Progress 06/01/23 to 05/31/24
Outputs Target Audience:During this report period, the team worked on the analysis of the mechanisms of gelatin-based hydrogels. In addition, the team has been working with commercial companies to further explore the opportunity of commercialization of the proposed jelly ice cubes. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?One postdoc, three graduate students and 2 undergraduate students have been working on this project and received training. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?One manuscript summarizing the new findings has been submitted to Materials Today. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will complete objective 3.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
There are three objectives of this project: 1.Manufacturing SPI hydrogel "ICE" cubes with desired durability and reusability; 2. Incorporating VK compounds into "ICE" and test the self-cleaning efficacy of "ICE" under different light sources at different temperatures; and 3.Evaluate the impact of "ICE" on food quality by using seafood as the model products. During this project reporting period, both objectives 1 and 2 have been completed. The team is currently working on Objective 3.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Zou, J., Ling, H., Zheng, Y., Contreras, B. B., Narvaez, E. J., Liu, G., Wang, L., and Sun, G. 2024. Pioneering hydrogel colling technologies: a comprehensive approach to thoretical modeling an done-step fabrication strategy. Materials Today.
Progress 06/01/21 to 05/31/22
Outputs Target Audience:During this project period, the development of Jelly Ice Cube received a great amount of attention from the industry and the public. The story was first reported by the UC Davis and then local media in November 2021. Since then, stories covering the development has been published in different languages in more than 19 countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Indonesia, Brazil, India, Switzerland, Italy, Australia, France, Canada, China, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Egypt, Korea, and Argentina. Inside US, the story was covered by major medias including but not limited to CBS, FOX, ABC and NPR. A provisional patent (Tech ID: 32532 / UC Case 2021-914-0) has been filed by the Regents of University of California in July 2021 and an official patent was filed in April 2022. As of July 2022, 20 Confidential Disclosure Agreements have been signed between the UC Davis Intellectual Property Office and various companies. Among them, 10 are from the U.S., 3 from Germany, 2 from Canada, 2 from Australia, 1 from Guatemala, 1 from Spain, and 1 from Israel. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Two graduate students are trained under this project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Three publications have been published during this period to distribute information to the scientific field, including 2 articles published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (cover article), and 1 article in Advanced Functional Materials. In addition, 2 Poster presentations and 1 oral presentation were delivered in the ACS National Conferences. Stories covering the development of jelly ice cube has been published in different languages in more than 19 countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Indonesia, Brazil, India, Switzerland, Italy, Australia, France, Canada, China, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Egypt, Korea, and Argentina. Inside US, the story was covered by major medias including but not limited to CBS, FOX, ABC and NPR. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The team is on the right track for completing objective 3 by the end of next project report period.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
There are three objectives of this project: 1.Manufacturing SPI hydrogel "ICE" cubes with desired durability and reusability; 2. Incorporating VK compounds into "ICE" and test the self-cleaning efficacy of "ICE" under different light sources at different temperatures; and 3. Evaluate the impact of "ICE" on food quality by using seafood as the model products. During this project reporting period, both objectives 1 and 2 have been completed. Three papers and one patent were generated from these two objectives. Objective 3 is ongoing and is expected to be completed by the end of project period.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Zou, J., Sbodio, A., Blanco-Ulate, B., Wang, L., and Sun, G. 2022. Novel robust, reusable, microbial-resistant, and compostable protein-based cooling media. Advanced Functional Materials. 32(26), 2201347.
Zou, J., Wang, L., and Sun, G. 2021. Sustainable and reusable gelatin-based hydrogel "jelly ice cubes" as food collant. II: Ideal freeze-thaw conditions. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 9(46), 15365-15374.
Zou, J., Wang, L., and Sun, G. 2021. Sustainable and reusable gelatin-based hydrogel "jelly ice cubes" as food coolant. I: feasibilities and challenges. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 9, 15357-15364.