Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Nov 5, 2018
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2023
Grant Year
Project Director
Zhang, BO.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Non Technical Summary
Problem Statement. While soybean is one of the most important sources of plant protein worldwide, with high digestibility and all essential amino acids (AAs), soybean protein contains an imbalanced AA profile. As with many other legumes, soybean provides insufficient sulfur-containing AA, such as methionine (Met, Friedman and Brandon, 2001). To overcome the deficiency of Met, humans consume food with complementary AA patterns (Woolf, et al., 2011). However, monogastric livestock such as poultry and swine producers have synthetically-produced AA added as a supplement into animal diets as these species cannot synthesize these AAs themselves (Warringon et al., 2015). A 10% increase of soybean Met would enhance the commercial soybean meal value by $2.7/T (Clark and Wiseman, 2000). Unfortunately, Met leaching during meal processing and bacterial degradation causes the formation of undesirable volatile sulfides released in the environment (George and De Lumen, 1991). In addition, the cost to add 0.1% DL-Met alone into soybean-based meal to overcome AA deficiency is approximately $100 million annually in poultry and pork production (Imsande, 2001). Thus, agricultural stakeholders, in particular meat producers, indicate the urgent need to develop new soybean varieties with balanced AA for both human and animal consumption. Therefore, soybean varieties with balanced AA profile, in particular increased Met through genetic improvement, will provide high nutritional quality protein and meal, and reduce the existing negative impacts related to AA supplementation.Relevance to Advancing Virginia and the U.S. Soybean, one of the world's major crops, is the top USA commodity export, estimated at $22.3 billion (Moody, 2017), and a top five commodity in Virginia with $200.5 million in annual cash receipts (Patterson, 2015). In addition, being the top soybean producing country for more than one decade, the U.S. produces over one third of the soybean in the world annually, Because soybean provides protein with high quality, it has been used widely in animal feeds for production of several other top 10 Virginia commodities (poultry, beef, dairy, eggs), pork, and aquaculture as well as in human diets. Therefore, stakeholders in soybean seed, meal and soyfood markets will be highly interested in this project that will break the limitation in soybean varieties with imbalanced AA profile, especially deficient Met content. Developing soybean varieties with beneficial AA profile that are adapted to VA and the Mid-Atlantic region will improve animal nutrition, so they will open additional markets for VA seed growers, reduce transportation costs to the VA beef/poultry growers, and increase the economic return to VA farmers.Approach. The proposed study is innovative because we will take advantage of the molecular markers associated with high Met to screen as early as F2 population, and confirm F3 seeds' Met content using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR). The molecular markers include simple sequence repeat (SSR) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The NIR instrument will be equipped with calibration equations using samples from the Mid-Atlantic region.Anticipated Outcomes and Impacts. Our long-term goal is to improve the nutritional profile of soybean-based food and meal. Our overall objective for this study is to develop and release soybean varieties with higher Met content adapted to the Mid-Atlantic Region. Successful completion of this project will provide soyfood consumers and livestock farmers with more nutritional soybean varieties to improve human and animal health.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
201 - Plant Genome, Genetics, and Genetic Mechanisms;

Subject Of Investigation
1820 - Soybean;

Field Of Science
1081 - Breeding;
Goals / Objectives
Our long-term goal is todevelope soybean varieties with balanced AA adapted to the Mid-Atlantic region.Our specific objectives for this proposed project are to: 1) Develop soybean breeding lines with high Met using marker-assisted selection at early breeding stages; 2) validate the association between Met concentration and published molecular markers to explore effective markers for our genetic populations; and 3) develop a calibration equation for Perten 7250 NIR spectrometer using Met data generated by HPLC to estimate Met concentration.
Project Methods
Objective 1: Develop soybean breeding lines with high Met using marker-assisted selection at early breeding stagesCrossing planTN04-5321 and other potential PIs from the USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection based on published Met concentration are being crossed or will be crossed with elite food-grade and feed-grade soybeans including herbicide tolerant varieties either in greenhouse or in the field. In addition, 5-10 crosses will be made every year. Top advanced breeding lines from those crosses will be chosen as elite parents in the future.Breeding schemeThe breeding populations will be advanced and will be screened using molecular markers and NIR for Met concentration. The breeding scheme will be slightly modified if crosses are made in the field. Briefly, true hybrid seeds will be harvested and advanced either in the field or winter nursery to advance generations. Leaf tissues of F2 individuals will be collected, and molecular markers will be run on DNA from those leaf tissues to determine if the F2 individuals have high Met QTL. Positive F2 plants will be harvested and seeds will be evaluated using NIR to confirm the Met value. Only the samples with 10% higher Met value than elite parents will be planted the following year. The same procedure will be applied to F3 populations. F4 populations will be planted at the Eastern Virginia Agricultural Research and Experiment Center (EVAREC, Warsaw, VA) as this environment is close to commercial production regions. Seeds from single F4 plants will be tested using NIR to identify high Met F4:5 progenies for next year's planting. Progenies will be planted in Warsaw again, and those that pass visual selection and have high Met concentration will be planted in Warsaw and Suffolk, VA (Tidewater AREC) for multi-location yield trials. In the first two years of the proposed project, Satt564 and HPLC will be used to genotype and phenotype progenies, respectively for MAS.Potential difficulties and limitations and alternative plans Because soybean is self-pollinated, there is a high probability that female plants may produce false F1 hybrids. We will design the combinations between female parents with white flower and male parents with purple flower. The true F1 plants will show purple flower because purple color is a dominant trait. In case the cross combinations are between the parents with the same color in order to implement the best traits into one population, we will use diverse genetic markers to identify true F1 hybrids.Objective 2: Validate the association between Met concentration and published molecular markers to explore effective markers for our genetic populationsPopulation developmentNo less than 200 F2 progenies from one population derived from each high Met donor developed in the Obj.1 will be used to validate all published markers associated with Met QTL. DNA of all progenies and parents will be extracted and screened using all the markers, and the seeds of all progenies will be evaluated using NIR spectroscopy.Association AnalysisSingle marker analysis by QTL Cartography 2.5 (Raleigh, NC) will be conducted to explore the association between the genotype of each population screened by each marker and Met concentration of that population. The marker and trait association with p < 0.01 or less will confirm the selection effect of that marker on the populations we develop for MAS.Potential difficulties and limitations and alternative plans It has been very practical and feasible to identify SNP markers through linkage and association mapping for quantitative traits. The pitfall is that many published molecular markers may be explored using the populations with different genetic background from ours. In case we cannot confirm any published markers using our materials, we will use the bi-parental populations to identify QTL and validate the QTL for amino acids.Objective 3. Develop a calibration equation for Perten 7250 NIR spectrometer using Met data by HPLC to estimate Met concentrationSamplesA calibration set of 300 accessions from a germplasm collection of maturity groups IV and V were planted and harvested in Blacksburg, VA and Clayton, NC in 2017. Therefore, 600 samples of 300 exotic soybeans from locations will be ground and evaluated for Met concentration to develop a calibration equation. Another set of 150 elite varieties from USDA Uniform Test from 2018 will be used to validate the models.HPLC and NIR measurementThe protocol to measure Met concentration using HPLC will follow the one established in Varzaru et al. (2013). The Agilent 1260 Infinity series (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) will be used. NIR measurement will follow the protocol described in Sato et al. (2002) using Perten 7250 (Hagersten, Sweden).Multivariate modelingRegression models such as partial least square (PLS) and support vector machines (SVM) will be used to develop calibration equations for the estimation of Met concentration as described in Kovalenko et al. (2006). The validation set will be applied to the two models, and calculated parameters including predicted residual error sum of squares, standard error of prediction corrected for bias, difference between NIR-predicted and reference HPLC concentrations, etc. will be computed to characterize their predictive ability.

