Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2019
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2025
Grant Year
Project Director
Abler, D. G.
Recipient Organization
408 Old Main
Performing Department
Agricultural Economics & Rural
Non Technical Summary
This project seeks to create economically thriving and environmentally beneficial agricultural systems in urbanized landscapes. These agricultural systems are located in metropolitan counties and in non-metropolitan counties adjacent to metro areas, and are vital to the sustainability of U.S. agriculture. Our central hypothesis is that value-added agriculture of the kind required to be economically sustainable in urbanized landscapes can be achieved while enhancing ecosystem services. Our overall goal is to make this hypothesis a reality within the 25-year period stated in the RFA, using the Chesapeake Bay Watershed as a case study translatable to other urbanized landscapes. This project will engage closely with stakeholders using a shared discovery and co-learning process to envision desired 25-year futures for agricultural systems in urbanized landscapes that are economically sustainable while enhancing ecosystem services; and conduct scenario-building exercises with stakeholders to identify how agriculture in urbanized areas would need to evolve to realize these desired futures, and the technologies, markets, and public policies that could help make the desired futures a reality.This project will carry out iterative research processes with stakeholders on increasing TFP through enlarged markets in urbanized landscapes for local, organic, and traceable food products; and on improving NUE and TFP through a suite of nutrient management tools, models, and analyses for farmers, companies selling data analytics services to farmers, land use planners, and agricultural and environmental policy-makers. We will implement the recommendations coming out of the scenario-building exercises through modelling, experiments, surveys, and demonstrations; bring the results to stakeholders to evaluate; and carry out additional research based on feedback from stakeholders. Expected outcomes from our stakeholder-led approach include rapid uptake of the project's research outputs because they will address present-day needs and desired futures identified by stakeholders.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
This project seeks to create economically thriving and environmentally beneficial agricultural systems in urbanized landscapes. These agricultural systems are located in metropolitan counties and in non-metropolitan counties adjacent to metro areas, and are vital to the sustainability of U.S. agriculture. 36% of U.S. net farm income in 2012 was from metropolitan counties, and another 33% was from non-metropolitan counties that are adjacent to metro areas and have at least 2% of their employed labor force commuting to central metro counties. Communities and consumers in urbanized landscapes value agriculture for locally produced foods, open space and aesthetic scenery amenities, recreational opportunities such as agritourism, and wildlife habitats. However, the economic and environmental sustainability of agricultural systems in urbanized landscapes is threatened by intensifying competition for land and water from urban growth and sprawl, and by water pollution, livestock odors, pests, and dust from agricultural activities.Our central hypothesis is that value-added agriculture of the kind required to be economically sustainable in urbanized landscapes can be achieved while enhancing ecosystem services. Our overall goal is to make this hypothesis a reality within the 25-year period stated in the RFA, using the Chesapeake Bay Watershed as a case study translatable to other urbanized landscapes. This project addresses two of the five Program Area Priorities listed in the SAS RFA: increasing agricultural productivity; and optimizing water and nitrogen use efficiency. The long-term objectives of the project align with the two 25-year goals in the RFA corresponding to these two Priorities: increase growth of agricultural total factor productivity (TFP) from the current 1.5% to 2% per year and agricultural production by 2%; and improve water and nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient use efficiency (NUE) by 50%.This project will engage closely with stakeholders using a shared discovery and co-learning process to envision desired 25-year futures for agricultural systems in urbanized landscapes that are economically sustainable while enhancing ecosystem services; and conduct scenario-building exercises with stakeholders to identify how agriculture in urbanized areas would need to evolve to realize these desired futures, and the technologies, markets, and public policies that could help make the desired futures a reality. Engagement with the project's Stakeholder Advisory Board, networks of engaged stakeholders, and workshops with stakeholder-users will help ensure the success of the technologies, management strategies, and tools for policy-makers developed by the project.This project will carry out iterative research processes with stakeholders on increasing TFP through enlarged markets in urbanized landscapes for local, organic, and traceable food products; and on improving NUE and TFP through a suite of nutrient management tools, models, and analyses for farmers, companies selling data analytics services to farmers, land use planners, and agricultural and environmental policy-makers. We will implement the recommendations coming out of the scenario-building exercises through modelling, experiments, surveys, and demonstrations; bring the results to stakeholders to evaluate; and carry out additional research based on feedback from stakeholders. Expected outcomes from our stakeholder-led approach include rapid uptake of the project's research outputs because they will address present-day needs and desired futures identified by stakeholders.This project will implement education, extension, and evaluation plans to spur adoption of research outputs. In consultation with stakeholders, we will develop and offer workshops for businesses along the supply chain for food products and for policy-makers; online undergraduate and graduate courses to disseminate project methods and findings; extension programs to create a community of practice around agriculture in urbanized landscapes; and a rigorous external evaluation to provide ongoing feedback that will allow the project team to adjust their efforts to better align with project objectives. Expected outcomes include pathways for continued use and further development of the project's research, extension, and education outputs throughout the 25-year period in the SAS RFA.
Project Methods
Multiple methods spanning disciplines and geographic scales will be applied in close collaboration with stakeholders to put agricultural systems in urbanized landscapes in a position to achieve the 25-year TFP and NUE goals of the SAS RFA. A multi-method approach overcomes the limitations of any single method by integrating the results from different methods.Engagement and co-learning with stakeholders will be used to help meet the dual long-term objectives of this project of increasing growth of agricultural TFP from the current 1.5% to 2% per year and agricultural production by 2%; and improving water and nitrogen and phosphorus NUE by 50%. A shared discovery framework will be utilized to meet these engagement objectives. Shared discovery is a collaborative, iterative process allowing researchers and stakeholders to explore research design, results, and decision support tools developed from the collective effort. The process is deliberative and focused, providing clear opportunities for engagement and communication among researchers, external collaborators, and stakeholders. It treats everyone as equal partners. These communications help guide how the research unfolds during a project, and links science-based research directly to issues and solutions to real-world problems. Shared discovery ensures two-way communications in all project phases; a constant receptivity to suggestions, comments, and critiques; and inclusion of contributors in study design, analysis, and authoring of products. This project will implement the shared discovery process through a Stakeholder Advisory Board, networks of engaged stakeholders throughout the case study Chesapeake Bay region, and stakeholder participation in the project's research, extension, and education activities.Together, the methods to be used address issues at multiple scales that have a major impact on the sustainability of agricultural systems in urbanized landscapes. At the field and farm scale, these issues include nutrient management practices and technologies, and choices of which crops and livestock to produce. At the landscape scale, they include zoning and other land use regulations, farmland preservation policies, and urban development pressures. At the watershed and regional scale, they include consumer demands and markets for value-added agricultural products (e.g. locally grown, organic, or traceable back to the farm where they were produced), nutrient flows within the watershed, nutrient trading between farms, nutrient credit trading between point and nonpoint sources, and environmental policies. At the national and global scale, they include agricultural policies, and national and global market forces that impact agriculture at the landscape and watershed scales.

Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24

Target Audience:During this reporting period, the Project Team, Stakeholder Advisory Board, and external stakeholders met three times: a Thriving Ag Washington, DC Workshop in September 2023; Thriving Ag Winchester, VA Workshop in February-March 2024; and Thriving Ag Stevensville, MD Workshop in July 2024. The 20-member Stakeholder Advisory Board includes farmers, consultants who provide technical assistance to farmers, local and state government officials in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, agribusiness industry association representatives, a Farm Bureau representative, a land developer, soil and water conservation district representatives, and representatives from environmental organization. Results have also been shared with numerous other communities of interest via conferences, meetings, seminars, webinars, extension presentations and events, newsletters, and social media. Changes/Problems:The project received a one-year no-cost extension, changing the grant end date from August 31, 2024, to August 31, 2025. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Tasks 1 and 2. Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars on the project participate in the project team meetings and meetings with the Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB). Through this participation, they can observe and learn first-hand how a large transdisciplinary project operates, how team members from different disciplines collaborate with each other, how the project team and SAB work together, and how they should function as team members. Several graduate students on the project participated in the Thriving Ag Washington, DC Workshop in September 2023, the Thriving Ag Winchester, VA Workshop in February-March 2024, and the Thriving Ag Stevensville, MD Workshop in July 2024. Task 5. The Task 5 team has two Ph.D. students at Penn State, Josh Reed and Chiu-Lin Huang, working on the project. Huang graduated from Penn State with her Ph.D. in May 2024 and accepted a job at National Chi Nan University in Taiwan. Reed is working closely with Co-PIs Jaenicke and Liu, mainly on economic modeling and large dataset processing. He had the opportunity to attend and present at numerous conferences and institutions including the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) conference in France, a Cornell University seminar, and the annual meeting of the Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA). Reed also has had opportunities to network and collaborate with the USDA ERS and is currently collaborating with them on a report. Tasks 7 and 12. The project has provided learning opportunities and training for both a Ph.D. student, Madeline Luthard, and a research technician, Brosi Bradley at Penn State. Jason Kaye, also at Penn State, is working with a new postdoctoral scholar, Sheryl Hosler, on an individual development plan for the Thriving Ag project. Leidy Fernandez's work on the project related to Optional Practical Training visa (OPT) provided her with professional development training for science professionals. Andrew Lefever, a Ph.D. student at Penn State, joined the project in year four and is actively engaged in project work and collaborations with numerous farmers. Zoelie Rivera-Ocasio was part of a panel discussion by invitation for the SSSA Summer Conference, where she talked about how she has communicated between the academic community and farmers. Part of the discussion was based on her experiences as a Ph.D. student in this project with the on-farm trials. Unius Arinaitwe, a Ph.D. student at Virgnia Tech, passed his preliminary exams and is now working to defend his research thesis in Fall 2024. Seven undergraduate students have been working in the lab with Ray Weil, providing integrated research experiences and academic credit. A project that involves monitoring slugs in the fields on the Eastern Shore was completed by a senior student who is now graduating and is starting a position in nutrient management. The project has given Ph.D. student Bradley Kennedy at the University of Maryland the opportunity to receive training on nutrient management and nitrogen and phosphorus cycling. Task 8. An Environmental Markets Conference in April 2024 gave Marali Kalra, a Ph.D. student, the opportunity to meet and make connections with professionals working in the voluntary carbon market and the environmental mitigation industry. Her research proposal was awarded a USDA-NIFA predoctoral fellowship. Task 9. An undergraduate intern, Zorah Williams, who is studying environmental engineering at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, was engaged June-August 2024 to research future conditions and potential adaptations for the agricultural sector. As part of that work, she explored the use of net carbon sequestration estimation tools to understand potential of land cover and management to mitigate climate change. Information that she synthesized will inform modeling scenarios being used to assess alternative futures for agriculture. Task 10. The project has provided training for Ji Qi, a Ph.D. student, and Tarun Kumanduri, a master's student, at George Washington University. Qi was funded on this project for the whole reporting period. Kumanduri was funded on this project during summer 2024. Task 11. The Thriving Ag project provided training for a Ph.D. student at Ohio State, Junyi Hua, on data collection and econometric land use modeling. Hua graduated from Ohio State with a Ph.D. in 2023. Task 13. The Task 13 team has two Ph.D. students currently working on their dissertations, Sadie Sharma at Penn State and Nate Hu at Virginia Tech. Sadie Sharma has presented at the American Geophysical Union in 2023 and numerous university-hosted events. Nate Hu has also had the opportunity to present at the 2024 Chesapeake Community Research Symposium, an invited talk presented via Zoom to Virginia state government officials, and the 2024 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting. Hu participated in a teaching workshop at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association before their annual meeting, and he participated in Camp Resources XXX in North Carolina in August 2024. Tasks 14 and 15. The project has provided opportunities for Parmveer Singh, a Ph.D. student at Penn State, to network with many stakeholders, especially evaluators for his project research. He attended the Sustainable Agricultural Systems Program Meeting in Madison, WI, in April 2024, and the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) meeting in April of 2024. He recently accepted a postdoctoral position at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. Task 16. The project has provided continued mentorship of Edem Avemegah, a Ph.D. student at Utah State, including evaluations and research related to the project. Dr. Kristen Koci has also worked on the project and gained experience with evaluation. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Tasks 1-4. The research team presented project research findings at the Thriving Ag Washington, DC Workshop in September 2023, the Thriving Ag Winchester, VA Workshop in February-March 2024, and the Thriving Ag Stevensville, MD Workshop in July 2024. The team also prepared several fact sheets for the July 2024 workshop and placed these factsheets online. Task 5. Team members Ted Jaenicke and Josh Reed have been presenting the team's results on the local food experiment and the comparable scanner data results for potato chips. They presented at the USDA Research Symposium, a seminar series at Penn State University, a seminar at Cornell University, the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) conference, and the annual meeting of the Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA). Task 6. Results have been shared at extension events such as the National Extension Technology Community Conference. Tasks 7 and 12. Results have been shared by Jason Kaye, Madeline Luthard, and Brosi Bradley at Penn State's Ag Progress Days in August 2024 via field tours and outreach seminars. Charlie White at Penn State provided updates on the Penn State Corn Nitrogen Recommendation Tool via Penn State Extension presentations including the Pennsylvania 4R Alliance Fall Webinar Series, Bradford and Franklin County Crop Days, Ag Progress Days, and the ACAP Conservation Con. Along with Charlie White, Ph.D. student Andrew Lefever shared results at numerous grower meetings, the Penn State AEC/LSRP Meeting, Stroud Water Research Center/TeamAg Meetings, and the Thriving Ag project's workshops. Zoelie Rivera-Ocasio, a Ph.D. student at Penn State, shared project results at the Climate and Root Symposiums as well as at SSSA's Summer Conference. Kathleen Arrington, a postdoc at Penn State, shared results from the project in numerous ways including a tour of the Penn State Research Station ROSE/CCC site for visitors from Rodale and farmers from Argentina, and a presentation at Penn State's 16th Annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium. She took the lead on publishing a paper that includes other Thriving Ag project team members in the Soil Science Society of America Journal. In fall 2023, Unius Arinaitwe presented results at the tri-societies conference, where he was awarded third place in the sustainable intensification graduate student competition. In summer 2024, results for irrigation and biologicals were presented in poster sessions at a farmer meeting at the Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Suffolk, VA. Results by team members Ray Weil, Melissa Stefun, and Vivian Owens have been shared at the 2023 American Society of Agronomy and the Soil Science Society of America, on the Soybean Research and Information Network, in Springer Nature, at a Planting Green Workshop at the Beltsville Facility of Central Maryland Research and Education Center (CMREC) and at the Northeast Nutrient Management Group meeting at Claggett Center in Frederick County, MD. Gurpal Toor gave two presentations at the 2023 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. He also gave two oral presentations at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024 in Vienna, Austria, in April 2024. Along with Gurpal Toor, Bradley Kennedy published a review paper in Current Pollution Reports. Task 8. Results were presented at the Environmental Markets Conference in Pittsburgh in May 2024, the Chesapeake Community Research Symposium in Annapolis, MD in June 2024, and at the Northeast Agricultural/Biological Engineering Conference in State College, Pennsylvania, in July 2024. Task 9. Dan Read and Lisa Wainger continued work on two publications, one of which is currently being reviewed. They made two interactive presentations, by request, to a community group (Choose Clean Water) and the Chesapeake Bay Program Ag Workgroup. They also discussed this task team's research at two stakeholder meetings Task 10. Caitlin Grady is in the process of creating a Python Dash to visualize the results of Michael Gomez's paper. She employed a part-time computer science/data analytics student to work on this in summer 2024. Grady prepared two fact sheets for the July 2024 Thriving Ag Workshop to articulate the findings of Paniz Mohammadpour's and Michael Gomez's previous work. Task 11. Results were presented by team members Doug Wrenn, Allen Klaiber, and Junyi Hua at the 2024 Pennsylvania State University Water Conference: Multidisciplinary Perspective on Water. Task 13. Results have been disseminated by the Task 13 team at numerous conferences and meetings including the American Geophysical Union 2023, the 2024 Chesapeake Community Research Symposium, an invited talk presented via Zoom to Virginia state government officials, and the 2024 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting. Tasks 14 and 15. Results from the Tasks 14 and 15 team have been shared at the 2023 conference of North Central Region of the American Association for Agricultural Education, the 2024 conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE), and the 2024 Soil and Water Conservation Society conference. Task 16. Results have been presented by Task 16 team members at the 2024 Utah State Student Research Symposium, the 2024 Chesapeake Community Research Symposium, and the 86th Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Tasks 1-4. The Scenario Integration team will continue to make progress on the stakeholder-designed scenarios that will be used to explore alternative futures of thriving agriculture in urbanizing systems. For Scenario 5 (plant-based meat), a challenge remains to convert dietary changes into changes in crop and animal demand and specifically whether changes in regional poultry and pork production would result since the area exports a substantial quantity of meat produced. The team will consider alternative methods of generating land use change for this scenario. The final scenario choices will be chosen to provide distinct illustrations of high-magnitude changes in economic and environmental conditions under this unlikely but still plausible scenario. Task 5. Task 5 team members will continue working on two manuscripts for peer-reviewed journals. They will also continue updating their database with 2022 data and most likely 2023 data when it becomes available. Josh Reed will continue working on a collaborative report to Congress with the USDA ERS on local and regional food systems. The team hopes to continue collaborating with USDA ERS on future reports. Task 6. The Task 6 Team plans to work on three papers for publication in project year 6. One will be on their experience preparing for their blockchain technology project, one will be on their blockchain experimental design, and the last one will be on the implications derived from their blockchain experiment. Tasks 7 and 12. Madeline Luthard at Penn State will complete the first draft of a Nitrogen leaching paper. Brosi Bradley plans on working on an outreach publication based on Luthard's paper. The team will develop a 3-hour long workshop around cover crop research at Penn State for the 2025 PASA annual conference. Their goal is to obtain feedback and discuss how farmers are managing cover crops. Luthard plans to present her nitrogen leaching project at the November 2024 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Along with Luthard and Bradley, Kaye will help to create another factsheet on how to grow cover crop mixtures. Zoelie Rivera-Ocasio will finish up her work microbial CUE analysis. She'll continue working on her literature review of the relationship between microbial CUE and N in agroecosystems, as well as drafting an article on the method she is developing. Charlie White and Andrew Lefever will continue the ongoing maintenance of their fieldwork in State College and will harvest their on-field trials. In the 2024 growing season, seven nitrogen response trials of varying complexity are being conducted across Lancaster County, PA. These trials consist of three conventional response trials to determine the economic optimum nitrogen sidedress rate and four trials to validate the Nitrogen Decision Support Tool at field scale. By the next reporting cycle, Unius Arinaitwe and Hunter Frame plan to have an article published related to one of the research projects. Arinaitwe has completed all the coursework and most of the graduation requirements and will be graduating with a Ph.D. in Fall 2024. The draft article from his research work is pending review by his advisor and once it's completed, it will be sent out for publication consideration. Ray Weil, Melissa Stefun, and Vivian Owens will complete a nitrogen and phosphorus analysis of accumulated groundwater and runoff water samples from 2023. They'll also analyze statistics for yield, cover crop, and water data. This team will also acquire and set up a drone multispectral system for remote estimation of cover crop nitrogen content. Ray Weil and Melissa Stefun will be submitting a publication soon, and there should be three or four publications to follow. Melissa Stefun and Vivian Owens should graduate this coming year. Bradley Kennedy will complete her comprehensive exams at the University of Maryland and then will begin writing up their results and working on three additional publications for the three different monitoring sites. She plans to graduate during the coming year. She'll also be teaching a class in Fall 2024, a lab introduction to soils. Task 8. Cibin Raj and Marali Kalra plan to develop a baseline scenario of climate and land use change in their study watershed. They plan to implement the future scenarios developed by the Scenario Integration team within their modeling framework. They will upload the output data from our simulations to the Thriving Ag data management system. Task 9. This team's work is almost complete so the primary efforts will be in publishing additional manuscripts and making presentations at professional conferences and to interested groups. Task 10. Caitlin Grady and Ji Qi plan to work on two more papers for publication. One will be on Paniz Mohammadpour's scenario work and the other will be Qi's work on the multi-layer model. This team also plans to finish developing a dashboard visualization of a multi-layer model. They plan to present their work at the AGU conference in December 2024. Qi will continue to analyze different policies and their effects on the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Both Qi and Grady plan to collaborate with the Thriving Ag Scenario Integration team on more analyses. Task 11. This team is working on a paper about a micro-level model of optimal timing of development. It answers the question of what impacts agricultural land markets and weather have on the speed of urban development. They plan to submit this paper to a journal for publication soon. Task 13. Sadie Sharma at Penn State will continue her dissertation work on using data envelopment analysis (DEA) to assess how counties in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed are performing based on environmental and economic indicators. Nate Hu at Virginia Tech plans to continue working with Darrell Bosch and Wei Zhang on four publications through the end of year 6. This includes a paper comparing the effectiveness of extensive versus intensive approaches to reducing nitrogen loadings to waterbodies from U.S. agriculture, the publication of "Local Externalities of Large-scale Solar Energy," and the publication of "Impact of Large-scale Solar on Property Values in the US: Diverse Effects and Causal Mechanisms." Tasks 14 and 15. The Tasks 14 and 15 team will have three journal articles to be submitted in Fall 2024. One focuses on defining the sustainability of agriculture in the next 25 years, the second paper is a systematic literature review on stakeholder analysis in the context of natural resource management, and the last paper focuses on a framework for disseminating findings from transdisciplinary projects such as Thriving Ag. Parmveer Singh, the graduate assistant working on the project, is also writing his dissertation using Thriving Ag as a case study. Singh's dissertation tries to understand how attributes of researchers influence the success of transdisciplinary (TDR) projects, researchers' perceptions of knowledge co-production, outcomes and impacts produced by TDR projects, and finally understanding the core evaluation competencies required by TDR evaluators. Task 16. Jessica Schad will continue the annual evaluation assessments of the research team and Stakeholder Advisory Board. She will share a report on project year 5 with the team this fall. Kristen Koci rejoined the project team in summer 2024 and will assist Schad in conducting another round of surveys with the project team. Edem Avemegah defended his Ph.D. dissertation this July. Based on his dissertation and work on the project, there will be four manuscripts to submit for publication on residents' perceptions of water quality issues and causes, urban-agricultural conflict and solutions, farmers' use of nutrient management plans, and residents' support for different scenarios developed through the project.

