Progress 03/01/23 to 02/29/24
Outputs Target Audience:
Nothing Reported
Changes/Problems:The request for a Scope Change was planned for submission by 11/30/2023, but postponed due the hiring of a new Extension Associate Director who is charged with Operational activities in Cooperative Extension. The proposed Scope Change will be revised to include newly idenitified opportunities as determined by the Associate Director. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Though no funds have been expended during this year, progress has been made to identify obsolete equipment and provide replacements items. Requests for quotations have been received at the academic/research unit level and submitted to the project team. Quotes received have been reviewed by the Project Director and Co-Project Director and approved based on the approval goals and objectives of the project. The request for approval is being prepared for submission to NIFA Program Officials.Additional Planning meetings will continue with the Project Director and Co-Projector, who leads the Academics and Research components of the approved work. These planning meetings will continue to the end of preparing a planned change in Scope for activities that are no longer relevant. The request for a Scope Change was planned for submission by 11/30/2023, but postponed due the hiring of a new Extension Associate Director who is charged with Operational activities in Cooperative Extension.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal 1: Expand research, teaching, and Extension capabilities through facility upgrades: No actions taken towards this goal. Goal 2: Expand research, teaching and Extension capabilities through the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment as identified in the following objectives. Response:Requests for quotations have been received at the academic/research unit level and submitted to the project team. Quotes received have been reviewed by the Project Director and Co-Project Director and approved based on the approval goals and objectives of the project. The request for approval is being prepared for submission to NIFA Program Officials. This information applies to all noted Objectives specific to each University Department.
Progress 03/01/22 to 02/28/23
Outputs Target Audience:
Nothing Reported
Changes/Problems:Due to a change in administrative leadership at the 1890 Extension Administrator who also serves as the Project Director, planning and implementation are being re-evaluated. Meetings have taken place to review current plans for possible scope change. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?ACES/AAMU will continue moving forward with planned activities/projects that will utilize funds from the 2008 and 2013 awards. Goal 1: Expand research, teaching, and Extension Capabilities Through facility upgrades as identified in the following objectives: Objective 1: Renovate Thomas Wing that serves research and teaching BS, MS and PhD programs in Food and Plant and Soil Sciences. Update: Due to a change in administrative leadership at the 1890 Extension Administrator who also serves as the Project Director, planning and implementation are being re-evaluated. Meetings have taken place to review current plans for possible scope change. Objective 2: Renovate the Agribition Center arena and construct a model urban and small farms extension and demonstration facility. Update: Due to a change in administrative leadership at the 1890 Extension Administrator who also serves as the Project Director, planning and implementation are being re-evaluated. Meetings have taken place to review current plans for possible scope change. Goal 2: Expand research, teaching and Extension capabilities through the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment as identified in the following objectives. Objective 2: Purchase research and teaching equipment to support Food and Animal Science (FAS) programs. Update: Due to a change in administrative leadership at the 1890 Extension Administrator who also serves as the Project Director, planning and implementation are being re-evaluated. Meetings have taken place to review current plans for possible scope change. Objective 4: Purchase Extension and educational outreach equipment: Update: Due to a change in administrative leadership at the 1890 Extension Administrator who also serves as the Project Director, planning and implementation are being re-evaluated. Meetings have taken place to review current plans for possible scope change.