Source: UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2020
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2024
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Project Director
Suyker, AN.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
School of Natural Resources
Non Technical Summary
The mission of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP; Project No. 2019-39132-30121) is to provide quality-assured data and information in support of research on the exposure of managed and natural ecosystems and cultural resources to acidic compounds, nutrients, mercury, and base cations in atmospheric deposition while seeking improvement to its measurement systems and the addition of other chemical/biological species. The NADP provides the only regional and national-scale data and information on the amounts, geographic distribution, and trends in chemical deposition by precipitation in the United States. The NRSP-3 has provided information on the effects of atmospheric deposition on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, biogeochemical cycling, climate change, and human health. NRSP-3 data support informed decisions on air quality issues related to precipitation chemistry and atmospheric deposition. Such information has been invaluable for Nebraska and nationally:documenting the presence/removal of inorganic pollutant gases and aerosols in the atmosphere (i.e., the "chemical climate");documenting how atmospheric chemicals are changing in amount and composition over time;understanding the effects of atmospherically deposited chemicals on agricultural crops, forests, rangelands, surface/ground waters, estuaries, aquatic impoundments, and other natural resources;discerning pollutant sources and source distributions and their relationships to deposition (i.e., source-receptor relationships);evaluating the effectiveness of current Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act legislation.The Nebraska contribution to this national network is to maintain a station and analyze the supply of selected chemical substances in precipitation in eastern Nebraska and to make annual reports to USDA-NIFA (REEport).
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
133 - Pollution Prevention and Mitigation;

Subject Of Investigation
0199 - Soil and land, general;

Field Of Science
2000 - Chemistry;
Goals / Objectives
Characterize geographic patterns and temporal trends in chemical or biological atmospheric (wet and dry) deposition Support research activities related to: (a) the productivity of managed and natural ecosystems; (b) the chemistry of surface and ground waters, including estuaries; (c) critical loads in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; (d) the health and safety of the nationâ¿¿s food supply; and (e) source-receptor relationships Support education and outreach through the development of informational materials and programs aimed at people of all ages.
Project Methods
The NADP is a cooperative program between agencies and groups that support sites for research, policy, and education, and the operational arms of the NADP (management, analytical laboratories). The NADP is governed by an Executive Committee, freely elected from our full body of NADP members. The operational part of NADP acts at the direction of this Executive Committee. Budgetary concerns are reviewed by an independent Budget Committee and presented to the Executive Committee for approval. A full explanation of NADP's governance can be found at Operationally, the NADP uses standardized scientifically rigorous methods for sample collection and analysis. Quality assurance methods for both field and laboratory activities have been developed and are employed across the networks. Standard operating procedures are consistent throughout each network, and are freely available for distribution through the NADP website. All samples are collected in the same manner and the NADP labs use standard wet chemistry methods to perform the major analyses, including: pH and conductance; flow injection analysis for ammonium, ammonia gas, and phosphate; ion chromatography for sulfate, nitrate, and chloride; inductively-coupled plasma spectroscopy for calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium; cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry for mercury; and Tekran instruments (also cold vapor atomic fluorescence) for AMNet ambient mercury observations. Our extensive data quality program is overseen by a program QA manager and overseen by an independent quality assurance group. The system is tested by outside auditors including the U.S. Geological Survey Precipitation Chemistry Quality Assurance project. The QA program follows the NADP Quality Assurance Plan. All data is reviewed for field, laboratory and data quality, and is reported with data qualifiers metadata summaries. All documents and procedures are peer reviewed. As a National Research Support Project (NRSP-3), the principal effort is research support. NAPD primary products include an annual concentration and deposition map summary, and the qualified dataset, freely available from the NADP website. An annual scientific symposium is held where presenters summarize the results of studies that use NADP data resources. Over the last five years, attendance at these meetings has averaged 140. The typical number of oral presentations is 40 and the number of poster presentations is 35. The NADP continuously evaluates field methods, analytical methods, and data quality. The evaluation of the overall success of the program is based continued growth of membership and site subscribers and continued use of NADP Data. Members join NADP because of the quality data they receive for individual sites, resulting in a clear value to their agency or group. Through continued membership NADP can be assured agencies/groups are receiving valuable information/services from their membership. The observation of high data downloads rates and continued high data use in journal articles and scientific reports affirms the value and effectiveness of the NADP program.The Nebraska methods focus on maintaining the atmospheric deposition station at the University of Nebraska Agricultural and Research Development, Mead. An automatic sensing wet/dry precipitation collector and a recording rain gauge will be employed for this purpose. Samples will be collected on a weekly basis and shipped to the Wisconsin Central Analytical Laboratory in Madison, WI for detailed chemical analysis. We will follow the NADP guidelines in collection of precipitation samples and participate in the NADP quality assurance program. Concentration and deposition rates of chemical substances (e.g., SO4, NO3, NH4) and precipitation pH will be characterized.While the NADP quantifies wet deposition of important substances related to and potentially impacting agricultural production, we may leverage this effort with funds/equipment to be obtained through the USDA Long Term Agricultural Research (LTAR) network to quantify dry deposition. An automated Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) system which can measure ambient concentrations/fluxes of some of the same reactive nitrogen components (e.g, NH4), will be purchased in the near future and will quantify dry deposition related to specific field/pasture sites. Ahn and James (26) and Asman (27) note wet deposition data are emerging but dry deposition may contribute equal or greater amounts of nutrients. With the dry deposition system operational within a year or two of purchase, we may begin submitting proposals to USDA-NIFA Agriculture Food and Research Initiative (AFRI) programs including topics under multiple priority areas in their RFA Foundational Programs including animal production, environment and climate change or an alternate RFA including Sustainable Agricultural Systems. There is still a great deal of research to quantify the nitrogen cycle and nitrogen use efficiency and the combination of the NADP and other specialized equipment will put us in a strong position to compete for these funds.

