Source: UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 31, 2018
Project End Date
Oct 12, 2023
Grant Year
Project Director
Rios, ES.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Current predictions indicate that food production must increase 70% by 2050, including 200M more tons of beef and other livestock products, to feed the world's growing population. The U.S. is the world's largest beef producer,and milk has a farm value of production second only to beef among livestock industries. Feed represents the highest single-factor production cost for livesotck production under grain-fed confinement systems. Utilizing pastures as a feed source for livestock is re-gaining interests primarily because of economic motivations, followed by environmental and social interests. The relatively stable beef/milk price and the increasing input costs have contributed to the "re-adoption" of lower-cost grazing systems.Subtropical agroecosystems such as the lower southeastern U.S. offer unique climaticchallenges for agriculture production. Our goal is toidentifyplants that could be used for animal feed (forage species) with sufficient pest/disease resistance, while producing high biomass yields throughout several years. Identifying plants that use resources (water, nutrients, etc.) more efficiently is crucial in the route towards developing resilient forage crops. Resilient crops will be the result of investments in the areas of forage germplasm enhancement and in the development of novel breeding methodologies applied in forage crops, and both will result in more effective selection of resilient crops.?
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
ObjectivesI want to provide farmers with resilient forage varieties that would offer high-quality feed for livestock. My long-term goal is to enhance forage germplasm pools and develop resilient forage cultivars using traditional and modern breeding methods. My research program will enhance germplasm pools for grass and legume species that are critical components of tropical and subtropical pasturelands. The development of cultivars will be the result of relevant research conducted in the areas of phenomics, genomics and development of breeding methods. Many of the modern breeding tools and principles are drawn from food-crops with well-known breeding and genetic systems, therefore they require further investigation for adoption in forage species. My research on forage cultivar development will be directly relevant and easily adopted by farmers following current forage production practices in Florida.My specific goals will be addressed through an integrated research approach that includes controlled lab experiments, manipulated greenhouse and field experiments, field-based observations, and remote sensing technologies. The focus of my research program aims to address the following specific objectives:Harnessing phenotypic and genetic diversity in forage gene banks.Investigate the use of novel breeding/genetic tools applied to forage breeding.Implement the use of high-throughput phenotyping methods in forage breeding.
Project Methods
ProceduresHarnessing phenotypic and genetic diversity in forage gene banks. Wild/landrace germplasm represent extremely rich resources for gene variants not present in cultivated germplasm. Gene banks are repositories for wild and landrace germplasm resources. Widening the genetic base of forage species with economic importance is a priority and primary target to cope with the challenges that these crops face under current scenarios for climate change and demographic growth. This objective seeks to combine phenomics and genomics research to characterize germplasm resources in gene banks and identify novel resilient genotypes with potential use in forage production in tropical and subtropical areas.Biological, agronomic, statistical, computational and genetic tools will be used to assess phenotypic and genetic diversity for a variety of traits. Genetic resources have improved the range of adaptation, disease resistance and quality of many grain legume species, but the question remains: how best to exploit these resources in forage breeding programs? Specific activities for this objective include: i) greenhouse and field-scale phenotyping for agronomic, morphological, and physiological traits, with focus on forage production and resilient traits (nutrient uptake, water use, diseases/pests resistance, etc.); ii) application of molecular techniques to study genetic variations at the DNA-level; iii) integrating statistical and computational tools to analyze phenotypic and genotypic data with the goal of finding novel genes/genotypes; and iv) reporting results back to gene bank curators to allow for more efficient management of germplasm resources in the USDA.Investigate the use of novel breeding/genetic tools in forage breeding. Many of the modern genomic tools and principles are drawn from food-crops with well-known breeding and genetic systems. We will conduct research on genetics, genomics and phenomics of plants, and on methodologies of selective plant breeding to make forage breeding more efficient and productive. As a starting point, we will conduct parent selection (current cultivars, experimental lines, and plant introductions identified in objective #1), selection of appropriate mating designs, and further selection of offspring with the direct purpose of developing and releasing crop varieties. This process will involve combining parental plants to obtain progeny that will combine the parental characteristics. The selection process will be driven by biological/agronomic assessment in relevant target environments, and aiming to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in those processes. We will investigate the adoption of novel techniques such as marker assisted selection and genomic selection in forage species, among others. Activities will include: i) introgression of useful genes/alleles from wild germplasm into plant populations that are useful for developing new crop varieties; ii) increasing the frequencies of desirable genes/alleles in gene pools that will be used for developing parents or varieties; iii) utilize novel phenotyping tools, methods and platforms to standardize and accelerate cultivar evaluation/selection; and iv) utilize advanced statistical and computer tools to make selection in forage breeding.Implement the use of high-throughput phenotyping methods in forage breeding. Phenotyping plays a central role in plant breeding, because the accurate and rapid acquisition of phenotypic data is helpful for exploring the association between genomic and phenotypic information. Traditional phenotyping methods, such as plant height, leaf color, leaf area index (LAI), chlorophyll content, biomass yield and quality, rely on manual sampling and laborious protocols, which is time-consuming and expensive. Unmanned aerial systems (UASs) equipped with sensors have recently become an important approach for fast and non-destructive high-throughput phenotyping. Therefore, the combination of UASs and manual sampling would potentially enable us to accurately predict the performance of complex quantitative traits in forage species (primarily perennial crops that require evaluations during multiple years), resulting in substantial increases in genetic gains for traits such as yield, persistence and stress-tolerance. For the field-based phenotyping, we will focus on the development of effective high-throughput phenotyping platforms using sensors, aeronautics, and high-performance computing tools. Additionally, laboratory analyses for key plant parts (particularly forage nutritive value) will complement field phenotyping conditions. Two primary approaches are used to test forage nutritive value: wet chemistry and NIRS (Near infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy). Wet chemistry methods are the most accurate at analyzing feeds and forages for nutrient content, but unfortunately, wet chemistry analysis is time-consuming, costly and requires skilled technicians. We will place efforts in exploiting the utilization of NIRS in estimating forage nutritive value in forage species. As an analytical technique, NIRS is faster than wet chemistry methods and requires less labor. However, NIRS will require sophisticated calibration equations, instrument standardization and constant quality controls. In addition, NIRS will never be more accurate than the methods on which it is based, but it is often more precise or repeatable, and can be used to reduce analytical variation among a large number of samples (the typical scenario in forage breeding).Our final goal for this objective is increasing the efficiency of forage improvement for quantitative traits under field conditions (biomass yield, stand persistence and tolerance to abiotic/biotic stresses), as well as under laboratory conditions (forage nutritive value).

Progress 10/31/18 to 09/30/19

Target Audience:Graduate student: I taught AGR5266C (Field plot techniques) for 25 graduate students, and AGR6322 (Advanced plant breeding) for 15 graduate students. The club that I mentor organized the III UF Plant Science Symposium: Graduate students, inductry and academic partners in forage and turfgrass breeding and genetics: I organized and hosted the International Forage & Turfgrass Breeding Conference (IFTBC), the first joint meeting of the 10thMolecular Breeding of Forages and Turf Conference (MBFT) and the 6thInternational Symposium of Forage Breeding (ISFB). This first of a kind joint meeting was held in March 2019 in Orlando, Florida. Colleagues in Plant Breeding: USDA-NIFA Panel Reviewer for the Plant Health and Production and Plant Products. November 13-16, 2018. State and Local producers:I participated in the following state-wide and localextension events: *Speaker at the '2019 UF-IFAS Forage Breeding Field Day'. April 11th2019 PSREU, Citra, FL. *Speaker at the '2019 NFREC Beef Forage Field Day'. February 15th2019 NFREC, Marianna, FL *Speaker at the '3rdSouthern Seed School in a Day' organized by Working Food Gainesville and the UF Plant Science Council. April 25th2019. Location: Grow Hub, Gainesville, FL Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?I mentor the students at the UF Plant Science Council, and they have organized numerous training and professional development activities targenting undergaduate and graduate studnets, as well as local community members in Gainesville. The list of events can be found here: How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Conference attendance: Tri-society meeting (ASA, CSSA, SSSA), National Asscoiation of Plant Breeders. Field Days, and extension publications. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Continue working with undergraduate andgraduate students in research projects in the area of forage breeding and genetics. Besides, I will continue mentoring the Plant Science Concil, and I will keep a strong relationship with the extension faculty in Florida.

