Source: MICHIGAN STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
May 1, 2019
Project End Date
Apr 30, 2021
Grant Year
Project Director
Glassmire, A.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Insect pests can severely harm crop production. Many agricultural researchers have proposed that a key ecological strategy for sustainable pest management is increasing plant biodiversity on farms. This literature, however, has mostly overlooked the role of diversity in plant odors and how combinations of odors emitted by neighboring plants influence the search behavior of colonizing insects, the first step in any plant-insect interaction. The goal of this project is to discover how crop odor diversity influences colonization by insect pests and biocontrol by natural enemies, and to use this information to develop sustainable pest management strategies. This goal will be pursued by measuring the individual and combined effects of multiple tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) genotypes with differing odor profiles on the behavior of a Solanum specialist pest, the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) and its natural enemies. Wind tunnel, lab, and field experiments will examine host preferences of colonizing insect pests and natural enemies by manipulating monocultures and polycultures of tomato varieties based on their chemical dissimilarity. Results will provide information on the specific combination of odor cues emitted by diverse crop neighborhoods that are important for host-plant detection. Implementing odor diversity in pest management will reveal its potential in biocontrol by preventing insect pests from finding crop plants, dissuading insect pests from colonizing crop plants once found, or attracting the natural enemies of insect pests. Growers and plant breeders will use this information to develop 'in-the-bag' seed mixtures of varieties that differ only in odor traits that mediate pest attack.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Major Goals for Career DevelopmentDevelop an independent agroecology research programExpand networking with growers and MSU extensionImprove skills in mentorship and teachingMajor Goals for Mentoring PlanBuild skills in chemical ecologyBuild skills in statistical analysisMajorResearch GoalsGoal 1: What are the effects of chemically dissimilar plant neighbors on pest colonization? Objective 1 examines how odor dissimilarity among plant neighbors alters host plant detection and oviposition by mated Manduca sexta female moths using a lab wind tunnel experiment coupled with a field experiment.Goal 2: What are the effects of chemically dissimilar plant neighbors on natural enemies? Objective 2 examines how odor dissimilarity among plant neighbors alters crop colonization by natural enemies and rates of predation and parasitism on insect pests using a field experiment.Goal 3: Do colonizing insects cue in on qualitative or quantitative differences of odor plumes produced by chemically dissimilar plant neighbors?Objective 3 conducts a unique method of manufacturing artificial mixtures to test the effects of qualitative and quantitative differences of odor plumes to elucidate the specific component that attracts colonizing herbivores and natural enemies of odor diversity.
Project Methods
MethodsThe objectives will address the consequences of odor diversity produced from neighboring tomato plants on colonizing herbivores and natural enemies through a combination of insect flight studies, field experiments, and developing attractant lures.Objective 1: What are the effects of chemically dissimilar plant neighbors on pest colonization?Methods: A preference experiment will be conducted to test whether Manduca moths are inclined to lay eggs on certain tomato host-plant varieties over others using a protocol that has been established and employed using a wind tunnel. Tomato ILs will be selected based on their chemical dissimilarity (see Calculating chemical dissimilarity in the background section). Pairs of tomato ILs will consist of four treatment types: 1) the same (no chemical dissimilarity), 2) similar chemistry (low chemical dissimilarity), 3) intermediate dissimilar chemistry (medium chemical dissimilarity) or 4) dissimilar chemistry (high chemical dissimilarity). Control treatments will consist of pots containing only soil to validate flight and oviposition behaviors observed with presence of plants. Treatments will be replicated twenty times. Finally, I will include monocultures (no chemical dissimilarity) with polycultures (low and high chemical dissimilarity) using five total plants to provide a more realistic background of complex odors produced from multiple plant neighbors.For the field experiment, the same tomato ILs used in the wind tunnel experiment will be planted in neighborhood plots as either monocultures (zero chemical dissimilarity), dicultures of each IL paired with M82 to represent low, medium, and high chemical dissimilarity, or polycultures. There will be a total of 20 replicates per treatment for a total of 100 neighborhood plots. Each plant will be surveyed for Lepidoptera eggs to determine if patterns observed in the wind tunnel reflect observations in the field, with particular emphasis on surveying Manduca eggs. Biweekly Manduca egg visual surveys will be conducted on each plant throughout the growing season (roughly 3 months).Analysis: Oviposition preference of female Manduca moths will be correlated to volatile chemical dissimilarity of plants in the wind tunnel. Data collected for the wind tunnel experiment will be: 1) the time it takes for the moth to lay an egg on the first plant approached, 2) the total number of eggs oviposited on each plant, 3) the proportion of eggs on each plant per trial, 4) the total number of times the moth switched between plants to oviposit, and 5) the total number of times the moth exits the arena (emigration rate). Data collected for egg surveys in the field will be the total number of Manduca eggs laid on each IL in a given patch over time.Objective 2: What are the effects of chemically dissimilar plant neighbors on natural enemies?Methods: Associational effects of plant neighbors on predator trophic levels will be manipulated using single versus mixed patches varying in volatile dissimilarity (zero, low, medium, and high dissimilarity), similar to the field design for Lepidoptera egg field survey in Objective 1. I will estimate abundances of the natural enemy community in the volatile dissimilarity manipulated field plots using a combination of sticky traps and visual observations. Beneficial predators of tomato plants include lady beetles (Coccinellidae), assassin bugs (Reduviidae), praying mantids (Mantidae), minute pirate bugs (Anthocoridae), lacewings (Chrysopidae), and the spined soldier bug (Podisus maculiventris). Key parasitoids of tomato plants include the braconid wasp, Cotesia congregata, which specialize on caterpillar larvae, and the egg parasitoid Trichogramma brassicae. Sticky traps will be placed mid-canopy of the plot and collected after 72 hours each week. Visual observations will occur biweekly.Finally, predation rates will be assessed using clay replica caterpillars following established protocols. Green plastilina clay will be sculpted to mimic inchworm caterpillars. Two model caterpillars will be placed on the dorsal side of the second and fourth mature leaves. Caterpillars will be checked every 24 hours up to 72 hours for revealing marks, such as 'V' indentations caused by birds, for proof of predation that can distinguish between predators and parasitoids.Analysis: Data collected for visual observation, sticky traps, and vacuum sampling of the natural enemy community will be species richness, functional group (pest, predator, or parasitoid), and total abundance. Percent egg parasitism will be calculated by dividing the number of parasitoids that emerged out of the collected eggs by the total number of eggs on each M82 plant for each plot. Predators have distinct marks that get indented into the clay, such as bugs have numerous tiny spots while birds leave a 'V'. Predation will be measured by number of different marks as a proxy for species richness and categorized to predator or parasitoid. Insect diversity, density, and predation rates will be correlated with volatile dissimilarity of each plot.Objective 3: Do colonizing insects cue in on qualitative or quantitative differences of odor plumes produced by chemically dissimilar plant neighbors? - Objective 3 conducts a unique method of manufacturing artificial mixtures to test the effects of qualitative and quantitative differences of odor plumes. The specific component that attracts colonizing herbivores and natural enemies of odor diversity will be elucidated by the following experiment.Methods: Tomato ILs 1-4 and 8-3 will be used to compare them to the parental cultivar, M82. IL 1-4 has a different terpene profile, while IL 8-3 is chemically similar to M82 (calculated using chemical dissimilarity methods). First, three M. sexta fourth instars will be allowed to feed on test plants for 72 hours to induce the emission of herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs). After removing the caterpillars from the plant, headspace will be collected using a push - pull system. A volatile mixture library will be developed using GC-MS for each plant type. Artificial mixtures will be created based on the volatile mixture library created for each IL to measure effects of quantitative versus qualitative differences in odor diversity on insects. For quantitative effects, mixtures will manipulate ratios of specific compounds from plant genotypes. For qualitative effects, mixtures will test presence or absence of specific compounds. Lures will be deployed in a wind tunnel and the behavioral response by the insect pest M. sexta and the braconid parasitoid wasp C. congregata will be independently tested. Each mixture treatment will be replicated 10 times for a total of 100 combinations for wasps and moths.Mixtures that are successful attractants for wasps but not for moths, and vice versa, will be tested in the field. Release rates from lures will be measured prior to the field experiments. In the field, transparent sticky traps will be placed above the lure to monitor insects that are attracted to artificial odor mixtures. Sticky traps will be placed for 48 hours and then collected. Insects will be identified to species or lowest feasible taxonomic level, and categorized as pest, predator, or parasitoid.Analysis: Data collected for the wind tunnel trials will be the time it takes for the wasps and moths to first approach the lure and the time they spend at the lure. Lures that are most attracted or discouraged to insects will be tested in the field. Data collected for the field lures will be a count of individuals stuck to the sticky trap. Response variables of functional guild (herbivores, predators, or parasitoids) will be categorized and the number of different species and their abundances for each lure will be correlated to treatment mixture.