What was accomplished under these goals? The project has four broad objectives and 16 tasks to achieve this goal, and the reporting here is organized by objective/task. Objective 1. Engage closely with stakeholders using a shared discovery framework to envision desired 25-year futures for agricultural systems in urbanized landscapes that are economically sustainable while enhancing ecosystem services. Task 1. Stakeholder Advisory Board, Task 2. Scenario Building with Stakeholder Advisory Board, Task 3. Networks of Engaged Stakeholders, and Task 4. Workshops with Stakeholder-Users. The Thriving Ag Washington, DC Workshop on September 20, 2023, featured a panel discussion with Anna Killius, Executive Director, Chesapeake Bay Commission; Dr. Cindy Nickerson, Deputy Chief Economist, USDA; Matt Ehrhart, Director of Watershed Restoration, Stroud Water Research Center; and Lindsay Thompson, Executive Director, Maryland Grain Producers. The workshop included pre-recorded remarks by U.S. Representative GT Thompson, Chair of the House Agriculture Committee, and a Q&A with Dr. Justin Benavidez, Chief Economist, House Agriculture Committee, and John Busovsky, Professional Staff, House Agriculture Committee. The Thriving Ag Winchester, VA Workshop on February 29-March 1, 2024 featured a panel discussion with leaders from four USDA Climate-Smart Commodities Projects in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (CBW). Thriving Ag team members presented on nutrient management solutions for farmers. The Thriving Ag Stevensville, MD Workshop on July 23-24, 2024, featured conversations with leading agricultural scientists on nutrient management and soil health, economic and other incentives for conservation practice adoption, nutrient flows across the supply chain, movements and markets for local food, and agricultural land preservation. A panel session was held with four representatives from CBW states: Joe Guthrie, VA Commissioner of Agriculture; Stefanie Taillon, VA Deputy Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources; Hans Schmidt, MD Assistant Secretary of Agriculture; and Gregory Hostetter, PA Executive Deputy Secretary of Agriculture. The Scenario Integration team continues to make progress on the stakeholder-designed scenarios that are being used to explore alternative futures of thriving agriculture in urbanizing systems. Objective 2. Carry out iterative research processes on markets and supply chains for productivity gains. Task 5. Market Analysis for Local and Organic Products. Task 5 team members are determining the value of an organic product attribute and local product attribute by using supermarket scanner data, initially for potato chips. They found that on average Pennsylvanians have a lower willingness to pay (WTP) for a bag of local potato chips than non-local. WTP for locally sold chips is highest in areas with low population density and more agricultural lands. Task 6. Blockchain Technology to Expand Markets for Value-Added Products. Task 6 team members are completing a blockchain project on a farm. The goal is to help with business logistics, connect with consumers, and improve farm efficiency. They have set up an automated weigh station at a partner sheep farm in Pennsylvania that is being used to collect data. Objective 3. Carry out iterative research processes on tools, models, and analyses to improve total factor productivity (TFP) and nutrient use efficiency (NUE). Task 7. Field-Scale Nutrient Management Tools, and Task 12. Adaptive Management Sites. Tasks 7 and 12 team members at Penn State continued cover crop cocktail site field work and data collection and made progress on analyzing Nitrogen leaching data from field sites. The data describes how farmers' cover crop choices might affect nitrogen retention and losses. Team members continue to monitor the SAMSON adaptive watershed management site and is collecting water samples approximately every two weeks. A variable rate of sidedress nitrogen fertilizer was applied to the corn in the BMP catchment, and a flat rate was applied in the control catchment. Team members worked on four field trials in Lancaster, PA to help validate their Nitrogen Decision Support Tool. Data analysis has begun to determine optimum nitrogen rates in the four fields with four different management practices. Team members developed a look-up table to estimate the C:N ratio of cover crops as an input to the N Decision Support Tool. The lookup table is based on a database combining measured C:N from cover crop biomass samples across Pennsylvania. Team members analyzed soil samples for microbial CUE analysis, POM, carbon respiration, and POXC. Task team members at Virginia Tech are employing an array of practices for sustainable corn and cotton nutrient and water management. They are evaluating the effectiveness of supplemental N, P, K, S, with biologicals, foliar fungicides, foliar nitrogen and irrigation. Task team members at the University of Maryland continued sampling groundwater wells throughout 2023. The team also completed a literature review on nitrogen losses in surface and subsurface runoff. Task 8. Watershed-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. To improve the SWAT model representation of cover cropping at the sub-watershed scale, Task Team 8 members obtained county-level BMP implementation data, downscaled their watershed-scale cover cropping scenarios, and implemented those scenarios in the SWAT. Task 9. Farmer-Stakeholder Experiments. Task Team 9 members continued work on two publications, one of which is currently being reviewed. Task 10. Regional-Scale Nutrient Flow Analysis. Task Team 10 members are examining how to apply different scenarios in the team's Nitrogen flow model. Task 11. Agent-Based Modelling. Task Team 11 at Ohio State and Penn State, submitted a paper to a journal on how urbanization impacts the additionality for the adoption of farm conservation practices attributable to government payments. The team is working on a paper about the impacts of agricultural land markets and weather on the speed of urban development. Task 13. Economic Simulations and Modelling. Virginia Tech Task 13 team members continued their work with the REAP model and a paper comparing the effectiveness of extensive versus intensive approaches to reducing nitrogen loadings to waterbodies from U.S. agriculture. They also prepared a paper on the impact of solar development on farmland values. Task team members at Penn State continued their work using data envelopment analysis on how counties in the CBW are performing on environmental and economic indicators. Objective 4. Implement education, extension, and evaluation plans to spur adoption. Task 14. Education Plan, and Task 15. Extension Plan. Tasks 14 and 15 team members worked on a template for factsheets that was utilized by project team members to provide information on their research. A YouTube channel for the project was created. Task 16. External Evaluation of the Project. Task 16 team members at Utah State conducted and shared the project year 4 annual team and Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB) evaluation reports. Results helped to see what has been going well so far with the project and indicated areas for improvement. They continued analysis of data from stakeholder surveys with farmers and non-farm residents in the CBW area about the causes of conflict between farmers and non-farm residents, and conducted a case study in Howard County, MD.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Singh, P., Kumar-Chaudhary, A. 2024. Perception of the [Watershed] Residents about the Sustainability of Agriculture in the Urbanized Landscapes. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) Conference, Orlando, FL, April 22-25, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Singh, P., Kumar-Chaudhary, A. 2024. Enhancing Science-Society through Interactive Communication in Transdisciplinary Research. 79th Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC, July 21-24, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Singh, P., Kumar-Chaudhary, A., Avemegah, E., Schad, J. 2024. Farmers Perception about the Sustainability of Agriculture in Chesapeake Bay Watersheds Urbanized Landscapes. 79th Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC, July 21-24, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Stefun, M., Weil, R. 2023. Can Small N Applications in Fall Enhance Cover Crop N Capture? ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 29-November 1, 2023.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2023 Citation: Toor, G.S. 2023. Water Quality Monitoring and Using In-situ Sensors to Investigate Nutrients Flux from Soil to Water. Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China, October 13, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Wainger, L., Abler, D. 2024. Co-developing future land use and management scenarios to explore resilience of agro-ecological systems under uncertainty. Chesapeake Community Research Symposium, Annapolis, MD, June 10-12, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Weil, R. 2023. Enhancing cover crops to manage nitrogen in the mid-Atlantic  Maryland experience. Invited Oral Presentation. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 29-November 1, 2023.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2023 Citation: White, C. 2023. Improving Nitrogen Recommendations for Corn in Pennsylvania. Plant Science Department Seminar, Penn State University, University Park, PA (September 22, 2023).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Toor, G.S., Burgis, C.R., Rosen, T., Radolinski, J., Kennedy, B., Duan, S., Sun, F., Lucas, E., Steinhilber, P.M. 2023. High-Resolution in-Situ Measurement of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Tile-Drained Agricultural Catchments in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 29-November 1, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Toor, G., Kennedy, B. 2024. Pairing Traditional Approaches with High-resolution In-situ Sensors to Advance the Science of Nutrient Fluxes from Agricultural Catchments. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, April 14-19, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Toor, G., Kennedy, B. 2024. Phosphorus Cycling and Transport in Phosphorus Saturated Soils of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USA. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, April 14-19, 2024.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2023 Citation: Wainger, L. 2023. What works to increase conservation practice adoption? Choose Clean Water Coalition Ag Workgroup Meeting (online), September 7, 2023.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2023 Citation: Wainger, L. 2023. What works to increase conservation practice adoption? Chesapeake Bay Program Ag Workgroup Meeting (online), November 16, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: White, C. 2024. Nitrogen Management for Climate Smart Agriculture. Penn State Climate Solutions Symposium, State College, PA, May 15, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Wrenn, D.H., Klaiber, H.A., Hua, J. 2024. Additionality and the Adoption of Agriculture BMPs in the Face of Urbanization. Pennsylvania State University Water Conference: Multidisciplinary Perspective on Water, March 14, 2024.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2023 Citation: Arrington, K., Eckert, K., Harris, J. 2023. Research at the Cover Crops Cocktails site. Tour of the Penn State Research Station ROSE/CCC site, Rock Springs, PA, September 13, 2023 (8 participants).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Bradley, B., Arrington, K., Rivera-Ocasio, Z., Luthard, M., White, C., Kaye, J. 2024. A New Decision Support Tool for Nitrogen Recommendations in Corn Production. Penn State Extension, Organic Farmer Network Meeting, Selinsgrove, PA, February 28, 2024 (30 participants).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Bradley, B., Eckert, K., Rice, E., Harris, J., Hosler, S. 2024. Covering Green Manures  how to make manures green again. Penn State Ag Progress Days, Rock Springs, PA, August 13-15, 2024.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Bradley, B., Luthard, M., Kaye, J. 2024. Tour of adaptive management sites with Pennsylvania Department of Ag. Penn State Ag Progress Days, Rock Springs, PA, August 13-15, 2024 (20 participants).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Kaye, J. 2024. Field tour of adaptive management sites. Rock Springs, PA, May 6, 2024 (20 participants).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Ladlee, J. 2024. Emerging and Advanced Technology in Agriculture. Leadership Franklin County, Chambersburg, PA, April 10, 2024.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Lefever, A. 2024. Overview of research to improve nitrogen recommendations for corn in target watersheds. Penn State AEC/LSRP Meeting, Middletown, PA, February 2024 (20 participants).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Lefever, A. 2024. Improving nitrogen recommendations for corn. Stroud Water Research Center/TeamAg Meetings, Churchtown, PA and Paradise, PA, March 2024 (30 participants total).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Lefever, A., Kaur, N., Carrijo, D., White, C. 2024. On-Farm Nitrogen Trials in Corn: Results from 2023 and Plans for 2024. Penn State Extension, Grower Meeting, Manheim, PA, February 21, 2024 (25 participants).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Weil, R. Planting Green Workshop 2024. Beltsville Facility of Central Maryland Research and Education Center, Beltsville, MD, May 9, 2024 (35 participants).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Weil, R. Northeast Nutrient Management Group Meeting. Claggett Center, Adamstown, MD, June 2024.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2023 Citation: White, C. 2023. On-Farm Research: Ideas and Best Practices. Pennsylvania 4R Alliance Fall Webinar Series (October 11, 2023).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: White, C. 2024. Nitrogen Management for Climate Smart Agriculture. ACAP Ag Conservation Con, State College, PA, June 5, 2024.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: White, C. 2024. Improving Nitrogen Recommendations for Corn. Penn State Extension, Franklin County Crop Day, Chambersburg, PA, January 30, 2024 (75 participants).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: White, C. 2024. Improving Nitrogen Recommendations for Corn. Penn State Extension, Bradford County Crop Day, Towanda, PA, February 7, 2024 (25 participants).
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: White, C. 2024. Site Specific Nitrogen Recommendations. Penn State Ag Progress Days, Rock Springs, PA, August 13-15, 2024.
  • Type: Websites Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Ladlee, J.R., Murillo-Williams, A., Spelman, R., Voight, Jr., D.G. 2024. Exploring Emerging and Advanced Technology in Agriculture. Penn State Extension,
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Arrington, K. E., Ord��ez, R. A., Rivera-Ocasio, Z., Luthard, M., Tierney, S., Spargo, J., Finney, D., Kaye, J. P., White, C.M. 2024. Improving a nitrogen mineralization model for predicting unfertilized corn yield. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 88(3), 905-920.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Gomez, M., Grady, C., Wainger, L., Cibin, R., Abler, D., Bosch, D., Kaye, J. 2024. Impacts of future scenarios on the nitrogen loss from agricultural supply chains in the Chesapeake Bay. Environmental Research Letters, 19, 084039. https:///
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Gomez, M., Kaye, J., Grady, C. 2024. Dataset and software for studying impacts of future scenarios on the nitrogen loss from agricultural supply chains in the Chesapeake Bay. Zenodo.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Lisenbee, W., Saha, A., Mohammadpour, P., Cibin, R., Kaye, J., Grady, C., Chaubey, I. 2024. Water quality impacts of recycling nutrients using organic fertilizers in circular agricultural scenarios. Agricultural Systems, 219, 104041.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Lucas, E., Kennedy, B., Roswall, T., Burgis, C., Toor, G.S. 2023. Climate Change Effects on Phosphorus Loss from Agricultural Land to Water: A Review. Current Pollution Reports, 9, 623-645.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Sanders, Z.P., White, C.M. 2023. Can nitrogen recommendations for corn production be improved through spatially explicit crediting of cover crops and soil organic matter? Smart Agricultural Technology, 6, 100336.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2024 Citation: Read, D., Wainger, L.A., Blair, E. 2024. Effective Engagement Techniques across the Agricultural Conservation Practice Adoption Process. Environmental Management, forthcoming.
  • Type: Websites Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Weil, R., Stefun, M. 2023. Does fertilizing cover crops boost nutrient capture? Research interview by L. Temple, Soybean Research and Information Network, United Soybean Board.
  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2024 Citation: Weil, R., Wang, F., Hirsh, S., Sedghi, N. 2024. Cover crop management to reduce nitrogen leaching from cropland: A decade of research in the mid-Atlantic USA, In R. Hatano and E.M. Baggs, eds. Nitrogen Cycling and Soil Health. Springer Nature, Singapore.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2023 Citation: Abler, D. 2023. Thriving Agricultural Systems in Urbanized Landscapes. Choose Clean Water Coalition Ag Workgroup Meeting (online), September 7, 2023
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2023 Citation: Abler, D. 2023. Thriving Agricultural Systems in Urbanized Landscapes. Chesapeake Bay Program Ag Workgroup Meeting (online), November 16, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Arinaitwe, U., Thomason, W., Frame, W.H., Reiter, M.S., Langston, D., Mott, J. 2023. Adaptive Corn Management Strategies for Optimizing Agronomic Efficiency and Sustainability of Corn Production in the Mid-Atlantic. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 29-November 1, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Arinaitwe, U., Frame, W.H., Thomason, W.E., Shortridge, J. 2023. Optimizing Subsurface Drip Irrigation and Fertigation for Enhanced Corn Yield in Semiarid Climates of Eastern VA. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 29-November 1, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Arrington, K., White, C., Gavin, M., Bradley, B., Kaye, J. 2023. Estimating the Carbon and Nitrogen Content of Pennsylvania Cover Crops Poster Presentation at Penn States 16th Annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium, University Park, PA, December 8, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Avemegah, E., Ulrich-Schad, J. 2024. Farmers Adoption of Nutrient Management Plans in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, July 24-28, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Avemegah, E., Ulrich-Schad, J. 2024. Farmers' Adoption of Nutrient Management Plans in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Utah State University Student Research Symposium, Logan, UT, April 22-23, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Avemegah, E., Ulrich-Schad, J. 2024. Residents Support for Varied Scenarios for Agricultural Systems in Urbanized Landscapes. 2024 Chesapeake Community Research Symposium, June 10-12, 2024. Annapolis, MD.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Bosch, D.J., Zhang, W., Hu, C. 2024. Economic research conducted by Virginia Tech for the USDA funded project Thriving Agriculture in Urbanizing Areas. Virginia state government officials (online), May 17, 2024.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Jaenicke, E.C., Liu, Y., Reed, R., Huang, C-L., Vecchi, M. 2024. Valuing Local Food Across the Rural-Urban Spectrum: Definitional unconventionality vs. scanner data practicality. Food and Resource Economics Seminar Series, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, April 5, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Hu, C., Bosch, D., Zhang, W. 2024. Extensive vs. Intensive Margin Approach of N Load Reduction from Agriculture: Implications for Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Chesapeake Community Research Symposium, Annapolis, MD, June 10-12, 2024.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Jaenicke, E.C., Liu, Y., Reed, R., Huang, C-L., Vecchi, M. 2024. Valuing Local Food Across the Rural-Urban Spectrum: Definitional unconventionality vs. scanner data practicality. Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy Initiative Seminar Series, Penn State University, University Park, PA, February 7 and 16, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Hu, C., Chen, Z., Liu, P., Zhang, W., Bosch, D. 2024. Impact of Large-scale Solar on Property Values in the US: Diverse Effects and Causal Mechanisms. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, July 28-30, 2024.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Jaenicke, E.C., Liu, Y., Reed, R., Huang, C-L., Vecchi, M. 2024. Valuing Local Food Across the Rural-Urban Spectrum: Definitional unconventionality vs. scanner data practicality. Applied Economics Seminar Series, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, May 3, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Ladlee, J.R. 2024. Blockchain, Geospatial Intelligence, Mixed-Reality, and Holograms...Oh My! National Extension Technology Community (NETC) Conference, State College, PA, May 15, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Kalra, M., Raj, C. 2024. Measuring sustainability: How modelers choose indicator variables for environmental assessment. Environmental Markets Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, April 29-May 2, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Kalra, M., Raj, C. 2024. Impacts of cover cropping on soil and water ecosystem services in the Susquehanna River Basin. Chesapeake Community Research Symposium, Annapolis, MD, June 10-12, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Kalra, M., Raj, C. 2024. Ethical considerations for ecosystem modelers: Selecting indicator variables for environmental assessment. Northeast Agricultural/Biological Engineering Conference, State College, PA, July 14-17, 2024.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Sharma S. 2024. Measuring Quantitative Sustainability using Data Envelopment Analysis. International Agriculture and Development Global Gallery, University Park, PA, February 23, 2024.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Sharma, S. 2024. Agricultural Sustainability in the Critical Zone: A Case Study in Chesapeake Bay Watershed. 29th Annual Graduate Student Exhibition, Penn State, University Park, PA, March 22, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Kumar Chaudhary, A., Basak, S. Singh, P. 2023. A Systematic Scoping Review of Stakeholder Analysis in Natural Resource Management. North Central Region of the American Association for Agricultural Education (NC AAAE) Research Conference, Brookings, SD, September 27-29, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Owens, V., Weil, R. 2023. Groundwater Chemistry Under Enhanced and Standard Cover Crop Treatments in a Commodity Grain Field. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 29-November 1, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Reed, J., Huang C., Jaenicke E.C., Liu Y. 2024. Effects of Urban-Rural Environment on Demand for Local Foods. Local and Organic Farming Systems Research Symposium, Session 2 [USDA Research Symposium], Kansas City, MO (presented virtually), January 24, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Rivera-Ocasio, Z. 2024. Estimating Microbial Carbon Use Efficiency as the Pivot Point for a Nitrogen Decision Support Tool. Penn State Climate Solutions Symposium, State College, PA, May 15, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Rivera-Ocasio, Z. 2024. Estimating Microbial Carbon Use Efficiency as the Pivot Point for a Nitrogen Decision Support Tool. Soil Science Society of America 2024 Summer Conference, San Juan, PR, June 12, 2024.
  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: Sharma, S. 2024. Agricultural Sustainability in the Critical Zone: A Case Study in Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Gamma Sigma Delta Society, Penn State, University Park, PA, March 27, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Sharma, S., Abler, D.G., Hwang, X., Boyer, E.W. 2023. Exploring Agricultural Sustainability in the Critical Zone: Environmental and Economic Conditions in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Singh, P., Kumar-Chaudhary, A. 2024. Interactive Communication: A Plausible Way to Bridge Gaps Between Science and Society through Transdisciplinary Research Environments. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) Conference, Orlando, FL, April 22-25, 2024.

