions related to stress and behavioral health in rural communities and support agriculturalists who face an evolving and growing number of challenges. Objective 1) Leverage existing network resources such as the Stronger Together campaign by the American Farm Bureau Federation through a grass roots campaign to increase local awareness and education. H2H developed a website hosted on the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau's domain for the H2H initiative which includes information about the H2H as well as tips and resources for those dealing with stress. NMFLB also used two primary channels for marketing of the Here to Help NM messaging: billboards and radio. In total 33 billboard were placed around the state, total impressions of the billboards are estimated at 1,592,138. NMFLB also scheduled radio spots on over 55 radio stations across the state in English, Spanish, and Navajo Translations increasing awareness of resources available to cope with stress through the H2H imitative. Using NMFLB mailing lists 12,000 postcards and 12,000 magnets were mailed out with H2H resources to New Mexico's farm and ranch families. 2) Enhance professional development opportunities by offering trainings such as Mental Health First Aid or similar courses to increase skills-based capacity to recognize and respond to stress in local communities H2H has provided support for providing professional development opportunities such as Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience, Youth Mental Health First Aid, Adult Mental Health First Aid, and QPR suicide Prevention. Over 51 Extension Agents and members of the community have taken advantage of the professional development opportunities with multiple other people expressing interest in future offerings. 3) Adapt and create evidence-based stress prevention, wellness, and health promotion resources to recognize the unique cultural and traditional ways of life in New Mexico and how they are affected by stress Utilizing the Innovative Media Research and Extension Group at the College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences of New Mexico State University, H2H produced a series of short videos with Matt Rush, a 4th generation New Mexico Farmer and Rancher and author of "Stress Free You!". The short videos were uploaded on the H2H website and shared at industry events. Innovative Media Research and Extension also created materials to be distributed via social media focusing on increasing awareness of the H2H initiative and available resources. H2H developed and mailed a resource packet to over 1,200 New Mexico producers who have been impacted by wildfires during the recent and historic wildfire season. 4) Host multiple workshops both in person and virtually to provide outreach and education regarding stress relief and wellness within different regions of the state. H2H also reached over 5,550 estimated individuals by hosting workshops or providing materials through booths at multiple events such as: The New Mexico Cattle Growers Association meetings 4-H Inservice Extension Inservice Annie's Project New Mexico Department of Agriculture Annual Conference Eastern Professional Development Range Day Western Regions Administrators ACES open house Union County Health Fair "Stress Free You" workshop New Mexico FFA Convention Las Vegas Fire Recovery Grant County Health Fair Catron County Health Fair State 4-H Conference Hidalgo County Health Fair Dona Ana Ag Day
- Type:
Year Published:
Garcia, Kristie. "Here to Help NM." New Mexico Stockman, September 2022
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Year Published:
Here to Help NM.