Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2017
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2020
Grant Year
Program Code
[BFRDA]- Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program, Standard
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The Viability Program at the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board will work in partnership with the Intervale Center and Vermont Land Trust to develop and implement a coordinated, proactive approach to accelerate access to land and growth of viable businesses for Vermont's next generation of agricultural entrepreneurs. We believe in the power of direct service as the most effective approach for improving farm viability. Farming is a complicated business that requires operators to develop diverse skill sets. Each farm business is as unique as its land-base, resources, and operator's goals. We will provide individualized one-on-one technical assistance to new and beginning farmers in business planning, land assessment, land access, and accessing financing, meeting beginning farmers where they are at and leveraging specific resources they need and accelerate their early stage growth into viable commercial enterprises. In addition we will provide retiring farmers with estate or transfer planning services, and assistance identifying successors or buyers. Additional collaborating organizations will include University of Vermont Extension, Land for Good and Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont who we will contract with for additional transfer planning and technical assistance.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The goal of our project is to develop and implement shared programs that meet the needs of new and beginning farmers as well as those transitioning out of agriculture, in this time of accelerating land transitions and evolving business types in Vermont. Through a highly coordinated, efficient and proactive farmland access and business development process, we can support successful, innovative transitions in farmland ownership, increase the number of beginning farmers operating, and significantly enhance their success and sustainability over both the short and long term. We intend to serve 200 farmers in total with an understanding that some farmers may be served by two or more types of services, listed below.Project Objectives:1. Project partners develop and implement highly coordinated, individualized land access technical assistance to Vermont's top-tier of new farm business managers and retiring farmers.2. Wrap-around business and technical assistance is available and highly effective at helping new and beginning farmers to become viable farm operators (commercial scale with good business management skills)3. Beginning farmers access farmland that is the right match for their skills and business models.4. Beginning farmers have access to financing, including new financing tools to make accessing farmland and the subsequent fit-up or building upgrades possible.5. Retiring farmers have the tools and assistance they need to seek and evaluate new farm owners so they can transition their farmland to farmers, rather than non-farmers.
Project Methods
Objective 1: Project partners develop and implement highly coordinated, individualized land access technical assistance to Vermont's top-tier of new farm business managers and retiring farmers.Activity A: Establish new communications system between three partner organizations. Evaluate options for communication, such as shared Google documents or databases, and standing meeting options, to determine more effective and efficient communications methods; adopt new methods; and evaluate and make adjustments after six and 18 months to ensure the communications methods can remain effective over and beyond the life of this project.Activity B: Establish an MOU. Articulate in a three-way partnership agreement/MOU the details on how to coordinate and align farmland access, farmland conservation, and farm viability processes to be a highly proactive, coordinated, efficient and effective process. This includes aligning and collaborating on recruitment, enrollment, service delivery, and evaluation.Activity C: Implement services detailed under the new partnership.Objective 2: Wrap-around business and technical assistance is available and highly effective at helping new and beginning farmers to become viable farm operators.Activity A: Recruit and enroll 150 farmers. Utilizing existing partnerships, events, and networks, recruit 150 farmers - or about 50 each year - to participate in coaching as well as more in depth business planning services. Work with farmers to complete enrollment and assessment process. For farmers that do not qualify, or who may benefit from other learning opportunities, make referrals to collaborating organizations, such as UVM Extension or NOFA-VT.Activity B: Provide coaching and business planning services after completing assessment process: Make referrals to appropriate classes, service providers, workshops and other programs available through Vermont New Farmer Network Partners, such as NOFA-VT and UVM Extension; Complete work plans with coaching clients and monitor their progress for 3-6 months; Complete business planning components or full plans with business planning clients; Evaluate impact and determine next steps.Objective 3: Beginning farmers access farmland that is the right match for their skills and business models.Activity A: Provide services to 70 new and beginning farmers in land