Progress 09/01/22 to 08/31/23

Target Audience:During this reporting period, the Project Team and Stakeholder Advisory Board met once, in March 2023. The 20-member Stakeholder Advisory Board includes farmers, consultants who provide technical assistance to farmers, local and state government officials in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, agribusiness industry association representatives, a Farm Bureau representative, a land developer, soil and water conservation district representatives, and representatives from environmental organizations. The March 2023 meeting was a one-day Thriving Ag project workshop in Lancaster, Pennsylvania that also included a broader group of external stakeholders from Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Results havealso been shared with numerous other communities of interest via conferences, webinars, extension presentations, newsletters, and social media. Changes/Problems:The project continues to experience residual effects from the Covid-19 pandemic, with lockdowns and delays in hiring in years 1 and 2 causing delays in project work since then. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Tasks 1-4: Scenario Building with Stakeholders, and Networks of Engaged Stakeholders Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars on the project participate in the project team meetings and meetings with the Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB). Through this participation, they can observe and learn first-hand how a large transdisciplinary project operates, how team members from different disciplines collaborate with each other, how the project team and SAB work together, and how they should function as team members. Several graduate students on the project participated in the Thriving Ag Lancaster, PA Workshop in March 2023. Task 5: Market Analysis for Local and Organic Products The Task 5 team has Ph.D. students Josh Reed and Chiu-Lin Huang working on the project. Reed is working closely with co-PIs Jaenicke and Liu, mainly on economic modelling and large dataset processing during this reporting period. Task 7: Field-Scale Nutrient Management Tools, and Task 12: Adaptive Management Sites At Penn State, Raziel A. Ordoñez, a postdoctoral scholar, has been actively engaged in the project since October 2020. Zack Sanders completed his Ph.D. in Soil Science and Biogeochemistry at Penn State and was actively engaged in the project as a student and research technician. Zoelie Rivera-Ocasio, a graduate assistant, has also been involved in the project and is learning many new skills and improving her writing skills by writing proposals. Andrew Lefever, a Ph.D. Student at Penn State, joined the project in year four and is actively engaged in project work. The project has also provided learning opportunities and training for both a Ph.D. student, Madeline Luthard, and a research technician, Brosi Bradley. Luthard is learning about isotope methods and has been able to educate individuals on soil health through programs at Penn State's Arboretum and annual Ag Progress Days event. Bradley is learning how to use a new N oxide analyzer tool that will assist with project research. Professor Jason Kaye, Bradley, and Luthard mentor numerous undergraduate students on their team. MaryBeth Gavin, Megan Kownurko, Heer Patel, and Sarah Brown, all spring 2023 Penn State graduates with bachelor's of science degrees, were integral helping with research and were mentored on independent research projects related to the Thriving Ag project. Amanda Rill and Maria Giarusso, both junior environmental resource management majors at Penn State, worked with Kaye's research team learning various aspects of both field research at the Cover Crop Cocktails site in summer 2023, as well as assisting with laboratory work to understand the biogeochemical assumptions of the Nitrogen Decision Support Tool. Kaye recently hired a new postdoctoral scholar, Michael Gomez Sanchez, who joined the project team in August 2022. At Virginia Tech, Unius Arinaitwe, has garnered skills encompassing soil and plant nutrient analysis, field research planning and development, data collection, processing and analytics' using programming languages, and enhanced public communication and writing skills. He had an opportunity to collaborate with professionals in the field, professional platforms, and conferences. He transitioned to working with Professor Hunter Frame, gaining adaptability in advisory dynamics and succeeding in a diverse environment. The ongoing field trials with Frame offered Arinaitwe strong insights into holistic nutrient management strategies, and novel biologicals in soil, water, and crop management. Soni Ghimire graduated in spring 2023 from Virginia Tech with her master's degree in Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences. At the University of Maryland, the project has provided learning opportunities for two graduate students, Melissa Stefun and Vivian Owens. The project has also provided senior integrative research for six undergraduate students. Task 8: Watershed-Scale Nutrient Management Tools A Ph.D. student at Penn State, Marali Kalra, continues to work on the project. The project has provided the opportunity to network with researchers from a variety of sustainable agriculture-related fields. Task 9: Farmer-Stakeholder Experiments Dan Read, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, learned new skills in spatial temporal modeling. Read completed his postdoctoral scholarship this year and has taken a new job. Task 10: Regional-Scale Nutrient Flow Analysis The Thriving Ag project provided Ph.D. student at Penn State, Paniz Mohammadpour, with the opportunity to collaborate and network with professionals in the field. Mohammadpour graduated in spring 2023 with a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering. The project has also given Michael Gomez Sanchez the opportunity to work as a postdoctoral scholar whose research supports multiple task teams. Task 11: Agent-Based Modelling The project has provided training for a Ph.D. student at Ohio State, Junyi Hua, on data collection and econometric land use modeling. Hua graduated from Ohio State with a Ph.D. in spring 2023. Task 13: Economic Simulations and Modelling The project has been a learning opportunity for Ph.D. students Asif Rasool, Sadikshya Sharma and Nate Hu, and postdoctoral scholar Zeya Zhang. Rasool has learned about coding techniques and clustering methods. Sharma has learned how to use the Penn State Roar supercomputer for data envelopment analysis. Zeya Zhang, who completed his postdoctoral scholarship this year, learned new data analysis methods while researching futures market data on dairy products. Nate Hu learned about the REAP model and attended an online workshop on general equilibrium modeling. Task 14: Education Plan, and Task 15: Extension Plan The project provided multiple opportunities for two Ph.D. students at Penn State, Parmveer Singh and Sharmistha Basak, to gain training on conducting transdisciplinary research. Task 16: External Project Evaluation Edem Avemegah, a Ph.D. student at Utah State, is learning new skills by conducting survey research, cleaning data, and preparing reports. He has also gained experience writing manuscripts and will be using project data for his dissertation, and is gaining experience with workshop evaluation and conducting qualitative and case study research. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Tasks 1-4: Scenario Building with Stakeholders, and Networks of Engaged Stakeholders Tasks 1-4. The research team presented project research findings at the Thriving Ag Pennsylvania Workshop in March 2023. Task 5: Market Analysis for Local and Organic Products Task 5. Josh Reed and Chiu-Lin Huang presented a poster at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) meeting in 2022. Josh Reed presented an oral presentation at the American Applied Economics Association Conference in July 2023 and a poster at the European Association of Agricultural Economists congress in August 2023. Task 6: Blockchain Technology Presentations: • May 4, 2023, Penn State Extension, Assistant Directors of Programs • May 1, 2023, Jefferson County Extension Annual Meeting • April 12, 2023, Leadership Franklin County • April 5, 2023, Penn Ag Banquet (informal emerging tech sharing) • March 23, 2023, Case New Holland Industrial • March 21, 2023, Andy Bater Emerging Tech Sharing • March 14, 2023, Digital Ag community Of Practice • January 31, 2023, Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference • January 18, 2023, John Deere/PSU connection • November 14-16, 2022, Farm Bureau Convention • November 17, 2022, Team PA • November 1, 2022, Penn State Ag Council • September 30, 2022, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Task 7: Field-Scale Nutrient Management Tools, and Task 12: Adaptive Management Sites At Penn State, results have been shared by team members Charlie White, Raziel Antonio Ordonez, Zoelie Rivera-Ocasio, Jason Kaye, Brosi Bradley, Madeline Luthard, and Soni Ghimire at the 2022 ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Agronomy Society of America in Baltimore, Maryland. Charlie White, Andrew Lefever, Brosi Bradley, and Madeline Luthard have also provided updates on the Penn State Corn Nitrogen Recommendation Tool via online Extension presentations for the Mid-Atlantic 4R Alliance, 4R Partners Meeting and the Pennsylvania 4R Alliance, 4R Alliance Fall Webinar Series, the Penn State Extension Agronomic Diagnostic Clinic, a Soil Health Field Day at Hershey Farms organized by Stroud Water Research Center, and PSU's Ag Progress Days. These events have reached about 200 growers/consultants. At Virginia Tech, research by team member Unius Arinaitwe has been published in the Agronomy Journal. He submitted two abstracts that have been accepted by ASA and he will be presenting results at the conference in St Louis, Missouri in November 2023. At the University of Maryland, results have been published in the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. Results have also been presented to the World Congress of Soil Science, Glasgow, Scotland and at the 2022 International annual meetings of the American Society of Agronomy and the Soil Science Society of America in Baltimore, Maryland. Vivian Owens and several undergraduate students who regularly work on the Thriving Ag project gave demos of erosion and runoff from rain and discussed the role of cover crops in agriculture and environmental quality at the public outreach event Maryland Day. Task 8: Watershed-Scale Nutrient Management Tools This team's results have been disseminated in journal publications including the Journal of Environmental Management and Agricultural Systems. Findings were also presented at the 2023 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers International Meeting. Task 9: Farmer-Stakeholder Experiments Task 9. Dan Read and Lisa Wainger have had results published in Conservation Biology and in a Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) report. They presented at two outreach events, one in February 2023 on Integrating Social Science for Adaptive Management in CBP; and one in May 2023, a meeting of the CBP Scientific, Technical Assessment and Reporting Team (STAR) on Strategic Science and Research Framework. Task 10: Regional-Scale Nutrient Flow Analysis Caitlin Grady's and Paniz Mohammadpour's results have been published in Environmental Science & Technology. Results have also been shared at the 2022 NSF National Research Traineeship (NRT) Annual Meeting at Virginia Tech. Task 11: Agent-Based Modelling Results have been presented by team member Doug Wrenn at the A Community on Ecosystem Services in Washington DC, in December 2022. Allen Klaiber and Hongxi Zhao presented findings at the 69th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, November 9-12, 2022, in Montreal, Quebec. Results have also been presented at Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Summer Conference in June 2023 in Portland, Maine by Junyi Hua. Task 13: Economic Simulations and Modelling Results have been shared by team members Dave Abler and Nate Hu at the 2022 A Community on Ecosystem Services. Nate Hu also presented at the July 2023 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting. Dave Abler also presented findings at the CEA 2023 Annual Conference, Göttingen University, Germany in July 2023. Asif Rasool's and Dave Abler's cluster analysis research has been published in Agriculture, Zeya Zhang's and Dave Abler's research on dairy pricing policy and the Chesapeake Bay watershed has been published in the Journal of the Journal of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association. Task 14: Education Plan, and Task 15: Extension Plan Research by Tasks 14 and 15 team members have been shared at the 12th annual meeting of the National Association of Extension Program & Staff Development Professionals (NAEPSDP), November 2022. They also presented at the November 2022 American Evaluation Association (AEA) conference, the October 2022 International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) conference and the October 2022 North Central Agricultural Education Conference and National Conference on Learner-Centered Teaching. Task 16: External Project Evaluation Edem Avemegah and Jessica Schad presented their research at the Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, August 2023. They have also published research briefs on the project website and the Utah State Digital Commons. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Tasks 1-4: Scenario Building with Stakeholders, and Networks of Engaged Stakeholders Scenario Integration Team members will continue their work on the project's business-as-usual and ecosystems services scenarios. Based on the project workshop that will take place in Washington DC in September 2023, the project team will utilize information discussed to inform their research and outreach.Project year 5 willalso have at least one more workshop, in Virginiain 2024. Task 5: Market Analysis for Local and Organic Products Task 5 team members will continue their work on an experiment with the goal of determining if consumers' willingness to pay for local food varies across different urban-rural landscapes and whether different definitions of "local," such as local food being mainly sold in PA or local food being produced in PA, have varying impacts on their purchasing decisions. The experiment aims to validate their method used for analyzing scanner data and examine if the scanner data definition may have an issue. Task 6: Blockchain Technology Terry Harrison and Jim Ladlee will continue their work with the blockchain project. They plan to have their initial blockchain data gathering and testing starting in September. They'll implement the blockchain for the next lambing season this December into early next year. Finally, they'll complete a data analysis and create a final report next summer. Task 7: Field-Scale Nutrient Management Tools, and Task 12: Adaptive Management Sites At Penn State, Andrew Lefever will continue work on the four on-farm N response trials in northern Lancaster County. He'll test the Nitrogen Tool predictions with cover crop and in-season manure applications.Lefever, along with Charlie White, will also be preparing to test the N tool at the field scalein a double crop forge scenario. Zoelie Rivera-Ocasiowill continue to refine and improve the equations that are embedded in the N Tool comparing litter bag data with the predictions in the N Tool, to predict the cover crop credits and soil organic matter credits. Kathleen Arrington hopes to publish results from the Nitrogen mineralization model recalibration. Madeline Luthard hopes to publish results from a study on microbial carbon cycling across soil texture gradients. The results will also help to improve the N Tool predictions across a wide percentage of sand.Jason Kaye, Brosi Bradley, and Madeline Luthard will continue their research which will help farmers to select cover crops species. At Virginia Tech, plans for Unius Arinaitwe and his team include completing the ongoing study and having at least one outreach activity. The plan also involves attending a conference to share the findings of the two-year study. Soni Ghimire plans to present her findings in the upcoming year, and hopes to publish them next year. At the University of Maryland, Ray Weil, Vivian Owens, and Melissa Stefun will assess the three years of enhanced cover cropping effects on soil health. They will also complete a soil Carbon analysis, a tea bag decomposition, soil sorptivity, infiltration, runoff rates, slug-cover crop interactions, cover crop performance, and cash crop performance. Their ongoing work includes continuous soil data content, concentrations of nutrients in leachate, groundwater, and runoff. They will also present at the Soil Science Society of America's annual conference in St. Louis, Missouri. Task 8: Watershed-Scale Nutrient Management Tools Cibin Raj and Marali Kalra plan to obtain additional climate change and land use projections data. They will be working on finalizing their cover crop scenario and running the cover crop scenarios at the watershed scale. They'll also develop nutrient management scenarios. Raj and Kalra would like to partner with Charlie White's team to connect SWAT with the Nitrogen Recommendation Tool to see if they can implement a precision fertilizer type of scenario in the model. Task 9: Farmer-Stakeholder Experiments In the next reporting period, Lisa Wainger and Dan Read plan to publish manuscripts and prepare more outreach materials. The following publications are in preparation or revision: (In revision) Field experimental evidence suggests visualizing agricultural conservation practices encourages farmers' progression through the adoption process. (In revision) Improving Institutional Fit through Farmer-Practitioner Relationships in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USA. (In prep). Does investing in technical assistance providers increase agricultural conservation practice adoption? Task 10: Regional-Scale Nutrient Flow Analysis Caitlin Grady and Paniz Mohammadpour's paper on the N flow model with scenario analysis is expected to be submitted for review in fall 2023. A new student with be joining the Task 10 team in August 2023 to continue Paniz Mohammadpour's project work for the next two years. Michael Gomez Sanchez is finishing a multi-layer model for the year 2012 and updated the model to the year 2017. He has been simulating some scenarios with the model and has been working on a paper that he plans to submit this year. Task 11: Agent-Based Modelling Junyi Hua, a recent Ph.D. graduate at Ohio State University, along with Allen Klaiber and Doug Wrenn, submitted a paper to a journal on additionality and the adoption of agricultural conservation practices in the face of urbanization. The paper answers the question of how urbanization impacts the additionality for the adoption of farm conservation practices attributable to government payments.Wrenn, Klaiber, and Hua will continue their work on a second paper on a micro-level model of optimal timing of development with hopes of submitting to a journal later this year. Task 13: Economic Simulations and Modelling Task 13 team members at Virginia Tech, Darrell Bosch, Nate Hu, and Wei Zhang, will make further refinements of land supply function in the REAP model to better understand the slippage issue in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) expansion. They will also complete a further analysis of regional land supply elasticities in the US to better inform the analysis of extensive approaches to reducing N loadings via CRP expansion. Task 13 team members at Penn State, Dave Abler and Asif Rasool will complete their manuscripts on climate change and livestock location, and cluster analysis implications for urbanized counties and submit for publication. Sadie Sharma, also at Penn State, will also submit a manuscript for publication on the data envelopment analysis of county-level agricultural and environmental efficiency in the CBW. Task 14: Education Plan, and Task 15: Extension Plan Task 14/15 team members plan to implement an interactive framework of communication for disseminating the project findings via interaction with different project teams. They will prepare an action plan to implement the community of practice on the Extension Foundation Platform. They'll also collaborate with the project team to develop the curriculum and arrange essentials for launching undergraduate and graduate courses. This team will implement asocial media plan and will write example fact sheets and share policy brief examples. Finally, they will start a webinar series for the project. Task 16: External Project Evaluation Jessica Schad and Edem Avemegah will continue their annual assessments of the research team and Stakeholder Advisory Board. They will share a report on project year 4 with the team this fall. They will analyze data from their stakeholder surveys with farmers and non-farm residents in the CBW area about the causes of conflict between farmers and non-farm residents and other issues. They'll also investigate the case study of conflict between farmers and non-farm residents in the CBW and identify some potential solution to mitigate these tensions. These tasks will be a part of Avemegah's dissertation which he plans to defend in Spring 2024.

What was accomplished under these goals? The central hypothesis of this project is that value-added agriculture of the kind required to be economically sustainable in urbanized landscapes can be achieved while enhancing ecosystem services. The overall goal is to make this hypothesis a reality within a 25-year period, using the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW) as a case study translatable to other urbanized landscapes. The project has four broad objectives and 16 tasks to achieve this goal, and the reporting here is organized by objective/task. OBJECTIVE 1. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Tasks 1-4:Scenario Building with Stakeholders, and Networks of Engaged Stakeholders A Thriving Ag Pennsylvania Workshop was hosted on March 6, 2023 in Lancaster, PA. The project team presented research findings to receive feedback from stakeholders and increase awareness of the project. Breakout room discussions also took place on the project scenarios. The workshop engaged stakeholders in conversations about the project's research and scenarios. As a follow-up to the workshop, the team is refining the project's scenarios and evaluating details necessary to model the scenarios. Networking opportunities took place, and the plan is to continue those conversations. The team is planning another workshop at George Washington University on September 20, 2023. The workshop will explore how the Farm Bill and other policy options could improve the economic and environmental sustainability of agriculture in the CBW. OBJECTIVE 2. ITERATIVE RESEARCH PROCESSES ON PRODUCTIVITY GAINS Task 5: Market Analysis for Local and Organic Products Work continues on demand model to estimate the value of local and organic products. They are using scanner data along with measures of rurality, population density and percentage of agriculture in particular areas. They are finding that people are willing to pay less for local foods in urban areas and more in rural areas. This team conducted a field experiment in summer 2023 on consumers' willingness to pay for local foods across different urban-rural landscapes. Task 6: Blockchain Technology A survey last year of small-to-medium sized wholesale vegetable and fruit producers in Pennsylvania is helping to understand how emerging blockchain technologies can enable wholesale producers to better manage sales and record keeping and earn higher premiums for their products. The team is currently doing a blockchain project on a farm to help with business logistics, connect with consumers, and improve efficiencies. OBJECTIVE 3. ITERATIVE RESEARCH PROCESSES ON IMPROVING TOTAL FACTOR PRODUCTIVITY AND NUTRIENT USE EFFICIENCY Task 7: Field-Scale Nutrient Management Tools, and Task 12:Adaptive Management Sites Field-scale research and testing continues at sites in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland. In Pennsylvania, an online version of the project's Nitrogen Decision Support Tool was released and N response trials continued, including how different cover crop species affect N leaching. The trials are validating use of the project's N Decision Support Tool. The team is continuing lab and modeling work to determine microbial carbon use efficiency controls on N mineralization; processing samples from a laboratory soil incubation experiment which looks at soil texture effects on microbial carbon use efficiency and carbon cycling patterns; updating an N mineralization model to include a broader range of soil textures, more diverse cover crops, and a wider variety of growing seasons; and analyzing the Cycles model to determine if it can predict corn yields and N response rates to provide fertilizer recommendations. In Virginia, the team is evaluating the effectiveness of biological products in increasing nutrient recovery, mitigating moisture-related stress in corn and cotton. The team is validating the equations in the N Decision Support Tool for the soils and environmental conditions of Virginia, and analyzing C and N mineralization and residue decomposition of four different cover crops in sandy loam soil. In Maryland, the team continued sampling groundwater from permanent piezometers, planting (inter-sowing) cover crops, harvest measurements of corn and soybean yields, installation of suction lysimeters immediately after crop harvest, installation of mini-runoff weirs in different cover crop plots immediately after crop harvest, and ongoing lab analysis of porewater, runoff and groundwater samples. Data will feed into the N Decision Support Tool. Task 8: Watershed-Scale Nutrient Management Tools The team ran cover cropping scenarios in sub-watersheds to validate the modelling results for yield, biomass, and nutrient cycling. They selected climate change and land use datasets for the business-as-usual scenario, and developed a modeling framework for incorporating climate change and land use projection data to the model. Task 9:Farmer-Stakeholder Experiments Research was published reviewing the effectiveness of techniques to promote best management practice (BMP) adoption, and completed work identifying aspects of technical assistance that motivate farmers towards conservation activities. The team found evidence that photos of BMPs treatment led to a small, significant increase in the proportion of viewers seeking further information about conservation practices. Task 10:Regional-Scale Nutrient Flow Analysis A regional analysis of Nflow within the CBW food production chain including agricultural and food trade with the rest of the country and world was published, and an analysis of circular agriculture in the Susquehanna River Basin was completed. A network model for scenario analysis that contributes to multiple task teams was built and is being applied to the project scenarios. Task 11:Agent-Based Modelling Analyses were completed of how farmers and landowners respond to changes in climate factors and changes in the surrounding urbanizing landscape. This includes the additionality of government payments in BMP adoption and how that is impacted by urbanization. Parcel-level land use change data from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, is being used to model how surrounding land use impacts development decisions. Task 13:Economic Simulations and Modelling Research was published on economic and water quality impacts of a dairy pricing policy designed to prevent a plummet in milk prices like the one that occurred at the outset of Covid. Research was also published on clustering of farms in U.S. counties based on their production potential. Research was completed on effects of energy and ethanol price shocks on U.S. agricultural commodity prices and output. The team is assessing options for reducing N loadings from agriculture via decreasing N applications to cropland and via land retirement, and analyzing the impact of climate change on livestock inventories. The team is using data envelopment analysis to analyze why agriculture in some CBW counties is performing better on environmental and economic indicators than other counties. OBJECTIVE 4. EDUCATION, EXTENSION, EVALUATION PLANS Task 14:Education Plan, and Task 15:Extension Plan The team completed a review of the literature on stakeholder analysis in natural resource management, and is developing a plan for a community of practice on agriculture in urbanized landscapes on the Extension Foundation platform. The team developed a plan for the project's social media strategy and framework for integrating and disseminating project findings. Task 16:External Project Evaluation The project evaluation team completed and shared year 3 annual team and Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB) evaluation reports. These reports are now on the project website ( The team has completed surveys, and will be conducting interviews, with farmers and non-farm residents in the CBW about the causes of conflict between farmers and non-farm residents. The aim of the interviews is to identify potential solutions to mitigate these tensions.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Reed, J. C. Huang, Y. Liu, E. C. Jaenicke, and X. Dong. 2022. Urban-Rural Differences in Consumer Demand for Local and Organic Milk in Pennsylvania, 2022 Applied and Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting Poster Presentation.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Reed, J., Huang, C., Liu, Y., Jaenicke E., Dong, X. Urban-Rural Differences in Consumer Demand for Locally Sold Food [Conference Presentation]. 2023 AAEA Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., United States
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Reed, J., Huang, C., Liu, Y., Jaenicke E., Dong, X. Urban-Rural Differences in Consumer Demand for Organic and Locally Sold Eggs [Poster]. XVII EAAE Congress 2023, Rennes, France
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Read, D.J., Wainger, L., 2023. Assessing intervention effectiveness at promoting voluntary conservation practice adoption in agrienvironments. Conservation Biology 37, e14009.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Collins L, Stephenson K, Palm-Forster L, Power L, Gibson A, Arbuckle J, Handen A, Read DJ. (2022) Overcoming the Hurdle: Addressing Implementation of Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) Through a Social Science Lens. STAC Publication Number 22-002. Edgewater, MD 107 pp.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Read, D.J., Wainger, L. February 15, 2023. Integrating Social Science for Adaptive Management in CBP. Chesapeake Research Consortium Roundtable.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Wainger, L. May 25, 2023. Invited Panelist: Strategic Science and Research Framework. Chesapeake Bay Program's (CBP) Scientific, Technical Assessment and Reporting Team (STAR) meeting. Annapolis, MD.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Arinaitwe, U., Clay, S. A., & Nleya, T. Growth, Yield and Yield Stability of Canola (Brassica Napus) in the Northern Great Plains of the US. Agronomy Journal.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Ghimire, S. (Virginia Tech), Maguire, R. (Virginia Tech), White, C. (Co-Author), Thomason, W. (Virginia Tech), Pokhrel, S. (Virginia Tech), Ferreira, G. (Virginia Tech), Reiter, M. (Virginia Tech). (November 7, 2022). "Estimating the Contributions of Soil and Cover Crop N Mineralization for Corn," ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Agronomy Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 50 in attendance. International.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Arrington, K. (Penn State), White, C. (Co-Author), Bradley, B. (Penn State), Rivera Ocasio, Z. (Penn State), Kaye, J. P. (November 9, 2022). "Modeling Corn Yield Credits from Nitrogen in Soil Organic Matter and Cover Crops," ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Agronomy Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 50 in attendance, Accepted. International.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Rivera Ocasio, Z. (Penn State), Patel, H. (Penn State), King, W. (Cornell), Bell, T., Kaye, J. P., White, C. (Co-Author). (November 8, 2022). "Effects of Cover Crops and Nutrient Management on Microbial Carbon Use Efficiency and Nitrogen Mineralization," ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Agronomy Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 50 in attendance. International.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Tierney, S. (Penn State), Antonio Ordonez, R. (Penn State), Da Silva Costa, G. (Penn State), Spargo, J. T., White, C. (Co-Author). (November 9, 2022). "Comparison of Soil OM Metrics and the Influence on N Fertilization Prediction for Maize in PA," ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Agronomy Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 200 in attendance. International.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Newswanger, J. (University of Delaware), Shober, A. (University of Delaware), Miller, J. (University of Delaware), Fiorellino, N. (University of Maryland), White, C. (Co-Author). (November 7, 2022). "Can Leaf Area Index Measurement Improve Sensor-Based Nitrogen Recommendations and Plant Biomass Predictions for Corn?," ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Agronomy Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 200 in attendance. International.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Luthard, M. (Penn State), Arrington, K. (Penn State), Bradley, B. (Penn State), Finney, D. (Ursinus College), White, C. (Co-Author), Kaye, J. P. (November 7, 2022). "Investigating Soil Texture as a Control on Microbial Carbon Cycling," ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Agronomy Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 200 in attendance. International.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: White, C., Extension Presentation, Instructor, Extension Program, Update on the Penn State Corn Nitrogen Recommendation Tool, Pennsylvania 4R Alliance, 4R Alliance Fall Webinar Series, Online, 50 participant(s), External to Penn State, Professional. (October 19, 2022).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: White, C., Extension Presentation, Instructor, Extension Program, Update on the Penn State Corn Nitrogen Recommendation Tool, Mid-Atlantic 4R Alliance, 4R Partners Meeting, Online, 30 participant(s), External to Penn State, Professional. (November 4, 2022).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: White, C. In-Service, Instructor, Extension Program, Development of Penn States Soil Organic Matter-based N Recommendations for Corn, Sustainable Chesapeake, Land Grant University Collaboration Series, 10 participants, External to Penn State, Professional. (April 21, 2023).
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Arrington, K., M. Luthard, C. White. Extension Presentation, Instructor, Extension Program, Cover Crop and Soil Organic Matter-Based Nitrogen Recommendations for Corn, Penn State Extension, Ag Progress Days, Pennsylvania Furnace, PA, 20 participants, External to Penn State, Professional. (August 8, 2023 - August 10, 2023).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: White, C., A. Lefever. Extension Presentation, Instructor, Extension Program, Cover Crop and Soil Organic Matter-Based Nitrogen Recommendations for Corn, Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition, Hershey Farms, Elizabethtown, PA, 30 participants, External to Penn State, Professional. (August 17, 2023).
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: White, C., Sigdel, S., Karsten, H. D., Meinen, R., & Spargo, J. T. (2023). Recalibrating the Pennsylvania Pre-Sidedress Soil Nitrate Test Recommendations for Modern Corn Production. Agronomy Journal.
  • Type: Websites Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: White, C., Spargo, J. T., & Arrington, K., et al. (2023). Soil organic matter and cover crop-based nitrogen recommendations for corn. and
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: White, C. (2023). Using an NDVI Sensor to Estimate Cover Crop Nitrogen Content. organics in nitrogen loss from cropland? Communication and public engagement for healthy people and a healthy planet. International annual meetings of the American Society of Agronomy and the Soil Science Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland. ASA and SSSA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Kownurko, M. & Luthard, M. (2022). Exploring soil texture effects on microbial respiration in natural and constructed soils (Poster). ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Gavin, M., Arrington, K., & Bradley, B. A. (2022) Developing a Lookup Table of Carbon to Nitrogen Ratios for Pennsylvania Cover Crops (Poster). ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Luthard, Madeline. "Making Cover Crops Pay: Cover Crops for Carbon Sequestration. PSU Extension Webinar on February 17, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Kownurko, M. & Luthard, M. (2023). Exploring soil texture effects on microbial respiration in natural and constructed soils (Poster). Penn State Undergraduate Research Exhibition, University Park, PA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Gavin, M., Arrington, K., & Bradley, B. A. (2023) Developing a Lookup Table of Carbon to Nitrogen Ratios for Pennsylvania Cover Crops (Poster). Penn State Undergraduate Research Exhibition, University Park, PA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Brown, S., Arrington, K., Bradley, B. A., Cornelisse, S., & Kaye, J. (2023). Carbon Offset Credit Analysis for Cover Cropping Practices (Poster). Penn State Undergraduate Research Exhibition, University Park, PA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Weil, R., F. Wang, S. Hirsh and N. Sedghi. (2022) Cover crop management to reduce nitrogen leaching loss from cropland. World Congress of Soil Science, Glasgow, Scotland. International Union of Soil Sciences.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Sedghi, N. and R. Weil. (2022). Fall cover crop nitrogen uptake drives reductions in winter-spring leaching. Journal of Environmental Quality 51:337-351.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Sedghi, N., Fox, R. J., Sherman, L., Gaudlip, C., and Weil, R. R. (2023). Aerial interseeding and planting green to enhance nitrogen capture and cover crop biomass carbon. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation:00051. 10.2489/jswc.2023.00051
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Saha, A., Saha, G. K., Cibin, R., Drohan, P. J., White, C., Veith, T., Kleinman, P., & Spiegel, S. (2022). Evaluation of water quality benefits of manureshed based manure management in the Susquehanna River Basin. Journal of Environmental Quality.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Saha, A., Cibin, R., Drohan, P. J., White, C., & Veith, T. (2023). Environmental benefits of weather-based manure timing and placement strategies across the Susquehanna River Basin. Journal of Environmental Management.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2023 Citation: Lisenbee, W., Saha, A., Mohammadpour, P., Cibin, R., Kaye, J. P., Grady, C., & Chaubey, I. Water Quality Impacts of Recycling Nutrients using Organic Fertilizers in Circular Agricultural Scenarios. Agricultural Systems. [In review]. DOI:
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Haque, H., Cibin, R., Arnold, J., White, M., Spiegal, S., Veith, T., Kleinman, P. Water quality impacts of Manureshed-based manure management strategies across different agricultural systems in the United States. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting, Omaha, NE July 2023
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Paniz Mohammadpour, Caitlin Grady. A Regional Analysis of Nitrogen Flow within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Food Production Chain Including Trade. Environmental Science & Technology (2023).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Paniz Mohammadpour, Caitlin Grady. What Does Trade Have to Do with It? A Regional Analysis of Nitrogen Flow across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. 2022 NSF National Research Traineeship (NRT) Annual Meeting, October 17-19, 2022, Virginia Tech, VA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Hua, Junyi. The Impacts of Agricultural Land Markets and Climate Change on Urban Development was presented at the AERE 2023 Summer Conference on May 31  June 2, 2023, in Portland, ME.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Chenyang Hu (presenter), Darrell Bosch, & Wei Zhang. Improving Ecosystem Services from U.S. Agriculture: Yield Reserve vs. Land Retirement Paper presented at the A Community on Ecosystem Services (ACES) 2022 meeting. Arlington, Virginia, December 12-15, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Abler, David. Consumer-Driven Markets for Ecosystem Services from Agriculture in Urbanizing Landscapes. Paper presented at A Community on Ecosystem Services (ACES) 2022 conference. Arlington, Virginia, December 12-15, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Abler, David. Consumer-Driven Sustainability in Food and Agriculture, with Implications for China. Paper presented at CEA 2023 Annual Conference, G�ttingen University, G�ttingen, Germany, July 14-16, 2023.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Rasool, A.; Abler, D. Heterogeneity in US Farms: A New Clustering by Production Potentials. Agriculture 2023, 13, 258.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Zhang, Z., and D. Abler (2023). Dairy Pricing Policy, Production, and Water Quality: Application to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Journal of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, 2(2):350-365
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Chenyang Hu (presenter), Darrell Bosch, and Wei Zhang. Improving Ecosystem Services from US Agriculture: Yield Reserve vs. Land Retirement. Selected poster presentation at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), 2023 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., July 23-25, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Kumar Chaudhary, A., Basak, S., & Singh, P. (2022, November). Stakeholder analysis: An approach and tool promoting robust extension programming. Paper accepted for presentation at the 12th annual meeting of the National Association of Extension Program & Staff Development Professionals (NAEPSDP), Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Kumar Chaudhary, A., & Singh, P. and Basak, S. (2022, November). Stakeholder Analysis: A Tool to Strengthen the Needs Assessment and Promoting Robust Evaluation of Complex Projects. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association (AEA), New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Kumar Chaudhary, A., & Singh, P. (2022, October). Bridging the Research and Practice Gaps Through an Interactive Model of Communication in Transdisciplinary Research Environments. Paper presented virtually at the International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Kumar Chaudhary, A., Basak, S., & Singh, P. (2022, October). Understanding How Stakeholder Analysis Contributes to Natural Resource Management: A Systematic Scoping Review. Paper presented virtually at the International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: The 69th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International November 9-12, 2022 Montreal, Quebec A Day at the Park: How COVID-19 Impacted Park Amenity Valuation Hongxi Zhao, Ohio State University; H. Allen Klaiber, Ohio State University. Presented November 11, 2022 by Hongxi Zhao.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Wrenn, Douglas H. Additionality and the Adoption of Riparian Buffers in the Face of Urbanization. A Community on Ecosystem Services. Washington D.C., December 12-15, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Kumar Chaudhary, A., Basak, S., & Singh, P. (2022, October). An Application of Stakeholder Analysis to Promote Natural Resource Management: A Systematic Scoping Review. Poster presented at North Central Agricultural Education Conference and National Conference on Learner-Centered Teaching, Columbia, Missouri.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Edem Avemegah and Jessica Schad. Addressing Urban-Agricultural Tension in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Perspective on Concerns and Remedies. Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, August 2023.

Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22

Target Audience:During this reporting period, the Project Team and Stakeholder Advisory Board met twice, in December 2021 and July 2022. The 20-member Stakeholder Advisory Board includes farmers, consultants who provide technical assistance to farmers, local and state government officials in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, agribusiness industry association representatives, a Farm Bureau representative, a land developer, soil and water conservation district representatives, and representatives from environmental organizations. The July 2022 meeting was a two-day Thriving Ag project workshop on Maryland's Eastern Shore that also included a broader group of external stakeholders from Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Results have also been shared with numerous other communities of interest via conferences, webinars, extension presentations, and forums. Changes/Problems:The project has experienced some residual effects from the Covid-19 pandemic with delays in hiring in years 1 and 2 causing delays in project work in year 3. The project team was able to have its first in-person meeting with stakeholders in July 2022 since the project kickoff meeting in February 2020, and so things are starting to pick back up with less delays than years 1 and 2. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Tasks 1 and 2: Scenario Building with Stakeholders. Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars on the project participate in the project team meetings and meetings with the Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB). Through this participation, they can observe and learn first-hand how a large transdisciplinary project operates, how team members from different disciplines collaborate with each other, how the project team and SAB work together, and how they should function as team members. Several graduate students on the project participated in the Thriving Ag Eastern Shore Workshop in July 2022. Interns were hired at the Hughes Center, Penn State, and Virginia Tech during summer 2022 for research on the project's baseline scenario. This included research on policy analysis, climate change projections, demographic projections, agricultural production, and local food in the states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. Task 5: Market Analysis for Local and Organic Products. The Task 5 team has Ph.D. students Josh Reed and Chiu-Lin Huang working on the project. He is working closely with co-PIs Jaenicke and Liu, mainly on economic modelling and large dataset processing during this reporting period. Reed and Huang presented a poster at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) meeting in August 2022. Task 7: Field-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. Raziel A. Ordoñez, a postdoctoral scholar, has been actively engaged in the project since October 2020. Zack Sanders is completing his Ph.D. in Soil Science and Biogeochemistry and is actively engaged in the project as a student and research technician. Zoelie Rivera-Ocasio, a graduate assistant, has also been involved in the project and is learning many new skills and improving her writing skills by writing proposals. Her project, Understanding the Effects of Cover Crops and Nutrient Management on Microbial Carbon Use Efficiency and Nitrogen Mineralization was one of the proposals that were approved for funding by the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Administrative Council. The Thriving Ag project has created opportunities for two students at Virginia Tech, Soni Ghimire (master's student) and Unius Arinaitwe (Ph.D. student), to develop knowledge about nutrient management. Ghimire attended a workshop on Cycles Agriculture Models online via Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences. Task 8: Watershed-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. A Ph.D. Student, Marali Kalra, continues to work on the project. The project has provided the opportunity to network with researchers from a variety of sustainable agriculture-related fields. Task 9: Collaborating for Effective Agricultural Technical Assistance. Dan Read, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, learned new skills in spatial temporal modeling. Task 10: Regional-Scale Nutrient Flow Analysis. The Thriving Ag project has provided Ph.D. student at Penn State, Paniz Mohammadpour, with the opportunity to collaborate with and network professionals in the field. She has been completing an internship over summer 2022. During her internship, she has learned new tools for hydrologic and hydraulic modeling (Arc Hydro GIS and HECRAS 2D tools) at the watershed scale. Using these tools, she has modeled and analyzed basin paths and rainfall-runoff for six watersheds in Iowa. These models are comparable with the SWAT model that the Task 8 team uses for watershed modeling and management in the Thriving Ag project. Task 11: Land-Use Modeling. The Thriving Ag project has provided training for a Ph.D. student at Ohio State, Junyi Hua, on data collection and econometric land use modeling. Hua is planning to graduate from Ohio State with a Ph.D. within the next year. The team is beginning to onboard a new Ph.D. student at Ohio State, Hongxi Zhao, to assist once Junyi Hua graduates. Task 12: Adaptive Management Sites. The project has provided learning opportunities and training for both a Ph.D. student, Madeline Luthard, and a research technician, Brosi Bradley. Luthard is learning about isotope methods and has been able to educate individuals on soil health through programs at Penn State's Arboretum and annual Ag Progress Days event. Bradley is learning how to use a new N oxide analyzer tool that will help assist with project research. Kaye, Bradley, and Luthard mentor numerous students on their team. MaryBeth Gavin, Megan Kownurko, Heer Patel, and Sarah Brown are Penn State undergraduate students who are currently helping with research and being mentored in their lab. Dana Sanchez, a junior environmental resource management major at Penn State, worked with Kaye's research team learning various aspects of both field research at the Cover Crop Cocktails site, as well as assisting with laboratory work to understand the biogeochemical assumptions of the Nitrogen Decision Support Tool. Kaye recently hired a new postdoctoral scholar, Michael Gomez, who joined the project team in August 2022. Task 13: Economic Simulations and Modeling. The Thriving Ag project has provided the team with an opportunity to hire three interns to analyze trends in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia for the project's baseline (business as usual) scenario. The project has also been a learning opportunity for Ph.D. students Asif Rasool, Sadikshya Sharma and Nate Hu, and Zeya Zhang, a postdoctoral scholar. Rasool has learned about coding techniques and clustering methods. Sadikshya Sharma has been able to learn how to use the Penn State Roar supercomputer and has completed training. She has presented at the Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA) 2022 annual meeting and networked with professionals. Zeya Zhang has learned new data analysis methods while researching futures market data on dairy products. Nate Hu has learned about the REAP model and attended an online workshop on general equilibrium modeling. Tasks 14 and 15: Education and Extension Plans. The project provided multiple opportunities to two Ph.D. students, Parmveer Singh and Sharmistha Basak, to gain training on conducting transdisciplinary research. Singh was able to attend the SAS Project Directors' meeting in Kansas City in April 2022. This meeting provided an opportunity for Singh to learn from other SAS projects from across the country about how the education and outreach teams can better contribute to project goals. The meeting provided opportunities to network and co-learn with other SAS projects. Singh presented a research paper at the 2022 annual Soil and Water Conservation Society conference. This was his first professional conference which not only provided an opportunity to network with conservation professionals from across the country, but also provided an opportunity to learn new cutting-edge ideas to be used in the Thriving Ag project. Task 16: External Evaluation. Edem Avemegah, a Ph.D. student at Utah State University, is learning new skills by conducting survey research, cleaning data, and creating reports. He has also gained experience writing manuscripts and will be using project data for his dissertation. Another master's student has been helping with annual evaluation reports for the project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Tasks 1 and 2: Scenario Building with Stakeholders. An all-hands meeting in December 2021 and Thriving Ag Eastern Shore Workshop in July 2022 engaged critical communities of interest represented as members of the Stakeholder Advisory Board and external stakeholders in the states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. The research team presented project research findings at both the December 2021 all-hands meeting and the July 2022 Eastern Shore workshop. Task 5: Market Analysis for Local and Organic Products. The Task 5 team presented their findings at the 2021 and 2022 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings. Task 7: Field-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. The Task 7 team met with groups of Pennsylvania farmers to discuss results on the N Decision Support Tool. Numerous extension meetings with farmers in Virginia have taken place as well. The team has also been involved in many extension webinars and have acted as guest lecturers in a few graduate student courses. Results from this team have also been disseminated at the Keystone Certified Crop Advisor Conference, the National Meeting of Agronomists Day, Juan Acatenco Teziutlán, and the Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings. Task 8: Watershed-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. Results have been included in a journal submission to the Journal of Environmental quality, which is currently under review. Results have also been shared at the 2021 Lancaster-Lebanon Watershed Forum and Science Symposium, the 2022 Chesapeake Bay Community Research Symposium, the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Ecological Engineering Society, the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) 2022 Annual International Meeting, and the Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference (NABEC). Task 9: Collaborating for Effective Agricultural Technical Assistance. The Task 9 team's results have been published in PeerJ, and other manuscripts are in the works on this team's research. Results have been disseminated at webinars such as the CRC Roundtable. Outreach events for the field experiments included two events hosted by the Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance in York and Mercer counties, Pennsylvania as well as Penn State's three-day expo Ag Progress Days in Pennsylvania Furnace, Pennsylvania. Research activities at these events were conducted in collaboration with project team members at Stroud Water Research Center and the Penn State Agriculture and Environment Center. Task 10: Regional-Scale Nutrient Flow Analysis. Task 10 team members presented their findings on the nitrogen flow model at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in December 2021. They presented their primary findings of scenario analysis (cover crop and manure management) at the 2022 Chesapeake Bay Community Research Symposium and their circular ag project work findings at the ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting. Task 10 team members have two papers related to their project research that they are working on. One paper has been submitted to the journal Environmental Science & Technology and the other paper will be submitted later in 2022. Task 12: Adaptive Management Sites. Results have been disseminated at the 2022 ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, the 2022 Delmarva Soil Summit, the 2022 Northeast Cover Crops Council Annual Conference, the 2021 Lancaster-Lebanon Watershed Forum and Science Symposium, 2022 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting, and via Penn State Extension webinars. Results have also been published in University of Maryland Extension Agronomy News and the Journal of Environmental Quality. Madeline Luthard disseminated information about the N Decision Support Tool at Penn State's Ag Progress Days in August 2022. She also developed a program, The Story of Soil, for children and families hosted at the Penn State Arboretum. The program educates participants on the characteristics of soil and why soil is vital to the ecosystem. Task 13: Economic Simulations and Modeling. Results from the Task 13 team have been presented at the 2021 and 2022 AEAA annual meetings, 2022 NAREA annual meeting, 2022 Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) annual meeting, and the 2022 Chesapeake Bay Community Research Symposium. Tasks 14 and 15: Education and Extension Plans. The Tasks 14 & 15 team presented a paper at the 2022 annual Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) conference. The team also has four other paper abstracts that have been accepted for presentation at the Annual Virtual Conference of the American Evaluation Association (AEA), annual meeting of the National Association of Extension Program & Staff Development Professionals (NAEPSDP), and annual International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) virtual conference. Task 16: External Evaluation. Results from their Chesapeake Bay Watershed resident survey that assessed perceptions related to water quality and agriculture in the watershed have been shared by the Task 16 team at the 2022 International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) Conference. They also discussed the results of the survey with WERA1010, a multi-state research committee. The survey report was shared on the project website and social media. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Tasks 1 and 2: Scenario Building with Stakeholders. As a follow-up to the Thriving Ag Eastern Shore Workshop, the teams are further refining the scenarios and evaluating the details necessary to appropriately model the scenarios. The Tasks 1 & 2 team will be working with other Task Teams to evaluate their need for broader stakeholder engagement and, as necessary, facilitate building small stakeholder teams tailored to the need of individual Task teams. Additionally, Task Teams 1 & 2 intend to develop additional workshops for year 4. These workshops will be modeled on the success of the year 3 Eastern Shore Workshop, and held in Pennsylvania and Virginia, focused on convening the project team, the Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB), and external stakeholder from those geographies to provide their insights and perspectives to the project. Tasks 3 and 4: Networks of Engaged Stakeholders. Based on the Thriving Ag Eastern Shore workshop that took place in July 2022, the project team will utilize information discussed in the breakout rooms to refine project scenarios. The plan will be to link stakeholders directly with the individual Thriving Ag project task teams based on expertise and areas of interest. This will allow more direct input from stakeholders and an opportunity for task team members to refine their research. The project scenarios will be updated based on the summer interns' work, workshop outcomes, and team investigations. Goals include expanding the discussion within the ag community on how policies will influence agricultural and environmental outcomes via outreach opportunities. Task 5: Market Analysis for Local and Organic Products. The Task 5 team plans to work on new definitions of local and rural, and how that will affect their results at the county level. The team will be looking at percentage of agricultural land indicators for an urban-rural definition and pursuing a county level analysis. They also plan to produce high-quality maps of local and organic products for use in a USDA ERS report. Task 6: Blockchain Technology. The Task 6 team will host focus groups with small-to-medium sized wholesale vegetable and fruit producers. The results will then be analyzed. The goal is to reveal where extension can help farmers gain profitability going forward using AR/blockchain technology and how to create programs going forward. The team also intends to explore a pilot project on the use of blockchain for small-to-medium producers in Pennsylvania. Task 7: Field-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. Team members will continue their work in the lab, the field, and data analysis. They are working on journal article manuscripts and upcoming conference presentations on soil texture as an ecosystem-scale control on microbial nutrient cycling and carbon use efficiency; a national-scale analysis of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and corn production; how analytical tools can be used to predict N rates and yields; differences in soil properties and how they behave as a tool to improving modeling systems; soil characteristics, cover crops, and corn yields; and field trial nutrient management sites with and without irrigation. Task 8: Watershed-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. The Task 8 team plans to continue work on climate change and cover cropping simulations in the Susquehanna River Basin SWAT model. The team is also preparing a journal article on circular agricultural systems and another article on manure application timing. The Task 8 team's goal is to model the crop yield and water quality response of the Susquehanna River Basin under a variety of conditions, including climate change, increased BMP implementation, and urbanization. Task 9: Collaborating for Effective Agricultural Technical Assistance. The Task 9 team will run their field experiment at farmer outreach events and online, analyze data, and begin writing up results. They will submit a manuscript to the Journal of Environmental Management and finish a draft manuscript about techniques that technical assistance providers use across the adoption process. The team will generate evidence on the effectiveness of different farmer engagement techniques and produce outreach materials for the technical assistance community. Task 10: Regional-Scale Nutrient Flow Analysis. The Task 10 team will continue working on the scenario analysis and drafting a paper on it. They will also continue working on the two journal articles on nitrogen flow and circular agriculture systems. Task 11: Land-Use Modelling. The Task 11 team will continue to work on their BMP adoption paper with plans to submit to a journal before fall 2022. They are also preparing a presentation for the A Community on Ecosystem Services (ACES) conference in December 2022. They plan to complete both the Ricardian land price model and an initial parcel level land use change paper for submission in Spring 2023. Another area the team would like to explore during the next reporting period is estimating what effect urbanization has on additionality. Farmers are adopting conservation practices more often without government payments, and they would like to examine how BMPs affect home prices. Task 12: Adaptive Management Sites. The Task 12 team is planning to finish and submit a N rate recommendation paper for publication, and present preliminary results on the nitrogen analysis at the 2022 ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual meeting in Baltimore. In Pennsylvania, BMPs will be implemented on the BMP catchment in fall 2022. Cover crops will be planted in the fall and, in the spring, corn will be planted with variable rate N recommendations based on the N rate recommendation paper. Data collection will continue at the Maryland field sites. The team is also planning to carry out case studies on small diversified urban farms, most of which are in the Baltimore area and may extend to the Washington, DC area. Task 13: Economic Simulations and Modeling. The Task 13 team will complete their paper on energy price increase scenarios for submission to the Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. The team will also complete a draft of a paper on dairy pricing policy and dairy price variability and submit it for publication consideration. The team will continue working on papers based on county cluster analysis, climate change impacts on livestock production, and reasons why agriculture is thriving in some Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW) counties and not others. The team will be presenting some of its findings at A Community on Ecosystem Services (ACES) conference in December 2022. Tasks 14 and 15: Education and Extension Plans. The Tasks 14 & 15 team will be implementing an interactive model of stakeholder outreach and evaluating the outreach model. They will also be conducting interviews with stakeholders and finishing stakeholder identification, categorization, and analysis of relationships among stakeholders. The Tasks 14 & 15 team will also begin to develop potential undergraduate and graduate courses from the project. The team will develop and contribute to a community of practice (CoP) related to sustainable agriculture in urbanized landscapes. The team is also planning to conduct a survey on understanding of the project, the definition of the project, ways to engage stakeholders, and inter-team collaboration possibilities. Task 16: External Evaluation. The Task 16 team will be gathering more data on the states that were underrepresented in the 2022 survey sample for the CBW Farmer Survey. They will then update their descriptive report with the new data and present key findings to the team. They will also continue preparing annual evaluation reports for the project's Stakeholder Advisory Board and research team. The team will develop a manuscript based on their presentation at the IANSR conference.

What was accomplished under these goals? The central hypothesis of this project is that value-added agriculture of the kind required to be economically sustainable in urbanized landscapes can be achieved while enhancing ecosystem services. The overall goal is to make this hypothesis a reality within a 25-year period, using the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW) as a case study translatable to other urbanized landscapes. The project has four broad objectives and 16 tasks to achieve this goal, and the reporting here is organized by task. Tasks 1-4: Scenario Building with Stakeholders, and Networks of Engaged Stakeholders. A Thriving Ag Project All-Hands Meetings took place in December 2021. Task teams presented the key questions their research is trying to answer as well as the scenarios, models, and methods being used. The team held a two-day Thriving Ag project workshop in July 2022 on Maryland's Eastern Shore to convene the project team, the Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB), and a broader group of external stakeholders from Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. The workshop helped to engage stakeholders in conversations about the project's research and scenarios. Task 5: Market Analysis for Local and Organic Products. The Task 5 team has been working on developing a practical definition of local that fits their data. A data algorithm is being used that identifies products in scanner data based on the locality of the marketing, and the team has identified the product categories of most of the locally branded sales in the CBW. The team also estimated a demand models to calculate the value of local and organic products, incorporating attributes of a region that may shift demand for local and organic products. Task 6: Blockchain Technology. The Task 6 team created a survey that was sent in fall 2021 to small-to-medium sized wholesale vegetable and fruit producers in Pennsylvania. The survey is helping the team understand how emerging blockchain technologies can enable wholesale producers to better manage sales and record keeping and earn higher premiums for their products. Another area of research is in the use of blockchain technology to provide improved decision-making environments for producers. The team has been working with a blockchain provider to develop and implement a test case and proof of concept. Task 7: Field-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. The Task 7 team continues lab work and on-farm field trials in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland to test the biogeochemical assumptions that are built into a project Nitrogen Decision Support Tool, and to refine the tool. Results are helping farmers improve their fertilizer application rate decisions and advance the development of new tools to calculate nitrogen fertilizer requirements that adjust for cover crops and soil organic matter levels. The team is also carrying out on-farm experiments to improve carbon use efficiency (CUE). Task 8: Watershed-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. The Task 8 team developed, calibrated, and validated a comprehensive Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for the Susquehanna River Basin (SRB). The team used the SWAT model to evaluate water quality impacts of multiple manure management scenarios in the SRB based on the manureshed concept on manure application time, location and rate. The Task 8 team in collaboration with the Task 10 team is also exploring water quality implications of circular agricultural systems in the SRB with manure and compost from the basin as the nutrient source. Task 9: Collaborating for Effective Agricultural Technical Assistance. The Task 9 team recruited technical assistance providers (TAPs) to participate in a test on the effect of using visual aids on the level of farmer interest in adopting best management practices (BMPs). The test involves randomly assigning farmers to either a treatment or control group. The treatment group sees photos of BMPs while the control group does not. The team completed a related analysis of interviews with farmers. Interviews explored what farmers expect from technical assistance providers and how well they think technical assistance is currently doing in meeting their expectations. Task 10: Regional-Scale Nutrient Flow Analysis. The Task 10 team developed a regional model to analyze nitrogen flows within the CBW food production chains including agricultural and food trade with the rest of the country and world. They are in the process of adding an uncertainty analysis to this model. In collaboration with the Task 8 team, they are using their model to help assess water quality impacts of recycling nutrients using organic fertilizers in circular agricultural scenarios. Task 11: Land-Use Modeling. The Task 11 team is working with data from a 2016 survey of Pennsylvania farmers' best management practice (BMP) adoptions combined with land use data on urban development. The team is looking at the additionality of government payments in BMP adoption and how that is impacted by urbanization. The team is also using parcel-level land use change data from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to model how surrounding land use impacts urban development decisions. Using this model, they are running simulations of the impact of changing land use policy and climate conditions on land use. Task 12: Adaptive Management Sites. The Task 12 team continued field work on cover crop treatments and modeling a Cover Crop Cocktails (CCC) field site using the SWAT model. The team also continued experiments with different nitrogen rates applied to corn following cover crops. The team continued its edge-of-field monitoring studies that included surface runoff, tile drainage, and ditch drainage. The team analyzed corn and soybean yields and nitrogen response rates at their cover crop sites, using lysimeters to measure leaching and runoff weirs to measure runoff during storms. The team has preliminary data showing that cover crops increase soil fertility. Task 13: Economic Simulations and Modeling. The Task 13 team has been working with USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) to update and enhance the Regional Environment and Agriculture Programming (REAP) model. The team used the model to examine implications of energy cost shocks for revenue, prices, and output from the U.S. agricultural sector. The team developed a livestock model that covers the 13 REAP regions within the CBW and used this model to analyze the impacts of U.S. dairy pricing policy on livestock production in the CBW. The team used data envelopment analysis (DEA) to estimate how counties in the CBW are performing on environmental and economic indicators, and why some counties are doing better than others. Tasks 14 and 15: Education and Extension Plans. The Tasks 14 and 15 team carried out a stakeholder analysis to determine the stakeholders that represent the project and the information they find to be the most beneficial. At the Thriving Ag Eastern Shore Workshop in July 2022, the team led an activity with project team members and stakeholder stakeholders to understand stakeholders' information source preferences, information needs, and use of information for better planning dissemination of findings from the Thriving Ag Project. Task 16: External Evaluation. The Task 16 team finished a CBW resident survey in fall 2021. The survey was to assess perceptions related to water quality and agriculture in the watershed as a whole as well as scenarios developed by the project team. They completed a report on the CBW resident survey results which is on the project website. The team sent a related survey to CBW farmers in 2022. This survey will provide important information about what farmers in the region think about the scenarios developed by the project team, their views on urbanizing agriculture and sustainable agriculture, and current practices and attitudes about conservation practices that can inform project planning.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Submitted Year Published: 2022 Citation: Ziliang Zhang, Jason P. Kaye, Brosi A. Bradley, Joseph P. Amsili, Vidya Suseela. "Cover crop functional types differentially alter the content and composition of soil organic carbon in particulate and mineral-associated fractions." Submitted to Global Change Biology.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Antonio-Ordonez, R., White, C., et al. (November 2021). Yield Gap as a Key Metric to Determining N Fertilizer Rates in Maize. Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings, Agronomy Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: White, C., Antonio-Ordonez, R., Spargo, J. T., Arrington, K., & Kaye, J. P. (November 2021). Towards a Semi-Mechanistic Fertilizer Recommendation System That Accounts for Cover Crop Nitrogen Mineralization Dynamics. Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings, Agronomy Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Arrington, K. and Rivera-Ocasio, Z. Webinar, Making Cover Crops Pay: Cycling Nutrients and Growing Legumes for N Production, Penn State Extension, 100 participant(s), (February 11, 2022).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Ordo�ez, Raziel A. Managing nitrogen through crop services and modeling toward more sustainable maize production in Pennsylvania, USA. National Meeting of Agronomists Day, San Juan Acatenco Teziutl�n, Puebla, M�xico. (February 22, 2022).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Ordo�ez, Raziel A. Optimizing nitrogen fertilization rates in maize crops as an alternative of sustainability in times of climate change. 2nd National Congress of Sustainable Systems and 1st International Congress of Sustainable Topics. Tlapacoyan, Veracruz, Mexico (May 6, 2022)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Thomason, W.E. 2021. Nitrogen cycling from cover crops in the Mid-Atlantic USA. In International Annual Meetings Abstracts. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Lisenbee, W.A., Saha, A., Mohammadpour, P., Cibin, R., Kaye, J., Grady, C., and I. Chaubey. (November 19, 2021). Water Quality of Circular Agricultural Systems in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Lancaster-Lebanon Watershed Forum and Science Symposium, Elizabethtown, PA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Gourab Saha, Arghajeet Saha, Cibin Raj, Sheri Spiegel, Peter Kleinman, Tamie Veith, Charles White, Patrick Drohan, and Teferi Tsegaye. Quantifying the Water Quality Benefits of Implementing Manureshed Concept based Manure Management in the Susquehanna River Basin. 2022 Chesapeake Bay Community Research Symposium. June 6-8, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Marali, K., & Cibin, R. (July 2022). Deriving a Soil Carbon Age Distribution from a Pool-Based Model. ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting, Houston, TX.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Marali, K., & Cibin, R. (August 2022). A Framework for Using Computational Models to Evaluate Ecosystem Health. NABEC 2022, Edgewood, MD
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Read D.J., Carroll A., Wainger L.A. 2021. Exploring private land conservation non-adopters attendance at outreach events in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA. PeerJ 9:e11959
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Whitney Lisenbee, Kalra Marali. Modeling Land Use and Climate Change Scenarios to Manage Water Quality in Integrated Agricultural-Urban Landscapes. 2022 Chesapeake Bay Community Research Symposium. June 6-8, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Kalra Marali, Arghajeet Saha, Raj Cibin. A Sustainability-Focused Framework for Computational Evaluation of Ecosystem Services. 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Ecological Engineering Society. June 21-23, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Lisenbee, W. A., Kalra, M., Cibin, R., Kaye, J. (July 2022). Modeling Land Use and Climate Change Scenarios to Manage Water Quality in Integrated Agricultural-Urban Landscapes", ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting, Houston, TX.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Lisenbee, W. A., Saha, A., Mohammadpour, P., Cibin, R., Kaye, J., Grady, C., and I. Chaubey. (July 2022). Water Quality of Circular Agricultural Systems in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed", ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting, Houston, TX.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Chaudhary, AK, Read DJ, Carroll A, Wainger L. 2021. Understanding Differences in Attendance of Adopters and Non-adopters of Agricultural Conservation Practices at Outreach Events. Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Meeting. Online. July 27, 2021.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Read D.J., Wainger L. 2021. Collaborating for Effective Agricultural Technical Assistance. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association/Western Agricultural Economic Association Annual Meeting. Austin, TX, USA/Online. August 2, 2021.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Lisa Wainger and Dan Read, January 2022 CRC Roundtable: Behavior and the Bay: The Human Dimension of Chesapeake Bay Restoration, online, January 19, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Mohammadpour, P. and Grady, C. (2021). What Does Trade Have to Do with It? A Regional Analysis of Nitrogen Flow across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA. December 17, 2021.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Paniz Mohammadpour, Caitlin Grady. How do policy or land management decisions impact the nitrogen loss from the food production chain in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed? Chesapeake Bay Community Research Symposium. June 6-8, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Lisenbee, W. A., Saha, A., Mohammadpour, P., Cibin, R., Kaye, J., Grady, C., and I. Chaubey. (July 2022). Water Quality of Circular Agricultural Systems in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting, Houston, TX.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Hu, N., Bosch, D., & Zhang, W. 2021. Impact of Energy Shocks on U.S. Agriculture: the REAP Model Approach. Selected paper. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, August 1-3.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Hu, N., Bosch, D., & Zhang, W. 2022. Impact of Energy and Ethanol Price Shocks on U.S. Agriculture: A Partial Equilibrium Approach. Selected paper. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 13-15.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Sharma, S., Huang, X., & Abler, D. 2022. Agricultural Sustainability in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: A DEA Analysis. Selected paper. Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Annual Meeting, Mystic, Connecticut, June 12-14.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Edem Avemegah, Sarah P. Church, Brennan Radulski. Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Residents Perceptions of Water Quality and Interventions: Finding from the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. International Association for Society and Natural Resources Annual Meeting: San Jose, Costa Rica. 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Reed, J. C. Huang, Y. Liu, E. C. Jaenicke, and X. Dong. 2022. Urban-Rural Differences in Consumer Demand for Local and Organic Milk in Pennsylvania. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, July 31-August 2.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Weil, R. R., Si, Q., Owens, V. R., and Stefun, M. (2021). Soil health and nutrient flows with enhanced cover cropping and soil management. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting - A Creative Economy for Sustainable Development. Salt Lake City, Utah. 09-11 Nov. 2021 American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: White, C. M., Spargo, J. T., Kaye, J. P., Sanders, Z. P., Weil, R. R., Thomason, W. E., . . . Wells, H. L. (2021). Yield gap as a key metric to determining N fertilizer rates in maize crop. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting - A Creative Economy for Sustainable Development. Salt Lake City, Utah. 09-11 Nov. 2021 American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Stefun , M., Garbitzer, S., & Weil, R. (2021). Slug Damage to SoybeansDo Cover Crops Help or Hurt? University of Maryland Extension Agronomy News, 12(8).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Zhang, Z., & Abler, D. 2022. Dairy Pricing Policy, Price Variability, and Production: The Class I Mover. Selected poster. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, July 31-August 2.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Jeon, Y., Thompson, W., Hoang, H., Abler, D., & Miller, J.I. 2022. Revealing the Fundamental Parameters of a Food Demand System using Estimated Elasticities. Selected paper. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, July 31-August 2.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Sedghi, N., and Weil, R. (2022). Fall cover crop nitrogen uptake drives reduced winter-spring leaching. Journal of Environmental Quality, 51(3), May/June 2022, 337-351.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Weil, Ray. 2022. Measuring Soil Health- Which Tests Provide the Most Useful Information? Delmarva Soil Summit. Feb. 7, Salisbury, MD.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Weil, Ray. 2022. Cover Crops to Manage N, P and other Nutrient Availability. Delmarva Soil Summit. Feb. 8, Salisbury, MD.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Stefun, Melissa. 2022. Enhanced Cover Cropping for Nutrient Management and Carbon Sequestration. Northeast Cover Crops Council Annual Conference. Mar. 10th.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Kumar Chaudhary, A., Singh, P., & Basak, S. (2022, July). Redefining stakeholder analysis: Foundation for successful stakeholder engagement. Paper presented at the Soil and Water Conservation Society conference, Denver, Colorado.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Abler, D. 2022. Linking Models of Environmental and Human Systems in the Thriving Ag Project. Chesapeake Community Research Symposium, Annapolis, MD, June 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Villena Martinez, V., Ransom, E., Abler, D. 2022. Do Sustainability and Resilience Go Hand in Hand? The Case of Pennsylvania Dairy Farmers. Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability Annual Conference, Milan, Italy, June 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Villena Martinez, V., Ransom, E., Abler, D. 2022. Do Sustainability and Resilience Go Hand in Hand? The Case of PA Farmers. Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, Online, April 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Abler, D. 2021. Agricultural Policy and Regional Shifts in U.S. Dairy Production. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association/Western Agricultural Economic Association Annual Meeting. Austin, TX, USA/Online. August 2, 2021.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Abler, D., Wainger, L., Read, D., Jaenicke, E., Reed, J., Liu, Y., Shortle, J. 2021. Agricultural Sustainability in Urbanized Landscapes. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association/Western Agricultural Economic Association Annual Meeting. Austin, TX, USA/Online. August 2, 2021.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: White, C. 2022. Evolution of Nitrogen Recommendations for Corn: Beyond Mass Balance, Accounting for Cover Crops and Soil Organic Matter, Pennsylvania Agronomic Education Society, PAES Annual Conference, Boalsburg, PA, January 20, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: White, C. 2022. Following the 4Rs of Nutrient Stewardship in Corn Production, Penn State Extension, Lebanon County Crop Conference, Lebanon, PA, February 16, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Jeon, Y., Thompson, W., Hoang, H., Abler, D., & Miller, J.I. 2022. A meta-analysis of U.S. food demand elasticities to detect the impacts of scanner data. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: White, C. Update on the PSU Cover Crop Nitrogen Recommendation Tool for Corn. Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance Summer Meeting, York, PA. June 20, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: White, C. Update on the PSU Cover Crop Nitrogen Recommendation Tool for Corn. Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance Summer Meeting, Mercer County, PA. June 22, 2022.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Kleinman, P., Osmond, D., Christianson, L., Flaten, D., Ippolito, J., Jarvie, H., Kaye, J. & King, K., Leytem, A., Mcgrath, J., Nelson, N., Shober, A., Smith, D., Staver, K., Sharpley, A., Peter, C., and Kleinman, J. (2022). Addressing conservation practice limitations and trade-offs for reducing phosphorus loss from agricultural fields. Agricultural & Environmental Letters. 7. 20084. 10.1002/ael2.20084.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Antonio-Ordonez, R., White, C., & Kemanian, A. R. (November 2021). Maize Yield Predictions across Pennsylvania Using Cycles Agroecosystem Model. Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings, Agronomy Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: White, C. Evolution of Nitrogen Recommendations in Corn: Beyond the Mass Balance Approach Towards Crediting N Supply from Cover Crops and Soil Organic Matter. Pennsylvania 4R Alliance 4waRd Thinking Webinar Series. November 2, 2021.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Lisenbee, W., Saha, A., Mohammadpour, P., Raj, C., Kaye, J., Grady, C., Indrajeet, C. Water Quality of Circular Agricultural Systems in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting. Houston, TX. July 16-20, 2022.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Arrington, K., Bradley, B., Kaye, J., White, C. The role of cover crops in reducing nitrogen leaching from cropland. Lancaster-Lebanon Watershed Forum and Science Symposium, Elizabethtown College. Nov 19th & 20th, 2021.

Progress 09/01/20 to 08/31/21

Target Audience:During this reporting period, the Project Team and Stakeholder Advisory Board met twice, in November 2020 and March 2021. The 20-member Stakeholder Advisory Board includes farmers, consultants who provide technical assistance to farmers, local and state government officials in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, agribusiness industry association representatives, a Farm Bureau representative, a land developer, soil and water conservation district representatives, and representatives from environmental organizations. Results have also been shared with numerous other communities of interest via conferences, webinars, and forums. Changes/Problems:Covid-19 continued tohave amajorimpact onthe project during this reporting period.Changes in policies and procedures at the participating institutions on this project in response to Covid-19 led to hiring delaysthat significantly slowedproject work for some of the task teams.Changesto immigration policy, visa processing, and travel restrictions as a result of Covid-19 slowed down, and in some cases prevented,the hiring of new graduate research assistants for the project.Project meetings were held entirely online and the project team has been using online collaborative tools.While the online tools are a great asset, the absence of in-person meetingsis negatively impacting the collaborationsbetween and among team members and stakeholders that areneeded for this project tosucceed. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Tasks 1 and 2. Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars on the project participate in the project team meetings and meetings with theStakeholder Advisory Board(SAB).Through this participation, they can observe and learn first-hand how alargetransdisciplinary project operates, how team members from different disciplinescollaboratewith each other, howthe project team andSABwork together, and how they should function as team members. Task 5.The Task 5 teamhasrecruited a first-year Ph.D. student, Josh Reed, to work on the project. The student is working closely with co-PIsJaenicke and Liu, mainly on economic modelling and large dataset processing during this reporting period. While working on the project, the student also gainsexperience working with a large, multi-disciplinaryteam. Task 7.Two project team membersattended Northeast Cover Crop ConferenceonMarch 4,2021. There has been networkingamongtechnicians, graduate students,and postdocs ontheproject.A Ph.D.student wasrecruited,and thestudentplansto begin Ph.D.studies in Summer 2021.A postdoctoral scholar, Raziel Antonio-Ordonez,has been actively participating in the project since October 2020.Zachary Sanders is completing his Soil Science and Biogeochemistry and is actively engaged in the project as a student and research technician.Undergraduate students Jillian Barskey and Baleigh Rosado have been supervised by Sanders and are actively involved in learning skills related to laboratory and field data collection and analysis. Task 8.A Ph.D.Student, Marali Kalra,was hired on the project in January 2021.Kalra auditedaSWAT course to learnabout themodel. Task 9.The project has provided training and professional development for one postdoctoral scholar, Daniel Read, who has expanded his training in both qualitative and quantitative analyses, learned substantive information about agricultural conservation and behavioral economics, and gained experience in collaborative project design. Task 10. This project has allowed for onePh.D.student, Paniz Mohammadpour, to develop professionally by conducting research in line with the project's objectives. She has gained experience presenting research findings to other team members and receiving feedback onTask Team 10'sperformance.Mohammadpourhas also presented her work at one regional and one international conference (The Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference; American Geophysical Union Fall Conference) as well as at seminars throughout Penn State.She hasbenefited from meeting and networking with experts in various aspects of nonpoint source pollution throughout the project. Task 11. This projectissupportinga Ph.D.student, Junyi Hua, and an undergraduate student.The students are learning about data used to evaluate land use change and econometric procedures for estimating the determinants of land conversion. Task 12.One Ph.D. student was hired on this project and has begun her Ph.D. program completing the first semester in the Fall of 2020. Ten undergraduate students have been involved as undergraduate research assistants helping to collect samples prepare them and run analyzes. three students are working on a senior project associated with this research program. Another student did her senior project in Fall 2020 on the calibration of soil sensors. One undergraduate student has been recruited for a special four plus one graduate/undergraduate program that enables her to obtain a master's degree with just one year beyond theBachelor'sdegree. She is planning to work on his small farm case study analyses. Task 13. To date, threePh.D. students, Nate Hu,SadikshyaSharma, andXuetaoHuang, haveworkedon the project. They are conducting analysis using REAP and GIS models. This work furthers their understanding of the development and application of models for understanding challenges and opportunities confronting agriculture in urbanizing regions. Task 16. Ph.D.student EdemAvemegahis receivingtraining and experience with conductingseveraltypes of evaluation research, including skills and data which will be used for his dissertation. This has included materials and experience related to developing aTheory of Change (TOC)for the project and the preparation for conducting an online panelsurveyof Chesapeake Baywatershed (CBW) residents. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Tasks 1 and 2. Two all-hands meetings, one in November 2020 and one in March 2021, engaged critical communities of interest represented as members of the Stakeholder Advisory Board. Tasks 7 and 8. Members of these teams submitted an abstract to American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual Meeting that takes place in July 2021. They presented an educational video about cover crops at Northeast Cover Crop Council Conference on March 4, 2021. This team also met with a group of farmers to gather feedback on N decision tool developed by co-PI White. Results from co-PI Thomason's fieldwork have been presented at the virtual Eastern Shore Ag Conference and at the NFWF Ag Networking Forum. Task 9. By serving on advisory boards to several workshop planning efforts, this team's findings have informed efforts by state government and non-governmental organization representatives in focusing workshop topics on unaddressed questions. They are working on the first group of publications to come from this work and planning several conference presentations for the year. Their work brings a distinct perspective by distinguishing sequences of events that lead to adoption and separating BMP incentives by revenue effects of practices. An abstract on understanding differences in attendance of adopters and non-adopters of agricultural conservation practices at outreach events has been accepted for presentation at the July 2021 Soil and Water Conservation Society annual conference. Task 10. This team presented results at both a regional research conference and international research conference in 2020 (The Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference; American Geophysical Union Fall Conference). Task 12. Some of the early results and concepts have been disseminated to the scientific community through presentations at the Soil Science Society of America, the American Society of Agronomy in November 2020, and at the Northeast Cover Crop Council annual conference in March 2021. A presentation on Nitrogen Management with Cover Crops was made at the Penn State Extension Agronomy Field Crop Production Online Conference, November 19, 2020. A presentation on the same topic was made to the Pennsylvania 4R Alliance, October 7, 2020. This presentation discussed how cover crops affect N management, including prevention of leaching of the winter and how to adjust N fertilizer rates in corn after cover crops. A presentation on On-Farm Trials to Inform Cover Crop and Nitrogen Management was made at a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Chesapeake Bay Regional Soil Health Webinar, June 25, 2020. Agricultural and environmental community stakeholders have been engaged at a summer field day on the eastern shore of Maryland in Kent county in August 2020 under the auspices of shore Rivers LLC, a non-profit environmental group devoted to protecting water quality in collaboration with landowners. Task 13. An abstract summarizing the methods and anticipated outcomes of analysis of the effects of energy price increases has been accepted by the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) for presentation at the summer 2021 meetings of the Association. Also, two proposals for organized symposium sessions at these meetings, one on challenges facing agriculture in urbanized landscapes and a second on regional shifts in U.S. agricultural production, were accepted by AAEA. The team engages in weekly meetings with personnel from USDA ERS and other institutions, including the University of Wisconsin, who are working to improve documentation, performance, and other aspects of the REAP model. Task 15. The Task 15 team is using the project website ( and social media accounts to inform communities of interest about project goals, objectives, and accomplishments. The project website includes the year 1 annual report (March 2020) and year 2 annual report (March 2021). Task 16. Co-PI Schad shared the project's year 1 formative assessment report and recommendations from her interviews with team members with the full team in May 2020. This report is on the project website. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Tasks 1 and 2. The project team will select a subset of volunteers from the Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB) to provide more frequent comment and feedback as the details of the five scenarios mentioned above are finalized: business as usual; payments for performance of ecosystem services and achieving nutrient balance; managing urban growth and maintaining existing farmland; increasing farm profitability through local food efforts and growing urban-rural relationships; and a dietary shift to plant-based proteins and alternative meats. The entire SAB will be reconvened in fall 2021 to review results of work by the project team on analyzing the five scenarios. Tasks 3 and 9. The Task 9 team will begin data collection on the collaborative field experiment, publish papers from the ongoing work, and continue to collect and analyze county-level data to assess the efficacy of conservation policies over time. The Tasks 3 and 9 teams will expand the field experiments and collaborations with non-governmental partners to develop improved guidance for technical assistance provider training. Task 4. This team will identify appropriate topics for two workshops with stakeholder-users, based on the five scenarios and the project team's expertise. Planning for the workshops will begin once topics have been identified. Task 5. This team will expand its analysis to multiple food product categories and assess how the preference for local and organic products vary across categories. By matching their data with census track information, the team will evaluate how preferences for local/organic vary in urban and rural areas. Task 6. This team will complete blockchain survey development, distribution, and analysis during the summer/fall time frame and then to subsequently begin analysis of a blockchain framework to address the survey results. The team will identify a working group of key local small packers and shippers, a group of key non-profit and regional distributors, and a working group of key institutional buyers. Task 7. This team will gather an additional year of data on the cover crop selection trial, expanding to test the N decision tool variable N rate applications impacts on yield. This experiment is part of larger effort that will also assess greenhouse gas emissions and a suite of ecosystem services potentially provided by cover crops, including increases in soil microbial community and corn pest resistance. Lab incubations will continue to advance understanding of underlying mechanisms of how cover crops affect nutrient cycling across soil texture, so the team can extrapolate what they learn from their local site to other soil sites with other soil textures around the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The team will continue to develop scenarios in the SWAT model to understand how environmental changes or climate change could affect nutrient cycling in the field. Construction at four field sites in Maryland will be completed in 2021. Each field site will be instrumented with various equipment as H-Flumes, Water Control Structures, Rain Gauges, Solar Panels and instruments such as autosamplers, pressure transducers. The Tasks 7 and 12 teams plan to start sampling these sites by fall 2021. Adaptive management fields will be established to monitor agronomic and environmental performance of different cropping systems and management practices. Also, six on-farm nitrogen response trials in corn will be conducted to validate the new nitrogen fertilizer recommendation system in Pennsylvania. Task 8. This team will further refine the SWAT model developed for Susquehanna River Basin with SSURGO (Soil Survey Geographic Database) soil data. The revised model will be used to evaluate scenarios developed as part of Objective 1. While the scenarios are being refined, the model will be used to evaluate various sustainable manure management strategies in the Susquehanna River Basin under the manureshed concept. The SWAT model will also be used to understand the effectiveness of urban BMPs such as new Low Impact Development (LID) practices as compared to traditional agricultural BMPs, under projected land use conditions in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Task 10. This team will make enhancements to its nitrogen flow model. They will expand the crops and animal products in their model to include wheat, poultry layers, and dairy products. They will evaluate watershed changes to increase NUE and reduce Nr based on model results. They will also differentiate the total N loss released to the environment by identifying various N pathways. This team plans to begin integrating their model with other models such as SWAT. Task 11. This team will complete initial estimation of land conversion models and begin integration of key conversion outcomes with the SWAT model. They further expect to refine their estimation objectives with input from stakeholders and develop additional policy evaluations using their land conversion models. Task 12. This team will install additional monitoring equipment, continue the cropping systems, and obtain a complete set of water samples appropriate to the season's hydrology. They will analyze the different forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in these water samples and model their loss in relation to rainfall amounts and intensities and management practices. These data will help interface with other groups working on SWAT and other nutrient models. They also plan to begin the analysis of case studies of small farms along urban to rural transects in the Baltimore area. The soils in two catchments in Pennsylvania will be mapped for electrical conductivity to determine soil texture zones to guide subsequent fertility management. Task 13. This team will complete updating the baseline dataset used with REAP. They will continue the analysis of energy price increases using REAP and begin analyzing other aspects of the five scenarios listed above. Task 14. This team will start planning for developing two team-taught online courses at the four universities, one undergraduate course and one graduate course, based on the project's methods and findings. The team will explore possibilities for delivering project findings to high school students. Task 15. To better guide the project outreach activities matching the needs of stakeholders, this team will conduct a formal stakeholder analysis in order to design targeted outreach products for different stakeholders including the promised new Community of Practice (CoP) on eXtension centered on sustainable agricultural systems in urbanized landscapes. This team will regularly update the project website and post on social media to make stakeholders aware of project news, events, outputs and outcomes. Task 16. This team will conduct an online panel survey of Chesapeake Bay watershed (CBW) residents, including those living in both rural and urban parts of the watershed. The first round of the panel survey will be conducted in 2021, with the second round planned for 2024. To have a formative assessment of the research teams' organizational efficacy and interdisciplinary team collaboration, an online survey of the project team will be conducted in 2021. A CBW producer panel survey will also be conducted during the next year and then repeated in 2024. The team will also continue its development of a theory of change (TOC) through online instruments to help guide further evaluation efforts and finalize a TOC. Integration Teams. The Integration Teams will continue to identify knowledge gaps to engage additional contributions to fill needs regarding scenario evaluation. Implementation of a data management plan is an important goal to accomplish in the next reporting period. Expectations for data sharing and management will need to be established in order to increase collaboration among the various task teams. The data and information are also important to share with outside stakeholders, so making it publicly accessible is key.

What was accomplished under these goals? The project has four broad objectives and 16 tasks, and reporting is organized by objective/task. OBJECTIVE 1. Engage Closely with Stakeholders. Task 1. Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB), and Task 2. Scenario Building with SAB. A 2-day Zoom workshop was held in November 2020 for the SAB and Project Team involving visioning discussions on "thriving agriculture" in urbanized landscapes, changes necessary for improvements, indicators of change, potential drivers for change, and the interplay between agriculture and the broader community. Workshop outcomes were incorporated into scenario development at a March 2021 Zoom meeting of the SAB and Project Team. Five draft scenarios were discussed: business as usual; payments for performance of ecosystem services and achieving nutrient balance; managing urban growth and maintaining existing farmland; increasing farm profitability through local food efforts and growing urban-rural relationships; and a dietary shift to plant-based proteins and alternative meats. Task 3. Networks of Engaged Stakeholders, and Task 4. Workshops with Stakeholder-Users. These tasks will take place during project years 3-5. OBJECTIVE 2. Market and Supply Chain Research for Productivity Gains. Task 5. Market Analysis for Local and Organic Products. The Task 5 team gained access to scanner data being used by this analysis from USDA ERS through the NORC Data Enclave. The team chose the packaged salad market in the Baltimore area as a case study. They built a structural model to estimate consumer preference for local/organic brands and completed initial analysis on prices, market shares, revenue shares of local, organic, and national brands. Task 6. Blockchain Technology to Expand Markets for Value-Added Products. The Task 6 team developed a draft survey for small to mid-sized Pennsylvania wholesale growers, specifically producers of apple, vegetables, and potatoes to determine whether blockchain can increase market and premium pricing opportunities for specialized or value-added agricultural products through transparency and greater connection to producers. OBJECTIVE 3. Research on Tools, Models, Analyses to Improve Productivity and Nutrient Use Efficiency. Task 7. Field-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. The Task 7 team engaged in management and data collection of a cover crop species selection trial that helps farmers determine which cover crops and mixtures meet their needs as well impacts of cover crops on cycling of key nutrients. They measured potential nitrate leaching in anion resins and lysimeters, nitrogen supply to corn, impact on yield, cover crop biomass, stand counts, preliminary look at potential P leaching, and measurements of inorganic nitrogen in both surface soil (monthly) and to 80 cm depth (yearly). A new nitrogen fertilizer recommendation system that accounts for N supply from cover crops and soil organic matter was developed from historical data and published in Agronomy Journal. Three additional field trials were conducted on commercial farms in 2020 to test the accuracy of the new N fertilizer recommendation system. Task 8. Watershed-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. The Task 8 team developed a comprehensive Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for the Susquehanna River Basin, which is the largest watershed draining to the Chesapeake Bay. SWAT is a process based semi-distributed ecohydrological model that is calibrated/validated for crop yield, hydrology, sediment and nutrient loading at multiple locations in the Susquehanna River Basin. Task 9. Farmer-Stakeholder Experiments. The Task 9 team conducted interviews with technical assistance providers and farmers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. They designed a field experiment that will test the effectiveness of using best management practice (BMP) photographs, during field visits with farmers, on BMP adoption. Task 10. Regional-Scale Nutrient Flow Analysis. The Task 10 team built a nitrogen mass flow model of crop-animal-meat production chain products inclusive of trade for major agricultural commodities and food products in the Chesapeake Bay watershed at both watershed and regional scales. The model is designed to measure embedded nitrogen resources, focusing on quantifying NUE and nitrogen pollution at each stage of the crop-animal-meat production system. They presented initial results at two 2020 conferences, American Geophysical Union and Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Task 11. Agent-Based Modelling. The Task 11 team developed data needed to evaluate land use change across the urban/rural gradient. These data were sourced from the National Land Cover Database as raster files which they combined and extracted to capture conversion from pasture and crop land into various development density outcomes. This data was supplemented with parcel level information obtained for a subset of counties in the Chesapeake Bay, including Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and Baltimore County, Maryland to ground truth the use of these data and provide enhanced resolution for eventual integration with the SWAT modeling teams. Task 12. Adaptive Management Sites. Three research sites were established at the Central Maryland Research and Education Center Beltsville facility. Experiments at these sites use adaptive management to learn from successes and failures. The main plots are a corn-soybean cropping system with enhanced cover cropping versus a corn-soybean system with standard practice cover cropping. The enhanced cover cropping involves interceding to establish cover crops earlier than is typical so that substantial growth can be achieved in the fall to capture nutrients and protect the soil over the winter. In Spring the enhanced cover cropping practices include allowing the cover crop to grow right up until cash crop planting or even beyond into early May. The parameters being measured include cover crop yields, runoff water from rainstorms and nutrient content of that water, percolation water from suction lysimeters and nutrient content of the percolate, and ecological observations on pests, nutrients and plant condition as well as soil health. Task 13. Economic Simulations and Modelling. The Task 13 team worked with USDA ERS to adapt REAP (Regional Environment and Agriculture Programming Model) to the needs of the project. REAP is a large-scale partial equilibrium model of the U.S. agricultural sector that simulates regional allocation of agricultural resources and production in response to changes in policy, market, and biophysical conditions. The team updated baseline data used to drive REAP and used REAP to analyze impacts of increasing energy prices. OBJECTIVE 4. Education, Extension, Evaluation. Task 14. Education Plan. The work on Task 14 will begin in project year 3. Task 15. Extension Plan. Task 15. A project website ( and social media accounts were created to increase awareness of project goals and outreach of project outputs and outcomes. Task 16. External Evaluation. The Task 16 team interviewed project team members in 2020 and prepared a report on the research teams' organizational efficacy and interdisciplinary team collaboration, and suggestions for improvement. This team started development of a Theory of Change (TOC) for the project in fall 2020. The team a drafted a questionnaire for a stakeholder survey to be conducted in 2021. Integration Teams. To promote mutually supportive team efforts, the project team created a flow chart documenting what project pieces inform other project pieces. Using that flow chart, the team identified sub-teams to meet regularly to share progress and receive input from a broad set of team members. A project management tool was implemented to keep track of task and integration team goals and progress. It is also being used to keep track of project budget and expenditures.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: White, C., Finney, D. M., Kemanian, A. R., & Kaye, J. P. 2020. Modeling the Contributions of Nitrogen Mineralization to Yield of Corn. Agronomy Journal, 1-14.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Bradley, B., Kaye, J., and T. Rowles. Cover Crop Educational Module and Cover Crops Ask Why Are We Here. Contributed videos presented at 2021 Northeast Cover Crop Council Conference, Online hosted at College Park, Maryland, March 4th, 2021.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Thomason, W.E. Corn response to emergence timing and N supply from cover crops. Eastern Shore Ag Conference. Virtual, January 23, 2021.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Thomason, W.E. Assessment of corn N management strategies. National Fish and Wildlife Forum. Virtual, February 24, 2021.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Thomason, W.E., R.O. Maguire, M. Swoish, J.F. Leme and J. McGrath. 2020. Spatial variation in corn response to starter phosphorus fertilizer. In International Annual Meetings Abstracts. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI (Virtual).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Cibin, R., Saha, A., Saha, G., Spiegal, S., & Kleinman, P. November 2020. Water quality outcomes of implementing the manureshed concept in Susquehanna River Basin, 2020 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Online. International.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Saha, G., Cibin, R., Elliott, H. A., & Gall, H. E. (July 2020). Impact Assessment of Manure Nutrient-Loss Due to New Animal Agricultural Developments, ASABE 2020 Annual International Meeting, Online. International.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Saha, A., & Cibin, R. July 2020. Potential Environmental Benefits Evaluation of Manure and Nutrient Placement Strategies Considering Optimal Weather Condition, ASABE 2020 Annual International Meeting, Online. International.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Saha, A., & Cibin, R. June 2020. Water quality benefits of weather forecasting based strategic manure application timing in the Susquehanna River Basin, Chesapeake Community Research Symposium 2020, Online. National.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Saha, A., & Cibin, R. July 2020. Quantifying water quality benefits of weather forecasting based manure application timing strategies in the Susquehanna River Basin, The Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference (NABEC), Online. Regional.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Saha, G., Cibin, R., Elliott, H. A., & Gall, H. E. July 2020. Simulation based impact assessment of land applied manure nutrient loss due to landscape environmental vulnerabilities, The Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference (NABEC), Online. International.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Saha, A., & Cibin, R. June 2020. Comprehensive development of an ecohydrologic model (SWAT) for Susquehanna River Basin in an agro-ecosystem framework, Chesapeake Community Research Symposium 2020, Online. National.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Mohammadpour, P., Grady, C.A. Nitrogen Pollution Embedded in Commodity Supply Chains and Trade; Linking Systems and Scales across Water, Energy, and Land. Contributed presentation at AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, Virtual, USA, December 10, 2020.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Mohammadpour, P., Grady, C.A. Quantifying the effects of trade throughout the Chesapeake Bay on its nitrogen balance. Contributed presentation at NABEC (Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference), Virtual, USA, July 28, 2020.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: White, Charles M. Conference, Instructor, On-Line, Nitrogen Management with Cover Crops, Penn State Extension, Agronomy Field Crop Production Online Conference, 50 participant(s), External to Penn State, Professional. November 19, 2020.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: White, Charles M. Webinar, Instructor, On-Line, Nitrogen Management with Cover Crops, Pennsylvania 4R Alliance, PA 4R Alliance Nutrient Stewardship Webinar Series, 100 participant(s), External to Penn State, Professional. October 7, 2020.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: White, Charles M. Webinar, Instructor, On-Line, On-Farm Trials to Inform Cover Crop and Nitrogen Management, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Chesapeake Bay Regional Soil Health Webinars, 100 participant(s), External to Penn State, Professional. June 25, 2020.

Progress 09/01/19 to 08/31/20

Target Audience:A key milestone for this project was the convening of the project's Stakeholder Advisory Board at an initial "all hands" kickoff meeting that was held on February 12, 2020. The 20-member Stakeholder Advisory Board includes farmers, consultants who provide technical assistance to farmers, local and state government officials in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, agribusiness industry association representatives, a Farm Bureau representative, a land developer, soil and water conservation district representatives, and representatives from environmental organizations. Changes/Problems:The COVID-19 situation began to impact project work in March 2020, as described above, and it will undoubtedly have an impact during the rest of 2020 and into 2021, especially on the scheduling of project workshops, events, and Stakeholder Advisory Board meetings. At the present time project meetings are being held entirely online and the project team is using online collaborative tools. Plans for field work beginning in spring 2020 continue within requirements and guidelines dictated by the COVID-19 situation. The project team is committed to continuing the scheduled work of the project to the extent possible, and will evaluate and adjust work schedules as needed. Challenges to agricultural production and food supply chains created by the COVID-19 situation are likely to come up during the project's engagement activities with stakeholders. The ability to overcome these challenges is one aspect of a resilient food system, and resilience is a concept closely related to sustainability. While no changes to project goals and objectives are anticipated, the COVID-19 situation will likely inform the team's work on, for example, the sustainability of local food supply chains compared to national/global food supply chains. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Seven PhD-level graduate research assistants have joined the project so far, out of a total of 14 once the project is fully staffed. These graduate students are working on Tasks 1 and 2 (one student), 7 (one student), 8 (one student), 10 (one student), 12 (two students), and 16 (one student). Four of these students had been hired in time to attend and participate in the February 12, 2020 project kickoff meeting, which provided them with experiential learning for engaging stakeholders in research. For all these students, this is their first large-scale transdisciplinary project. In addition to training within their respective disciplines, this project is providing them with professional development opportunities through learning from other disciplines, learning from stakeholders, and project research planning. One postdoctoral scholar has been hired on the project so far, with an additional two searches for postdocs underway. The postdoc who has been hired is working on Task 9. Through his work on the project, this postdoc has gained understanding of agricultural and behavioral economics in the context of water quality interventions and gained practical experience in web design and workshop organization. The two postdocs to be hired soon will work on Tasks 7, 8, 10, and 12. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Tasks 1 and 2. The February 12, 2020 project kickoff meeting was designed to engage critical communities of interest represented as members of the Stakeholder Advisory Board. Meeting notes were distributed to all Stakeholder Advisory Board members. Task 7. An online portal containing nitrogen (N) decision support tools was established to assist with making N fertilizer recommendations that credit cover crops and soil organic matter ( Task 9. The project team has so far spoken with over 40 members of the Chesapeake Bay region's agricultural technical assistance community. These conversations focused on the content of the planned technical assistance workshop, its outputs, and how it could be useful to technical assistance field staff. Several meetings have been held to coordinate the project team's work with others in the Chesapeake Bay region who are conducting related investigations including the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy, and Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Tasks 1 and 2. The next step will be to convene a small planning group to begin planning the envisioning exercise, which will be the next major meeting with Stakeholder Advisory Board members. This meeting will be planned and held within the next reporting period, and is likely to be held in late summer or fall 2020. Outcomes will be to provide a clear vision of what "thriving agriculture" is, strategies for achieving that vision, identification of challenges or barriers in reaching it, and suggested solutions for overcoming those barriers. These outcomes will help frame the development of scenarios for testing the research hypotheses. Following the visioning session, project team researchers will meet collectively in a workshop format to develop a proposed scenario process and recommended scenarios, which will be shared at the next Stakeholder Advisory Board meeting in spring 2021 for input and finalization of scenarios to be tested. Task 3. The project team is planning to hold a high-profile public event on the economic and environmental sustainability of agriculture in urbanized landscapes. A diverse group of stakeholders will be invited including farmers, extension agents, representatives from soil and water conservation districts, Farm Bureau representatives, state and local government officials, NGOs such as waterkeepers and conservation nonprofits, and industry representatives. Task 4. This task is scheduled for years 3-4 of the project. Task 5. The project team anticipates that the formal process with Penn State, USDA-ERS, and IRI of obtaining approval to collaborate on the market analysis and valuation of organic and local product attributes using IRI scanner data will be completed. The team expects that a graduate research assistant will be hired to work on this project task, that data collection on local attributes of products in the IRI scanner database will begin, and that preliminary data analysis will also begin. Task 6. Once interview schedules and survey instruments on the potential of blockchain technology to expand markets for value-added products are finalized and have received Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, they will be administered to in the case study Chesapeake Bay region to small- and mid-scale farmers, local small packers and shippers, regional distributors, and institutional buyers to identify key bottlenecks to utilizing more local products from smaller scale farmers and to utilizing blockchain technology. Task 7. Field sites will be identified and implemented to test the new N fertilizer recommendation system. At each site a response series of increasing N fertilizer rates will be established to identify the economic optimum N fertilizer rate at each site. Measurements of cover crop N, C:N ratio, soil organic matter, and soil texture will be used to calculate N fertilizer recommendations. The actual economic N rate will be compared to the new N fertilizer recommended rate and the new tool will be adjusted as needed. The process of collecting soil and runoff samples will begin. Task 8. Calibration/validation of the SWAT model for the Susquehanna River Basin will be completed. Using the calibrated model, the project team will develop spatial targeting of manure/fertilizer management considering both land suitability and cropping patterns in the Susquehanna River Basin. The team will continue to develop the SWAT+ model (an upgraded version of SWAT) for the Spring Creek watershed (a sub-watershed of the Susquehanna River Basin) and compare it with SWAT. Task 9. The project team will conduct the workshop that has been postponed and begin collaborative field testing with members of the technical assistance community. The workshop will be held once COVID-19 no longer poses serious risks to the population. At the end of this workshop, attendees' interest in collaboratively testing different methods of farmer engagement will be assessed. From this larger group, a smaller group of technical assistance field staff will be convened to begin a collaborative process to design and implement these tests. By the next reporting period, the team plans to have designed and begun data collection on the first test. Task 10. Next steps include determining how to appropriately downscale data on N mass balance fluxes based on trade embedded resource accounting within, into, and out of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Downscaling will be done in a manner to align with other outputs from the project team. The project team will also be investigating tracking of phosphorous through these embedded resource accounting and trade flow tracking methods. Task 11. A baseline agent-based model of farmer behavior will be developed, and data will be collected in order to expand the current urban land use change work beyond the existing Baltimore metro area. Task 12. The adaptive management field in Pennsylvania is an approximately 60 ha production field in a corn-soy rotation. Operationally it will be divided into two drainage catchments. For the next two years, a standard corn-soy rotation will be implemented across both catchments to establish a baseline for water quality monitoring. In the third year, one catchment will begin to be managed with advanced cover crop and N fertilizer recommendations while the other will be maintained under baseline management. The advanced management will include interseeding cover crops in standing corn and soybeans and using N recommendations in corn that credit cover crop N recycling and N mineralized from soil organic matter. Lysimeters will be installed in drainage areas of each catchment and sampled for nitrate and ammonium concentrations. Surface runoff flumes will be installed to measure water budgets and periodic sampling of runoff nutrients. In Maryland, crops and treatment plots will be established and instrumentation will be installed in three research study sites at the University of Maryland Central Maryland Research and Education Center (CMREC). From these sites soil, leaching, cover crop, and yield data will be collected. In addition, a research program for new graduate research assistants will be developed that includes designing case studies on two farms and data collection protocols for CMREC studies. The project team expects to enter into research agreements with two farms for whole-farm case studies and then install instrumentation and collect baseline samples from these two farms. This team will also design questionnaire instruments for case study farmers and surrounding urbanizing areas. Task 13. The project team will be continuing discussions with USDA-ERS on possibilities for updating the REAP model, with particular attention to the hydrology/crop growth component. The team will also focus on obtaining geospatial and economic datasets necessary to run the REAP model for sub-watersheds within Chesapeake Bay watershed, with the Susquehanna River Basin a likely candidate. Tasks 14 and 15. These tasks are scheduled for years 3-5 of the project. As preparatory work for those tasks, the project team is conducting a literature review on how other large, interdisciplinary projects with an outreach component implemented outreach in their projects, to help fine-tune the outreach in this project. Task 16. Dr. Schad will continue the assessment of the project team's organizational efficacy and interdisciplinary team collaboration by follow-up interviews and/or short surveys with team members, and assess the project team's interactions with various stakeholders through interviews and/or surveys with the Stakeholder Advisory Board, for example. In order to assess whether the project will meet its long-term objectives, Dr. Schad will conduct a mail and online pre-survey of agricultural producers and other stakeholder groups in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. A follow up survey will be conducted in year 5 to determine how the project has changed attitudes and behaviors.

