Source: UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2020
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2025
Grant Year
Program Code
[SCRI]- Specialty Crop Research Initiative
Project Director
Danyluk, M. D.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Many studies have addressed specific aspects of pathogen contamination and control in produce production, but most have focused on a single step in the food chain or on a single pathogen in a single crop. An integrative framework applicable to different food-pathogen combinations is not currently available to support produce safety decisions. The need for a systematic validation of food safety metrics is articulated by white papers, metrics from commodity groups, and opinions expressed by food safety regulatory agencies. This project will focus on the following objectives to develop and implement decision-making tools to enhance produce safety:Find approaches to decrease introduction of microbial food safety hazards onto specialty crops from agricultural water.Discover new strategies to reduce introduction of microbial hazards into specialty crops via biological soil amendments of animal origin during production.Evaluate the risk of current on-farm preharvest and harvest practices for potential contamination of specialty crops with microbiological hazards.Determine the harborage, sources and patterns of contamination, and mitigation strategies for specialty crop contact surfaces in packinghouses to quantify risks.Create quantitative farm-to-fork risk assessment models of pathogens on produce.Develop models for the evaluation of economic costs and benefits associated with produce pathogen reduction strategies.Extend knowledge and awareness of the study outcomes through a translational bridging and leadership role.The project will be highly integrated, with stakeholder input guiding the goals, risk assessments, economic analyses, and extension activities, and provide an ongoing platform for stakeholder interaction.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
This proposal provides the specialty crop industry with tools to effectively manage risks while making most efficient use of available resources. Our approach will provide objective assessment of health, economic, and risk impacts of food safety systems. We will identify the most important factors that drive food safety risks by explicitly acknowledging and analyzing uncertainty. We will help the specialty crop industry 1) develop and validate scientifically supportable food safety metrics that are applicable in a variety of growing regions, commodities, and farm sizes; 2) provide scientific and technological knowledge to develop metrics important to enhancing produce food safety; and 3) identify improved approaches and techniques that allow the attainment of the metrics to be verified and cost effective. Achieving these goals are critical for specialty crops as produce-borne outbreaks and food recalls have caused serious public health problems and devastating economic impacts to individual businesses which extend across the produce industry.The key rationale behind this project is to provide a systems-based decision-support framework to evaluate measures for controlling pathogens on produce that will support an integrated view and decision-making roadmap for all vested parties.
Project Methods
This project will be carried out by a consortium of ten universities and one federal agency that have been selected in part for their geographical locations and expertise in specific specialty crops. The work is envisioned to include diverse farms and facilities of varying sizes, including consideration of both conventional and organic practices, and perennial and annual crops, grown close to and above the soil (including, leafy greens, tomatoes, cucurbits, berries, and tree fruit). The research team is capable of employing a full range of appropriate methods, from microbiological culture and non-culture based methods to molecular biology to highly sophisticated mathematical modeling methodologies. The philosophy underlying the research proposed in this project is to find practical and scalable solutions for real problems. The approaches employed will focus on translating research into practices that are feasible to implement within various pre-and postharvest sectors. Each of the research sub-project will be conducted in at least two locations and on at least two crops to ensure effective consideration of regional and seasonal differences. Careful attention will be paid to identifying and testing appropriate technologies and protocols for small-, medium-, and large-size farms and facilities. This includes addressing appropriate economic and regulatory feasibility assessments to adequately address the transdisciplinary nature of the problems. Frequent communication with our stakeholders is one of the key factors for success of this project.

Progress 09/01/22 to 08/31/23

Target Audience:Produce researchers and growers, Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, Researchers state/federal agencies, Government officials, Producers, Processors, Packers, Consultants, Buyers, etc. Changes/Problems:Obj 2: Only major changes that have occurred have been due to weather in California, or potential U.S. federal government shutdowns which have altered production and laboratory schedules. Obj 3: A delay in receiving Eimeria oocysts as a surrogate for Cyclospora occurred due to animal and personnel issues out of our control, and delayed the start of soil persistence studies. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Online, asynchronous course on Environmental Monitoring Programs Foundations (Levels 1-3) in development (CANVAS course build for level 1: ) Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course (FDA approved curriculum for FSMA Produce Safety Rule) for any CONTACT grant students, staff, and faculty (8 h of instruction, approximately 20 participants) Two manuscripts were accepted for publication in 2023 based on Obj 7.1 survey work (Top Five Food Safety Concerns; Journal of Food Protection & Environmental Monitoring Programs in Produce Operations; Food Protection Trends). How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Produce Safety Webinar Series Season Two: 9 Episodes September 2022 to May 2023 including key take aways and recording: 2,259 unique viewers (duplicate emails/names removed); 35 countries; all 50 states in the US plus DC, some Indian reservations (other), and Puerto Rico 361 average attendees (with a range of 206 to 571) *registrations are normally double, we observe a ~50% attendance rate) Produce Safety Webinar series #8 "Human Enteric Virus Contamination of Soft Fruits: Management of Risk in the Face of Uncertainty" (September 15, 2022; 484 registrations, 291 attendees) Key Take Aways: Recording: Produce Safety Webinar series #9 "Post-harvest Water Management" (October 13, 2022; 611 registrations, 432 attendees) Key Take Aways: Recording: Produce Safety Webinar series #10 "Pre-Harvest Agricultural Water... Does This Look Risky to You? Part 1" (November 10, 2022; 572 registrations, 418 attendees) Key Take Aways: Recording: Produce Safety Webinar series #11 "Pre-Harvest Agricultural Water... Does This Look Risky to You? PART 2" (December 8, 2022; 506 registrations, 322 attendees) Key Take Aways: Recording: Produce Safety Webinar series #12 "The Future is Now: How Data Sharing Enhances Food Safety" (January 12, 2023; 329 registrations, 206 attendees) Key Take Aways: Recording: Produce Safety Webinar series #13 "To the Buyer and Beyond: What the New FSMA Traceability Rule Means for the