Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2021
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2025
Grant Year
Project Director
Dorton, E.
Recipient Organization
1200 SENATE ST STE 500
COLUMBIA,SC 292013734
Performing Department
South Carolina Department of A
Non Technical Summary
The South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA) requests funding for The Continued Development and Utilization of the South Carolina Agriwellness Program. The Clemson University Extension Agribusiness Team and South Carolina Farm Bureau initiated the SC Agriwellness Program in Fall 2019, establishing an advisory group the following year. Utilizing these organizations' extensive educational systems, farm stress and mental health resources are currently being provided in South Carolina. With limited funding, this collaborative effort has introduced awareness programs, one-on-one farm financial planning consultations, and in partnership with First Sun, EAP, a hotline farmers may call to receive crisis counseling and schedule free visits with a mental health professional. This funding will be used to continue and expand upon current programming and also to increase awareness efforts. The project will include a statewide multimedia awareness campaign, educational programming for farmers both in-person and virtual, a train-the-trainer program, training for those who work with farmers, and counseling sessions with a professional who has attended an agricultural training focused on the stress and mental health needs of agriculture workers. For broadest reach, information will also be integrated into established educational events that farmers regularly attend. Intentional focus will be given to provide programming and resources to farmers who meet the USDA definition of "socially disadvantaged" with the assistance of Extension agents and other organizations such as the Center for Heirs Property Preservation.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The major goals for the project include:The Clemson Cooperative Extension Agribusiness team provide training to agriculture and natural resource Extension agents on the topic of farm stress and mental health.Have agriculture and natural resource Extension agents provide a 15 - 30-minute part of their normal programming will be on the topic of farm stress and mental health.The Clemson Cooperative Extension Agribusiness team provide training to South Carolina Farm Bureau field staff on the topic of farm stress and mental health.Have South Carolina Farm Bureau field staff provide a 15-minute part of their normal programming will be on the topic of farm stress and mental health.The Clemson Cooperative Extension Agribusiness team provide training to service providers of farms/farmers that may include but not be limited to financial institutions (loan officers), crop insurance agents, implement dealers, seed salesman, etc.Integrate Farm Stress and Mental Health topics into all agribusiness and agricultural programming that takes place through Clemson Cooperative Extension.Develop a marketing campaign to about the SC Agriwellness Program available in South Carolina to South Carolina farmers, farm families, and those that are a part of the South Carolina agricultural community.Provide farm financial analysis and planning to farms that need and request the service(s) through one-on-one consultations.
Project Methods
The Clemson Cooperative Extension Agribusiness Team will coordinate the effort surrounding Farm Stress and Mental Health. With assistance from each of the collaborators, South Carolina Farm Bureau, and First Sun, EAP the team will coordinate its effort to expand Farm Stress and Mental Health awareness, programming, and resources available to assist farmers, farm families and those that are a part of the South Carolina agricultural industry.South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA)Provide oversight and assist in the coordination of the activities and will be responsible for reporting.Assist in marketing each of the initiatives of the grant.SCDA employees that work closely with farmers will attend trainings.Clemson Cooperative Extension Agribusiness TeamWill work with SCDA to develop proper evaluation criteria for reporting purposes to show impact of the initiative.Develop and or revise necessary material to be used for training purposes.Develop and coordinate multiple programs throughout the state to train Clemson Cooperative Extension Agents in this area for them to increase their own awareness of the issues and resources available and for them to train others. Agents will also be expected to embed at least 10 to 15-minutes these topics into their normal topical programming.The program will be a 3 to 4-hour training that will cover signs of stress and potential mental health issues caused by the prolonged stress, how to communicate with those under significant stress, the resources available, and individuals will go through scenario-based exercises.Individuals will be provided with the necessary material so that they may embed these topics into their own programming initiatives. They will be able to choose to either present the material on their own or use a video that will be developed.Provide training to South Carolina Farm Bureau Field Staff so that they may provide programming to their clientele.The program will be a 3 to 4-hour training that will cover signs of stress and potential mental health issues caused by the prolonged stress, how to communicate with those under significant stress, the resources available, and individuals will go through scenario-based exercise(s).Provide training to Center for Heirs Property Preservation forestry staff. The staff works with a significant number of heirs property holders that maintain timber property and farms in different regions of South Carolina. They will be provided with material and information that will be passed along through their one-on-one consultations and imbedded into other programming initiatives.Provide multiple programs to farm(er) service providers as "stand alone" programming events. 90-minute to 3-hour program(s) that will cover what has taken place to create the prolonged stress situation, how to communicate with farmers under severe stress, the resources available to assist farmers.Embed Farm Stress and Mental Health topics into the Clemson Cooperative Extension Agribusiness Team programming around the state.3. South Carolina Farm BureauWill develop the SC Agriwellness marketing material required to place advertisements in agricultural industry magazines.Develop and send mailings direct to farmers and farm families about SC Agriwellness program.Assist with marketing of programs and materials that take place around the state by each of the grant partners.4. First Sun, EAPIn collaboration with the Clemson Cooperative Extension Agribusiness Team and others develop handouts that will be made available about stress, the affects Stress has on the Body and its long-term effects, methods to deal with stress.Assist in presenting material during training programs with the Clemson Cooperative Extension Agribusiness Team.Provide immediate crisis counseling services through a "1-800" number that South Carolina farmers and those that are part of the South Carolina agricultural industry.Provide professional mental health counseling services for farmers and those associated with the South Carolina agricultural industry. The professional mental health services will be provided through in-person, phone, virtual online, or texting. The option will be based on the preference of the individual requesting the service.Assist in the development media and marketing material for the SC Agriwellness campaign.

Progress 09/01/22 to 08/31/23

Target Audience:The target audience for this project is farmers and others involved in the agricultural industry. Changes/Problems:This is still a taboo subject for many individuals, but it is becoming less so with the help of many people here in the state. Because of this, we are unable to provide a program solely on this topic and must continue to integrate the topic and information through other programs. Other persistent challengesinclude staffing resources, as there is not a single individual whohas sole responsibility and coordination ofthis particular topic, butmuch of this is overcome through the assistance of our South Carolina team. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Online traininghas been made available to mental health professionals available in the late Spring and Early Summer and we are presently waiting to receive data on how many have made use of the training. The online training is a series of modules that have been coordinated and produced by Agrisafe using university faculty and staff and others from around the South who have expertise working with farms, farm families, and or specialize in mental health. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?This is completed through awareness programming provided by the Clemson Cooperative Extension Agribusiness Team and South Carolina Farm Bureau programming initiatives. Material and information are provided at multiple agricultural-related events. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? A Mental Health First Aid train-the-trainer course has been scheduled for the Spring of 2024 that will have a maximum participant limit of 15 individuals. We plan to have some mental health professionals attend; some Clemson Cooperative Extension Agribusiness, 4-H Youth, and Rural Health Extension faculty/staff attend. This will offer the opportunity for these individuals to train their respective stakeholders in this area while providing not only awareness of the subject matter but providing available resources that can be used. Continue to market through various media outlets. Continue to promote SC Agriwellness and bring awareness of Farm Stress and Mental Health to farmers, agricultural service providers, and rural communities. Continue to provide one-on-one consultations upon request to perform farm financial analysis to farms.

What was accomplished under these goals? Provided Farm Stress and Mental Health programming to Ag and Natural Resources agents Programming through multiple venues to provide some basic information about the topic and available resources. Where appropriate, agribusiness team members provided short awareness programming that included farm stress, mental health awareness, and available resources focusing on the SC Agriwellness Program. Provided material and information to some of the SC Farm Bureau field staff, they have provided information to their county farm bureau boards and members. Provided Farm Stress and Mental Health awareness to those in the ag lenders and other ag industry service providers at the 2023 Market Outlook, the Southeast Lenders School, County Cattlemen's Associations, Executive Marketing Seminar, and other various programs. Material was also provided to participants of the 2022 and 2023 Sunbelt Expo in Moultrie, GA The SC Agriwellness Team made up of Clemson University Cooperative Extension faculty and staff, SC Farm Bureau Staff, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, and First Sun, EAP, continues to review what has been done, materials, and events that awareness of the program can be provided. The program continues to receive some occasional interest from the press. Articles have been placed in local South Carolina periodicals produced by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture and can be found across the state. The Clemson Agribusiness Team has worked with at least 12 different farms in 2023 to provide farm financial analysis to assist the farm family in understanding their financial situation to make sound management and financial decisions.


    Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22

    Target Audience:The target audience for this project is farmers and others involved in the agricultural industry. Changes/Problems:This is still a taboo subject for many individuals, but it is becoming less so with the help of many individuals here in the state. But because of this we are unable to provide a program solely on this topic and must continue to integrate the topic and information through other programs. Another challenge that is persistent is staffing resources as there is not a single individual that has sole responsibility for this particular topic, but much of this is overcome through the assistance of our South Carolina team. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Professional development and training were provided to some South Carolina Department of Agriculture staff. Have made online training available to mental health professionals available upon request. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?South Carolina Agriwellness has looked to expand its reach through numerous endeavors. Once we received the grant Notice of Award, we began to plan and prepare for the next steps as follows: Development and printing of a Business Card that contains information about SC Agriwellness with the 1-800 number to contact. These have been provided across the state at numerous events and educational programs to farmers and those within the agricultural industry. Development of brochures about the program to be provided to various agencies, institutions, and others that engage with farmers and farm families. SC Agriwellness Advertisements/stories, in agricultural-related periodicals such as press/newspaper stories and interviews about SC Agriwellness, and the present Farm Stress and Mental Health issues in South Carolina. Clemson Representatives attended the Moultrie (Georgia) agricultural show where we handed out information about the SC Agriwellness program along with contact information. 500 pieces of material with information were taken by South Carolina residents that stopped by the Clemson University booth. Fall, 2021 Mental Health First Aid Training was held on November 4, 2021 (1 full day) with 6 Males, and 9 Females in attendance. 14 White Non-Hispanic, 1 African American. Farm Stress Training, November 5, 2021 (1/2 day) with 6 Males, and 9 Females in attendance. 14 White Non-Hispanic, 1 African American Agriwellness information was presented to the South Carolina Agriculture Commission, on November 8, 2021, with 8 Males, and 3 Females in attendance, 11 White Non-Hispanic. Media outreach includes a newspaper story in Rock Hill paper on SC Agriwellness, Farm Stressand, Mental Health, on March 1, 2022, and an interview with WTLX about SC Agriwellness on June 2, 2022. Other outreach events have included the following: Women in Agriculture, Virtual. November 3, 2021. (30 individuals) 2022 Executive Marketing Workshop, Pawley's Island, SC. January 6, 2022. (12 White Males, 8 White Females) South Carolina Agriculture Commission. November 8, 2021. (8 White Male, 3 White Female) 2022 Executive Marketing Workshop, Pawley's Island, SC. January 6, 2022. (12 White Males, 8 White Females) Laurens County Cattlemen's Group. February 3, 2022. (20 individuals) McCormick County Livestock Producer group. February 9, 2022. (20 individuals) Chester County Cattlemen's. February 10, 2022. (30 individuals) U.S. Grains Council, Greenville, SC. February 14, 2022. (41 White Female, 1 African American Female) Newspaper story in Rock Hill paper on SC Agriwellness, Farm Stress and Mental Health. March 1, 2022. Pee Dee Livestock Group, Briton's Neck, South Carolina. March 17, 2022. (30 individuals) Ag Disruptors Monthly Program, South Carolina. Monthly 2022 (SC Agriwellness program is mentioned/discussed at every program). Extension Advisory Meeting, Dillon South, Carolina. May 2, 2022. (2 white male and 6 white females, 1 African male) Farm Bureau Darlington County Board Meeting. May 3, 2022. (8 White Males, 1 White Female, 1 African American Male) Farm Bureau Horry/Loris County Board Meeting. May 9, 2022. (10 White Males, 3 White Females) Farm Bureau Sumter County Board Meeting. May 10, 2022. (5 White Males, 2 White Females, 1 African American Male.) South Carolina Department of Agricultural (SCDA), Columbia, SC. May 17, 2022. Provided training to SCDA employees that interact with producers. (15 individuals) Southeast Lenders School (SEALS), Greenville, SC, May 12, 2022. (25 White Males, 8 White Females, 1 Hispanic Female, 1 African American Male, 1 African American Female) Interview with WTLX about SC Agriwellness. June 2, 2022. Annie's Project Retreat, Latta, SC. June 7, 2022. (1 White Male, 4 White Female, 1 African American Female) Throughout each of the previously mentioned programs, we have had direct contact with 861 individuals. This does not count the potential readers and viewers of the information that has been placed in newspapers, television newscasts, and other periodicals. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Twoor more members are planning to attend a train-the-trainer Mental Health First Aid program so we can have individuals that are familiar with agriculture and rural communities able to provide Mental Health First Aid training in South Carolina. Continue to market through various media outlets. Continue and hope to increase the number of programs where SC Agriwellness, Mental Health, and Farm Stress are discussed at specific ag-related programming events. Continue to provide one-on-one consultations upon request to perform farm financial analysis to farms. Hire an individual that will attend various agricultural events with a table/display and provide education and information about the mental health and farm stress and the SC Agriwellness program and its resources. Continue to provide free counseling sessions to those in the SC agriculture industry who reach out to SC Agriwellness.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Programming through multiple venues to provide some basic information about the topic and available resources. Where appropriate many ag-focused agribusiness team members through their programming initiatives have added portions of each programming presentation to include farm stress and mental health awareness along with potential resources including the SC Agriwellness Program. Provided material and information to some of the SC Farm Bureau field staff so that they are able to provide short presentations about SC Agriwellness. Farm Bureau Field staff have provided time at their local farm bureau meetings information about the SC Agriwellness program throughout the year. Provide Farm Stress and Mental Health awareness to those in the ag lenders and other ag industry service providers at the 2021 Market Outlook, each of the Southeast Lenders School, and through other various programs. The SC Agriwellness Team made up of Clemson University Cooperative Extension faculty and staff, SC Farm Bureau Staff, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, and First Sun, EAP have developed a plan and are in the process of further development. To date the program has been picked up through various local community newspapers such as in Rock Hill, SC; television news and other media outlets in Columbia, Greenville, and Charleston (should air soon), within the Farm Bureau Member publications, and will soon be out in a South Carolina publication. The Clemson Agribusiness Team has worked with 15 different farms in 2022 to provide farm financial analysis to assist the farm family in understanding their financial situation to be able to make sound management and financial decisions.
