Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2020
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2024
Grant Year
Program Code
[FIP]- FINI Project
Project Director
Moss, S. C.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The West VirginiaTurnip the Beet on SNAP Stretchproject expands upon the 2018 USDA/NIFA Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive pilot project, "SNAP Stretch", to increase the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables by incentivizing entire SNAP recipient families. The project matches EBT/SNAP purchases at farmers markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture (CSA), local grocers, and mobile markets at a dollar for dollar rate for adults. SNAP purchases will be matched at a 1:2 rate for families with children and a 1:2 for senior citizens. Children receive their portion of the match as Kids Koupons that can only be spent by children. Kids Koupons built off of a 2017 study, conducted by West Virginia University Extension Family Nutrition Program, stating that children who participated in an experimental project known as Kids Pop-Up Markets ate almost all of the produce that they purchased with $4 in Kids Koupons because they had the autonomy to select produce, according to more than 600 parent surveys. This project incentivizes children to eat healthier diets through autonomous choice and specifically caters to low-income senior citizens living in independent housing facilities by placing an emphasis on mobile markets, as fresh produce helps seniors manage chronic disease. In this 2020 application,Turnip the Beet on SNAP Stretchprioritizes the expansion of all participating sites from the current 20 to 73.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Goal 1:Increase and diversify the number of participatingSNAP Stretchsites where customers can utilizeSNAP Stretch.Participating markets may include cooperative mobile markets, school/child care-based markets, brick-and-mortar retail establishments, Community Supported Agriculture ( CSA ) models, on-farm stands, farmers markets.Goal 2: Integrate nutrition education into mobile markets, school/child care-based markets, farmers markets, and food retailers via videos, electronic media, on-site demonstrations, and cooking classes. Nutrition education will be evaluated to determine the impacts of different methods at different locations or distribution strategies. WVU FNP will provide nutrition education, and will also assist with evaluation services. Goal 3: SNAP Stretch participants report greater access to fruits and vegetables.
Project Methods
Five key strategies will be employed so as to achieve the goals and intended outcomes of this project. First, building off of the work that has already been done, additional outreach and educational efforts must occur in order to enroll more markets as participating sites. During the pilot SNAP Stretch project, the Coalition and WVU FNP reached out to markets and other SNAP firms to normalize the idea of not only accepting SNAP at their market but to also participate in SNAP Stretch. As a result, the Coalition now has a track record of providing technical support and reimbursing the market within ten days of necessary reporting. The Coalition will publicly champion and capitalize upon success stories from other markets that have joined the program. For example, the Bridgeport Farmers Market was very hesitant to participate in the SNAP Stretch program - they were convinced that no one would want to use SNAP at their market. After prolonged and multiple conversations, the market's manager ultimately decided to participate in the program. They were amazed by the number of SNAP customers that did, and still do, attend the market. Today, the Bridgeport Farmers Market is now an active ambassador for the program. When other markets contemplate their decision to join SNAP, the Bridgeport Market is always eager to share their story.The second strategy entails the ongoing need to provide markets the technical assistance necessary for accepting SNAP, learning to use SNAP terminals, and implementing SNAP and SNAP Stretch at their markets as they apply to USDA FNS. Staff will provide one-on-one support and training to markets as they design their implementation strategies. The pilot SNAP Stretch project revealed one very clear take away - one of the largest obstacles to markets accepting SNAP is access to the appropriate SNAP terminals. WV DHHR provided wired terminals, but not wireless. To purchase a terminal would cost $700-$1000, which outprices most markets. Notice that the WVDHHR providedwiredequipment - because of the rural nature of most West Virginia communities, in order for wireless terminals to be used, cell phone 'hotspots' are essential. That said, in 2019, the Coalition collaborated with the DHHR to apply for a grant that would, for the first time, allow markets to apply for wireless equipment. Unfortunately, the coalition was denied. Thus, this proposal has included an additional $17,000.00 (federal and state match) in the budget to assist markets that do not qualify for state-funded terminals - the end goal here being to obtain community appropriate SNAP terminals.The third strategy seeks to make farmers and mobile markets a family affair.The Coalition's placemaking coordinator has already undertaken the ongoing initiative to work alongside markets across the state so as to host family-friendly activities that make farmers and mobile markets fun and more inviting for the community. This strategy is specifically coupled with SNAP Stretch's "Kids Koupons". For families with children, SNAP Stretch will match their SNAP purchase at a 1:2 ratio. The second portion of the match will be given to the family as "Kids Koupons," vouchers of which can only be spent by children. Such a concept is based on a 2017 WVU FNP study that suggests that children who are involved in purchasing their own foods at Kids Pop-Up Markets are more likely to eat almost all of the produce they purchased with $4 worth of "Kids Koupons." Here, the takeaway is obvious - a child's autonomy to purchase their own nutritious food leads to higher consumption, according to more than 600 parent surveys. Thus, this project incentivizes children to eat healthier diets through autonomous choice. Additionally, nearly 80 statewide Kids Pop-Up Markets are conducted as a partnership between the Coalition, WVU FNP, and the Turnrow Appalachian Farm Collective. Outreach efforts specifically address SNAP Stretch, wherein SNAP Stretch is heavily promoted so as to entice lower-income families to attend their local market.The fourth strategy entails the effectiveness of the mobile farmers market.During the pilot, the Coalition worked intensively with Thankful Valley Farms as they transformed their business into a mobile farmers market that visited all low-income senior living facilities in their region each week of the growing season. This single mobile market accounted for 57% of the total funds available for SNAP Stretch in 2019. During the pilot SNAP Stretch, senior citizens' SNAP purchases only matched at a 1:1 ratio; however, as SNAP Stretch expands, this project proposes to match senior citizen SNAP purchases at a 1:2 ratio so as to incentivize more mobile markets to specifically visit low-income senior living facilities and to test a hypothesis that seniors will access more fruits and vegetables given their financial ability and easy access.Low-income seniors often receive donations of food from food banks that are often carbohydrate-heavy and sugar-laden, these food items are not helpful for chronic disease management that is prevalent among low-income seniors. According to the National Council on Aging, on average, low-income seniors receive just $105 in SNAP benefits, and some low-income seniors must then make the unfortunate decision to pay for food or pay for medication (2018). The proposed 1:2 match that SNAP Stretch will help low-income seniors access more fruits and vegetables while maintaining more funds to purchase other needed items such as medication.The fifth and final strategy seeks to appropriately promote the SNAP Stretch program to SNAP recipients.After conducting focus groups during the Coalition's 2016 USDA Farmers Market Promotional Program, the Coalition learned that effective promotion is simply a matter of geography - around the state, effective promotional efforts vary depending upon urban versus rural populations. As such, the Coalition plans to hire a marketing consultant to make individual promotional plans with each participating market before the start of each season. With brick-and-mortar retailers, the marketing consultant will also help develop year-round promotional plans. The marketing consultant will research effective methods for program promotion within the target audience and will develop a catalog of potential promotional plans that are alterable to specific communities (i.e. a social media, the geo-targeting census tract with a high number of SNAP recipients). The corresponding budget includes funds for mailings, postcards, social media ads, and other potential promotional methods.

Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24

Target Audience:Programs supported by GusNIP funds operated in 37 counties in FY24. Twenty two of the counties served by the Coalition have poverty rates higher than the 11.1% national average, and two have poverty rates higher than 20%. 1. Low-Income Individuals and Families using SNAP Benefits Families with children: Households with children are key beneficiaries, as SNAP Stretch doubles their benefits when purchasing fruits and vegetables, encouraging healthier eating habits. Single adults: The program matches their SNAP dollars, making it more affordable to buy nutritious foods. Seniors and Grandfamilies (Seniors Raising Grandchildren): Seniors benefit receive a 2:1 match of SNAP Ebt dollars. This prioritization reflects both their economic vulnerability and the critical role they often play in supporting grandchildren. West Virginia ranks 2nd in the nation for the number of seniors raising grandchildren. 2. Local Grocers and Farmers Markets The program promotes shopping at local markets, grocers, and participating retailers, driving traffic and economic support to these businesses, reinforcing the connection between food access and local economies. 3. Health-Conscious Consumers in Underserved Areas SNAP Stretch aligns with broader efforts to address food deserts and nutrition insecurity, ensuring that consumers in underserved areas have improved access to healthy foods, like fresh produce. 4. Non-Profit Partners and Social Service Organizations The program collaborates with non-profits, state agencies, and institutions focused on nutrition education, food access, and public health, ensuring SNAP users are aware of and enrolled in the program. Changes/Problems:The SNAP Stretch Program in West Virginia faces several challenges that impact its implementation and sustainability. One key hurdle is securing consistent funding to maintain and expand the program, as it relies on foundation investments, state budget allocations, and federal matching dollars. The Coalition's GusNIP funds were depleted in October 2023. The program was sustained through June 2024 through GusCRR and other grant funding. The program was placed on pause at all but three markets at the end of June. The markets continuing the program were funded by geographically-specific grants outside of GusNIP. Funding deficiencies inhibited the Coalition's ability to expand the program into new markets and provide products and services to existing markets in FY24. Efforts to secure more funding are ongoing. Up to this point, the state of West Virginia has been hesitant to provide a line item for the SNAP Stretch program. As a result, the SNAP Stretch program was put on pause at the end of June 2024 due to the GusNIP and GusCRR incentives budgets being depleted. One of the greatest challenge has been raising match funding to re-apply for a new GusNIP grant Markets also reported a decline in customer participation during the end of the summer of 2023, attributed in part to the reduction in supplemental benefits for SNAP recipients, including cuts to P-EBT benefits for families with school-aged children. Additionally, long-term firm retention has been a challenge. Some markets have cited insufficient economic benefits from managing SNAP Stretch as a reason for discontinuing the program, while others point to challenges such as staff turnover or the lack of adequate staffing to effectively administer the program. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Coalition Staff took advantage of many opportunities for additional training and professional development in FY24. The Coalition's SNAP Stretch Coordinator focused training and development efforts on EBT and POS technology, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and grant writing: August 1, 2023 - Organizational Cultural Audit Webinar which focused on fostering equity and trauma-informed practices involves a structured review of internal behaviors, processes, and attitudes along with learning to recognize the signs of trauma, respond with empathy, and create a supportive environment for colleagues and program participants. December 7, 2023 EBT Integration Webinar learning about the process of having nutrition incentive benefits earned and redeemed on a shopper's EBT/ SNAP card. December 2-5, 2023, the Executive Director, Director of Program Development and Evaluation, and Director of Operations attended the USDA'S Community Nutrition Meeting in New Orleans where they networked with other GUSNIP grantees, met with Federal Nutrition Incentive Program Staff, and attended workshops on award management, reporting, audit requirements, project changes and prior approval, and federal requirement in regards to disclosing lobbying activities. In March 2024, WVFFC contracted a communications professor/director to provide professional development for the Coalition's Communications Coordinator. The 12 one-hour sessions were structured to cover Marketing, Communications, and Elements of Design, focusing on strengthening the Coordinator's skills in graphic design, media advocacy, and event marketing to enhance their role in developing outreach plans for SNAP Stretch sites. April 23, 2024 - Online EBT Webinar (Hosted by Epic and Local Farms Marketplace) showcasing how Local Farms Marketplace has developed an online EBT platform, including key features and services, a short demo, timeline, and next steps! April 25, 2024 - POS Technology Webinar where SNAP Stretch Coordinator learned about POS technology options. June 3-5, 2024 - FRAC - National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference where over a thousand anti-hunger advocates joined together from across the country to attend content-rich sessions, learn legislative best practices, explore innovative advocacy methods, and form personal connections to help better fight hunger in their communities. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The Coalition has an active presence on social media and continually updates participants and supporters via a monthly newsletter. These communications feature success stories of participants and accomplishments of the coalition. The Coalition makes use of tools such as the Nutrition Incentive Hub's Y4 Impact study, GusNIP NTAE Nutrition Incentive Economic Impact Calculator and photos submitted by firms to populate these posts and newsletters. SNAP Stretch was the subject of numerous articles due to the program being paused due to a lack of funding. The articles gained a swell of support from people in the communities being served, and inspired a positive response from legislators who have pledged program support. In 2023, the Coalition developed a whitepaper outlining the impact and ongoing needs of the SNAP Stretch program, distributing it alongside a one-pager to funders and stakeholders. The Coalition also raises awareness by distributing SNAP Stretch materials while tabling at various events throughout the year. In August 2024, a press release regarding the SNAP Stretch program going on pause, resulted in news articles about SNAP Stretch appearing in the state's two largest newspapers, as well as on local television news outlets, and a statewide radio news network. News reports highlighted the value of the SNAP Stretch program and its impact on communities. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The Coalition is closing out the GusNIP grant, however, the work in providing nutrition incentives across West Virginia will continue. To secure additional funding, the Coalition is encouraging firms to seek supplemental resources from city and county funds and local philanthropists. Conversations are underway with health funders across the state to secure investments in this essential program. The Coalition also plans on re-applying for a GusNIP grant in Spring of 2025.