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal 1: Expand research, teaching, and Extension capabilities through facility upgrades as identified in the following objectives: Objective 1:Renovate Thomas Wing that serves research and teaching BS, MS and PhD programs in Food and Plant and Soil Sciences. Update:Due to a change in administrative leadership at the 1890 Extension Administrator who also serves as the Project Director, planning and implementation are being re-evaluated. Meetings have taken place to review current plans for possible scope change. Objective 2:Renovate the Agribition Center arena and construct a model urban and small farms extension and demonstration facility. Update: Reported on previous submission: TheAgribition Center Arena bleachersapproval was approved by NIFA on 05/21/2021, the project was completed August/September, 2021. Activitiy completed and closed. Objective 3:Renovate and refurbish Hillcrest as a laboratory for the Family and Consumer Science's (FCS) Nutrition and Hospitality Management (NHM) program. Update:Due to a change in administrative leadership at the 1890 Extension Administrator who also serves as the Project Director, planning and implementation are being re-evaluated. Meetings have taken place to review current plans for possible scope change. Objective4:Construct a research and education centerto promote forestry and ecological and environmental research, education and outreach. Update: Due to a change in administrative leadership at the 1890 Extension Administrator who also serves as the Project Director, planning and implementation are being re-evaluated. Meetings have taken place to review current plans for possible scope change. Goal 2: Expand research, teaching and Extension capabilities through the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment as identified in the following objectives. Objective 1:Purchase state-of-the-art equipment to advance research in the Biological and Environmental Science research and teaching program.Update: Due to a change in administrative leadership at the 1890 Extension Administrator who also serves as the Project Director, planning and implementation are being re-evaluated. Meetings have taken place to review current plans for possible scope change. Objective 2:Purchase research and teaching equipment to support Food and Animal Science programs.Update: Due to a change in administrative leadership at the 1890 Extension Administrator who also serves as the Project Director, planning and implementation are being re-evaluated. Meetings have taken place to review current plans for possible scope change. Objective 3:Purchase state-of-the-art equipment to support Family and Consumer Sciences and Community and Regional Planning teaching and research programs.Update: Due to a change in administrative leadership at the 1890 Extension Administrator who also serves as the Project Director, planning and implementation are being re-evaluated. Meetings have taken place to review current plans for possible scope change. Objective 4:Purchase Extension and educational outreach equipment.Update: Due to a change in administrative leadership at the 1890 Extension Administrator who also serves as the Project Director, planning and implementation are being re-evaluated. Meetings have taken place to review current plans for possible scope change.
Progress 03/01/21 to 02/28/22
Outputs Target Audience:
Nothing Reported
Changes/Problems:CLOSING OUT OF PREVIOUS AWARDS: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Supply Chain issues continueto play a major role in the completion of the older awards which inhibts our ability to more rapidly plan and implement projects using 2018 award funds. These issues have negatively impacted vendors and contractors, which ultimatly have delayed progression of planned projects. The pace is slow but provessive. Based on NIFA guidance, AAMU will continue its primary focus on completionandclose out our older Facilities Awards (2008 and 2013). What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?ACES/AAMU will continue moving forward with planned activities/projects that will utilize funds from the 2008 and 2013 awards.A Facilities Awardtraining document was preparedfor distribution to the College of Ag and Extension personnel. Distribution and presentation of the training document are planned for completion by May, 2022. Goal 1: Expand research, teaching, and Extension Capabilities Through facility upgrades as identified in the following objectives: Objective 1: Renovate Thomas Wing that serves research and teaching BS, MS and PhD programs in Food and Plant and Soil Sciences. A meeting for Cooperative Extension Administration and the Dean and Department Chairs from the College of Ag has been planned for March of 2021. The purpose of this meeting is to further develop plans that will continue supporting teaching and research activities by strengthening those areas with industry approved, state of the art equipment and plans to renovate their teaching, research and Extension facilities. Update: The PD and Co-PD for the project met to discuss the planned activities. The outcomes of that meeting were to develop a more comprehensive stragegy for planning and initiating Facilities projects and equipment purchases at AAMU. Additional meetings will be scheduled to continue develpment of a framework and achievement plan for completion of ongoing projects. Goal 2: Expand research, teaching and Extension capabilities through the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment as identified in the following objectives. Objective 2: Purchase research and teaching equipment to support Food and Animal Science (FAS) programs. The Chair of FAS and the FAS Lab Manager have proposed purchase of the following equipment for the next two years. 