Progress 01/01/21 to 12/21/23
Outputs Target Audience:The target audiences for this project are two cohorts of minority, marginalized, and socially disadvantaged beginning entrepreneurs in the agri-food system. Beyond the project dates, the primary audience is trainers in rural entrepreneurship in Cooperative Extension, community colleges, and NGOs working on displaced populations. Changes/Problems:On August 31 of 2023, PD Westgren retired from the University of Missouri. Project activities are paused while the project team works with USDA NIFA for an intended transfer to incumbent PD Entsminger at the University of Maine, who holds and Extension and research appointment. This has delayed the next stage of curriculum development (creating multimedia case studies) and briefing of stakeholder groups. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?No training programs offered in 2023. Project plans are for training cohorts to begin in 2024. One undergraduate student, supervised by Dr. McGowan at Cal Poly, is working on the project as professional development in agricultural entrepreneurship training. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?No presentations in 2023. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
In March, Entsminger and McGowan submitted a revision of the 2022 manuscript to a new journal. Following a review period, the journal extended the project team a Revise and Resubmit offer in May. Based on reviewer comments, a revised manuscript was submitted in August 2023 and is currently under review. During the Spring and Summer, the project team analyzed Delphi needs assessment data collected in 2022 and implemented a second-round quantitative survey distributed to food system entrepreneurial educators across the U.S. in July. Response collection was closed in August and preliminary data analysis is being completed at the end of 2023. The project team also has begun curriculum development activities based on learning from the needs assessment process. These include professional development opportunities extended to an undergraduate student at CalPoly who has assisted with curriculum mapping activities.
Progress 01/01/22 to 12/31/22
Outputs Target Audience:The target audiences for this project are two cohorts of minority, marginalized, and socially disadvantaged beginning entrepreneurs in the agri-food system. Beyond the project dates, the primary audience is trainers in rural entrepreneurship in Cooperative Extension, community colleges, and NGOs working on displaced populations. Changes/Problems:On August 31 of 2023, PD Westgren retired from the University of Missouri. Project activities are paused while the project team works with USDA NIFA for an intended transfer to incumbent PD Entsminger at the University of Maine, who holds and Extension and research appointment. This has delayed the next stage of curriculum development (creating multimedia case studies) and briefing of stakeholder groups. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?No training programs offered in 2023. Project plans are for training cohorts to begin in 2024. One undergraduate student, supervised by Dr. McGowan at Cal Poly, is working on the project as professional development in agricultural entrepreneurship training. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?No presentations in 2023. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Plans for 2024/continuation of project after relocation to the University of Maine: Learning from the Delphi Method needs assessment will be drafted into a manuscript for submission at an outlet relevant to food systems and/or entrepreneurial education. A graduate student at UMaine may contribute to this manuscript via coursework. Multimedia curriculum will be developed. The project team will submit conferences to engage stakeholders in project learning. The training cohorts will be held and curriculum assessment completed.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
In March, Entsminger and McGowan submitted a revision of the 2022 manuscript to a new journal. Following a review period, the journal extended the project team a Revise and Resubmit offer in May. Based on reviewer comments, a revised manuscript was submitted in August 2023 and is currently under review. During the Spring and Summer, the project team analyzed Delphi needs assessment data collected in 2022 and implemented a second-round quantitative survey distributed to food system entrepreneurial educators across the U.S. in July. Response collection was closed in August and preliminary data analysis is being completed at the end of 2023. The project team also has begun curriculum development activities based on learning from the needs assessment process. These include professional development opportunities extended to an undergraduate student at CalPoly who has assisted with curriculum mapping activities.
Progress 01/01/21 to 12/31/21
Outputs Target Audience:Target audiences NOT reached in 2021 due to COVID pandemic restrictions on travel for PD and co-PD. Changes/Problems:This research project was severely impacted by the COVID pandemic in 2021 -- the first year of the project. The project team was forbideen to travel off-campus for much of the year by university policy and an abundance of caution when contemplating visits to training programs across the United States. At the end of project year 2, we will assess progress, then seek a no-cost extension if required to complete the objectives of the award. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?One graduate research assistant, L. McGowan was placed on the project during project year 2021. She completed two research publications on marginalized populations seeking entrepreneurial entry into the agri-food sector. In part, this research experience prepared L. McGowan to accept a tenure-track teaching position at the California Polytechnic State Universit at San Luis Obispo. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Two journal articles directed to the scientificaudience have been submitted for review. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?In late 2022, we will complete field work in ocollective data on training programs (Objective 1) in the Northeast US region and the Midwest US region.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
The field work for Objective 1 ([Research] Identify curricular needs of MMSD-owned/operated SMEs in the food system regarding collective entrepreneurial strategies) was halted by COVID pandemic travel restrictions in 2021. There were no primary data collected in 2021. The PD and co-PD pivoted to write two papers from secondary data sources. PD Westgren and graduate assistant L. McGowan wrote the manuscript, "Marginalized Populations, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development" which was submitted for journal review in the first quarter of 2022.Co-PD Entsminger worked with graduate assistant L. McGowan on journal manuscript "Strategic Portfolios and Social Disadvantage: Differences in the Mix of Direct Distribution Channel Reliance for Minority-Operated Agrofood Enterprises", which was submitted in the first quarter of 2022.