Produce Industry" (February 23, 2023; 826 registrations, 505 attendees) Key Take Aways: Recording: Produce Safety Webinar series #14 "It Must Have Been the Chicken." Attribution of Illness Burdens to Specific Foods" (March 16, 2023; 506 registrations, 271 attendees) Key Take Aways: Recording: Produce Safety Webinar series #15 "Harvest Sanitation: It's More than Hopes and Dreams" (April 6, 2023; 893 registrations, 571 attendees) Key Take Aways: Recording: Produce Safety Webinar series #16 "Co-existing in Your Farming Community While Navigating the Complex World of Produce Food Safety" (May 4, 2023; 383 registrations, 229 attendees) Key Take Aways: Recording: CONTACT Mini Webinar Series: 7 videos that cover short produce safety topics in less than 10 minutes Mini Webinars Acceptable Levels of Risk #1 Recording: Mini Webinars Pathogen Sources On-Farm #2 Recording: Mini Webinars Why Do You Test? #3 Recording: Mini Webinars What Are Reasonable Targets to Test for? #4 Recording: Mini Webinar Microbiological Sampling Part 1 #5 Recording: Mini Webinars Microbiological Sampling Part 2 #6 Recording: Mini-Webinars Economics of Testing Myths and Facts #7 Recording: Produce Safety Science Social media platforms for direct outreach and dissemination of results/information Twitter/X PS_SCI account created to communicate and interact with public (567 followers; +181 increase from last reporting period) Instagram PS_SCI account created to communicate and interact with public (498 followers; +191 increase from last reporting period) Produce Safety Science You Tube Page Webinars, mini webinars, clarifying the confusing, other resources (174 subscribers; +153 increase since last reporting period) Contact Website Resource page of all research and extension activities What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Obj 1: During the next reporting period, members of Objective 1 will work to transfer laboratory findings into field based settings. Research is underway and standardized data collection strategies for each of the field based assessments. During the next reporting period the research and extension team will also pool data to better understand field scale variability in agriucultural water treatment efficacy and how that may ultimately translate to risk. Field data will be fed to the modeling team to help quantify these impacts into metrics that are translatable to industry and regulatory stakeholders. Obj 2: Data from field trials and growth chamber trials will be organized and used to create statistical models evaluating survival and transfer of pathogens from soils to vegetables. Ultimately quantitative microbial risk assessment models to determine the role of soil amendments in disseminating contamination to onions and Romaine lettuce. Obj 3: 1. Scientific and technical knowledge will be gained in studying persistence of protozoan oocysts in soils and plant material over time. 2. Food safety metrics will be identified regarding oocyst survival in soils and plant materials. 3. More refined metrics will identify specific risks associated with microbial susceptibility in specific dropped produce commodities. 4. Metrics will be further analyzed from scientific studies on field grown crops, where mulch, produce contact with the ground, and animal intrusion were studied. Obj 4: We will continue to evaluate transfer of bacterial foodborne pathogens and appropriate surrogates to postharvest food contact surfaces in objective 4.2 and transfer to leaf lettuce in objective 4.1. Obj 5: By the next reporting period, we want to test novel bacterial inactivation models in HYPATH based on analysis of previous pathogen die-off studies in fresh produce. Parameterization of the preharvest model will be conducted using literature and data generated from the CONTACT project's other objectives. For example, objective 1 will share data to inform efficacy of water treatments under various environmental conditions (temperature, turbidity, pH, chemical's concentration). Objective 2 will inform inactivation rates of various biological soil amendments in the soil and potential bacterial transfer on the crop (romaine lettuce). Objective 3 will share their experimental results on the transfer rate of bacteria from soil to the crop. Furthermore, with the finished model tool, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis will be implemented to identify key factors, quantify risk, and develop food safety metrics. Generic scenarios will be based on surveys of growers in different regions of the US, and expert knowledge provided by the External Advisory Committee and data shared by specific companies. Post-harvest model components will be adapted from previously published QMRAs and integrated with the HYPATH pre-harvest model to develop a complete farm-to-fork model. Post-harvest components include post-harvest processing, retail, storage and preparation, consumption, and dose-response. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of this complete model will identify main sources/critical control points of pathogens into the produce chain. Scenario analysis will be used to assess the effects of pre-/post-harvest and regulatory interventions on disease risk, as well as the differences among various growing regions. We anticipate a publication on a machine learning approach to rank importance of variables controlling generic E. coli levels in Florida's surface waters. Factors considered include water body type, soil characteristics, climatological conditions, landscape features, and physicochemical water characteristics. Our next steps for the bioaerosols study involve developing predictive models to understand the role of bioaerosols in spreading pathogens within leafy green fields. We will employ statistical and computational methods to analyze the data, identifying key factors influencing bioaerosol dispersion. Subsequently, we'll construct predictive models considering environmental variables, microbial composition, and pathogen transmission dynamics. These models will help us assess the risk of pathogen dissemination and formulate targeted mitigation strategies to safeguard leafy greens production from potential contamination, ensuring food safety and security. During the next reporting period, we plan to finalize the results and manuscript for estimating consumption for risk assessment models using NHANES dietary recall data. We also plan to conduct a survey of the produce industry on their current use of data and future needs to inform the development of a data governance model. Finally, we will continue to support the data analytic needs of the team and contribute to the risk assessment models. Obj 6: We will continue ongoing efforts but will begin to focus more on the effect of food safety events on industry outcomes. Obj 7: Continue maintaining website, you tube, and social media pages for the CONTACT grant research and extension outputs. Continue Produce Safety Webinar Series (#17 Root Cause Analysis Part 1; #18 Root Cause Analysis Part 2; #19 Worker Training Refresh and Recharge; #20 Retail Sanitation, others pending). Each webinar series consists of 1 h presentations/panels with a 30 min live Q & A. After each webinar, a short white paper on key takeaways is drafted and posted on social media/website for all registered attendees to access/use for review/recap/etc. Continue development on an online, asynchronous course on Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) Foundations 1-3. Learning objectives and draft slides for Foundations 2.0 ongoing and will be focused on (drafting, reviewing, modifying, etc.). Continuation of our industry surveys (2 left -postharvest water use (Spring 2024), and the active Fall 2023 biological soil amendments of animal origins). IRB approval obtained by Virginia Tech, Rutgers, and other participating University partners. Continuation of publications (e.g., Ag Water Treatment survey)

What was accomplished under these goals? Obj 1: To date the research and extension team has completed laboratory based assessment of agricultural water treatment sanitizer efficacy. All data has been collated and cleaned by the lead project team and formatted for final data assessment. Data from each lab has been shared with the modeling team, and efforts are underway to finalize statistical analysis to support development of stakeholder recommendations and final publication. Through the project the research team has identified recommendations for two viable technologies (agricultural water treatment best management practices) that are applicable in a variety of growing regions, commodities and farm sizes. Obj 2: For objective 2.1 four field trials have been completed at two different sites to evaluate the survival of enteric bacteria (Escherichia coli) in soils containing various biological soil amendments. Furthermore these studies evaluated the transfer of E. coli from soils to Vidalia onions, before and after the field curing process. Data on survival of E. coli in soils in the Southeastern U.S., and transfer to onions, have not been previously reported to our knowledge. These data fill gaps related to contamination of onions and survival of E. coli in soils containing biological amendments in the Southeastern U.S. For objective 2.2, Two separate field trials evaluating the role of side-dressing in promoting E. coli transfer to Romaine lettuce plants was also evaluated at the same site in California. A single trial in a growth chamber was conducted with pathogenic E. coli O157:H7. These studies represent the first attempt to determine the role that the common practice of side-dressing with biological soil amendments may play in contaminating organic leafy greens. Side-dressing with specific biological soil amendments used in these studies has been evaluated in field, and has not been evaluated with true pathogens. Obj 3: 1. Scientific knowledge was gained in simulation of microbial transfer to tomatoes, jalapenos, strawberries, and mini cucumbers associated with ground contact as a function of dropping or drooping on the plant. E. coli was transferred to the surface of cherry tomatoes and cucumbers when they were dropped or on drooping plants. 2. Dropped produce was determined to be of more risk for bacterial populations on the surface or internalized into cucumbers when dropped. This data supports messaging that dropped produce should not be harvested. 3. Bacterial survival (Salmonella and E. coli) was studied on plastic mulch and rainfall as found to play a role in bacterial survival. This was true in crops where animal intrusion was studied as well. 4. Technical knowledge in the form of data and statistics have been generated on E. coli survival in growth chambers, fields, and in the laboratory on specific produce commodities. 5. Microbial transfer was interpreted as a factor of force and impact force. Obj 4: Transfer coefficients during postharvest washing was established for cucumbers in an immersion system as well as peaches in a model hydrocooler (obj 4.1). A modified MPN method was developed to determine transfer coefficients during washing of spinach (obj 4.1). Transfer to common food contact surfaces encountered during harvest and postharvest activites were also undertaken with apples and tomatoes as model crops (obj 4.2). Obj 5: We have created a framework for the preharvest and postharvest modes of pathogen transfer in water, soil, and crops. The model uses mechanistic principles that allow for application to specific conditions. Bacterial sources are rain, irrigation water, BSAAOs, animals and will be characterized by prevalence and concentration of organisms. Transfer between soil, water and crop surfaces and bacterial inactivation and growth are included. Relationships have been established with growers in CA, AZ and FL and academics outside of CONTACT which will help in the development of the risk models through data sharing and advice. Models that predict the survival of E. coli in onions fields have been developed. A survey instrument and study protocol for a survey of the food industry on their current use of data and future needs has been developed. We have engaged with Western Growers and Leafy Green Marketing Agreement on their data sharing initiatives as well as LGMA's new Test and Learn program. There has been continued development of methods to estimate consumption for QMRA models. Obj 6: 1. Presented foodborne illness attribution research at two conferences, in one webinar, and have one publication under review. 2. Contributed a module to the CONTACT mini-webinar series focused on the economics of testing. 3. Worked with other objectives to assess the feasibility of potential water testing standards. 4. Collected produce related food safety event data. 5. Began efforts to evaluate interventions being conducted in the project. 6. Contributed to the creation of an industry tool designed to assess the cost effectiveness of specified interventions. Obj 7: Survey #3: Agricultural water treatment, FSMA Produce Safety Rule Agricultural Water standards: An online, anonymous survey was distributed to the produce community to capture opinions on FSMA Produce Safety Rule agricultural water proposed standards, and who is performing water treatment in produce production environments. N=93 de-identified responses collected. Data analysis ongoing, publication pending, estimated Spring 2024. Two social media accounts have been maintained - see products. Our Produce Safety Webinar Series completed its second season with nine episodes - see products. Each webinar tackles a timely produce safety topic and covers content in a 1 h presentation or panel format followed by 30 min of live question and answer with all attendees. Season two had 2,259 unique viewers (duplicate emails/names removed); representing 35 countries; all 50 states in the US plus DC, some Indian reservations (other), and Puerto Rico. Webinars had 361 average attendees (with a range of 206 to 571); observing an approximately 50% attendance rate. A Produce Safety Science You Tube page has been maintained to house webinar recordings (including key take aways), mini webinars, and all other resources and content - see products. Presented an IAFP Abstract in Toronto, Canada at the International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting 2023. "Analyzing Virtual Platform Effectiveness to Interact with Produce Safety Stakeholders" by A. Hamilton, M. Danyluk, and L. Strawn.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Claire M Murphy, Alexis M. Hamilton, Kim Waterman, Channah Rock, Donald Schaffner, Laura K Strawn; Sanitizer Type and Contact Time Influence Salmonella Reductions in Preharvest Agricultural Water Used on Virginia Farms; Journal of Food Protection, Volume 86, Issue 8, 2023,
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: IAFP 2023 P2-126: Sanitizer Type and Contact Time Influence Salmonella Reductions in Preharvest Agricultural Water Used on Virginia Farms
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: "Efficacy of Peracetic Acid and Chlorine on the Reduction of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli and a Non-pathogenic E. coli Strain in Preharvest Agricultural Water "  Claire Murphy, dissertation, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Tillman, L., M. Schroeder, and M.D. Danyluk. 2023. Evaluation of surface water treatment efficacy protocol using calcium hypochlorite against Salmonella spp. in Florida Water. International Association of Food Protection Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON. Canada. July 2023.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Bardsley, C., M.J. Young, M. Sharma, C. Kessler, C.B. Appolon, and K.R. Schneider. 2022. Growth media of Escherichia coli affects its survival in soil under static condition. Journal of Food Protection. 85(12): 1842-1847. 10.4315/JFP-22-082
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: E. coli Survival in an Organic Romaine Lettuce Field Amended with Treated Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin in the Southwest Desert, 2021-2022  Peiman Aminabadi, Jairo N Diaz-Ramirez, Gilberto Magallon, Anna Zwieniecka, Mayela Castaneda, Manan Sharma, Michele T. Jay-Russell. International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual meeting, 2023. Toronto, Canada. T13-10, oral presentation
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: The transfer of generic E. coli to onions during field trials and determining its survival in post-harvest storage studies - Charles Appolon, Karuna Kharel, Cameron Bardsley, Mason Young, Nicolas Wilson, Manan Sharma, Michelle D. Danyluk, Keith R. Schneider. IAFP Annual Meeting 2023, Toronto, Canada. P2-163. Poster presentation.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Survival of generic E. coli in soil amended with biological soil amendments of animal origin (BSAAO) - Charles Appolon, Cameron Bardley, Karuna Kharel, Mason Young, Nicolas Wilson, Manan Sharma, Michelle D. Danyluk, Keith R. Schneider. IAFP Annual Meeting 2023, Toronto, Canada. P2-162. Poster presentation.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Rosenbaum, A., Murphy, C.M., Hamilton, A.M., Rideout, S., Critzer, F., and Strawn, L.K. (2023). Effect of Drop Height on Transfer and Internalization of Generic Escherichia coli in Fresh Cucumbers. American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. 1 August 2023. Orlando, Florida. AND International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting. 18 July 2023. Toronto AND Food Science and Technology Student Research Competition. 21 April 2023. Blacksburg
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Micallef SA, Callahan MT, McEgan R, Martinez L, 2023. Soil microclimate and persistence of foodborne pathogens Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica Newport in soil affected by mulch type. Journal of Food Protection. 2023, 100159.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Hopper A, Hudson CL, Gao Z, Jha A, Dunn L, Tikekar R, Micallef SA. Rain Splash-Mediated Dispersal of E. coli from Fecal Deposits in Field-Grown Lettuce. International Association for Food Protection (IAFP2023) Annual Meeting, 16-19 July 2023, Toronto, Canada.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Boralkar, R., B. Ruiz-Llacsahuanga, and F. Critzer. 2023. Efficacy of commercially available sanitizers to prevent cross-contamination during simulated postharvest washing of cucumbers. P2-157. The 2023 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, July 16-19, Toronto, ON
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Gao A., A. Jha A., C. Hudson, A. Hopper, S. Micallef, and R. Tikekar. 2023. Development and Evaluation of Modified MPN Methodology for Enumerating Rifampicin-resistant E. coli in Agricultural and Environmental Samples. P1-163. The 2023 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, July 16-19, Toronto, ON
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Nsom Ayuk Etaka, C., T. Le, K. Waterman, A. Hamilton, D. Schaffner, and L. Strawn. 2023. Transfer of Generic Escherichia coli from Different Harvest Bag Materials to Apples. P2-165. The 2023 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, July 16-19, Toronto, ON.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Reynoso, I., G. Dev Kumar, and F. Critzer. 2023. Cross-transfer of Foodborne Pathogens During Peach Hydrocooling. T1-06. The 2023 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, July 16-19, Toronto, ON
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Reynoso, I., G. Dev Kumar, and F. Critzer. 2023. The Effect of Organic Matter on Antimicrobial Activity of Chlorine in Post-Harvest Wash Water to Control Listeria monocytogenes. P2-168. The 2023 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, July 16-19, Toronto, ON.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Survival of Escherichia coli TVS 353 as a Salmonella Surrogate when using Composted Poultry Litter and Heat-Treated Poultry Pellets for Vidalia Onion Production - Amelia Payne, Manan Sharma, Govindaraj Dev Kumar, Laurel Dunn. IAFP Annual Meeting 2023, Toronto, Canada. P2-116. Poster presentation.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Larios Mendieta, K.A, Mu�oz-Carpena, R, Ganser, C., Carmona-Cabrero, A., Havelaar, A., and Danyluk, M. Comparing Machine Learning Approaches Identification of Key Drivers Influencing Populations of Generic Escherichia coli in Surface Waters in Florida. AI in Agriculture: Innovation and Discovery to Equitably meet Producer Needs & Perceptions 2023 Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Larios Mendieta, K.A, Mu�oz-Carpena, R, Ganser, C., Carmona-Cabrero, A., Havelaar, A., and Danyluk, M. Comparing Machine Learning Approaches Identification of Key Drivers Influencing Populations of Generic Escherichia coli in Surface Waters in Florida. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2023
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Mishra, A. (2023). Data Management and Analytics and Modeling and Risk Assessment. 2023 International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada (Technical Session 6).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Mishra, A. (2023). Advances and Future Scope of AI in Predictive Microbiology. 2023 International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada (Session S30).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Presentation: Yang, Xuerui and Robert Scharff, Attribution Models for the Foodborne Illnesses From Leafy Greens and Cost Estimates American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Meeting. May 18, 2023
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2023 Citation: Critzer F., A. Hamilton, M. Melendez, M. D. Danyluk, and L. K. Strawn. 2023. Survey of Environmental Monitoring Practices in Fresh Produce Packinghouses. Food Protection Trends. Under Review.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Hamilton, A., M. D. Danyluk, and L. K. Strawn. Effectively Incorporating New Platforms into Education and Outreach Initiatives for Produce Safety Stakeholders: Learnings from a Year-Long Venture into the Virtual Space. Technical presentation at Communication Outreach and Education. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting; 2023 July 16-19; Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Schroeder, M. and M. Danyluk. 2023. Salmonella Cross-contamination Risks between Tomatoes and Harvest Bins during Harvesting. P2-166. The 2023 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, July 16-19, Toronto, ON.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Bakin, C., C. J. McGovern, M. Melendez, C. Kessler, F. Critzer, C. M. Rock, R. L. Buchanan, D. W. Schaffner, M. D. Danyluk, B. B. Kowalcyk, K. M. Morgan, L. K. Strawn, and A. M. Hamilton. 2023. Ranking Food Safety Priorities of the Fresh Produce Industry in the United States. Journal of Food Protection.

Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22

Target Audience:Produce researchers and growers, Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, Researchers state/federal agencies, Government officials, Producers, Processors, Packers, Consultants, Buyers, etc. Changes/Problems:The COVID 19 pandemic affected access to federal facilities (USDA ARS) in 2022 to hamper research activity at USDA ARS. Personnel have been identified to help with research studies in the upcoming year. Personnel issues continue to be important to the timely execution of planned research projects. Laboratories have had difficulty in hiring and training. These issues continue in some locations and have been resolved for the most part in others. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Online, asynchronous course on Environmental Monitoring Programs Foundations (Levels 1-3) in development (learning objectives outlined; draft slides, and instructor scripts; ready to record/build CANVAS course) How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Produce Safety Webinar Series Season One: 7 Episodes Nov 2021 to May 2022 including key take aways and recording (based on speaker approval): Produce Safety Webinar series #1 "Adjacent Land Use: Done Talking About It? Ready To Do Something?" (November 4, 2021; 535 registrations, 276 unique viewers, 347 total users-includes call-in's) Key Take Aways: Recording: NA Produce Safety Webinar series #2 "Agricultural Water Treatment: It's Not Rocket Science... Or Is It?" (December 3, 2021; 470 registrations, 271 unique viewers, 355 total users-includes call-in's) Key Take Aways: Recording: NA Produce Safety Webinar series #3 "Risk-Based Thinking for Agricultural Food Safety" (January 13, 2022; 560 registrations, 339 unique viewers, 421 total users-includes call-in's) Key Take Aways: Recording: mUpouAHNhTY&list=PLW_f8rBprxCCUsVoq8hxJPRh2dc5P5K3U&index=2&t=9s Produce Safety Webinar series #4 "Cyclospora Facts and What You Can Do Right Now" (February 9, 2022; 462 registrations, 273 unique viewers, 339 total users-includes call-in's) Key Take Aways: Recording: NA Produce Safety Webinar series #5 "Safe-Tea: Brewing and Using Agricultural Teas Safely" (March 10, 2022; 407 registrations, 225 unique viewers, 362 total users-includes call-in's) Key Take Aways: Recording: yslHk9wnpTE&list=PLW_f8rBprxCCUsVoq8hxJPRh2dc5P5K3U&index=3 Produce Safety Webinar series #6 "Tales from the Trenches: Building and Implementing Effective Environmental Monitoring Programs" (April 14, 2022; 585 registrations, 274 unique viewers, 331 total users-includes call-in's) Key Take Aways: Recording: 4AinDdz9Z8U&list=PLW_f8rBprxCCUsVoq8hxJPRh2dc5P5K3U&index=2 Produce Safety Webinar series #7 "Food Safety in the Supply Chain: The Web You Can't Escape" (May 12, 2022; 605 registrations, 276 unique viewers, 389 total users-includes call-in's) Key Take Aways: Recording: 1zcSlO2UC2A&list=PLW_f8rBprxCCUsVoq8hxJPRh2dc5P5K3U&index=4 Produce Safety Science Social media platforms for direct outreach and dissemination of results/information Twitter PS_SCI account created to communicate and interact with public (386 followers; +308 increase from last reporting period, daily tweets) Instagram PS_SCI account created to communicate and interact with public (307 followers; +267 increase from last reporting period, daily posts) Produce Safety Science You Tube Page Webinars, mini webinars, clarifying the confusing, other resources; 21 subscribers, live Aug 2022 Contact Website Resource page of all research and extension activities What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1: During the next reporting period the team plans to collate all data collected for LRVs across all participating laboratories for inclusion in risk modeling. Additionally, the Objective 1 participants will shift focus from bench-top agricultural water treatment evaluations to field scale evaluations. This will include selection of top performing ag water treatment chemistries and doses for evaluation in the field. The aim is to mimic local industry growing and water treatment use practices to inform industry and the regulatory community. 2: All three field trails (FL, GA, CA) need another season of field data. These studies will be started in either November 2022 or January 2023. One these studies are completed in these sub-objectives (2.1 and 2.2), data will be transferred to the statistical modeling team for their integrated analysis to determine potential risk of transfer to these crops. For objective 2.2, laboratory studies using pathogenic strains of E. coli O157:H7 will be conducted in growth chambers to determine if the same conditions in CA field studies can be examined with pathogens instead of surrogate organisms. 3: Laboratory and field experiments are planned at seven different facilities to address pre-harvest and harvest practices for potential contamination specialty crops. Protozoan oocyst and virus survival in will be evaluated in soil and on plant tissue to provide guidance on composting and to assess possible points of field transmission. Research involving the protozoan parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis continues to be of important interest to produce safety. This organism cannot be studied in the lab, but work with the genetically related surrogate, Eimeria tenella, is underway, including a cell culture assay that can be used as an alternative to live bird work. The need to quantitatively evaluate risks associated with dropped crops will be comparatively studied using six crops evaluating abrasions and the potential for pathogen survival and internalization. Crop contamination associated with wildlife contamination events will continue to be evaluated. Experiments will be repeated from the previous year with inclusion of important modifications to the original experimental design. 4: Plan of work will continue to be executed in the coming year with each site collecting and analyzing data, preparation of abstracts for submission at scientific meetings and peer-reviewed scientific publications for work which will be completed in the coming year. 5: By the next reporting period, the mechanistic model (HYPATH) describing pathogen fate and transport within specialty crop systems will be fully coded in R. The model is based on general mechanistic principles that allow for application to specific site conditions. Bacterial sources are rain, irrigation water, biological soil amendments, animals and will be characterized by prevalence and concentration of generic E. coli and pathogens. Dynamic transfer between soil, water and crop surfaces is included alongside bacterial inactivation and possibly multiplication. Novel bacterial inactivation models will be integrated based on analysis of previous pathogen die-off studies in fresh produce. The model uses daily time steps to accommodate contamination and transfer events from planting to harvest. With the finished model tool, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis will be implemented to identify key factors, quantify risk, and develop food safety metrics. Generic scenarios will be based on surveys of growers in different regions of the US, and expert knowledge provided by the External Advisory Committee and data shared by specific companies. Post-harvest model components will be adapted from previously published QMRAs and integrated with the HYPATH pre-harvest model to develop a complete farm-to-fork model. Post-harvest components include post-harvest processing, retail, storage and preparation, consumption, and dose-response. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of this complete model will identify main sources/critical control points of pathogens into the produce chain. Scenario analysis will be used to assess the effects of pre-/post-harvest and regulatory interventions on disease risk, as well as the differences among various growing regions. We anticipate a publication on a machine learning approach to rank importance of variables controlling generic E. coli levels in Florida's surface waters. Factors considered include water body type, soil characteristics, climatological conditions, landscape features, and physicochemical water characteristics. 6: For objective 6.1, we will submit for publication attribution and costs estimates for leafy greens and will continue to develop improved methods for attribution and cost studies. For objective 6.2, we will integrate IRI sales and price data with foodborne illness event data to assess the impact of events on industry outcomes. For objective 6.3, we will examine the literature, assess gaps in consumer data (in the risk assessment) and use resulting information to design a survey to fill the gaps. For objective 6.4, we will begin working more closely with other objective teams to determine costs and benefits associated with planned interventions. 7: Continue social media campaign of daily posting M-F (research and extension updates/behind the scenes Monday; meet the team Tuesday; highlight webinar/active trainings/news Wednesday; clarifying the confusing around the FSMA Produce Safety Rule Thursday (or other produce safety topic); best thing we've read this week Friday (highlighting a research or extension open access resource - which is also posted on our website under the resource tab. Continue Produce Safety Webinar Series (#8 Sept - Enteric Viruses and Soft Fruit; #9 Oct - Post-harvest Water; #10 Nov -Ag Water Assessment, Treatment and Risk Part 1; #11 Dec - Ag Water Assessment, Treatment and Risk Part 2; #12 Jan - Traceability Rule; #13 Feb - Data Sharing; #14 Mar - Foodborne Illness Attribution; #15 Apr - Harvester Sanitation; #16 May - CA Good Ag Neighbors; and #17 June - Retail Back of the House. Continue development of online, asynchronous course on Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) Foundations 1-3. Learning objectives being developed and first pilot of 5h course estimated in Feb/Mar 2023. Goal of course is to give stakeholders a foundational base on EMPs. Continuation of our industry surveys (3 left - water treatment, postharvest water use, and biological soil amendments of animal origins). IRB approval obtained by Virginia Tech, Rutgers, Ohio State University, and University of Georgia. University of Florida in progress.