2021 (Year 4) High throughput cell culture platform -$138,170.00 2022 (Year 5): Rotary Evaporator - $20,000.00 TLC Plate Applicator & Extractor - $30,000.00 Microbiological Media Dispensing Systems - $94,000.00 Handheld Blood Analyzer - $20,000.00 Animal Physiology System - $49,000.00 Dairy Incubator - $5,000.00. Update: After the May, 2022 training session is held, a review will be conducted of previously approved research and teaching equipment proposals and updates will be made to support a new request for NIFA approval. The PD and CoPD will establish a schedule to be followed by Teaching, Research and Extension personnel relative to thesubmission of proposals to the Facilities Program. Objective 3: Purchase state-of-the-art equipment to support the following departments: Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS): The Department of FCS will provide e-learning, research, and collaborative academic programs to enhance student learning. Team members will continue planning of an apparel, merchandising and design laboratory to meet the needs of emerging programs in nontraditional outreach activities. They will also continue to advance cutting edge research through the upgrade of research equipment. When the appropriate quotes are received, the necessary requests will be submitted to NIFA for approval. Community and Regional Planning (CRP): The Department of CRP will revisit and update the list of equipment in response to our new needs for the post-pandemic era. After the updated list of equipment has been fully approved through NIFA, we will purchase and install the equipment in the classrooms, the studios, the library, and other rooms in the DCRP. Update: After the May, 2022training session is held, a review will be conducted of previously approved research and teaching equipment proposals and updates will be made to support a new request for NIFA approval. The PD and CoPD will establish a schedule to be followed by Teaching, Research and Extension personnel in submission of proposals to the Facilities Program. Objective 4: Purchase Extension and educational outreach equipment Update: ACES at AAMU plans to reinforce fencing at the Agibition Center to support the previously approved demonstration projects. When the appropriate quotes are received, the necessary requests will be submitted to NIFA for approval.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal 1: Expand research, teaching, and Extension capabilities through facility upgrades as identified in the following objectives: Objective 1: Renovate Thomas Wing that serves research and teaching BS, MS and PhD programs: Food and Animal Sciences: Update: We are still in the planning phase concerning this objective. Efforts have been focused on completion of the previously approved Thomas Wing Renovation on the 2008-45200-04423. The project is approximately 72% complete. Objective 2:Renovate the Agribition Center arena and construct a model urban and small farms extension and demonstration facility. Update: The Agribition Center's arena bleachers were replaced August/September, 2021. A request was approved by NIFA on 05/21/2021 for renovation of the arena bleachers. The project has been completed and closed. Goal 2: Expand research, teaching and Extension capabilities through the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment as identified in the following objectives. Objective 1:Purchase state-of-the-art equipment to advance research in the Biological and Environmental Science research and teaching program. Update: Vendor quotes were obtained from the Teaching and Research units. A thorough review of those requests was made and a request for approval was approved by NIFA on 05/21/2021 for thepurchase of Workstations. A Facilities Award training document was preparedfor distribution to the Teaching and Research faculty. Also,direct technical assistance was provided to faculty related to the Terms, Conditions and Allowable costs associated with the Facilities Award Program.When the new quotes arereceived from faculty, approvals will be requested from NIFA Program Officials. Objective 2:Purchase research and teaching equipment to support Food and Animal Science programs. Update: A Facilities Awardtraining document was preparedfor distribution to the Teaching and Research faculty. Also,direct technical assistance was provided to faculty related to the Terms, Conditions and Allowable costs associated with the Facilities Award Program.When the new quotes arereceived from faculty,approvals will be requested from NIFA Program Officials. Objective 3:Purchase state-of-the-art equipment to support Family and Consumer Sciences and Community and Regional Planning teaching and research programs. Update:A Facilities Awardtraining document was preparedfor distribution to the Teaching and Research faculty. Also,direct technical assistance was provided to faculty related to the Terms, Conditions and Allowable costs associated with the Facilities Award Program.When the new quotes arereceived from faculty,approvals will be requested from NIFA Program Officials. Objective 4:Purchase Extension and educational outreach equipment. We are still in the planning phase of this objective.
Progress 03/01/20 to 02/28/21
Outputs Target Audience:
Nothing Reported
Changes/Problems:STAFFING LIMITATIONS AT AAMU: Changes have occurred at the departmental levels in the teaching and research areas. The following have new leadership: Food and Animal Sciences, Family and Consumer Sciences, Biological and Environmental Sciences. All of the newly appointed administrative positions are staffed with highly qualified and seasoned team members, who are committed to moving our projects forward in a progressive manner. The Extension Facilities team meets regularly to assess the current state of the older awards and how progress can be made to move them towards completion and closure. CLOSING OUT OF PREVIOUS AWARDS: ACES at AAMU has successfully completed all activities and closed the 2003 award. The 2008 5-Year award is approximately 50%complete. The 2013 award is in the queue for approved activities and will follow suit with planned project completion and closing activities. COVID-19: On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization declared the Novel Coronavirus a global pandemic. As such, our lives changed forever. The State of Alabama continues to suspended most in-person activities, including outreach activities, which are the backbone of ACES at AAMU. We continue to operate in a"socially distant" way of life and work. Our team has performed exceptionally well during this pandemic, continuing to provide real time, relevant and responsive information to our audiences. Adjustments in format, content and delivery of materials has enabled ACES at AAMU to continue meeting the needs of our audiences. Challenges impacting progression on the 2019award are directly related to the completion of the 2008 and 2013 awards. Project activites are ongoing at this time and will be reported in the individual progress reports for each of the respective awards. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?ACES/AAMU will continue moving forward with planned activities/projects that will utilize funds from the 2008 and 2013 awards. Goal 1: Expand research, teaching, and Extension Capabilities Through facility upgrades as identified in the following objectives: Objective 1: Renovate Thomas Wing that serves research and teaching BS, MS and PhD programs in Food and Plant and Soil Sciences. A meeting for Cooperative Extension Administration and the Dean and Department Chairs from the College of Aghas been planned for March of 2021. The purpose of this meeting isto further develop plans that willcontinue supporting teaching and research activities by strengthening those areas with industry approved, state of the artequipment and plans to renovate their teaching, research and Extension facilities. Objective 2: Renovate the Agribition Center arena and construct a model urban and small farms extension and demonstration facility. Extension Administration has provided leadership with direction to obtain vendor quotes for bleacher replacements at the AAMU Agribition Center, whichremains a focal point for agricultural related outreach activities. To enable a more comfortable experience for program participants, more modern seating will be installed. Plans are in place to upgrade the current woodbleachers with more consumer friendly seating. When the appropriate quotes are received, the necessary requests will be submitted to NIFA for approval. Goal 2: Expand research, teaching and Extension capabilities through the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment as identified in the following objectives. Objective 2: Purchase research and teaching equipment to support Food and Animal Science (FAS) programs. The Chair of FAS and theFAS Lab Manager haveproposed purchase ofthe following equipmentfor the next two years. 2021 (Year 4) High throughput cell culture platform -$138,170.00 2022 (Year 5): Rotary Evaporator - $20,000.00 TLC Plate Applicator & Extractor - $30,000.00 Microbiological Media Dispensing Systems - $94,000.00 Handheld Blood Analyzer - $20,000.00 Animal Physiology System - $49,000.00 Dairy Incubator - $5,000.00 Objective 3: Purchase state-of-the-art equipment to support the following departments: Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS):The Department of FCS will provide e-learning, research, and collaborative academic programs to enhance student learning. Team members will continue planning of an apparel, merchandising and design laboratory to meet the needs of emerging programs in nontraditional outreach activities. They will also continue to advance cutting edge research through the upgrade of research equipment.When the appropriate quotes are received, the necessary requests will be submitted to NIFA for approval. Community and Regional Planning (CRP):The Department of CRPwill revisit and update the listof equipment in response to our new needs for the post-pandemic era. After the updated listof equipment hasbeen fully approved through NIFA, we will purchase and install the equipment in the classrooms, the studios, the library, and other rooms in the DCRP. Objective 4: Purchase Extension and educational outreach equipment: ACES at AAMU plans to reinforce fencing at the Agibition Center tosupport the previously approved demonstration projects.When the appropriate quotes are received, the necessary requests will be submitted to NIFA for approval.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
ACES/AAMU has completed all approved activities associated with the2003 award. Goal 1: Expand research, teaching, and Extension capabilities through facility upgrades as identified in the following objectives: Objective 1:Renovate Thomas Wing that serves research and teaching BS, MS and PhD programs: Food and Animal Sciences Update: The FAS team has identified and revised the current plans for the renovations in the teaching and research wing of the Thomas Wing of Carver Complex. The appropriate environmental assessments were completed on the 2013 award and have been submitted to USDA and approved. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 Pandemic hasnegatively affected the progression of this project. We anticipate that the project will progress when the dangers of the Pandemic do not expose AAMU faculty, staff, students, business partners and constituents to danger. Objective 3:Purchase state-of-the-art equipment to support Family and Consumer Sciences and Community and Regional Planning teaching and research programs. Community and Regional Planning Teaching and Research Programs: The team has revisited the lists of equipment from the 2008-2013 facility grant and the 2013-2018 facility grant and updated the lists of equipment with the needs for supporting research and teaching for the Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning (BSURP) and Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning (MSURP) programs. Theteamhasalso worked with the consultant who had been working with the Department of Community and Regional Planning (DCRP) for upgrading the equipment.
Progress 03/01/19 to 02/29/20
Outputs Target Audience:
Nothing Reported
Changes/Problems:STAFF CHANGES AND RESPONSE TIMES FROMUSDA: Understanding that the relocation of the NIFA/USDA offices from Washington, D.C. to Kansas City, Missouri has had a significant impact on all sponsored activities, the transition has definitely presented challenges in receiving timely responses to critical programmatic and administrative requests that have been submitted to NIFA/USDA. Now that the transition is complete, we are hopeful that this challenge will self-mitigate and a return to a more responsive and supportive synergistic work environment will take place. REQUIRED STEPS ASSOCIATED WITH THE APPROVAL AT EVERY PROJECT PHASE AFTER PROJECT APPROVAL:NIFA/USDA is uniquely positioned within the extramural funding community and provides extensive and intensive oversight as a steward of federal funds. As such, the current approval processes are somewhat taxing at times. We are hopeful that as NIFA/USDA transitions to a more innovation platform, these processes will be replaced with a more real-time system that allows for rapidcommunication and response to recipient requests. STAFFING LIMITATIONS AT AAMU:ACES at AAMU has experienced numerous staffing challenges over the past three years. New personnel have been added in the following positions: 1890 Administrator, Assistant Director, HR Manager, Director of Financial Service and Grants/Contracts Administrator. All of the newly appointed administrative positionsare staffed with highly qualified and seasoned team members, who are committed to moving our projects forward in a progressive manner. CLOSING OUT OF PREVIOUS AWARDS:ACES at AAMU has several long standing awards dating back to 2003. As such, the Administrative team has worked diligently with the Points of Contact at NIFA/USDA to revisit these awards, review and propose new and more relevant activities that will result in a more positive outcome for our audiences in this digitally controlled age. Revised plans have been submitted to and approved by our NIFA/USDA program officers. As a result of this close collaboration, the newly approved activities are moving forward, with the expected close out of the 2003 award and significant movement on the 2008 award taking place by 09/30/2020. COVID-19:On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization declared the Novel Coronavirus a global pandemic. As such, our liveschanged forever. The State of Alabama suspended all activities, including outreach activities, which are the backbone of ACES at AAMU. As a result, we have now been required to transition to a "socially distant" way of life and work. Our team has performed exceptionally wellduring this pandemic, continuing to provide real time, relevant and responsive information to our audiences. Adjustments in format, content and delivery of materials hasenabled ACES at AAMU to continue meeting the needs of our audiences. CANCELLATION OF OBJECTIVE #3:"Renovate and refurbish Hillcrest as a laboratory for the Family and Consumer Science's (FCS) Nutrition and Hospitality Management (NHM) program" will be cancelled due to the disproportionate costs relative to the allocatedFacility funds vs the actual repair costs associated with the proposed work.Since that time, additional repair costs have been identified that greatly exceed the Facilities allocation. Therefore, the proposed work will not be completed using Facility funds. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?In the next reporting period, the Extension Division, CALNS, and Facilities Department will continue to hold project meetings, track budgets and expenses and work collaboratively to implement projects associated with the 2008, 2013 and 2018 Five Year Awards. Additionally, additional proposals for the 2018 Five Year Award will be submitted to USDA for approval and implemenation after USDA approval with funding is granted.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
In the period of performance, the 1890 Extension Director and Dean of the College of Agriculture, Life and Natural Sciences (CALNS) convened several key meetings that would promote future progress in execution of projects associated with the goals above. The first was a series of meetings among the academic departments and Extension team with assigned projects to be completed during the Five-Year plan. The academic departments included the Biological and Environmental Sciences Department, Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS), and Food and Animal Sciences. The meetings included review of the current guidelines, regulations and processes related to the 1890 Facilities Grant Program, existing projects planned for implementation during the five year cycle and any possible changes either to the list of projects or objectives. Additionally, the 1890 Extension Administrator engaged with his Financial Services unit, Extension staff and USDA to verify that all related units were aligned in understanding of project plans and available funds. It should be noted that, in parallel with the efforts above, a significant portion of time and effort were applied by these same units (with limited personnel) to the implementation of projects under the 2003, 2008 and 2013 Five-Year Awards. As a result of significant collaboration among AAMU Departments and with USDA officials, AAMU is on track to fully close out the 2003 Five-Year Award in 2020. AAMU will continue to make significant progress with the 2008, 2013 and 2018 Award Cycles as projects already approved by USDA are funded and awarded to approved vendors.