Progress 05/01/19 to 04/30/21

Target Audience:The target audiences reached by my communication efforts include the scientific community, undergraduate assistants, and the local farming community. For the scientific community, results on the consequences of plant chemical dissimilarity on herbivore performance were accepted for publication by the high-impact journal Ecology. Additionally, I presented at two conferences organized by the Entomological Society of America, the first in St. Louis, Missouri in November 2019 and the second was a virtual meeting in November 2020. Furthermore, I was invited to present at two seminars at Louisiana State University in the spring of 2021, one hosted by the Department of Biological Sciences and the other hosted by the Department of Entomology. For undergraduate assistants, I have provided hands-on laboratory and field experience. Specifically, I have taught them important skills in experimental design, data management, and chemical extraction techniques. I also hosted a workshop on professional development that provided information and resources on how to pursue graduate school and jobs in science. For the local farming community, I have participated in two research spotlight newsletters that were distributed to the agricultural community in Western Michigan and through the extension program at Michigan State University. I have also taken time to listen to the local growers' concerns on implementing sustainable pest management and have provided information on the natural history of certain insect pests. Changes/Problems:Michigan State University shut down due to COVID19 during the middle of March and that created a huge delay with the progress of objective #3. My timeline for objective #3 planned for building the tomato volatile library and testing the lures using a wind tunnel during the spring 2020 semester. As a result of COVID and not having access to the laboratory, I had to change the experimental design of objective #3 because I was not able to use the laboratory to develop my lures before testing them in the field during summer 2020. The changes to the experimental design of objective #3 apply the same concept of manipulating plant chemistry to test whether unique chemicals and abundance of chemicals either attract or deter herbivores and natural enemies. Instead of using lures, I applied the chemicals directly to the plant using a lanolin paste. These changes did not change the scope of the project and are a reflection of feasibility due to the unavailability of the laboratory. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?I have developed scientifically and professionally as a result of the USDA fellowship. I developed as a mentor through training undergrads in experimental design and techniques in chemical ecology. I co-taught a chemical ecology class focused on applications of chemical ecology in agroecosystems. I've attended career workshops hosted by the Michigan State University-Postdocs Association. I've communicated my research and listened to the concerns of local farmers in Western Michigan. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?I have disseminated the results of this research through a publication, two national conferences, two invited seminars hosted by Louisiana State University, through extension newsletters, and conversations with local growers. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Career Development Goals I proposed goals for career development, mentoring plan for myself, and research objectives, and I have made significant strides in reaching those goals. For my career development goals, I have a manuscript in press at the high-impact journal Ecology and am a co-author on a manuscript accepted at Ecological Applications. Even more, I have developed an independent agroecology research program focused on sustainable pest management and have gained experience, knowledge, and skills that I will continue to cultivate. This project has required me to communicate and work with local farmers and so I have learned from them about the management of commercial crops by discovering which techniques are feasible and efficient. In turn, I have had several conversations with them about my scientific perspective and knowledge about multi-trophic interactions between plants, herbivores, and predators. Additionally, I participated in two research spotlight newsletters that were distributed to the agricultural community in Western Michigan and through the extension program at Michigan State University. Finally, I have presented