Progress 10/01/19 to 09/30/20

Target Audience:The project will develop soybean varieties with higher Met to contribute to one health. Thus, the major target audiences are livestock feed producers and animal nutritionists as well as soyfood consumers whose acceptance is critical to increasing the demand. Seed companies and soybean producers will sell these new varieties at a very competitive price due to market needs. Soybean breeders can use soybean germplasm with enhanced AA profile and the associated molecular markers in breeding programs. Other audiences include enterprises for soybean harvesting, processing, retailing, exporting, farmer associations, crop scientists in breeding, and food science, extension, and economics scientists. Changes/Problems:Obj 2 and Obj 3 were expected to complete by the second year. However, thesensitiveness of HPLC that breaks often and limited lab work due to COVID have delayed the met measurement on 2019 samples. Because both objectives need to complete a set of met data, we plan to finish Obj 2 and Obj 3 by the fourth year. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A collection of Plant Introductions was planted at two locations in 2020 to study seed compositions and conduct a GWAS analysis for traits recorded. Field research has led to opportunities for students and staff to learn breeding technologies and improve phenotyping skills such as the use of HPLC. One graduate student also presented at the International ASA-CSSA conference and School of Plant and Environmental Sciences Poster Show in 2019. One undergraduate student won the 2020 PRATT scholarship to work on a related project entitled "Increasing Methionine Content in Soybean Seed through a Genomic Prediction Model". How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The ways to disseminate the results are mainly publications and presentations. For this year: Two presentations have been delivered in professional meetings. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?For objective 1: Develop soybean breeding lines with high Met using marker-assisted selection at early breeding stages. Breeding effort: We will continue making crosses between high met germplasm and elite varieties with desired traits such as high yield and high oleic; continue to advance early generations, and continue evaluating progeny rows. Genome wide association study: We will finish met data collection from 2019 samples and finalize the identification of SNPs associated with met content. Genomic prediction model: We will start establishing a genomic prediction model to estimate met content using only genotypic data. For objective 2: Validate the association between Met concentration and published molecular markers to explore effective markers for our genetic populations. We will finish met data collection through HPLC from 2019 samples. We will use published molecular markers to screen all samples in 2019 and run a marker association analysis with the collected met data. For objective 3: Develop a calibration equation for Perten 7250 NIR spectrometer using Met data generated by HPLC to estimate Met concentration. We will select 100-150 samples with a wide range of met content from 2018 and 2019 samples. We will run them through NIR, and establish a calibration model.

What was accomplished under these goals? For objective 1: Develop soybean breeding lines with high Met using marker-assisted selection at early breeding stages. In the summer of 2020, a total of 23 new cross combinations using high met and high oleic parental lines were made, and hybrid seeds are currently growing in the winter nursery (Puerto Rico). One high met F2 population was advanced to F3 in Blacksburg, and 25-30 single plants of one high met F4 population were pulled out for progeny rows in 2021. Markers currently being developed in objective 2 will be used in the early breeding stages in 2021. For objective 2: Validate the association between Met concentration and published molecular markers to explore effective markers for our genetic populations. We established a core collection of 311 out of 6,749 accessions from maturity groups IV and V collected by the national Genetic Resources Program based on genetic distance from 42,509 SNPs. They have been planted in two locations in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Currently, we are measuring methionine content using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a modified AOAC hydrolysis protocol. We have finished all 2018 samples and finished about 1/3 of 2019 samples. For statistical strength, we will collect at least 2 years of phenotypic data. Therefore, only preliminary GWAS analysis has been performed. From the preliminary data, several SNPs have shown potential to be associated with methionine content and should be strengthened by adding 2019 data. For objective 3: Develop a calibration equation for Perten 7250 NIR spectrometer using Met data generated by HPLC to estimate Met concentration. In order to develop a powerful calibration equation, we need to screen 100-150 samples with various met content. Currently, we are at the identification stage to select samples with a broad range of met content from the 311 germplasm. Side project: Sulfur fertilization trials. Geographical location was shown to have a significant effect on both methionine and overall protein content. While protein was only significantly different in one out of four locations, methionine was significantly different in all four locations. Sulfur fertilizer and application rate did not exhibit a significant effect on methionine content, however, we will analyze 2020 data and see if new significance is found.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Singer, W., Yu, D., Huang, H., Shang, C., & Zhang, B. (2019). Genome-wide Association Mapping for Methionine Content Using a Mid-South Soybean Core Collection. In ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. San Antonio, Texas.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Singer, W., Yu, D., Huang, H., Shang, C., & Zhang, B. (2019). Genome-wide Association Mapping for Methionine Content Using a Mid-South Soybean Core Collection. In School of Plant and Environmental Science Poster Show. Blacksburg, VA.

Progress 11/05/18 to 09/30/19

Target Audience:The project will develop soybean varieties with higher Met to contribute to one health. Thus, the major target audience are livestock feed producers and animal nutritionists as well as soyfood consumers whose acceptance is critical to increase the demand. Seed companies and soybean producers will sell these new varieties with very competitive price due to the market needs. Soybean breeders can use soybean germplasm with enhanced AA profile and the associated molecular markers in breeding programs. Other audiences include enterprises for soybean harvesting, processing, retailing, exporting, farmer associations, and crop scientists in breeding, food science, extension, and economics. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A set of Plant Introductions was planted at two locations in 2019 to study seed compositions and eventually conduct GWAS for traits recorded. Field research has led to learning opportunities for students and staff to learn breeding technologies and improve phenotyping skills. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The ways to disseminate the results are mainly publications and presentations. For this year: one book chapter has been published on Intech with open access. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Genome wide association study: o Justification: Marker-assisted selection accelerates the breeding process and reduces overall breeding cost. o Objective: To identify molecular markers associated with high met in soybean seeds. o Deliverables: A set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to assist high met breeding selection have been determined from 2018 data. These SNPs will be validated with data from 2019. Several diverse germplasms have also been identified as potential parents with high methionine to bolster breeding efforts. Near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy calibration: o Justification: Current methionine phenotyping methods (high-performance liquid chromatography) is a time-consuming and expensive process. Therefore, a high-throughput phenotyping method is required for efficient methionine quantification. o Objective: To develop a NIR calibration for measuring methionine content in soybean seed. o Deliverables: A regression model for calibrating NIR and a processing protocol for accelerated methionine quantification will be developed. This could be used for breeding purposes or evaluation of variety trials. Sulfur fertilization trials: o Justification: 2018 methionine data suggests environmental effects for final methionine content in soybean seed. As methionine is a sulfur-containing amino acid, it is hypothesized that sulfur levels in soil may impact overall biosynthesis or translocation of methionine. o Objective: To determine the impact of soil sulfur levels on methionine content in soybean seed. o Deliverables: Sulfur fertilizer recommendations to maximize methionine content in soybean.

What was accomplished under these goals? Soybean (Glycine max) is a valuable food and feed commodity for its high protein content and the presence of all nine essential amino acids. However, soybean does not match nutritional needs for humans or livestock, as it is deficient in sulfur-containing amino acids, specifically methionine. In addition, many breeding efforts have focused on improving yield and total protein content while neglecting protein quality. Therefore, there is a crucial need to develop commercially viable soybean cultivars with high methionine content to provide a balanced amino acid profile. The objective of this project is to identify genomic regions associated with high methionine content in soybean seeds through genome-wide association analysis. We established a core collection of 318 out of 6,749 accessions from maturity groups IV and V collected by the national Genetic Resources Program based on genetic distance from 42,509 SNPs. They were planted in Blacksburg, VA and Clayton, NC in 2018. Methionine content was determined through high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). We obtained quality SNPs for this association analysis by filtering for missing SNP data and removing SNPs with minor allele frequencies lower than 5% from the publicly available SoySNP50K data set. Both a General Linear Model and Mixed Linear Model exhibited several SNPs significantly associated with methionine content in soybean seed. Our study will provide accessions with high methionine content and SNPs associated with methionine content to effectively assist breeders to improve essential amino acid profiles in soybean. We have also developed pre-breeding materials for high met. Currently, we have 18 F4 individuals derived from high protein and hign met crosses.


  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Singer, W.M., Zhang, B., Mian, M.A.R., and Huang, H. (2019). Soybean Amino Acids in Health, Genetics, and Evaluation, in Soybean for Human Consumption and Animal Feed. IntechOpen DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.89497