What was accomplished under these goals? 1: To date, the Objective 1 team has evaluated the US EPA/FDA agricultural water treatment protocol for two water sources from each research team. This includes evaluation of both E. coli and Salmonella pathogen panels (10+ strains) as well as viral and protozoa surrogates for log reduction values (LRVs) at two temperatures and two contact times (5 and 10 minutes). As part of this work, the team(s) evaluated the use of two commonly used agricultural water treatment chemistries including Calcium Hypochlorite and Peroxyacetic Acid (PAA) at two different dosing regimes (high and low dose). This work represents the first time that the US EPA/FDA protocol has been evaluated under vastly different regional water sources used by industry for produce production. As a result of our work, a combined database is being formed to inform water treatment and risk modeling. 2: Field studies were conducted at research farms affiliated with the University of Florida (FL), University of Georgia (GA), and University of California Davis (CA). Studies in FL and GA examined survival of a non-pathogenic E. coli in soils containing different types of soil amendments and planted with Vidalia onions. Studies at both locations revealed that heat-treated poultry pellets in soil extended survival and promoted transfer of E. coli to Vidalia onions compared to other biological soil amendments used in the study. In CA, the impact of 'side-dressing' - adding organic amendments during the Romaine lettuce growing cycle - on lettuce contamination - was evaluated during a one-season trial. Soils containing heat-treated poultry pellets promoted longer survival durations in soils, potentially increasing the likelihood of lettuce contamination in this specific route. In laboratory studies in GA, novel fluorescent bacterial strains have been developed to examine survival dynamics in manure dust. 3: Specific factors have been identified to address research questions of pathogen exposure, transfer, and survival of bacterial, viral, and protozoal pathogens. Experimental conditions and novel approaches were identified to provide scientific and technical knowledge on survival of protozoan oocysts in soil, dropped and drooping specialty crops, and contamination of crops in a fecal contamination event. Laboratory experiments were designed to assess these issues, including microbial transfer as a function of variable drop height and pathogen transfer as a function of manure and crop age in agricultural fields. Metrics from surveys concerning wildlife intrusion continue to be assessed and included in the development and evaluation of experimental methods for fecal transfer studies to crops, to provide meaningful results for growers. 4: Work commenced evaluating survival and cross-contamination of foodborne pathogens and surrogates in postharvest recirculating water systems (Obj 4.1) and onto common food contact surfaces encountered during produce packing (Obj 4.2). Teams met to determine the appropriate experimental design, developed protocols, and coordinated with each other to determine a plan of work prior to commencing research. 5: Objective 5 group created a conceptual framework for the preharvest and postharvest conditions describing the modes of pathogen transfer in water, soil, and crops. The preharvest portion of the model will follow a mechanistic approach to determine which factors are driving pathogen levels on crop surfaces. The goal was to identify and characterize food-borne pathogen hazards in specialty crop systems including which environmental factors should be taken into consideration. In addition to this framework, collaborative relationships have been established with growers in California, Arizona and Florida and academics outside of CONTACT which will facilitate the development of the risk assessment models through data sharing and expert advice. 6: Objective 6 was designed to develop models for the evaluation of economic costs and benefits associated with produce pathogen reduction strategies. In this reporting period, we focused on objective 6.1 and 6.2. For 6.1 (evaluate economic burdens for consumers made ill by contaminated produce) we developed and implemented an attribution model that has allowed us to generate estimates for the economic costs of illnesses associated with leafy greens. We are currently drafting a publication for submission. For 6.2 (quantify costs to industry from foodborne illness events), we have updated our database of foodborne illness events (outbreaks and recall) and continue to develop models to assess industry costs associated with these events. For 6.3 and 6.4 (characterize consumer risk-related behavior; evaluate intervention costs and benefits), our progress to this point has been limited to basic modeling efforts, as expected. We have worked with other objectives (primarily obj. 5 - risk assessment) to determine the nature of the data that will be available for use in 6.3 and 6.4. 7: Two social media accounts were developed and are maintained - activity daily. A new Produce Safety Webinar Series, planned each Jan-May, Sept-Dec with summer months off. Each month a timely produce safety topic will be dissected and covered in a 1 h presentation or panel format followed by 30 min of live question and answer with all attendees. First season completed with seven episodes. A Produce Safety Science YouTube page was created Aug 2022 to house webinar recordings (including key take aways), mini webinars, and all other resources and content. Survey #2: Environmental Monitoring Programs: An online, anonymous survey was distributed to the produce community to capture information on environmental monitoring programs in raw agricultural commodity packinghouses and field pack operations. N=131 de-identified responses were collected. Survey data is being analyzed; publication pending, estimated Spring 2023. Submitted and presented an IAFP Abstract in Pittsburgh, PA at the International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting 2022. "Analyzing Virtual Platform Effectiveness to Interact with Produce Safety Stakeholders" by A. Hamilton, M. Danyluk, and L. Strawn. (5 min Presentation Overview:


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2022 Citation: Bardsley, C., M.J. Young, M. Sharma, C. Kessler, C.B. Appolon, and K.R. Schneider. 2022. Growth media of Escherichia coli affects its survival in soil under static condition. J Food Prot. Accepted for publication.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Bardsley, C, M. Sharma, and K. Schneider. 2022. Investigation of the effect of growth media on the survival of Escherichia coli in agricultural soil. Poster. International Association for Food Protection 2022 Annual meeting. July 31  August 3, 2022. Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Prabha, K., M. Sharma, A. Mishra, G. Dev Kumar, and L. Dunn. 2022. Biological soil amendments of animal origin extend the survival of Escherichia coli in soils in the Southeastern U.S. International Association for Food Protection 2022 Annual meeting. July 31  August 3, 2022. Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: I.C. Oguadinma and G. Dev Kumar. 2022. Bilious Biofilms Formation by Salmonella and Shiga-Toxin Producing E. coli. International Association of Food Protection. July 31-August 3, Pittsburgh, PA. P3-30.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Ayuk Etaka, C.N., L.K. Strawn, A.M. Hamilton, K. Waterman. 2022. Survival of generic Escherichia coli on different material types of tree fruit picking bags. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting. July 31-August 3, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Larios Mendieta, K.A, Ganser, C., Gutierrez, A., Carmona-Cabrero, A., Havelaar, A., Mu�oz-Carpena, R. A Machine Learning Approach to Identify Key Drivers Influencing Populations of Generic Escherichia coli in Surface Waters in Florida. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Xuerui Yang, Donald W. Schaffner, Michelle D. Danyluk, Robert L Scharff, Foodborne Illnesses from Leafy Greens: Attribution and Cost Estimates International Association for Food Protection. 2022

