Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
May 12, 2017
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2021
Grant Year
Project Director
Woodard, HO, HO.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Entomology, Riverside
Non Technical Summary
Pollinating insects are an integral component of the production, security, and stability of more than 70% of the world's top food crops. In the US, bumble bees are the single most economically important group of native pollinators and are particularly important in the production of greenhouse crops, early blooming fruit crops, and field crops grown in cooler climates. Despite their importance, many wild bumble bee populations are in decline and some local and large-scale extinctions have occurred. Because of their role in crop production, the decline of wild bumble bees poses a serious threat to national food security. Many factors are involved in the decline of wild bumble bees (e.g., pesticides, pathogens), but habitat loss and unavailability of food resources appear to be recurring, driving factors. Unfortunately, the current state of knowledge about bumble bee nutrition is relatively poor, with significant gaps in three key areas. First, it is not known how foraging behavior and pollination services are influenced by nutritional state in bumble bees (Objective 1). This information gap precludes our ability to predict pollination services provided by bumble bees and anticipate how these services will be altered by ongoing global change. Second, little is known about the impacts of nutrition on bumble bee physiology, in particular for processes that are fundamental to bee health and fitness (Objective 2). Third, it is unclear how nutritional resource availability at the landscape scale impacts the long-term health and stability of bumble bee populations (Objective 3). This information is critical for managing foraging habitat to best support wild bumble bee populations. This project addresses these three knowledge gaps about the nutritional health of bumble bees using a combination of approaches from genomics and molecular biology, experimental biology, animal behavior, and field ecology. Expected outcomes include (i) an improved understanding of the mechanistic basis of bumble bee nutrition; (ii) a predictive framework for modeling bumble bee pollination services in unique nutritional environments; and (iii) management recommendations for optimally supporting bumble bee populations and pollination services.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Research in the Woodard lab uses experimental and molecular approaches to advance our fundamental understanding of bumble bees. Our research program is particularly focused on how the nutritional environment shapes behavior, physiology, and population dynamic processes in this group of bees across both ecological and evolutionary timescales. The overarching goal of this research is to understand and conserve bumble bees for improved human food production and security.OBJECTIVES(1) Nutritional drivers of bumble bee pollination services(2) Physiological basis of bumble bee nutritional health(3) Nutritional landscapes and bumble bee population health
Project Methods
Objective 1:Greenhouse Experiments: Colonies of the bumble bee B. vosnesenksii will be maintained at UCR's Insectary and Quarantine Facility in greenhouses provided with tomato (Solanum lycopersicum; multiple varieties) and pepper (Capsicum annuum; multiple varieties). Individual bees will be provided with diets manipulated in the following ways: pollen diversity (number of source plants), pollen quality (% content of lipid, protein, and micronutrients), and nectar quality (% sucrose). Bees will be released and the followingwill be monitored: pollination activity (using RFID technology as in (Stanley & Raine, 2016)); foraging decision making (floral resource choice); buzz pollination behavior (frequency, duration); and pollen collection (number pollen grains brought back to hive). Total colony foraging activity will be recorded using an automated hive monitoring system (EyesOnHive, Keltronix Inc.). Nutritional treatments will vary across greenhouses and pollination efficacy as a function of diet treatment will be estimated byfruit set and seed production (as in (Garratt et al., 2015)).Open Field Experiments: Young B. vosnesenksii colonies will be placed at sites within the Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center (UC ANR) that naturally vary in floral resource availability and are spatially independent at > 10 km apart. Across a two month period, foraging behavior will be continuously monitored using methods similar to greenhouse experiments (above) but individual foraging activity will also be monitored for a subset of individuals using radio tracking (as in (Hagen, Wikelski, & Kissling, 2011)). Workers and their pollen loads will be sampled from colonies weekly for analysis of bee nutritional state and floral resource utilization. After two months colonies will be dissected and number of workers andlarvae will be recorded. Spectrophotometric analyses will be used to quantify whole body macronutrients levels; following (Judd, Magnus, & Fasnacht, 2010)). Generalized linear models will be used to examine how metrics of colony development, nesting success, and nutrient levels vary as a function of floral resources around the nest at larger and smaller spatial scales, as well as foraging activity.Objective 2:Laboratory Experiment 1: Queen (B. impatiens) nectar diet quality will be manipulated (sucrose concentrations of 0%, 25%, 50%, or 75% w/v; fed ad libitum) during the first 12 days of adult life and queens from each diet treatment group will be collected at ages 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12d. Complete sets of age x diet queens will be replicated across 10 colonies. All queens will be collected directly into liquid Nitrogen and stored at -80°C. Queens from 5 colonies will be used for spectrophotometric quantitation of abdominal macronutrients (total carbohydrate, lipid, and protein); methods will follow Judd et al. (2010). Queens from additional colonies will be used for fat body transcriptomic analyses to identify molecular processes that change in response to diet quality. RNA-seq will be used to measure levels of transcript abundance and qRT-PCR will be used for a more targeted analysis of transcriptional responses of a subset of genes involved in carbohydrate sequestration (e.g., glucokinases, glycogen synthases). A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) will be used to examine effects of diet and age on nutrient levels.Laboratory Experiment 2: Queen (B. impatiens) pollen and nectar diet quality will be manipulated (6 treatment groups: i-iv, sucrose concentrations of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% w/v and control pollen; v, pollen starvation; vi, low quality pollen; fed ad libitum) during the first 12 days of adult life, which is the critical period during which queens sequester nutrients for overwintering. Following treatment administration, queens will be assigned to one of three overwintering temperature groups: 0°C, 5°C, 10 °C. Complete sets of diet x overwintering temperature queens will be replicated across 20 colonies. At age 13 d queens will be artificially overwintered in incubators (set to treatment temperatures and 75% RH) for a 2-month period, during which they will be monitored biweekly for mortality. An ANOVA will be used to examine the effects of diet and overwintering temperature on queen survival.Laboratory Experiment 3: Lab-reared, overwintered queens (B. impatiens) will be housed in small nesting boxes in the laboratory at 28°C and 70% RH for 1 month. During the 1-month period they will be fed ad libitum control nectar (40% w/v sucrose solution) and administered one of four pollen diet treatments: i) pollen starvation, ii) monofloral diet A (apricot pollen), iii) monofloral diet B (apple pollen), iv) monofloral diet C (almond pollen), or v) mixed diet (combined apricot, apple, and almond pollen); pollen fed ad libitum. Throughout the 1-month period egg production and brood development will be monitored twice weekly. At the end of the 1-month period all bees will be collected onto dry ice. Queen ovaries will be dissected to determine reproductive status (ovary development score 1-4) using methods in (Woodard, Bloch, Band, & Robinson, 2014). An ANOVA will be used to examine the effect of diet on the following response variables: queen reproductive status, brood quantities (total number of eggs, larvae, pupae, and workers in nest at collection), and larval weights.Field Cage Experiment: Lab-reared queens (B. impatiens) will be removed from their natal colonies, mated, overwintered, then emerged from diapause in spring and housed in small nesting boxes placed within a field cage (area 10 m2) supplemented with floral resources (potted flowers, including California poppy, Eschscholzia californica, flowering sage, Salvia leucophylla, California bluebells, Phacelia companularia, and globe gilia, Gilia capitata). During a 1-month period the nest boxes will be supplemented ad libitum with mixed floral pollen and nectar (40% w/v sucrose solution) that is untreated (control group) or treated with 10 μg l−1 (10 ppb; high dose group) or 2.4 μg l−1 (2.4 ppb; low dose group) thiamethoxam (PESTANAL, Analytical Standard, Sigma Aldrich), an imidicloprid pesticide known to have detrimental effects on bumble bee health(Garratt et al., 2015). Daily foraging activity and colony development will be monitored across the 1-month period. ANOVA will be used to examine the effect of pesticide exposure on the following response variables: daily foraging activity, time to egg production, and total number of workers produced.Objective 3We will explore the hypothesis that food resource availability is a major driver of wild bumble bee population dynamics, in particular during the early nesting period of the bumble bee life cycle. Bumble bees (multiple species) will be surveyed at 30 mid- to high-elevation (1750 - 2300 m) field sites in the Sierra Nevada Mountains around the Sierra Nevada Research Station (SNRS, UC Reserve System) over the course of two consecutive summers. Data collected will include bee abundance and diversity, and tissue samples (non-destructive tarsal snips). Sites will be >10 km apart and will be sampled biweekly from June-July. Each following day, floral resources within sites will be surveyed along transects using an extensive quadrat-based plant inventory system (Jha & Kremen, 2013) where within each quadrat sampled, the number of flowering plant species, number of flowering heads (inflorescences) per species, and the average per species diameter of flowering heads will be counted. From bee tissue samples, double digest RADseq (Peterson et al., 2012) will be used to generate genomic data for estimating population parameters. Generalized linear models will be used to examine how estimates of population health (e.g., bee abundance, diversity, effective population sizes) vary as a function of site-wide total floral resource availability.

Progress 10/01/19 to 09/30/20

Target Audience:The PI participated in the species recovery planning meeting for the rusty patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis) in February 2020. This meeting brought together bumble bee researchers to assess strategies for species conservation and management. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will be carrying out fieldwork in spring/summer 2021 in Yosemite and Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks to advance objective 3. We are also carrying out experiments at present on the drivers and consequences of queen sucrose responsiveness.

What was accomplished under these goals? During the reporting period the lab generated preliminary data that advances all three aims, including the following: 1) We found that that there are life-stage-specific changes in queen sucrose responsiveness. Specifically, queens become more responsive to sucrose when they transition to a subsocial stage when brood are present in the nest. (2) We developed field sites in the Sierra Nevada Mountains for objective 3. This selection is based on a spatial analysis of meadow characteristics integrated with field data collected in 2017 and 2019.


    Progress 10/01/18 to 09/30/19

    Target Audience:The project PI continued her efforts to monitor the status of wild bumble bees in the state of California. Additional funding from APHIS was acquired to assist with this initiative, and an Assistant Specialist in the lab also spent part of her time working on this. This component of the project serves the people of California by protecting one of our most economically important pollinator groups. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?We have mentored five undergraduate researchers as part of this project and two of my PhD students are actively working on related research. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We routinely give outreach talks on bumble bees to the public (an average of five talks per year). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the next reporting period, we plan to publish an additional 3-5 papers on this research and continue mentoring undergraduate and graduate researchers.

    What was accomplished under these goals? We have a new paper (in press) demonstrating howdiet impacts gene expression in the bumble bee queen fat body. We have additional studiesin preparation that (1) characterize the timing of nutrient sequestration in queens and (2) show the metabolomic composition of pollen loads in free-foraging bumble bees.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2020 Citation: Costa C., Duennes M.A., Fisher K., Der J, Watrous K.W., Okamoto N, Yamanaka N, & Woodard S.H. Transcriptome analysis reveals nutrition- and age-related patterns of gene expression in the fat body of pre- overwintering bumble bee queens. Molecular Ecology (In Press).
    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Watrous K.W., Duennes M.A., Woodard S.H. (2019) Pollen diet composition impacts early nesting success in queen bumble bees (Bombus impatiens). Environmental Entomology 48: 711-717.

    Progress 10/01/17 to 09/30/18

    Target Audience:The project PI initiated a new effort to begin monitoring the status of wild bumble bees in the state of California. Additional funding from APHIS was acquired to assist with this initiative, and an Assistant Specialist in the lab also spent part of her time working on this. A website was created ( and there will be two workshops (free and open to the public, up to 20 participants) held in spring and summer 2019 to educate the public about the importance of bumble bees and their identification. The project PI also co-led a workshop outside DC in spring 2018 that focused on developing a national native bee monitoring program. This workshop led to an authored, peer-reviewed publication (in preparation) on this topic. Changes/Problems:There have not been any major changes or porblems with the project plan; some experimental details have been modified to improve experimental design. There are also new areas of the project (specifically, the monitoring efforts) that have developed from this research program and which are fully in line with NIFA's mission and are being pursued because of the urgency of pollinator conservation efforts. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project has provided training opportunities for two postdoctoral researchers, one research specialist (MS-level), three graduate students, and more than 10 undergraduate students. These researchers have received training in bumble bee research and also various areas of professional development. We hold a weekly lab meeting and separate discussion group where we focus on praciticing presentations, manuscript preparation, statistical analyses, grant writing, and other areas. The project has also helped support several presentations at professional meetings (in particular, graduate and undergraduate involvement in the annual meeting of the Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America). How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?One manuscript has been published (Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 2018) and another has been submitted (to Environmental Entomology) and another three are in preparation. The project PI has given several outreach talks, including for the Boyd Deep Canyon andPalm Desert lectures series and the Mohave Desert Land Trust's annual spring event. She has also been featured on Science Friday (the radio show and a live event) and the New York Times (ScienceTake video series). In spring and summer 2019 there will be two publically available, day long workshops on bumble bee identificaiton, the curriculum of which is currently being developed. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the next reporting period, (1) all of the laboratory studies will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals, (2) graduate students in the lab will carry out the field-based projects, which will be prepared for publication,and (3) the monitoring program will continue to develop with a plan to formally launch the program in 2020.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Two studies on bumble bee queen nutrition have been successfully completed, including on study published in 2018 in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, where the dual effects of pesticide exposure and pollen diet diversity on bumble bee queens were examined, and a second study that more closely examined pollen diet effects on brood production (submitted to Journal of Environmental Entomology). Manuscripts are in preparation for additional studies on (1) nectar diet effects on fat body gene expression, (2) pesticide and pollen diet effects on fat body and brain gene expression, and (3) diet effects on queen longevity. Samples have been collected (summer 2018) for the project on population dynamics in wild bumble bees. Two graduate students have been recruited to perform the field components of the proposedwork. Erica Sarro (NSF-funded Computational Entomology Fellow) is working in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in summer 2019 to do the proposed work on queen nutrition and foraging. Natalie Fischer (NSF-fundedComputational Entomology Fellow and Graduate Research Fellow) is working on buzz pollination in this system and using greenhouse experiments.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Leza, Mar, Kristal M. Watrous, Jade Bratu, and S. Hollis Woodard. "Effects of neonicotinoid insecticide exposure and monofloral diet on nest-founding bumblebee queens." Proc. R. Soc. B 285, no. 1880 (2018): 20180761.

    Progress 05/12/17 to 09/30/17

    Target Audience:(1) Scientists (primarily in the fields of entomology and pollination biology) (2) Bumble bee rearing companies (Koppert Biological Systems; Biobest Industries); the Woodard lab works cooperatively with these companies, they donate colonies for our research and we in turn communicate research findings (3) The general public, through community outreach, engagement with the media, our website, and other activities Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?1. A postdoctoral researcher and a graduate student attended UCLA's Workshop on Conservation Genomics to receive training in the analysis of genomic data for conservation. 2. Five undergraduate students were mentored under the project. 3. One graduate student received research training for the project thus far, and another two students are now participating. 4. One visiting researcher from Spain received training in bumble bee research for the project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Michelle Duennes has presented research from the project at the annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, and the PI presented research from the project at theInternational Conference on PollinatorBiology, Heath and Policy. The PI has given public outreach talks in Southern California about native bee biology and conservation. Results from the project have been shared with the bumble bee rearing industry. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?There are now three graduate students doing research related to the project. For objective 1 (nutritional drivers of bumble bee pollination services), a student will be working with wild bumble bee populations in the Sierra Nevada in summer 2018 to explore how nectar availability impacts buzz pollination. For objective 2 (physiological basis of bumble bee nutritional health), a student will be working on how nutritional state impacts larval development. For objective 3 (nutritional landscapes and bumble bee population health), a student will be deploying wild-caught colonies into different areas to explore how the nutritional environment influences early colony development.

    What was accomplished under these goals? 1. Postdoctoral researcher Michelle Duennes (funded by a USDA NIFA Postdoctoral Fellowship) performed a large-scale study of how nectar diet influences nutrient storage and gene expression in bumble bee queens (Objective 1). The manuscript for this study is currently in preparation. 2. Visiting researcher Mar Leza (independently funded) performed an experiment to examine how queen bumble bee nesting success is influenced by pollen diet and exposure to insecticides (Objective 2).The manuscript for this study is currently in preparation. 2. A robotic larval feeding system is currently being developed to control larval diet in bumble bees. This technology will advance Objective 2. 3. Queen bumble bees are currently being collected from the field for Objective 3.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Woodard, S. H. Bumble bee ecophysiology: integrating the changing environment and the organism. Current Opinion in Insect Science 22, 101108 (2017).
    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Woodard, S. H. & Jha, S. Wild bee nutritional ecology: predicting pollinator population dynamics, movement, and services from floral resources. Current Opinion in Insect Science 21, 8390 (2017).