Progress 10/01/20 to 09/30/21

Target Audience:Scientists, students and policy makers interested in atmospheric deposition, acid rain, and other related subjects. Changes/Problems:Several lines of research provide strong evidence that dust transport is increasing in large areas of the western USA, which can increase the transport and deposition of phosphorus and particulate nitrogen. Yet, direct measurements of the total atmospheric dust load to ecosystems are rare, only cover small areas, and are typically of short duration.To address this data and knowledge gap, dry deposition monitoring through the NADP network began in 2017 and expanded to our site in December 2021. Dry deposition is collected monthly and processed for total mass deposition as well as composition. This effort will continue for the duration of this project. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results have been disseminated by the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) to a wide range of scientific communities. Data are also available on the NADP website. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?An atmospheric deposition monitoring station will be maintained at the University of Nebraska Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center (ENREC), Mead. An automatic wet/dry precipitation collector and recording rain gauge will be employed for this purpose. Samples will be collected on a weekly basis and shipped to the Wisconsin State Laboratory for Hygiene in Madison, WI for detailed chemical analysis. We will follow the NADP guidelines in collection of precipitation samples and participate in the NADP quality assurance program. Concentration and deposition rates of chemical substances (e.g., SO4, NO3, NH4) and precipitation pH will be characterized. At the end of every year, the PI will analyze the data and compare with previous years' results to ensure quality control and progress toward objectives. Concentrations and deposition rates of chemical substances and precipitation pH will be quantified. Annual progress reports will be submitted to the NRSP003, Agricultural Research Division, and the University of Nebraska.

What was accomplished under these goals? The mission of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) is to provide quality-assured data and information in support of research on the exposure of managed and natural ecosystems to acidic compounds, nutrients, mercury, and base cations in atmospheric deposition. For crop and livestock systems specifically, our work is providing basic knowledge with respect to multiple factors including a) measuring precipitation quality and quantity as it enters an agriculture system, b) measuring the flux of important agriculture compounds input to systems, c) providing data for fertilizer balance studies (N, P, and S) to crops, soils and agricultural waters, d) providing data for the chemical balance of soils and crops, and e) measuring the flux of agriculture compounds exported from agricultural systems to others (as listed in "A Science Roadmap for Food and Agriculture - 2010"; scienceroadmap.pdf). Furthermore, the chemistry of precipitation is an important indicator of the quality of our environment. Monitoring precipitation chemistry over time and space allows us to understand how natural and human factors are affecting our environment. This master project has been instrumental in meeting the needs of many research projects nationally. Through this project, we may contribute to the sustainability and profitability of U.S. food and agricultural systems (food, feed, fiber, and fuel) as they adapt and mitigate to the impact of climate change to continue to produce a safe, secure and abundant food supply. The Nebraska objectives were to operate the atmospheric deposition station at the University of Nebraska Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center, Mead, NE on the western edge of the "Corn Belt." An automatic sensing wet/dry precipitation collector and a recording rain gauge was employed for this purpose. Samples were collected on a weekly basis and shipped to the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (Madison, WI) for detailed chemical analysis. We followed the NADP guidelines in collection of precipitation samples and participated in the NADP quality assurance program. Concentration and deposition rates of chemical substances (e.g., SO4, NO3, NH4) and precipitation pH were characterized. This year marked our 44th year of operating a station in this network. Total precipitation for 2020 was 432 mm (note data become available from NADP a few months after collection so annual results provided here are from 2020). This is 54% below our long-term average. This is the least amount of total precipitation measured since we began measurements. The second lowest total precipitation measured at our site was 467 mm in 2012. The laboratory measured mean pH of the precipitation was 7.11, 18% greater than the average of the entire period. There has been a strongly increasing trend in the pH since 2008 with the trend over the last 5 years slightly decreasing, or becoming more acidic. In 2020, as in previous years, total inorganic N (wet deposition from nitrate and ammonium) were higher over the "Corn Belt" states with eastern Nebraska and a large portion of Iowa having some of the highest annual deposition rates. Most of the deposition at our site (4.23 kg/ha) is from ammonium and occurs during summer months as expected from an agriculturally intensive region (including a substantial livestock industry). This was a significant decrease from last year's deposition of 6.93 kg/ha consistent with the lower rainfall. The highest was 9.05 kg ha-1, measured in 2011 and the second highest measured in 2015, was 8.14 kg ha-1. The trend in total inorganic N ion deposition since 2000 has been increasing at approximately 0.08 kg ha-1 y-1. The total inorganic N is made up of nitrate (NO3) and ammonia (NH4). The 2020 annual NO3-N ion concentration was 0.23 mg L-1, 13% greater than the NO3-N ion concentration in 2019 and 23% less than the overall average NO3-N ion concentration measured at our site. The 2020 annual NH4-N ion concentration was 0.75 mg L-1. This was 38% greater than the NH4-N ion concentration in 2019 and 41% greater than the overall average NH4-N ion concentration. Our station measured the third highest annual NH4-N ion concentration in the network. The 2020 annual NH4-N ion deposition was 3.25 kg ha-1. This was 36% less than the NH4-N ion deposition in 2019 and 13% less than the overall average NH4-N ion deposition. This was the second lowest NH4-N ion deposition measured at our site. The lowest was 1.98 kg ha-1 measured in 1988. The sulfate wet deposition is relatively low at our site and in the surrounding states (about 2 kg ha-1). The 2020 annual SO4-S ion deposition was 0.76 kg ha-1. This is 56% less than the deposition in 2019 and 74% less than the overall average SO4-S ion deposition. This was the lowest SO4-S ion deposition measured at our site. The 2020 annual SO4-S ion concentration was 0.18 mg L-1. This was 4% less than the concentration in 2019 and 59% less than the overall average SO4-S ion concentration at our site. This was the lowest SO4-S ion concentration measured at our site. In general, our sulphur deposition is gradually decreasing while our nitrogen deposition, through ammonia, is gradually increasing. National trends of these species are illustrated in NADP year-to-year map animations, available online at
