Source: IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jun 1, 2017
Project End Date
May 31, 2021
Grant Year
Program Code
[A1221]- Animal Health and Production and Animal Products: Animal Health and Disease
Recipient Organization
AMES,IA 50011
Performing Department
Biomedical Sciences
Non Technical Summary
Influenza virus is a significant pathogen and causes substantial suffering and high death rates each year. While vaccines do exist for influenza, they have a lot of limitations as they must be re-derived each year and cannot prevent infections of influenza with late variations that allow for viral escape from the vaccines. While most vaccines have used the difficult target of the HA stalk region as immunogens, progress has been slow although there are some early hints of success. We recently discovered an alternative immunogen using equine HA3 antigen that generates strong antibody mediated protection in horses and experiment mice by targeting the more variable HA head. Antibodies from these animals can neutralizing multiple influenza strains. This vaccine antigen appears to have a unique conformation that may allow us to use this as a future vaccine.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
311 - Animal Diseases;

Subject Of Investigation
3510 - Swine, live animal;

Field Of Science
1090 - Immunology; 1101 - Virology;
Goals / Objectives
The underlying principle behind this proposal is to explore the host response to our candidate influenza vaccine and determine the correlates of protection, ways to bolster any afforded protection, and the best delivery platform to achieve robust and lasting immunity. While we understand that our vaccine (1) elicits protective nAbs that block sialic acid binding in the HA head AND stalk regions, (2) doesn't bind to linear epitopes, and (3) appears to elicit antibodies of the IgM isotype, we don't quite yet know the protective site(s). New preliminary data suggest our vaccine elicits protection through bnAbs directed to the HA receptor binding area (all HAs), nAbs directed to the esterase region (all HA3s), and nAbs binding the stem (HA1, HA3, maybe more). These three sites suggest our vaccine has the broadest protection of ANY known human or swine vaccine and escape mutations may be difficult for the virus. One dogma in the influenza field is that head binding antibodies are not broadly protective although there is ample evidence to dispute this. If H3N8 vaccination leads to protection afforded by head binding antibodies, this would be one of the first immunogens capable of eliciting it without first causing disease. Very early studies also suggest swine generate protective heterosubtypic HAI after vaccination. However, more qualifying work in protection efficacy, VAERD, vaccine delivery, and correlates of protection need to be done. Thus, we have a series of objectives for this qualification of this vaccine:Objective 1: Develop and optimize an influenza vaccine based on the equine HA3 antigen We know from preliminary data that vaccination with a H3N8 based equine vaccine generates strong HAI/neutralizing antibodies in horses and protects mice from challenge after vaccination. Swine are also susceptible to VAERD when using inactivated vaccines. Thus, we believe that a LAIV that displays the equine HA3 antigen could be efficacious in swine but IV, if determined to be safe, would be more cost effective for the industry. To develop this, we will test our original vaccine formulation as a LAIV or IV vaccine against a LAIV using a seed stock with internal swine influenza proteins but containing HA3 or HA1 from a circulating strain.Objective 2: Test the efficacy of the vaccine against multiple strains of swine influenza We will test the bnAb profile from the sera in the prior objective. Here, our vaccine candidates will be tested for protection from disease versus protection from infection after vaccination and challenge. We will also assess for any VAERD and further develop the vaccine candidate that protects from the most strains with no VARED.Objective 3: Determine the correlates of protection for our vaccine We know from preliminary data that cross-protective bnAbs occur toward the head and stem regions of the hemagglutinin but the exact locations are not known (no complete inhibition of known bnAbs with our Abs). Furthermore, our LAIV could induce important cellular immunity as Abs toward NP are known to coordinate with antiviral CD4 T-cells for heterosubtypic immunity in humans. Thus, if our recombinant HA vaccine induces similar levels of Abs as our LAIV, missing or reduced cellular immunity could impair the protection afforded. Thus, we will dissect the correlates of protection in swine with concentration on defining location of bnAbs (with comparisons to mice) and on cellular immunity using adoptive transfers of memory populations to better isolate their contributions to any protection. Understanding these variables, could allow for even better second- generation vaccinations while also allowing us to examine how immunological maturation alters the immune response/level of protection afforded.Objective 4: Examine whether antigen delivery can enhance or prolong the level of observed broadly protective immunity As we previously stated, we know that our vaccine induces mainly bnAbs that are IgM and that influenza vaccination generally wanes after a year. Here, we will seek to determine whether we can induce isotype switching of bnAbs by manipulation of antigen loads to alter humoral somatic hypermutation or cellular responses while also examining the effect of the duration of immunity (while potentially bolstering it). Our delivery device senses waning immunity to delivery a boosting device. While our first generation system is large, we are making great strides in reducing the size of the device for future use in humans. Our device is biodegradable, can be placed directly under the skin similar to a Norplant device, and is not immunogenic by itself.
Project Methods
A.3 Experimental Detail:a. Swine vaccine stocks-i. Development of control vaccine stocks. For comparisons to the H3N8 vaccine, we will obtain 1-2 currently licensed swine influenza vaccine(s) for comparisons to IV or rHA (ISU Veterinary Pharmacy). We will also clone the swine HA3 protein from A/Missouri/14 and insert the gene into the backbone of a LAIV vaccine strain (A/turkey/Ohio/04 or A/swine/Texas/9861) with point mutations in the PA genes thus rendering it cold adaptive. If this is delayed, we will commence our studies first with equine HA3 versus commerical IV/rHA.ii. Development of an inactivated or recombinant equine HA3 vaccine. We have already generated the stock recombinant proteins for this. We will seek to qualify our protein in that it is trimeric before use. To do so, we will run native protein gels and look for the correct size of a trimeric HA (fold-on domain added). Correct HA folding will be determined similar to 62. We will initially test whether cleaved or uncleaved rHA yields the highest Ab and nAb responses in mice and use that formulation for our swine studies. We will grow our H3N8 at 30 degrees in eggs, inactivate with triton x-100, and purify for IV vaccines on sucrose cushions using high-speed centrifugation.b. Optimize the dosage, route, timing, and best vaccine platform for swinei. Test the immunogenicity of our vaccines in swine. Swine (5wks old) will be housed in barrier housing and will be inoculated with 106-8 TCID50 of our reassorted control vaccine, commercial equine vaccine (similar TCID50), or rHAs (25mcg- 250mcg) into the nasal flares of swine, subQ, IM, polyanhydride delivery device, or IP (if no Ab response is noted in other routes). Swine will be bled on day 0, 7, 14, and 28 days post-vaccination. Total specific antibodies will be examined to recombinant H3 and H1 antigens. Hemagglutinin inhibition assay (HAI) will be performed using 1 prototypical H1N1 and 1 prototypical H3N2 swine virus. Small numbers of swine 2-3 will be used for these pilot studies before expansion into replicates using larger animal numbers.ii. Determine the breadth of bnAb protection. Once we have determined the optimal vaccine type, delivery, and dosage, we will begin to test for protective titers from vaccinated swine (identified in bi above) across multiple influenza strains. We will vaccine 6 swine in duplicate replications using a H3N8 and control vaccine. Sera will be obtained after the first and second vaccination and tested against a panel of swine H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2 viruses. We will also test for reactivity to other HAs such as H7 and H9 by ELISA. The same sera will also be examined for viral neutralization in microneutralization assays since this also measures stem Abs.B.3 Experimental Detaila. Test the durability of protection in using influenza vaccination/infection- In Objective 1; we will optimize the vaccine platform, the dose, and timing for eliciting strong antibody responses to influenza. Although we will eventually test our vaccine against potential pandemic strains under BSLIII; here, our focus will be on using H1N1 and H3N2 strains that cause swine disease (sw-H1N1 pnd09, H1N1 A/Texas/14/2008, and H3N2 MO/A01476459/12). Protection from lethal challenge (survival) will be assessed after vaccination (2-3x) and challenge. We see no issues with testing these vaccines at Iowa State University and our IACUC protocol is pending approval of these modifications. We will use 2 replications of n=3 for each strain comparing our vaccine candidate against a control vaccine group and a no-vaccine group. We will also compare the duration of immunity induced by our polyanhydride delivery platform in swine, ferrets, and horses. This will occur after we have fully explored whether this platform is more immunogenic as traditional methods (bnAbs levels will be compared with concentration on titer/activity and breadth neutralization).b. Examine the T-cell profile before and after vaccination/challenge- To determine the contributions of T-cells toward any protection afforded by our vaccine, we will isolate PBMCs and lung mucosal T-cells (collagenase digestions) from vaccinated and from vaccinated/challenged swine. We will stimulate T-cells using autologous APCs (mitomycin C arrested) preincubated with influenza H3N8 or swine H1N1 or swine H3N2. Proliferation will be determined in CD4 of CD8 T-cell populations by inclusion of BrdU in the cell culture media. Additionally, we will use intracellular staining to determine the antiviral response (IL- 2, IFNg, IL-4, and TNFa) by flow cytometry. These antibodies are all commercially available although we may have to conjugate them to fluorophores using commercial kits. Alternatively, we could use ELISAs to determine concentrations of cytokines in cell culture supernatants or use ELISOPT assays for IFNg for quantification of antiviral T-cells.b1. Confirm cellular immunity contributes to protection in swine- While a finding of cellular responses are activated after vaccination and/or challenge would suggest they are protective, heterosubtypic protection mediated by adaptive cells (outside of immunity) has not been well described in humans (outside limited studies of NP antibodies plus CD4 T-cells). Thus, if we find either CD4 T-cells or CD8 T-cells are playing a role in protection (suggested in our preliminary data in mice (not shown)), we will use adoptive transfers of either cell population or both (from lungs or draining nodes or both) to confirm their contributions to protection. We assess this, transfers by IV will be done to obtain physiological levels of influenza-specific memory will be done followed by challenge and examination of cellular responses after BrdU administration by ICS assay of GFP+ (memory) or negative populations (host). Viral burdens will be assessed as will lung pathology. These data will serve multiple additional purposes outside just dissection of correlates of protection: (1) if VAERD is found with our vaccine, this would help to determine cellular cause; (2) these data will allow us to confirm the role of vaccine induced resident versus non-resident T-cell populations to protection; and (3) inclusion of vaccinations of older swine (1yr old) will allow for comparisons between young pigs with more limited immunological maturation to be compared with older mature swine fostering another model of human infant studies available. As shown in Table 2, we have preliminary data that suggests we can transfer and track CD4 T-cell memory in adoptive swine hosts. Alternatively, we could use in vivo antibody depletion of cell populations similar to murine studies although this will take optimization.c. Determine the extent, if any, of VAERD occurs after vaccination or challenge- Protection against sublethal (lower viral loads, HAI titers, microneutralization titers, lung pathology, clinical signs) will be assessed using strains similar to our lethal challenge but also including the use of H1N2 virus. We will examine for any associated VAERD by determining the levels of viral loads by qRT-PCR after challenge, tissue histopathology, and clinical signs.

Progress 06/01/17 to 05/31/21

Target Audience:The target audience would be swine production producers, biotech swine flu vaccine producers, and swine flu vaccine researchers. The swine production producers have a stake in needing better swine flu vaccines than on the market presently, especially ones that may protect more universally across mutliple flu stains. Biotech swine vaccine producers might be interested in the report as there is not currently an approved universal flu vaccine for preventing the mirad of swine flu strains that might circulate on a farm, and swine flu vaccine researchers may be interested to compare the efficacy of our vaccine candidate against their own. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project was utilized to help train a veterinary student in 2018 for the summer as part of the ISU's Summer Scholars program for veterinary students. The goal of that program is to expose veterinary students to scientific research in the hopes to drive some of these students into a career in research. Our project funded one such student who presented her work during a poster symposium held at the end of the summer program. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The project's publication is still under draft stage. Upon completion of that, the work will be published for the communities of interest to read about the results. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? We specifically developed two recombiant HA products under this project. One was a trimeric rHA based on a swine H3N2 virus that we used as a control. The other was the actual equine rHA based on H3N8 that was the testing immunogen of interest. We vaccinated mutiple swine with both immunogens as well as a shame vaccine. We found strong induction of neutralizing antibodies across mulitple swine influenza strains that we obtained from BEIResesources while the control H3 did not have as broad of a neutralizing profile especially against H1 type viruses. The mock vaccinee control groups had no such neutralizing antibodies. In observing the change in temperature after challenge of mock, control H3 and equine H3, there was little difference in control H3 and mock in temp at day 1 (~106 degrees) while the equine group had no significant increase in body temp from prior to challenge. This data corresponded to much higher and broader reactive CD4 T cells as well as CD8 T cells in the equine rHA vaccinees upon recall assay, higher serum and lung IgA responses, lower lung lesion scores, and a much more pronounced reduction in viral burdens in the lungs and nasal tract as compared to mock or control HA3. Thus, we believe that further development of this vaccine is warranted and are in discussions with industry partners about further development and testing the protection afforded against additional strains of influenza. We are also in final stages of working with an industry partner on using the same equine HA but as a mRNA vaccine in a large swine challenge study by this summer and into fall of 2022.


    Progress 06/01/19 to 05/31/20

    Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Training included a summer veterinary student from ISU's Vet College. She helped to develop the vaccine candidates and test the vaccine in swine. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Finalize the analysis of the data including serum responses from the vaccinees.

    What was accomplished under these goals? We developed the immunogens used in the vaccine student. We vaccinated swine and tested the serum and nasal IgA antibody responses to the vaccine. We tested the blood peripheral blood cell responses to flu after vaccination. We challenged the swine and found much better protection in our equine vaccine than control or mock vaccine.


      Progress 06/01/18 to 05/31/19

      Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems:Our use of the original adjuvants have proved to be poorly immunogen in swine unlike other animals tested. We have tested a number of other adjuvants and Emulsin D looks to be the most promising. This optimization stage delayed us a bit as we could not procede to challenge studies if animals did not have neutralizing antibodies after vaccination. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?CRWAD presentation and posters. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We have final analysis of antibody responses and neutralization data to report for traditoinal vaccination and implantable vaccinations. We will test the robustness of the vaccine to protect against a number of challenge viruses.

      What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1: Develop and optimize an influenza vaccine based on the equine HA3 antigen We went back to the original baculovirus construct and made a few modifications. We added a longer 6x his tag to the backside for easier purification and put a trypsin cleavage site in front of the 6x his tag. This has increased our ability to purify the HA immunogen since it was having issues binding nickel at the typically lower pH level of insect culture (increasing pH leads to insoluble proteins). Thus, our newlydeveloped immunogenroutinely obtains 2-3mg of product per run and the runs themselves are scalable. The tyrpsin cleavage site in front of the 6x his removes this immunogenic portion out of our immunogen so that the swine immune system targets more of the HA and not the tag. We have also recently developed the NA from equine H3N8 as an additive to our HA. Its a tetrameric protein in baculovirus. Objective 2: Test the efficacy of the vaccine against multiple strains of swine influenza We have already demonstrated broadly reactive under prior progress reports. Objective 3: Determine the correlates of protection for our vaccine The correlates of protection from this vaccine still appear to be antibody mediated. We failed to evoke a strong antibody response in 2 small trials similar to other animals we have vaccinated this immunogen with. We believe that for swine, use of CpG or Alum are poor choices for adjuvants now. A similar thing happened with just injecting straight high amounts of attenuated virus. The animals failed to respond in a protective fashion. We are going to test additional adjuvants in swine to determine the best one before large challenge studies. We need to obtain high antibody responses. Objective 4: Examine whether antigen delivery can enhance or prolong the level of observed broadly protective immunity We have recently completed a side comparison of using our immunogen within a polyanhyrdide bed for delivering our immunogen. This allows for a large antigen depot effect that continues to release antigen for months. While we are still analyzing the immune responses in these swine, the data thus far looks promising. For the actual vaccination schedule, we implanted the device for 2 weeks and followed this up with a booster vaccination using Emulsin D adjuvant. Once we have established how the animals behaved, we will commence with a final challenge study of the vaccine.


        Progress 06/01/17 to 05/31/18

        Target Audience:Our target audience for this progress report would be swine researchers and pork producers. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Dr. Verhoeven has recently switched from a research assistant professor in Biomedical Sciences to a tenure track position in Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology and thus is building out his lab. We have a summer CVM first year veterinary student that will participate in this study for the summer. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We plan to finish effiacy trials comparing vaccine dosage and increasing the mineral oil content with comparisons of the equine HA strains to the control strains. We will then switch to challenge studies to test the duriablity of protection.

        What was accomplished under these goals? We have made progress on Objective 1 in two ways completing the overacrching goal of this this specific objective. First, we have developed a cold adaptive vaccine strain based on equine influenza H3N8 from Kentucky/91. Second, we have developed a recombinant version of the hemagglutinin (HA) from this strain for production of protein in insect cells. We have also reformulated this bacuolvirus construct to produce a more stable trimeric HA with an insect secretion leader sequence to increase our yields. We have successfully batch purified this for vaccinations. For a control, we have produced a cold adapted A/swine/Ohio/09 H3N2 virus as well as ptoduced an insect bacluovirus control HA protein for vaccinations as well. We have batched purified these as well for vaccination. For Objective 2, we have begun vaccinating swine with our recombinant and live attenuated strains by IM injections comparing mineral oil adjuvants to Alum adjuvants. We have found that increasing the concentration of Alum induces broadly reactive Ig switching from IgM to IgG. However, use of mineral oil induces a similar response and does so at a higher concentration of reactive Ig than Alum. Thus, we will likely go ahead with use of mineral oil as the perferred adjuvant. We have swine on order for larger scale efficacy trials.
