Source: UNIV OF WISCONSIN submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2021
Project End Date
Jun 30, 2025
Grant Year
Project Director
Choi, C.
Recipient Organization
21 N PARK ST STE 6401
MADISON,WI 53715-1218
Performing Department
Elec & Com Engr
Non Technical Summary
Heat stress costs the US dairy industry an estimated $1.5 billion annually due to decreases in milk production and reproductive efficiency and, in periods of extreme heat stress, an increase in fatalities. Heat stress can also threaten animal welfare, putting at risk the long-term social acceptability of dairy farming. Despite the efficiencies that accompany high milk yield, high-producing cows in particular present challenges for the dairy farmer in terms of their vulnerability to heat stress. Heat stress is expected to remain a critical issue for the dairy industry in the coming decades as climate change models predict further increases in average temperatures and the frequency of heat waves. Unfortunately, in many of the currently operating dairy barns, cooling systems are designed and controlled without proper sensing and decision-making capabilities, and thus often fail to deliver effective cooling.This project seeks to solve this inefficiency and address the imminent challenge by developing a control system that measures and predicts the level of heat stress and maintains an optimal microclimate inside a dairy barn to minimize the impact of heat stress. The developed system will largely automate the decisions typically associated with heat-stress management and provide farmers with actionable information while relieving them of the dilemmas created by a surfeit of often contradictory options. More specifically, we propose to combat heat stress in dairy cattle by using a novel engineering system that relies on continuous physiological and micro-environmental sensing, real-time thermal-induced behavior analysis, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-based microclimate control. We will develop sensors that can continuously monitor cows' physiological and behavioral responses in real time. The physiological and behavioral data, augmented by real-time micro-environmental measurement, will be used to measure the overall level of heat stress in real time. A real-time analysis of the heat-stress inducing factors will then be used to adjust the barn's cooling system and prevent the animals' heat-induced stress from worsening. To achieve effective cooling with a minimum amount of energy and water consumption, CFD-based analysis and optimization will be used to find the optimal design and most efficient runtime control. A prototype will be implemented and deployed in UW-Madison dairy barns with different housing and ventilation systems in order to evaluate performance and cost effectiveness.The proposed research is expected to initiate a new direction in the drive to develop CPS for closed-loop control of dairy barns, one that should also advance the use of real-time data analytics and control in other precision-agriculture domains. This research will greatly improve modern dairy barns' ability to cope with heat stress while also reducing energy and water resource consumption and enhancing the welfare of dairy cattle. Moreover, the proposed research should prove highly relevant to other livestock industries that must deal with the effects of heat stress in indoor-housed animals (e.g., poultry, swine). The diversity of the research team we have created and the highly interdisciplinary nature of the research will involve a broad range of underrepresented students in computing and engineering, and by engaging the wider community through UW-Madison Extension programs and various outreach programs, we will be able to raise public awareness of sustainable farming and animal welfare.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The goal of this project is to develop a cyber-physical system (CPS)-based control method to maintain an optimal microclimate inside a dairy barn to mitigate the impact of heat stress on diary cattle. To achieve this goal, we present a 3-year plan for a highly interdisciplinary research project to design, implement, and evaluate a CPS that dramatically reduces heat stress in dairy cattle to improve productivity, welfare, and energy and water efficiency. The intellectual merit of this project resides in achieving its goals by means of the following objectives.Objective 1: Develop continuous physiological, behavioral, and environmental monitoring systems for measuring heat stress-related indicators of individual cattle and the herd, particularly direct core body temperature (CBT) measurement.Design subsutaneous temperature sesorDesign behaviroal and environmental sensorsValidate and optimize designObjective 2: Assess the heat stress level of individual cattle and the herd in real time with unprecedented time and spatial resolutions.Analyze cattle bahavior under heat stressAnalyze response tosubsutaneous sensorDesign heat stress assessment modelsObjective 3: Optimize the design and operation of cooling fans and soakers based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to provide maximum cooling efficacy with minimum energy and water consumption.Perform CFD modeling of dairy barnsDesign optimal cooling operation methodsDesign barn design optimization methods
Project Methods
In this proposal, we present a 3-year plan for a highly interdisciplinary research project to design, implement, and evaluate a cyber-physical system (CPS) that dramatically reduces heat stress in dairy cattle to improve productivity, welfare, and energy and water efficiency. The intellectual merit of this project resides in achieving its goals by means of the following objectives: (i) Objective 1: Develop continuous physiological, behavioral, and environmental monitoring systems for measuring heat stress-related indicators of individual cattle and the herd, particularly direct core body temperature (CBT) measurement; (ii) Objective 2: Assess the heat stress level of individual cattle and the herd in real time with unprecedented time and spatial resolutions; and (iii) Objective 3: Optimize the design and operation of cooling fans and soakers based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to provide maximum cooling efficacy with minimum energy and water consumption.In Objective 1, we will develop, test, and validate new technology for monitoring core CBT and other indicators of heat stress and illness. To achieve that end, our multidisciplinary research team will (i) design and test a wireless, ultra low-power, low-cost, real-time biosensor capable of monitoring an individual dairy animal's heat stress level by measuring her subcutaneous temperatures and (ii) develop real-time activity and posture tracking sensors and indoor positioning capabilities that could more accurately and comprehensively monitor the behavior and corresponding welfare of individual cattle and of the entire herd.In Objective 2, we will develop an "interpreter" that quantifies the heat stress level from the measurements obtained in Objective 1. The heat stress assessment will be made in real time with a high spatial resolution to enable autonomous control of spatiotemporal-targeted cooling methods. Another goal of the behavioral analysis is to make sure that the implantable or wearable sensors do not have negative effects on cattle. This evaluation is not part of the closed-loop control but critical to ensure the welfare of the cattle, which is one of key objectives of this research.In Objective 3, we will close the control loop by integrating CFD to determine the optimal operation of cooling fans and soakers to maximize cooling effectiveness and minimize energy and water consumption. Based on physiological and environmental monitoring in Objective 1 and behavioral analysis in Objective 2, we will precisely determine the time, location, and amount of cooling. This runtime optimization requires accurate yet computationally efficient CFD modeling in order to enable real-time closed-loop control, as demonstrated above.

Progress 07/01/22 to 06/30/23

Target Audience: We have reached out to U.S. dairy industry personnel who serve as supporting advisors to dairy farmers on topics relating to heat stress, heat abatement, and ventilation, including dairy consultants, nutritionists, veterinarians, extension educators, and fan/ventilation-system manufacturers and distributors. These audiences were reached through both in-person workshops and webinars delivered by Co-PI Van Os. A senior capstone design team in the Biological Systems Engineering (BSE) Department developed and tested a controlled environmental monitoring system based on the IoT-based wireless data acquisition unit. We have been reaching out to the producers via the BSE extension specialists and the veterinarian school faculty and staff. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?In Year 2, three PhD students, one MS student, and four undergraduate students participated in the project. Graduate students were closely co-advised by PI Kim and Co-PI Choi. ECE graduate students: Embedded system hardware and software design. Computer vision and machine learning. Complete UWB system planning and setup. Camera setup and power supply wiring. BSE graduate students: CFD modeling. Preparation of wearable and cow in-body sensor devices. Microclimate monitoring. Wearable device design, testing, and construction. Field/ barn experiment planning and setup. ECE undergraduate students: Sensor system design, deployment, and evaluation. BSE undergraduate students: Assist field experiment with dairy cows, data acquisition, and analysis. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?In addition to the publications reported, Hanwook Chung, a participating PhD student, gave a talk on the current research works under the title "Development of a Continuous, Low-Power, Wireless Core Body Temperature Monitoring System to Detect Heat Stress of Dairy Cows in Real Time" at 2023 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Annual International Meeting (AIM). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?In Year 3, we will focus on analyzing the data collected in summer 2023 to understand how their physiological and behavioral signatures change under heat stress. The multimodal dataset newly collected in Year 2 will further improve the model. Various machine learning techniques, including computer vision and time-series prediction, will be used to understand and model the data. Specific goals include: Optimize the UWB system in terms of both anchor location and deployment, ear tag size wearable device, efficient and accurate position analysis from the raw data. Develop a ventilation control system that can integrate the multimodal dataset that we are building. Continue to develop a compact, lightweight ear tag unit. Conduct field studies with dairy cows with the developed and laboratory-tested system. Carry out computational simulations to mitigate heat stress. We will also continue investigating cattle cooling system optimization using computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

What was accomplished under these goals? In Year 2 of the project, we deployed and tested the sensor system developed in Year 1. In summer 2022, we deployed wearable temperature sensors for temperature monitoring at the Dairy Cattle Center (DCC) at UW-Madison to collect subcutaneous and vaginal temperatures. The design of the sensor has been published at the ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), and the comparison results are accepted for publication in the Biosystems Engineering Journal. In summer 2023, we developed a new sensor system that includes core body temperature sensing, localization, direction and elevation sensing. We also installed multiple time-lapse cameras for collecting visual data. The system was deployed at the Dairy Research Farm at UW Madison. These data will be used to understand and model heat stress-related signatures in dairy cattle.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Seunghyeon Jung, Hanwook Chung, and Christopher Y. Choi. 2023. Assessment of Airflow Patterns Induced by a Retractable Baffle to Mitigate Heat Stress in a Large-Scale Mechanically Ventilated Barn, Agriculture, 13, no. 10.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Hien Vu, Hanwook Chung, Christopher Choi, and Younghyun Kim. 2023. eTag: An Energy-Neutral Ear Tag for Real-Time Body Temperature Monitoring of Dairy Cattle, International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom).
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2023 Citation: Hanwook Chung, Hien Vu, Younghyun Kim, and Christopher Y. Choi. 2023. "Subcutaneous Temperature Monitoring through Ear Tag for Heat Stress Detection in Dairy Cows," Biosystems Engineering.

Progress 07/01/21 to 06/30/22

Target Audience: We have reached out to U.S. dairy industry personnel who serve as supporting advisors to dairy farmers on topics relating to heat stress, heat abatement, and ventilation, including dairy consultants, nutritionists, veterinarians, extension educators, and fan/ventilation-system manufacturers and distributors. These audiences were reached through both in-person workshops and webinars delivered by Co-PI Van Os. We have interacted with a local IT entrepreneur who is interested in integrating dairy welfare with their block-chain based dairy product supply chain management. This audience was reached through both in-person and online meetings by PI Kim and Co-PI Van Os. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?In Year 1, three PhD students, one MS student, and four undergraduate students participated in the project. Graduate students were closely co-advised by PI Kim and Co-PI Choi. ECE graduate students:Embedded system hardware and software design. RFID and wireless power transfer circuit design.Computer vision and machine learning. BSE graduate students:CFD modeling. Wearable device design for field experiments with dairy cows.Microclimate monitoring. Embedded system software design for field experiments with dairy cows. ECE undergraduate students:Cloud computing. Embedded software design. BSE undergraduate students:Field experiment with dairy cows, data acquisition, and analysis. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Co-PI Van Os delivered talks at in-person workshops and webinars. Other products are under preparation for dissemination through conference and journal papers in Year 2. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?In Year 2, we will complete the evaluation part of Objective 1, and focus on Objective 2 based on the data collected through Objective 1. More specifically, the following research tasks will be performed. Analyze cattle behavior under heat stress: In our experiment planned for this summer, we will make a video recording of the cattle's behavior as we measure CBT using the developed sensors. The video will capture individual behavior of the cattle (such as standing/lying time and eating/drinking amount) as well as their herd behavior (such as location of and distance between the cows). We will analyze the correlation between CBT and the behavioral indications that can be used to infer heat stress without directly measuring CBT of all cows. Analyze response to subcutaneous sensor: The recorded video will also reveal how the cows respond to the subcutaneous temperature sensors and the wearable reader. Although the injection of subcutaneous devices for animal identification, the reader will be slightly heavier than normal ear tags, and its acceptance by the cows will be systematically studied by analyzing their behaviors. Design heat stress assessment models: Based on the collected data and CFD simulations, we will build microclimate and heat stress assessment models that can help the decision making of the farmers during the design and operation of barns. This will also be used for automated CFD-based cooling optimization in Objective 3.

What was accomplished under these goals? Measuring the cow's CBT in real time is the key to enable the proposed cyber-physical system (CPS) for heat stress management. In Year 1, we focused on the development of the implementable temperature sensor, which is Objective 1 of the project. Specifically, we have achieved the goal of designing a CBT sensor and behavioral and environmental sensors. The wearable CBT sensor is the first wearable RFID reader device with wirelessly charging capability. The details of the design is described in the "Other Products" section of this report. We are currently at the stage of validation and optimization of the sensors. We also have made progress in Objective 3 where the goal is to optimally design dairy barns based on CFD. In Year 1, we developed a CFD model of a dairy barn, which will be utilized for the optimal management of dairy barns in the later part of this project.
