Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24
Outputs Target Audience:Our target audience for this reporting period were faculty members participating in the Faculty Learning Community (FLC), faculty members teaching courses included in the Sustainable Food Systems minor, Sustainable Food Systems minors, community members, and our LatinX student assistant. During this reporting period, FLC meetings (2023-2024) were held on: September 8, November 17, January 9m February 16, March 1, March 22, April 5, 19, and 29. In Academic Year 23-24members of the Faculty Learning Community consisted of Taylor Bloeden (Human Nutrition), Rafael Cuevas-Uribe (Fisheries Aquaculture), Fernando Paz (El Centro), Chris Hopper (Kinesiology), Noah Zerbe (Political Science) and Susan Edinger Marshall (Rangeland Resource Science/Wildland Soils). Cutcha Risling Baldy (Native American Studies) was on sabbatical. We also consulted with Jeff Crane (Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences) who taught the first offering of ANTH 308 Sustainable Food Systems. Kristen Rasmussen taught the second offering of ANTH 308 plusformal internship and field trip courses.Through the internships, we continuedconnections and service to the North Coast Grower's Association (farmer's markets and community food distribution), Big LagoonCharter School, and the Daluviwi' Garden at the Blue Lake Rancheria. The field trip courses visited local food producers and manufacturers includingthe Cypress Grove Chevre Gourmet Goat Cheese and the Foggy Bottom Boys Farm.We also met with the College of the Redwoods' secondFarm to Table event on Friday September 22, 2023accompanied by 16 faculty members and students in the minor. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Goal 1 -ANTH 308 will be offered again in Fall 2024 and once we get approval of our no cost extension, we hope to offer the field course and internship program again. Interns were awarded with student stipends. Goal 2 -The no cost extension (NCE) will allow us to reconstitute the Kitchenistas campus/community event in Fall 2024.The no cost extension (NCE) will allow us to collaborate with the Interim (or permanent?) coordinator of El Centroto promote the 1st year transfer/sophomore cohorts. Goal 3 -With the no cost extension, we plan to hold a workshop with instructors of courses included in the Sustainable Food System minor, to share how their curriculum has been transformed. Collaboration will also continue with regular meetings of the Faculty Learning Community (FLC). Goal 4 -The no cost extension (NCE) will allow us to increase collaboration between faculty and community partnerswith sustained ongoing partnerships to support the economic viability of food industries.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal 1 - "Enhance and expand pathways for entry into food & agriculture careers and graduate programs throughcurriculum transformation" Second year offering ANTH 308 Sustainable Food Systems. Enrollment in Spring 23 was 48 students (Crane), 40 in Spring 24 (room limit) (Rasmussen). Kristin Rasmussen (lecturer) also taught two special topics courses; ANTH 485 Field Studies (14) and Internship (12) directly supported by the grant. Minors increased from 9 in AY22/23 to 14 in AY 23/24. Evaluations are underway for minors and participants in the ANTH 485 classes. Two advertisements in El Lenador (campus Spanish language newspaper) about classes available that count for the Sustainable Food Systems minor. Goal 2 - "Deepen Hispanic students'connectionsto the campus, food systems-related academic programs, and the local food system community" This was partially met through the creation ofinternships(see above). Plans were in place to hold a "La Comida Nos Une Spring Event" on May 3 with a screening of Las Kitchenistas and virtual panel, plus student internship presentations and a local, diverse panel. This event was cancelled when our campus was shut down during a protest and occupation of administrative buildings. Plans to collaborate with campus Latinx Center to increaserecruitment & retention of underrepresented students in FAHN sciences were thwarted in part by the departure of the center's coordinator in Fall 2023. An interim coordinator was designated in spring 2024. Goal 3 - "Facilitatecollaborationbetween facultyfrom all three colleges to promote the agricultural enterprise across disciplines" Curriculum integration and enhancement of content has been limited, with three faculty members completing the "Creando Conciencia" workshop facilitated by Rafael Cuevas-Uribe and Margarita Otero-Diaz. Goal 4 - "Increaseeconomic vitality and sustainabilityof regional food system industry" Very little progress has been made here. Students and faculty attended the 2nd Farm to Table event sponsoredby College of the Redwoods. The no cost extension (NCE) will allow us to increase collaboration between faculty and community partnerswith sustained ongoing partnerships to support the economic viability of food industries.
Progress 09/01/22 to 08/31/23
Outputs Target Audience:Our target audience for this reporting period were faculty members participating in the Faculty Learning Community (FLC), faculty members teaching courses included in the Sustainable Food Systems minor, Sustainable Food Systems minors, community members, and our LatinX student assistant. During this reporting period, FLC meetings were held on: January 27, 2023 February 3, 2023 June 1, 2023 August 14, 2023 In Academic Year 22-23members of the Faculty Learning Community consisted of Taylor Bloeden (Human Nutrition), Rafael Cuevas-Uribe (Fisheries Aquaculture), Fernando Paz (El Centro), Chris Hopper (Kinesiology), Noah Zerbe (Political Science) and Susan Edinger Marshall (Rangeland Resource Science/Wildland Soils). Cutcha Risling Baldy (Native American Studies) was on sabbatical. we also consulted with Jeff Crane (Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences) who taught the first offering of ANTH 308 Sustainable Food Systems. We also met with the College of the Redwoods' first Farm to Table event on Friday September 23, 2022 accompanied by Matt Johnson (Wildlife professor), Dev Fields (SFS minor), and A.B. Navarro (reporter for the campus bilingual newspaper, El Lenador). We also made great connections with individuals at the North Coast Grower's Association (farmer's markets and community food distribution), Ashley Seafood, and Humboldt Made. Changes/Problems:Fernando Paz, former director for El Centro Academico, an important cultural center on campus, moved to another position in the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This vacuum in leadership has hampered our aspirations to develop a sophomore/transfer cohort. We aspired to start a cooking club, but this must be student initiated. The SFS minors start rather late in their degree progress and we had hoped that they would start the club but this has not materialized. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Creando Conciencia, a workshop for instructors offered by Rafael Cuevas Uribe (Fisheries) and Margarita Otero-Diaz (Enginering) was supported by "La Comida Nos Une" and was intended to emulate the Escala Training that many Cal Poly Humboldt faculty have taken (see Four faculty members participated for classes such as "Interpersonal Communication" COMM 213, "Forests and Culture" SOC 302, and "Hydrology and Watershed Management" WSHD 310. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Offer ANTH 308 in Spring 2024 with a new lecturer who is a registered dietician. Continue to recruit new Sustainabel Food System minors Offer ANTH 485 - two versions - an internship course and a field trip course, expected to reach about 32 more students combined and connect with community members. Offer student travel to professional meetings.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal #1 - Enhance and expand pathways for entry into food and agriculture careers and graduate programs through curriculum transformation. ANTH 308 Sustainble Food Systems was offered for the first time with an enrollment of 48 students in the spring of 2023. Sustainable Food Systems minors numbered 6 in Fall 2022, 14 in Spring 2023, and 12 in Fall 2023. Goal #2 - Deepen Hispanic students' connections to the campus, food system-related academic programs, and the local food system community. We made progress towards this goal by offering the mini-internships in spring 2023. Goal #3: Facilitate collaboration between faculty from all three colleges to promote the food system across disciplines. See a description of "Creando Conciencia" in the next section. Goal #4: Increase economic vitality and sustainability of regional food systems. No activities or progress to report for this reporting period.
Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22
Outputs Target Audience:Our target audience for this reporting period were faculty members participating in the Faculty Learning Community (FLC), faculty members teaching courses included in the Sustainable Food Systems minor, faculty members of the Integrated Curriculum Committee, and our LatinX student assistants. During this reporting period, meeting were held on: September 14, 2021 October26, 2021 February 24, 2022 April 21, 2022 In Academic Year 21-22 members of the Faculty Learning Community consisted of Taylor Bloeden (Human Nutrition), Rafael Cuevas-Uribe (Fisheries Aquaculture), Chris Hopper (Kinesiology), and Susan Edinger Marshall (Rangeland Resource Science/soils). Sadly, May Patino (lecturer in Anthropology/Program Coordinator) was in the early stages of long Covid. Further, Laura Hahn (English) also had to resign the FLC due to serious health issues. Changes/Problems:We lost our Program Coordinator and one of our Faculty Learning Community members to severe illness. Several key faculty were on sabbatical during this reporting period. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Brochures - about 400 handed out to classes included in the minor. Newspaper article in campus newspaper. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Launch the ANTH 308 class. Continue to recruit Sustainable Food System minors. Recruit new members to the Faculty Learning Community.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal #1 -Enhance and expand pathways for entry into food and agriculture careers and graduate programs through curriculum transformation. 1. We designed, developed and obtained approval foran interdisciplinary sustainable food systems minor. This activity will bring all three HSU colleges together to aggregate courses that can be linked to provide students with a holistic food systems perspective, and increased ability to access food systems related careers and graduate programs. This was a long process through our Integrated Curriculum Committee (ICC) where Learning Outcomes were connected with university-wide and departmental Learning Outcomes. 2. Little progress was made in enhancement of course offerings, although we started planning for a future effort titled "Creando Conciencia" with the goal of sensitizing faculty members to challenges and learning styles of our LatinX student community. 3. The syllabus for a new course "Sustainable Food Systems" (ANTH 308) was drafted. Goal #2 -Deepen Hispanic students' connections to the campus, food system-related academic programs, and the local food system community. La Comida Nos Une participated in a campus wide food summit in Spring 2022by offering a remote zoom session with Caitlinn Brooke Hubbell at Purdue University. We also offered a field trip to local farms, including a local Native American Rancheria which was growing food for health and for tribal elders. Leadership development was accomplished with our two student assistants during this reporting period (Jessica Hernandez and Brenda Martinez). They started an Instagram feed and tabled with food-related give-away bags at an all campus tabling event. Goal #3: Facilitate collaboration between faculty from all three colleges to promote the food system across disciplines. We started planning for a future effort titled "Creando Conciencia" with the goal of sensitizing faculty members to challenges and learning styles of our LatinX student community. Goal #4: Increase economic vitality and sustainability of regional food systems. No activities or progress to report for this reporting period.
Progress 09/01/20 to 08/31/21
Outputs Target Audience:Faculty Learning Community - during this reporting period, meetings were held on: November 6, 2020 November 13, 2020 December 4, 2020 February 12, 2021 March 5, 2021 March 19, 2021 April 7, 2021 September 14, 2021 - included Enoch Hale from HSU Center for Teaching and Learning October 26, 2021 In Academic Year 20-21 members of the Faculty Learning Community consisted of Taylor Bloeden (Human Nutrition), Rafael Cuevas-Uribe (Fisheries Aquaculture), Laura Hahn (English/Communications), May Patino (Anthropology), Chris Hopper (Kinesiology), and Susan Edinger Marshall (Rangeland Resource Science/soils). For the last two meetings of this reporting period, Kim Perris (Nursing) and Cutch Risling Baldy (Native American Studies) were added. These faculty members were representative of three Humboldt State University colleges and the courses that were proposed as Core courses in the Sustainable Food Systems minor. Campus wide faculty - a website was created to publicize La Comida Nos Une Chris Hopper, May Patino, and Susan Edinger Marshall met with Ivy Kusler, manager with Chartwell, a new dining