the results of this research at two major conferences hosted by the Entomological Society of America and was an invited seminar speaker at Louisiana State University. Mentoring Plan Goals For my mentoring plan goals, I have successfully learned how to collect and extract plant odors and thereby have added a new skill set to my chemical ecology toolbox. Furthermore, I improved my skillset in critical thinking and statistical analysis by enhancing my knowledge of multivariate statistics. Even more, I personally have mentored a total of five undergraduate students through techniques in chemical analysis, insect identification, experimental design, and professional development during this research project. I have learned how to engage students by taking the time to explain my research goals and welcome their ideas and thoughts to the project. I even hosted a professional development workshop to help undergraduates learn how to apply to graduate school and go over career options. Research Goals Goal 1 - The wind tunnel and field experiment were accomplished. Both experiments consisted of placing pairs of tomato plants depending on low and high chemical similarity and allowing a female mated moth to lay eggs for a set amount of time. Preliminary results from objective #1 suggest that female moths switch their oviposition behavior depending on whether plant neighbors consist of chemically dissimilar sticky acyl sugars or smelly terpenes. Specifically, there was a 38% increase in the number of eggs laid by female moths on plants if neighbors had lower diversity of acyl sugars. Conversely, there was a 44% decrease in the number of eggs laid by female moths on plants if neighbors had reduced amounts of sesquiterpene odors. Goal 2 - We manipulated plant neighborhoods based on chemical dissimilarity and chemotype in an agricultural field. We collected all insects in the field using sticky traps and the beat sheet method and identified them to the functional guild (i.e. herbivore or predator). Preliminary results from objective #2 indicate that the specific identity of the neighboring plant, with its associated chemical phenotype, influenced focal plant arthropod communities and plant performance in distinctive ways. Specifically, terpene dissimilarity increased the abundance of herbivores on the focal plant, while acyl sugar dissimilarity decreased the abundance of predators on the focal plant. For terpenes, when plant neighbors have reduced mono and sesquiterpenes, the focal plant had a lower abundance of predators in the resident community. For acyl sugars, when neighboring plants were of the high diversity acyl sugar chemotype, the focal plant had higher predator abundance. However, when neighboring plants were of the 80% reduced acyl sugar chemotype, the focal plant had higher herbivore abundance. Overall, the neighborhood chemotype matters, and chemical classes have different effects depending on the functional guild of the insect (i.e. herbivore versus predator). Goal 3 - The methods for this objective changed due to the COVID 19 pandemic (please refer to the Change/Problems section for a detailed explanation). Instead of using lures, I applied pure terpene chemicals directly to the plant using a lanolin paste. Chemical terpene treatments included: 1) farnesene, 2) terpinene, 3) beta-caryophellene, 4) linalool, 5) pinene, 6) richness mixture (farnesene + pinene), 7) abundance mixture (beta-caryophellene + linalool + terpinene), and 8) a total mixture of all terpenes (farnesene + pinene + beta-caryophellene + linalool + terpinene). These changes did not change the scope of the project and I was still able to determine which combination of chemicals deterred moth oviposition behavior. Preliminary results from objective #3 suggest that moths avoided ovipositing on the unique farnesene compound and higher concentrations of terpinene. We found that mixtures of chemicals attracted oviposition equally with plants that did not have added chemical mixtures. This suggests that the chemical complexity innate of mixtures is not necessarily a deterrent to moth oviposition and that could be because chemical diversity could mask odors emitted from eggs, dilute toxic compounds, or mask toxic compounds. Another possibility is that chemical diversity creates a new odor that is merely attractive because it's new and unique.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: A.E. Glassmire, L. Zehr, and W. Wetzel (2020). Disentangling dimensions of phytochemical diversity: alpha and beta have contrasting effects. Ecology, 101: e03158.

Progress 05/01/19 to 04/30/20

Target Audience:The target audiences reached by my communication efforts include the scientific community, undergraduate assistants, and the local farming community. For the scientific community, results on the consequences of plant chemical dissimilarity on herbivore performance were accepted for publication by the high-impact journalEcology. Additionally, I presented a talk at the annual Entomological Society of America conference in November 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri. Furthermore, I am a creator and co-host for a new outreach podcast calledBug Talk. On a recent episode, I promoted my USDA fellowship research and discussed postdoc professional development. For undergraduate assistants, I have provided hands-on laboratory and field experience. Specifically, I havetaught them important skills in experimental design, data management, and chemical extraction techniques. For the local farming community, I have participated in two research spotlight newslettersthat were distributed to the agricultural community in Western Michigan and through the extension program at Michigan State University. I have also taken time to listen to the local growers concerns on implementing sustainable pest management and have provided them information on the natural history of certain insect pests. Changes/Problems:Michigan State University shutdown due to COVID19 during the middle of March and that has created a huge delay with the progress of objective #3. My timeline for objective #3 planned for building the tomato volatile library and testing the lures using a wind tunnel during the spring 2020 semester. As a result of COVID and not having access to the laboratory, I had to change the experimental design of objective #3 because I was not able to use the laboratory to develop my lures before testing them in a natural system this summer. The changes to the experimental design of objective #3 apply the same concept of manipulating plant chemistry to test whether unique chemicals and abundance of chemicals either attract or deter herbivores and natural enemies. Instead of using lures, I applied the chemicals directly to the plant using a lanolin paste. These changes did not change the scope of the project and are a reflection of feasibility due to the unavailability of the laboratory. The experiment manipulating chemical odors using lanolin paste is currently being conducted and has not been analyzed. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?I have developed scientifically and professionally as a result of the USDA fellowship. I developed as a mentor through training undergrads experimental design and techniques in chemical ecology. I co-taught a chemical ecology class focused on applications of chemical ecology in agroecosystems. I've attended career workshops hosted by the Michigan State University-Postdocs Association. I've communicated my research and listened to the concerns of local farmers in Western Michigan. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?I have disseminated the results of this research through two publications, a national conference, local seminars, through extension newsletters, and conversations with local growers. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?My goals for the next reporting period are to analyze the current data I have, write up two manuscripts, and complete objective #3. My first manuscript will focus on the associational effects of plant neighbors with distinct chemical traits and the consequences on the herbivore and natural enemy community. My second manuscript will focus on the oviposition behavior of a specialist moth and whether moths prefer or avoid chemical traits based on dissimilarity and biological function of those traits. Finally, I plan to finish the tomato volatile library once laboratories open.

What was accomplished under these goals? I proposed goals for career development, mentoring plan for myself, and research objectives, and I have made significant strides in reaching those goals.For my career development goals, I have a manuscript in press at the high-impact journalEcologyand am a co-author on a manuscript accepted atEcological Applications. Even more,I have developed an independent agroecology research program focused on sustainable pest management and have gainedexperience, knowledge, and skills that I will continue to cultivate.This project has required me to communicate and work with local farmers and so I have learned from them about the management of commercial crops by discovering which techniques are feasible and efficient. In turn, I have had several conversations with them about my scientific perspective and knowledge about multi-trophic interactions between plants, herbivores, and natural enemies.Additionally, I participated in two research spotlight newsletters that were distributed to the agricultural community in Western Michigan and through the extension program at Michigan State University. For my mentoring plan goals,I have successfullylearned how to collect and extract plant odors and thereby have added a new skillset to my chemical ecology toolbox.Furthermore, I improved my skillset in critical thinking and statistical analysis by enhancing my knowledge of multivariate statistics. Even more, I personally have mentored a total of four undergraduate students through techniques in chemical analysis, insect identification, experimental design, and professional development during this research project. I have learned how to engage students by taking the time to explain my research goals and welcome their ideas and thoughts to the project. Finally, my research objectives were to experimentally test how differences in odors among plant neighbors influence colonization by herbivores and natural enemies. Ultimately, my goal was to determine the specific combination of chemicals that contribute to insect community assemblage in agricultural crop systems. I have accomplished objectives #1 and 2 from the grant. Preliminary results from objective #1 suggest that female moths switch their oviposition behavior depending on whether plant neighbors consist of sticky acyl sugars or smelly terpenes. Specifically, there was a 38% increase in the number of eggs laid by female moths on plants if neighbors had different kinds of acyl sugars. Conversely, there was a 44% decrease in the number of eggs laid by female moths on plants if neighbors had reduced amounts of sesquiterpene odors.Preliminary results from objective #2 suggest that the arthropod community is dependent on the chemical dissimilarity from neighboring plants. Specifically, plant dicultures with significantly lower quantities of terpenes and acyl sugars had the highest numbers of parasitoid Hymenoptera wasps from the superfamily Chalcidoidea.Currently, I am working on objective #3 and have slightly altered the proposed experimental design due to the COVID19 pandemic (see response to Changes/Problems section for more details). These alterations did not change the scope of the project and were a reflection of feasibility due to the unavailability of the laboratory.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2020 Citation: AE Glassmire, LN Zehr, and W Wetzel. Disentangling dimensions of phytochemical diversity: alpha and beta have contrasting effects on an insect herbivore. Ecology.