Source: UNIV OF WISCONSIN submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Mar 15, 2017
Project End Date
Jan 14, 2022
Grant Year
Project Director
Recipient Organization
21 N PARK ST STE 6401
MADISON,WI 53715-1218
Performing Department
Plant Pathology
Non Technical Summary
This project addresses critical stakeholder needs to maintain and enhance soil health and fertility through the implementation of crop production and soil management strategies, leading to greater productivity, profitability, and sustainability. The long-term goal of this project is to, using organic production systems as a model, develop optimal soil management strategies for row crop acres, increasing the capacity to optimize soil quality and health, sequester carbon and enhance nitrogen cycling. The following objectives will be pursued: 1) Using working farms under certified organic management, determine the impact of production strategies (including cover cropping, fertility management, and diverse crop rotations) on stable and labile soil carbon pools, mineralizable carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools, and soil microbial populations; 2. Using replicated field experiments, quantify changes in mineralizable C and N pools and soil microbial populations under different tillage and cover cropping strategies for row crop producers in the Upper Midwest; 3. Using a greenhouse experiment, determine the integrated effects of organic management and soil microbial diversity on plant productivity and N availability in soils; and 4. Using the strength of the participatory networks built through this study, integrate the results of objectives one through three into on-going extension and education efforts. On-farm participatory research will enhance effective outreach to farmers, while integration of the research into capstone projects and existing undergraduate courses will ensure student involvement.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
102 - Soil, Plant, Water, Nutrient Relationships;

Subject Of Investigation
0110 - Soil;

Field Of Science
1070 - Ecology;
Goals / Objectives
The long-term goal of this project is to understand the impact of soil management strategies on the optimization of soil quality and health, including the capacity to sequester carbon, enhance nitrogen cycling, impact soil microbial communities, and build soil organic matter. Meeting this goal will further our understanding of soil biology and C and N cycling in organic systems as impacted by the use of cover crops and other soil-building strategies. This includes furthering our understanding of the patterns, mechanisms, and predictability of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling (including sequestration and mineralization) in organic cropping systems using combinations of cover cropping, compost additions, and perennial forage crop phases. More specifically, we will investigate the response of soil microbiome (microbial diversity and quantity) to organic management practice, and its relationship on carbon and nitrogen turnover in organic systems. Results from all three of these objectives will be discussed with our farmer advisory board and serve as the basis for outreach materials and peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Project Methods
Objective 1:Data relating to this objective will be collected from certified organic farms across the upper Midwestern U.S. to better understand the impacts of management strategies and time under management on soil chemical and biological indicators. Farms will be selected to represent diverse management strategies, including cover crop strategies, within several soil type categories characteristic of the regions in upper Midwest (representing a gradient of clay contents, but avoiding loamy sands and sandy soils). We will visit 10 organic grain fields each year at the early part of the production season in May (a different set of farms in years 1-3 for a total of at least 10 farms annually), always sampling after the corn phase in the rotation. We will work with cooperating farmers to collect information to characterize the cropping systems on the sampled grain fields. We will collect and aggregate 30 soil cores to a depth of 105 cm (separating samples into 15 cm depth sections) within each field, resulting in 105 samples annually that will be analyzed for various attributes summarized below. Within the sample of working organic farms, we will also include, as one of the sites in year one, the organic treatments from our WICST long-term cropping systems trial.The following parameters will be characterized on each field: Soil Fertility and Texture will be evaluated directly from soil samples submitted to the UW Plant and Soil Analysis lab. At each location, we will measure Total C, Total N, SOM, plant available N (NH4 + NO3), phosphorus and potassium pH, EC, CEC + exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na), micronutrients (Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe), and soil texture. Management practices will be catalogued on each of the participating farms through farmer interviews and certified organic records. This will include historical and current management of the fields sampled (crop rotation; fertility inputs; cover cropping; tillage and cultivation practices) and yields. Soil carbon and nitrogen: Short-term changes will be characterized by measurements of POM, POxC, PMC and PMN. Soil and rhizosphere microbial communities will be evaluated from the same soil samples described above (taken at the 0-15 cm depth) using both phospholipid fatty acid analysis and metagenomic sequencing and qPCR quantification of fungal and prokaryotic barcoding gene regions. This approach will allow us to define both the total quantity of microbes as well as the composition of the microbial communities. Objective 2:As a complement to the on-farm data collected through objective on, we will implement a replicated field trial at the UW Lancaster Agricultural Research Station to better understand the impact of cover crop management practices on labile carbon and nitrogen pools and soil microbial communities. The trial will be laid out as a split plot, randomized complete block design in which two crops (corn and soybean) is present in each year, replicated four times. Whole plot treatments will be crop (corn or soybean), with split-plots as cover crop treatments (Corn: no cover, interseeded oat, interseeded radish, and interseeded oat and radish; soybean: no cover, interseeded rye, fall-seeded, spring-incorporated rye; and fall-seeded rye cover crop spring-terminated by a roller-crimper with no-till planted soybean). Soybean is a split plot to assess the effect of the interseeded covers in corn on both the corn and the subsequent soybean crop. A commonly used organic grain rotation in the upper Midwest is corn-soybean-wheat; interseeding cover crops into wheat will not be included here as there are many options already available (Stute and Shelley, 2008). Fertility management will be standard across treatments, with applied nitrogen limited to pelletized poultry manure at corn planting. As outlined in Objective 1, we will collect general soil data from the field (total C, Total N, SOM, plant available N (NH4 + NO3), phosphorus and potassium pH, EC, CEC + exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na), micronutrients (Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe), and soil texture.). We will further measure the response of short term indicators of changes in carbon and nitrogen pools (POM, POxC, PMC and PMN) to each of the cover crop strategies as outlined above. Additionally, we will characterize soil microbial populations from each of these treatments using the methods described for Objective 1, Part 4. Again, we will separate bulk soil and rhizosphere communities, and separately sequence fungal and bacterial/archeal communities using specific barcoding gene regions. Additionally, we will use PLFA to quantify changes in soil microbial guilds.Agronomic factors will also be assessed throughout this experiment. This includes: cover crop establishment (plants m-2) and biomass (g m-2); cash crop establishment (plants ha-1); weed biomass (g m-2); and cash crop yield (kg ha-1). Disease and insect pressure assessments will be conducted throughout the production season to assess any interactions of the cover crop treatments on pest pressure.Objective 3:We will conduct a greenhouse study to determine the integrated effects of organic management on nitrogen mineralization in organic systems. For this study, the experiment will be a factorial design, with four replications. Three soils from each of three categories will be used in this experiment: (1) soils under conventional management (2) soils under organic management only using annual crops, and (3) soils under organic management including perennial crop phases. We will use soils from three fields from each category, collected after the corn phase of the crop rotation, for a total of 9 distinct soil microbial community sources. Where possible, we will stratify our choice of soil sources to control for differences in soil type, etc. - i.e. we will select one field from each of the three categories in a restricted geographic area (the same farm, if possible), and have three total geographic areas. We will add N to an equivalent rate of 50 lbs N per acre (as calculated from total N composition of the amendment) using several different N sources with different C:N ratios: mineral N (C/N ~ 0), feathermeal (C:N ~ 4), composted dairy manure (C:N ~ 20), pelletized poultry manure (C/N ~ 8), cover crop residue with a low C:N biomass (legumes, C/N ~ 25), and cover crop residue with a high C:N biomass (grasses, C/N ~ 35). Pasture grass (tall fescue) will be used as a model plant in this system.Since we will be using soils from a subset of the farms sampled in Objective 1 to initiate this greenhouse experiment, we can use the measurements of soil fertility, organic matter, and microbial communities collected previously to help understand the results of this experiment. Furthermore, we will collect soils and roots from each pot at the end of the experiment, and characterize microbial communities using the same metagenomics protocols described above. We will characterize microbial communities from a subset of the experiment (those with low, intermediate, and high C/N ratios of inputs, with five replicate pots per soil source) for a total of 135 pots. Again, we will prepare four libraries per sample, for a total of 540 libraries to be sequenced on two Illumina Mi-seq runs. We will use this data to determine how microbial communities have changed as a consequence of the nitrogen applications, and how these changes relate to plant growth and NUE.

Progress 03/15/17 to 12/31/21

Target Audience:The target audience for this project is organic farmers and agricultural professionals and scientists working in organic agriculture. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project was the basis for training Miranda Sikora (Masters' student) in soil science and agroecology. Additionally, it trained several under graduate students. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?A fact sheet was developed from this work and is posted on the OGRAIN website. Additionally, recorded video presentations summarazing this work are available on the OGRAIN website. Regular research updates were presented both at farmer-focused events (OGRAIN Annual Conference and Summer Field Day), MOSES Conference) as well as the Tri-Societies professional meeting. See below for a list of outreach events. --2021, October 1 How much do microbial communities matter in agriculture? NWREC Lunch & Learn seminar, Mount Vernon, WA --2021, August 23 How much do microbial communities matter in agriculture? Crop & Soil Sciences department seminar, Pullman, WA --2021, February 23 Organic row crop management & the biology of soil health. The Growing Stronger: Collaborative Conference on Organic & Sustainable Farming, virtual conference. --2021, February 9, Soil microbial communities respond to management and affect crop growth in Midwest cropping systems, SoilCon: Washington Soil Health Week, virtual conference --Soil health and teachings from a field survey in Wisconsin. Northwest Wisconsin Graziers Annual Fall Conference, Shell Lake, WI --Understanding the biological components of healthy soils. Ograin Winter Conference, Madison, WI, presented with Richard Lankau --Causes and consequences of microbial community change in dairy land organic farming. Crop/Soil/Agronomy Science Societies of America Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX --Causes and consequences of microbial community change in dairy land organic farming. Ecological Society of America, Louisville, KY What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1. Soil samples were collected from 124 fields of 16 certified organic grain farms in the southwest Driftless Region of Wisconsin. Besides SOM and TOC, soil health indicators sufficiently diverged (R2 < 0.60) highlighting that they provide unique information regarding soil health and the bioavailability of C and N. Main pools of C and N (SOM, TOC, and TN) were most affected by soil taxonomy, textural-related soil information, and indices regarding soil depletion or erodibility. Total organic C was the only indicator affected by soil water properties, but demonstrated the importance of soil moisture in C cycling. Biological indicators representing the bioavailability of C and N (POXC, minC, PMN, and ACE) were differentiated by fewer NRCS variables. However, several NRCS soil health indices captured differences in many biological indicators as well as the larger C and N pools. NRCS properties and indices that utilized antecedent SOM content in their evaluation had relationships with soil health indicators, especially SOM and TOC. While many inherent soil properties contribute to differences in soil heath, farm management practices can improve or weaken the biological health of soils under agricultural production. Legacy land use and cropping sequences that utilized perennial cover had higher SOM and TOC. Nitrogen-cycling indicators were more affected by cropping sequence, crop diversity, and tillage. Incubation methods utilizing microbial activity to measure soil processes were more affected by the recency of manure application and the physical state of the manure. Mineralizable C was highly affected by sampling time and requires standardization of a sampling window for soil health comparisons. The disparate response of indicators to management indicates differences in sensitivity between indicators as well as soil elemental cycles. Therefore, multiple shifts in management may be required to support both healthy C and N cycling in agricultural systems. These results provide first-indications of best management practices for biological soil health in organic grain systems. Overall, regression tree analysis produced trees for over half of the indicators. Perennial cover within rotation sequences was most important for determining TN while soil surface sealing potential was most important for determining SOM and TOC. The results of this portion of the work were included in the thesis of Miranda Sikora, masters student in the programs of soil science and agroecology. Objective 2. Data was collected at the Wisconsin Integrated Cropping System Trial in Arlington, WI. A masters student in Dr. Silva's lab collected carbon, nitrogen, and microbial data in 2016 & 2017, which was used to quantify the effects of tillage and cropping strategies on soil chemistry and biology. Dr. Potter analyzed this dataset which was recently published (Potter, T.S., Vereecke L., Silva, E.M., Lankau, R.A., Sanford, G.R, Ruark, M. (2022)Long-term management drives divergence in soil microbial biomass, richness, and composition among upper Midwest, USA cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2021.107718). Objective 3. Soil inoculum from 11 fields across 5 farms of different lengths of time under organic management were added to sterilized background soil in pots to expose each plant to a specific microbial community. Certified organic soybeans, corn, and rye were grown. Four nitrogen types were added (plus a control treatment) to determine how the different microbial communities mineralize nutrients and impact each crop species. The four types of nitrogen were solid cow manure, red clover, sorghum sudangrass, and urea for comparison as a control. To address our primary hypothesis that microbial community composition and/or diversity matters more for mobilizing N from recalcitrant N sources like sorghum sudangrass than labile N sources like clover and manure we used likelihood ratio tests to statistically determine whether the effect of soil inoculum on crops' biomass was significant when comparing linear mixed model results between a model that included inoculum and a model that did not. To use both crop species' data standardized crop biomass data within species and used residuals as our response variable in the hypothesis test. Table 1. Results of likelihood ratio tests. N LRT P sorghum 2.81 0.026 clover 2.36 0.036 manure 1.65 0.062 control 0.52 0.162 Microbial community composition affected crop biomass most strongly for sorghum sudangrass (highest C:N) followed by clover and manure. Urea is not included due to a near zero estimate for its variance component. We used additional linear regressions to statistically show that control pots that did not receive microbial community inoculum resulted in significantly lower crop biomass and leaf chlorophyll reflectance and that the there were no farm fields that produced all-star communities (that mobilized N well across N sources nor crop species). Additionally, we tested whether the variation in microbial communities across farm fields could be explained by differences in management practices. We again used linear models to test for home field advantage (i.e that microbial communities that experience higher rates of manure additions would be better at decomposing manure, for example). Taken together, the set of completed research projects is generally consistent with previous research showing that farming management practices like tillage and cover cropping do alter soil chemistry and microbial communities, but that these management effects are small relative to the many other factors that influence soils. Like other studies, we detected management effects in a long-term trial in which treatments were consistently applied for x years and conducted in the same location (controlling for climate and soil type), but these management effects were much harder to detect in our unstructured field survey despite our large sample size of 128 fields with similar soil types and climate. A key accomplishment of these projects is that in addition to connect farming practices to changes in labile soil C and N pools and microbial communities we were able to demonstrate that the small, but consistently observed changes in soils chemistry and communities can impact crops' growth. While it is presumed that management effects on soil microbial communities would impact important outcomes like crop performance, our greenhouse study is one of the first to test this assumption. And while we demonstrate that unique microbial communities from different organic and conventional farm fields can influence crop growth, the differences in the microbial communities could not be explained by differences in farming practices. This result implies that dairy producers in this region may not be able to intentionally choose management practices that foster specific microbial community compositions that can serve functions like mobilization of organic N for crops. This is also the first study to establish that organic farming does not shift microbial communities in a consistent way over time. This finding suggests that soil health improvements due to organic farming are not a result of or indicated by microbial taxonomic composition. Additionally, Dr. Potter developed code to automate custom reports for growers who participated in the study. This template has since been adapted by laboratories doing similar field studies in Colorado and Washington State.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Submitted Year Published: 2021 Citation: Teal S. Potter, L�a Vereecke, Richard A. Lankau, Gregg R. Sanford, Erin M. Silva, Matthew D. Ruark, Long-term management drives divergence in soil microbial biomass, richness, and composition among upper Midwest, USA cropping systems, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 325, 2022, 107718, ISSN 0167-8809,
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2020 Citation: Sikora, M. INHERENT SOIL PROPERTIES, FARM MANAGEMENT, AND BIOLOGICAL SOIL HEALTH IN ORGANIC GRAIN SYSTEMS

Progress 03/15/20 to 03/14/21

Target Audience:The target audience for this project are organic farmers, researchers, and ag professionals. Changes/Problems:COVID-19 slowed down progress on the project due to disruptions in daily activities. However, good progress is being made towards the peer-reviewed publications. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The staff, postdoctoral trainee, and the graduate student, presented the results from this work at both professional society conferences (Tri-Societies) and farmer conferences (MOSES, OGRAIN). How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results were reported back to farmers in individualized reports for their farms. Additionally, results were presented at farmer conferences (OGRAIN, MOSES). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We plan to continue to work on the peer-reviewed publications as well as the farmer outreach documents.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1- Field soil samples analyses were completed and were included in the thesis of a master's student, Miranda Sikora. Teal Potter, the post-doc on the project, continued the lab work for sequencing of microbial populations. These combined analyses will be included in peer-reviewed publications. Outreach reports were created for the farmers participating in the project. Objective 2- Results from the field trials have been compiled and are being written up in a peer-reviewed publication. Objective 3- Potter analyzed the results from the greenhouse experiment. These results are being incorporated into a peer-reviewed publication.


    Progress 03/15/19 to 03/14/20

    Target Audience:The target audience is organic farmers, ag professionals, and scientists. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A post-doctoral trainee, Teal Potter, has been working with the group since 2018. Potter has also been mentoring a sophomore undergraduate student on a year-long independent project using data from the greenhouse experiment. This student is participating in the Undergraduate Research Scholars program at the University of Wisconsin. Additionally, with department graduate assistantship support, the field study has also provided learning and research opportunities for a master's student in Matt Ruark's lab. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Presentations summarizing progress of this work were given at various farmer-focused and professional society conferences, including the OGRAIN Annual Conference and the Tri-Societies professional conference. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will continue to analyze data and write peer-reviewd publications.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1- Field soil samples for addressing were subsampled and all proposed C and N pools were measured in Matt Ruark's lab. Teal Potter, the post-doc on the project has begun the lab work for sequencing of microbial populations. With IRB approval, Erin Silva's lab interviewed organic farmers during the winter of 2018-2020 to collect data on field and management histories from each of the sampling sites. Objective 2- Léa Vereecke managed the field trials and soil samples and crop yields were obtained from the 2018 and 2019 growing seasons. Objective 3- Potter conducted the proposed greenhouse experiment during fall of 2018 and 2019. Soil inoculum from 11 fields across 5 farms were added to sterilized background soil in pots to expose each plant to a specific microbial community. Certified organic soybeans, corn, and rye were grown. Four nitrogen types were added (plus a control treatment) to determine how the different microbial communities mineralize nutrients and impact each crop species. The four types of nitrogen were solid cow manure, red clover, sorghum sudangrass, and urea for comparison. Approximately 70% of the data from the greenhouse experiment are ready for analysis. Data will be analyzed, and a manuscript will be drafted this spring and summer by Potter.


      Progress 03/15/18 to 03/14/19

      Target Audience:Target audiences include: organic grain and dairy farmers, researchers, and agricultural professionals. Changes/Problems:No major changes to report. A no-cost extension is requested in order to continue with data analysis and publications. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A post-doctoral trainee, Teal Potter, has been working with the group since 2018. Potter has also been mentoring a sophomore undergraduate student on a year-long independent project using data from the greenhouse experiment. This student is participating in the Undergraduate Research Scholars program at the University of Wisconsin. Additionally, with department graduate assistantship support, the field study has also provided learning and research opportunities for a master's student in Matt Ruark's lab. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Rick Lankau and Teal Potter presented goals and preliminary results at the Ograin Winter Conference; coordinated by Erin Silva's lab on January 25th in Madison, WI. Research was also presented at the UW Organic Agriculture Field Days in 2018 and 2019. Additionally, research data was presented at the International Organic Long-term Systems Trial Conference in October 2019. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We have identified another set of unique fields to collect additional soil and field data for addressing objective 1. We plan to double our sample size in order to capture sufficient variation in our main variables of interest, namely: how long farms have been under organic management, soil types, and specific management practices such as tillage and crop rotations. Data from all experiments will be analyzed and manuscripts will be drafted this year.

      What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1- Field soil samples for addressing were subsampled and all proposed C and N pools were measured in Matt Ruark's lab. Teal Potter, the post-doc on the project has begun the lab work for sequencing of microbial populations. With IRB approval, Erin Silva's lab interviewed organic farmers during the winter of 2018-2020 to collect data on field and management histories from each of the sampling sites. Objective 2- Léa Vereecke managed the field trials and soil samples and crop yields were obtained from the 2018 and 2019 growing seasons. Objective 3- Potter conducted the proposed greenhouse experiment during fall of 2018 and 2019. Soil inoculum from 11 fields across 5 farms were added to sterilized background soil in pots to expose each plant to a specific microbial community. Certified organic soybeans, corn, and rye were grown. Four nitrogen types were added (plus a control treatment) to determine how the different microbial communities mineralize nutrients and impact each crop species. The four types of nitrogen were solid cow manure, red clover, sorghum sudangrass, and urea for comparison. Approximately 70% of the data from the greenhouse experiment are ready for analysis. Data will be analyzed, and a manuscript will be drafted this spring and summer by Potter.


        Progress 03/15/17 to 03/14/18

        Target Audience:Target audiences reached include Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative to identify appropriate on-farm sites and the organic farmers involved in sampling the 60+ field sites. Changes/Problems:While project was slightly delayed the first season, excellent progress has been made in 2018. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A post-doctoral trainee, Teal Potter, has been hired on the project. Additionally, with department graduate assistantship support, this project has also provided learning and research opportunities for a Master's student. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will move ahead with all analyses and work to identify another set of unique sites to collect additional soil and field data.

        What was accomplished under these goals? Throughout 2018, 60+ organic fields with different times under organic management were sampled after the corn phase of the rotation. Samples have been stored appropriately for both C and N measurements and soil biology analysis. To this point, we are continuing to run the C and N analyses in the laboratory of Dr. Matt Ruark. A post-doc hired on the project, Teal Potter, has begun the greenhouse experiment looking at the effects of specific soil microbial populations on the mineralization of N from different organic fertility sources. Initial plant measurements have been made, and N analyses will continue. With IRB approval, we have begun to work with organic farmers to collect detailed field and management histories from each of the sampling sites.