services provider on campus, February 3, 2021. La Comida Admin Team met with Matt Johnson, fellow HSI grantee to discuss coordination, on February 17, 2021 Yurok Tribe - Chris Hopper had an informational meeting with Jim Mcquillen and Taylor Thompson on April 15, 2021 to talk about Sustainable Food Systems HSI grant at HSU. Integrated Curriculum Committee - A proposal to create a Sustainable Food Systems Minor was submitted to this committee on March 22, 2021. Approval is pending. HSU Hispanic Serving Institution Advisory Committee - May Patino attended this meeting on September 3, 2021 and monthly throughout the year Development of "La Comida" informational brochure, Connie Webb, Marcom, Sept. 9, 2021 USDA NIFA Project Director's Meeting (virtual) Susan Edinger Marshall attended Sept. 15-16, 2021 HSU Sponsored Programs Foundation Board - May Patino made a presentation to this group on September 29, 2020 May Patino is the coordinator for the Humboldt Food Policy Council and has kept them apprised of our activities and progress. May Patino participated as a USDA Kika De La Garza scholar in June 21-25, 2021and shared about this NIFA grant. Changes/Problems:COVID prohibited some activities A new Sustainable Food Systems major is anticipated as part of Humboldt State university's transition to California Polytechnic University, Humboldt. Laura Hahn, a member of our Faculty Learning Community, will guide this effort during an anticipated sabbatical (Academic Year 22-23) and we will coordinate closely with her. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Development of the minor has been disseminated through our website and May Patino's communication with the Humboldt Food Policy Council and our meeting with the Yurok Tribe. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Our next few FLC meetings will focus on incorporating discussions of leadership skills, food system careers, and culturally inclusive pedogogies in the core courses.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal#1 - 1 Development of interdisciplinary food systems minor - We have submitted catalog copy and details of the minor to our campus' Integrated Curriculum Committee (ICC). Our core courses for the major include a new class ANTH 308 (Sustainable Food Systems), HED 231 (Human Nutrition), NAS 331 (Indigenous NR Management), ANTH 491 (ePortfolio), and a choice of either RRS 306 (Wildland Resource Principles) or WLDF 309 (Case Studies in Environmental Ethics). Students are then asked to select, with the assistance of an advisor, 6 additional credit hours from clusters of classes with the following themes: Food Stories, Food Business, Food for All, Food and Health, Food Education, Food Justice, Food Production, and Food-Related Science and Engineering. The ICC's decision/acceptance of our proposal is pending. HSU will become California's third California Polytechnic University including a new Sustainable Food Systems. The likely lead faculty member on the new major effort, Laura Hahn, is a member of our Faculty Learning Community (FLC). We will continue to work with the ICC to push the new minor through. We held a Faculty Learning Community meeting on October 26, 2021 to begin the discussion of how to better integrate core courses with each other. Goal #2 - Deepen Hispanic students' connections to the campus, food system-related academic programs, and the local food system community. During COVID, we had little opportunity to make much progress on Goal #2, i.e. partnerships with "El Centro," the Latinx Community on campus. However, we hired two new student assistants, Brenda Martinez (Environmental Science) and Jessica Hernandez (Wildlife) who have a strong history with food activism. Once we have developed a short brochure to complement our website, our outreach will be increased. Currently, our student assistants are compiling existing and potential events and activities which "La Comida" could sponsor or co-sponsor with existing organizations. For example, an Indigenous Food Sovereignty lab has been launched on campus, mostly due to student fundraising efforts in NAS 331 Indigenous NR Management and the leadership of Professor Cutcha Risling Baldy. We have not made progress on other aspects of Goal #2 and are somewhat hampered by not being able to attract students to events with food, due to campus and state COVID policies for safe gatherings. Goal #3: Facilitate collaboration between faculty from all three colleges to promote the food system across disciplines. Progress on this goal (to promote the food system minor) is somewhat contingent on getting the Sustainable Food System Minor through the ICC approval process. Goal #4: Increase economic vitality and sustainability of regional food systems. No activities or progress to report