Progress 09/01/20 to 08/31/21

Target Audience:Produce researchers and growers, Extension Agents, Extension Specialists,Researchersstate/federal agencies, Government officials, Producers, Processors, Packers, Consultants, Buyers, etc.? Changes/Problems:Due to ongoing COVID challenges, all objectives began slower than anticiapted during preparation of the proposal. This included being able to be in the laboratory & complete experiments, hiring staff and students, establishing field trials, and in person meetings including extension events. We used this opportunity to spend more time interacting with our Produce Advisory Committee, and ground truthing all experiments and experimental designs with them, which included pivoting as necessary, and interacting as a larger group in an online forum. Specific objective changes/problems in approach and the resasons for these changes include: 1: The inability to get students and staff into the laboratory to conduct experiments due to Covid protocols delayed the onset of bench-top research, however, it allowed our team to better prepare for research execution, SOP development, and data sharing platform refining. 2: The hiring of personnel at USDA ARS (a post-doctoral research associate) has been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and USDA staffing limitations. 3: Time during this period included a focus on group collaboration, QMRA framework planning, and experimental design development due to constraints regarding COVD and staffing limitations. 4: PI Critzer, leading objective 4, changed positions on August 1, 2021 moving to a research and teaching faculty appointment at the University of Georgia. Therefore, Washington State University will no longer be a subaward for the project moving forward, but representatives from the tree fruit industry will continue to provide insights and expertise on the PAC. 5: Florida team was not able to recruit a qualified graduate student to participate in the risk assessment activities. The position has been changed to a post-doc position and the application procedure is in the final stage. 6: We discovered that we will likely not be able to use Neilson data for 6.2 due to licensing issues. Instead, we will use similar IRI data that is available for purchase through USDA. 7: n/a What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Online, asynchronous course on Environmental Monitoring Programs Foundations (Levels 1-3) in development (working group meeting 11/3/21; learning objectives outlined How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Produce Safety Webinar Series (November 4, 2021, December 3, 2021, monthly in 2022 Jan-May, Sept-Dec); 1.5 content (1 h presentation, 30 min live Q & A) November 4th, 2021 Webinar featured Dr. Trevor Suslow 535 registrations, 276 unique viewers, 358 total users Produce Safety Science Social media platforms for direct outreach and dissemination of results/information (official launch November 1, 2021) Twitter profile: 78 followers, daily posting since November 1, 2021 Instagram profile: 50 followers, daily posting since November 1, 2021 Contact Website Resource page: each week posting open access research and extension articles detailing produce safety topics; every month posting a key takeaways summary of the Produce Safety Webinar Series presentations What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1: During the next reporting period, each regional sub-lead under Objective 1 will have begun generating log reduction data for both Salmonella and E. coli for two water sources. We will also have begun aligning field design for agricultural water treatment experiments conducted at field scale. 2: Field studies at three sites will be conducted evaluated survival of E. coli and transfer to crops. Laboratory data will be utilized to simulate field conditions using a suite of pathogens across all CONTACT objectives. 3: Within the next reporting period, field trials will be conducted across four states. These studies will be used to improve approaches and understanding regarding persistence of protozoa and viruses in vegetative matter and soil; assess the risk of crops in contact with soil or plastic mulch; and determine patterns of bacterial survival and transfer to crops from bacteria introduced by wildlife intrusion. 4: Work will commence with team members executing the agreed upon experimental designs in the coming reporting period. 5: Continue collecting water quality data from produce growing throughout different regions in the US and analyze these data using statistical, machine learning and mechanistic modelling approaches. Literature will be surveyed for available QMRA models for produce safety and combining these in an initial farm-to-fork model. We will develop a baseline risk assessment model to estimate the burden of foodborne illnesses due to consumption of contaminated fresh produce. We will develop modules for the QMRA to specifically incorporate new data generated by obj. 1-4. We will continue to support obj. 1-4 in study design, data management and data analysis, as well as interact with investigators from obj. 6 and 7 to support their work. 6: Over the next reporting period we will continue to focus on building and conducting empirical analyses based on secondary data. By the end of the period, we expect to have 2-3 publications submitted or in preparation for submission to peer reviewed journals. We will also continue to work with other objective teams to ensure that the data we receive from them will be useful. Additionally, we will continue to develop, implement, and monitor data governance practices across the project. 7: Develop social media accounts ( and A Twitter Produce Safety Science (PS_SCI) account will be created to communicate and interact with public (78 followers, active since Nov 1, 2021) and an Instagram Produce Safety Science (PS_SCI) account was created to communicate and interact with public (50 followers, active since Nov 1, 2021). As well as a new Produce Safety Webinar Series, planned each Jan-May, Sept-Dec with summer months off. Each month a timely produce safety topic will be dissected and covered in a 1 h presentation or panel format followed by 30 min of live question and answer with all attendees. Our first Produce Safety Webinar series #1 (November 4, 2021) had 535 registrations, 276 unique viewers, and 358 total users-(which includes call-in's).Continue social media campaign of daily posting M-F (research and extension updates/behind the scenes Monday; meet the team Tuesday; highlight webinar/active trainings/news Wednesday; dissecting the FSMA Produce Safety Rule Thursday (or clarifying a confusion topic); best thing we've read this week Friday (highlighting a research or extension open access resource - which is also posted on our website under the resource tab. Continue Produce Safety Webinar Series (#1 Nov - Adjacent Land Use; #2 Dec - Agriculture Water Treatment; #3 Jan - Risk Modeling; #4 Feb - Agricultural Teas; #5 Mar - Cyclospora; #6 Apr - Data Sharing; #7 May - Supply Chain; Break for the summer production season; picking back up in Sept #8 - Audits; TBD. Each webinar series consists of 1 h presentations/panels with a 30 min live Q & A. After each webinar, a short white paper on key takeaways is drafted and posted on social media/website for all registered attendees to access/use for review/recap/etc.