search, assessment, and business model development based on specific farm parcels. Identify farmers among pool receiving coaching and business planning assistance that also require land access support; advertise availability of services on Vermont Land Link Website, UVM's New Farmer Website, the New Farmer Network and the Vermont Farm-to-Plate Network, and at established events; complete assessments to determine farm's needs; enroll farmland seekers on Vermont Land Link; arrange site visits as appropriate; assist with completion of materials required for financing options as needed; support farms through land acquisition or lease process; provide follow up with farmers as their businesses are sited; and complete evaluation.Activity B: Match beginning farmers with specific landowners/parcels that are appropriate to their farm type and scale. Develop an inventory of at least 40 farms for sale and that can be leased that are geographically diverse and have a variety of soil types, acreages and infrastructure; identify five parcels appropriate for in place farm incubation where skilled beginning farmers can lease land with a future purchase arrangement while building their businesses; complete 25 on-farm assessments; develop relationships with 20 farmers who do not have identified successors who are interested in transferring their properties to new farmers through or outside of a conservation easement process; and work with new farmers to match them to parcels identified through the above steps.Objective 4: Beginning farmers have access to financing, including new financing tools, to make accessing farmland and the subsequent fit-up or building upgrades possible.Activity A: Coach beginning farmers on readiness to purchase, types of capital available and the impact of debt on business operations. This includes: assisting farmers in the development of financial and business plan documents necessary to access capital for purchase and assisting farmers with developing realistic cash flow and capital plans to ensure successful purchase and transition.Activity B: Complete inventory of alternative financing tools. Conduct a comprehensive assessment of available alternative financing tools, focused on those that are available to farmers that do not yet qualify for FSA/Farm Credit programs; produce materials to educate farmers and service providers about these tools; and share completed documents with USDA clearinghouse, with Land for Good, and through the Farm Viability and other networks in Vermont.Activity C: Dedicate a portion of VLT's land access revolving capital to support new and beginning farmers participating in this project.Activity D: Develop and implement a lease to own farmland transfer model. Dedicate sufficient VLT revolving fund capital to support two, five-year lease to own cycles; develop lease language and draft lease template; in collaboration with project partners, identify three to five potential candidates for lease to own financing; and implement lease to own structure with up to two farmers.Activity E: Complete an on-farm equipment and farm improvements financing model for leaseholders. Develop the model, using a combination of VLT capital and low-cost PRI (program-related investment) financing; pilot the model with three farms; gather feedback from farmers and other stakeholders to understand efficacy; and document results, including potential case studies and model, to share state wide and nationally.Objective 5: Retiring farmers have the tools and assistance they need to seek and evaluate new farm owners so they can transition their farmland to farmers, rather than non-farmers.Activity A: Recruit and enroll farmers. Recruit 60 farmers in need of transfer assistance; outreach specifically to farmers posting land on Land Link and through VLT staff stewarding conserved farm land; and enroll farmers ready to retire into the Viability Program. Assist farmers in completing the program application, and match them with one of the Viability Network's transfer planning technical providers.Activity B: Provide coaching: complete farm business assessments; meet with families to understand long term transfer goals; and educate retiring farmers about the transfer process and develop realistic expectations for sale of land or business.Activity C: Provide services to assist in land listing and linking for retiring farmers to attract beginning farmer purchasers. Advertise availability of Vermont Land Link through existing networks and to new retiring farmer clients; help farmers list their properties; facilitate matching with new farmers; and provide follow up to understand efficacy of tool.Activity D: Provide in-depth transfer planning services. Identify which collaborators to provide services to retiring farmers. Provide in-depth transfer planning services to farm families, from inventory assessments to understanding transfer tools and options to finalizing a financial plan; meet with potential new owners as appropriate; and monitor the work by talking with both the service provider and farmers several times during the process to check on progress and satisfaction.Activity E: Complete farm transfer plans and evaluation of transfer planning services. Farmer and service provider complete a final written farm transfer plan; Submit the plan to Viability Program staff and in some cases the VLT and/or Intervale Center staff; and Staff reviews and evaluates the farm transfer plan for completeness and to provide feedback to the farmer, and the farmer completes a program evaluation.

Progress 09/01/17 to 08/31/20

Target Audience:Audience Emphasis: Organic producers Small farms Specialty crop producers Traditional commercial producers Women Total Participants: Started farming: Target - 0, Actual - 0 Helped prepare to start farming: Target - 0, Actual - 0 Improved farming success: Target - 200, Actual - 205 Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project has provided opportunities for training to all 205 participants. Each of these farmers has received coaching or in-depth advising on farm business planning, financial management, land access, retirement planning, or business transferto a new generation. This training tookplace through one-on-one meetings between farmers and skilled farm business and land access advisors, and through ongoing communication between farmers and advisors as they work toward a goal of land purchase, transfer to a new generation, or business growth. Each farmer served under this project receive one-on-one assistance and met with an advisor between one and ten times, depending on their level of need. In addition to the 205 farmers served through one-on-one assistance, this project also provided 31 farmers with education through a workshop on transferring your farm to new farm owners. We believe in the power of direct service as the most effective approach for improving farm viability. Farming is a complicated business that requires operators to develop diverse skill sets. Each farm business is as unique as its land-base, resources, and operator's goals. We provide individualized assistance and meet farmers where they are at to accelerate their early stage growth into viable commercial enterprises, or to provide retiring farmers with transfer planning services and assistance identifying beginning farmers buyers. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Promotional Materials Farm business planning rack card - Intervale Center beginning & retiring farmers VLT Farmland Access Program brochure farmers interested in purchasing conserved land Vermont Land Link flyer Advertises the Vermont Land Link platform, which connects land owners and land seekers. Vermont Land Link Brochure This brochure offers an in-depth introduction to Vermont Land Link, and the ways in which it connects land owners and land seekers. Vermont Farm & Forest Viability Program brochure farmers & other eligible businesses What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Final Report - summary of completed steps This project has been highly successful, with the number of farmers assisted and the success rate for land access and affordable financing exceeding our projections. Notes on the steps we have completed are listed below and categorized by the five objectives described in our application. Objective 1: Project partners develop and implement highly coordinated, individualized land access technical assistance to Vermont's top-tier of new farm business managers and retiring farmers. Completed Steps: Established new communications system between three partner organizations Developed a shared client tracking systems and hosted regular partner organization meetings throughout the course of the project Evaluated partnership impact (through surveys sent to farmers electronically as well as a third party evaluation conducted by an external evaluation consultant, who interviewed 29 farmers, stakeholders, and partners) Established a draft Memorandum of Understanding. Project partners will continue to develop this draft to guide our work going forward. Objective 2: Wrap-around business and technical assistance is available and highly effective at helping new and beginning farmers to become viable farm operators. Completed Steps: Recruited and enrolled 133 out of a target of 150 beginning farmers. While this was lower than anticipated, overall we served more farmers than planned because of the higher than planned number of exiting farmers who we assisted in identifying successors and completing transfer plans. Provided tailored, one-on-one coaching and business planning services after completing an initial assessment process. Each farmer received from 5-50 hours of coaching and assistance from their advisor, depending on their level of need. Objective 3:Beginning farmers access farmland that is the right match for their skills and business models. Completed Steps: Of the 133 new and beginning farmers served through this project, we provided land access services to 86 (exceeding our goal of 70) to assist in their land search, assessment, and business model development based on specific farm parcels Matched beginning farmers with specific landowners/parcels that are appropriate to their farm type and scale, based on knowledge of individual farmers' needs as well as on-site assessments of farm properties Assisted 62 farmers in successfully securing land, significantly more than the 40 we had expected An additional 11 beginning farmers were in the process of finalizing a farm purchase or long-term lease at the close of this project Objective 4: Beginning farmers have access to financing, including new financing tools, to make accessing farmland and the subsequent fit-up or building upgrades possible. Completed Steps: Coached beginning farmers on readiness to purchase, types of capital available, how to work with a lender or alternative financing provider, and the impact of debt on business operations 47 beginning farmers successfully accessed affordable financing tools, including low-cost loans designed for beginning farmers, sale of conservation development rights to decrease he cost of a farm property, or financing through the Farmland Future Fund Completed inventory of alternative financing tools (attached in Educational Materials) Trialed extended affordable lease-to-own periods on specific conserved farms to determine the pros and cons for both the farmers and Vermont Land Trust, and to identify costs associated with holding the land during a lease period Developed the Farmland Futures Fund at the Vermont Land Trust, a $15 million low cost debt capital fund to help farmers access land that improves their economic and environmental sustainability Objective 5: Retiring farmers have the tools and assistance they need to seek and evaluate new farm owners so they can transition their farmland to farmers, rather than non-farmers. Completed Steps: Recruited and enrolled 72 retirement-age farmers, exceeding our goal of 60 Provided coaching and succession planning advising after completing an initial assessment process, with the goal of helping exiting farmers pass their farm on to a new generation Each exiting farmer received around 5-50 hours of coaching on finding a successor, transferring management and assets, mediation, and financial and retirement planning Provided services to assist in land listing and linking on the Vermont Land Link for retiring farmers to attract beginning farmer purchasers Worked with Land For Good to host a Transferring the Farm workshop, which was attended by 31 farmers

What was accomplished under these goals? Results: What Producers Learned, Achieved, Applied Result 1. Beginning farmers will receive in-depth, customized business advising to help start or grow their businesses. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: Continuously throughout project, final number calculated at end of project. Estimated Number: 150, Actual Number: 133 How verified: Collecting applications and maintaining an up-to-date enrollment list. Result 2. Goal: 80% of beginning farmers served (106 out of 133) will increase their skills and confidence in business management. Actual result: 86% of respondents increased skills and/or confidence. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project Estimated Number: 106, Actual Number: 114 How verified: Farmer self-evaluation Result 3. Beginning farmers will receive coaching on land access. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Access to land When measured: Continuously throughout project, final number calculated at end of project. Estimated Number: 70, Actual Number: 82 How verified: Through tracking type of service provided to each enrolled business. Result 4. Goal: 80% of farmers (69 out of 82) receiving land access coaching increase their skills/confidence in accessing land. Actual result: 83% of respondents reported increasing skills and/or confidence. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Access to land When measured: Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project Estimated Number: 69, Actual Number: 72 How verified: Farmer self-evaluation Result 5. 40 beginning farmers will successfully acquire land to start or grow their businesses. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Access to land When measured: Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project Estimated Number: 40, Actual Number: 62 How verified: Through tracking results and status of land acquisition with each enrolled farmer. Result 6. 20 beginning farmers will successfully use affordable financing tools. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Access to land When measured: Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project Estimated Number: 20, Actual Number: 47 How verified: Through tracking which enrolled businesses successfully access capital. Result 7. Retiring farmers will have access to succession planning coaching that improves their ability to pass on their land. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Transferring the farm When measured: Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project Estimated Number: 60, Actual Number: 72 How verified: Through tracking type of service provided to each enrolled business. Result 8. Retiring farmers will successfully transfer their land to new ownership. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Transferring the farm When measured: Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project Estimated Number: 40, Actual Number: 40 How verified: By tracking status of each client in legal transfer of business assets.


