Progress 06/10/20 to 09/30/20
Outputs Target Audience:The target audience for this reporting period was soil conservationists with the National Conservation Resource Service (NRCS). Current projects have been designed with input from regional NRCS leaders to produce informative procedures and technical reports that will be directly used by the local NRCS soil conservationists. The audience will cover NRCS Major Land Resource Areas (MLRA) 10 and 11. Changes/Problems:Covid 19 shutdowns presented a major delay in the project. Since this was the first project year there was no previous work or data to make progress on. Data collection and lab analysis that were tentatively planned for Spring/Fall 2020 had to be delayed until 2021. As a result, most progress for this project has remained in the planning phase until travel restrictions and health concerns for the participating individuals allow for initial data collection What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Objective 1. Evaluate the impact of intensifying agroecosystems (e.g. increased crop rotations/double cropping, and management integration) on soil organic C, soil health, productivity, the environment, and profitability. (MI, SD, ND, FL, IA, GU, KS) 1.1 Develop a soil carbon stock model: During the next reporting period data will be collected and analyzed for a project which aims to simplify rapid dynamic soil property (DSP) assessment over a heterogeneous landscape. This project will include physical soil sampling, as well as remote data collection through drone mounted spectral sensors. The project will analyze several land-use type intensities including conventional tillage, strip/no tillage, cover crops, and pasture. Objective 2. Assess management effects (e.g. crop residue, tillage, cover crops) on soil organic C, environmental footprints (e.g. GHG emissions, water quality, water quantity, soil erosion, input use efficiency), and productivity. (SD, ND, FL, MN, IA, GU, SC, KS) 2.1 Develop working model for balancing Land-Use and Salinity/Sodicity: For this objective the main plan is to secure additional funding for a project. This funding would cover a graduate student stipend, equipment, travel, and misc. costs. Regular communications with the local NRCS soil scientists have identified areas in SD with major salinity and sodicity issues. Next year we will establish connections with landowners with saline/sodic affected soils and establish permission to conduct research on their land, 2.2 Develop tools to identify areas with increased erosion susceptibility: The plan for this objective is to obtain funding for a graduate student as well as PI time to conduct preliminary research in this area. That research will include data mining the SSURGO database, as well as running erosion models for test areas withing SD.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective 1: Evaluate the impact of intensifying agroecosystems (e.g. increased crop rotations/double cropping, and management integration) on soil organic C, soil health, productivity, the environment, and profitability. 5% Accomplished Funding was secured to conduct research on developing a protocol for rapid dynamic soil property inventory utilizing digital soil mapping and proximal sensing. This funding covers 2 years and includes support for 2 graduate students. The proposal is a multi-institution effort in collaboration with a faculty member at Purdue University. Initial planning of research sites has been conducted but data collection has been delayed until Spring 2021 due to the travel restrictions caused by Covid-19. Objective 2: Assess management effects (e.g. crop residue, tillage, cover crops,) on soil organic C, environmental footprints (e.g. GHG emissions, water quality, water quantity, soil erosion, input use efficiency), and productivity. 10% Accomplished Funding was secured to conduct research on the effects of mineralogy on potassium fertilizer efficiency (PI- Jason Clark). Test plots were planted across the Central and Eastern portion of the state and harvested. Soil samples are currently being collected any described.