Source: UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2016
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2021
Grant Year
Project Director
Darby, H. M.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
This is a research-led project. Developing non-chemical effective controls for seed borne diseases is fundamental for building organic seed systems. Our project will provide a critical contribution by increasing farmers' ability to produce high-quality seed that meets organic and seed certification standards. Through this project we will determine the relationship between yield and incidence of seed borne disease in organic grains. We will evaluate efficacy of steam and bioprotectants to manage seed borne pathogens and develop a rapid RT-PCR assay for loose smut. Finally we will deliver an outreach program to educate growers and seed companies on identification, impacts and management of seed borne diseases in grains. In doing so, we will provide essential information to inform the National Road Map for Integrated Pest Management.In particular, research conducted by this project will help develop strategies to benefit productionagriculture and protect our environmental resources. Seeds are our most important resources in production agriculture and, hence, the ability to test for and limit distribution of serious seed borne pathogens of grain crops ensures a consistent and safe food supply. To that end, our project aims to meet the CPPM program focus area of Plant Protection Tactics and Tools.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The goal of this project is to develop effective non-chemical strategies for control of seed-borne diseases in organic production systems. Our project will provide a critical contribution by increasing the farmers' ability to produce high-quality seed that meets both organic and seed certification standards. In doing so, we will provide essential information to inform the National Road Map for Integrated Pest Management (IPM). In particular, research conducted by this project will help us develop IPM strategies to benefit production agriculture - grain production in this case - as well as protecting our environmental resources. Seeds are our most important resources in production agriculture and, hence, the ability to test for and limit distribution of serious seedborne pathogens of economically important grain crops ensures a consistent and safe food supply throughout the U.S. To that end, our project aims to meet the CPPM program focus area of Plant Protection Tactics and Tools.Objective 1. Assess foliar and head diseases in replicated field plots of wheat and barley in the field to determine relation to yield, germination, and incidence of seed borne disease of the harvested grain through analysis in the laboratory (Research)Objective 2. Evaluate the effect of aerated steam treatments and organic seed amendments using germination studies and ISTA seed testing protocols on seed borne foliar and head blight pathogens of wheat and barley (Research).Objective 3. Design, validate, and demonstrate a rapid RT-PCR assay for loose smut of wheat (Research).Objective 4. Educate farmers, seed producers, and agricultural professionals on the identification of wheat and barley diseases in the field, the importance of identifying contaminated seed lots, and the methods for organically treating contaminated grains (Extension).
Project Methods
Research Objective 1. Assess foliar and head diseases in replicated field plots of wheat and barley to determine relation to yield and incidence of seed borne disease of the harvested grain through analysis in the laboratory - Four replicated 5' X 20' field plots of wheat and barley will be planted in a randomized block design in Alburgh, VT in spring 2017. Rating of leaf diseases of four random 1 m X 1 m areas within the each replicated plot will be done by visual assessment of the percentage of leaf area symptomatic at key stages and leaf positions and based on standard area diagrams. Plots will be rated at anthesis and soft dough stage. Plants will be rated for the following seed borne diseases: tan spot, Septoria and Stagonospora leaf spots, loose smut, common bunt, Pyrenophora leaf spots and Fusarium head blight. Subsamples of 100 seeds from each plot will be analyzed in the UVM Plant Diagnostic Clinic for seed borne diseases using established seed testing analysis protocols developed by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA, 2014).Research objective 2. Evaluate the effect of aerated steam treatments and organic seed amendments using germination studies and ISTA seed testing protocols on seed borne foliar and head blight pathogens of wheat and barley - The aerated steam study will include four replications of wheat and barley seed treated as separate batches to ensure true replication of the aerated steam treatment at predetermined temperatures and durations. A replicated non-treated control will be included in the study. All treatments will be performed by High Mowing Organic Seeds, Wolcott, VT, using the highest amount of barley and wheat seed provided. Germination studies will be performed for each of the replications by testing 100 seed subsamples from each replication. Additional subsamples will be taken to the University of Plant Diagnostic Clinic to be analyzed for loose smut, common bunt and additional pathogens of wheat, barley and oats using established seed testing analysis protocols as previously described.The seed amendment study will include four replications of at least 5 bioprotectant seed treatments; skimmed milk powder, acetic acid, mustard powder plus biocontrol agents such as; TrigoCor 1448 (Bacillus subtilis, Cornell Research Foundation, Ithaca, NY 14850), TrigoCor 4712 (Bacillus sp., Cornell Research Foundation, Ithaca, NY 14850), and T-22, plus controls on wheat and barley seed. One hundred treated seeds per replication will be planted in soilless mix and grown in the University of Vermont greenhouse to assess germination rate. The percent plant population will be measured at the 2-leaf growth stage (Feekes 1). Best treatments from steam and seed treatment studies will be evaluated in field studies at research farm and collaborating 10 farms. This study includes planting treated seeds in a randomized block design with 4 replicates per treatment. Prior to planting, a germination test will be done on each variety and seeding rates adjusted. The percent plant population will be measured at the 2-leaf growth stage (Feekes 1). Subamples of seedlings (coleoptile and leaves) will be taken and examined for lesions characteristic of infection by Stagonospora nodorum. Plants will be inspected throughout the growing season for symptoms and signs of diseases. At harvest, subsamples of each plot will be collected to determine the percent of diseased seed.Research objective 3: Design, validate, and demonstrate a rapid RT-PCR assay of loose smut of wheat.Develop and optimize DNA extractions protocol for wheat and barley seed. -The DNA extraction protocol developed will be high-yielding and exclude inhibitors to PCR, while remaining safe and technically simple for use. With that said, we will first use a commercial DNA extract kit (e.g.,DNeasy Plant Mini Kit, Qiagen; NucleoSpin Tissue, Macherey-Nagel) and modify the manufacturer's protocol as needed to optimize DNA yield and purity.Selection of target DNA: loose smut fungi-We will select and generate eight to 10 pairs of PCR primers for the tef1 gene in Ustilago hordei and Ustilag. tritici for use in the developmental phase of testing (see below). Primers will be designed properly for efficiency with RT-PCR reagents whereas; collectively the assay will adhere strictly to the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guidelines (Bustin et al., 2009).Screening RT-PCR tef1 primer pairs for specificity to loose smut fungi and production of DNA standards. -Here, we will test the specificity of the smut and host plant primers using conventional PCR and DNA sequencing. All primers will be tested against cultures of Ustilago hordei and Ustilago tritici as well as fungal pathogens commonly associated with barley and wheat. To quantify DNA concentration/copy number via RT-PCR, one needs known quantities of the target DNA (standards) produced independent of the RT-PCR. The amount of target DNA in an unknown sample is, therefore, interpolated statistically from parallel RT-PCRs using DNA standards. To produce these standards, we will PCR-amplify the tef1 product for the smut fungus and housekeeping genes in barley and wheat (puroindoline-b). These gene regions will then be purified and cloned using TOPO TA cloning technology (Life Technologies). PlasmidDNA from positive clones will be harvested and purified using a commercial plasmid prep kit (Promega) and sequenced using universal primers. Sequence-derived clones (plasmid DNA) possessing the target DNA for Ustilago and wheat will then be serologically diluted to produce a standardized range of absolute target DNA for the pathogen and host.Optimization of the RT-PCR. - The initial DNA and reagent concentrations (i.e., polymerase and primers), reaction volume(s), and thermocycling (heat and time) conditions will be optimized. PCR proficiency to amplify target DNA (i.e.,Ustilago, barley, and wheat), using SYBR green RT-PCR master mix (Thermo Fisher Scientific) will also be calibrated statistically (calibration curve) to provide a simple, rapid, and reliable indicator of the overall efficiency of the RT-PCR assay.Determine diagnostic specificity and assay repeatability. - Herein, the diagnostic specificity refers to the frequency of negative results obtained from independent assays of smut-free seed lots. In autumn 2016, the project team members will be procure known smut-free and -infected seed lots from across the NY State and the Northeast. From December 2016-February 2017, we will confirm the infection status of each seed lot experimentally using the most recent protocol accepted by the International Rules for Seed Testing Association (Bassersdorf, Switzerland). Thereafter, a total of 20 seed lots (10 infected, 10 uninfected) will be assayed for loose smut using the optimized RT-PCR method to assess its diagnostic specificity. The assay will be replicated (x4) across all seed lots to determine its repeatability (short-term precision; variation per sample/seed lot).Detection threshold: limit of detection (LOD). - Utilizing DNA standards and previously collected smut-free seed, we will determine the minimum concentration of target DNA that can be accurately measured by the optimized RT-PCR. Assays will be replicated (x4) using DNA extractions from geographically separate, smut-free seed lots. For each seed lot, the DNA extraction will be aliquoted into ten samples of equal volume. Samples 1-9 will be amended ("spiked") successively with a diluted concentration of Ustilago target DNA (plasmid); thereby producing a series of diluted positive controls. The tenth aliquot per seed lot will receive no target DNA, and hence, will serve as the negative control.

Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/21

Target Audience:Loose smut of wheat is a disease that consistently causes annual reductions in grain quality and yield throughout the Northeast region, particularly in organic systems where chemical control is not permissible. Effective loose smut management in the latter farming system, therefore, will rely greatly on the planting of certified, smut-free seed. Thus, the primary beneficiaries of a rapid molecular detection assay for loose smut in barley and wheat seed will be organic and specialty grain crop famers providing flour for artisan baked goods and craft beers. Secondary beneficiaries of this detection technology will be grain producers - protecting seed quality and the producers' brand - as well as state and regional plant disease and cereal testing laboratories, respectively. Adoption of the RT-PCR loose smut detection assay by regional seed testing laboratories could also provide services to grain growers of the Northeast and nationwide.Additional seed borne pathogens can provide a source of destructive diseases of grains that can reduce stand, grain quality and yield. Limiting these pathogens before sowing in the field can help reduce foliar and head blight diseases and generalroot rotting organisms (Pythium, Rhizoctonia) that are common in cool soils of the region. Unlike conventional growers,organic growers lack effective tools to reduce seed borne disease. Many organic growers commonly save their seed and may be exacerbating the buildup of diseases by saving and replanting seed contaminated with seed borne diseases.Growers do not recognize the impact of contaminated seed on yield, quality and germination and do not recognize how to identify the seed borne diseases in the field and on seed. The field study information will be used to educate farmers on identification of field diseases and identification, assessment and impact of contaminated seed lots. This information will demonstrate the importance of clean seed and will be offered to farmers through field days, workshops and factsheets. The primary beneficiaries this quarter were farmers growing organic grains in the northeast region. The use of innovative organic seed treatments will offer new options for control of general root rotting organisms and the common seed borne foliar andhead disease pathogens of wheat and barley. Although our target audience has been geared towards organic growers that are unable to control some seedborne diseases through conventional fungicides there has been strong interaction with allgrain grower types. Lastly a minor audience has been seed companies that are also struggling to manage seedbornediseases in organic seed lots. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The final component of our project was to complete the training on the PCR test to plant disease and cereal testing laboratories. The adoption of the proposed loose smut detection system by state and regional plant disease and seed testing laboratories is one of the long-term objectives of the project. However, due to the pandemic this aspect of the project was delayed. This was to be an in-person training. Ultimately, the training had to be virtual. The Bergstrom Lab held a half-day training workshop for personnel of the E.E. Cummings Crop Qulaity Laboratory at the University of Vermont.The agenda included training on materials and methods, and the processing of infected and uninfected seed lots. Once the virtual training was complete, lab personnel implemented the protocols through a series of test runs. After each run, the lab personnel met virtually with the Bergstron lab to troubleshoot and issues and also to relay feedback on protocols. The training was completed in June of 2021 just prior to the end of the project. The PCR lab protocols still require some fine-tuning to fully adopt and make available to the grain growing community. The project team has a meeting planned in January of 2022 to finalize release plans. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Objective 4. Educate farmers, seed producers, and agricultural professionals on the identification of wheat and barley diseases in the field, the importance of identifying contaminated seed lots, and the methods for organically treating contaminated grains (Extension). Information from this grant was distributed directly to approximately 1,555 stakeholders during the project period. Stakeholders included grain growers, seed companies, industry, researchers, extension, and other agricultural industry representatives. Information was provided to the stakeholders through 4 conferences (VT & ME)and 3 field days (VT), 4 presentations at grain events held during 2017, 2018, and 2019. Outreach and education were impacted in 2020 and 2021 by the coronavirus pandemic but we were still able to reach a wide audience (over 200) of stakeholders through 3 webinars and 2 virtual field days. In addition, research reports have been posted online at for download and also available through UVM's institutional repository ScholarWorks. Reports have been included in the products section. A factsheet was developed on organic seed diseases and management. The factsheet was shared with growers at outreach events and is available online at Information has been included in the production section. Darby, H., Blair, H., and Hazelrigg, A. 2021. Seed Disease and Organic Management for Cereals Grown in the Northeast. St. Albans, VT. (accessed 7 Oct. 2021). A final project presentation was given at the national Grains Week Conference. Grains Week was a weeklong virtual event consisting of presentations from over 80 speakers in 18 sessions that provided opportunities for a variety of stakeholders to learn about recent research by project collaborators and invited speakers about developments in research on grain breeding, production and pest management, as well as baking, brewing, malting, milling, marketing, value chain issues, and sensory evaluation. The program is available on the eOrganic project website at Grains Week was presented live on YouTube so that anyone anywhere could easily access the live and recorded presentations. The full week of presentations is archived as a playlist on the Culinary Breeding Network YouTube channel at and the presentations from members of the Value Added Grains NIFA OREI projects are also available on the Value Added Grains for Local and Regional Food Systems website at The registration report from Grains Week is available at There were 1449 people registered from 45 states, and post-event reports show participation from 9 countries. As of November 4, 2021, the cumulative views of the recordings on YouTube are 4312. The largest stakeholder groups were (22%), farmers (14.9%), home bakers (16.3%) and professional bakers 11.6%). The event was promoted on social media by the Culinary Breeding Network, which has over 23,000 Instagram followers, as well as in the eOrganic newsletter, which reaches over 12,000 stakeholders, as well as WSU food systems, GrowNYC and Glynwood, and other project collaborators.The Value-added Grains project website at eOrganic at aggregates all project publications and presentations, as well as links to grain trial reports from project collaborators. Conference attendees were surveyed following the events to determine project impact on their farms. 94% of participants that responded to end of conference survey indicated that knowledge gained from these events that helped them routinely test for mycotoxin and seedborne disease. 52% of participants that responded to end of conference survey indicated that they know how to identify the properenvironmental conditions and grain development stage to apply fungicides to control fusarium head blight. 90% of participants that responded to end of conference survey indicated that knowledge gained from these events helped them better scout, identify, and develop IPM strategies for disease, insect, and weed pests in grains. 3 out of 5 participants have increased grain acres while 4 out of 6 had increased yields as a result of what they have learned through grain events/project. 3 out 5 participants have reduced weed pressure and 4 out 5 have improved soil health as a result of what they have learned through grain events/project. 9 out of 9 participants have improved networking which in turn has helped 8 out of 9 participants access markets. Overall 5 out of 6 participants indicated that these grain programs have helped them enhance their farm viability. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1. Assess foliar and head diseases in replicated field plots of wheat and barley to determine relation to yield, germination, and incidence of seed borne disease of the harvested grain through analysis in the laboratory. Major activities completed / experiments conducted: During the 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 growing season 24 spring barley varieties, 30 winter wheat varieties, 26 spring wheat varieties were assessed for foliar and head disease. In 2017, 2018, and 2019 organic approved fungicides were evalauted for control of Fusarium hed blight (FHB) in organic wheat. Disease assessment of grains for foliar and head disease was conducted when the grains reached milk stage. At the time of harvest yield, harvest moisture, and test weight were determined. Organic fungicides were sprayed on two varieties of wheat at flowering and 4 days after flowering. Disease incidence and severityvaried by year with 2017 being cool and wet and 2018-2020 being hot and dry.Primary diseases observed included septoria leaf spot, powdery mildew, and rusts. There were variety differences observed and critical to select varieties that have tolerance or resistance to the numerous diseases identifed as problematic in organic grains. Organic fungicides were ineffective compared to conventional fungivides however copper based treatments provided some efficacy compared to the control (no treatment). Further research needs to be conducted to determine copper residues on grain and impact on end-use quality. Objective 2. Evaluate the effect of aerated steam treatments and organic seed amendments seed borne foliar and head blight pathogens of wheat and barley (Research).Major activities completed / experiments conducted: In 2017 and 2018, greenhouse studies of Organic Seed Treatments-Seed treatments included four replications of 50 seeds and five seed treatments of wheat and barley planted in a soilless mix. The treatments included: Mustard, Brassica hirta syn Sinapsis alba)-10 g mustard/kg seed, Skim milk powder-30 g milk powder per kg seed, Aerated steam at 650 C for 90 seconds, K5 Trichoderma-5 X 109 spores @.125 fl/oz per 50# seeds, K5 Trichoderma As2 Bacillus- 5 X 109 spores @ .125 fl/oz per 50# seeds, and a Non-treated control. In 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 the field Studies included wheat and barley with or without aerated steam treatment. Field plots were replicated 4 times. Vigor/germination was used as an indicator of seedborne disease and was rated by counting # of sprouts on 5 consecutive days after first emergence. In field studies the grain yield and quality as well as presence of loose smut were monitored. In both 2017 and 2018, the aerated steam treatment consistently had the highest germination rates in the spring barley and outperformed the skim milk powder and K5. While the topperforming treatments did not differ from the control, the results of these trials indicate that spring barley treated with skim milk powder and K5 may have decreased germination rates in comparison to other organic biofungicide treated seed or untreated seed. In the field trials steam treatment on spring wheat may be effective for the prevention of loose smut of Ustilago tritici. Results also suggest that the steam treatment may have decreased grain quality, as indicated by the lower test weight and crude protein in the steam-treated wheat. The spring barley did not show the same differences in the amount of loose smut or grain quality between treatments. Interestingly, steam treatment did not significantly impact yields in either spring wheat or barley. Additional reserach needs to be conducted to test additional times, and temperatures to further evaluate the steam treatment process. Objective 3. Design, validate, and demonstrate a rapid RT-PCR assay for loose smut of wheat and barley. Major activities completed/experiments performed: Collection of Ustilago tritici (wheat loose smut) and Ustilago nuda (barley loose smut) samples and other genera of fungi associated with wheat and barley for DNA extraction.-A number of samples of U. tritici-infected wheat heads and U. nuda-infected barley heads were collected from field and greenhouse-grown plants for subsequent single-spore culturing and genomic DNA isolation. Approximately twenty additional fungal cultures of various other pathogenic/saprophytic genera associated with wheat and barley were prepared and genomic DNA isolated. Genomic DNA samples were subsequently used in the development of the loose smut assay. Develop and optimize DNA extraction protocols for wheat and barley seed.-A DNA extraction protocol was optimized for ease of use, consistency, and sensitivity. A coffee grinder, sieve, and Qiagen Plant DNeasy Mini Kit with a protocol modified to accommodate 100 mg samples is currently being used to provide DNA samples with sufficient yields for loose smut RTPCR assays. Selection of target U. tritici and U. nuda DNA for RT-PCR primer design.-A survey of research literature identified ITS and TEF1a as possible candidate regions within U. tritici and U. nuda genomes for the development of sensitive and specific RTPCR primers. Both ITS and TEF1a sequences for U. tritici and U. nuda obtained from NCBI Genbank were used with Applied Biosystems Primer Express software to develop both SYBR Green-based candidate primers and Taqman-based candidate primers/probe for ITS and TEF1a. Data collected.-Candidate SYBR Green primers and Taqman primers/probes were subsequently tested for specificity andsensitivity on an Applied Biosystems Viia7 real-time PCR thermocycler. Targets included genomic DNA (gDNA) of U. tritici and U. nuda positive controls, healthy wheat and barley seed negative controls, ~20 non-Ustilago pathogenic/saprophytic fungi negative controls, and non-target Ustilago hordei (covered smut of barley) samples. The best candidate in terms of specificity and sensitivity was a Taqman primers/probe set targeting a 60 b.p. segment of the ITS2 region of U. tritici and U. nuda. The Taqman ITS2 primers/probe produced a strong amplification signal with both U. tritici and U. nuda gDNA and no amplification up to 35 PCR cycles for any of the negative controls. Unfortunately, all of the candidates tested--including the Taqman ITS2--produced strong PCR amplification with U. hordei gDNA due to the close relationship between U. hordei, U. tritici and U. nuda. Summary statistics and discussion of results.-The ITS2 primers/probe were used in the development of RT-PCR dilution series standard curves for both U. tritici and U. nuda. The dilution series plot RT-PCR-derived Ct values versus log(dilution) values, and result in linear standard curves. We are currently in the process of calibrating the dilution series standard curves to Ct values of seed lots with known percent infection rates of U. tritici (for wheat) and U. nuda (for barley) to obtain final linear standard curves relating Ct values to log(percent infection rates). In practice, a seed lot tested for loose smut infection rate would be processed as follows: (1) obtain multiple random gDNA replicate samples from ~1000 seeds ground to flour; (2) perform RT-PCR on gDNA samples, obtain Ct values; (3) obtain estimated percent infection rates from the calibrated standard curve; (4) perform summary statistics on replicate infection rate values. Development of sequencing primers to confirm the identity of Ustilago species in seed lots.-Becase the ITS2 Taqman primers/probe cannot distinguish between closely-related Ustilago species capable of infecting wheat and/or barley (i.e. U. hordei versus U. tritici and U. nuda), we have attempted to develop sequencing primers with the ability to amplify and subsequently sequence Ustilago species ITS in infected seed lots. Initial results indicate it is possible to do this with U. tritici in wheat; testing with U. nuda and U. hordei in barley is still ongoing.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Darby, H. and H. Emick. 2020, Dec 7-11. Evaluation of Organic Copper Fungicide Applications plus Cultivar Resistance to reduce FHB and DON Infection of Barley in Vermont. p. 31. In: S. Canty, A. Hoffstetter, and R. Dill-Macky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2020 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Darby, H. and H. Emick. 2021, Dec 6-7. Evaluation of Conventional and Organic Fungicide Applications Plus Cultivar Resistance to Reduce FHB and DON Infection of Barley in Vermont. In: S. Canty, A. Hoffstetter, and R. Dill-Macky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2021 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Darby, H. 2021. Seed Disease and Organic Management for Cereals Grown in the Northeast. St. Albans, VT. (accessed 7 Oct. 2021).
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Darby, H., Emick, H., Blair, H., & Malone, R. (2020). Organic Spring Barley Variety Trial. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Darby, H., Blair, H., & Emick, H. (2020). Organic Winter Wheat Variety Trial. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Darby, H., Krezinski, I., & Emick, H. (2020). Steam Treated Grains Trial. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Darby, H., Malone, R., Emick, H., Jean, H., & Krezinski, I. (2019). Organic Spring Wheat Variety Trial. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Darby, H., Malone, R., & Jean, H. (2019). Organic Winter Wheat Variety Trial. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Darby, H., Emick, H., & Jean, H. (2019). The Efficacy of Spraying Organic Fungicides to Control Fusarium Head Blight Infection in Spring Wheat. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Darby, H., Jean, H., Emick, H., & Malone, R. (2019). Steam Treated Grains Trial. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Darby, H., Jean, H., Bruce, J., & Emick, H. (2018). Organic Spring Wheat Variety Trial. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Darby, H., Malone, R., Cummings, E., & Emick, H. (2018). The Effects of Seed Steam Treatment on Dry Bean Yield and Presence of Pests & Disease. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Darby, H., Malone, R., Emick, H., & Jean, H. (2018). Steam Treated Grains Trial. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Darby, H., Malone, R., Cummings, E., & Emick, H. (2018). The Efficacy of Spraying Organic Fungicides to Control Fusarium Head Blight Infection in Spring Wheat. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Darby, H., Hazelrigg, A., Maia, G., & Cummings, E. (2017). Small Grain Disease and Insect Pest Scouting Report. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Darby, H., & Cummings, E. (2017). The Efficacy of Spraying Organic Fungicides to Control Fusarium Head Blight Infection in Spring Wheat. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Darby, H., Cummings, E., & Emick, H. (2017). Organic Spring Barley Variety Trial. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Darby, H., & Cummings, E. (2017). The Effects of Seed Steam Treatment on Dry Bean Yield and Quality. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Darby, H., Jean, H., Cummings, E., & Emick, H. (2017). Organic Spring Wheat Variety Trial. In Northwest Crops & Soils Program.

Progress 09/01/19 to 08/31/20

Target Audience:Loose smut of wheat is a disease that consistently causes annual reductions in grain quality and yield throughout theNortheast region, particularly in organic systems where chemical control is not permissible. Effective loose smutmanagement in the latter farming system, therefore, will rely greatly on the planting of certified, smut-free seed. Thus, the primary beneficiaries of a rapid molecular detection assay for loose smut in barley and wheat seed will be organic and specialty grain crop famers providing flour for artisan baked goods and craft beers. Secondary beneficiaries of this detection technology will be grain producers - protecting seed quality and the producers' brand - as well as state and regional plantdisease and cereal testing laboratories, respectively. Adoption of the RT-PCR loose smut detection assay by regional seedtesting laboratories could also provide services to grain growers of the Northeast and nationwide.Additional seed borne pathogens can provide a source of destructive diseases of grains that can reduce stand, grain quality and yield. Limiting these pathogens before sowing in the field can help reduce foliar and head blight diseases and generalroot rotting organisms (Pythium, Rhizoctonia) that are common in cool soils of the region. Unlike conventional growers,organic growers lack effective tools to reduce seed borne disease. Many organic growers commonly save their seed and may be exacerbating the buildup of diseases by saving and replanting seed contaminated with seed borne diseases.Growers do not recognize the impact of contaminated seed on yield, quality and germination and do not recognize how toidentify the seed borne diseases in the field and on seed. The field study information will be used to educate farmers onidentification of field diseases and identification, assessment and impact of contaminated seed lots. This information willdemonstrate the importance of clean seed and will be offered to farmers through field days, workshops and factsheets. The primary beneficiaries this quarter were farmers growing organic grains in the northeast region. The use of innovative organic seed treatments will offer new options for control of general root rotting organisms and the common seed borne foliar andhead disease pathogens of wheat and barley. Although our target audience has been geared towards organic growers that are unable to control some seedborne diseases through conventional fungicides there has been strong interaction with allgrain grower types. Lastly a minor audience has been seed companies that are also struggling to manage seedbornediseases in organic seed lots. Changes/Problems:Due to the pandemic, the in-person lab trainings had to be cancelled. The last objectives were to transfer the loose smut PCR test to other lab personnel that could provide testing to the farming community. A training on the new PCR test was planned at Cornell University (PI-Bergstrom) in March of 2020. Due to school closure and travel bans in participating states the training was unable to occur. Although we hoped to travel during the summer, University policy did not allow for overnight travel to NY (or any other state). Due to the ongoing pandemic and lack of travel we have now planned for a virtual training. We are hoping to complete the training in March and be able to offer the PCR test this summer to growers on a preliminary basis. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Outreach and education were impacted in 2020 by the coronavirus pandemic but we were still able to reach over 200 stakeholders. Our annual showcase for grains research and education, the Grain Growers Conference, was scheduled for March 24, 2020. When shutdowns were announced in mid-March, it was too late to make alternative arrangements and the conference was cancelled. By mid-spring, we had realized that a return to in-person events was unlikely to occur in 2020 and explored creative ways we could conduct virtual events (detailed below). As a result we were able to host several Virtual Field Day Friday events to highlight the work on grain and disease. Grain Growers Webinar, Mar 24, 2020, Flavor & Function; Cover Crop Based No-till & Interseeding Techniques, 2-part webinar session, virtual event, 68 attendees, Virtual Field Day Fridays, Jul 24, Aug 7, 21, Sep 4, 18, 2020, Small grains, Integrated Pest Management, Interseeding cover crops, Solar corridors, Forages, Hops, Corn silage, Dry beans, Flint corn, Hemp, & Cover crops, 5 webinar series, virtual event, 127 attendees, What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The final component of our project is to complete the training on the PCR test to plant disease and cereal testing laboratories. The adoption of the proposed loose smut detection system by state and regional plant disease and seed testing laboratories is one of the long-term objectives of the project. Thus, to help facilitate this, the project PI will host a one-day, hands-on workshop for personnel of the Cornell Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic and the Cereal Testing Laboratory at the University of Vermont. The agenda will include detailed academic and technical training on materials and methods, and the processing of infected and uninfected seed lots. Attendees will be encouraged to provide feedback on technical and/or resource difficulties that could hinder the adoption of the detection system by laboratories similar to their own. Develop and deliver eOrganic webinar series focused on seed diseases and organic management to farmers, seed industry and other stakeholders throughout the nation. Webinars will be presented in years 3-4 on the following topics: Organic small grain seed production, seed disease of small grains, organic management of seed-borne diseases. Webinar participants will be tracked through eOrganic and learning objectives will be assessed through follow-up evaluations emailed to webinar participants.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 2. Evaluate the effect of aerated steam treatments and organic seed amendments using germination studies and ISTA seed testing protocols on seed borne foliar and head blight pathogens of wheat and barley (Research). The trial was conducted at Borderview Research Farm in Alburgh, VT. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replicates. The treatments were steam treated or non-steam treated certified organic wheat and barley seed. The seed lots had been identified as being high in loose smut. Seeds were treated at High Mowing Organic Seeds (Wolcott, VT). Approximately two pounds of seed of each grain were treated at 65 C for 90 seconds in 1" deep trays. After treatment, the seeds were dried to their original moisture (<14% moisture) over a period of 1 hour in a dehydrator at 30 . On 7-Apr, 300 lbs. of 19-19-19 were applied per acre. Steam-treated and untreated Robust 6-row spring barley and Prosper hard red spring wheat were planted on 15-Apr at a seeding rate of 350 live seeds m-2 into plots that were 5' x 20'. Prosper is a variety of wheat considered moderately resistant to Fusarium head blight (FHB). Robust is an FHB susceptible barley cultivar. On 25-Jun, a smut assessment was done by taking three 1ft. sections and counting the total number and number of smutted heads per section. On 8-Jul, the plots were scouted for powdery mildew, Fusarium head blight, and other signs of disease or insect damage in three 1-foot sections. These observations were recorded by percent severity (0-100%) by a visual assessment. Both the Robust barley and the Prosper spring wheat were harvested on 21-Jul. Grains were harvested with an Almaco SPC50 plot combine. Following the harvest, seeds were cleaned with a small Clipper M2B cleaner (A.T. Ferrell, Bluffton, IN). Grain moisture, test weight, and yield were determined with a DICKEY-John M20P meter and pound scale. A subsample of approximately one pound was collected to determine quality, which was ground into flour with a Perten LM3100 Laboratory Mill, and analyzed for protein content, falling number, and deoxynivalenol (DON) levels. Crude protein (CP) content was analyzed using a Perten Inframatic 8600 Flour Analyzer, and falling numbers were determined (AACC Method 56-81B, AACC Intl., 2000) using a Perten FN 1500 Falling Number Machine. The falling number is related to the amount of sprout damage in the grain and is measured by the time it takes in seconds for a stirrer to fall through a slurry of flour and water to the bottom of a test tube. A falling number greater than 350 indicates low enzymatic activity and good quality. Falling numbers less than 200 indicate high enzymatic activity and poor quality. Grain samples were analyzed for deoxynivalenol (DON) using the Veratox DON 5/5 Quantitative test (NEOGEN Corp.), which has a detection range of 0.5 to 5 ppm. Samples with DON values greater than 1 ppm are considered unsuitable for human consumption. Data were analyzed using a general linear model procedure of SAS (SAS Institute, 1999). Replications were treated as random effects, and treatments were treated as fixed. Mean comparisons were made using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) procedure where the F-test was considered significant, at p<0.10. Prosper Spring Wheat Populations were measured and plants were scouted for signs of disease and insects prior to harvest. No powdery mildew was observed. Overall disease and pest pressure were low this season. For spring wheat observed disease severity, there was a statistically significant difference in leaf rust. The steam treated wheat had 0% leaf rust severity compared to 0.750% for the non-steam treated wheat. Arthropod damage was significantly lower in the non-steam treated wheat (1.65%) than the steam treated wheat (3.70%). There was no significant difference in the number of smutted heads between the two treatments of spring wheat.Grain moisture, yield, and test weight were measured at harvest. Grain moisture at harvest is preferred to be below 14% moisture for optimal grain storage. The non-steam treated wheat had a significantly lower harvest moisture (17.4%) than the steam treated wheat (20.3%). There was no significant difference in yield between the treatments. The average test weight for non-steam treated seeds was significantly higher (57.8 lbs. bu-1). Test weight is determined by weighing a known volume of grain, and measures grain density. The higher the test weight, the greater the quality of the grain. The spring wheat treatments did not differ statistically for other quality parameters. The DON concentration was not significantly different between treatments. Robust Spring Barley Spring barley plants were scouted for signs of disease and insects prior to harvest. Scouting data for powdery mildew, leaf spots, leaf rust, and physiological spotting are displayed in Table 6, and there were no statistical differences between the treatments. Arthropod damage and percentage of smutted heads were also recorded, but there were no significant differences between treatments for either parameter. Yield, harvest moisture, test weight, and quality did not differ by treatment. All DON concentrations were under 1 ppm. Overall, there were few differences between the steam treated and non-steam treated spring grains. Although not considered a seedborne disease, the steam treated Prosper spring wheat had significantly lower leaf rust, perhaps a result of elimination of rust as a seed contaminant. The non-steam treated wheat had significantly less arthropod damage; all other diseases observed were not impacted by the steam treatment, nor was there a significant impact on the amount of smutted heads. There were no significant effects on the Robust spring barley in terms of the severity of pests and disease, or the percentage of spiked smutted heads in the total grain population. It is important to note that this trial did not measure the incidence of pests and disease. Smutted heads accounted for less than 1% of grain heads in all treatments. The steam treated Prosper spring wheat had significantly lower harvest moisture and higher test weight than the non-steam treated wheat. The harvest moisture was lower for the non-steam treated spring barley. This indicates that the quality of the grains was not affected by the steam treatment. DON levels were under 1 ppm and therefore considered suitable for human consumption. Overall, this season, there were low levels of pest and disease pressure, potentially due to the hot, dry season. This is the third year that this experiment has been conducted at Borderview Research Farm in Alburgh, VT, and the results vary by year. In the 2018 season, it was warmer and drier than normal. Overall, loose smut of Ustilago tritici and Fusarium pressure was low, but results suggested the steam treatment on Prosper spring wheat may be effective for the prevention of loose smut. Steam treatment did not appear to affect other disease indicators, such as spotting or increased DON concentrations. However, the results also suggested that the steam treatment may have decreased grain quality, as indicated by the lower test weight and crude protein in the steam-treated wheat. Those differences were not seen in Robust spring barley. In 2019, the spring was cool and wet, followed by hot, dry weather in July. DON levels were low and smutted heads accounted for <1% of the total grain population; this trend was seen again in 2020. There was no significant impact of the steam treatment on either spring barley or wheat, nor did the steam treatment affect quality. It is important to note that this data only represent one testing location.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Heather Darby and Hillary Emick. 2020. Evaluation of organic copper fungicide applications plus cultivar resistance to reduce FHB and DON infection of barley in Vermont. In: Canty, S., A. Hoffstetter, B. Wiermerand R. Dill-Macky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2020 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum (p. 31). East Lansing, MI/Lexington, KY: U.S. Wheat & Barley ScabInitiative.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Heather Darby and Hillary Emick. 2019. Evaluation of fungicide applications plus cultivar resistance to reduce FHB and DON infection of barley in New England. In: Canty, S., A. Hoffstetter, B. Wiermerand R. Dill-Macky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2019 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum (p. 7). East Lansing, MI/Lexington, KY: U.S. Wheat & Barley ScabInitiative.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Heather Darby, Ann Hazelrigg, and Henry Blair. 2020. Seed disease and organic management. University of Vermont. Burlington, VT. (accessed 28 Jan 2021).
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Darby. H., Luke, I., and H. Emick. 2020. Steam Treated Grains Trial. University of Vermont Extension Northwest Crops and Soils Program. St. Albans, VT. (accessed 28 Jan 2021).

Progress 09/01/18 to 08/31/19

Target Audience:Loose smut of wheat is a disease that consistently causes annual reductions in grain quality and yield throughout the Northeast region, particularly in organic systems where chemical control is not permissible. Effective loose smut management in the latter farming system, therefore, will rely greatly on the planting of certified, smut-free seed. Thus, the primary beneficiaries of a rapid molecular detection assay for loose smut in barley and wheat seed will be organic and specialty grain crop famers providing flour for artisan baked goods and craft beers. Secondary beneficiaries of this detection technology will be grain producers - protecting seed quality and the producers' brand - as well as state and regional plant disease and cereal testing laboratories, respectively. Adoption of the RT-PCR loose smut detection assay by regional seed testing laboratories could also provide services to grain growers of the Northeast and nationwide. Additional seed borne pathogens can provide a source of destructive diseases of grains that can reduce stand, grain quality and yield. Limiting these pathogens before sowing in the field can help reduce foliar and head blight diseases and general root rotting organisms (Pythium, Rhizoctonia) that are common in cool soils of the region. Unlike conventional growers, organic growers lack effective tools to reduce seed borne disease. Many organic growers commonly save their seed and may be exacerbating the buildup of diseases by saving and replanting seed contaminated with seed borne diseases. Growers do not recognize the impact of contaminated seed on yield, quality and germination and do not recognize how to identify the seed borne diseases in the field and on seed. The field study information will be used to educate farmers on identification of field diseases and identification, assessment and impact of contaminated seed lots. This information will demonstrate the importance of clean seed and will be offered to farmers through field days, workshops and factsheets. The primary beneficiaries this quarter were farmers growing organic grains in the northeast region. The use of innovative organic seed treatments will offer new options for control of general root rotting organisms and the common seed borne foliar and head disease pathogens of wheat and barley. Although our target audience has been geared towards organic growers that are unable to control some seedborne diseases through conventional fungicides there has been strong interaction with all grain grower types. Lastly a minor audience has been seed companies that are also struggling to manage seedborne diseases in organic seed lots. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Two technical staff and 1 scientist have been trained by Dr. Gary Bergstrom (Cornell University) on methods to identify varioius smut species on small grains (wheat, barley, and oats). How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Objective 4. Educate farmers, seed producers, and agricultural professionals on the identification of wheat and barley diseases in the field, the importance of identifying contaminated seed lots, and the methods for organically treating contaminated grains (Extension). Major activities completed / experiments conducted: Information from this grant was distributed directly to approximately 480 stakeholders during the last reporting period. Stakeholders included grain growers, seed companies, industry, researchers, extension, and other agricultural industry representatives. Information was provided to the stakeholders through 2 conferences (VT & ME) and 2 field days (VT) held during 2019. In addition, research reports have been posted online at for download. 2018 Maine Grain Conference, March 23, 2018. Target audience was farmers, farm advisors, processors and end-users. This year's conference focused on expanding crop options and markets, scaling up production, and disease management with guest speakers from Prince Edward Island, Vermont, and Maine. Due to snow, it was offered as a webinar. Webinar attendees - 30. 2019 Maine Grain Conference, March 1, 2019, Presque Isle. Target audience was farmers, farm advisors, processors and end-users. The following talks by project PI and farmer collaborators highlighted outcomes from this project: Foliar and Seed Diseases in New England Organic Grains. H. Darby. Attendees - 93 15th Annual Grain Growers Conference, 'Stories of an Evolving Food System', March 28, 2019, Essex, VT. This daylong event included speakers from across the United States and Canada. Project PI and staff presented on small grains disease and management. Attendees - 125 Annual Northwest Crops and Soils Field Day - July 25, 2019 - 'Twelve Years of Research - But Wait, There's More', Borderview Research Farm, Alburgh, VT. Tour included research trials on organic corn, soybean, barley, wheat, oats, and rye. Research tours of variety trials, no-till grains, nitrogen management, and dieseae management. Attendees - 286. Harvesting and Malting Barley - October 19, 2019 - Peterson's Quality Malt, Monkton, VT. Charlotte, VT. Discussed the growing season, evaluated barley samples, discussed quality analysis, discussed disease management, and then toured the malt house. Attendees - 35 Conference attendees were surveyed following the event to determine project impact on their farms. 92% of participants that responded to end of conference survey indicated that knowledge gained from these events that helped them routinely test for mycotoxin and seedborne disease. 45% of participants that responded to end of conference survey indicated that they know how to identify the proper environmental conditions and grain development stage to apply fungicides to control fusarium head blight. 92% of participants that responded to end of conference survey indicated that knowledge gained from these events helped them better scout, identify, and develop IPM strategies for disease, insect, and weed pests in grains. 3 out of 5 participants have increased grain acres while 4 out of 6 had increased yields as a result of what they have learned through grain events/project. 3 out 5 participants have reduced weed pressure and 4 out 5 have improved soil health as a result of what they have learned through grain events/project. 9 out of 9 participants have improved networking which in turn has helped 8 out of 9 participants access markets. Overall 5 out of 6 participants indicated that these grain programs have helped them enhance their farm viability. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?A final year of steam treatment study will be conducted to further confirm research results. We will start to process, analyze and interpret data from final field experiments and prepare publications. Data will be shared through a research report that highlights project results. Information will be distributed at winter meetings in 2020. We will begin screening barley and wheat seed lots as part of a loose smut survey across seed channels in the northeastern U.S.. We will begin training students, staff, and faculty on the PCR analysis during the winter of 2020. Final outreach materials will be developed including a manual on seedborne diseaes and several webinars.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1. Assess foliar and head diseases in replicated field plots of wheat and barley to determine relation to yield, germination, and incidence of seed borne disease of the harvested grain through analysis in the laboratory. Major activities completed / experiments conducted: During the 2019 growing season 24 spring barley varieties, 30 winter wheat varieties, 26 spring wheat varieties were assessed for foliar and head disease. Organic approved fungicides were evalauted for contorl of Fusarium hed blight (FHB). Data collected: Disease assessment of grains for foliar and head disease was conducted when the grains reached milk stage. At the time of harvest yield, harvest moisture, and test weight were determined. Organic fungicides were sprayed on two varieties of wheat and barley at flowering and 4 days after flowering. Summary statistics and discussion of results: Disease prevalence was minor in 2019 due to extremely dry conditions during much of the growing season. Primary diseases observed included septoria leaf spot, powdery mildew, and rusts. Although foliar and head diseases are problematic in some years they were not of significance in 2019. The levels of FHB and DON concentrations were below 1ppm and fungicide treatment impacts not detectable. Data is being compiled and will be shared in final report. Objective 2. Evaluate the effect of aerated steam treatments and organic seed amendments seed borne foliar and head blight pathogens of wheat and barley (Research). Major activities completed / experiments conducted: Greenhouse Studies evaluated control of Fusarium in steam and not steam treated seed with 10 replicates. Field Studies included wheat and barley with or without aerated steam treatment. Field plots were replicated 4 times. Data collected: In greenhouse presence of Fusarium was documented and in field studies the grain yield and quality as well as presence of loose smut were monitored.Summary statistics and discussion of results: In both 2018 and 2019 greenhouse experiments, when wheat and barley seed were steam and non-steam treated and incidence of Fusarium was assessed, the amount of Fusarium was not significantly different between the 2 treatments in either year. Other results were variable depending on the year and pathogen/treatment. This would lead us to conclude the steam treatment temperatures used by High Mowing were not high enough to kill the seed borne Fusarium. More work would need to be done to ascertain temperatures required to kill the pathogen without harming the seed. In the 2019 field trial, steam treatment on spring wheat reduced but did not eliminate the presence of loose smut of Ustilago tritici. Results also suggest that the steam treatment may decrease grain quality, as indicated by the lower test weight in the steam-treated wheat. The spring barley did not show the same differences in the amount of loose smut or grain quality between treatments. Objective 3. Design, validate, and demonstrate a rapid RT-PCR assay for loose smut of wheat and barley. Major activities completed/experiments performed: Collection of Ustilago tritici (wheat loose smut) and Ustilago nuda (barley loose smut) samples and other genera of fungi associated with wheat and barley for DNA extraction.-A number of samples of U. tritici-infected wheat heads and U. nuda-infected barley heads were collected from field and greenhouse-grown plants for subsequent single-spore culturing and genomic DNA isolation. Approximately twenty additional fungal cultures of various other pathogenic/saprophytic genera associated with wheat and barley were prepared and genomic DNA isolated. Genomic DNA samples were subsequently used in the development of the loose smut assay. Develop and optimize DNA extraction protocols for wheat and barley seed.-A DNA extraction protocol was optimized for ease of use, consistency, and sensitivity. A coffee grinder, sieve, and Qiagen Plant DNeasy Mini Kit with a protocol modified to accommodate 100 mg samples is currently being used to provide DNA samples with sufficient yields for loose smut RT-PCR assays. Selection of target U. tritici and U. nuda DNA for RT-PCR primer design.-A survey of research literature identified ITS and TEF1a as possible candidate regions within U. tritici and U. nuda genomes for the development of sensitive and specific RT-PCR primers. Both ITS and TEF1a sequences for U. tritici and U. nuda obtained from NCBI Genbank were used with Applied Biosystems Primer Express software to develop both SYBR Green-based candidate primers and Taqman-based candidate primers/probe for ITS and TEF1a. Data collected.-Candidate SYBR Green primers and Taqman primers/probes were subsequently tested for specificity and sensitivity on an Applied Biosystems Viia7 real-time PCR thermocycler. Targets included genomic DNA (gDNA) of U. tritici and U. nuda positive controls, healthy wheat and barley seed negative controls, ~20 non-Ustilago pathogenic/saprophytic fungi negative controls, and non-target Ustilago hordei (covered smut of barley) samples. The best candidate in terms of specificity and sensitivity was a Taqman primers/probe set targeting a 60 b.p. segment of the ITS2 region of U. tritici and U. nuda. The Taqman ITS2 primers/probe produced a strong amplification signal with both U. tritici and U. nuda gDNA and no amplification up to 35 PCR cycles for any of the negative controls. Unfortunately, all of the candidates tested--including the Taqman ITS2--produced strong PCR amplification with U. hordei gDNA due to the close relationship between U. hordei, U. tritici and U. nuda. Summary statistics and discussion of results.-The ITS2 primers/probe were used in the development of RT-PCR dilution series standard curves for both U. tritici and U. nuda. The dilution series plot RT-PCR-derived Ct values versus log(dilution) values, and result in linear standard curves. We are currently in the process of calibrating the dilution series standard curves to Ct values of seed lots with known percent infection rates of U. tritici (for wheat) and U. nuda (for barley) to obtain final linear standard curves relating Ct values to log(percent infection rates). In practice, a seed lot tested for loose smut infection rate would be processed as follows: (1) obtain multiple random gDNA replicate samples from ~1000 seeds ground to flour; (2) perform RT-PCR on gDNA samples, obtain Ct values; (3) obtain estimated percent infection rates from the calibrated standard curve; (4) perform summary statistics on replicate infection rate values. Development of sequencing primers to confirm the identity of Ustilago species in seed lots.-Becase the ITS2 Taqman primers/probe cannot distinguish between closely-related Ustilago species capable of infecting wheat and/or barley (i.e. U. hordei versus U. tritici and U. nuda), we have attempted to develop sequencing primers with the ability to amplify and subsequently sequence Ustilago species ITS in infected seed lots. Initial results indicate it is possible to do this with U. tritici in wheat; testing with U. nuda and U. hordei in barley is still ongoing. Our goal is to be able to both quantify loose smut in wheat and barley seed lots using RT-PCR as well as to confirm the identity of the infecting Ustilago species in those grain lots with sequencing primers.


  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Darby, H., R. Malone, E. Cummings, and H. Emick. 2019. The efficacy of spraying organic fungicides to control Fusarium head blight infection in spring wheat. University of Vermont Extension Northwest Crops & Soils Program, St. Albans, VT. Available online at: (Accessed 1 Nov. 2019).
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Darby, H., E. Cummings, and H. Emick. 2019. The efficacy of spraying fungicides to control Fusarium head blight infection in spring barley. University of Vermont Extension Northwest Crops & Soils Program, St. Albans, VT. Available online at: (Accessed 1 Nov. 2019).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Heather Darby and Hillary Emick. 2018. Evaluation of fungicide applications plus cultivar resistance to reduce FHB and DON infection of barley in New England. In: Canty, S., A. Hoffstetter, B. Wiermerand R. Dill-Macky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2018 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum (p. 20). East Lansing, MI/Lexington, KY: U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab Initiative.

Progress 09/01/17 to 08/31/18

Target Audience:Loose smut of wheat is a disease that consistently causes annual reductions in grain quality and yield throughout the Northeast region, particularly in organic systems where chemical control is not permissible. Effective loose smut management in the latter farming system, therefore, will rely greatly on the planting of certified, smut-free seed. Thus, the primary beneficiaries of a rapid molecular detection assay for loose smut in barley and wheat seed will be organic and specialty grain crop famers providing flour for artisan baked goods and craft beers. Secondary beneficiaries of this detection technology will be grain producers - protecting seed quality and the producers' brand - as well as state and regional plant disease and cereal testing laboratories, respectively. Adoption of the RT-PCR loose smut detection assay by regional seed testing laboratories could also provide services to grain growers of the Northeast and nationwide. Additional seed borne pathogens can provide a source of destructive diseases of grains that can reduce stand, grain quality and yield. Limiting these pathogens before sowing in the field can help reduce foliar and head blight diseases and general root rotting organisms (Pythium, Rhizoctonia) that are common in cool soils of the region. Unlike conventional growers, organic growers lack effective tools to reduce seed borne disease. Many organic growers commonly save their seed and may be exacerbating the buildup of diseases by saving and replanting seed contaminated with seed borne diseases. Growers do not recognize the impact of contaminated seed on yield, quality and germination and do not recognize how to identify the seed borne diseases in the field and on seed. The field study information will be used to educate farmers on identification of field diseases and identification, assessment and impact of contaminated seed lots. This information will demonstrate the importance of clean seed and will be offered to farmers through field days, workshops and factsheets. The primary beneficiaries will be the farmers growing organic grains in the northeast region. The use of innovative organic seed treatments will offer new options for control of general root rotting organisms and the common seed borne foliar and head disease pathogens of wheat and barley. The primary beneficiaries of this project during the reporting period have been farmer and commercial organic seed companies. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Information from this grant was distributed directly to over 400 stakeholders during the last reporting period. Stakeholders included grain growers, seed companies, industry, researchers, extension, and other agricultural industry representatives. Information was provided to the stakeholders through a conference and field day. In addition, research reports have been posted online at for download. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?A team meeting will occur in the fall of 2019. Project progress will be discussed with collaborators. Plan for year 3 of the project will be finalized. Outreach events and products will be planned. We will start to process, analyze and interpret data from final field experiments. Data will be shared through a research report that highlights project results. Information will be distributed at winter meetings. We will begin 3rd year of field season with evaluation of seed treatment in field studies. We will proceed to validating this detection system in fall 2019 and, thereafter, begin screening barley and wheat seed lots as part of a loose smut survey across seed channels in the northeastern U.S.. We will begin training students, staff, and faculty on the PCR analysis.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1. Assess foliar and head diseases in replicated field plots of wheat and barley to determine relation to yield, germination, and incidence of seed borne disease of the harvested grain through analysis in the laboratory. Major activities completed / experiments conducted: During the 2018 growing season 25 spring barley varieties, 26 winter wheat varieties, 25 spring wheat varieties were assessed for foliar and head disease. Data collected: Disease assessment of grains for foliar and head disease was conducted when the grains reached milk stage. At the time of harvest yield, harvest moisture, and test weight were determined.Summary statistics and discussion of results: Disease prevalence was minor in 2018 due to extremely dry conditions during much of the growing season. Primary diseases observed included septoria leaf spot, powdery mildew, and rusts. Although foliar and head diseases are problematic in some years they were not of significance in 2018. However, it is best to plan for less than ideal grain growing conditons and select varieties that perform well over numerous years and environments. Objective 2. Evaluate the effect of aerated steam treatments and organic seed amendments seed borne foliar and head blight pathogens of wheat and barley (Research). Major activities completed / experiments conducted: Greenhouse Studies of Organic Seed Treatments-Seed treatments included four replications of 50 seeds and five seed treatments of wheat and barley planted in a soilless mix. The treatments included: Mustard, Brassica hirta syn Sinapsis alba)-10 g mustard/kg seed, Skim milk powder-30 g milk powder per kg seed, Aerated steam at 650 C for 90 seconds, K5 Trichoderma-5 X 109 spores @.125 fl/oz per 50# seeds, K5 Trichoderma As2 Bacillus- 5 X 109 spores @ .125 fl/oz per 50# seeds, and a Non-treated control. Field Studies included wheat and barley with or without aerated steam treatment. Field plots were replicated 4 times. Data collected: Organic Seed treatments-Vigor/germination was used as an indicator of seedborne disease and was rated by counting # of sprouts on 5 consecutive days after first emergence. In field studies the grain yield and quality as well as presence of loose smut were monitored.Summary statistics and discussion of results:In both 2017 and 2018, the aerated steam treatment consistently had the highest germination rates in the spring barley and outperformed the skim milk powder and K5. While the top-performing treatments did not differ from the control, the results of these trials indicate that spring barley treated with skim milk powder and K5 may have decreased germination rates in comparison to other organic biofungicide treated seed or untreated seed. In the field trials steam treatment on spring wheat may be effective for the prevention of loose smut of Ustilago tritici. Results also suggest that the steam treatment may have decreased grain quality, as indicated by the lower test weight and crude protein in the steam-treated wheat. The spring barley did not show the same differences in the amount of loose smut or grain quality between treatments. Interestingly, steam treatment did not significantly impact yields in either spring wheat or barley. Objective 3. Design, validate, and demonstrate a rapid RT-PCR assay for loose smut of wheat and barley (Research). Major activities completed / experiments conducted: Produce and maintain pure cultures of Ustilago nuda and U. tritici as well as other fungi affecting barley and wheat for DNA extraction. - A total of 20 single-spores isolates of U. nuda and U. tritici have been produced and corresponding whole-genomic DNA extracted from each isolate. Develop and optimize DNA extractions protocol for wheat and barley seed. - We are in the process of finalizing a DNA extraction protocol that will be high-yielding while remaining safe and technically simple for use by persons with little or no laboratory background and resources. The modified phenol-chloroform protocol has proven to be the most scalable and highest yielding relative to DNA concentration. Selection of target DNA: loose smut fungi. - Using these preliminary data, we have since designed and tested 10 tef1 primer- pairs with anticipated specificity to only smut-fungi in addition to testing a previously published set of ITS primers with proposed specificity to U. nuda and U. tritici. Screening RT-PCR tef1 primer pairs for specificity to loose smut fungi, and comparing new tef1 primers to previously published ITS primers. - We have tested all ten, tef1 primer-pairs against cultures of U. nuda and U. tritici as well as fungal pathogens commonly associated with barley and wheat (see Approach 1, above) and, have since, demonstrated that three of the ten tef1 primer-pairs are specific to only Ustilago. Optimization of the RT-PCR. - We presently are utilizing the standard DNA checks (Approach 4, above) to optimize the kinetics of the RT-PCR with the various primer sets. (i.e., starting concentration of reagents, available template, and thermos-cycling parameters). We are currently testing two possible assay approaches to estimating loose smut infection rates in seed lots: (1) a "divide and count" method and (2) a standard curve method, and also optimizing starting seed sample quantities to provide a manageable and reasonably accurate estimate of seed lot infection rates. Data collected: We performed over 100 PCR reactions demonstrating the specificity, or lack thereof, of ten primer-pairs based on the tef1 region in loose smut fungi. All PCR products (N=632) were electrophoresed, stained, and visualized using UV-transillumination. We have also confirmed the functionality of the previously published ITS primers. All data collected to date exceeds the foundational data specified in the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guidelines. Summary statistics and discussion of results: We have successfully cultured and procured DNA from multiples isolates of Ustilago nuda and U. tritici as well as several common pathogens of barley and wheat. According to virtual analyses of tef1, we designed and PCR-tested ten tef1 primer pairs for specificity to loose smut fungi - three of the ten primer-pairs were specific only to Ustilago. We have also demonstrated the functionality of previously published ITS primers as well. We have started the optimization and trial process of two different assay approaches. Preliminary data indicate that the RT-PCR assays are detecting loose smut in both wheat and barley sample seed lots known to have infection based on greenhouse "grow-out" results. Objective 4. Educate farmers, seed producers, and agricultural professionals on the identification of wheat and barley diseases in the field, the importance of identifying contaminated seed lots, and the methods for organically treating contaminated grains (Extension). Major activities completed / experiments conducted: Several outreach events were held to educate stakeholders on integrated pest management or organic grains. Research conducted through this grant were highlighted as well as basic pest management information on scouting and prevention. There were over 400 stakeholder directly reached through our outreach events. 86% of participants that responded to end of conference survey indicated that knowledge gained from these events that helped them routinely test for mycotoxin and seedborne disease. 45% of participants that responded to end of conference survey indicated that they know how to identify the proper environmental conditions and grain development stage to apply fungicides to control fusarium head blight. 92% of participants that responded to end of conference survey indicated that knowledge gained from these events helped them better scout, identify, and develop IPM strategies for disease, insect, and weed pests in grains.


  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Darby, H., R. Malone, H. Emmick, and H. Jean. 2019. The 2018 Stem Treated Grain Trial.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Hazelrigg, A, H. Darby, E. Cummings, G. Maia, and R. Malone. 2019. Germination in Spring Grains Treated with Organic Seed Amendments and Aerated Steam.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Darby, H., H. Emmick, H., Jean. 2019. 2018 Organic Spring Barley Variety Trial Report.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Darby, H., H. Emmick, H., Jean. 2019. 2018 Organic Spring Wheat Variety Trial Report.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Darby, H., H. Emmick, H., Jean. 2019. 2018 Organic Winter Wheat Variety Trial Report.

Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/17

Target Audience:Loose smut of wheat is a disease that consistently causes annual reductions in grain quality and yield throughout the Northeast region, particularly in organic systems where chemical control is not permissible. Effective loose smut management in the latter farming system, therefore, will rely greatly on the planting of certified, smut-free seed. Thus, the primary beneficiaries of a rapid molecular detection assay for loose smut in barley and wheat seed will be organic and specialty grain crop famers providing flour for artisan baked goods and craft beers. Secondary beneficiaries of this detection technology will be grain producers - protecting seed quality and the producers' brand - as well as state and regional plant disease and cereal testing laboratories, respectively. Adoption of the RT-PCR loose smut detection assay by regional seed testing laboratories could also provide services to grain growers of the Northeast and nationwide. Additional seed borne pathogens can provide a source of destructive diseases of grains that can reduce stand, grain quality and yield. Limiting these pathogens before sowing in the field can help reduce foliar and head blight diseases and general root rotting organisms (Pythium, Rhizoctonia) that are common in cool soils of the region. Unlike conventional growers, organic growers lack effective tools to reduce seed borne disease. Many organic growers commonly save their seed and may be exacerbating the buildup of diseases by saving and replanting seed contaminated with seed borne diseases. Growers do not recognize the impact of contaminated seed on yield, quality and germination and do not recognize how to identify the seed borne diseases in the field and on seed. The field study information will be used to educate farmers on identification of field diseases and identification, assessment and impact of contaminated seed lots. This information will demonstrate the importance of clean seed and will be offered to farmers through field days, workshops and factsheets. The primary beneficiaries will be the farmers growing organic grains in the northeast region. The use of innovative organic seed treatments will offer new options for control of general root rotting organisms and the common seed borne foliar and head disease pathogens of wheat and barley. The primary beneficiaries will be the farmer and commercial organic seed companies. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Objective 4. Educate farmers, seed producers, and agricultural professionals on the identification of wheat and barley diseases in the field, the importance of identifying contaminated seed lots, and the methods for organically treating contaminated grains (Extension). 1) Major activities completed / experiments conducted: The 13th Annual Grain Growers Conference-Grains in a Diversified Farming System, Essex, VT was held on March 23, 2017. There were 150 participants. Presentations were given on foliar and head diseases observed in the Northeast during the 2016 growing season, seed borne diseases, and a description of the proposed research for this grant in 2017. The 10th Annual Northwest Crops and Soils Field Day was held at the Borderview Research Farm, Alburgh, VT on July 27, 2017. There were 325 attendees. An afternoon session toured grain trials and trained growers how to scout and identify grain diseases in the field. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?A team meeting will occur in the fall of 2017. Project progress will be discussed with collaborators. Plan for year 2 of project will be finalized. Outreach events and products will be planned. We will start to process, analyze and interpret data from greenhouse and field experiments. Data will be shared through a research report that highlights project results. Information will be distributed at winter meetings. We will begin 2nd year of field season with evaluation of seed treatment in field and greenhouse studies. We will proceed to validating this detection system in fall 2017 and, thereafter, begin screening barley and wheat seed lots as part of a loose smut survey across seed channels in the northeastern U.S.. We will begin training students, staff, and faculty on the PCR analysis.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1. Assess foliar and head diseases in replicated field plots of wheat and barley in the field to determine relation to yield, germination, and incidence of seed borne disease of the harvested grain through analysis in the laboratory (Research) 1) Major activities completed / experiments conducted: During the 2017 growing season 25 spring barley varieties, 41 conventional and heirloom winter wheat varieties, 40 conventional and heirloom spring wheat varieties were assessed for foliar and head disease. 2) Data collected: Disease assessment of grains for foliar and head disease was conducted when the grains reached milk stage. At the time of harvest yield, harvest moisture, and test weight were determined. 3) Summary statistics and discussion of results: Data is currently being compiled and calculated, and grain samples are in the process of being tested for quality and seedborne disease. 4) Key outcomes or other accomplishments realized: We will be able to identify if disease is a major contributor to yield loss. This will allow farmers to select cultivars that are more tolerant of disease. Objective 2. Evaluate the effect of aerated steam treatments and organic seed amendments using germination studies and ISTA seed testing protocols on seed borne foliar and head blight pathogens of wheat and barley (Research). 1) Major activities completed / experiments conducted Aerated Steam Treatment- Winter 2017-Determined the optimum aerated steam treatment kill temperatures on wheat and barley seed. Optimum treatment temperature was determined to be 650 C for 90 seconds duration. Organic Seed Treatments-Summer 2017- Seed treatments included four replications of 50 seeds and five seed treatments of wheat and barley planted in a soilless mix: Skim milk powder-30 g milk powder per kg seed Mustard, Brassica hirta syn Sinapsis alba)-10 g mustard/kg seed K5 Trichoderma-5 X 109 spores @.125 fl/oz per 50# seed K5 Trichoderma As2 Bacillus- 5 X 109 spores @ .125 fl/oz per 50# seed Aerated steam at 650 C for 90 seconds Non-treated control 2) Data collected Aerated Steam Treatment-Temperature and germination data was collected by High Mowing seeds for both the wheat and barley. We have not received all the germination data yet. Organic Seed treatments-Vigor/germination was used as an indicator of seedborne disease and was rated by counting # of sprouts on 5 consecutive days after first emergence. 3) Summary statistics and discussion of results Aerated Steam Treatment-650 C at 90 seconds was determined after several replicated trials to be the optimum treatment temperature/duration for these two cultivars. These trials will need to be repeated for different cultivars or seed lots since vigor may influence the treatment temperature and duration. Organic Seed Treatment-Data has been collected but statistical analysis has not been finished. 4) Key outcomes or other accomplishments realized: Aerated Steam Treatment-Germination rates were found to be improved in the steam treatments compared to the non-steam treated seeds. Organic Seed Treatments-Data has not yet been analyzed. By day 5 most of the treatments had approached 100% germination but the first 2 days may indicate differences in treatments. Objective 3. Design, validate, and demonstrate a rapid RT-PCR assay for loose smut of wheat (Research). 1) Major activities completed / experiments conducted Produce and maintain pure cultures of Ustilago hordei and U. tritici as well as other fungi affecting barley and wheat for DNA extraction. - A total of 20 single-spores isolates of U. hordei and U. tritici have been produced and corresponding whole-genomic DNA extracted from each isolate. In addition to loose smut fungi, we have also cultured and/or generated DNA libraries from several causal agents of common barley and wheat diseases, including Fusarium head blight and scab (Fusarium graminearum), spot blotch (Bipolaris sorokiniana), leaf rust (Puccinia hordei and P. triticina), and black point (Alternaria alternata). Develop and optimize DNA extractions protocol for wheat and barley seed. - We are in the process of finalizing a DNA extraction protocol that will be high-yielding while remaining safe and technically simple for use by persons with little or no laboratory background and resources. We have tested two commercial DNA extract kits (DNeasy Plant Mini Kit, Qiagen; NucleoSpin Tissue, Macherey-Nagel) according to the manufacturers' instructions and compared these results (e.g., DNA yield and purity) to a conventional phenol-chloroform extraction protocol modified to accommodate a final column purification step (DNA clean and concentrator kit, Zymo Research). The latter modified phenol-chloroform protocol has proven to be the most scalable and highest yielding relative to DNA concentration. Selection of target DNA: loose smut fungi. - Using these preliminary data, we have since designed and tested 10 primer-pairs with anticipated specificity to only smut-fungi. Screening RT-PCR tef1 primer pairs for specificity to loose smut fungi and production of DNA standards. - We have tested all ten, tef1 primer-pairs against cultures of U. hordei and U. tritici as well as fungal pathogens commonly associated with barley and wheat (see Approach 1, above) and, have since, demonstrated that three of the ten tef1 primer-pairs are specific to only Ustilago. Optimization of the RT-PCR. - We presently are utilizing the standard DNA checks (Approach 4, above) to optimize the kinetics of the RT-PCR (i.e., starting concentration of reagents, available template, and thermos-cycling parameters). We look to test the proficiency of our RT-PCR assays by late September, providing calibration curves for the efficiency of the Ustilago-specific RT-PCR assay and setting the foundation upon which to validate the detection assay. 2) Data collected: We performed over 100 PCR reactions demonstrating the specificity, or lack thereof, of ten primer-pairs based on the tef1 region in loose smut fungi. All PCR products (N=632) were electrophoresed, stained, and visualized using UV-transillumination. All data collected to date exceeds the foundational data specified in the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guidelines. 3) Summary statistics and discussion of results: We have successfully cultured and procured DNA from multiples isolates of Ustilago hordei and U. tritici as well as several common pathogens of barley and wheat. According to virtual analyses of tef1, we designed and PCR-tested ten primer pairs for specificity to loose smut fungi - three of the ten primer-pairs were specific only to Ustilago. As of August 2017, we have designed and developed a RT-PCR assay for the detection of loose smut in barley and wheat. 4) Key outcomes or other accomplishments realized We have designed and developed a RT-PCR assay for the detection of loose smut in barley and wheat based on a partial sequence of tef1 in Ustilago hordei and U. tritici. Objective 4. Educate farmers, seed producers, and agricultural professionals on the identification of wheat and barley diseases in the field, the importance of identifying contaminated seed lots, and the methods for organically treating contaminated grains (Extension). 1) Major activities completed / experiments conducted: The 13th Annual Grain Growers Conference-Grains in a Diversified Farming System, Essex, VT was held on March 23, 2017. There were 150 participants. Presentations were given on foliar and head diseases observed in the Northeast during the 2016 growing season, seed borne diseases, and a description of the proposed research for this grant in 2017. The 10th Annual Northwest Crops and Soils Field Day was held at the Borderview Research Farm, Alburgh, VT on July 27, 2017. There were 325 attendees. An afternoon session toured grain trials and trained growers how to scout and identify grain diseases in the field.