What was accomplished under these goals? This project has four broad objectives and 16 tasks to achieve this goal, and the reporting here is organized by objective/task. This annual progress reportis coming at the 7-month mark of this project, which officially started on September 1, 2019. Objective 1. Engage closely with stakeholders using a shared discovery framework to envision desired 25-year futures for agricultural systems in urbanized landscapes that are economically sustainable while enhancing ecosystem services. Task 1. Stakeholder Advisory Board, and Task 2. Scenario Building with Stakeholder Advisory Board. Additional members were added to the project's Stakeholder Advisory Board to ensure comprehensive and diverse interests in agriculture across the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed case study region. An initial "all hands" kickoff meeting was planned and held on February 12, 2020 for both researchers and stakeholders. Approximately 25 research faculty, students and stakeholders attended and another 10 participated online. The kickoff meeting achieved meeting objectives of establishing relationships between and among diverse researchers and stakeholders who will be working closely together over the next five years on this project. The project overview and lightning talks during the meeting provided valuable background information to stakeholders on the research proposal design and objectives. The open discussion allowed stakeholders and researchers alike to explore priority issues, trends, visions challenges, and potential solutions to consider in meeting dual goals of supporting and enhancing agricultural productivity and environmental stewardship. Task 3. Networks of Engaged Stakeholders, and Task 4. Workshops with Stakeholder-Users. These tasks are scheduled for years 2-5 of the project (Task 3) and years 3-4 (Task 4). Objective 2. Carry out iterative research processes on markets and supply chains for productivity gains. Task 5. Market Analysis for Local and Organic Products. In order to gain access to the IRI (Information Resources, Inc.) supermarket and consumer panel scanner data needed to research the potential for productivity gains through market channels, a research collaboration has been initiated with USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS). The formal process with Penn State, USDA-ERS, and IRI of obtaining approval to collaborate on the market analysis and valuation of organic and local product attributes using IRI scanner data has begun. Task 6. Blockchain Technology to Expand Markets for Value-Added Products. Interview schedules and survey instruments on the potential of blockchain technology to expand markets for value-added products are being drafted. Objective 3. Carry out iterative research processes on tools, models, and analyses to improve total factor productivity (TFP) and nutrient use efficiency (NUE). Task 7. Field-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. An online portal containing nitrogen (N) decision support tools was established to assist with making N fertilizer recommendations that credit cover crops and soil organic matter ( Field sites to test N fertilizer recommendations in corn have been established or identified. Four on-farm sites in Pennsylvania were identified to conduct N fertilizer rate response trials that will be used to validate the N recommendations. In Virginia, preseason planning has occurred and field sites have been selected. Sampling will begin in early April and proceed through the summer crop season. Task 8. Watershed-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. The project team has developed a comprehensive Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for the Susquehanna River Basin (SRB). The SRB occupies 43% of the Chesapeake Bay drainage area. The model was developed with about 1,000 sub-basins at the HUC-12 boundary scale and over 50,000 landscape units called HRUs in SWAT. The model is currently being finetuned to represent a baseline scenario for the watershed with best management practices (BMPs), and exploring the impacts of different manure management scenarios in the watershed. Task 9. Farmer-Stakeholder Experiments A technical assistance workshop is being organized will elicit best practices for engaging farmers about BMPs and conservation, as well as set the stage for further collaborative testing of such practices. Workshop materials have all been completed. A list of invitees has also been created and over 40 personal calls have been made to key people in the technical assistance community to advertise, and elicit feedback about, the workshop. All IRB documents for the workshop have been submitted and approved. The workshop had been scheduled for March 23, 2020, but due to the COVID-19 situation, it has been postponed. The project team is tentatively looking to reschedule the workshop to early June, though this will depend on the venue's availability and the status of the pandemic. Task 10. Regional-Scale Nutrient Flow Analysis. The project team has begun to gather necessary information (data and equations) to calculate N mass balance fluxes based on trade embedded resource accounting within, into, and out of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The team anticipates soon having a first-order approximation of N embedded in the production and consumption of commodities including corn, soybeans, fertilizer, and processed meat (including beef, chicken, and poultry). Task 11. Agent-Based Modelling. The project team has assembled initial data from pre-existing surveys of approximately 6,800 Pennsylvania farmers containing information on both crop and livestock production intensity, agricultural inputs and BMPs for both crop and livestock production. This data will form the basis for agent-based modeling of spatial agro-environmental choices farmers make. Using microlevel data on residential subdivision development from the Baltimore, Maryland, metro area the project team developed a model of density and timing of residential development at the individual parcel level. Task 12. Adaptive Management Sites. Teams from Penn State and the University of Maryland have met several time and shared GIS (geographic information systems) layers of potential field sites for the project's adaptive management watersheds. The project team has conducted field trips to potential sites as a team and with external advisors. At Penn State the team identified and obtained permission to establish one adaptive management site on Penn State farmland. Task 13. Economic Simulations and Modelling. The project team has investigated alternative models for carrying out the economic and hydrological simulations of alternative scenarios for Chesapeake Bay watershed. The team is currently investigating the REAP (Regional Environment and Agriculture Programming) model, which was developed by USDA-ERS. REAP includes multiple commodities and it estimates changes to regional environmental outcomes and economic welfare resulting from changing policies, technologies, and market conditions. Objective 4. Implement education, extension, and evaluation plans to spur adoption. Task 14. Education Plan, and Task 15. Extension Plan. These tasks are scheduled for years 3-5 of the project. Task 16. External Evaluation of the Project. As part of the project evaluation, the external evaluator, Dr. Jessica Schad, spoke with multiple external evaluators from other similar projects to share materials and best practices for evaluation of such a large, transdisciplinary research and outreach project. Dr. Schad also arranged and led a meeting between the project manager from a successful, award-winning USDA-NIFA grant and those on the search committee for the project manager position for this project. All IRB documents for the external evaluation work have been submitted and approved. Dr. Schad developed an interview guide for the year 1 project team interviews and, thus far, has conducted 14 interviews with team members.


    Progress 04/01/19 to 03/31/20

    Target Audience:A key milestone for this project was the convening of the project's Stakeholder Advisory Board at an initial "all hands" kickoff meeting that was held on February 12, 2020. The 20-member Stakeholder Advisory Board includes farmers, consultants who provide technical assistance to farmers, local and state government officials in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, agribusiness industry association representatives, a Farm Bureau representative, a land developer, soil and water conservation district representatives, and representatives from environmental organizations. Changes/Problems:The COVID-19 situation began to impact project work in March 2020, as described above, and it will undoubtedly have an impact during the rest of 2020 and into 2021, especially on the scheduling of project workshops, events, and Stakeholder Advisory Board meetings. At the present time project meetings are being held entirely online and the project team is using online collaborative tools. Plans for field work beginning in spring 2020 continue within requirements and guidelines dictated by the COVID-19 situation. The project team is committed to continuing the scheduled work of the project to the extent possible, and will evaluate and adjust work schedules as needed. Challenges to agricultural production and food supply chains created by the COVID-19 situation are likely to come up during the project's engagement activities with stakeholders. The ability to overcome these challenges is one aspect of a resilient food system, and resilience is a concept closely related to sustainability. While no changes to project goals and objectives are anticipated, the COVID-19 situation will likely inform the team's work on, for example, the sustainability of local food supply chains compared to national/global food supply chains. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Seven PhD-level graduate research assistants have joined the project so far, out of a total of 14 once the project is fully staffed. These graduate students are working on Tasks 1 and 2 (one student), 7 (one student), 8 (one student), 10 (one student), 12 (two students), and 16 (one student). Four of these students had been hired in time to attend and participate in the February 12, 2020 project kickoff meeting, which provided them with experiential learning for engaging stakeholders in research. For all these students, this is their first large-scale transdisciplinary project. In addition to training within their respective disciplines, this project is providing them with professional development opportunities through learning from other disciplines, learning from stakeholders, and project research planning. One postdoctoral scholar has been hired on the project so far, with an additional two searches for postdocs underway. The postdoc who has been hired is working on Task 9. Through his work on the project, this postdoc has gained understanding of agricultural and behavioral economics in the context of water quality interventions and gained practical experience in web design and workshop organization. The two postdocs to be hired soon will work on Tasks 7, 8, 10, and 12. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Tasks 1 and 2. The February 12, 2020 project kickoff meeting was designed to engage critical communities of interest represented as members of the Stakeholder Advisory Board. Meeting notes were distributed to all Stakeholder Advisory Board members. Task 7. An online portal containing nitrogen (N) decision support tools was established to assist with making N fertilizer recommendations that credit cover crops and soil organic matter ( Task 9. The project team has so far spoken with over 40 members of the Chesapeake Bay region's agricultural technical assistance community. These conversations focused on the content of the planned technical assistance workshop, its outputs, and how it could be useful to technical assistance field staff. Several meetings have been held to coordinate the project team's work with others in the Chesapeake Bay region who are conducting related investigations including the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy, and Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Tasks 1 and 2. The next step will be to convene a small planning group to begin planning the envisioning exercise, which will be the next major meeting with Stakeholder Advisory Board members. This meeting will be planned and held within the next reporting period, and is likely to be held in late summer or fall 2020. Outcomes will be to provide a clear vision of what "thriving agriculture" is, strategies for achieving that vision, identification of challenges or barriers in reaching it, and suggested solutions for overcoming those barriers. These outcomes will help frame the development of scenarios for testing the research hypotheses. Following the visioning session, project team researchers will meet collectively in a workshop format to develop a proposed scenario process and recommended scenarios, which will be shared at the next Stakeholder Advisory Board meeting in spring 2021 for input and finalization of scenarios to be tested. Task 3. The project team is planning to hold a high-profile public event on the economic and environmental sustainability of agriculture in urbanized landscapes. A diverse group of stakeholders will be invited including farmers, extension agents, representatives from soil and water conservation districts, Farm Bureau representatives, state and local government officials, NGOs such as waterkeepers and conservation nonprofits, and industry representatives. Task 4. This task is scheduled for years 3-4 of the project. Task 5. The project team anticipates that the formal process with Penn State, USDA-ERS, and IRI of obtaining approval to collaborate on the market analysis and valuation of organic and local product attributes using IRI scanner data will be completed. The team expects that a graduate research assistant will be hired to work on this project task, that data collection on local attributes of products in the IRI scanner database will begin, and that preliminary data analysis will also begin. Task 6. Once interview schedules and survey instruments on the potential of blockchain technology to expand markets for value-added products are finalized and have received Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, they will be administered to in the case study Chesapeake Bay region to small- and mid-scale farmers, local small packers and shippers, regional distributors, and institutional buyers to identify key bottlenecks to utilizing more local products from smaller scale farmers and to utilizing blockchain technology. Task 7. Field sites will be identified and implemented to test the new N fertilizer recommendation system. At each site a response series of increasing N fertilizer rates will be established to identify the economic optimum N fertilizer rate at each site. Measurements of cover crop N, C:N ratio, soil organic matter, and soil texture will be used to calculate N fertilizer recommendations. The actual economic N rate will be compared to the new N fertilizer recommended rate and the new tool will be adjusted as needed. The process of collecting soil and runoff samples will begin. Task 8. Calibration/validation of the SWAT model for the Susquehanna River Basin will be completed. Using the calibrated model, the project team will develop spatial targeting of manure/fertilizer management considering both land suitability and cropping patterns in the Susquehanna River Basin. The team will continue to develop the SWAT+ model (an upgraded version of SWAT) for the Spring Creek watershed (a sub-watershed of the Susquehanna River Basin) and compare it with SWAT. Task 9. The project team will conduct the workshop that has been postponed and begin collaborative field testing with members of the technical assistance community. The workshop will be held once COVID-19 no longer poses serious risks to the population. At the end of this workshop, attendees' interest in collaboratively testing different methods of farmer engagement will be assessed. From this larger group, a smaller group of technical assistance field staff will be convened to begin a collaborative process to design and implement these tests. By the next reporting period, the team plans to have designed and begun data collection on the first test. Task 10. Next steps include determining how to appropriately downscale data on N mass balance fluxes based on trade embedded resource accounting within, into, and out of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Downscaling will be done in a manner to align with other outputs from the project team. The project team will also be investigating tracking of phosphorous through these embedded resource accounting and trade flow tracking methods. Task 11. A baseline agent-based model of farmer behavior will be developed, and data will be collected in order to expand the current urban land use change work beyond the existing Baltimore metro area. Task 12. The adaptive management field in Pennsylvania is an approximately 60 ha production field in a corn-soy rotation. Operationally it will be divided into two drainage catchments. For the next two years, a standard corn-soy rotation will be implemented across both catchments to establish a baseline for water quality monitoring. In the third year, one catchment will begin to be managed with advanced cover crop and N fertilizer recommendations while the other will be maintained under baseline management. The advanced management will include interseeding cover crops in standing corn and soybeans and using N recommendations in corn that credit cover crop N recycling and N mineralized from soil organic matter. Lysimeters will be installed in drainage areas of each catchment and sampled for nitrate and ammonium concentrations. Surface runoff flumes will be installed to measure water budgets and periodic sampling of runoff nutrients. In Maryland, crops and treatment plots will be established and instrumentation will be installed in three research study sites at the University of Maryland Central Maryland Research and Education Center (CMREC). From these sites soil, leaching, cover crop, and yield data will be collected. In addition, a research program for new graduate research assistants will be developed that includes designing case studies on two farms and data collection protocols for CMREC studies. The project team expects to enter into research agreements with two farms for whole-farm case studies and then install instrumentation and collect baseline samples from these two farms. This team will also design questionnaire instruments for case study farmers and surrounding urbanizing areas. Task 13. The project team will be continuing discussions with USDA-ERS on possibilities for updating the REAP model, with particular attention to the hydrology/crop growth component. The team will also focus on obtaining geospatial and economic datasets necessary to run the REAP model for sub-watersheds within Chesapeake Bay watershed, with the Susquehanna River Basin a likely candidate. Tasks 14 and 15. These tasks are scheduled for years 3-5 of the project. As preparatory work for those tasks, the project team is conducting a literature review on how other large, interdisciplinary projects with an outreach component implemented outreach in their projects, to help fine-tune the outreach in this project. Task 16. Dr. Schad will continue the assessment of the project team's organizational efficacy and interdisciplinary team collaboration by follow-up interviews and/or short surveys with team members, and assess the project team's interactions with various stakeholders through interviews and/or surveys with the Stakeholder Advisory Board, for example. In order to assess whether the project will meet its long-term objectives, Dr. Schad will conduct a mail and online pre-survey of agricultural producers and other stakeholder groups in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. A follow up survey will be conducted in year 5 to determine how the project has changed attitudes and behaviors.

    What was accomplished under these goals? This project has four broad objectives and 16 tasks to achieve this goal, and the reporting here is organized by objective/task. This annual progress reportis coming at the 7-month mark of this project, which officially started on September 1, 2019. Objective 1. Engage closely with stakeholders using a shared discovery framework to envision desired 25-year futures for agricultural systems in urbanized landscapes that are economically sustainable while enhancing ecosystem services. Task 1. Stakeholder Advisory Board, and Task 2. Scenario Building with Stakeholder Advisory Board. Additional members were added to the project's Stakeholder Advisory Board to ensure comprehensive and diverse interests in agriculture across the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed case study region. An initial "all hands" kickoff meeting was planned and held on February 12, 2020 for both researchers and stakeholders. Approximately 25 research faculty, students and stakeholders attended and another 10 participated online. The kickoff meeting achieved meeting objectives of establishing relationships between and among diverse researchers and stakeholders who will be working closely together over the next five years on this project. The project overview and lightning talks during the meeting provided valuable background information to stakeholders on the research proposal design and objectives. The open discussion allowed stakeholders and researchers alike to explore priority issues, trends, visions challenges, and potential solutions to consider in meeting dual goals of supporting and enhancing agricultural productivity and environmental stewardship. Task 3. Networks of Engaged Stakeholders, and Task 4. Workshops with Stakeholder-Users. These tasks are scheduled for years 2-5 of the project (Task 3) and years 3-4 (Task 4). Objective 2. Carry out iterative research processes on markets and supply chains for productivity gains. Task 5. Market Analysis for Local and Organic Products. In order to gain access to the IRI (Information Resources, Inc.) supermarket and consumer panel scanner data needed to research the potential for productivity gains through market channels, a research collaboration has been initiated with USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS). The formal process with Penn State, USDA-ERS, and IRI of obtaining approval to collaborate on the market analysis and valuation of organic and local product attributes using IRI scanner data has begun. Task 6. Blockchain Technology to Expand Markets for Value-Added Products. Interview schedules and survey instruments on the potential of blockchain technology to expand markets for value-added products are being drafted. Objective 3. Carry out iterative research processes on tools, models, and analyses to improve total factor productivity (TFP) and nutrient use efficiency (NUE). Task 7. Field-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. An online portal containing nitrogen (N) decision support tools was established to assist with making N fertilizer recommendations that credit cover crops and soil organic matter ( Field sites to test N fertilizer recommendations in corn have been established or identified. Four on-farm sites in Pennsylvania were identified to conduct N fertilizer rate response trials that will be used to validate the N recommendations. In Virginia, preseason planning has occurred and field sites have been selected. Sampling will begin in early April and proceed through the summer crop season. Task 8. Watershed-Scale Nutrient Management Tools. The project team has developed a comprehensive Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for the Susquehanna River Basin (SRB). The SRB occupies 43% of the Chesapeake Bay drainage area. The model was developed with about 1,000 sub-basins at the HUC-12 boundary scale and over 50,000 landscape units called HRUs in SWAT. The model is currently being finetuned to represent a baseline scenario for the watershed with best management practices (BMPs), and exploring the impacts of different manure management scenarios in the watershed. Task 9. Farmer-Stakeholder Experiments A technical assistance workshop is being organized will elicit best practices for engaging farmers about BMPs and conservation, as well as set the stage for further collaborative testing of such practices. Workshop materials have all been completed. A list of invitees has also been created and over 40 personal calls have been made to key people in the technical assistance community to advertise, and elicit feedback about, the workshop. All IRB documents for the workshop have been submitted and approved. The workshop had been scheduled for March 23, 2020, but due to the COVID-19 situation, it has been postponed. The project team is tentatively looking to reschedule the workshop to early June, though this will depend on the venue's availability and the status of the pandemic. Task 10. Regional-Scale Nutrient Flow Analysis. The project team has begun to gather necessary information (data and equations) to calculate N mass balance fluxes based on trade embedded resource accounting within, into, and out of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The team anticipates soon having a first-order approximation of N embedded in the production and consumption of commodities including corn, soybeans, fertilizer, and processed meat (including beef, chicken, and poultry). Task 11. Agent-Based Modelling. The project team has assembled initial data from pre-existing surveys of approximately 6,800 Pennsylvania farmers containing information on both crop and livestock production intensity, agricultural inputs and BMPs for both crop and livestock production. This data will form the basis for agent-based modeling of spatial agro-environmental choices farmers make. Using microlevel data on residential subdivision development from the Baltimore, Maryland, metro area the project team developed a model of density and timing of residential development at the individual parcel level. Task 12. Adaptive Management Sites. Teams from Penn State and the University of Maryland have met several time and shared GIS (geographic information systems) layers of potential field sites for the project's adaptive management watersheds. The project team has conducted field trips to potential sites as a team and with external advisors. At Penn State the team identified and obtained permission to establish one adaptive management site on Penn State farmland. Task 13. Economic Simulations and Modelling. The project team has investigated alternative models for carrying out the economic and hydrological simulations of alternative scenarios for Chesapeake Bay watershed. The team is currently investigating the REAP (Regional Environment and Agriculture Programming) model, which was developed by USDA-ERS. REAP includes multiple commodities and it estimates changes to regional environmental outcomes and economic welfare resulting from changing policies, technologies, and market conditions. Objective 4. Implement education, extension, and evaluation plans to spur adoption. Task 14. Education Plan, and Task 15. Extension Plan. These tasks are scheduled for years 3-5 of the project. Task 16. External Evaluation of the Project. As part of the project evaluation, the external evaluator, Dr. Jessica Schad, spoke with multiple external evaluators from other similar projects to share materials and best practices for evaluation of such a large, transdisciplinary research and outreach project. Dr. Schad also arranged and led a meeting between the project manager from a successful, award-winning USDA-NIFA grant and those on the search committee for the project manager position for this project. All IRB documents for the external evaluation work have been submitted and approved. Dr. Schad developed an interview guide for the year 1 project team interviews and, thus far, has conducted 14 interviews with team members.
