Source: LEHIGH UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Dec 1, 2016
Project End Date
Nov 30, 2019
Grant Year
Program Code
[A7501]- Professional Development for Agricultural Literacy
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Education & Human Services
Non Technical Summary
Lehigh-Souderton Pathway 360° Career Exploration ProgramSouderton Area School District has appreciably enriched and considerably expanded students' college and career readiness through a comprehensive program entitled Pathway 360?. With over 330 students (ca. 75%) in each of the classes of 2015 and 2016 completing voluntary 20-hour mentorships, enrollment in high-rigor STEM courses increasing ca.170% since 2010, and all students enrolling in career management software, this program has already yielded incredible results. Integral to this growth was establishment of partnerships with agri-businesses and academics sharing a common goal to nurture and mentor students with abilities and ambitions for careers in agriculture. Of note, our partnership with USDA via a previously funded project provided advanced training for teachers, infusion of food science/safety into curricula, experiential learning opportunities for students, partnerships with local food industries, and an awakening of our high school community to the critical workforce needs in agriculture. The current project, in collaboration with Lehigh University, will braid resources with existing private-public partnerships to fund Pathway 360? through 2019. The funding will enable professional development training to over 150 administrators, counselors, teachers, and business partners, as well as replicate the SASD Pathway 360? program in school districts in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Kansas. Other tangible outcomes will be program evaluation, measurement of student outcomes, improvement of project management software, and creation of a manual for the Pathway 360? expansion. The ultimate goal is to replicate Pathway 360? as a national model for college and career readiness, particularly in STEM, agriculture and food science/safety.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Goal: Expand the Pathway 360° career exploration model and related work-based experiences to increase the college and career readiness of high school students in the areas of STEM/agriculture/food safety.1. Provide professional development to educators.2. Establish business partnerships.3. Provide professional development to business partners.4. Establish guest speaker program.5. Provide educator visits to businesses.6. Arrange one-day job shadow for students7. Arrange 20-hour mentorships for students8. Implement computerized course recommendation system9. Increase enrollment in STEM/Ag/Food courses.
Project Methods
Efforts:There are several short-term goals that will be accomplished within the first six months of implementation.Provide professional development in the Pathway 360° model to educators in four high schools/school districts.Establish multiple partnerships with businesses in the food industry in each participating high school/district.Provide professional development in the Pathway 360° model to professionals in all partnering businesses.Establish a guest speaker program, coordinated by the school and utilizing local professionals, in all partnering high schools/districts.Provide educator training in all partnering high schools/districts by arranging educator visits to businesses of partnering agriculture/food partners.Arrange one-day job student shadow experiences with partnering agriculture/food partners.We also anticipate addressing the following additional skill gaps within a 1-2 year time frame.Establish multiple 20-hour mentorships with area agriculture/food partners.Implement a computerized course recommendation system to increase enrollment in STEM courses related to agriculture, food science, food safety.Establish sustainable business-education partnership arrangements in partnering school districts.Evaluation:We will evaluate the aforementioned efforts by documenting:Provision of professional development in the Pathway 360° model to educators in four high schools/school districts;Number of partnerships with businesses in the food industry in each participating high school/district;Number of professional development activities in the Pathway 360° model to professionals in all partnering businesses;Number of guest speaker programs in all partnering high schools/districts;Number of educator trainings in all partnering high schools/districts (i.e., educator visits to businesses of partnering agriculture/food partners);Number of one-day job student shadow experiences with partnering agriculture/food businesses;Number of 20-hour mentorships with area agriculture/food partners;Number of schools implementing a computerized course recommendation system for in STEM courses related to agriculture, food science, food safety;Number of sustainable business-education partnership arrangements in partnering school districts.

Progress 12/01/16 to 11/30/19

Target Audience:Educators, business partners, high school students Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?As delineated above, extensive training and professional development was provided to educators, business partners, and high school students. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Pathway 360° and related CCR information was disseminated to high schools around the United States initiating CCR programs. These include high schools in Pennsylvania (Abington School District, Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit, Greater Latrobe School District, Methacton School District Pennridge School District, North Penn School District, Upper Perkiomen School District), Kansas (Dodge City School District); Michigan (Branch Independent School District), and Illinios (Maine Township School District). In addition, information about the current project was disseminated at the Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System Conference in Hershey, PA. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Provide professional development to educators. Professional development was provided to a total of 920 educators, including the following activities: (a) a Pathway 360 update and an overview of improvements made to PathwayManager at Souderton Area High School to 150+ teachers and staff (PA); (b) Approximately 40 hours of PD was provided to community partners in Dodge City School District (KS); (c) PD was provided to the School Improvement Team in Branch Independent School District (Coldwater, MI) as they launched CCR activities; (d) PD was offered via conferences focused on technology and how to adapt to the classroom in Greater Latrobe School District (PA); (e) An introduction to Pathway 360 was provided to Pennridge School District (PA); (f) A presentation on the Pathway 360 change process was delivered to Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit (PA); (g) A presentation was presented at PA Standards Aligned System Conference in Hershey, PA; (h) Trainings in CCR were conducted at Methacton School District (PA), Abington School District (PA), Upper Perkiomen School District (PA), North Penn School District (PA), and Maine Township School District (IL). (i) Trainings with Montgomery County public high schools, through various meetings that MCIU. (j) Presentation at the PA Standards Aligned Systems Conference in Hershey. Establish business partnerships. The following professional partnerships were established: (a) Souderton Area School District partnered with PacPro, Moyer Specialty Foods, Living Hope Farm, Synatec, and Evergreen Lane Farms; (b) Dodge City School District partnered with 86 businesses; (c) Greater Latrobe School District partnered with 23 businesses in the local community; (d) Main Twp. High School District (IL) is utilizing PathwayManager to connect partners to students; (e) Pennridge High School has visited and continued to engage to jump start their program; (f) Colonial School District is now utilizing PathwayManager. Provide professional development to business partners. The following professional development was provided to business partners: Souderton Area School District conducted professional development with PacPro, Moyer Specialty Foods, Living Hope Farm and Synatec; Dodge City School District had three different sessions of PD for businesses, two of which included food safety/agriculture; Presentations were made in Pennsylvania to Indian Valley Chamber of Commerce, Rotary meetings, and at monthly workforce meetings. Districts who have received training also have provided professional development; The Education Committee of the Indian Valley Chamber of Commerce has been reorganized with specific and additional focus on partnering with Pathway 360. Establish a guest speaker program. Guest speaker programs were conducted in: (a) Souderton Area School District, with 1,500 students in attendance across three years, with many participating in Career Expos. (b) Dodge City School District, with six guest speakers or panels from various fields; (c) Greater Latrobe School District with four guest speaker programs; (d) Colonial School District has initiated Career Expos; (e) Greater Latrobe is now also initiating Career Expos. Provide educator visits to businesses. Educator visits have been made to the following businesses: (a) Souderton Area School District educators visited new partners PacPro, Moyer Specialty Foods, Living Hope Farm, Synatec, EDA, and Evergreen Lane Farms; (b) Dodge City School District sent 15 teachers to visit 86 different business; (c) Branch Independent School District visited three businesses; (d) Greater Latrobe School District teachers visited ExOne; (e) Pennridge School District and Colonial School District visited Souderton for information on numerous occasions. Arrange one-day job shadow for students. Job shadows were completed by: approximately 1,245 total students in Souderton Area School District; a total of 29 students in Greater Latrobe School District; Arrange 20-hour mentorships for students. The following mentorships were completed: In Souderton Area School District, 1050 students completed 20-hour mentorships at various sites; In Greater Latrobe School District, 29 students completed a mentorship through the Kennamental Young Engineers program. Implement computerized course recommendation system. PathwayManager, a computerized course recommendation system, has been adopted in the following school districts: PathwayManager is available to and widely used by all students in Souderton Area School District; Dodge City School District and Greater Latrobe School District are using PathwayManager An alternative computerized course recommendation system was made available to 11th and 12th grade students in Branch Independent School District during Year 1 of the project. PathwayManager is being used in Main Twp. High School (Il) and Colonial School District (PA). Increase enrollment in STEM/Ag/Food courses. Enrollment in STEM/Ag/Food courses increased each year via PathwayManager Recommendations, access to agriculture and related businesses, expanded mentoring opportunities, and general awareness and interest in potential careers in STEM and agriculture fields. For example, there was a 206% increase in enrollment in STEM courses at Souderton Area High School since 2010.


    Progress 12/01/17 to 11/30/18

    Target Audience:The target audience is secondary (i.e., high school) age students who have potential to be recruited into STEM courses related to agricuture, food science, and food safety. This audience was reached through professional development activities, including guest speakers, job fairs, job shadows, mentorships, and encouragement to enroll in STEM-related courses. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Please see above. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The Pathway 360 Program has been disseminated to multiple school districts (please see above) and information about the Program has been shared with the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We plan to continue activities conducted during the first two years to accomplish short- and long-term goals. We will continue efforts to increase use of Pathway 360 and interest in STEM fields.

    What was accomplished under these goals? 1. Provide professional development to educators. Professional development (PD) was provided to over 220 educators. This included (a) a Introduction to Pathway 360 with Pennridge School District (PA); (b) a presentation on the Pathway 360 change process to Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit (PA); and (c) a presentation at PA Standards Aligned System Conference in Hershey, PA. In addition, training has been conducted with Methacton School District (PA), Abington School District (PA), Upper Perkiomen School District (PA), North Penn School District (PA), and Maine Township School District (IL). We continue collaboration and training in Greater Latrobe School District (PA). 2. Establish business partnerships. Professional partnerships were established in (a) Souderton Area School District with Living Hope Farm and Synatec. Other sites (e.g., Greater Latrobe School District) expanded professional partners. 3. Provide professional development to business partners. Professional development was conducted with existing business partners as well as the following new partners: Living Hope Farm, Synatec, and EDA contractors. Presentations were made to Indian Valley Chamber of Commerce, Rotary meetings, and at monthly workforce meetings. Districts who have received training also have provided professional development. 4. Establish guest speaker program. Guest speaker program is ongoing and conducted at least yearly in all participating schools. 5. Provide educator visits to businesses. Educator visits have been made to the following businesses: (a) Living Hope Farm, (b) Synatec, and (c) EDA. 6. Arrange one-day job shadow for students. Job shadows were completed by 560 students at Souderton Area High School. Job shadows also were completed in partnering schools. 7. Arrange 20-hour mentorships for students. Mentorships were completed by 376 students at Souderton Area High School. Mentorships also were completed in partnering schools. 8. Implement computerized course recommendation system. In addition to use by the majority of students at Souderton Area High School, PathwayManager is now in use at three additional sites. 9. Increase enrollment in STEM/Ag/Food courses. There has been a 206% increase in enrollment in STEM courses at Souderton Area High School since 2010.


      Progress 12/01/16 to 11/30/17

      Target Audience:The target audience is high school age students who may be recruited into STEM courses related to agriculture, food science, and food safety. To reach this audience, we focused on the efforts of high school educators to organize professional development activities (e.g., guest speakers, job shadows, mentorships) and encourage enrollment in STEM-related courses. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Please see above. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We plan to continue activities conducted during the first year to accomplish short- and long-term goals. We intend to enhance communication with partnering sites to improve data reporting.

      What was accomplished under these goals? Short-term goals: Provide professional development to educators. Professional development (PD) has been provided to at least 300 educators. This included (a) a Pathway 360 update and an overview of improvements made to pathwayManager at Souderton Area High School to 150+ teachers and staff (PA), (b) fifteen staff members provided 40 hours of PD to community partners in Dodge City School District (KS), (c) PD to the School Improvement Team in Branch Independent School District (Coldwater, MI) to develop needs assessment as they initiate College and Career Readiness activities, (d) PD via conferences focused on technology and how to adapt to the classroom in Greater Latrobe School District (PA). Establish professional partnerships. Professional partnerships were established in (a) Souderton Area School District with two new partners in the food industry (ProPac and Moyer Specialty Foods), (b) Dodge City School District with 86 businesses, (c) Greater Latrobe School District with 23 community partners. In addition, Branch Independent School District is working with their Advisory Committee members and the Chamber of Commerce to establish partnerships. Provide professional development to business partners. Professional development has been conducted in the following districts: (a) Souderton Area School District conducted PD with the two aforementioned new partners and (b) Dodge City School District had three different sessions of PD for businesses, two of which included food safety/agriculture. Greater Latrobe School District has provided less formal PD with business partners and Establish guest speaker program. Guest speaker programs were conducted in: (a) Souderton Area School District, with 300 students in attendance, (b) Dodge City School District had six guest speakers/panels of speakers from various fields; (c) Greater Latrobe School District has had two guest speaker progrms and have scheduled two additional. Branch Independent School District is preparing for guest speakers. Provide educator visits to businesses. Educator visits have been made to the following businesses: (a) Souderton Area School District educators visited new partners ProPac and Moyer Specialty Foods (b) Dodge City School District sent 15 teachers to visit 86 different business, (c) Branch Independent School District visited three businesses, (d) Greater Latrobe School District teachers visited ExOne. Arrange one-day job shadow for students. Job shadows have been completed by: (a) approximately 55 students in Souderton Area School District and 29 students in Greater Latrobe School District. Dodge City School District and Branch Independent School District are preparing for job shadows. Long-term goals: Arrange 20-hour mentorships for students. In Souderton Area School District, 350 students completed 20 hour mentorships at various sites and in Greater Latrobe School District, 29 students completed a mentorship through the Kennamental Young Engineers program. Dodge City School District and Branch Independent School District are preparing for mentorships. Implement computerized course recommendation system. PathwayManager, a computerized course recommendation systems is available to all students in Souderton Area School District, Dodge City School District, and Greater Latrobe School District. An alternative computerized course recommendation system is available to 11th and 12th grade students in Branch Independent School District. Increase enrollment in STEM/Ag/Food courses. Enrollment in STEM/Ag/Food courses has increased each year in Souderton Area School District. Data are not currently available in other school districts, although we will track over the next two years.