What was accomplished under these goals? For specific objective 1, we have evaluated and selected improved germplasm in alfalfa, annual ryegrass, bermudagrass and cowpea. Several posters presentations resulted from our germplasm screening from those studies: Dareus R. (G),E. F. Rios, Y.Lopez, C. Chaseand B. Gouveia2019. Phenotyping cowpea (Vigna unguiculataL. Walp) germplasm for dual-purpose uses. Florida State Horticultural Society annual conference June 09-11, 2019 in Maitland, Florida (Poster). Acharya J. (G), Lopez, Y., Munoz, P., Oliveira de Bem I., andE. F. Rios. 2019. Genetic Parameters for Agronomic Traits in Reference Alfalfa Population without pedigree. In International Forage and Turf Breeding Conference (2019). Gouveia B.T. (G),E.F. Rios, J.A.R. Nunes, K. E. Kenworthy, P. R. Munoz, J. B. Unruh, S. R. Milla-Lewis, G. Miller, B. M. Schwartz, P. Raymer, A. Chandra, B. G. Wherley, Y.Q.Wu, D. L. Martin, and J. Moss. 2019. Genotype × environment interaction for turf quality under drought conditions in bermudagrass. 3rd Annual Plant Science Symposium. Gainesville, FL, USA. Poster presentation. A peer-reviewmanuscripts was also published in Crop Science, and my MS student presented his thesis on cowpea germplasm evaluation: Rios, E., et al. 2019. Genetic Parameters for Agronomic and Morphological Traits in Annual Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorumLam.).Crop Sci.59:2128-2140. For specific objective 2, my MS and PhDstudents presented posters in national/international conferences on the use of genomic selection in alfalfa, and the use of crop modeling in alfalfa in breeding: Acharya J. (G), Lopez, Y., Munoz, P., Oliveira de Bem I., andE. F. Rios. 2019. Genome Wide Family Prediction in Alfalfa. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2019). Acharya J. (G), Lopez, Y., Munoz, P., Oliveira de Bem I., andE. F. Rios. 2019. Genetic Parameters for Agronomic Traits in Reference Alfalfa Population with pedigree. National Association of Plant Breeders Annual Meeting (2019). Biswas A. (G), J. Acharya, Y. Lopez, K. Boote, andE. F. Rios. 2019. Predicting Alfalfa Yield Utilizing Genomic, Agro-climatic and physiological Parameters. UF Plant Science Council Symposium 2020 at University of Florida (UF). Biswas A. (G), K. Boote, andE. F. Rios. 2019. Integrating Crop Modeling into Genome Wide Family Prediction in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa). National Association of Plant Breeders Meeting. For specific objective 3, my PhDstudentpresented a posterin aninternational conferenceon the use of remote sensing and crop modeling in alfalfa: Biswas A. (G), andE. F. Rios. 2019. Integrating crop modeling and remote sensing into genome wide family prediction in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Crop Physiology and Climate Change short course in Netherlands: May 2019.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: 13. Rios, E., et al. 2019. Genetic Parameters for Agronomic and Morphological Traits in Annual Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Crop Sci. 59:2128-2140.
  • Type: Websites Status: Other Year Published: 2019 Citation:
  • Type: Other Status: Accepted Year Published: 2019 Citation: Rios, E. K. Quesenberry, K. Kenworthy, A. Blount, A. Babar and M. Wallau. 2019. UF Forage Breeding Program  from local producers to global science. Ag e-News, UF/IFAS Extension. February 19, 2019. Available at:
  • Type: Other Status: Accepted Year Published: 2019 Citation: Blount, A.R., M. Wallau, E. Rios, J. M. B. Vendramini, J. C. B. Dubeux, Md. A. Babar, K. E. Kenworthy, and K. H. Quesenberry. 2019. 2019 Cool-season forage variety recommendations for Florida. The Florida Cattlemen and Livestock Journal. Sep 2019 83(12):144-146
  • Type: Other Status: Accepted Year Published: 2019 Citation: Blount, A. R.., M. Wallau, H. K. Ober, E. Rios, J. M. B. Vendramini, J. C. B. Dubeux, Md. A. Babar, C. L. Mackowiak, and K. H. Quesenberry. 2019. A Walk on the Wild Side: 2019 Cool-Season Forage Recommendations for Wildlife Food Plots in North Florida. SS-AGR-28. UF/IFAS Extension Service.
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2019 Citation: