Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Aug 15, 2017
Project End Date
Aug 14, 2023
Grant Year
Program Code
[SCRI]- Specialty Crop Research Initiative
Project Director
Shennan, C.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Environmental Studies
Non Technical Summary
Strawberry production is a $2.8 billion industry that provides livelihoods for many hundreds of growers and employs over 80,000 workers in the US. The industry was built around the use of fumigants to manage soilborne diseases and pests. Increasing restrictions on fumigant use due to health and environmental concerns make the development of effective reduced/non-fumigant based management systems critical for survival of the industry in the US. This SREP project brings together a national team of researchers and stakeholders to develop and implement effective non/reduced fumigant management systems tailored for specific regions, pathogens and pests.Biologically-based techniques, notably anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD), crop rotation and cultivar resistance are promising alternatives to fumigation in strawberries; but their efficacy is dependent on environmental and biological variables. Improved understanding of management/environment/ pathogen interactions with ASD is needed to develop site and pathogen specific management strategies. Any single biological technique is unlikely to provide efficacy in all situations, but combining multiple strategies should increase the reliability of pathogen control. Here we propose to optimize ASD management in terms of carbon sources,soil temperatures, water and nitrogen managment, and test its use with biological control agents and herbicides, reduced water application, improved nitrogen management and use ofresistant cultivars. We willthen combine these approaches with crop rotation to design integrated systems targeted for specific pathogens and strawberry growing regions in California, Florida, North Carolina and Tennessee.Findings from this project will also benefit other specialty crops where fumigants are used, and address SCRI priorities: identify and address threats from pests and diseases; improve production efficiency; and research on plant breeding.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
216 - Integrated Pest Management Systems;

Subject Of Investigation
1122 - Strawberry;

Field Of Science
1060 - Biology (whole systems);
Goals / Objectives
This project brings together a national network of researchers, extension, and industry representatives to create solutions to the major challenge facing strawberry production: the loss of MeBr and uncertainty about future availability and efficacy of alternative soil fumigants. We are taking a trans-disciplinary systems approach to address this challenge. The first steps are to improve our basic understanding of the modes of action and environmental interactions for a promising biological disease control method (ASD); building from recent evaluations of existing cultivar resistance to the major pathogens of concern to test how plant genotype may interact with efficacy of ASD and crop rotation. This body of knowledge will then be used to design and test integrated management systems in grower fields, incorporating soil management, cultivar choice and crop rotations that are tailored for specific environments and pathogen profiles. These systems will be evaluated in terms of productivity, disease control, environmental impacts (greenhouse gas emissions, nitrate leaching) and economics. Throughout the project we will be working directly with strawberry growers who are testing and adopting the biological strategies to monitor their efficacy at commercial scales and document grower experiences with the techniques. Interviews with a broad spectrum of growers will examine their perceptions of the proposed methods and integrated systems, and identify opportunities and barriers to their adoption. Multiple avenues to extend information generated by the project will be used, and information from grower interviews will help us identify the best avenues for dissemination. This project will also provide opportunities for education and training of students, from those doing PhDs to community college and high school studentsLong-term project goal: To optimize biological control strategies for key pathogens and combine to create integrated systems for managing diseases and pests in strawberry production by:Development and implementation of effective non-fumigant management systems and tailor the scientific and practical advances to specific regions, pathogens and pests;Coordinate multiple strategies to disseminate knowledge of management alternatives to growers and generate location and pathogen/pest-specific guides to optimize adoption;Understand and address barriers to adoption of non-fumigant management options.The specific goals and hypotheses for research activities are:Goal 1: Optimize Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) for control of specific pathogens.Hypothesis: Temperature and anaerobicity requirements for disease control are pathogen specificHypothesis: Fungicidal metabolites produced are affected by temperature and carbon source.Hypothesis: Different microbial communities function in initial disease control versuslong term suppression, and are impacted by C-sources.Hypothesis: Disease response to ASD is strawberry cultivar specific.Hypothesis: ASD suppresses soil populations of some post-harvest disease pathogens.Goal 2: Reduce water application during ASD to amounts used in fumigated fieldsHypothesis: Water application with ASD can be optimized based on soil type and moisture at bedding.Goal 3: Optimize fertility and reduce N losses and greenhouse gas emissions with ASD.Hypothesis: N losses via gas emissions and leaching with ASD depend on initial soil nitrate, irrigation, temperature, C-source, and can be reduced by management.Goal 4: Conduct field trials of integrated management systems targeted for each locationa) Hypothesis: Integration of ASD, disease tolerant varieties and crop rotation provides reliable and economic disease suppression of key soil pathogens, and partial weed control in warmer areas.Goal 5: Monitor adoption, innovation, and efficacy of alternatives being tested by growers; identify barriers to, and opportunities for, increased adoption.Hypothesis: Increased knowledge provides site-specific options and improves performance of ASD and other strategies in grower fields;Hypothesis: Early adoption occurs in organic and no-fumigant buffer zones; providing opportunities for grower innovation and later adoption in conventional fields;Hypothesis: Regulatory and public pressure on fumigant use in CA will increase adoption rate versus FL, TN, and NC;Hypothesis: Existing knowledge networks in companies and grower organizations are key avenues for adoption.Goal 6: Develop training materials with pathogen and location specific guidelines for implementation of integrated strawberry disease management systems.Goal 7: Provide postdoc, undergraduate and under-represented student research training opportunities
Project Methods
Optimize ASD:Pot trials CA:ASD will be studied using soil infested withF. oxysporumf. sp.fragariae,V. dahliae,orM. phaseolina, thenmixed with a C-source (rice bran, grape pomace, grass residue, molasses), irrigated to 80% water-filled pore space, and pots sealed in gas impermeablebags for 3 wks at temperatures of6/10, 24/18, 32/26, 40/34, 46/40.oC. ORPelectrodes will monitor Eh duringASD. One weekpost ASD, susceptible strawberry cultivars will be grown for 12 weeks. At harvest, biomass will be taken and DNA extracted fromcrown and root tissue for screeningusing quantitative PCR to determine pathogen infestation.In other trials best C-sourcewill be used for ASD in pathogen infested soil, andmultiple strawberry cultivarsgrown as bioassays.Pot trials NC &TN.will focus onR. fragariaeandP. irregular,NC testing local C-sources and TN C-source mixtures with specific properties, at temperature regimes of 24/18, 32/26 and 40/34oC. Plant growth and pathogen colonization will be assessedusing pathogen specific primers.Metabolite production:during ASDvolatiles and organic acids will be measured using GC-MS and cultures of target pathogens exposed to the compounds and mycelial growth or nematode mortality assessed.Metabolomics:Metabolomes will be extracted from soil using 3solvent systems and analyzed with GC-MS and LC-MS to evaluate metabolites. Treatmentdifferences will be assessedusing univariate, multi-variate, network analysis and modeling.Microbial community profiles:DNA will be extracted from soil post treatmentand fungal and bacterial DNA amplified by PCR usingITS1F/ITS4 and 8f/907r primer pairs. IfT-RFLP analysis detects differences in microbialprofilesNextGen sequencing will be done.Spearman correlations will identifymicrobial-metabolite relationships.Field trials CA: In V. dahliae, M. phaseolina, or F. oxysporumf. sp.fragariae, infested fields,C-sources will be applied to beds, incorporated with a rototiller+bed shaper, drip tapes and plastic tarp laid,beds irrigated to above field capacity for 3 wks, soil Eh, temperature and moisture monitored, thenplanting holes cut and strawberries planted 1 wklater.Berry yield will be monitored biweekly. and soil samplestakenpre-andpost-treatment, monthly and late-harvestfor microbial analysis, pH, EC, and inorganic N.Disease will be visually evaluated and pathogenscultured for identification.DNA will be extracted from crown/root tissue and screened using quantitative PCR.Cultivarswith varied resistance toM. phaseolina and F. oxysporumf. sp.fragariaewill be tested in infested fields +/-ASD. Disease will be visually evaluated and infection ratequantified as the % root tips withpathogens3 and 6 mo post planting.Field trials FL:will compare composted yard waste and broiler litter as soilamendments, C-sources (untreated, sugarcane molasses, citrus by-product, beet molasses, and glycerol), and 4 strawberry cultivars.Inputs will be placed onbeds and rotovated, the beds reformed, and totally impermeable film (TIF) and50 mm of water applied, and soil Eh and temperaturemonitored. Soil nutrients, weeds and fungal populationswill be assessed post- treatment, mid- and late-season.Strawberry roots will be examined late-season for sting nematode damage. Yield anddisease ratings will be measured weekly and inoculum packets ofM. phaseolinaplaced in each plot, recovered post treatment, plated onselective media, and survival quantified. Soil DNA will be extracted pre- andpost-treatment, mid-and late-season,to analyzebacterial and fungal populations using LH-PCR and NextGensequencing. Yields and prices for strawberries and inputs will be used to generate partial budgetsforeach treatment. Field trials NC: trials will include standard ASDfromFL, additional carbon sources, and cover crop+compost, as well as fumigated and untreated controls. Cover crops will be grown, flail mowed,compost added, and then incorporated witha rototiller. Beds will be pulled and covered with TIF with double drip tapes. Beds will be left with or without additional water until strawberry istransplanted 3-4 weeks later.Soil Eh and temperature will be monitored. Soil nutrients, weed and diseasewill be assessed (BRR using the Horsfall-Barratt scale and root infectionusing culture-based andPCR based methods). Berries will be harvested weekly.Economic analysis(CA) will be based on a 25ac farm. Records will be kept of operations, equipment used, labor and materialinputs. Performance will be compared as net returns above treatment costs.Reduce water application:ASD will be tested in different soil textures with varyingamounts of water applied, usingthe DNDC modelto optimize water application.Greenhouse gas emissions and N leaching (CA) Pot trials:emissions will be measured during ASD with different C- sources and soil NO3-levels. Plastic coverswill have a sampling port for extracting gas to be analyzed with aGasmet Model DX4040 FTIR Gas Analyzer, at 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 21 days of ASD.Field trials: We will measureemissions using 25cm diam. static chambers and the FTIR Gas Analyzer, from furrows and plastic covered beds on days 0, 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 21, of ASD, and then afterholes arepunched, frombeds 2-3 times/day for 3 days,daily through week 1, and alternate days until emissions are stable.Change in gas concentration over time (flux) will be determined by regression analysis.Nitrate leaching:will be monitored in 2 trials by deep soil sampling, pre and post-ASD and monthly to late-harvest. Suction lysimeters and soil moisture sensors will be installed at 6, 12 and 24 in and leachate nitrate, soil moisture and evapotranspirationmonitored to estimate leaching. The DNDC model, calibrated for CA strawberry fields, will be used to simulate leaching and denitrification and compared to the empirical data.Integrated systems trials: Multi-yeartrials will be conducted with best-betsystems compared against standard grower practices in each location. Pathogens present will be determined pre-trial. Data on system performance will be collected as above.CA:We will complete a trial in a V. dahliaeinfested fieldto determine effects of crop rotations withASD or brassica seed meal for disease control. Best bet ASDwill also be tested in fields with Fusarium or Macrophomina andcrop rotation, ASD, and cultivar ettects examined. Large field demonstrations of integrated systems will be established in year 3.FL:the best C-source + compost combination compared to fumigation with PicClor 60 and two commercially-available non-fumigant systems will be tested in yrs 2 and 3 with herbicides as split plot treatments. Fruit sensory and quality analysis will be conducted monthly.TN:Trialsat 2 sites will evaluate optimized ASD in split plots with crop rotation as main plots and ASD and untreated as sub plots. Organic acids and solution pH will be sampled using suction cup lysimeters, and soil inorganic N, BRR severity, and yield monitored.NC:best ASD options, alone or with cover crop+ compost, will be tested with bacterial and fungal strains suppressive to BRR, in split plot trials. On-farm demonstrations will be done in yrs 2 and 3 with the best alternative treatments and grower rotations.Economic Analysis: will be done for all trials using methods above.Grower adoption: We will conduct semi-structured interviews with 30 growers testing ASD and tour their operations to observe how ASDfits into the environment, infrastructure, and labor arrangements of the farm.A second set of interviews with 30 growers not using ASD, will cover a range of operation sizes and types to capture a diversity of disease-control challenges and perspectives on management.A third group of 30 interviewees will be recruited via snowball sampling from the CA Strawberry Commission, private companies, regulatory agencies and civil society organizations. We will conduct focus groups in conjunction with workshops/field days in each region, with 5 to 8 participants recruited from the attendees.