What was accomplished under these goals? 1: The team has currently focused on aligning each regional lead and laboratory to begin bench-top agricultural water treatment experiments. This includes the preparation and sharing of E. coli and Salmonella cultures for distribution and treatment evaluation. Additionally, the team has identified water treatment chemistries most often utilized by industry and has selected those that will be used for evaluation. Historical data sets are also being shared with the modeling team to support hazard risk assessment objectives. 2: We have identified an experimental framework to address critical produce safety data gaps through coordinated scientific approaches. Efforts have focused on the collection of field and laboratory data that can be easily transferred machine learning models to attain metrics that can be used either in national or regionally specific approaches. Specifically, common field and laboratory methodology across sub-objectives has been planned and formalized. Because of the 2020 outbreak of Salmonella Newport associated with onions, transfer of pathogens to onions from amended soils is going to be evaluated. Repeated outbreaks of E. coli O157:H7 for leafy greens refined the focus of sub-objective 2.3 to investigate pathogens in soil/manure generated dust Laboratory methods to evaluate these events, along with reasonable experimental parameters for soil and amendment matrices. 3: We have identified an experimental framework to address questions pertinent to the discovery, validation, and implementation of metrics used to enhance produce food safety pertaining to 1) persistence of protozoa and viruses in vegetative matter and soil; 2) the impact of ground contact on drooping or dropped crops; and 3) risks associated with animals in protected agriculture. In achieving this accomplishment, treatments and parameters necessary to improve knowledge and develop appropriate metrics were determined. 4: The team members working on objective 4 coordinated with the PAC to determine details of the experimental approach for both subobjectives which orient around management of postharvest water in dump tanks and flumes (4.1) and food contact surfaces encountered at harvest at during postharvest handling (4.2). Data from this work will provide scientific and technological knowledge to develop metrics important to enhancing produce safety, specifically with the aim of quantifying risk of bacterial and viral foodborne pathogen transfer to produce during postharvest washing under industry-relevant conditions (4.1) and quantifying the transfer of bacterial foodborne pathogens to harvest and postharvest food contact surfaces as well as produce (4.2). The team also coordinated with objective 7 to create two draft surveys on environmental monitoring programs and sanitation that will be released for stakeholder participation in the next reporting cycle. 5: A postdoc was hired to specifically develop water quality models. Literature related to the survival of pathogens in soil, and transfer from soil to fresh produce has been collected. We developed a conceptual model for the microbial risk assessment framework and interacted frequently with objectives 1-4 to align experimental and observational study plans with the plans for QMRA. This has resulted in draft statements of purpose for the risk assessment. We developed database sheets to share water quality data from previous studies and received four datasets from different regions in Florida. Analysis of these data has been initiated. 6: Subobjective 6.1: Focus on model building, literature review and exploration of potential data sources. A basic empirical framework was built for assessing burden of illness and updated estimates for cost-of-illness was collected from literature. Design of food attribution models for identified pathogens has begun. Subobjective 6.2: Completed a literature review to examine potential models for use in our analysis, collected outbreak and recall data for leafy greens contaminated with dangerous pathogens and identified scanner data from IRI that will be purchased and merged with event data to allow for evaluation of the effect of food safety events on product prices and demand. Subobjective 6.3: Estimated consumption for rarely consumed raw produce commodities using NHANES data using different assumptions. Subobjective 6.4: Sought to work with other objective teams to ensure we will be able to complete future analyses that are dependent on the data they generate. We have worked most closely with objective 5 to give input on the risk assessment. Data Governance: Our data governance efforts have worked towards creating a shared set of protocols for the collection and handling of data. Specifically, we examined data governance models for food safety data, including developing a cross-sectional survey to assess current data collection and management practices within the private sector. We also provided input on development of study protocols and selection of REDCAP as data tool (a pilot tool is currently under team review). Finally, we conducted webinars on calculating sample sizes and data management, including tidy data. 7: Efforts were focused on virtual or online activities and outreach due to the COVID pandemic. An online, anonymous survey was distributed to the produce community to capture the top produce safety concerns. N=311 de-identified responses were collected. Survey data is being analyzed; publication pending, estimated Feb 2022.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: azquez*, K.M, R. Mu�oz-Carpena, M.D. Danyluk, A.H. Havelaar. 2021. Parsimonious mechanistic modeling of bacterial runoff to inform food safety management of agricultural water quality. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 87(15):e00596-21. doi:10.1128/AEM.00596-21.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Howell, A.; Kowalcyk, B.B. (2021). Analysis of Methodology Used to Classify Produce Commodities as Rarely Consumed Raw. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting.