Source: ISCA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 15, 2020
Project End Date
Sep 14, 2022
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.8]- Biofuels and Biobased Products
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
This project aims to revolutionize the production of synthetic insect pheromones to control agricultural pests by using transgenicplants to "grow" pheromone precursors. ISCA Technologies expects this innovation to eliminate the need for petroleum-based and other long hydrocarbon feedstocks and slash costs for pheromone synthesis, making sustainable, environmentally safe pheromone pest control tools economically feasible for a much wider array of crops. For decades, pheromones have been proven to be effective controls for many of the world's most damaging arthropod pests. These naturally occurring compounds can be used to protect crops by manipulating pest behaviors, such as by preventing them from mating, repelling them from crops, or attracting them to traps or killing agents. Pheromones are nontoxic, typically affect only the targeted pest species, leave no harmful residues on food produce, cause little or no environmental pollution, and are far less prone to pest resistance. Adoption of pheromones for pest management, however, has been limited to high-value niche specialty crops because of the high cost of conventional pheromone synthesis: the cost of active ingredients (AIs) of pheromone typically are very high, resulting in consumer field formulation prices well beyond the viable price range for growers of lower-value-per-acre row crops, such as corn, soybean, wheat, rice, and cotton. The high costs pheromone of formulations stem from the complex, multi-step, organic chemistry synthesis processes used to create them, in which relatively expensive petroleum-based and plant oil chemicals are used as feedstock for the building-block hydrocarbon chains. These chemical-based manufacturing processes also create toxic waste, which in turn creates pollution and high disposal costs. This project aims to reduce the cost of pheromone AI production to 10 to 35 times, advancing on our Phase I breakthrough research, during which, together with our collaborators, we successfully genetically modified (GM) an easy-to-grow line of plants to in effect "grow" the chemical precursors of various insect pheromones, which are expressed and retained in the seed oil cells. Extraction of this oil allows us to start pheromone synthesis from the last steps of the conventional synthetic process, completely replacing all oil feedstocks used in current chemical synthetic routes and eliminating costly steps as well as solvents and toxic waste. This technology also creates a new source of revenue for US agriculture. Fueled by photosynthesis, theseplants express specific insect enzymes that build the carbon chains resulting in the precursor of the target insect pheromone, which then only needs to have the functional group changed to become the high-purity pheromone needed for pest control applications.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
721 - Insects and Other Pests Affecting Humans;

Subject Of Investigation
1510 - Corn;

Field Of Science
1130 - Entomology and acarology;
Goals / Objectives
This project aims to revolutionize the production of synthetic insect pheromones to control agricultural pests by using transgenic Camelina sativa plants to "grow" pheromone precursors. ISCA Technologies expects this innovation to eliminate the need for petroleum-based and other long hydrocarbon feedstocks and slash costs for pheromone synthesis, making sustainable, environmentally safe pheromone pest control tools economically feasible for a much wider array of crops.The tasks for this project are: 1) Cultivate successive generations of the Camelina genetic line in order to harvest larger amounts of seed during 2020 and 2021 growing seasons. 2) Explore and develop methods to extract the oil from Camelina seeds harvested in 2019 and 2020 in small batches. 3). Explore and test available methods to distill, remove and/or purify the desired pheromone precursors from the Camelina seed oil. 4) Incorporate Camelina-derived AIs into our controlled-release matrix, Specialized Pheromone & Lure Application Technology (SPLAT), which is made from safe, biodegradable, food grade materials, and conduct field trials to compare these prototypes' efficacy when deployed as a mating disruption strategy, compared to SPLAT formulations produced with traditionally synthesized pheromones.
Project Methods
Our main objective for this project is to develop and scale up the methods for utilizing products from a GM plant.This modification makes the plant a viable biobased means for the production of insect pheromones, which is less costly and more environmentally friendly than traditional methods of pheromone synthesis. Phase II research to achieve this scale up will consist of four tasks. Task 1. Cultivate successive generations of the GMO plant, Task 2. Explore oil extractions methods,Task 3. Develop processes to to scale up the desired pheromone precursor compound. Task 4. Incorporate plant-derived AIs into our controlled-release matrix, SPLAT, and conduct small field trials to compare efficacy when deployed as a mating disruption strategy, compared to SPLAT formulations produced with traditionally synthesized pheromones.

Progress 09/15/21 to 09/14/22

Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? We 1) Cultivate successive generations of the Camelina genetic line in order to harvest larger amounts of seed during 2020 and 2021 growing seasons. 2) Explored and develop methods to extract the oil from Camelina seeds harvested in 2019 and 2020 in small batches. 3). Explored and tested available methods to distill, remove and/or purify the desired pheromone precursors from the Camelina seed oil. 4) Incorporate Camelina-derived AIs into our controlled-release matrix, Specialized Pheromone & Lure Application Technology (SPLAT), which is made from safe, biodegradable, food-grade materials, and conduct field trials to compare these prototypes' efficacy when deployed as a mating disruption strategy, compared to SPLAT formulations produced with traditionally synthesized pheromones.


    Progress 09/15/20 to 09/14/22

    Target Audience:By bioengineering Camelina sativa plants with genes expressing insect pheromone enzymes to produce hydrocarbon chain-building blocks and create pheromone precursors, this production method will save energy in three ways: Firstly, this biological method eliminates the need to use petroleum-based and other long hydrocarbon chain compounds for feedstock, thus reducing reliance on finite fossil fuels. Secondly, the pheromone synthesis process will begin with a head start by starting with fatty acid precursors which can be synthesized into the final target insect pheromone via a far simpler process than traditional pheromone synthesis, simplifying the supply chain process of pheromone production. Thirdly, this biobased synthetic process eliminates the by-products of toxic waste, which costs significant time, energy, and money to dispose of properly. In contrast to traditional pheromone synthesis, which consumes fossil fuel products, GM Camelina plants rely on limitless solar energy harnessed through photosynthesis. The simplification of pheromone manufacturing achieved by this biobased method will substantially reduce production costs, making these environmentally safe pheromone pest control formulations economically feasible to wider array of growers and a wider array of crops than conventionally synthesized pheromones. Significantly, pheromone controls will no longer be out of reach for growers of lower-value-per-ha row crops, such as corn, soy, and cotton, allowing these growers to shift their pest management strategies away from environmentally hazardous, resistance-prone conventional chemical pesticides toward more sustainable, eco-friendly pheromone-based tactics. This shift would be a major step toward a broader reduction in global reliance on conventional pesticides, saving energy and reducing pollution. Other benefits include a decrease in food contamination with toxic chemical pesticides and damage to non-target species, such as pollinators, natural enemies of pest species, and humans. If this project is successful, we will replace a group of highly valuable petroleum-based products with natural, bio-based ones, increasing carbon sequestration and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additional positive impacts on agriculture include increased capacity to control insect pests that have developed resistance to traditional insecticides, promotion of organic farming, and improved crop protection due to high specificity of pheromones. This technology will further benefit US growers by introducing GM Camelina as a valuable new commodity for them to produce. Changes/Problems:Covid 19 lockdown impeded us to travel, get to the lab and to go to the field. Now we are vaccinated and we expect to return to a new normalcy level that allows our teams to further perform this exciting project. Unexpected weather fluctuations impacted yields from the 2022 Nebraska seed propagation. Due to potential future weather fluctuations at time of seeding, early-stage propagations (<1kg) such as these will now be done in greenhouses where possible. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

    What was accomplished under these goals? By expressing the biosynthetic genes of insect and of plant origin, we have created, together with our collaborators from Lund University, plants that are capable to produce the required unsaturated fatty acids and corresponding alcohols; we have selected transformed lines that are producing high level of the pheromone precursors; we have isolated and purified the seed oil-derived pheromone precursors, and we have converted one of the precursors, Z11-16:Acid to the derived pheromone compounds, formulated these into slow release lures, and tested the lures' attraction of the target insects in field trapping experiment, which proved successful. We have also applied the plant-derived pheromone in the field and demonstrated trap-shutdown, a prelude to successful mating disruption with pheromones. We are confident that this will become one of the most cost-efficient ways to produce insect pheromone for insect pest control.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Wang, H. L., Ding, B. J., Dai, J. Q., Nazarenus, T. J., Borges, R., Mafra-Neto, A., ... & L�fstedt, C. (2022). Insect pest management with sex pheromone precursors from engineered oilseed plants. Nature Sustainability, 5(11), 981-990.

    Progress 09/15/20 to 09/14/21

    Target Audience:By bioengineering Camelina sativa plants with genes expressing insect pheromone enzymes to produce hydrocarbon chainbuilding blocks and create pheromone precursors, this production method will save energy in three ways: Firstly, this biological method eliminates the need to use petroleum-based and other long hydrocarbon chain compounds for feedstock, thus reducing reliance on finite fossil fuels. Secondly, the pheromone synthesis process will begin with a head start by starting with fatty acid precursors which can be synthesized into the final target insect pheromone via a far simpler process than traditional pheromone synthesis, simplifying the supply chain process of pheromone production. Thirdly, this biobased synthetic process eliminates the by-products of toxic waste, which costs significant time, energy, and money to dispose of properly. In contrast to traditional pheromone synthesis, which consumes fossil fuel products, GM Camelina plants rely on limitless solar energy harnessed through photosynthesis. The simplification of pheromone manufacturing achieved by this biobased method will substantially reduce production costs, making these environmentally safe pheromone pest control formulations economically feasible to wider array of growers and a wider array of crops than conventionally synthesized pheromones. Significantly, pheromone controls will no longer be out of reach for growers of lower-value-per-ha row crops, such as corn, soy, and cotton, allowing these growers to shift their pest management strategies away from environmentally hazardous, resistance-prone conventional chemical pesticides toward more sustainable, eco-friendly pheromone-based tactics. This shift would be a major step toward a broader reduction in global reliance on conventional pesticides, saving energy and reducing pollution. Other benefits include a decrease in food contamination with toxic chemical pesticides and damage to non-target species, such as pollinators, natural enemies of pest species, and humans. If this project is successful, we will replace a group of highly valuable petroleum-based products with natural, bio-based ones, increasing carbon sequestration and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additional positive impacts on agriculture include increased capacity to control insect pests that have developed resistance to traditional insecticides, promotion of organic farming, and improved crop protection due to high specificity of pheromones. This technology will further benefit US growers by introducing GM Camelina as a valuable new commodity for them to produce. Changes/Problems:Covid 19 lockdown impeded us to travel, get to the lab and to go to the field. Now we are vaccinated and we expect to return to a new normalcy level that allows our teams to further perform this exciting project. Unexpected weather fluctuations impacted yields from the 2022 Nebraska seed propagation. Due to potential future weather fluctuations at time of seeding, early-stage propagations (<1kg) such as these will now be done in greenhouses where possible. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?By expressing the biosynthetic genes of insect and of plant origin, we have created, together with our collaborators from Lund University, plants that are capable to produce the required unsaturated fatty acids and corresponding alcohols; we have selected transformed lines that are producing high level of the pheromone precursors; we have isolated and purified the seed oil-derived pheromone precursors, and we have converted one of the precursors, Z11-16:Acid to the derived pheromone compounds, formulated these into slow release lures, and tested the lures' attraction of the target insects in field trapping experiment, which proved successful. We have also applied the plant-derived pheromone in the field and demonstrated trapshutdown, a prelude to successful mating disruption with pheromones. We are confident that this will become one of the most cost-efficient ways to produce insect pheromone for insect pest control.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Covid 19 lockdown impeded us to travel, get to the lab and to go to the field. Now we are vaccinated and we expect to return to a new normalcy level that allows our teams to further perform this exciting project. Unexpected weather fluctuations impacted yields from the 2022 Nebraska seed propagation. Due to potential future weather fluctuations at time of seeding, early-stage propagations (<1kg) such as these will now be done in greenhouses where possible.