Progress 08/15/17 to 08/14/23

Target Audience:The target audiences for this project are strawberry and other specialty crop growers in general, as well as other researchers and extension professionals interested in integrated soil borne disease management,. Main extension efforts have been focused around California, the South East US and Florida, but through presentations and publications in popular magazines and professional journals we aim to reach a much wider audience. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?TN: Over the sourse of the project 1 Postdoc, 1Ph.D student,2M.Sc. students,5Undergraduate students and 4 research technicians were trained in a variety of research methods and analysis. FL: A large-scale, replicated field trial was established comparing ASD to standard untreated bedded plasticulture in collaboration with the High School Future Farmers of America working farm in Saint Lucie County, FL. The trial will be used in a county-wide "Farm to Fork" program in which students will grow and harvest produce for the county school system. The trial area will be used for students in the Agricultural Vocational program for part of their science curriculum as well as for Regional Science Fair projects on plant nutrition and pest management. One technician has participated in training related to the use of the Gasmet portable FTIR system for the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions and volatile organic compound production during ASD. Two post-doctoral research associates were trained in the design of field experiments, the use of ASD in strawberry production, and multiple means of quantifying pathogen survival. CA: In the project overall more than 20 undergraduates, 5 graduate students, 3 post-doctoral scholars and 2 research associates and one technician have received training and professional development. NC : 2 graduate students, a postdoc, 2 research technicians and several hourly-paid undergrads were engaged in the team-based work performed. Training included an understanding of how to design field experiments, plant, grow and harvest strawberries, and methods to assess plants and soils for microbial communities. A senior research scholar, with minimal experience in strawberries, managed multiple details of the project and emerged as a leading author on emerging papers and wrote several successful grants to build on this work. Subsequently, he was promoted to be an Adjunct Professor with graduate student training privileges at NC State. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?CA - The following in-person or virtual presentations have been given over the past year: Organic agriculture research network in California. Muramoto, J. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management 118 "Agroecology" class. UC Berkeley, Oct. 25, 2022. Developing suppressive crop rotation strategies for strawberries. Muramoto, J. et al. 2022 MBAO: Fumigation and Alternatives for Production, Storage and Trade Conference. Orlando, FL, Nov. 2, 2022 Organic agriculture research network in California. Muramoto, J. Department of Environmental Studies, 80F "Introduction to Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems" class, UC Santa Cruz, Nov. 3, 2022. Integrated soilborne disease management in organic strawberries. Muramoto, J. UCCE Organic Agriculture Workshop, San Diego, Dec. 8. 2022 The relationship between fumigant alternatives, soil health, and greenhouse gas emission. Muramoto, J. CDFA, CalEPA, CARB, DPR, Panel Discussion, Virtual. Dec. 13, 2022 Organic agriculture in California and soil health management in organic systems. Muramoto, J. Carmel Valley Garden Club. Jan. 12, 2023 Soilborne disease management in organic strawberries. Muramoto, J. UCCE Annual Strawberry Virtual Meeting. Virtual. Feb. 7. 2023 Organic production in California and soilborne disease management in organic strawberries. Muramoto, J. Advanced Organic Agriculture class, CalPoly State University, SLO, March 10, 2023 Organic agriculture in California and integrated soil health management for plant health. Muramoto, J. AGPS 470 Integrated Pest Management class, Cal State University, Monterey Bay. April 18, 2023 Organic agriculture in California and integrated soil health management for plant health. Muramoto, J. ENVS 130C, Field Experiences in Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, UCSC, May 16, 2023 Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) and non-fumigant integrated soil-borne disease management in strawberries. UCCE Fumigants and Non Fumigant Alternatives Meeting, May 19, 2023 Information generated in this project was also discussed at extension events hosted by UCCE-Ventura (on-line webinars and hybrid soil disinfestation meetings) and in-person with growers, who showed interest in applying midds in organic fields instead of rice bran as carbon source for ASD. A number of growers have already applied midds ASD in their organic fields and a local grain company, certified Midds as an organic use material with CDFA, clearing the pathway for further adoption by organic growers. Two additional growers in Ventura and Orange Counties have started using midds in ASD in 2023. NC - ASD presentations were featured at major grower conferences including the Southeastern Strawberry Expo, the Western NC Winter Vegetable Conference, and NC vegetable and strawberry field days. We also organized an agent training program "Fumigation and biologically based strategies to manage soilborne pests in vegetables and strawberry"; January 5-6, 2022. This was organized in coordination with Southern Region Small Fruit Center Agent Training program in Savannah, GA. There were 45 Cooperative Extension Agents from the Southeast USA trained (9 States), plus ~30 additional professionals (e.g. industry representatives) trained. Presentations included the work on ASD by D. Butler (TN) and through another talk by F.J. Louws (NC). We have developed two factsheets (listed in publications) on anaerobic soil disinfestation of strawberry, one in English and a second in Spanish. These are in the final review process and will be posted on our NC State Extension Portal. We also co-authored two extension articles published in the Organic Farm Magazine. Presentations include: A. Sanabria. T. Adhikari and F.J. Louws. Anaerobic soil disinfestation. 55th Annual Meeting and Winter Vegetable Conference and Trade Show. Asheville, NC. Feb 22, 2023. Adhikari, T.B. and F.J. Louws. Anaerobic soil disinfestation in strawberry production systems. Southeast Strawberry Expo. 10 Nov, 2022. Asheville, NC. F.J. Louws. Biology and Management of Soilborne Pathogens in NC and Surrounding States. Southeast Strawberry Expo. 11 Nov, 2021. Virginia Beach, VA. Adhikari, T.B., A.D. Sanabria-Velazque and F.J. Louws. 2022. Biologically-based solutionsfor strawberry production in North Carolina. (Poster handout). NC Strawberry Field day. TN - During the reporting period multiple activities were conducted to disseminate results to communities of interest. Multiple scientific presentations (see abstracts in reported publications) were presented to disseminate results to the broader scientific community and one workshop was conducted to train farmers on soil disinfestation systems at UT Extensions New Farmer's Academy (a training program for early career farmers) at the field research site. While adoption of ASD is still in its early stages in the region, many growers are experimenting with ASD in open fields and high tunnels for both strawberries and vegetables, with the highest adoption rates currently in organic high tunnel systems. FL - Overall, eight ASD demonstration sites were established: Saint Lucie County Master Gardeners; Saint Lucie County 4H Demonstration Farm; and six commercial strawberry growers with various combinations of sting nematode, Macrophomina, and nutsedge issues. Field trials were also established at the FL Strawberry Growers Association farm site and were used for field days. Presentations were made regularly to the Florida strawberry growers and at the International Research Conferences on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions (see publications) What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? G1 CA; Alternative C-sources to costly rice bran (RB) are needed to increase the use of ASD. Field trials showed that cover crop residues plus RB to provide a total biomass input of 9t/A was as effective as RB alone for ASD. Dried Distiller's Grain (DDG) and wheat Middlings(Midds) were tested for their ability to suppressMacrophomina phaseolina(Mp) andCyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge) with ASD. Midds and DDG generated strong anaerobic conditions, reducedM. phaseolinasurvival75-85%, nustedge germination 76% and increased yields 12-30% compared to anuntreated control. Greenhouse experiments compared ASD with RB, or RB plus crop residues (onion,wheat, leek, strawberry) for control ofFusarium oxysporum fragariae(Fof), and broccoli, onion, lettuce, strawberry, wheat forMpcontrol. Trials did not reach the temperature threshold forFofsuppression with ASD, butMpwas suppressed by all C-sources. FL: Trials were conducted to: test alternative C-sources to molasses; compare composted broiler litter (CBL) and pasteurized, pelleted chicken litter (PPL); identify the most effective totally-impermeable film (TIF); and test whether herbicides could increase nutsedge control with ASD.Wefound that no current C-source provides equivalent pathogen suppression to molasses inFL; PPL is a good alternative to CBL; herbicides did not increase nutsedge control; anduse of Raven TIF resulted in the fewest nutsedge emerging through plastic and lowestMpinoculum survival. GreaterMpcontrol in bed centers versus shoulders highlights the need to ensure good amendment and water application to bed shoulders. Seven cultivars differing in susceptibility toMpwere tested withASD or fumigation. Yields with ASD averaged 85% of fumigant yields, but several varieties had equal or higher yields with ASD. Our program developed strawberry-specific practices for ASD application, and helped a large berry company createa SOP for ASD that is being used to increase organic strawberry production in FL. Theneed for N optimization in FL ASD led to OREI funding to address this issue. WA: Knowledge of the temporal accumulation of anti-microbial metabolites and identification of the microorganisms responsible for their production is needed to optimize ASD. Creation of anaerobic conditions led to proliferation of Firmicutes and accumulation of small chain organic acids, methyl sulfide compounds, hydrocarbons, and p-cresol. Continuous changes were detected during the anaerobic phase with previously uncharacterized transformations within the Firmicutes corresponding with accumulation of metabolites with known anti-microbial function. TN. In testingvolatile fatty acids (VFAs - acetic, propionic,n-butyric, isobutyric, isovaleric,valeric), we found that pathogen propagules varied in their susceptibility to VFAs in soil solution.Rhizoctonia solani was more susceptiblethanFof,but suppression of all pathogens was enhanced by higher molecular weight VFAs, at higher concentrations, and in more acidic soil conditions. We are testinghow ASD amendment properties andsoil temperatureand texture affect formation and residence time of VFAs in soil; and building models to predict outcomes and make recommendations to growers for ASD usein specificconditions. G2: In light texture soils only 1.5 ac-in of irrigation was needed to create anaerobic conditions, but for heavier texture soils no water other than pre-bedding irrigation was needed to create anaerobic conditions for ASD. G3 Studies found ASD with RB at 4.5 t/a or above can replace pre-plant fertilizer for strawberries, but in season fertigation is required. Pot trials showed that nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions during ASD were not correlated with soil nitrate levels, or affected by theC-source used. Field trials found that CO2, N2O and methane (CH4) emissions through tarps were low during ASD, similar to or less than fluxes through fumigant tarp, with the latter having a higher N2O flux. Whentarps were removedtemporary pulses of CO2and N2O were emitted post ASD, which lasted 2-4 days. Methane accumulated under the tarp during ASD, and at one site a pulse of CH4was emittedpost tarp removal, but at the other site the CH4 flux was negative. Emissions during the growing season were similar across ASD, fumigant and untreated controls. G4 CA: An 8yr organictrial compared rotation length (2 vs 4yr), rotation crops (lettuce-based vs broccoli-based), and soil management (ASD with crop residue+RB; ASD with crop residue+RB+compost; mustard seed meal (MSM); and no amendment) on strawberry production. Yields were highest in ASD 4yr rotations; broccoli rotations with MSM had similar yields to ASD, but MSM was ineffective in lettuce rotations. Strawberry crowndata showed that broccoli rotation reducedVerticillium dahliae (Vd)infection, but increasedM.p.; 4yr rotations had lower Fof than 2yr, butVdwas lower in 2 than 4yr rotations. Yields of strawberries were highly correlated with disease level, initially due to Vd;butFofandMpdominated by year 8. This requireda switch to summer ASD to achieve high soil temperatures needed to controlFof. ASD did not eliminate disease, but consistently suppressed it sufficiently to greatly enhance strawberry yields. In year 8, differences in bacterial community composition were detected between no amendment control, ASD, or MSM treatments irrespective of rotation length or type, and VOCs were measured specifically during ASD including some known to have biocontrol functions (e.g. DMS, DMDS, ethanol, isobutanol, 1-propanol, and 1-pentanol). TN: We evaluated rotations [a) pumpkin/ winter wheat cover crop-summer fallow/ strawberry b) sorghum-sudangrass cover crop / strawberry, and c) summer fallow/ strawberry] and ASD prior to strawberry planting (+/-ASD) systems on the survival of inoculum ofFofandR. fragariae, and strawberry crop performance. ASD with the sorghum/ and pumpkin/ wheat rotations increased soil concentrations of VFAs compared with the ASD in the summer fallow rotation and non-ASD treatments. Survival ofFofwas lowest in the ASD treatment in the sorghum rotation, intermediate in ASD treatments in other rotations, and highest in non-ASD treatments. Survival ofR. fragariaewas less affected by rotation but was lower in ASD than non-ASD treatments. Strawberry yield was higher in ASD compared to non-ASD treatments in all rotations. Integrating crop rotation with cover crops and ASD are viable systems for strawberry production in regions where black root rot (BRR) pathogens are limiting production. NC: field trials compared ASD treatments, a cover-crop (cowpea+pearl millet)/compost system (CCC), standard fumigation and untreated control. ASD treatments used molasses, mustard seed meal, or a combination of both as C-sources. Molasses ASD consistently had the highest yields, equal to or greater than the fumigant and MM ASD; with lowest yields in the untreated control. Compared to the baseline, dynamic changes in relative abundance, structure, and diversity of bacterial communities were seen in all ASD treatments, whereas communities were more stable in controls. This study is a step toward understanding how ASD and microbial community composition mediate strawberry plant health and soilborne disease suppression. Current work focuses on testing additional locally available C-sources, ASD suppression of specific components of the BRR pathogenic complex, and the biological functions of the soil microbiome. G5 CA: through semi-structured interviews with farmers, extensionists, and industry stakeholders we uncovered significant production regime lock-ins: notably insecure land tenure and unequal access to land, variable access to knowledge networks, and a culture that favors silver bullet narratives and top-down knowledge transfer. Drivers for change to non-fumigant approaches were political momentum building around stricter pesticide regulation, farmer experience, and consumer demand for organic and sustainably produced food.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Adhikari, T.B., A.N. Philbrick and F.J. Louws. 2023. Deciphering the active strawberry microbiome associated with roots and rhizosphere soil. 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Lyon, France. Abstract Proceedings pg.1331-1332.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Submitted Year Published: 2023 Citation: Adhikari, T.B., A.N. Philbrick and F.J. Louws. 2023. Unravelling effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation on bacterial microbiomes of field-grown strawberry. In submission.
  • Type: Other Status: Under Review Year Published: 2023 Citation: Sanabria-Velazquez, A.D., T.B. Adhikari and F.J. Louws. DRAFT 2023. Anaerobic soil disinfestation - Desinfestacion anaerobica del suelo. ( (Extension factsheet: will be posted on the NC State Extension Strawberry Portal when finalized).
  • Type: Other Status: Under Review Year Published: 2023 Citation: Sanabria-Velazquez, A.D., T.B. Adhikari and F.J. Louws. DRAFT 2023. Anaerobic soil disinfestation for management of soilborne pathogens in strawberry production. (Extension Factsheet: will be posted on the NC State Extension Strawberry Portal when finalized).
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: U. Shrestha, M.E. Dee, B.H. Ownley, and D.M. Butler. 2023. First Report of Strawberry Black Root Rot Caused by Globisporangium sylvaticum in Tennessee, U.S.A. Plant Disease 107:9, 2890.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: J. Littrell, U. Shrestha, B.H. Ownley and D.M. Butler. 2022 Soil Texture, Soil pH, and Amendment Protein: Carbohydrate Ratio Affect Suppression of Fusarium Oxysporum under Anaerobic Soil Conditions By Volatile Fatty Acids and Reduced Metal Cations. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, 6-9 November 2022, Baltimore, MD
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: U. Shrestha, J.J. Littrell, J. Hollis Rice, C. Dalton, B.H. Ownley, and D.M.Butler. 2023.Cover Crop Residue Lignin to Nitrogen Ratio Is an Important Determinant of Strawberry Black Root Rot Pathogen Inoculum Survival When Cover Crops Are Used As Substrates for ASD Treatment HortScience 58:S162.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2024 Citation: U. Shrestha, B.H. Ownley, J.J. Littrell, J. Hollis Rice, and D.M. Butler A synergistic strategy of crop rotation with cover crops and anaerobic soil disinfestation for enhanced management of black root rot pathogens of strawberry.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Daugovish. O. J. Muramoto and M. Zavatta, 2023. Alternative carbon sources for anaerobic soil disinfestation in California strawberry. Abstracts of the International Conference on Soil and substrate disinfestation, Almeria, Spain. June 6-9.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Daugovish, M. Valdes-Berriz, J. Muramoto, C. Shennan, M. Zavatta and P. Henry. 2023. Carbon Sources for Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in Southern California Strawberry. Agronomy J. 13 (6);1635;
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2024 Citation: Jim�nez-Soto, E, M. Fairbairn, J. Muramoto and C. Shennan. 2024. Agriculture against the wall: barriers and opportunities for agroecological transitions in Californias industrial agricultural landscapes. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems in press
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Hong, J.C., Marshall, J., DAiuto, P.E., Rosskopf, E.N. Sparking Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation. Proc. Annual Int. Res. Conference on MB Alternatives and Emissions Reductions. MBAO. p. 31.1-31.2. 2022. (Proceedings)
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Rosskopf, E.N., Hong, J.C., DiGioia, F., Barbosa, R.B., Zhao, X., Vincent, I., Xu, N., Peres, N., Desaeger, J., Moreira-Calix, D., Baggio-Silveira, J., Muramoto, J., Williams, K., Becker, O., Ploeg, A., Simon, P.W., Shennan, C. Progress and Pitfalls in the Development of Non-chemical Soilborne Pest Control. Proc. Annual Int. Res. Conference on MB Alternatives and Emissions Reductions. MBAO, p. 11.1-11.2. 2022. (Proceedings)
  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Rosskopf, E. and Di Gioia, F. New Approaches to Soil Disinfestation for Specialty Crops. In Handbook of Vegetable and Herb Diseases (pp. 1-36). Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. (Invited Book Chapter)
  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Desaeger, J., Williams, K. and Rosskopf, E. 2022. Organic Management Strategies for Nematode Control in Florida Plasticulture. In Sustainable Management of Nematodes in Agriculture, Vol. 1: Organic Management (pp. 293-325). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Sances, F., Aglave, B., Sances, S., Williams, K., Galla, M., Rosskopf, E.N., Schonborn, W.A., Hong J.C. Efficacy of Solarization and Anerobic Soil Disinfestation. Proc. Annual Int. Res. Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions. MBAO. 2022. (Proceedings)

Progress 08/15/21 to 08/14/22

Target Audience:The target audiences for this project are strawberry and other specialty crop growers in general, as well as other researchers and extension professionals interested in integrated soil borne disease management,. Main extension efforts have been focused around California, the South East US and Florida, but through presentations and publications in popular magazines and professional journals we aim to reach a much wider audience. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?During theproject overall more than 30 undergraduates, 5 graduate students, 5 post-doctoral scholars and 2 research associates and two technicians have received training and professional development. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Many extension activities were limited by COVID restrictions, but the following in-person or virtual and events were completed: Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) for Soilborne Pest Management; the Effects, Mechanisms, Practices, and Limitations. Muramoto, J. 2021-22 Post-Trisociety Conference Virtual Workshop Canadian Phytopathology Society, Sep. 17, 2021 Organic agriculture research network in California. Muramoto, J. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management 118 "Agroecology" class. UC Berkeley, Oct. 21, 2021. Organic agriculture research network in California. Muramoto, J. Department of Environmental Studies, 80F "Introduction to Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems" class, UC Santa Cruz, Nov. 4, 2021. Organic Agriculture in California and Santa Cruz County. Muramoto, J. Achieving a Pesticide-Free Pajaro Valley. The Campaign for Organic & Regenerative Agriculture (CORA), Watsonville Community Center Room. Nov. 14, 2021. Integrating anaerobic soil disinfestation, crop rotation and variety for disease management in strawberry production. Muramoto, J. and Rosskopf, E. USDA Research, Education, and Economics (REE), National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics (NAREEE) Advisory Board Specialty Crop Committee (SCC). Jan. 19, 2022. Non-fumigant-Based Soilborne Disease Management in Strawberries. Muramoto, J. UCCE Annual Strawberry Virtual Meeting. Feb. 2. 2022. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) for Managing Fusarium Wilt and Verticillium Wilt. Muramoto, J. UCCE Management of Fusarium Wilt and Other Soilborne Fungal Diseases for Organic Growers Seminar. Feb. 15. 2022. Organic Agriculture in California and Integrated Soil Health Management for Plant Health. Muramoto, J. Agricultural Plant and Soil Science Program, 470 "Integrated Pest Management" class, California State University Monterey Bay. March 8, 2022. Integrated Management of Fusarium Wilt in Organic Strawberries: Research Needs. Muramoto, J. The 67th Annual Conference on Soilborne Plant Pathogens, March 24. 2022. Organic Strawberry Production in California and Integrated Soil Health Management for Plant Health and One Health. Muramoto, J. Department of Environmental Studies, 130C "Agroecology" class, UC Santa Cruz, April 28, 2022. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) and its Integration in Soil-borne Pest Management. Muramoto, J. UCCE Fumigants and Non-Fumigant Alternatives Meeting. May 6. 2022. Project findings were discussed at extension events hosted by UCCE-Ventura (on-line webinars) and in-person with growers, who showed interest in applying midds in organic fields instead of rice bran as carbon source for ASD. RAMCO growers and other affiliated Reiter/Driskoll companies have already applied midds in their organic fields and a grain company, Penny Newman, certified this carbon source as organic use material with CDFA clearing pathway for its continued use. E. Vasquez, S. Kortman, G. Greenstein, K. Prescott, A. Lucha, A. Haffa.Comparing Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Different Treatments to Reduce Soil Borne Pathogens in Strawberries in Monterey Bay. Poster presentation at the CSUMB UROC Symposium, August 2022. K. Prescott, Optimizing Carbon Input as Part of an Integrated Pest Management Strategy for Strawberries. ARI PI Meeting, October 2022. A. Lucha, E. Vasquez, S. Kortman, G. Greenstein, K. Prescott, A. Haffa. Comparing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Fumigant and Alternative Soil Pathogen Management Practices in Commercial Strawberries, Watsonville, California. Poster presentation at the ARI PI Meeting, October 2022. NC State worked with the Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium and associated Universities to conduct an agent training program on managing soilborne pathogens in plasticulture systems in the Southeast. Five top CES agents from each of 9 participating states plus multiple professionals from universities and industry participated in a 2-day training program that emphasized the biology, management and regulation/issues associated with management of soilborne diseases, weeds and nematodes. ASD, particularly in strawberries, was a major feature of this training program led by Drs. David Butler and Frank Louws. Presentations given: Adhikari, T.B. and F.J. Louws. Anaerobic soil disinfestation in strawberry production systems. Southeast Strawberry Expo. 10 Nov, 2022. Asheville, NC; and Biology and Management of Soilborne Pathogens in NC and Surrounding States. Southeast Strawberry Expo. 11 Nov, 2021. Virginia Beach, VA. Each session included 200-250 growers/stakeholders from as far north as Ontario and Ohio and many growers along the eastern seaboard. TN During thereportingperiod multiple activites were conducted in TN to disseminate results to communities of interest. First, a workshop (see abstracts in publications) was presented at ASHS to disseminate results to the broader scientific community. Second, two workshops (a total of five presentations) were conducted to train farmers, extension personnel, and NRCS personnel on soil disinfestation systems. This included two presentations to UT Extensions New Farmer's Academy (a training program for early career farmers), two presentations to participants (primarily growers, extension personnel, and students) at the Organic Farming and Gardening Field Day held at the UT Organic Crops Unit, and one presentation to southern region extension agents on mechanisms of anaerobic soil disinfestation in small fruit production systems as part of theannualregional training provided by the Southern Region Small Fruits Consortium. FL Presentations were made at MBAO and for the California Carrot Commission. Work continued with the non-profit Leap Lab in which gardens were established at the local community college and one high school. The 4H Farm community garden and USDA People's Garden were established using ASD and are being used for educational outreach activities. Work from this project will be included in a Special Issue of Agronomy focused on ASD, with J. Muramoto (lead Editor) and C. Shennan and E. Rosskopf as co-editors. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Manuscript prepared for publication based ongrower and stakeholder interviews in CA and Fl Complete manuscripts on rotation and cover crop/ASD trials Continue extension activities around integrated soil borne disease management Complete economic analysis of multiple field trials Complete Analysis of soil greenhouse gas emissions from field trials and lab incubations. We are awaiting final pathogen suppression data and analysis for the laboratory incubations and are finishing a more detailed analysis of the VOC data. A manuscript will be prepared. The manuscripts for the VOC field trial results will be submitted imminently, we have submitted the title and draft the abstract to Agronomy.

What was accomplished under these goals? Our research increased understanding of interactions between crop rotation, cultivar, ASD, and control of specific pathogens. We identified changes in soil microbial communities and volatiles produced during ASD associated with disease suppression. Interviews with stakeholders provided insight into challenges to adoption of non-fumigant disease management. G1: Carbon sources: CA: 1) Replicated pot trials examined the effect of ASD on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae (Fof) and Macrophomina phaseolina (Mp) using rice bran or rice bran + varying plant residues (onion, bunching onion, wheat, leek, and strawberry for Fof, and broccoli, onion, lettuce, strawberry, and wheat for Mp) at 9 t/A*. Both trials did not exceed the Fof temperature threshold. The use of residues increased the variability of Fof suppression but Mp was suppressed regardless of the C-source type suggesting the Mp temperature threshold may be lower than Fof's. 2) Evaluation of Dried Distiller's Grain (DDG) and wheat Middlings/Millfeed (Midds) as more affordable carbon sources for ASD than rice bran in Southern California. Anaerobic conditions remained good in plots with midds and DDG, both exceeding 60 000 cumulative Eh hours (2021) and 100,000 (2022) after 3 weeks. In 2021-2022, DDG treatment reduced M. phaseolina survivorship near 50%. Both DDG and Midds reduced nutsedge germination 50-73% compared to UTC and improved marketable fruit yields 30% (DDG) and 41%(Midds). Soil analyses showed sufficiency range for nitrate -N and plant available phosphorus with both carbon sources. 2022-2023 assessment of M.phaseolina, nutsedge survivorship and performance of Fronteras strawberry are currently under assessment. FL: Soil samples collected from completed field trials were processed for soil nutrient analysis, organic acids, and DNA extractions. A comparison of direct plating assays and qPCR quantification of Macrophomina phaseolina was conducted to determine proper protocols for stored sample analysis. Two additional research trials were established in which ASD and ASD conducted on flat ground prior to bed listing were compared. Flat application utilized a clear, UV stabilized film in order to determine if increased soil temperatures provided improved control of introduced inoculum of M. phaseolina. Levels of anaerobicity under flat tarp were significantly lower than those resulting from bedded ASD and would be considered a biosolarization treatment rather than ASD. Microbiome characterization of multi-year ASD-treated soil has been completed and a publication is in preparation. N.C. This research evaluated the performance of ASD using carbon sources (molasses [M], mustard meal [MM], a combination [M+MM]) or cover crops + compost (CC), as soil-amendment strategies, compared with soil fumigant (PicClor60; Pic) and untreated control (UTC) treatments. Comparatively, the ASD treatments produced higher plant biomass, marketable yield, and impacted microbial communities, and can be adapted by growers as a potential strategy to improve non-fumigant-based strawberry production systems. Changes in soil and rhizosphere microbial communities were documented, and Soil health parameters (n=76) were secured prior to soil amendment treatments (Sept), at planting (~4 wks later), and at peak harvest (May the following spring). Soil parameters impacted the most were pH and soil health index. These data are under analysis." Cultivars: CA: we compared summer ASD, fumigation and untreated control (UTC) with 4 cultivars (San Andreas (Fusarium resistant), Albion, Valiant, and Royal Royce) in a field with Fusarium wilt. ASD using rice bran 9 t/A exceeded soil temperature and cumulative Eh thresholds for Fof suppression, yet plants in ASD and UTC plots developed disease. Notably, lower concentrations of volatiles were produced during ASD here than in the rotation trial (see obj.4.) Mortality was highest for Royal Royce and Valiant (UTC and ASD, >93%), Royal Royce (fumigant, 82%), Albion (ASD 61%, UTC, 77%), Valiant (fumigant, 60%), compared to Albion (fumigant, 14%) and San Andreas (all treatments, <11%). Mean fruit yield with ASD was higher than UTC, but lower than fumigant. San Andreas+ASD yielded equal to all cultivars with fumigation, and more than all cultivars in UTC. Mechanisms of suppression: TN: work completed and data prepared for publication. U. Shrestha et al. 2022.An integrated approach of crop rotation with cover crops and anaerobic soil disinfestation improves management of black root rot pathogens and improves strawberry yield. In preparation for January 2023 submission. CA: To optimize carbon sources for ASD, we completed incubated soil column experiments using six carbon sources: grape seed pomace, mustard seed meal+Italian rye, sugar cane molasses, rice bran at two application rates, and wheat bran. The Grape seed pomace, mustard seed meal+Italian rye, and rice bran at 9t/ac treatments were inoculated with Fusarium infested sand to investigate how C source impacts the effectiveness of pathogen suppression under simulated ASD conditions. Preliminary analysis has been completed for all VOC data for all treatments and were presented in an oral talk at the 2022 ARI PI Meeting. For the metagenomic analysis of the soil before and after treatment we sent soil samples to Novogene and have received the raw sequencing data and analysis package for the 16S and 18S regions. G3:CA: Incubation trials examinied how gas emissions during ASD are affected by carbon source and soil nitrate level, with 11 replicated treatments of: soil+rice bran+no N; soil+rice bran+nitrate (5, 15, 30 ppm NO3 -N); soil+rice bran+ground cover crops (mustard seed, triticale, Sudan grass, weeds, rye); and no additions. Rice bran was added at 9 t/A, and cover crops 3 t/A + 6 t/A rice bran. Data analysis is complete and manuscript preparation is underway. Additionally, VOC analysis of these incubation trials was undertaken to examine the effect of N and C sources on the VOCs produced during ASD. We found that moderate N application rates (15 ppm) generally had the highest cumulative VOC concentrations and the highest single point maximum concentrations of all N treatments with VOCs such as butylamine, ethanol, hexane, hexene, and 1-hexanol measured in concentrations up to 12-200x greater than either the 5 ppm or 30 ppm treatments. Different C-source applications also had an impact on the number and concentrations of VOCs. Of the different treatments, rice bran + 15 ppm N, rice bran+control weeds, rice bran+F104 rye, and rice bran+Italian rye produced between 10 and 18 VOCs. Rice bran + 15 ppm N, rice bran+F104 rye, and rice bran+Italian rye produced the highest concentrations of VOCs. We completed monitoring GHGs and VOCs from a flat ASD field trial in 2022. GHG data have been analyzed, and VOC data are in progress. Across all trials and treatments completed, nitrous oxide production under the tarp during the pre-crop treatment periods is two to three times greater for ASD compared to FUM, and six to ten times for UTC. We are analyzing emissions from furrows and over the tarp to understand the extent of GHGs actually emitted into the atmosphere from pathogen suppression treatments. G4: CA: An 8-year organic rotation trial's yields and CN dynamics data are being summarized for nutrient budget analysis and economic analysis. A series of field and pot trials were conducted to examine the effect of crop rotation (allium crops including onion, bunching onion and leek for Fof and Summit 515 wheat for Mp) with and without ASD*. Crop rotations tested did not reduce the populations of the targeted pathogens in the soil. TN: trial results reported last year. A publication is in preparation. G5:Draft manuscript produced and undergoing revision.. * Co-funded with the USDA-NIFA methyl bromide transition program.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: "Daugovish O, Muramoto J, Shennan C, Zavatta M. Plant-Derived Carbon Sources for Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in Southern California. Glob J Agric Innov Res Dev. 2021; 8: 169-175. DOI:
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Butler, D.M. 2022. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation. ASHS Annual Meeting Workshop, Doing More with Less: Reducing Fumigant Use with Alternative Production Systems. HortScience S34.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2023 Citation: U. Shrestha, M.E. Dee, B.H. Ownley, D.M. Butler. 2022. First report of strawberry black root rot caused by Globisporangium sylvaticum in Tennessee, USA.

Progress 08/15/20 to 08/14/21

Target Audience: Strawberry growers in California, Florida and Southeastern USA strawberry growers (north of Florida) with impact also on vegetable growers in each region. Cooperative extension agents and other agricultural professionals in all of the above regions. National and international scientists and professionals. State and Federal agencies that work on agriculture and environmental policies and regulations ?Farmer, and farmworker non-profit organizations Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?In the project overall more than 25undergraduates, 5 graduate students, 5 post-doctoral scholars and 2 research associates and twotechnicians have received training and professional development.. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Extension activities were still limited by COVID restrictions, but the following in-person or virtual presentations have been given: CA: Organic agriculture research network in central coastal California. Muramoto, J. Environmental Science, Policy and Management 118 "Agroecology" class. UC Berkeley, Oct. 21, 2020. Agroecological/diversified farming systems approaches in practice. Muramoto, J. Environmental Science, Policy and Management 115AC "Sustenance and Sustainability" class. UC Berkeley, Nov. 19, 2020. Organic agriculture in California and integrated soil health management. Muramoto, J. Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate Seminar, Jan. 25, 2021. Organic agriculture in California and integrated soil health management. Muramoto, J. Cal Poly SLO, Advanced Organic Agriculture class. March 3, 2021. Integrated soilborne disease management in organic strawberries. Muramoto, J., Shennan, C., Zavatta, M., Mazzola, M., Daugovish, O., and Goodhue, R. UCCE Annual Strawberry Meeting, March 4, 2021. Progress in anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD). Muramoto, J. UCCE Fumigants and Non-Fumigant Alternatives: Regulatory and Research updates, Ventura, CA April 16, 2021 Rotation length, crop rotation, anaerobic soil disinfestation and mustard seed meal affect organic strawberry yield and soil-borne disease incidence in California. Zavatta, M., Muramoto, J., Mazzola, M., and Shennan, C. The 9th International Strawberry Symposium, ISHS-ISS2021, May 4, 2021. Utility of ASD in California: Strawberry production and nematode control. Muramoto, J. Strategies and challenges for implementing anaerobic soil disinfestation, ASHS Workshop, Denver, CO. Aug. 8, 2021. On 4/16/2021 the progress of current work was discussed at "Fumigant and non-fumigant alternatives + healthy Soils" webinar (organized by UCCE-Ventura) by Daugovish and Muramoto and had 79 participants K. Prescott and S. Kortman, Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Volatile Organic Compounds from Agricultural Management Treatments that Reduce Pesticide Use in Strawberries on the Central Coast of California. ARI PI Meeting, October 2021. On 5/29/2020 Fumigants and alternatives webinar (organized by UCCE-Ventura) by Daugovish and Muramoto and had 112 participants. 2/23/2021 Intl. Biofumigation symposium: "Plant-based C-sources for ASD" (invited). The presentation was broadcasted by A Bulgarian agricultural media company and posted on Agroscope channel at On-line, Switzerland 629 FL: Presentations were made at the Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable meeting, MBAO, and The Ohio State University. A project was started with the non-profit Leap Lab in which gardens were established at the local community college and one high school. The 4H Farm community garden and USDA People's Garden were established using ASD and are being used for educational outreach activities. An ASD for strawberry demonstration project is being established for the Saint Lucie County Fair garden demonstration area. TN: Shrestha, U., B. H. Ownley, J. H. Rice, R. J. Vichich, and D. M. Butler. 2020. Susceptibility of Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum to volatile fatty acids. Proceedings of the Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives, 4 Nov 2020. Butler, D.M. 2021. Organic amendments for small fruits. Southern region horticulture extension agent training, Southern Region Small Fruits Consortium, Savannah, GA, 8 Jan. 2021. Butler, D.M. 2021. Soil disinfestation for high tunnels. New Farmer's Academy, University of Tennessee Extension. Knoxville, TN, 19 & 20 Aug, 2021. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?CA: Data analysis from the 8 year rotation trial is almost completed, nutrient budgets are being calculated, and economic analysis underway. Multiple manuscripts are in preparation and will be completed. Analysis of soil greenhouse gas emissions from field trials and lab incubations is in progress and will be completed in the next several months. VOC analysis of FTIR monitoring during ASD is in progress and will be completed in the coming months. Pot Trial Pathogen Enumeration: We will begin running the inoculated pot trials, collect pre and post soil samples for pathogen enumeration and metagenomic analysis. Manuscripts for the VOC field trial results and lab incubation trials (pot trials) are nearly ready for submission to journals. TN: We are currently preparing two manuscripts from our work for submission to refereed journals, with the expectation that these will be submitted for review in 2022. Outreach efforts to grower communities will continue through grower conferences, extension agent trainings, and grower field days. FL:. Data from field trials will be analyzed and prepared for publication NC: Data from field trials will be analyzed and prepared for publication

What was accomplished under these goals? G1: Carbon sources: CA: we initiated trials to evaluate ASD using 9 t/A rate of midds (mill-feed) and ASD with 9 t/A of Dried Distilled Grain (DDG) vs fumigated fertilized soil (300 lbs/A of 17-17-17), Both carbon sources have been obtained from southern California supplier and quoted at 30-50% lower cost than rice bran. Both midds and DDG were analyzed for C, N and other element content and appeared suitable for ASD. In a small-plot study we measured soil ORP and temperature and survivorship of M. phaseolina (charcoal rot pathogen) in permeable bags with infested sand, and germination from tubers of yellow nutsedge after 25 days of ASD. After aeration all plots have been planted with new UCD cultivar Victor and will be monitored for fruit production. Data are being collected on weed and pathogens survivorship and early strawberry plant vigor. NC: A field experiment compared anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) using model sources of carbon (mustard meal, molasses), cover crops plus compost, and chemical soil fumigation in plasticulture strawberry production systems. Total yield was assessed bi-weekly and cumulative yields were calculated in lbs/A. All ASD treatments, fumigant PicClor-60, and non-amended controls using TIF (UTC-STD), significantly increased total yield compared to plots covered with clear plastic. Yields were similar for the fumigated, amended, and UTC-STD whereas in 2020 fumigated and ASD treatments had significantly higher yields than the UTC-STD. Nonetheless, yields in the two years were highly correlated, showing that the treatments with the highest yields in the 2020 also had the highest yields in the 2021. FL: Pasteurized pelleted litter (PPL) was compared to composted poultry litter (CPL) as nitrogen sources for ASD coupled with no carbon, or carbon from molasses, rice bran, or wheat bran. PPL overall produced stronger anaerobic conditions than CPL, but maximum Eh reduction was seen with CPL+rice bran and PPL+wheat bran. There were no differences in organic acid accumulation between PPL and CPL, with the exception of acetic acid, which was significantly higher in the PPL treatments. Rice bran resulted in the lowest accumulation of acetic acid. Molasses produced the greatest accumulation of citric, lactic, and formic acids during ASD, and the combination of CPL and molasses was the only treatment that resulted in a significant reduction in survival of Macrophomina phaseolina. There was a significant interaction between cultivar and carbon source with regard to plant mortality with rice bran and Festival and molasses and Sensation having the greatest plant survival. Marketable yield was greatest in the molasses with PPL treatment. Four TIFs were compared for ASD with PPL and molasses. Differences in cumulative Eh reduction were found, with the film with greatest cumulative anaerobicity having the greatest reduction in nutsedge emergence post ASD. Film type also had a significant effect on survival of Macrophomina inoculum, with Film Tech and Raven films resulting in the lowest level of fungal cfus. TN: The direct effects of VFAs (volatile fatty acids) produced during ASD on pathogens Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium irregulare, Globisporangium sylvaticum, and Fusarium oxysporum were studied. VFAs of acetic, n-butyric, valeric acids, or a mix of acetic+n-butyric acids at 4 or 8 mmol/kg soil were incorporated into soil buffered to pH 4.5 or 5.5 for 5d, and pathogen survival compared to HCl or sterile water controls under anaerobic incubation. Our results suggest that VFA susceptibility varies by pathogen (e.g., R. solani is more susceptible than F. oxysporum), and suppression is generally enhanced by higher molecular weight VFAs, at higher concentrations, and more acidic soil pH. Future work on enhancing VFA production during ASD field treatments would likely increase effectiveness of ASD on soilborne pathogens. . G3: To accomplish pot trials pathogen enumeration, we have worked on developing and culturing the Fusarium inoculant and developed a pipeline for inoculating the soil and running the pot trials. C-Source pot trial VOC analysis and metagenomic analysis have been completed and the data has been processed and is awaiting analysis. Soil samples were collected, recorded, and stored in a -80C deep freezer to be sent to Novogene as a batch once all pot trials are completed. To optimize fertility and reduce N losses and greenhouse gas emissions with ASD we have completed incubation trials examining how gas emissions during ASD are affected by carbon source and soil nitrate level, with 11 replicated treatments of: soil+rice bran+no N; soil+rice bran+nitrate (5, 15, 30 ppm NO3 -N); soil+rice bran+ground cover crops (mustard seed, triticale, Sudan grass, weeds, rye); and no additions. Rice bran was added at 9 t/A, and cover crops 3 t/A + 6 t/A rice bran. The average total greenhouse gas emissions were: for C-sources Mustard Seed +Rice Bran had the lowest emissions for all GHGs, Mustard Seed alone was 3rd lowest and Rice Bran alone had the highest emissions. Compared to Mustard Seed +Rice Bran, Rice Bran alone for carbon dioxide emissions were 2 orders of magnitude greater, nitrous oxide one order of magnitude greater, and methane twice as high. For pots treated with Rice Bran + varying rates of nitrate-N, 15 ppm nitrate-N added had the highest emissions and no added N had the lowest. The results for carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide were an order of magnitude higher between the treatments. For the cover crop trial, soil greenhouse gas monitoring during the strawberry crop was completed for ASD-treated plots. Seasonal emissions were lower at this site compared to the rotation trial conducted the previous year, but the ASD treatment was not successful, and the strawberry plants suffered from pathogens. Another trial is underway at this site where we monitored soil GHGs from ASD, UTC, and fumigant treated soil, and are currently monitoring during the subsequent strawberry season. G4: TN:Field trials to evaluate effects of ASD and crop rotation (continuous strawberry, pumpkin/winter wheat cover crop-strawberry, or sorghum-sudangrass/strawberry) on survival of F. oxysporum and Rhizoctonia fragariae inocula, indigenous Fusarium spp., and strawberry crop performance were completed on two field sites. ASD in rotation with sorghum-sudangrass generally increased soil anaerobic activity, VFA production and reduced F. oxysporum survival compared to non-ASD controls and ASD in other rotations. Survival of R. fragariae inoculum was reduced and crop yield increased by ASD treatment, with limited rotation effects. Strawberry yield was 30% higher with ASD compared to non-fumigated controls. G5: manuscript being prepared for journal submission


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Zavatta, M., Muramoto, J., Mazzola, M., and Shennan, C. 2021. Rotation length, crop rotation, anaerobic soil disinfestation and mustard seed meal affect organic strawberry yield and soil-borne disease incidence in California. Acta Horticulturea (ISHS), 1309. 501-508
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Hewavitharana, S.S., Klarer, E., Muramoto, J., Shennan, C., and Mazzola, M. 2021. Analysis of environmental variables and carbon input on soil microbiome, metabolome and disease control efficacy in strawberry attributable to anaerobic soil disinfestation. Microorganisms, 9, 1638.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Muramoto, J. 2020. Integrated soilborne disease management in organic strawberries. Organic Farmer, Aug-Sep. 2020. 8-15
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Muramoto, J., Di Gioia, F., Butler, D.M., Daugovish, O., Louws, F.J., Rosskopf, E., and Shennan, C. 2021. Anaerobic soil disinfestation as an organic systems-based approach: part-1. Biological method suppresses soilborne pathogens and pests and improves crop health. Organic Farmer, June-July. 2021. 4-9.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Muramoto, J., Di Gioia, F., Butler, D.M., Daugovish, O., Louws, F.J., Rosskopf, E., and Shennan, C. 2021. Anaerobic soil disinfestation as an organic systems-based approach: part-1. ASD implementation strategies for different regionsin the U.S. Organic Farmer, Aug-Sep. 2021. 4-9.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Shrestha, U., B. H. Ownley, J. H. Rice, R. J. Vichich, and D. M. Butler. 2020. Susceptibility of Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum to volatile fatty acids. Proceedings of the Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives, 8-1 to 8-3.

Progress 08/15/19 to 08/14/20

Target Audience: Strawberry growers in California, Florida and Southeastern USA strawberry growers (north of Florida) with impact also on vegetable growers in each region. Cooperative extension agents and other agricultural professionals in all of the above regions. National and international scientists and professionals. State and Federal agencies that work on agriculture and environmental policies and regulations ?Farmer, and farmworker non-profit organizations Changes/Problems:Data collection for field experiments and extension activities werelimited by COVID restrictions What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?In the project overall more than 20 undergraduates, 5 graduate students, 5 post-doctoral scholars and 2 research associates and one technician have received training and professional development.. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Manyextension activities were limited by COVID restrictions, but the following in-person or virtual presentations have been given: Update of research on anaerobic soil disinfestation. UCCE Fumigants and Non-Fumigant Alternatives: Regulatory and Research updates, Ventura, CA May 29, 2020. Soilborne disease and nitrogen fertility management in organic strawberry production in California, Special Seminar. Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO, Japan, February 19, 2020. Organic strawberry production in California, Tochigi Prefecture Strawberry Institute, Japan. February 18, 2020. Soil-borne disease management in organic strawberries. UCCE Annual Strawberry Meeting. Salinas, CA. February 5, 2020. Crop rotation, anaerobic soil disinfestation and mustard seed meal amendment impacts on disease severity and organic strawberry production in California. Shennan, C., Muramoto, J., Zavatta, M., and Mazzola, M. 2019 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions, November 11, 2019. Anaerobic soil disinfestation for Florida strawberry production. Rosskopf, E., Hong, J., Peres, N., Desaeger, J., Silveira, J. B., Keeley, M., Sances, F., Muramoto, J., Williams, K., Albano, J., Di Gioia, F., and Shennan, C. 2019. 2019 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions, November 11, 2019. Nitrogen and soil-borne disease management in organic strawberries and vegetables. Master gardener seminar, UCCE Watsonville, CA. February 1, 2020. Soil-borne disease management in organic strawberries: crop rotation and ASD. Organic production field day in Marine and Sonoma Counties, CA. January 16, 2020. Anaerobic soil disinfestation for soil-borne disease control in strawberries: Its effects and limitations. Nutrien Ag Solution Organic Symposium, Ontario, CA. January 13, 2020. Integrated soil-borne disease management in organic strawberries. CASFS Docent meeting. Santa Cruz, CA, September 16, 2019. Integrated soil-borne disease management in organic strawberries. Ventura Chapter, California Association of Pest Control Advisors Meeting. Santa Paula, CA, September 11, 2019. Kortman S, Haffa H. 2020. Soil greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural management treatments that reduce pesticide use in strawberries on the Central Coast of California. Poster presentation at the 46th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting. Flores, A, Prescott, K, Kortmant, S, and Haffa, A. 2020. Effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation on volatile organic compound production in strawberry fields Poster presentation at the 46th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting. Flores, A, Prescott, K, Kortmant, S, and Haffa, A. Effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation on volatile organic compound production in strawberry fields:The future of sustainable agricultural management, CSUMB UROC Summer Research Symposium. Prescott, K, Duque, J, Kortman, S, Winbush, S, Shah, A, Lee, L, Mandujano Olivera, I, Boroquez, S, Lykfors, N. Shah, G, Muramoto, J, Shennan, C, and Haffa, A. In situ Monitoring of Pathogen Suppressing Volatiles to Determine Efficacy of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in Pot Trials and Strawberry Fields, CSU Agricultural Research Institute Annual Meeting, Sacramento CA, October 25, 2019. Information about the NC ASD system was shared with members of the Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium representing extension agents and professionals in multiple southeastern States, TN One scientific presentation was given at the annual American Phytopathology Societyconference. FL Information disseminated via demonstration trials, grower presentations, and establishment of 4H, Master Gardener, non-profit gardenand demonstration plot to support local food bank. Provided bi-weekly introductions to soil health and ASD to approximately 50 students visiting one ASD demonstration garden. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?CA Analysis of soil greenhouse gas emissions from field trials and lab incubations is in progress and will be completed Grower and stakeholder interviews in CA and Fl will be completed and manuscript prepared for publication Work on expension publications and webinars Complete data analysis of rotation and cover crop trials and prepare manuscripts for publication TN: We are completing assessments of VFA impacts on pathogen inoculum and disease development in growth chamber and greenhouse trials. We will complete our field study with ASD interactions with crop rotation. With the second site, ASD treatments were initiated in late summer 2020 and plots are currently all in the last strawberry crop. Crop health, soil chemical and biological properties, and crop yield will be evaluated fall 2019 to early summer 2020. Outreach efforts to grower communities will continue through field days. We expect that our first publications (from laboratory and growth chamber studies) will be submitted for review in refereed journals in early 2021. FL:During the next performance period, the repeat of the two field trials will be completed. Significant quantities of data from completed field trials require analysis. NC:We plan to repeat the field trials for the 2020-2021 crop cycle.

What was accomplished under these goals? Our researchincreased understanding of interactions between crop rotation, cultivar,ASD, and control of specific pathogens. We identified changes in soil microbial communities and volatiles produced during ASD associated with disease suppression.Short-lived pulsesin greenhouse gas emission occur with ASD when the soil transitions from anaerobic to aerobic.Interviews with stakeholdersprovided insight into challenges to adoption of non-fumigant disease management. G1:Carbon source:CA:we compared rye or barley cover crop ASD(3.2 t/A+6t/A rice bran) vs no-cover-crop with 9t /Arice bran. There were nodifferencesin fruit yield showing that partially substituting rice bran with cover crop residue maintainedASD efficacy and yields. Economic analysis is underway. Trial 2 compared ASD 9 t/A of midds (mill feed) vs fumigated soil with pre-plant fertilizer.All plots were planted with cultivars: Victor, Warrior and Petaluma. Soil analysis showed nitrate, K and P within sufficiency levels duringthe season in alltreatments, but N was released more gradually from the organic sources with ASD. Fruit yieldsin ASD-midds plots were 51% (Petaluma), 34% (Warrior) and 20% (Victor) greater than fumigant. Growers are interested in using midds for ASD. Biologically-based non-fumigant systems were tested in NC.ASD with molasses and mustard meal produced yields comparable to standard fumigant (Pic60) and 17% to 27% greater than the UTC. All carbon sources and rates tested had similar yields. Soil health indices and pH values were initially impacted by preplant soil treatments, but differences declined by the following spring or fall. ASD is a viable strategyfor NC strawberry systems, and can be managed using a diversity of carbon sources and rates. FL: Pasteurized pelleted litter (PPL) was compared to composted poultry litter (CPL) as nitrogen sources for ASD coupled with no carbon, orcarbon from molasses, composted algae, rice bran, orwheat bran.PPL overallproduced stronger anaerobic conditions than CPL, but maximum Eh reduction was seen with CPL+rice bran and PPL+wheat bran. Molasses producedthe greatest accumulation of citric, lactic, and formic acids during ASD, and greenhouse gas/volatiles data are being analyzed. Three strawberry varieties were planted and analysis of performance is ongoing. FourTIFs were compared for ASD with PPL and molasses.Differences in cumulative Eh reduction were found, with the film with greatest cumulative anaerobicity having the greatest reduction in nutsedge emergence post ASD. Introduced inoculum ofFusarium oxysporumplaced in bed centers were completely killed, but packets placed in bed shoulders were not impacted indicating uneven distribution of amendments and/or moisture. An amendment application rig was designed for strawberry bed configuration and two-row bedders, addressing grower concern for streamlining ASD implementation. Cultivars:CA: wecompared summer ASD, fumigation and untreated control (UTC) with 4 cultivars (San Andreas (Fusarium resistant), Albion, Valiant, and Royal Royce) in a field with Fusarium wilt. ASD using rice bran 9 t/A exceeded soil temperature and cumulative Eh thresholds forFofsuppression, yetplants in ASD and UTC plots developed disease. Notably, lower concentrations of volatiles were produced during ASD here thanin therotation trial (see obj.4.) Mortality was highest for Royal Royce and Valiant (UTC and ASD, >93%), Royal Royce (fumigant, 82%), Albion (ASD 61%, UTC, 77%), Valiant (fumigant, 60%), compared to Albion (fumigant, 14%) and San Andreas (all treatments, <11%). Mean fruit yield with ASD was higher than UTC, but lower than fumigant. San Andreas+ASD yielded equal to all cultivars with fumigation, and more than all cultivars in UTC. FL: ASD was applied in an area with high charcoal rot pressure adjacent to fumigated strawberries. After ASD, 7 cultivars varying in susceptibility to charcoal rot were planted.Yields with ASD averaged 85% offumigated overall, but multiple cultivars produced more fruit from ASD than fumigated plots. Mechanisms of suppression:Effects of VFAs (volatile fatty acids) produced during ASD on pathogensRhizoctonia solani,Pythium irregular,P. sylvaticum, andFusarium oxysporumwere studied.VFAs of acetic,n-butyric, valeric acids, or a mix of acetic+n-butyric acids at 4 or 8 mmol/kg soil were incorporated into soil buffered to pH 4.5 or 5.5 for 5d, and pathogen survival compared to HCl or sterile water controls.VFA concentration, type, soil pH, and soil type all impact VFA effects on plant pathogens. We comparedeffects of VFAs (acetic, propionic, n-butyric, isovaleric, valeric and isobutyric), ASD with dry molasses, ASD with wheat bran and controls (HCl and water, aerobic and anaerobic) on inoculum ofR. solaniandF. oxysporum.R. solaniwas reduced by 67-79% from propionic,n-butyric, isovaleric and a mixture of acetic+butyric acid; whereas ASD with dried molasses and wheat bran reducedR. solaniby 31-53% relative to controls. G3:Incubation trials examinedhow gas emissions during ASD are affected by carbon source and soil nitrate level, with 11 replicated treatments of: soil+rice bran+no N; soil+rice bran+nitrate (5, 15, 30 ppm NO3 -N); soil+rice bran+ground cover crops (mustard seed, triticale, Sudan grass, weeds, rye); and no additions. Rice bran was added at 9 t/A, and cover crops 3 t/A + 6 t/A rice bran. Data analysis is underway. Soil greenhouse gas monitoring during ASD was completed for the rotation (below) and cover crop (above) trials. Results showthat CO2and N2O behaved similarly during ASD atboth sites. CO2emissions were highest initially, and declined thereafter. N2O emissions slowly increased until peak emissions occurred at 30 to 40 days. Emissions were monitored for 5 d post ASD, capturing a pulse of emissions as the soil went from anaerobic to aerobic.N2O emissions were several orders of magnitude greater than fluxes during ASD, or during the strawberry growing season. ASD plots had higher cumulative daily CO2emissions during the growing season than UTC, while total N2O emissions were similar. G4:CA: year 8 of an organic rotation trial was completedthat compared rotation length (2 vs 4yr), rotation crops (lettuce-based vs broccoli-based), and soil management (ASD with crop residue+rice bran; ASD with crop residue+rice bran+compost+ground almond shell; mustard seed meal; and no pre-plant input) on strawberry production. Yields were highest in ASD 4yr rotations; ASD yields were higher than MSM and no pre-plant control averaged across rotations. Broccoli rotation with MSM gave had similar yields to ASD, but MSM was ineffective in lettuce rotations.Analysis of strawberry crown infection showed that rotation with broccoli reducedV. dahliae, but increasedM. phaseolina; and 4yr rotation had lower Fof than 2yr, butV. dahliaewas lower in 2 than 4yr rotations. ASD did not eliminate disease, but suppressed it sufficiently to greatly enhance strawberry yields. Clear differences in bacterial community composition were detected among main treatments (crop rotation only, ASD or MSM). No effect of treatment on fungal community composition was detected. TN: ASD trials to test effects of carbon source and crop rotation on survival ofF. oxysporumandRhizoctoniasp. inocula, and indigenousFusariumspp. were completed at field 1, and are in progress at field 2. ASD in rotation with sorghum-sudangrass increased VFA production and reducedF. oxysporumsurvival compared to non-ASD controls and ASD in other rotations. Strawberry yield was 50% higher with ASD overall compared to controls. G5: 25 interviews with organic and conventional growers were conducted, and 15 with other key informants. Results show interacting social, political and economic factors lock growers into using current practices and restrict transitions towards non-fumigant approaches; notably costs of land and labor, and risk of economic loss from the lack of financial support for transitioning to organic production.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Shennan, C., J. Muramoto, G. Baird, M. Zavatta, L. Nobua, B., and Mazzola, M. 2019. Effects of crop rotation, anaerobic soil disinfestation and mustard seed meal on disease severity and organic strawberry production in California. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), 1270, 63-70.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Muramoto, J., Shennan, C., Mazzola, M., Wood, T., Miethke, E., Resultay, E., Zavatta, M., and Koike, S.T. 2019 Use of a summer cover crop as a partial carbon source for anaerobic soil disinfestation in coastal California. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), 1270, 37-44.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Rosskopf, E.N., Di Gioia, F., Hong, J., Ozores-Hampton, M., Zhao, X., Black, Z., Gao, Z., Wilson, C., Thomas, J., Jones, J., Sattanno, K., DeLong, A., Swisher, M., Kokalis-Burelle, N., Wang, J., Li, Z., Shi, L., Pisani, C., Guo, H., Zhu, Q., Paudel, B., Johns, C.W., Finley, N., Muramoto, J., Albano, J., and Shennan, C. 2019. Anaerobic soil disinfestation: Areawide project on obstacles and adoption. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), 1270, 23-36.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Hewavitharana, S. S., Klarer, E., Reed, A. J., Leisso, R., Poirier, B., Honaas, L., Rudell, D. R., and Mazzola, M. 2019. Temporal dynamics of the soil metabolome and microbiome during simulated anaerobic soil disinfestation. Frontiers in Microbiology 10:2365
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Klarer, E., and Mazzola, M. 2019. Influence of carbon input on anaerobic soil disinfestation efficacy for control of Fusarium wilt of strawberry. Phytopathology 109 (S2): 69
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Klarer, E., Hewavitharana, S. S., Rudell, D. R., and Mazzola, M. 2019. Impacts of anaerobic soil disinfestation carbon source on the dynamics of the soil metabolome and microbiome. Phytopathology 109 (S2): 70.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Shrestha, U., B.H. Ownley, D.M. Butler. 2020. Integrating cover crops with anaerobic soil disinfestation to manage Fusarium oxysporum in strawberry production. APS Plant Health 2020 online, 10-14 August 2020
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Shennan, C., Muramoto, J., Zavatta, M., Mazzola, M., 2019. Crop rotation, anaerobic soil disinfestation and mustard seed meal amendment impacts on disease severity and organic strawberry production in California. 2019 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions, 5-1 - 5-3.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Rosskopf, E., Hong, J., Peres, N., Desaeger, J., Silveira, J.B., Keeley, M., Sances, F., Muramoto, J., Williams, K., Albano, J., Di Gioia, F., Shennan, C., 2019. Anaerobic soil disinfestation for Florida strawberry production. 2019 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions, 2-1 - 2-3
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2020 Citation: Flores, A, Prescott, K, Kortmant, S, and Haffa, A. 2020. Effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation on volatile organic compound production in strawberry fields Poster presentation at the 46th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2020 Citation: Kortman S, Haffa H. 2020. Soil greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural management treatments that reduce pesticide use in strawberries on the Central Coast of California. Poster presentation at the 46th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting

Progress 08/15/18 to 08/14/19

Target Audience:Target audiences are growers, ag professionals, extension agenst and researchers in all participating states and elsewhere for production systems that rely on soil fumigation. Changes/Problems:Extreme weather events such as the hurricane in NC have caused some adjustments to tthe timing of field trials and we will request a NCTE to complete additional experiments. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?In total 6 undergraduates, two graduate students, three post docs and numerous student interns have received training from this project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Presentations have been made at the annual MBAO conference, and the APS annual meeting. In addition, demonstration trials have been established in conjunction with local growers and companies in both CA and Fl. Further, small demonstration trials with 4H and Master gardeners were set up in Fl to help benefit a local food bank. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?To examine interactions between strawberry varieties and ASD, a trial will be established in fall 2019 in a field with Fusarium wilt using a split plot block design with ASD, fumigation (Tri-form 80, 408 lb/acre), and untreated check as main plots, and 4 UC varieties (San Andreas, Albion, and 2 new UC varieties) as sub plots with 4 replications. For ASD, summer-bed-ASD treatment using rice bran 9 tons/acre and clear-TIF mulch was conducted from August 1 to October 2019. The clear tarp was replaced with green-TIF tarp on October 20. Bed fumigation was done on August 21. Strawberry plants will be transplanted in Nov 2019. We are also conducting greenhouse gas sampling during ASD at this trial, collecting samples from beds and furrows on 12 individual days during the 11 week ASD treatment. Sampling is continuing through the strawberry crop. Greenhouse trials are also underway to examine how greenhouse gas emissions during ASD are affected by carbon source and soil nitrate levels. There were 11 treatments with combinations of: soil+rice bran; soil+rice bran, varying levels of nitrate (5, 15, 30 ppm NO3-N); soil+rice bran+ground cover crops (mustard seed, triticale, Sudan grass, weeds, rye); and no additions. All rice bran was added atf 9 t/ac, and cover crops 3 t/ac plus 6 t/ac rice bran. All treatments will be replicated three or more times. Due to the lack of control of nutsedge in the small-plot research and the acceptable nutsedge control observed in the demonstration trial, a fall 2019 research trial was established to evaluate the impact of four different TIF films on the efficacy of ASD for nutsedge and fungal plant pathogen suppression. Paired plots were established in which one plot contained ASD and on plot was left untreated under each plastic type. Each pair was replicated four times. Weekly nutsedge counts were conducted and fewer soil samples were collected in order to allow plastic to remain intact during 3-week treatment period. The factorial amendment experiment was established again as conducted in 2018 with the exception of dropping the algal compost treatment that did not result in high levels of anaerobicity in 2018. In field gas sampling tubes were established in the CPL/molasses and pelleted CPL/molasses plots to increase the information gathered from these particular treatments. Gas samples were not collected from the other treatments. All other sampling protocols remained the same as in 2018 and strawberry transplanting in these plots was completed Oct 15, 2019. A demonstration trial was established in fall 2019 using a full field application strategy applied by the grower cooperator using USDA equipment. Eh was monitored during application and there was a low level of anerobicity achieved in beds at the field edge versus those in the center of the amended area. Monitoring of disease and sting nematode will be conducted at this location throughout the season NC: A field trial was established in 2019 to compare fumigation, untreated control, and a range of soil management treatments (cover crop + compost; ASD with molasses (2 rates), ASD with Mustard Meal (MM), ASD with molasses and clear plastic, clear plastic alone, MM alone, and MM + molasses) on control of Black Root Rot (BRR), nematodes and weed suppression. Data are being collected on crop growth and yield, soil nutrients, soil microbiome changes, weeds, nematode populations and disease incidence. Economic analysis: data are being compiled for the 8- year rotation experiment in CA, building on the existing analysis of the first 4 years of the study. A post doc will be hired in CA to conduct grower and industry representative interviews and focus groups during the upcoming year.

What was accomplished under these goals? CA - Central: 1) an 8 yr study looked at the effects of rotation length (2 vs 4 yr), crop sequence (broccoli- vs lettuce-based) and soil management (ASD with crop residue+rice bran (ASD), ASD with crop residue+rice bran+compost+almond shell (ASD+C), mustard seed meal (MSM), and no pre-plant fertilizer (UTC)) on productivity and disease incidence in organic strawberries. Summer ASD was conducted in Aug.-Sep. and strawberry planted in Nov. 2018. Highest strawberry yields were in ASD 4 yr rotations. ASD greatly increased yields in the lettuce rotation and MSM yields were higher in broccoli rotations. All ASD treatments yielded higher than MSM and UTC averaged across rotations. The 2 yr rotations had higher wilt symptoms, and a negative correlation between wilt score and yield observed (R2 = 0.3147 p <0.0001). Analysis of crown tissues show Fusarium oxysporum fragariae (Fof), Macrophomina phaseolina and Verticillium dahliae all present. ASD did not eliminate disease, but provided sufficient suppression to enhance strawberry yields when lettuce was grown prior to strawberry. 2) A summer cover crop ASD trial was established in a field infested with M. phaseolina that compared Sudan grass, Merced rye, Summit 515 wheat, triticale, and rice bran ASD, against a no carbon source (NC) control. Summer ASD was conducted in Aug.-Sep. and strawberry planted in Nov. 2018. As of June, 2019, yield was greatest in the Summit 515 plots, and higher than NC (P=0.05). 3) Nitrate leaching data from a prior trial were analyzed. Cumulative leached nitrate-N was lower from ASD (146 lb-N/ac) and chloropicrin (130 lb-N/ac) plots than the untreated control (206 lb-N/acre) (P=0.06), suggesting that fumigation kills nitrifiers and anaerobic conditions during ASD inhibit nitrification, thus reducing nitrate leaching. CA - South: In an organic field a 9 ac replicated trial compared rye or barley cover crop followed by 6t/ac rice bran vs non-cover-cropped soil with 9t /ac rice bran ASD. All treatments developed strong anaerobic conditions. Two weeks after tarping strawberry was transplanted and performance evaluated throughout the growing season. WA: Impact of ASD C source on the soil microbiome and metabolome. ASD was conducted for 21d using ground orchard grass, wheat grass or rice bran as C sources, or a no-amendment control. Soil samples were collected during ASD and 10 days post-ASD. Polar and non-polar metabolites were analyzed using GC-MS and LC-MS. DNA was extracted and bacterial and fungal profiles generated though amplicon sequencing of the 16S gene and ITS region. Gas and volatile metabolite samples were collected analyzed with GC-MS. A rapid change in bacterial community composition was observed in all ASD treatments. Firmicutes were a greater portion of the community in ASD-GR and ASD-WH soils than ASD-RB soils after 7-days, and Clostridium spp. were > 40% of the bacterial OTUs detected in ASD-GR and ASD-WH treatments, but only 18% in ASD-RB (<0.04% in ASD-no C). Maximal generation of volatile fatty acids (VFA) was found at the end of ASD except for butanoic acid in the ASD-RB treatment where maximal generation was at 15 days. Maximal generation of DMDS and DMTS was higher and earlier in ASD-WH than ASD-RB. All ASD treatments led to proliferation in Fof, followed by a decline. In the absence of ASD, C input led to sustained increase in Fof population and greater disease severity. No ASD treatment reduced disease severity relative to the control. FL: 1). A trial showed that pelleted composted poultry litter (CPL), (pasteurized to eliminate human pathogens), retained 5% more water than unpelleted CPL, and can be used in ASD. In trial 2, gasses released during 3-wk ASD were monitored. Soil, CPL, molasses, and water were added to glass globes, and half autoclaved to sterilize the soil. Carbon monoxide, CO2, NH3, and N20 were detected in the ASD-treated soils, but sterilized soil released 1,000 fold less CO2 than ASD. 2) in pot trials we evaluated the impacts of C sources on anaerobicity, gas and organic acid generation and pathogen survival. Main plots were no N source, CPL, and composted yard waste (YW), sub-plots included no C source, molasses, beet molasses, citrus molasses, pelleted citrus peel, glycerol, hairy indigo, lactose, lactose+whey, molasses+whey, Verdesoil, and Stylosanthes at 25, 50, and 75% total C combined with molasses, as the C sources. Packets of F. oxysporum and M. phaseolina were installed after incorporation of materials. Pots were saturated with water, covered with totally-impermeable film (TIF), and incubated for 3 wks. All treatments produced high levels of anaerobicity, but those with whey had lower anaerobicity, yet the greatest pH reduction. Biological data analysis is ongoing. 3) In field trial 1, pelleted CPL and CPL were combined with either no C source, molasses, wheat bran, rice bran, or algal compost as main plots, and 3 strawberry varieties as split plots. In trial 2, ASD, Pic-Clor60 and untreated plots were split with applications of flumioxazin, oxyfluorfen, and no herbicide. Inputs were top dressed on beds, molasses applied, the bed top rotovated then reformed; covered with TIF and 2in of water applied. High levels of anaerobicity occurred in most ASD plots, but nutsedge was not controlled, perhaps due to use of a new TIF. Sting nematode control was improved in ASD and Pic-Clor60 plots versus the control. Flumioxazin led to stunting and chlorosis of strawberry. No treatments completely controlled M. phaseolina. Data on nematode populations, soil nutrients, organic acids, soil DNA, and Gasmet samples are being analyzed. 4). A demonstration plot was installed in an area with high pest pressure. Eight ASD rows were established adjacent to the fumigated field. ASD provided weed, sting nematode, Macrophomina control and yields comparable to fumigation, but N management needs to be modified to limit excess foliage/runner production. TN: 1) Diseased strawberry plants were collected and causal organisms identified using DNA extraction and PCR, and pure cultures obtained. Inoculum of these and other pathogen isolates (Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium irregular) were produced and exposed to VFAs in anaerobic chambers for 5 days. VFAs of acetic, n-butyric, or valeric acids, a mixture of acetic and n-butyric acids at 4 or 8 mmol/kg soil were maintained at soil pH 4.5 or 5.5 for 5 days, and survival of pathogens compared with HCl or sterile water controls. A 6-well plate study was conducted to assess the effect of VFAs (200 mmol, 500 mmol, 1000 mmol) on mycelial growth of pathogens - R. solani, Fusarium spp., F. oxysporum, P. irregulare FL, Ceratobasidium spp. and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Plates were observed after 3 and 7 days, and mycelial growth recorded. Early results show that VFA exposure effect varied with pathogen, and growth inhibition was concentration-dependent. Pot studies were conducted with R. solani inoculum, treatments were VFAs (acetic, propionic, n-butyric, isovaleric, valeric and isobutyric), ASD with dry molasses, ASD with wheat bran and controls (HCl, and aerobic and anaerobic). The lowest R. solani recovery (67-79% less than HCl or anaerobic water controls), was observed from propionic, n-butyric, isovaleric and a mixture of acetic and butyric acids, whereas ASD with dried molasses and wheat bran reduced R. solani propagules by 31-53%. 2). A field trial to determine the effect of C source and crop rotation on survival of pathogen inoculum of Fusarium oxysporum and Ceratobasidium sp., and populations of indigenous Fusarium spp. is underway. Dried molasses and wheat bran as a C sources were used and ASD applied for 4 weeks. VFAs were assessed at 3 and 7 days of ASD, and soil Eh, moisture and pH assessed after 4 weeks. Pathogen packets were retrieved at 4 weeks and stored for analysis. Indigenous soil Fusarium populations at week 1 were 76% lower in ASD compared to anaerobic controls, and 23% less at 4 weeks.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Hewavitharana, S.S., Klarer, E., Reed, A.J., Leisso, R., Poirer, B., Honaas, L., Rudell, D.R, and Mazzola M. 2019. Temporal dynamics of the soil metabolome and microbiome during simulated anaerobic soil disinfestation. Frontiers in Microbiology
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2019 Citation: Klarer, E., and Mazzola, M. 2019. Influemce of carbon input on anaerobic soil disinfestation efficacy for control of Fusarium wilt of strawberry. Phytopathology:109 in press.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2019 Citation: Klarer, E, Hewavitharana, S.S., Rudell, D.R., and Mazzola, M. 2019. Impacts of anaerobic soil disinfestation carbon source on the dynamics of the soil metabolome and microbiome. Phytopathology: 109. in press.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2019 Citation: Shennan, C., J. Muramoto, G. Baird, M. Zavatta, L. Nobua, B., and Mazzola, M. 2019. Effects of crop rotation, anaerobic soil disinfestation and mustard seed meal on disease severity and organic strawberry production in California. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), In press
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2019 Citation: Muramoto, J., Shennan, C., Mazzola, M., Wood, T., Miethke, E., Resultay, E., Zavatta, M., and Koike, S.T. 2019 Use of a summer cover crop as a partial carbon source for anaerobic soil disinfestation in coastal California. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), In press
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2019 Citation: Rosskopf, E.N., Di Gioia, F., Hong, J., Ozores-Hampton, M., Zhao, X., Black, Z., Gao, Z., Wilson, C., Thomas, J., Jones, J., Sattanno, K., DeLong, A., Swisher, M., Kokalis-Burelle, N., Wang, J., Li, Z., Shi, L., Pisani, C., Guo, H., Zhu, Q., Paudel, B., Johns, C.W., Finley, N., Muramoto, J., Albano, J., and Shennan, C. 2019. Anaerobic soil disinfestation: Areawide project on obstacles and adoption. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), In press
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Shrestha, U., Swilling, H.J., Agarwal, S., Ownley, B. H., and Butler, D.M. 2019. Volatile fatty acid production during anaerobic soil disinfestation and its effects on suppression of Rhizoctonia solani. 2019 Annual Conference ASHS, Las Vegas, NV.

Progress 08/15/17 to 08/14/18

Target Audience:Audiences reached include academic researchers, extension, farmers and others in the agricultura industry. Changes/Problems:The loss of the field experiment in NC to the hurricane will require a re-thinking of project plans which is underway What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?At UCSC the project provided professional development training for 2 specialists in setting up field trials, soil and plant sampling protocols, flow-injection analyzer operation, and general lab management. In addition 11 undergraduates received training in research methods related to both field, greenhouse and laboratory activities. All received CITI training. At CSUMB all staff technicians, undergraduate researchers, and the graduate student have completed required CITI training. Additionally, training was provided on the operation of the Gasmet DX4040 in situ gas analyzer and associated Calcmet computer software for analyzing results. Ar the U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service in WA training in molecular methods including DNA isolation, DNA sequencing, T-RFLP analysis and quantitative real time PCR was provided to the undergraduate summer intern. Training in metabolomics including comprehensive development of methods of metabolite extraction from soil, separation and detection of metabolite composition in samples by GC-MS and LC-MS and an analysis of the metabolome using various bioinformatic tools was provided to the graduate student associated with this program. At the University of Tennessee, Knoxvill, one postdoc, one M.S. student, three research associates, and 4 undergraduate students participated in aspects of the research during the reporting period. At the U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory in FL a large-scale, replicated field trial was established comparing ASD to standard untreated bedded plasticulture in collaboration with the High School Future Farmers of America working farm in Saint Lucie County, FL. The trial will be used in a county-wide "Farm to Fork" program in which students will grow and harvest produce for the county school system. The trial area will be used for students in the Agricultural Vocational program for part of their science curriculum as well as for Regional Science Fair projects on plant nutrition and pest management. One technician has participated in training related to the use of the Gasmet portable FTIR system for the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions and volatile organic compound production during ASD. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?IN CA, results have been presented in 2 posters and an oral presentation at the September 13, 2018 CSU ARI PI meeting in Sacramento, CA. An additional oral presentation was given to the California State Legislature at the ARI Legislative Briefing on September 14, 2018. Additionally, the student who presented spoke to the CSU Board of Trustees broadly on the importance of research on undergraduate education on September 11, 2018. Elements of this work were also presented in invited Keynote addresses at the Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market Expo, 5-7 December 2018 (Grand Rapids, MI), Bonares 2018 Conference: Soil as a Sustainable Resource, 26-28 February 2018 (Berlin, Germany); International Congress of Plant Pathology, 30 July 2018 (Boston, MA) and the 10th Australasian Symposium on Soilborne Diseases, 5 September 2018 (Adelaide, Australia). In FL three demonstration sites were established: Saint Lucie County Master Gardeners; Saint Lucie County 4H Demonstration Farm; and one commercial strawberry grower with a sting nematode, Macrophomina, and nutsedge pest complex left uncontrolled by current fumigation practices. Field trials were established at the Florida Strawberry Growers Association farm site and will be used for field days. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Goals 1: monitoring fruit yield, soil N dynamics, plant mortality and test soils and symptomatic plants for causal pathogens (if any) and collect data for economic analysis at the field trials mentioned above. Studies addressing the temporal dynamics of the soil metabolome and microbiome in response to anaerobic soil disinfestation will be conducted using various organic carbon inputs. In addition, the effect of these different ASD treatments on suppression of strawberry soil-borne diseases will be determined. In TN Laboratory studies are being initiated to evaluate Pythium and Fusarium susceptibility to volatile fatty acids during ASD under varying environmental conditions. Time permitting, similar studies with Rhizoctonia will also be initiated during the reporting period. In FL all current projects will continue through the next reporting period. Goal 2: monitoring fruit yield, soil N dynamics, plant mortality and test soils and symptomatic plants for causal pathogens (if any) and collect data for economic analysis at the field trials mentioned above. Goal 3:Monitoring of GHGs will continue at the Santa Cruz trial during the strawberry crop. New pot trials will be established, incorporating additional soil amendments to mimic field conditions common in the California Central Coast growing regions, such as different types of ground cover crops. Wewill summarize leaching data from 2017/18 and present at the annual strawberry meeting in Watsonville in Feb. 2019. Goal 4: In CA wewill initiate field trials for the integrated /rotation approaches at multiple sites in CA with different pathogen types, and complete the on-going rotation experiment.In TN we will continue our field study with ASD interactions with crop rotation and will use preliminary data from pot studies to develop the ASD treatment to be initiated in the field in summer 2019. Goal 5: Focus groups for growers will be held at various outreachevents in different regions, and interviews conducted with growers, extension agents, researchers, industry representatives and regulatory personnel during the next reporting period. Goal 7: The project website will be launched showcasing the work underway, and work on extension materials for ASD use in CA will be initiated.

What was accomplished under these goals? Goal 1: in California (CA), co-funded by the USDA-MBT grant, a field trial using a cover crop as a partial carbon source (C-source) for ASD was initiated at a clay loam site naturally infested by Macrophomina phaseolina in Watsonville, CA. A randomized block complete designed trial has 4 types of summer cover crops (triticale, Sudan grass, Merced rye, Summit 515 wheat (a wheat variety known to suppress this pathogen)), rice bran 9 tons/acre, and untreated check as treatments with 4 replicates. Cover crops were grown from May to July, biomass measured, mowed and incorporated with rice bran in August 2018. Rice bran was added to the cover crop plots to attain a total biomass of 9 tons/acre. Flat ASD using clear TIF film was conducted from August 8 to September 6. In Washington (WA), temporal changes in the soil metabolome and microbiome during simulated ASD were examined using non-targeted, integrative approaches that capitalize on descriptive microbial community interaction and metabolism. Untargeted metabolic and microbiome profiling was used to assess widespread changes and network modeling to generate a descriptive model of these changes. Transformation of the system to an anaerobic environment corresponded with proliferation of Firmicutes and concurrent accumulation of small chain organic acids, methyl sulfide compounds, hydrocarbons, and p-cresol with antimicrobial properties. However, continuous changes to the microbiome and metabolome were detected throughout the anaerobic phase with previously uncharacterized transformations within the phylum Fimicutes corresponding with accumulation of specific metabolites with known anti-microbial function. Knowledge of the temporal accumulation of specific anti-microbial metabolites and identification of the microorganisms responsible for their production is an important finding for optimization of ASD application in the field In Tennessee (TN), worked was conducted to isolate root pathogens Pythium irregulare, Rhizoctonia fragariae, and Fusarium oxysporum in order to evaluate pathogen susceptibility to volatile fatty acids during ASD treatment under varying environmental conditions. In Florida (FL), two greenhouse and two micro-plot trials were established to evaluate alternative carbon sources to replace the use of molasses for Florida application of ASD. Parameters monitored included pathogen (Macrophomin and Fusarium) control and cumulative anaerobicity. One large factorial field trial was established using pasteurized pelleted broiler litter in comparison to composted broiler litter with four carbon sources. This trial will be planted to three strawberry cultivars differing in their resistance to Macrophomina. A second field trial was established to evaluate the compatibility of the herbicide active ingredients oxyfluorfen and flumioxazen with ASD. Goal 2: a field trial was initiated at a sandy loam site in Oxnard, CA. A randomized block split designed trial has 4.5 tons/acre and 6 tons/acre of rice bran as main plots and 3 acre-inches, 1.5 acre-inches, and no irrigation as sub plots with 3 replicates. Rice bran was broadcasted in June and bed ASD was conducted from June 20 to July 12 and variety Portola was planted on July 14, 2018. Post-ASD soil samples were tested for lethal soil borne pathogens, but none detected. The yield survey is in progress. Goal 3: Six pot trials have been conducted, including 2 continuous monitoring (one for 8 days and one for ~27 hours), to examine effects of varying initial nitrate levels combined with carbon inputs (9 tons/acre rice bran) on soil greenhouse gas (GHGs) production. The first 3 pot trials were pilot trials to establish our methodology using both rice bran and untreated control (UTC). This helped to inform modifications to the UTC to a more accurate representation. One pot trial was successfully replicated (n=3) with varying initial nitrate concentration (5, 10 and 30 ppm KNO). Arandomizedcomplete blockfield trial with ASD rice bran 6 tons/acre, fumigated control, and untreated check as treatments with 4 replicates was established at a sandy loam growers field in Watsonville, CA in Sep. 2017. Nitrate leaching wasmonitored using soil water sampling and water balance methods with suction lysimeters installed at 24" soil depth and soil moisture sensors installed at 6, 12, and 24 inches depths from the beginning of ASD until the end of harvest in August 2018. Leachates were collected at every rain and irrigation event and analyzed for NO3-N, NH4-N, P and K. The results are pending. Goal 4: in TN a field trial has been established with 3 differing crop rotations. The first ASD treatments in this trial will be established in summer 2019. A second location of this trial will also be initiated in 2019.. In CA an on-going rotation study was continued into year 7 to compare lettuce- orbroccoli-based 2 and 4 year crop rotations with and without ASD or Mustard Seed Meal used for disease control. In fall 2018 strawberries will be planted across all treatments to assess effectiveness of rotation and management on strawberry production and disease severity Goal 5: Interview protocols are being developed for growers, industry representatives, extension and researchers, and representatives from key regulatory agencies and will be tested in late 2018 and early 2019. Focus group protocols are using being developed for use at grower meetings in 2019. Goal 6: Nothing to report yet. Goal 7: Seventeen undergraduate students were trained as lab and field technicians for this project, as well as 3 graduate students and 2 post doctoral researchers. In all regions initial work has largely focused on some greenhouse experiments, field trial preparation and development of methodologies for data collection. One field trial in NC was established but subsequently destroyed by the hurricane that passed over the field site and deposited over 30 inches of rainfall. The impact of this work will become apparent later during the project.