    Progress 09/01/18 to 08/31/19

    Target Audience: Audience Emphasis Organic producers Small farms Specialty crop producers Traditional commercial producers Women Participants Served Record the total number of unique participants who participated in your program: Total Number of Participants: 175 Enter the actual cumulative number of participants who as a result of your program: Started farming: Target - 0, Actual - 0 Helped prepare to start farming: Target - 0, Actual - 0 Improved farming success: Target - 200, Actual - 175 Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project has provided opportunities for training to all 175participants so far. Each of these farmers has received coaching or in-depth advising on farm business planning, financial management, land access, retirement planning, or business transfer to a new generation. This training takes place through one-on-one meetings between farmers and skilled farm business and land access advisors, and through ongoing communication between farmers and advisors as they work toward a goal of land purchase, transfer to a new generation, or business growth. Each farmer served under this project receive one-on-one assistance and met with an advisor between one and ten times, depending on their level of need. With funding from BFRDP over the course of the three year project, we will provide training to over 200 farmers, helping them gain the confidence and skills they need to succeed while matching them with suitable land or successors. We believe in the power of direct service as the most effective approach for improving farm viability. Farming is a complicated business that requires operators to develop diverse skill sets. Each farm business is as unique as its land-base, resources, and operator's goals. We provide individualized assistance and meet farmers where they are at to accelerate their early stage growth into viable commercial enterprises, or to provide retiring farmers with transfer planning services and assistance identifying buyers. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Farm business planning rack card - Intervale Center- disseminated to beginning & retiring farmers? VLT Farmland Access Program brochure- disseminated to farmers interested in purchasing conserved land Vermont Land Link flyer- Advertises the Vermont Land Link platform, which connects land owners and land seekers. Vermont Land Link Brochure- This brochure offers an in-depth introduction to Vermont Land Link, and the ways in which it connects land owners and land seekers. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? This project has been highly successful so far, with enrollment of farmers on track to meet our goals, our three-organization partnership functioning smoothly, and farmers receiving needed services around land access and financing. The steps we have completed, and those that are ongoing, are listed below and categorized by the five objectives described in our application. Objective 1: Project partners develop and implement highly coordinated, individualized land access technical assistance to Vermont's top-tier of new farm business managers and retiring farmers. Completed Objective 1 Steps: -Established new communications system between three partner organizations -Implemented business coaching and land access services detailed under the new partnership -Evaluate partnership impact - done for year 1&2, will focus on improved farmer evaluation response rate in year 3; project partners have also engaged an outside consultant to evaluate our work from a third-party perspective by surveying participants and stakeholders as well as conducting interviews of 20 farmers and partners working on farm business viability and land access Ongoing/Incomplete Objective 1 Steps: - Evaluate partnership impact -will be ongoing in Year 3 -Establish a Memorandum of Understanding (in progress) Objective 2: Wrap-around business and technical assistance is available and highly effective at helping new and beginning farmers to become viable farm operators. Completed Objective 2 Steps: - Recruited and enrolled 113 out of a target of 150 beginning farmers (this is the number of unique new farmers receiving either land access and/or business coaching) -Provide coaching and business planning services after completing an initial assessment process Ongoing/Incomplete Objective 1 Steps: - Recruit and enroll an additional 37 new and beginning farmers - Continue to provide coaching and business planning services after completing an initial assessment process Objective 3:Beginning farmers access farmland that is the right match for their skills and business models. Completed Objective 3 Steps: -Provided land access services to 82 (exceeding our goal of 70) new and beginning farmers in land search, assessment, and business model development based on specific farm parcels -Matched beginning farmers with specific landowners/parcels that are appropriate to their farm type and scale - Assisted 38 farmers in securing land Ongoing/IncompleteObjective 3 Steps: -Provide land access services to additional new and beginning farmers in land search, assessment, and business model development based on specific farm parcels - Help a minimum of 2 additional beginning farmers with securing specific landowners/parcels that are appropriate to their farm type and scale Objective 4: Beginning farmers have access to financing, including new financing tools, to make accessing farmland and the subsequent fit-up or building upgrades possible. Completed Objective 4 Steps: -Coached beginning farmers on readiness to purchase, types of capital available and the impact of debt on business operations. - 19 beginning farmers accessed affordable financing -Completed inventory of alternative financing tools (attached in Educational Materials) - Trialed extended affordable lease-to-own periods on specific conserved farms to determine the pros and cons for both the farmers and Vermont Land Trust, and to identify costs associated with holding the land during a lease period - Developed a financial projection for the amount of capital that will be necessary to facilitate farmland transfers on VLT-conserved farmland in the next 10-15 years; VLT has committed to raising an additional $15 million for their land access revolving capital to facilitate transfer of conserved farms to new owners Ongoing/IncompleteObjective 4 Steps: - Continue to dedicate a portion of VLT's land access revolving capital to support new and beginning farmers participating in this project - Assist at least 1more farmerto access affordable financing in order to meet our goal of a minimum of 20 - Complete an on-farm equipment and farm improvements financing model for leaseholders. Objective 5: Retiring farmers have the tools and assistance they need to seek and evaluate new farm owners so they can transition their farmland to farmers, rather than non-farmers. Completed Objective 5 Steps: - Recruited and enrolled 62 retirement-age farmers, exceeding our goal of 60 - Provided coaching and succession planning advising after completing an initial assessment process - Provided services to assist in land listing and linking for retiring farmers to attract beginning farmer purchasers Ongoing/IncompleteObjective 5 Steps: - Evaluate the success of coaching and succession planning with retiring farmers - Continue to provide coaching and succession planning services after completing an initial assessment process - Continue to provide services to assist in land listing and linking for retiring farmers to attract beginning farmer purchasers

    What was accomplished under these goals? Result 1. Beginning farmers will receive in-depth, customized business advising to help start or grow their businesses. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: Continuously throughout project, final number calculated at end of project. Estimated Number: 150, Actual Number: 113 How verified: Collecting applications and maintaining an up-to-date enrollment list. Result 2. Of the 150 beginning farmers receiving business advising, 80%(120) will increase their skills and confidence in business management. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Business and strategic planning When measured: Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project Estimated Number: 120, Actual Number: 40 How verified: Through farmer self-evaluation to be completed at the end of their enrollment. Result 3. Beginning farmers will receive coaching on land access. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Access to land When measured: Continuously throughout project, final number calculated at end of project. Estimated Number: 70, Actual Number: 82 How verified: Through tracking type of service provided to each enrolled business. Result 4. Of the 70 farmers receiving land access coaching and planning, 80% (56) will increase skill and confidence in their ability to secure land. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Access to land When measured: Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project Estimated Number: 56, Actual Number: 25 How verified: Through farmer self-evaluation to be completed at the end of their enrollment. Result 5. Of the 70 beginning farmers receiving land access coaching, 40 will successfully acquire land to start or grow their businesses. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Access to land When measured: Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project Estimated Number: 40, Actual Number: 38 How verified: Through tracking type of service providing to each enrolled business Result 6. Of the 40 beginning farmers accessing land, 50% (20) will take advantage of affordable financing tools. Producer action: Implement, Topic: Access to land When measured: Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project Estimated Number: 20, Actual Number: 19 How verified: Through tracking which enrolled businesses successfully access capital. Result 7. Retiring farmers will have access to succession planning coaching that improves their ability to pass on their land. Producer action: Understand, Topic: Transferring the farm When measured: Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project Estimated Number: 60, Actual Number: 62 How verified: Through tracking type of service provided to each enrolled business. Result 8. Of the 60 retiring farmers receiving services, 80% (48) report being better prepared to transfer their farm. Producer action: Decide, Topic: Transferring the farm When measured: Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project Estimated Number: 48, Actual Number: 12 How verified: Through farmer self-evaluation to be completed at the end of their enrollment.


      Progress 09/01/17 to 08/31/18

      Target Audience: Audience Emphasis Organic producers Small farms Specialty crop producers Traditional commercial producers Women Participants Served Record the total number of unique participants who participated in your program: 114 Enter the actual cumulative number of participants who as a result of your program: Target Actual Started farming 0 0 Helped prepare to start farming 0 0 Improved farming success 200 114 Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project has provided opportunities for training to all 114 participants so far. Each of these farmers has received coaching or in-depth advising on farm business planning, financial management, land access, retirement planning, or business transfer to a new generation. This training takes place through one-on-one meetings between farmers and skilled farm business and land access advisors, and through ongoing communication between farmers and advisors as they work toward a goal of land purchase, transfer to a new generation, or business growth. With funding from BFRDP over the course of the three year project, we will provide training to over 200 farmers, helping them gain the confidence and skills they need to succeed while matching them with suitable land or successors. We believe in the power of direct service as the most effective approach for improving farm viability. Farming is a complicated business that requires operators to develop diverse skill sets. Each farm business is as unique as its land-base, resources, and operator's goals. We provide individualized assistance and meet farmers where they are at to accelerate their early stage growth into viable commercial enterprises, or to provide retiring farmers with transfer planning services and assistance identifying buyers. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Promotional Materials Farm business planning rack card - Intervale Center beginning & retiring farmers VLT Farmland Access Program brochure farmers interested in purchasing conserved land What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?In the next time period our project will be working on the following steps to accomplish the goals set out in our project: Objective 1: Project partners develop and implement highly coordinated, individualized land access technical assistance to Vermont's top-tier of new farm business managers and retiring farmers. Ongoing/Incomplete Objective 1 Steps: - Evaluate partnership impact -will be ongoing in Years 2&3 -Establish a Memorandum of Understanding (in progress) Objective 2: Wrap-around business and technical assistance is available and highly effective at helping new and beginning farmers to become viable farm operators. Ongoing/Incomplete Objective 1 Steps: - Recruit and enroll an additional 84 new and beginning farmers -Provide coaching and business planning services after completing an initial assessment process Objective 3:Beginning farmers access farmland that is the right match for their skills and business models. Ongoing/IncompleteObjective 3 Steps: -Provide land access services to at least 23 additional new and beginning farmers in land search, assessment, and business model development based on specific farm parcels. -Match beginning farmers with specific landowners/parcels that are appropriate to their farm type and scale. Objective 4: Beginning farmers have access to financing, including new financing tools, to make accessing farmland and the subsequent fit-up or building upgrades possible. Ongoing/IncompleteObjective 4 Steps: - Dedicate a portion of VLT's land access revolving capital to support new and beginning farmers participating in this project. - Assist at least 5 more farmers to access affordable financing in order to meet our goal of a minimum of 20 -Develop and implement a lease to own farmland transfer model -Complete an on-farm equipment and farm improvements financing model for leaseholders Objective 5: Retiring farmers have the tools and assistance they need to seek and evaluate new farm owners so they can transition their farmland to farmers, rather than non-farmers. Ongoing/IncompleteObjective 5 Steps: - Recruit and enroll at least 12 additional retirement-age farmers to reach our goal of 60 - Evaluate the success of coaching and succession planning with retiring farmers - Provide coaching and succession planning services after completing an initial assessment process - Provide services to assist in land listing and linking for retiring farmers to attract beginning farmer purchasers

      What was accomplished under these goals? Result Topic Producer action When measured Est # Act # How verified? 1. Beginning farmers will receive in-depth, customized business advising to help start or grow their businesses. Business and strategic planning Understand Continuously throughout project, final number calculated at end of project. 150 55 Collecting applications and maintaining an up-to-date enrollment list. 2. Of the 150 beginning farmers receiving business advising, 80%(120) will increase their skills and confidence in business management. Business and strategic planning Implement Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project 120 20 Through farmer self-evaluation to be completed at the end of their enrollment. 3. Beginning farmers will receive coaching on land access. Access to land Understand Continuously throughout project, final number calculated at end of project. 70 47 Through tracking type of service provided to each enrolled business. 4. Of the 70 farmers receiving land access coaching and planning, 80% (56) will increase skill and confidence in their ability to secure land. Access to land Implement Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project 56 14 Through farmer self-evaluation to be completed at the end of their enrollment. 5. Of the 70 beginning farmers receiving land access coaching, 40 will successfully acquire land to start or grow their businesses. Access to land Implement Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project 40 16 Through tracking type of service providing to each enrolled business 6. Of the 40 beginning farmers accessing land, 50% (20) will take advantage of affordable financing tools. Access to land Implement Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project 20 15 Through tracking which enrolled businesses successfully access capital. 7. Retiring farmers will have access to succession planning coaching that improves their ability to pass on their land. Transferring the farm Understand Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project 60 48 Through tracking type of service provided to each enrolled business. 8. Of the 60 retiring farmers receiving services, 80% (48) will report being better prepared to transfer their farm. Transferring the farm Decide Ongoing throughout project, total number will be reported at end of project 48 0 Through farmer self-evaluation to be completed at the end of their enrollment.
