Source: MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Feb 1, 2021
Project End Date
Jan 31, 2022
Grant Year
Program Code
[A1521]- Agricultural Engineering
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Civil Engineering
Non Technical Summary
The Center for Sustainable Futureswithin the School of Engineering along with the School of Architecture at Morgan State University (MSU) propose to host a conference to share findings from research being conducted by an MSU faculty and students on Geological Agriculture (GeoAg) within the disciplines of architecture and engineering. GeoAg is defined as the study of cultivating vegetation in geological formations without the use of soils and fertilizers. As described in the book, River Stones Grow Plants by Richard Campbell (2017), under the appropriate conditions, rocks release beneficial minerals for plant cultivation. Mr. Campbell holds the patent (#9,119,351) for this new agricultural approach. Evidence in this book suggests that plants may have higher nutritional value when grown in geological environments with some growing faster in rock environments than in soil environments. Building on preliminary findings of a GeoAg pilot to address food desert issues in Atlanta (Miller, 2019). MSU has been conducting alternative sustainable engineering and architectural solution for green space access during the pandemic, investigating GeoAg theories with Mr. Campbell and his company consultants from To Soil Less. MSU is an HBCU that is loacted in the inner city of BaltimoreThe objectives of the proposed conference are aligned to those in the a. Engineering for Agriculture Production Systems. Program Area Priority Code: A1521. Key Objectives:1. Share with the MSU faculty and other GeoAg research community faculty has been conducted to date2. Explore impact that GeoAg has on bioprocessing and bioengineering3. Evaluate GeoAg aerospace engineering and landscape engineering systems4. Assess potential this research holds for minorities in STEM, architecture and sustainability5. Share research and work of students who have engaged in GeoAg research.This proposal is submitted in response to area of Engineering for Agriculture Production Systems
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
402 - Engineering Systems and Equipment;

Subject Of Investigation
7410 - General technology;

Field Of Science
2020 - Engineering;
Goals / Objectives
Project Objectives. The objectives of the proposed conference are aligned to those in the a. Engineering for Agriculture Production Systems. Program Area Priority Code: A1521. Key Objectives:Share with the Morgan State University faculty and other GeoAg research community faculty has been conducted to dateExplore impact that GeoAg has on bioprocessing and bioengineeringEvaluate GeoAg aerospace engineering and landscape engineering systemsAssess potential this research holds for minorities in STEM, architecture and sustainabilityShare research and work of students who have engaged in GeoAg research
Project Methods
The method or announcement or invitation that will be usedIn Person InvitationPresenter Marketing - Each of the 10 presenters may bring 2 guests (20 total) to attend the conference online. Invitations will be emailed, and followed up by personally by each presenter.Students - MSU faculty will each select 2 students each (10 total) to participate, present, and/or support the conference as registrations, ushers, and/or researchers, as appropriate.MSU and Other Faculty -With more than 15 GeoAg faculty and 150 faculty across HBCUs and African University, Spillover from these outreach tactics can participate via the conference livestream.MSU Support - On-site support will be provided by the MSU events team and the audio-visual team, which will have one representative and two people on-site, respectively. MSU's marketing department will be on site to respond to media, update social media, and write follow-up press releases.In Person Press / Media OutreachMedia Marketing - MSU Communications department will send a press release to MD area and United States press outlets to promote the conference and its presenters, field phone inquiries, and arrange for press to attend online or in-person.Online Viewing AudiencePartnership Marketing - Local partners will help to promote the event within their communities and may additionally host viewing parties at their facilities. Partners include the local K12 public schools, 3M, and the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity which is based in the Baltimore. Additionally, the four presenters who are not from MSU schools will promote the conference on their campuses, where viewers will be able to watch a live stream of the eventThis conference will integrate the following methods of outreach and execution to meet the objectives of the conference:Outreach MethodsDr's Owalabi and Kirshner, and Mr. Campbell - along with MSU staff and stakeholders appropriate - will use email, special invitations, partnership marketing, and campus marketing to engage stakeholders and ensure a primary viewing audience of 75 and an online audience of 250+. The method of announcements will be public postings, press release, invitations and digital invitations. These will be supported by social media posts.Execution MethodsMSU planners will collaborate with internal staff, consultants and speakers to coordinate and plan the event.

Progress 02/01/21 to 11/02/21

Target Audience:The target audience represent stakeholders, faculty and students of architecture, urban design, engineering and other STEM related fields, academic institutions globally that are interested in GeoAg research. Target Effort The MSU GeoAg planning team outreach engagement strategy: MSU faculty Baltimore school principals and non-profits Baltimore politicians and Maryland state universities Mainstream American institutions Outreach Communications Schedule April 7, 2021 - GeoAg Outreach Email April 8, 2021 - MSU post Invite on School Events Page April 11, 2021 - Notice of VIP Conference Kit Shipping April 14, 2021 - GeoAg Outreach Email April 16, 2021 - NIFA Tweet on GeoAg - see below April 18, 2021 - Final Outreach Email with NIFA Tweet NIFA USDA NIFA Interested in hearing about the latest reserach surrounding cultivating vegatation in geological formations without the use of soils and fertilizers click this ink for the twitter ( ? Target RSVP Summary 139 RSVP 72 attended Changes/Problems:Ample time was given for conference planning. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? April 20 - Tuskegee University - 6 students at Tuskegee showcased their GeoAg experiments during the conference, allowing these student to showcase research to an international audience April 20 to Present - Morgan State University - 520 grow cups on display for faculty and students to witness GeoAg growing a variety of plant types. May 3 to 5 - Mobile County Public Schools - Superintendent hosted GeoAg info session to school district to kick off GeoAg in this school system for fall 2021. May 11 - Florida A&M University - FAMU Director of Research host GeoAg info session with faculty to kick off GeoAg research in Spring 2022. May 19 - University of the Virgin Island - Faculty who reviewed the MSU link about the conference chose to integrate GeoAg research and became a CO-PI on a GeoAg grant with Bronx Community College. June 16 - Florida Memorial University - Having attended the conference, faculty at FMU have decided to integrate GeoAg into Fall 2021 classes. June 21 - Savannah State University - Department of Environmental Science elects to integrate GeoAg into classes this fall 2021. June 28 - Fort Valley State University - College of Agriculture professor set up two larger size GeoAg outdoor growing areas. July 8 - Oakland International Film Festival - Festival producers request an encore screening of GeoAg student videos to be screen at the festival. They also request Dr. Samia Kircher to participate on a panel on sustainability. The Oakland International Film Festival ( July 14 - $20K KEEP Grant Award - GeoAg Architecture Research - Dr. Kirchner awarded a $20K grant from the KEEP Foundation to conduct further GeoAg research. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Outreach Marketing Efforts to over 5,000 faculty members, students and professional notifying them of the existence of GeoAg research. Presenting the GeoAg research on April 20, 2021. Developing post conference extension activities as listed. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Accomplishments / Goals are delineated into 5 Accomplishment Areas, number below: (Also see the evaluator report by clicking this link) ( 1 - MSU Institutional Problems Being Solved - Lack of new strategic sustainability related research that shares with the Morgan State University faculty and other GeoAg research community faculty has been conducted to date with a greater audience What did your project do about this issue/problem during this reporting period? Conduct Research - MSU faculty collaborate with GeoAg consultant on research; education and extension related to engineering, architecture and chemistry. Conduct Education - MSU faculty integrated GeoAg in architecture classes. Conduct Extension - Secure Conference Grant to Showcase Research - First grant ever awarded any institution focusing GeoAg architecture and engineering. 2 - Research - Bioprocessing and Bioengineering Problems Being Solved - Lack of ways to engage to explore impact that GeoAg has on bioprocessing and bioengineering. What did your project do about this issue/problem during this reporting period? Strategy - Introduce MSU faculty and students to GeoAg for the purpose of developing new bioprocessing and bioengineering. Novel Student Experience for 3 paid student interns and 19 students who integrated GeoAg in class and were paid to develop a video presentation of their experience. MSU Faculty Development -Training of 13 MSU staff 3 - Research - Aerospace Engineering and Landscape Engineering Problems Being Solved - Lack of ways to engage to explore impact that GeoAg has on aerospace engineering and landscape engineering. What did your project do about this issue/problem during this reporting period? Strategy - Introduce MSU faculty and students to GeoAg for the purpose of developing new aerospace engineering and landscape engineering.. MSU Faculty Development -Training of 3 MSU staff 4- Education Problems Being Solved - Lack of ways to assess potential this research holds for minorities in STEM, architecture and sustainability What did your project do about this issue/problem during this reporting period? STEM Minority engagement - During a class of 28 students, 19 volunteered to integrate GeoAg into their architecture STEM assignment on urban sustainability 3 Student Interns - 3 students growing plants and developing videos Survey Results - All (100%) of the participants indicated that GeoAg research opportunities are extremely/very/somewhat valuable for minorities in STEM. 5 - Student Engagement Problems Being Solved - There is a lack of student research shared on GeoAg research. What did your project do about this issue/problem during this reporting period? Ask for Research Volunteers - 19 students of the urban architecture class and 3 interns volunteered and took the basic GeoAg training. Home Research - 19 students conducted home research over 4 weeks, video taped their experiences and presented the work at the conference. Greenhouse Lab Research - 1 student assembled 520 GeoAg grow containers covering 7 rocks types and 11 plant types, presenting the outcome after 11 days of grow time both in video format and in live presentation to the audience. GeoAg Architecture Research - 2 students presented new GeoAg architectural designs including a GeoAg Bay window, Chicken Feeder and Kitchen Countertop unit. Changes in Economics - For the faculty and students who participated in the program now have the ability to architect and engineer new products for the open market. Changes in Community Dynamics - Students are teaching friend and family about GeoAg at home. Changes in Environmental Conditions - New easy access greenspace for architecture design students to pursue. Changes in Agriculture Norms - Prior to the conference guest were unaware of GeoAg architecture and engineering research. Now all participants are aware of a likely change in agriculture norms. Changes in Knowledge - Where participants now know: How to grow plants from seed in rocks at home and micro-farm How to recycle plastic for GeoAg use How to integrate GeoAg in advanced engineering and architecture That GeoAg plants reduce CO2 in a small space GeoAg can possibly support astronauts in space. Change in Action: 26 participants now eating GeoAg grown foods at home and telling others about it. An increase in the consumption of nutrition was observed by all participants Participants are recycling clear plastic containers more MSU faculty are conducting more GeoAg research and publishing efforts. Change in Condition: Students are creating a self-managed edible greenspace environments at home Faculty are investigating other areas of GeoAg related research and grants


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2022 Citation: Plan to submit to the Special Issue of the journal Sustainability: "Environmentally Sustainable Design and Product Development". Plan to utilize the survey results