What was accomplished under these goals? Goal 1: Increase and diversify the number of participating SNAP Stretch sites where customers can utilize SNAP Stretch. Participating markets may include cooperative mobile markets, school/child care-based markets, brick-and-mortar retail establishments, Community Supported Agriculture ( CSA ) models, on-farm stands, farmers markets. Since its inception, 58 firms have participated in the SNAP Stretch program, comprising 32 farmers markets, one CSA, five mobile markets, seven farm stands, and 13 brick-and-mortar retailers. In FY24, a total of 27 markets participated in SNAP Stretch: · 18 Farmers Markets · 1 CSA · 4 Brick and Mortar · 3 Farm Stands · 1 Mobile Market The Coalition onboarded one new brick and mortar market and three new farmers markets in FY24. One farmers market returned to the program after a year-long hiatus. Another 13 markets have expressed interest in becoming participating markets when funding to sustainably expand the program is available. In FY24, a total of $372,773.13 in SNAP Stretch incentives were redeemed at participating markets. The GusNIP grant provided $28,395.37 of those incentives. GusCRR and other grants provided funds for the remainder of the incentives redeemed. The SNAP Stretch program's total statewide economic impact for FY24 is an estimated $586,218. Goal 2: ?Integrate nutrition education into mobile markets, school/child care-based markets, farmers markets, and food retailers via videos, electronic media, on-site demonstrations, and cooking classes. Nutrition education will be evaluated to determine the impacts of different methods at different locations or distribution strategies. WVU FNP will provide nutrition education, and will also assist with evaluation services. Participating markets reported hosting a total of 185 days of activities such as outreach, nutrition education, and community events. Outreach: In FY24, outreach efforts focused on promoting WIC/Senior Vouchers, SNAP Stretch, and WVU Extension programs such as Kids Market at the Store. Outreach activities were conducted through market employees, informational handouts, and agency representatives to enhance community engagement and program awareness. WVU FNP staff set up tables at markets, offering food tastings prepared with market produce, distributed recipe cards, and provided educational support on preparing items purchased. Over the year, outreach activities were carried out on 65 market days. The breakdown of these efforts includes: WVU Extension Outreach: 16 events across 4 different markets. WIC/Senior Voucher Outreach: 29 activities across 12 different markets. SNAP Outreach: 20 events hosted across 8 different markets. These activities reflect a comprehensive approach to increasing awareness and participation in nutrition assistance programs, while also fostering connections between local markets and their communities. Nutrition Education: Nutrition education took many forms at markets in FY 24. Participating markets reported hosting 54 nutrition education activities. This included 20 kids taste testing events at 12 different markets, 13 cooking demonstrations at 5 different markets, 18 gardening classes at 9 different markets, and 3 one-day health fairs at 2 different markets. The Kids Market at the Store program is operated in partnership with the WVU FNP. The program provides families with up to $60 in tokens to buy mostly local produce from locally owned stores who partner with the program in rural communities. Families receive education and support through emails, texts, social media and in-person education and demonstrations. The program is designed to empower children and families to add more produce to their plate. The program operates at 61 locations throughout the state. Markets also reported hosting 66 entertainment events designed to draw new customers to the market at which time they were provided information on available programs such as SNAP Stretch and WIC. Goal 3: SNAP Stretch participants report greater access to fruits and vegetables. Respondents to the WVU FNP survey reported consuming fruits and vegetables at a rate equivalent to the national average. First time participants reported consuming 2.51 cups of fruits and vegetables, while those participating for six months reported an intake of 2.6 cups of fruits and vegetables. The national average is 2.53 cups. In FY24, surveys of children participating in the Kids Market at the Store program revealed that 36% of participants consumed more than 2 cups of fruits and vegetables per day, compared to only 18% prior to participating. Furthermore, there was a 22% increase in children willing to try new fruits and a 24% increase in those willing to try new vegetables, demonstrating the program's impact on both consumption habits and openness to healthier choices.


    Progress 09/01/20 to 08/31/24

    Target Audience:SNAP Stretch has operated in 39 of West Virginia's 55 counties. Twenty two of the counties served by the Coalition have poverty rates higher than the 11.1% national average, and two have poverty rates higher than 20%. 1. Low-Income Individuals and Families using SNAP Benefits Families with children: Households with children are key beneficiaries, as SNAP Stretch doubles their benefits when purchasing fruits and vegetables, encouraging healthier eating habits. Single adults: The program matches their SNAP dollars, making it more affordable to buy nutritious foods. Seniors and Grandfamilies (Seniors Raising Grandchildren): Seniors receive a 2:1 match of SNAP EBT dollars. This prioritization reflects both their economic vulnerability and the critical role they often play in supporting grandchildren. 2. Local Grocers and Farmers Markets The program promotes shopping at local markets, grocers, and participating retailers, driving traffic and economic support to these businesses, reinforcing the connection between food access and local economies. 3. Consumers in Underserved areas SNAP Stretch aligns with broader efforts to address food deserts and nutrition insecurity, ensuring that consumers in underserved areas have improved access to healthy foods, like fresh produce. 4. Non-Profit Partners and Social Service Organizations The program collaborates with non-profits, state agencies, and institutions focused on nutrition education, food access, and public health, ensuring SNAP users are aware of and enrolled in the program. Changes/Problems:The need for a program like SNAP Stretch in West Virginia communities proved to be greater than initially anticipated. The early success of the program highlighted the high demand in communities of need, but it also led to significant long-term limitations, especially during the final two years of the grant period. The greatest limitation was the inability to expand SNAP Stretch into new markets due to the program's overwhelming success. The high incentive budgets required to support existing markets in underserved communities exhausted the Coalition's financial resources, leaving little room for expansion. To avoid prematurely ending the program or implementing restrictive caps on transaction amounts, the Coalition adopted a strategy prioritizing the neediest communities. This approach ensured access to SNAP Stretch for as long as possible. Despite this strategy, the program faced financial shortfalls. Without supplemental funding from GusCRR and ARPA grants, SNAP Stretch would have concluded far earlier than June 2024. The Coalition's GusNIP funds were depleted in October 2023, but the program was sustained through June 2024 with GusCRR and other grant funding. However, at the end of June, SNAP Stretch was placed on pause at all but three markets, which continued operating through geographically specific grants outside of GusNIP. The SNAP Stretch Program in West Virginia continues to face several challenges that impact its implementation and sustainability. Chief among these is the difficulty in securing consistent funding to maintain and expand the program. As it stands, SNAP Stretch relies heavily on foundation investments and is seeking state budget allocations to serve as federal matching dollars.. Efforts to secure more funding are ongoing. Up to this point, the state of West Virginia has been hesitant to provide a line item for the SNAP Stretch program. As a result, the SNAP Stretch program was put on pause at the end of June 2024 due to the GusNIP and GusCRR incentives budgets being depleted. Raising match funds to reapply for a new GusNIP grant has also proven to be a formidable challenge. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?2021 The Coalition sent staff to attend the National Convening of Communities of Practice, supported by the training and evaluation team with the Gretchen Swanson Center. Sessions and conversations helped in designing and developing individualized resources for new firms who operate SNAP Stretch differently depending on their business model. The Coalition also made connections with the National Grocer Association to assist in determining best Point of Sale service providers that track nutrition incentive activities. 2022 Program staff had multiple opportunities, both in-person and online, to participate in training and professional development. Several staff were able to attend the 2022 National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) summer meeting, where they participated in sessions on the 2023 Farm Bill, local and regional food systems, socially disadvantaged farmers and the impacts of climate change. Coalition staff also had the opportunity to attend online trainings and professional development opportunities, including the Nutrition Incentive Hub communities of practice, webinars from the Farmers Market Coalition on racial justice and best practices for markets, and the Food Systems Leadership Network's series of webinars on the Farm Bill. Staff members also presented and attended the Annual Rural Grocer Summit in Kansas and Missouri and were able to participate in the NTAE's Rural NI program convening and learned from their sites locally on the ground and others from around the country. 2023 Staff members were able to meet with other statewide and regional NI programs in Philadelphia organized by the NTAE to improve understanding of other program designs and connect with those implementing these similar programs to enhance the opportunities for growth locally. Two staff members attended the Nutrition Incentive Hub's National Convening in Washington, D.C. in June. During FY23, the Coalition began populating an online video training library for participating markets to ease the pain of one-time, online, group training webinars each year for market managers, allowing them to access the training at their convenience and refer back to them as needed. Breaking training videos into smaller, searchable bites, provides firms with a more functional resource. The Coalition's SNAP Stretch Coordinator focused training and development efforts on EBT and POS technology, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and grant writing: August 1, 2023 - Board members and Staff attended an organizational cultural audit webinar which focused on fostering equity and trauma-informed practices involves a structured review of internal behaviors, processes, and attitudes along with learning to recognize the signs of trauma, respond with empathy, and create a supportive environment for colleagues and program participants. December 7, 2023 EBT Integration Webinar learning about the process of having nutrition incentive benefits earned and redeemed on a shopper's EBT/ SNAP card. December 2-5, 2023, the Executive Director, Director of Program Development and Evaluation, and Director of Operations attended the USDA'S Community Nutrition Meeting in New Orleans where they networked with other GUSNIP grantees, met with Federal Nutrition Incentive Program Staff, and attended workshops on award management, reporting, audit requirements, project changes and prior approval, and federal requirement in regards to disclosing lobbying activities. In other years this convening was attended virtually where the team presented on the model and work of the SNAP Stretch program. 2024 In March 2024, WVFFC contracted a communications professor/director to provide professional development for the Coalition's Communications Coordinator. The 12 one-hour sessions were structured to cover Marketing, Communications, and Elements of Design, focusing on strengthening the Coordinator's skills in graphic design, media advocacy, and event marketing to enhance their role in developing outreach plans for SNAP Stretch sites. April 23, 2024 - Staff attended an online EBT Webinar (Hosted by Epic and Local Farms Marketplace) showcasing how Local Farms Marketplace has developed an online EBT platform, including key features and services, a short demo, timeline, and next steps! April 25, 2024 - The SNAP Stretch Coordinator attended POS Technology Webinar where he learned about POS technology options. June 3-5, 2024 - Staff attended the FRAC - National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference where over a thousand anti-hunger advocates joined together from across the country to attend content-rich sessions, learn legislative best practices, explore innovative advocacy methods, and form personal connections to help better fight hunger in their communities. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Throughout the duration of SNAP Stretch, the Coalition has maintained a public listserv to regularly share program results and activities with the community. Additionally, the Coalition actively manages various social media platforms to disseminate program information. Many participating firms also leverage their social media presence to share updates about the program. Program information is also shared with key partner organizations, including the West Virginia University Family Nutrition Program (WVUFNP) and the West Virginia Department of Human Services (WVDHS). WVDHS communicates program details to SNAP participants, while WVUFNP shares information with its funders and network partners. A key communication tool is the annually created one-page info sheet, which highlights key program metrics, including totals for incentives distributed and redeemed, total SNAP transactions, counties served, families participating, and the estimated economic impact. These sheets are widely distributed to partners, media outlets, legislators, and the broader community. In 2023, the Coalition enhanced its outreach by developing a whitepaper detailing the impact and ongoing needs of the SNAP Stretch program. This whitepaper, along with the annual info sheet, was shared with funders and stakeholders. To further raise awareness, the Coalition distributed SNAP Stretch materials at various events throughout the year. The program's success was spotlighted in an article on the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) website titled "GusNIP Efforts Impacting Rural Communities--and Economies." The article featured quotes from participating families and firm representatives, emphasizing the program's positive impact on lives and businesses. Read the article here. SNAP Stretch also gained significant media attention when the program was paused due to a lack of funding. This coverage sparked strong community support and garnered pledges of support from legislators. In August 2024, a press release about the pause led to SNAP Stretch being featured in the state's two largest newspapers, as well as on local television news outlets and a statewide radio news network. These reports underscored the program's value and its substantial impact on communities. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

    What was accomplished under these goals? Goal 1: Increase and diversify the number of participating SNAP Stretch sites where customers can utilize SNAP Stretch. Participating markets may include cooperative mobile markets, school/child care-based markets, brick-and-mortar retail establishments, Community Supported Agriculture ( CSA ) models, on-farm stands, farmers markets. Since its inception, a total of 58 firms have participated in the SNAP Stretch program, comprising 32 farmers markets, one CSA, five mobile markets, seven farm stands, and 13 brick-and-mortar retailers. The program's popularity grew quickly during the pandemic. Peak participation for the program was 2021, when 32 markets actively offered SNAP Stretch. Program success at these markets limited The Coalition's ability to expand the program without sacrificing the incentives distribution model envisioned for the program. Customers redeemed $387,172 in GusNIP incentives, $155,813.68 in GusNIP match funds, along with $883,819.29 in incentives supplied by GusCRR, ARPA, and other grants, were redeemed by customers during the grant period for a grand total of $1,426,804.97. Following the success of the program during the height of the pandemic, The Coalition determined that funding would limit it's ability to continue to expand the program. Instead, it focused its efforts in those communities where the need, and program participation, were highest. Even with the addition of the GusCRR grant, it was clear customers at participating markets would exhaust the available incentives budgets provided by the grants before the end of the grant periods. This realization limited the ability to recruit new markets into the program. Additional grant funding was obtained through the American Rescue Plan Act, and philanthropic organizations, to supplement available incentives. Goal 2: ?Integrate nutrition education into mobile markets, school/child care-based markets, farmers markets, and food retailers via videos, electronic media, on-site demonstrations, and cooking classes. Nutrition education will be evaluated to determine the impacts of different methods at different locations or distribution strategies. WVU FNP will provide nutrition education, and will also assist with evaluation services. Participating markets reported hosting a total of 954 days of activities such as outreach, nutrition education, and community events. Outreach: Outreach efforts focused on promoting WIC/Senior Vouchers, SNAP Stretch, and West Virginia University Family Nutrition Programs (WVU FNP) such as Kids Market at the Store. Outreach activities were conducted through market employees planning events, handing out informational handouts, and agency representatives providing programming to enhance community engagement and program awareness. WVU FNP staff set up tables at markets, offering food tastings prepared with market produce, distributed recipe cards, and provided educational support on preparing items purchased. Throughout this grant, outreach activities were carried out on 411 market days. The breakdown of these efforts includes: WVU Extension Outreach: 86 events across 19 different markets. WIC/Senior Voucher Outreach: 133 activities across 23 different markets. SNAP Outreach: 192 events hosted across 23 different markets. These activities reflect a comprehensive approach to increasing awareness and participation in nutrition assistance programs, while also fostering connections between local markets and their communities. Nutrition Education: Nutrition education took many forms at markets throughout the life of the grant. Participating markets reported hosting 239 nutrition education activities. This included 132 kids taste testing events at 21 different markets, 47 cooking demonstrations at 13 different markets, 53 gardening classes at 17 different markets, and 7 one-day health fairs at 6 different markets. The Kids Market at the Store (KM@TS) program is operated in partnership with the WVU FNP. The program provides families with up to $60 in tokens to buy mostly local produce from locally owned stores who partner with the program in rural communities. Families receive education and support through emails, texts, social media and in-person education and demonstrations. The program is designed to empower children and families to add more produce to their plate. Since 2021, 18,531 children have participated in the KM@TS program. Markets also reported hosting 304 entertainment events designed to draw new customers to the market at which time they were provided information on available programs such as SNAP Stretch and WIC. Goal 3: SNAP Stretch participants report greater access to fruits and vegetables. A total of 721 participants were surveyed regarding the duration of program participation, ease of use, consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, food security, and self-assessment of health. Surveys were managed by the West Virginia University Family Nutrition Program and were collected online and in person at participating SNAP Stretch locations. The Center for Disease Control's (CDC) 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit per day and 2 to 3 cups of vegetables per day. A 2019 CDC report indicated West Virginia ranked lowest in the nation in the consumption of fruit with only 8.4% of the population consuming the recommended daily amount, and 48th in the nation in the consumption of vegetables with only 6.9% of the population meeting the recommended daily requirement. Each year of the program, survey respondents reported consumption rates of fruits and vegetables meeting the CDC's dietary guidelines. On average, US adults consume .96 cups of fruits, and 1.57 cups of vegetables per day, which is a 2.53 cup national average. SNAP Stretch participants surveyed between September 2020 and August 2023 reported fruit and vegetable consumption rates greater than the national average. During the second and third year of the grant period, respondents who regularly participate in the program reported consuming more fruits and vegetables than first-time participants. The greatest difference between respondents with a history of using the program and first-time users, was the increase in the amount of fruit consumed. In FY22, those who participated in the program for more than six months reported nearly twice the amount of fruit consumed than first-time participants. SNAP Stretch proved to be a lifeline for the majority of those using benefits. More than half of the survey respondents in FY22 and FY23 were food insecure. WVUFNP also conducts separate surveys focusing on mealtime behaviors of KM@TS participants each year. Participants completed surveys at the beginning of the season, and again at the end of the season, to determine changes in tastes and consumption levels. Since 2022, survey respondents reported across the board increases in fruit and vegetable consumption, the willingness of children to taste fruits and vegetables, ease in preparing dishes, and in the variety of fruits and vegetables consumed. Each year, the number of KM@TS participants consuming more than 2 cups of fruit and vegetables per day increased an average of 17%. The program resulted in children becoming more willing to try new fruits and vegetables after participating. Respondents also reported an increase in willingness to taste new vegetables, with 1 in 4 participants reporting a greater willingness to try new foods.


