Source: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2018
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2022
Grant Year
Program Code
[SAP]- 3. Substance Abuse Program at Joint Base San Antonio, Texas
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Family and Community Health
Non Technical Summary
The mission of the Joint Base Substance Abuse Program (JBSAP) is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Department of Defense's workforce, to conserve manpower, and to enhance the combat readiness of service members. The two overarching tenets of the JBSAP are Prevention and Treatment. The purpose of this grant is to provide drug and alcohol abuse prevention education for military personnel and families, Department of Defense civilians, reserve components, and retirees at Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA), Fort Sam Houston. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service plans to provide prevention education through three main programming areas within the JBSAP at JBSA, Fort Sam Houston.1. Risk Reduction2. Alcohol/Drug Prevention3. Suicide PreventionGoal and ObjectivesGoal: The primary goal of the JBSAP is to provide service members, commanders, JBSAP personnel, Unit Prevention Leaders and all other members of the military community with an informative environment surrounding substance abuse and suicide prevention in the military.Objective #1: Ensure all personnel assigned to JBSAP staff are appropriately trained and experienced to accomplish their missions.Objective #2: Implement alcohol and other drug risk education and prevention strategies that respond to potential problems before they jeopardize readiness, productivity, and careers.Objective #3: Provide effective alcohol and other drug abuse prevention and education at all levels of command and encourage commanders to provide alcohol and drug-free leisure activities.Objective #4: Improve readiness by extending services to service members, civilian corps members and family members.Objective #5: Restore to duty those substance-impaired service members who have the potential for continued military service.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Goal:The primary goal of the JBSAP is to provide service members, commanders, JBSAP personnel, UPLs and all other members of the military community with an informative environment surrounding substance abuse and suicide prevention in the military.Objectives:Ensure all personnel assigned to JBSAP staff are appropriately trained and experienced to accomplish their missions.Implement alcohol and other drug risk education and prevention strategies that respond to potentialProvide effective alcohl and other drug abuse prevention and education at all levels of command and encourage commanders to provide alcohol and drug-free leisure activities.Improve readiness by extending services to service members, civilian corps members and family members.Restore to duty those substance-impaired service members who have the potential for continued military service.
Project Methods
In recent years, AgriLife Extension has expanded their evidence-based programming to include trainings such as Prime for Life and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Trainings (ASIST) and have begun evaluating lengthier or more in-depth trainings provided to service members. AgriLife Extension developed quarterly reports based on evaluation feedback and provided to project leadership at JBSA. The evaluation survey used is an adaptation of the value creation framework conceptualized by communities and learning scholars Wenger et. al (2011). This evaluation method will continue to be used under the new project. The survey largely aligns with the authors' theoretical frame, but utilizes modified approaches to data collection, organization, and analysis. The theoretical premise of the value creation framework presumes that as individuals participate in trainings over time, stories are generated about the nature of that participation. The value creation stories tell us what learning is taking place and what value or impact is created because of that learning.

Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22

Target Audience: The mission of the Joint Base Substance Abuse Program (JBSAP) is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness ofthe Department of Defense's workforce, to conserve manpower, and to enhance the combat readiness of service members.The two overarching tenets of the JBSAP are Prevention and Treatment. The purpose of this grant is to provide drug and alcohol abuse prevention education for military personnel and families, Department of Defense civilians, reserve components, and retirees at Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA), Fort Sam Houston.JBSAP provide services for three major commands and 14 tenant agencies located in the San Antonio area. The total population is approximately 11,000 active duty army and civil service personnel. The Prevention Program extends services to Air Force, Navy, Marine, Guards and family members that are assigned to Joint Base San Antonio- Fort Sam Houston (JBSA-FSH) area.The Prevention components of JBSAP function as a non-clinical educational preventive program which develops universal, selective and indicated evidence-based programs to assist the readiness and resiliency of members of the armed forces. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Online Courses for Professional Development: Self-Care and Resiliency in a Time of COVID-19 Moral Injury, Suicide Risk & Healthcare Workers During the Coronavirus Pandemic Surmounting Social Isolation & Loneliness: Mindfulness Meditation Suicide in Schools: Prevention & Intervention How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Project ending.

What was accomplished under these goals? WIth the NCE from USDA-NIFA the following items have been provided: Definition of Prevention Strategies Universal Prevention:strategies such as but not limited to trainings, health fairs, Safety Stand Downs, Community Forums which are created for an entire population without regard to any risk factors.i.e. Newcomers,Personal Readiness Trainings, Safety Stand Down (1.5 hours) Selective Prevention:Targeted strategies for one or more subgroups of a population determined to be at risk for substance misuse or abuse.i.e. Specific population within battalion (2-3 hours) Indicated Prevention:Used towards individuals showing signs of substance misuse and abuse.i.e. Prime for Life, Offenders Education Courses (12-32 hours) Other Prevention Strategies/Trainings:Classes to assist commanders and first line supervisor to establish and manage Substance Abuse Program at a company level. i.e. Unit Prevention Leader and Recertification Course (32 hours) Educational Programs Provided: Universal Prevention Programs (FY) Total Trainings Provided: 203 Total Trained: 16,427 Campaigns: 9 (installation wide)Alcohol Awareness Month, Red Ribbon Month, Safety First: Don't Drink and Drive Selective Prevention Programs (FY) Total Trainings Provided: 2 Total Trained: 295 Indicated Prevention Programs (FY) Total Trainings Provided: 37 Total Trained: 333 Other Prevention Strategies/Trainings (FY) Total Trainings Provided: 27 Total Trained: 443 Total Trainings for FY:269 Total Trained for FY21: 17,498 Average Prevention Training Per Month:7


    Progress 09/01/18 to 08/31/22

    Target Audience:The Joint Base Substance Abuse Prevention (JBSAP) programprovides services for three major commands and 14 tenant agencies located in the San Antonio area.The total population is approximately 11,000 active duty army and civil service personnel.The Prevention Program extends services to Air Force, Navy, Marine, Coast Guards and family members that are assigned to Joint Base San Antonio- Fort Sam Houston (JBSA-FSH) area. The Prevention components of ASAP function as a non-clinical educational preventive program which develops universal, selective and indicated evidence-based programs to assist the readiness and resiliency of members of the armed forces.ASAP Prevention Team has three programs that contributes to enhancing the resiliency of JBSA-FSH population. Substance Abuse Prevention Program:The Prevention Program Manages develop, coordinates and implements evidence-based trainings and programs for service members, civilians and family members.The Program Managers assess new substance trends on a local, state and national level to provide commanders with on-going information to implement preventive programs.The Program manager coordinates base wide campaigns as part of universal awareness program.One on One consultation for all new and residing commanders are completed annually to discuss the units high risk factors concerning substance abuse. Suicide Prevention Program:The Suicide Prevention Program Manager (SPPM) serves as the Installation Subject Matter Expert for suicide prevention.The SPPM is responsible for establishing an integrated program within each unit to include prevention, intervention and post-intervention training.The SPPM chairs the Suicide Prevention Task Force. Risk Reduction Program:The Risk Reduction Program Coordinator (RRPC) collects, consolidates and prepare all data from reporting agencies to identify high risk behaviors on installation. The RRPC administers, collect and analyzes data gathered from Unit Risk Inventories and assist with the prevention team to develop a course of action to reduce high risk behaviors within units.The RRPC presents data to the Installation Prevention Team quarterly to discuss high-risk behaviors. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? WEBINARS: Self-Care and Resiliency in a Time of COVID-19 Tall COP Says STOP ONLINE COURSES: Moral Injury, Suicide Risk & Healthcare Workers During the Coronavirus Pandemic Surmounting Social Isolation & Loneliness: Mindfulness Meditation Suicide in Schools: Prevention & Intervention IN-PERSON TRAINING: Creating Win/Win: Take Better Care of You = Take Better Care of Clients How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

    What was accomplished under these goals? Definition of Prevention Strategies Universal Prevention:strategies such as but not limited to trainings, health fairs, Safety Stand Downs, Community Forums which are created for an entire population without regard to any risk factors.i.e. Newcomers,Personal Readiness Trainings, Safety Stand Down (1.5 hours) Selective Prevention:Targeted strategies for one or more subgroups of a population determined to be at risk for substance misuse or abuse.i.e. Specific population within battalion (2-3 hours) Indicated Prevention:Used towards individuals showing signs of substance misuse and abuse.i.e. Prime for Life, Offenders Education Courses (12-32 hours) Other Prevention Strategies/Trainings:Classes to assist commanders and first line supervisor to establish and manage Substance Abuse Program at a company level. i.e. Unit Prevention Leader and Recertification Course (32 hours) Universal Prevention Programs (FY) Total Trainings Provided: 203 Total Trained: 16,427 Campaigns: 9 (installation wide)Alcohol Awareness Month, Red Ribbon Month, Safety First: Don't Drink and Drive Selective Prevention Programs (FY) Total Trainings Provided: 2 Total Trained: 295 Indicated Prevention Programs (FY) Total Trainings Provided: 37 Total Trained: 333 Other Prevention Strategies/Trainings (FY) Total Trainings Provided: 27 Total Trained: 443 Total Trainings:269 Total Trained: 17,498 SUICIDE PREVENTION Definition of Prevention Strategies Universal Prevention:strategies such as but not limited to trainings, health fairs, Safety Stand Downs, Community Forums which are created for an entire population without regard to any risk factors.i.e.Mandatory Personal Readiness Trainings, Open to all (1.5 hours) Selective Prevention:Targeted strategies for one or more subgroups of a population determined to by risk factors and/or warning signs of Suicide (personal knowledge of leadership or indicated on Unit Risk Inventories (URIs). (2-3 hours) Other Prevention Strategies/Trainings:Classes to assist commanders and first line supervisor for suicide intervention. i.e. Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), Ask, Care, Escort- Suicide Intervention (ACE-SI) (6 -16 hours) Universal Prevention Programs (FY) Total Trainings Provided: 77 Total Trained: 7769 Campaign: Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Selective Prevention Programs (FY) Total Trainings Provided: 7 Total Trained: 619 Other Prevention Strategies/Trainings: Total Trainings Provided: 26 Total Trained: 364 Total Trainings Provided: 110 Total Trained: 8,752 RISK REDUCTION PROGRAM Data Source: ARNorth, ARSouth, 502ndAir Base Wing (Safety, Security Forces, Family Advocacy, Drug Demand Reduction Unit Risk Inventories (URIs) Administered Total Number of URIs Administered: 26 Command Risk Reduction Trainings: 13 Total Contacts: 217 Personal Risk Reduction Trainings: 9 Total Contacts: 223 Total Number of Individuals Surveyed: 2694 FY 2019 Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) Troop Command: 674 BAMC Troop Command (A, B, and C Companies): 188 Army Medical Command - Regional Health Center Command: 40 ARNORTH Headquarters Company: 111 56 Signal Battalion: 38 106 Signal Brigade: 22 ARNORTH Physician Evaluation Board (PEB): 41 MEDCOM Headquarters: 53 232 Medical Battalion: 293 323 Army Band: 18 264 Medical Battalion: 169 Installation Management Command: 33 32 Medical Brigade Headquarters: 26 549 Mission Intelligence: 43 187thMedical Battalion: 129 188thMedical Battalion: 160 5thRecruiting BDE: 20 106thSignal Brigade (Shift Workers): 18 ARNORTH: 153 FY 2021 Installation Management Command: 27 Installation Management Command HQ/HHC: 29 ARSOUTH: 159 Army Support Activity Training Support: 32 Institute Surgical Research: 161 Public Health Region: 28 56thSignal Battalion: 29 Total Trainings: 12 Total Trained: 440 Total Number of URIs Administered: 29 Total Number of Individuals Surveyed: 2,694 DESCRIPTION OF TRAININGS PROVIDED TO MILITARY POPULATION Personal Readiness Training (1 Hour): Service members and civilian employees are required to participate in two hours of personal readiness training annually.To receive credit DOD employees must complete Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention Training. Topics are your unique to commander's request. Unit Prevention Leader (UPL) Course (32 Hours): UPL certification is crucial to the Army's Drug Testing Program and the unit's substance abuse prevention efforts. All UPLs, regardless of component, must receive the same standardized curriculum and be certified to perform their duties.To receive UPL Certification, all UPL candidates must complete the 32-hour training course. Prime for Life /ADAPT Course (12-Hours): Service Members who are referred to the Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care for evaluation may be scheduled to attend the Prime for Life/ADAPT course. This course provides additional information or may be used as part of a treatment plan. Prime for Life is a research-based prevention program thatcreates a unique self-assessment opportunity to enhance awareness of our values and what we might be risking. Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) 2-Day Session: LivingWorks Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid.ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thought of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. Ask, Care, Escort Suicide Intervention (ACE-SI) 6 Hours Ask, Care Escort Suicide Intervention (ACE-SI T4T) 2 Day Session: The ACE course primary goals are to increase suicide awareness and improve the Army's ability to identify individuals who may be suicidal and get them to appropriate resources.The intent of this program is to prevent adverse outcomes through early identification of individuals who may be facing life challenges and stressors.


      Progress 09/01/20 to 08/31/21

      Target Audience:The mission of the Joint Base Substance Abuse Program (JBSAP) is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness ofthe Department of Defense's workforce, to conserve manpower, and to enhance the combat readiness of service members.The two overarching tenets of the JBSAP are Prevention and Treatment. The purpose of this grant is to provide drug andalcohol abuse preventioneducation for military personnel and families, Department of Defense civilians, reserve components, and retirees at Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA), Fort Sam Houston. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Webinar: (1) Self-Care and Resiliency in a Time of COVID-19: 247 Contacts Online Courses: Moral Injury, Suicide Risk & Healthcare Workers During the Coronavirus Pandemic Surmounting Social Isolation & Loneliness: Mindfulness Meditation Suicide in Schools: Prevention & Intervention How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Continue as described in the objectives.

      What was accomplished under these goals? Joint Base San Antonio FY21 Accomplishments Substance Abuse Prevention Data/ Statistics Definition of Prevention Strategies Universal Prevention:strategies such as but not limited to trainings, health fairs, Safety Stand Downs, Community Forums which are created for an entire population without regard to any risk factors.i.e. Newcomers,Personal Readiness Trainings, Safety Stand Down (1.5 hours) Selective Prevention:Targeted strategies for one or more subgroups of a population determined to be at risk for substance misuse or abuse.i.e. Specific population within battalion (2-3 hours) Indicated Prevention:Used towards individuals showing signs of substance misuse and abuse.i.e. Prime for Life, Offenders Education Courses (12-32 hours) Other Prevention Strategies/Trainings:Classes to assist commanders and first line supervisor to establish and manage Substance Abuse Program at a company level. i.e. Unit Prevention Leader and Recertification Course (32 hours) Universal Prevention Programs (FY20) Total Trainings Provided: 47 Total Trained: 5,566 Campaigns: 3 (installation wide)Alcohol Awareness Month, Red Ribbon Month, Safety First: Don't Drink and Drive Selective Prevention Programs (FY20) Total Trainings Provided: 2 Total Trained: 295 Indicated Prevention Programs (FY20) Total Trainings Provided: 13 Total Trained: 97 Other Prevention Strategies/Trainings (FY20) Total Trainings Provided: 16 Total Trained: 163 Total Trainings for FY20:78 Total Trained for FY20:6,121 Average Prevention Training Per Month:7 Joint Base San Antonio FY20 Accomplishments Suicide Prevention Data/ Statistics Definition of Prevention Strategies Universal Prevention:strategies such as but not limited to trainings, health fairs, Safety Stand Downs, Community Forums which are created for an entire population without regard to any risk factors.i.e.Mandatory Personal Readiness Trainings, Open to all (1.5 hours) Selective Prevention:Targeted strategies for one or more subgroups of a population determined to by risk factors and/or warning signs of Suicide (personal knowledge of leadership or indicated on Unit Risk Inventories (URIs). (2-3 hours) Other Prevention Strategies/Trainings:Classes to assist commanders and first line supervisor for suicide intervention. i.e. Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), Ask, Care, Escort- Suicide Intervention (ACE-SI) (6 -16 hours) Universal Prevention Programs (FY20) Total Trainings Provided: 7 Total Trained: 1,425 Campaign: Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Selective Prevention Programs (FY20) Total Trainings Provided: 1 Total Trained: 130 Other Prevention Strategies/Trainings: Total Trainings Provided: 11 Total Trained: 125 Total Trainings Provided: 19 Total Trained: 1,680 Joint Base San Antonio FY20 Accomplishments Risk Reduction Program Data/Statistics Data Source: ARNorth, ARSouth, 502ndAir Base Wing (Safety, Security Forces, Family Advocacy, Drug Demand Reduction)? Unit Risk Inventories (URIs) Administered Total Number of URIs Administered: 7 Total Number of Individuals Surveyed: 465 Installation Management Command: 27 Installation Management Command HQ/HHC: 29 ARSOUTH: 159 Army Support Activity Training Support: 32 Institute Surgical Research: 161 Public Health Region: 28 56thSignal Battalion: 29 Total Number of URIs Administered: 7 Total Number of Individuals Surveyed: 465


        Progress 09/01/19 to 08/31/20

        Target Audience:The mission of the Joint Base Substance Abuse Program (JBSAP) is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness ofthe Department of Defense's workforce, to conserve manpower, and to enhance the combat readiness of service members.The two overarching tenets of the JBSAP are Prevention and Treatment. The purpose of this grant is to provide drug andalcohol abuse preventioneducation for military personnel and families, Department of Defense civilians, reserve components, and retirees at Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA), Fort Sam Houston. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? 2020: Unique Programs During COVID-19 Webinar Registrants Attendees Moral Injury, Suicide Risk, and Healthcare Workers During COVID-19 195 105 Surmounting Social Isolation and Loneliness: Mindfulness Meditation 307 229 High in Plain Sight: Current Drug Trends & Identifiers 123 101 High in Plain Sight: Current Drug Trends & Identifiers Pt2 106 49 731 484 Continuing Education Credit Total Certificates of Completion 225 Social Work, LPC, LMFT 29.5 Case Manager 7 Board Certified Patient Advocate 1 How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Continue as described in the objectives.

        What was accomplished under these goals? Summary of Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) Prevention Trainings: 2019-2020 Training Name Total Trainings Total Contacts Applied Suicide Skills Intervention Training (ASIST) 6 106 Unit Prevention Leader 6 186 Prime for Life 13 115 Suicide Awareness & Personal Readiness 17 2,067 ASAP Briefs (Substance Abuse/Alcohol) 38 3,092 Personal Risk Reduction Workshop 9 223 Postvention 6 489 CRRD II Training 13 217 Webinars 4 484 TOTAL 112 6979 UNIT RISK INVENTORY (URI) Administration: 2019-2020 Unit Total 312 Military Intelligence Battalion 139 470th Military Intelligence Brigade Headquarters Company 38 Regional Health Command Centeral 44 187th Medical Battalion; ACO & BCO 345 IMCOM 28 410 Contracting Support Brigade 22 ARSOUTH 196 WTB 126 BAMC 374 BAMC 21 BAMC, Delta Company 150 232 Medical Battalion/Delta Company 287 32 Med Brigade, HHD Company 20 JBSA FSH Dental Activity (Rhoades & Budge Clinic) 24 ARNORTH 543rd Geospatial Planning Cell 16 ARNORTH HQ Battalion & Staff 40 ARNORTH G4 27 ARNORTH Surgeon 25 ARNORTH 323 Army Band 10 ARNORTH TS-51 & CTSA 30 ARNORTH G3/7 40 2002


          Progress 09/01/18 to 08/31/19

          Target Audience:The mission of the Joint Base Substance Abuse Program (JBSAP) is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Department of Defense's workforce, to conserve manpower, and to enhance the combat readiness of service members. The two overarching tenets of the JBSAP are Prevention and Treatment. The purpose of this grant is to provide drug and alcohol abusepreventioneducationfor military personnel and families, Department of Defense civilians, reserve components, and retirees at Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA), Fort Sam Houston. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Professional Development Trainings Staff Attended Suicide Prevention: Department of Defense/Veterans Affairs - 2019 Suicide Prevention Conference, Nashville, TN Creating Win/Win: Taking Better Care of You = Take Better Care of Our Clients, JBSA Fort Sam Houston, TX Risk Reduction: Prime for Life, Duluth, GA 32nd National Prevention Network Conference 2019 Creating Win/Win: Taking Better Care of You = Take Better Care of Our Clients, JBSA Fort Sam Houston, TX Substance Abuse Prevention: DUI Education Training, Austin, TX Creating Win/Win: Taking Better Care of You = Take Better Care of Our Clients, JBSA Fort Sam Houston, TX How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

          What was accomplished under these goals? JBSA FY19 Accomplishments Substance Abuse Prevention Data/Statistics Trainings provided include: Prime for Life, Unit Prevention Leader, Responsible Drinking, What is Your Standard Drink?, Substance Abuse 101, and Resiliency Reset Total trainings provided: 132 Total trained: 7,834 individuals Average total trainings provided per month: 12 Prime for Life (2-day) Trainings Prime for Life is a motivational risk reduction program. It is used most with people who have had a legal or policy violation such as impaired driving, possession, or workplace violation, but it is relevant for everyone. Prime for Life helps foster attitudes, beliefs, and understanding that helps people reduce risk for any type of alcohol or drug problem. It also creates a unique self-assessment experience to help people be more aware of what they value, what they are risking, and how to protect the things that mean the most in their lives. (Prevention Research Institute) Total Prime for Life trainings provided: 11 Total Prime for Life training attendees: 121 Average number of Prime for Life trainings provided per month: 1 Evaluation Summary What was one significant thing you learned during today's session? That I alone am in control of my choices. Made me realize that I need to work harder to improve myself. The levels of what an addiction consist of and how to prevent from going overboard. Why was it significant? It helped me to realize what I am risking when I drink, particularly in excess. It opened my eyes to the future and see how I have control. New knowledge; helpful personally and professionally. Participant Comments: The instructor was very helpful and informational. Honesty, way better than my "group appts." I feel very comfortable with my decisions and skills from here on out. Course was excellent and well-paced, it really forced me to sit and reflect on choices I've made on and choices I have yet to make and their gravity. Thank you for your knowledge and for being a great teacher on this subject and all of your resources. Unit Prevention Leader (UPL) Trainings Unit Prevention Leaders (UPL) are responsible for the collection of samples and the ASAP is responsible for ensuring quality performance by the UPLs. Quality begins with the selection of the UPL. UPLs must successfully graduate from the 40-hour ASAP UPL Certification training course. All UPLs must be certified by the Substance Abuse Prevention Program Manager. Total UPL trainings provided: 5 Total UPL training attendees: 94 Average number of UPL trainings provided: Bi-monthly JBSA FY19 Accomplishments Suicide Prevention Data/Statistics Trainings provided include: ASIST, Suicide Awareness, Personal Readiness, Newcomer's Briefs Total trainings provided: 120 Total trained: 13,914 individuals Average total trainings provided per month: 11 ?Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (2-day training) LivingWorks Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. Total ASIST trainings provided: 9 Total ASIST training attendees: 133 Average number of ASIST trainings provided per month: 1 Evaluation Summary If a person's words and/or behaviors suggest the possibility of suicide, I would ask directly if he/she is thinking about suicide. 100% training response If someone told me he or she were thinking of suicide, I would do a suicide intervention. 100% training response I feel prepared to help a person at risk of suicide. 100% training response Participant Comments: Class was eye-opening! Regular Army prevention is woefully inadequate to handle actual suicide situations. This [class] should be the baseline standard for everyone. [I] began to see a change in my reaction to invitation by the half-way mark during day one. One of my top 5 useful military trainings. Great instructors. Very helpful class. [I] would recommend this class to more people in my unit. The instructors were very knowledgeable and helpful. The scenarios were very real and helpful to understand the importance of ASIST. Suicide Awareness & Personal Readiness Trainings Total trainings provided: 51 Total trained: 3,943 individuals Average total trainings provided per month: 4 Evaluation Summary Learning parameters: 95% of training participants comfortable in discussing the content with others. 98% of training participants prepared to assist individuals at risk. 100% of training participants would recommend this training to others. 100% of training participants indicated the presenter was well prepared and knowledgeable of training content. Suggestions for future topics: Mental health impacts on military career. Incorporate actual suicide survivors into training How to better communicate with others Family crisis management Resiliency Risk reduction Job tension/depression Grief resources Toxic leadership and impact on soldiers Participant Comments: This was the best suicide prevention brief I have experienced in 17 years. You [Ms. Taylor] did a wonderful job and provided many great resources for both civilian and military personnel. I think this training should be optional, not mandatory. For people who have been close to suicide, this mandatory training is more akin to a forced reminder and leaves me feeling depressed following the training. It's time to stop forcing employees to go through this training. The information was beneficial and informative and should be talked about more often. JBSA FY19 Accomplishments Risk Reduction Program Data/Statistics Data Source:502d Air Base Wing (Security Forces, Provost Marshal) ARMYAlcohol & Other Drug Offenses Alcohol: 23 Other Drugs: 67 Alcohol as a 2ndOffense: 0 Unit Risk Inventories (URIs) Administered Total number of units involved in URIs: 19 Total number of individuals surveyed: 2,229 Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) Troop Command: 674 BAMC Troop Command (A, B, and C Companies): 188 Army Medical Command - Regional Health Center Command: 40 ARNORTH Headquarters Company: 111 56 Signal Battalion: 38 106 Signal Brigade: 22 ARNORTH Physician Evaluation Board (PEB): 41 MEDCOM Headquarters: 53 232 Medical Battalion: 293 323 Army Band: 18 264 Medical Battalion: 169 Installation Management Command: 33 32 Medical Brigade Headquarters: 26 549 Mission Intelligence: 43 187thMedical Battalion: 129 188thMedical Battalion: 160 5thRecruiting BDE: 20 106thSignal Brigade (Shift Workers): 18 ARNORTH: 153