      Progress 09/01/22 to 08/31/23

      Target Audience:The Coalition continues to serve the target audiences of low-income families, seniors, and rural populations. Programs supported by GusNIP funds operated in 33 counties in FY23. Thirty of the counties served by the Coalition have poverty rates higher than the 11.6% national average, and ten have poverty rates higher than 20%. ? Changes/Problems:The program saw unprecedented growth during the pandemic and that affected the Coalition's approach to program management. Now that the pandemic has passed, and SNAP benefits have been reduced to pre-pandemic levels, the approach must change to continue to put food in the hands of consumers and dollars into the hands of producers. Some existing firms have reported a decrease in participation levels. This coming year will have a greater focus on increasing the number of firms operating in the state. Additional efforts to raise awareness and market the program to SNAP users will occur at SNAP Stretch locations. This process will include a reevaluation of markets' Individual Outreach Plans. These plans will include new marketing materials where appropriate, community outreach where appropriate, and assistance with events planning at market sites in the coming year. The Coalition is seeking other income sources at the state level to bolster the level of economic impact achieved in addition to the effort of continuing to expand the program by writing for a large-scale GusNIP project grant in 2024. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Staff turnover resulted in staffing gaps for the Coalition in FY23, which led to a reduction in training and professional development opportunities for Coalition staff. Two staff members attended the Nutrition Incentive Hub's National Convening in Washington, D.C. in June. During FY23, the Coalition began populating an online video training library for participating markets. This approach is intended to ease the pain of one-time, online, group training webinars each year for market managers, allowing them to access the training at their convenience and refer back to them as needed. Breaking training videos into smaller, searchable bites, provides firms with a more functional resource. ? How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The Coalition has an active presence on social media and continually updates participants and supporters via a monthly newsletter. These communications feature success stories of participants and accomplishments of the coalition. The coalition makes use of tools such as the Nutrition Incentive Hub's Y3 Impact study, GusNIP NTAE Nutrition Incentive Economic Impact Calculator and photos submitted by firms to populate these posts and newsletters. An article was featured on the NIFA USDA website that highlighted the success of SNAP Stretch in West Virginia. Titled, 'GusNIP efforts Impacting Rural Communities - and Economies,' the article quotes participating families, and representatives from participating firms, about the impact the program has had on their lives and businesses. The Coalition, updated SNAP Stretch one page info sheets with 2022 program data and shared them with community partners to promote further understanding of SNAP Stretch. Info sheets were also shared with new potential firms as a way to show the success of the program and the possible financial impact. Lastly, USDA/NIFA featured the Coalition's SNAP Stretch project in an article in the fall of 2023. See article here: What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The Coalition has multiple projects in progress to address the goal of expanding the number of firms offering SNAP Stretch. In conjunction with WVU FNP the Coalition will evaluate KM@TS locations for SNAP Stretch viability and recruit where appropriate. This past year the Coalition obtained an NIH Capacity Building Grant that includes the goal of recruiting at least 5 new firms that are either BIPOC owned or serve BIPOC communities in 2024. The Coalition will also be working with a local DEI specialist to conduct a self-audit, DEI training, and outreach to identify minority-owned firms for the purpose of recruitment. The Coalition is also part of two projects that will result in the opening of grocery stores that will be SNAP Stretch firms. One market will be in a rural, southern West Virginia community. The other will be located in Charleston's West Side neighborhood. The Coalition has also contracted with a marketing company to create promotional/education videos for the purposes of promoting the program and attracting additional markets to be SNAP Stretch firms in FY24. Improving healthy food access by establishing a presence in new communities through the recruitment of markets to become SNAP Stretch firms continues to be a priority for the Coalition. For Goals 2 and 3, the Coalition will continue its relationship with WVU FNP with the goal of adding more locations to the KM@TS program, and continuing to offer event support at firms throughout the state. This program, which provides free fruits and vegetables for children at these locations, serves as a useful way to provide nutrition education, increase fruit and vegetable intake and make community connections with potential SNAP Stretch firms.

      What was accomplished under these goals? Goal 1: Increase and diversify the number of participating SNAP Stretch sites where customers can utilize SNAP Stretch. Participating markets may include cooperative mobile markets, school/child care-based markets, brick-and-mortar retail establishments, Community Supported Agriculture ( CSA ) models, on-farm stands, farmers markets. The SNAP Stretch Program served a valuable role in our communities throughout the pandemic. The launch of the Coalition's SNAP Stretch expanded project coincided almost perfectly with both the increases to SNAP benefits for existing SNAP users due to the pandemic, and the implementation of additional P-EBT benefits for many who did not previously qualify for SNAP benefits. The response to SNAP Stretch was so strong during the first full year of operation, budget caps for firms were established in FY22 to preserve the longevity of the funding. These caps were carried over into FY23. And, additional EBT dollars for summer feeding led to continued distribution of benefits over the course of the summer. As markets were identified and onboarded, tracked, and capped, pockets of need were identified throughout the state and this shaped the Coalition's approach to expansion. The Coalition focused its energy in areas where the need was high and communities were responsive. Since the implementation of the SNAP Stretch program, 54 firms have participated in 35 different counties. Two new firms were added in FY23 and two firms signed MOUs to return to the program after a hiatus. An average of 15.4% of West Virginia households faced food insecurity between 2017-2019, according to the USDA Economic Research Service. That number was reduced to an average of 14.2% between the years 2020-2022. While the number of actively participating firms went down during FY23, the amount of incentives redeemed grew by more than 6 percent due to the success the program has seen in some of the areas of need identified throughout the state. These partnering firms were able to increase their reach to greater numbers of beneficiaries with higher incentive redemption rates and others, through design of the mobile market model, were also able to reach additional participants in multiple counties. The Coalition distributed $76,964.41 in GusNIP SNAP Stretch incentives in FY23. The program was also supported by GusCRR and other grants during the year. A total of $419,244.48 SNAP Stretch incentives were redeemed by approximately 22,827 households for the year. The GusNIP NTAE Incentive Economic Impact Calculator estimates GusNIP spending resulted in an economic impact of $123,144 in communities with participating markets, and an overall economic impact of more than $670,000 from all sources combined. The Coalition continues to actively recruit firms in order to meet the firm goal outlined in this grant, as well as to recruit firms of various types to serve a broader population. Goal 2: ?Integrate nutrition education into mobile markets, school/child care-based markets, farmers markets, and food retailers via videos, electronic media, on-site demonstrations, and cooking classes. Nutrition education will be evaluated to determine the impacts of different methods at different locations or distribution strategies. WVU FNP will provide nutrition education, and will also assist with evaluation services. The environment at participating SNAP Stretch markets has been lively in FY 23. Not only were there 33 family fun days with coordinated children's activities, and 81 days of live music reported, but there were also 92 total days of reported educational/outreach activity as well. Outreach: There were 19 WIC/Senior Voucher outreach events at seven different markets, 18 WVU Extension outreach events at nine different markets, and 17 SNAP outreach events held at five different markets. Nutrition Education: Five markets hosted a total of 14 on-site cooking demonstrations, nine markets hosted 16 days of gardening instruction, and a total of 8 health fairs were hosted at 3 different markets. WVU Extension FNP surveyed SNAP Stretch and Kids Market at the Store (KM@TS) participants in August. Of those surveyed, 25% reported taking home recipe cards from sites, 17% reported participating in food demonstrations, and 6% reported participating in nutrition classes. Survey participants also reported increases in the ease of preparing fruits and vegetables after participating in educational experiences at the markets. When it comes to the ease of preparing vegetables, a total of 23% of those surveyed changed their response from "Somewhat Easy/Not Easy" to "Easy/Very Easy" following classes. Ten percent of respondents did the same for fruit preparation. Goal 3: SNAP Stretch participants report greater access to fruits and vegetables. Respondents to the WVU FNP survey reported an increase in the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed after participating in the program, showing a 10% increase in the number of participants consuming more than 2 cups of fruits and vegetables.


        Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22

        Target Audience:The Coalition continues to serve the target audiences of low-income families and seniors. In 2022, additional funding was secured from Save the Children to support SNAP Stretch statewide and firm recruiting continued to target markets that serve large amounts of children and families, such as the Doddridge County Farmers Market which combined SNAP Stretch and Kids Market programming. Children also continue to be targeted in the nutrition education portion of the grant, with programs like Kids Market @ the Store helping to support and recruit SNAP Stretch firms while also providing free fruits and vegetables and nutrition education to children across the state. Changes/Problems:Due to the unprecedented need and increased spending during the 2020 and 2021 market seasons due to COVID-19, funding for incentives is limited. Participant demand has been high at currently participating markets, and the Coalition placed spending caps on all firms in 2022 to preserve the longevity of GusNIP funds. However, many firms met their initial funding cap for the year before the end of market season, and even limited their advertising and community outreach out of concern for prematurely meeting their caps. Additionally, some interested new firms chose not to participate in the program due to concerns about limited funding. Due to this, there is concern that funds for incentives will be expended before the Coalition is able to fully onboard all 68 firms, which is an objective in the GusNIP award. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Program staff have had multiple opportunities, both in-person and online, to participate in training and professional development over the last year. Several staff were able to attend the 2022 National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) summer meeting, where they participated in sessions on the 2023 Farm Bill, local and regional food systems, socially disadvantaged farmers and the impacts of climate change. Coalition staff have also had the opportunity to attend a plethora of online trainings and professional development opportunities, including the Nutrition Incentive Hub communities of practice, webinars from the Farmers Market Coalition on racial justice and best practices for markets, and the Food Systems Leadership Network's series of webinars on the Farm Bill. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results are shared with markets, stakeholders and program participants via email listserv and Facebook. In early 2022, one-page info sheets with statistics were created using 2021 program data and shared with community partners and state and local politicians to promote SNAP Stretch and pursue additional funding. Info sheets were also shared with new potential firms as a way to show the success of the program and the possible financial impact. These info sheets incorporated 2021 data about SNAP Stretch spending, SNAP/EBT dollars captured in the local economy, counties served, participating households and economic impact. Additional info sheets were created for each county to provide an at-a-glance review for senators and representatives from those areas. These materials, combined with flyers showcasing success stories and photos from participating markets, were also given to potential partners and funders to raise awareness of the program. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?In the next reporting period, the Coalition aims to increase the number of participating SNAP Stretch firms by surveying communities about potential firms in their area and reaching out to recruit firms identified by staff and partners. This will also include offering TA to potential firms not yet accepting SNAP/EBT to assist them in that process and targeting recruitment to counties that do not have any current SNAP Stretch firms and new types of firms that serve a wider population, like mobile markets. To increase availability of nutrition education at SNAP Stretch firms and access to fruits and vegetables,the Coalition and WVU FNP plan to work together to expand the reach of the new Kids Market @ the Store (KM@TS) program, which makes local fruits and vegetables accessible at participating local businesses. This program, which provides free fruits and vegetables for children at these locations, serves as a useful way to provide nutrition education, increase fruit and vegetable intake and make community connections with potential SNAP Stretch firms.

        What was accomplished under these goals? Goal 1: Since the beginning of this GusNIP grant, 45 firms have participated in SNAP Stretch across 35 counties. This comprises 31 farmers markets and farm stands, 7 brick and mortar locations, 6 mobile markets and 1 CSA program. The Coalition continues to actively recruit firms in order to meet the firm goal outlined in this grant, as well as to recruit firms of various types to serve a broader population. Goal 2: In FY22, 21 firms provided nutrition education activities to SNAP Stretch participants and other market customers. These activities included cooking demonstrations, taste tests, health fairs, Farmacy programs, and nutrition-based gardening instruction along with a variety of other SNAP-Ed programming. Nutrition education was provided mainly through local partnerships with FNP educators around the state, with each of the 21 firms providing at least 2 months worth of nutrition education and some providing up to 11. Goal 3: On participant surveys administered in partnership with SNAP-Ed partners at WVU Extension, 59% of participants utilizing SNAP Stretch for 6 months or more reported food security, compared to 33% of participants utilizing the program for the first time. Participants who had been using SNAP Stretch for more than 6 months reported an increase in fruit and vegetable intake from those who had been using it for fewer than 6 months, from 2.7 cups per day to 2.97.


          Progress 09/01/20 to 08/31/21

          Target Audience:Providing outreach to school-age youth and seniors throughout the state of West Virginia are two primary audiences for the project. In 2021, we distributed $288,990.91 to families and $129,738.95 to seniors/grandfamilies in SNAP Stretch incentives respectively. Additionally, firms have identified that a growing percentage of families served are a combination of both target populations as a grandfamily structure. Whether that means that families of seniors providing care for their grandchildren or adults caring for both their own children and a parent. Mobile market firms promoting the program have generally chosen to set up their weekly/pop-up markets in areas within their localities where these targeted audiences are living or are receiving other services. These areas include preschool/daycare centers, local campuses, senior living facilities/residences/service providers, and churches. With the introduction of new support to the project, new reach was achieved in four new counties this year. The expansion of project types of firms and areas where firms were previously serving SNAP customers are now providing incentive savings as these firms are in operation consistently throughout the week. Changes/Problems:The need for increased spending at the firm level this year was unexpected. This impacted the rate of project expenditures greatly and in conjunction with the development of the GusNIP CRR project plan. There is concern that funds for incentives will be expended before the Coalition is able to fully onboard all 68 firms, which is an objective in the GusNIP award. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The nationally convened communities of practice as supported by the training and evaluation team with the Gretchen Swanson Center and other coalition partners have proven invaluable. Sessions and conversations have helped in designing and developing resources/responses for new firms who all operate SNAP Stretch differently depending on their business model. Connections with the National Grocer Association and the working group to provide feedback to Point of Sale service providers in tracking nutrition incentive activities. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The Coalition has a listserv that is shared publicly for individuals within the community to receive results from programs and activities regularly, as well as various social media platforms where we share this information. Various partners including WV DHHR, nonprofit organizations, and the firms have received results information. Additionally, information is shared with WVU FNP which can report on to their funders and network. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The Coalition and WVU FNP as the data collection and evaluation partners on this project plan to continue to complete surveys surrounding access to and changes in eating habits from individuals as stated in Goal 3. Additional outreach and promotion of the program with partners and the public will be planned and increased to meet our intended outcomes as stated in the goals. These plans include further engagement with new markets and communities by working closely with active firms to provide mentorship and share their own best practices while aiding in the onboarding process.

          What was accomplished under these goals? In the first year of this project, outcomes were achieved to increase firm involvement to a total of 39 including 26 direct-market farms, 6 mobile markets/CSAs, and 7 food retailers. These mobile markets and food retailers recruited span across four additional counties reaching more than an additional 2,000 households. Integrate nutrition education into markets and at program sites to reinforce messages and evaluate the impact of market programs on fruit and vegetable consumption. WV Food & Farm Coalition partners with West Virginia University Extension Family Nutrition Program (WVU FNP) health educators and nutrition outreach instructors to provide food demonstrations, recipe cards, and samples. WVU FNP educators and nutrition instructors target low-income populations to implement their programming. These education opportunities were coupled with the kids' pop-up markets. In addition to children receiving $4 each market to select their own produce, WVU FNP offered healthy eating education and exercises with the children. It was the hope of the experimental combination of the pop-up markets, WVU FNP programming, and SNAP Stretch available at those markets, that we would see "pester power" in action. "Pester Power" is the idea that the kids influence their parents to participate in SNAP Stretch markets so that the kids can spend their "kids koupons". In addition to the benefits from purchasing fresh produce, children really enjoy counting and paying for products with tokens. At least one firm providing produce for these markets also ran their mobile markets at these locations in the 6 counties served and saw more than an additional $1,500 made in redemptions by the targeted families
